410 Statement of Organization Recipient Committee – Amendment (2)Statement of Organization Recipient Committee Amendment to correct qualification date from 08 /02/2020 to 07/31/2 ,,✓.,,..,. Statement Typej '""□-,n-it-ia-,-------~, --------~,---------+~~\}j Ill Amendment 0 Not yet qualified or 0 Date qualification threshold met I Date qualification threshold met _ _, ___ / __ 07 1 31 / 2020 I.D. Number 1428230 (if applicable) NAM E OF COMMITTEE J.R . Fruen for Cupertino City Council 2020 Date of termination NAME OF T REASURER Joseph "J.R" R. Fruen STREET ADDR ESS (NO P.O. BO X) CITY AUG -8 2020 STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE STREET ADDRESS (ND P.O. BOX) Cupertino CA 95014 CITY Cupertino FULL MAILING ADDRESS (I F D I FFE REN T) E-MA IL ADDRESS (REQUIRED)/ FAX (OP TI ONAL) COUNTY OF DOM ICILE Santa Clara STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE CA 9501 4 JUR ISDICT ION W HERE COMMITTEE IS ACTI VE City of Cupertino Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY STRE ET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CI TY STATE ZIP CODE NAME OF PR I NC IP AL OFFICER(S) STREET ADDRESS (N O P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this state ment and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and complete . penalty of perjury under the laws of the State STATE MEASURE PROPONENT Executed on Executed on By--------------------------------------------DATE SIGNATURE O F CONTROLLING OFFICE HOLD ER , CAND IDAT E, OR STATE M EAS URE PROPONENT Executed on DATE By------ SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OF FI CEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT AREA CODE/PHONE AREA CODE/PHONE I certify under FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Statemen t of Organization Recipient Committee CALiFORNIA 41 0, FORM INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Pag e 2 COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER J.R. Fru en fo r Cup ertin o C ity Co uncil 2020 1428230 • All comm ittees must list the financial institution where the campaign bank account is located. NAME OF FIN A NCIAL INSTITUTION AREA CODE/PHONE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER We ll s Fargo A DDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE Cu pertin o CA 95 01 4 --.1m Controlled Committee • Li st th e nam e of each controlling officeholder, candid ate, or state mea sure propon e nt . If candidate or office holder controlled , al so li st th e e lective offi ce sought or held, and distri ct number, if any, and t he year of the e lection . • Li st the political party with which each officeholder or candidate is affili at ed or ch eck "nonpartisan ." Stating "No party preference" is acc e ptable • If thi s committee acts jointly with anoth er controll ed committee , li st th e name and id e ntification number of the other controlled com m ittee. NAME OF CAND I DATE/OFFICEHO LDER /STATE MEASURE PROPONENT EL EC T IVE O FFI CE SOUG HT OR HELD (INCL UD E DISTR I CT NUMB ER I F APP LI CAB LE) YEAR OF EL ECT I ON PARTY CHECK ONE No npa rti sa n Joseph "J.R." R. Fruen C u pertin o City Co un cil 2020 ./ Nonpartisan Primarily Formed Committee Primarily formed to support or oppose specific candid ates or measures in a single election . List below : CANDIDATE(S) NAM E OR MEASUR E(S) FULL T ITL E (I NC LUDE BA LL OT NO . OR LETTER) I F A RECA LL, STATE "RECA Li:' IN FRONT O F THE O FFIC EH OL D ER'S NAME. CAND ID AT E(S) OF FICE SO U G HT OR HE LD OR MEASURE(S) JURISDICTION (I NC LUDE DISTR I CT NO., CITY OR COUNTY, AS APP LI CAB LE) Partisan Partisan (li st po liti ca l party below ) (list pol itical party below) CHECK ONE SUPPORT OPPOSE SUPPORT OPPOSE FPPC Form 4 10 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.c a.gov Statement of Organization Recipient Committee I NSTRUC TI ONS ON REVERSE COMM ITTEE NAME CALIFORNIA 41 0 FORM· . General Purpose Committee Not formed to support or oppose specific candidates or mea sures in a single election . Check only one box: 0 CITY Committee O COUNTY Committee O STATE Committee PROV IDE BR IE F DESCRIPT ION OF AC TI VITY Sponsored Committee List additional sponsors on an attachment. NAME OF SPONSOR INDUSTRY GROUP OR AFFILIATION Of SPONSOR STREET ADDRESS NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE Small Contributor Committee □--.l--1-- Date qualified i ., 5; Terrriinatic,rf Requirements By sig;;ing the ~eritic'ation, the treasJrer, assistant treasurer and/or cancliclate: officeholcler, or r$onent certify that all of the follo~ing conditions ha~e t,eenmet·:. t •.''' ·., .. · ·· ,., ,•·; ,·· · · o. . ,; · ' • · .. -C,-.:.• ·, .. ::,-.;--: ., ....... dC,. ,. --•• ~ -. -····"··C., · .. ,,_. ·"· .. ,-, •• ,_,_:;·~ •• .:C,·c,.c.::.;•_ ,, ___ ,·_ -· .. ·· -.• .·,, ·:-. .··"--' . -., ., .• ... ,. ,;;i,<,,C.,.C.•,, •. ·,,.'1,C_.c.-,· ... ··"·-~.'• ... ". · .. ,.. ,····• ""· .,,, . ,· ,d(.-·•~'-•, .. ,;·,., , ... ;. :;;'..,_.·,.,-.,., .,•.,., -.v. :.;,. , ... , .. ·•"·, ....... ,, .. ,· .... , ....... , .... -. ; ... , .· ,., "··· v·. "· .c.,, '., ·,..;c,, , .. h • This committee has ceased to receive contributions and make expenditures; • This committee does not anticipate receiving contributions or making expenditures in the future ; • This committee has eliminated or has no intention or ability to discharge all debts, loans received , and other obligations; • This committee has no surplus funds ; and • This committee has filed all campaign statements required by the Political Reform Act disclosing all reportable transactions. There are re strictions on the disposition of surplus campaign funds held by elected officers who are leaving office and by defeated candidates. Refer to Government Code Section 89519. Leftover fun ds of ballot measure committees may be used for political, legislative or governmental purposes under Government Code Sections 89511 - 89518, and are subject to Elections Code Section 18680 and FPPC Regulation 18521.5. FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov