501 Candidate Intention Statement - Initial for 2020Candidate Intention Statement Check One: [ZI Initial ~ D Amendment (Exp lai n) -----------------i-- JUL --· 6 20 20 1. Candidate Information: NAME OF CAN DID AT E (Last , First Midd le Initia l) FRUEN, JOSEPH R. ST REET AD DRE SS OFFI CE SO UGHT (POS ITION TITLE) MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL OFFIC E JURISDI CT ION D State (C omplete Part 2.) IZI City D Co unty D Multi-County : AG EN CY NAME DAY TIME TELEPHONE NUMBER ( C IT Y CUPERTINO C ITY OF CUPERTINO (Name of Multi-County Ju risdiction) 2. State Candidate Expenditure Limit Statement: (Ca/PERS and CalSTRS candidates, judges, j udicial candidates, and candidates for local offices do not complete Part 2.) (Check one bo x) DI accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. DI do not accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above . Amendment: FA X NUMBER (optio nal ) STATE CA EM A IL (opt io nal) ZIP CODE 95014 DISTRICT NUMBER , if appl ica bl e. llJ NON-PARTISAN OFFIC E PAR TY PREFERENCE : 2020 (Year of Election) (Check one box , if appli cable .) llJ PRIMARY / G ENER AL 0 SPECIAL / RUNOFF 0 I did not exceed the expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election held on __ L __ L __ and I accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the general or special run-off election . (Mark if applicable) D On , ___J__J __ I contributed personal funds in excess of the expenditure ceiling for the election stated above . 3. Verification: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on _____________ Signature July 6 2020 ~ (month. da y,yea r) ~ FPPC Form 501 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca .gov