D-040 JAMES DEVIN IVESTER AND LOIS IVESTER UAT LEY TITLE COMPANY E;crow '# C-8599 —r-- BIL41 (INSURED) REC FEE 1 Co. Bill # - 369-46-037 -- '-o---� &=aW at the reqot ®f NI;CR0 ` 13-003 I VQdet,j Me L'OT11pang Code Area, II WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO ! LIEN' NOT�. � - AUG 3198.4 B:�AM CITY OF CUPERTINO lVI f_ 10300 Torre Avenue GEORGE A. MANN, Recorder Cupertino, CA 95014 51; �� Offat Re�rda 1 -J 1 °7x75 '. E 392 MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO To record without fee under Section - -GRANT-DEED .61.0.3_-,Government Name State p Caun] iforni (SAME AS ABOVE) , the dersigned Grantor declares-- Address }e}d\O be City s County Transfer ,Tax $ State Equity Full Value By this instrument dated JULY 31, 1984 for a valuable / ' consideration, CI-ty'ConJeyance x Taxn, JAMES DEVIN IVESTER AND LOIS LYNNE IVESTER, HUSBAND AND WIFE . hereby GRANT (S) to CITY OF CUPERTINO the real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara State of California, described as follows: Lot 43, as shown on that certain Map entitled, "Tract No. 7039, Park Plaza" , which said Map was filed for record on January 9, 1981 in Book 478 of Maps, at pages 24 throught 27 , Santa Clara County Records. EXCEPTING THEREFROM -the underground water rights as, quitclaimed in the Deed tc Cal ozTiza"+ifia"ter' i� Cowi y,_ a -1 alifornia`eorporat on, recorded�_January 10, . 1981 in Book F 85-7, Page 732, Santa Clara County Records. APN 369-46-037 X ES t5EtIIN V S LOIS LY E IVESTER ,i STATE of CALIFORNIA COUNTY of SANTA CLARA ss On August 2,1984 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Santa Clara County and State, personally appeared JAMES' DEVIN IVESTER AND LOIS LYNNE IVESTER or nroved' to Tne on the basis of satisfactory evidence known to me o be the person S whose names are- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal, RM DORIS ADAMCI ` Doris Adamo Notary Public N OTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE SANTA CLARA COUNTY VTC-10 y Commission Expires Sep. 13, 1985 RESOLUTION 14D. 6390 r A 'RtSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPTING GRANT DEED FROM JAMES' DEVIN IVESTER AND LOIS LYNNE .IVESTER 17751 E393 WHEREAS, James Devin Ivester and Lois Lynn Ivester, have executed a grant deed which grant deed is in good and sufficient . � , form granting all rights, title and interest in that certain real property located at 19803 Portal Plaza and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Cupertino to accept said grant deed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Cupertino hereby accepts said grant deed so tendered; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, the. City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause deli"ver-y of a certified copy of this resolution into escrow ► at the •'t'i.tle company processing the escrow and recorded with aforesaid 'grant deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting *of the City Council of the City of. Cupertino this 25th day of July, 1984, by the following vote: Vote . Members of_the_City-Council AYES: Rogers, Sparks, P-lungy NOES: None ABSENT: Gatto, Johnson ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ John J. 'Plungy, Jr. ------------------------ Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: t ------ /s/_D_o_ro thy ------- Q I C EeYT 1N.5A1L@, IiQpe "fE 111p ED- a 4a City Clerk v�s r.•,(7 - L �TFBE7