501 Candidate Intention Statement - Initial for 2020 (Copy from 2019 Folder)Candidate Ir tention Statement 4 A ; 2'{j For Oificial Use OnlyCheckOne: nitial Amendment Pia;}t3 a P RT 10 1. Canclidate Information: NAME OF CANDIDATE tLast,First Middle Initiai) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER(optional) EMAIL(optional) Huang,Andy T. STREETADDRESS CIIY STATE ZIP CODE Cupe tino CA 95014 OFFICE SOUGHT(POSITION TITLE) AGENCY NAME DISTRiCT NUMBER,if applicable.NON-PARTISAN OFFICE City COUnCII City of f upertino PARTY PREFERENCE: OFFICE JURISDICTION Check one box,if applicable.) State (CompletePart2.) 202 PRIMARY/GENERAL City COUI ty MUiti-Gounty: NameofMulti-County,lurisdiction) YearofElection) SPECIAL/RUNOFF 2. State Car didate Expenditure Limit Stat ment: Ca1PERS and CalSTRS candidates,judges,judicial candidafes,and candidates fo local offices do not complete Parf 2.) Check one box) 1 accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. 1 do not accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the efection stated above. Amendment: Q {did not exceed the expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election held on: _/_( and 1 accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the general or special run-off election. Mark if appficable) On _/ , I contributed personai funds in excess of the expenditure ceiling for the election stated abave. 3.i0erification: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of FPPC Form 501 (AuguSt/2418) FPRC Aduice:adviee[q3fppc.ca.gov(856/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov