CC Ordinance No. 22-2246 to adopt standards for ministerial approval of duplexes and lot splits in Single-Family Residential zoning districtsORDINANCE N0. 22-2246 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADDING OR AMENDING CUPERTINO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 18.20.170, 19.08.030, 19.12.030, 19.12.110,19.28.040, 19.28.050,19.28.110,19.28.150, 19.28.170,19.40.050, 19.40.060,19.40.090, AND 19.112.060 TO ADOPT ST ANDARDS FOR MINISTERIAL APPROV AL OF DUPLEXES AND LOT SP[ITS IN SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICTS SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: Applicant: Location: MCA-2022-001 City of Cupertino Single-Family Residential Districts Citywide SECTION II: RECIT ALS WHEREAS, on September 16, 2021, Govemor Newsom signed into law Senate Bill 9 ("SB 9"), an act to amend Section 66452.6 of, and to add Sections 65852.21 and 66411.7 to, the Governrnent Code, relating to land use; and WHEREAS, SB 9 requires a proposed housing development containing no more than two residential units within a single-family residential zone to be considered ministerially, without discretionary review or hearing, if the proposed housing development meets certain requirements; and WHEREAS, SB 9 hirther requires a local agency to ministerially approve a parcel map for a lot split of a parcel in a single-family residential zone that meets certain requirements; and WHEREAS, SB 9 authorizes local jurisdictions to apply objective zoning standards, objective subdivision standards, and objective design standards, subject to certain limitations in statute, and provides that these standards may be embodied in alternative objective land use specifications adopted by a local agency; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to adopt objective standards for the approval of housing development projects and parcel maps that are protective of the health, safety, peace, morals, and general welfare of Cupertino residents and consistent with the requirements of State law; and Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 2 WHEREAS, the implementation of SB 9 without standards for the rninisteriaI approval of development projects and lot splits would create a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare, and therefore the City Coin"icil wishes to adopt an interim ordinance that will allow for the orderIy and effective implementation of SB 9. SECTION III NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED: That after careful consideration of facts, exhibits, testimony, and other evidence submitted in this matter, the City Council hereby adopts the Ordinance based on the findings described below, the public hearing, and the record, as follows: Section 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth in their entirety. Section 2. The City Council finds the following as set forth by Municipal Code Sections 19.152.020C and 19.152.030D: 1. That the proposed zoning is in accord with Title 19 of the Mu"iicipal Code and the City's Comprehensive General Plan (Community Vision 2040) and the proposed amendments are internally consistent with Title 19 of the Municipal Code. Theproposedamendmentshavebeert adoptedin accordzoith the requirementsof Title 19 and are proposed to implement SB 9 in a mamer that is consistent with the requirementsof the City's GeneralP4anand irtternally consistent with Title 19. 2. The proposed zoning is in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). urtder Governmertt Code Sections 66411.7(n) artd 65852.21(j), an ordinance adopted to implemerxtthe requirementsof SB 9 shall not beconsidereda project under CEQA. Theproposedordirta;nceis thereforeexemptfrom CEQA. 3. The site is physically suitable (including, but not limited to, access, provision of utilities, compatibility with adjoining land uses, and absence of physical constraints) for the requested zoning designation(s) and anticipated land use development(s). The proposedordinance amendmentsare not being applied to arty speciftcsite, nor is it reasonablyforeseeablewhich specific sites may elect to utilize the proposed ordinance amertdments. 4. The proposed zoning will promote orderly development of the City. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 3 The proposed ordinance is interxded to promote the orderly implementation of development permitted under SB 9. 5. 'That the proposed zoning is not detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of subject parcels. Theproposedordinanceamerxdmentsare not bei;ngapplied to any specificsite, ??07" is it reasorxablyforeseeablezohich specific sites may dect to utilize the proposed ordina;nceamendments. The proposedordinance wiu regulate the developmentof projects in sirtgle-fami7yresidential districts authorized under SB 9 to protect the health, safeh), peace, moralsartdgerteralwelfareof personsresiding in thosedistricts. Section 3. The City Council hereby approves the following amendments to the Cupertino Municipal Code: 1. Add a new Section 18.20.170 of the Cupertino Minicipal Code to read as follows: 18.20.170 Ministerial Approval of Urban Lot Splits. The rofCommuni shall v a arcel licationforan anlot litifitmeetsthe ents of Government Code Section 66411.7 and conforms to all applicable obiective requirements of the Subdivision Map Act (commencing with vernm 66410 . N ' a Notice shall be provided to adjacent property owners (including those across any public or private street) fourteen days prior to any action on the a a n a r of mm a Develo ment shall be final. B. The r of Communi Develo with shall created t to this n with e on 66411.7, including but not limited to the objective subdivision standards in Paragraph G. N P h the r of Comm Development may deny an urban lot split proposed pursuant to this Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 4 Section, if the Building Official makes a written finding, based upon a nderance of the evid that an h ' develo ent 'ect proposed in connection with the lot split would have a specific, adverse impact, as defined and determined in Government Code Section 65589.5 2 n ac and the h a en ' nm and for which there is no le to mi o or id ' D In on con ons rof mm conditions en co ad ce wi this oe for an urban lot s lit ursuant to this Section: 1. Easements required for the provision of public services and facilities. 2. A req.uirement that the parcels have access to, provide access to, or adioin the public right-of-way. E. Any lot created pursuant to this Section shall be limited to residential uses. F. An li for urban lot lit shall vide to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development, that the n a inthe the submission of an a lication. G. An applicant for an urban lot split pursuant to this Section shall sign an affidavit stating that the applicant intends to occupy a housing unit on neof I ad r minim three years from the date of the approval of the urban lot split; provided, a P is Or 18 a in Rev ed no e n tan In onto li for n n as described in this Title or the Subdivision Map Act and the req.uirements of Government Code Section 66411.7, a lot split approved purs'uant to this Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 5 Section must, to the maximum extent permissible under Government Code aon 66411.7 com with the o 'ective standards a a but not limited to ob.iective standards for urban lot splits set forth in Sections 19.28.060 and 19.40.050. I. This Section shall remain in effect until such time as Government Code Section 66411.7 is ed or su or its a ents for oflot li er or un le f com atwhi ethis on shall m null d void. 2. Amend or add the following definitions in Section 19.08.030 of the Municipal Code to read as follows: window" means a a n of the floor area and window element that is not an not inco rate an le a for tin r h r ose . Additio all, a ba, or roaectin window shall: Be a ro'ection of windows not walls c. Be a um of -four inches from the finished floor d. Not a a n fl e. Not occupy more than 50% of an exterior wall face. These limitations do not windows which have towards floor area and meet required setbacks. Buildable Area" means the lot area in which structures not including required yard or access areas. I Duplex" means a adential devel on a lot under one ownership, containing not more than two kitchens, designed and used as two attached or detached primary dwelling units, of comparable size, independent of each other and havin no internal connection. Flat Yard Area" means a yard area graded to a slope of 5% or less, used for active or passive private recreation, not including a driveway. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 6 Floor area" means the total area of all floors of a building measured to the outside surfaces of exterior walls, and including the following: 1. Halls; 2. Base of stairwells; 3. Base of elevator shafts; 4. Services and mechanicaI equipment rooms; 5. Interior building area above fifteen feet in height between any floor level and the ceiling above; 6. Residential basements in the A AI Rl and RHS zonin with lightwells that do not conform to Section 19.28.070(I); Residential basements in the Rl and RHS zo districtso7. ro'ects ursuant to Government Code section 65852.21 8. Residential garages; 9. Roofed arcades, plazas, walkways, porches, breezeways, porticos, courts, and similar features substantially enclosed by exterior walls; 10. Sheds and accessory structures. Floor area: shall not include the following: 1. Residential Bbasements in the Rl and RHS zonin districts with lightwells that conform to Section 19.28.070(I); 2. J 42ightwells; 3. Attic areas; 4. Parking facilities, other than residential garages, accessory to a permitted conditional use and located on the same site; 5. Roofed arcades, plazas, walkways, porches, breezeways, porticos, courts and similar features not substantially enclosed by exterior walls, enerall trian ular in sha e. Living space" means, for the purposes of Chapter 19.112, Section 19.40.090 and Section 19.28.150, the same as that set forth for "living area" in California Government Code Section 65852.2(j)(4). All attic and Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 7 basement square footage proposed as part of an Accessory Dwelling Unit shall be limited by the maximum size allowed per Chapter 19.112. Lot" means a parcel or portion of land separated from other parcels or portions by description, as on a subdivision or record of survey map, or by metes and bounds, for purpose of sale, lease or separate use. 1. "Corner lot" means a lot situated at the intersection of two or more streets, or bounded on two or more adjacent sides by street lines. 2. "Flag lot" means an interior lot ' I narrow ' n f the lothaving access to a strcct by means of a private driveway or parcel of land not otherwise meeting the requirement of this title for lot width, that consists entirel of and rovides the sole means of vehicular 'on the dabl f l d abuttin street. 3. "Interior lot" means a lot other than a corner lot or a flag lot. 4. "Key lot" means the first lot to the rear of a corner lot, the front line of which is a continuation of the side .lotline of the corner lot, and fronting on the street which intersects or intercepts the street on which the corner lot fronts. 5. "Pie-shaped lot" means an interior lot, that is not a flag lot, where the front lot line abuts a cul-de-sac, and a) is at least 20% shorter than the rear lot line or b has five or more lot lines. Lot depth" means the horizontal distance measured, removing all existing and future dedications, from the midpoint of the front lot line to the midpoint of the rear lot line, or to the most distant point on any other lot line where there is no clear rear lot line. Private O en S ace " for the ur oses of Section 19.28.150 and 19.40.090, means an atea, excluding the tequired ftont setback, between d th line occu a ' recreation facilities e. . deck atto la round e lit ment orch a is l two covered by a roof, patio cover, or canopy. Street Frontage," for purposes of Chapter 19.28, means the length of the curb (or if a curb is absent, the length of the portion of the street paved Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 8 with tor r utom e c el and closest to a ro er 's front lot line. Substantially enclosed" means an area that is covered by a roof or ceilin tha is not more han 50oo o en to the sk e ements and is ded solid barriers that are at least six inches tall on three r more Ii aersdo includ a no er than 42 inches, decorative arches, or trellises. Railings and trellises shall have a visual trans arenc of more than 50oo. 3. Amend Section 19.12.030 Approval Authority, subsection R-1 0rdinance Permits to add the following: Type of Permit %Ci!_i or Decision A- B !%$Commission Co___uncil lte tion 5 Committee Comment 5 j Miscellaneous uinisterial F d Yes and Q 4. Amend Section 19.12.030 Approval Authority, subsection Extensions to add the folIowing: Type of Permit l! 4 !_% or Decision A- B m Commission ICo_-B_ ite non Lommittee I Comment 5 j. Miscellaneous Ministerial Not allowed 5. Amend Section 19.12.110 F of the Cupertino Minicipal Code to read as follows: Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 9 F. Posted Site Notice: 1. Applicants shall install notice(s) on the subject site that is/are clearly visible and legible from the right-of-way in accotdance with the requirementsof Table 19.12.030. a. Applicants must install a site notice iri the front yard of the subject site. b. For all applications other than Two Story Permits, Residential Design Review, ' us P and Tree Removal applications in Rl or R2 zones, if the subject site has more than one property line abutting a street, the applicant may be required to install more than one notice. 2. The notice shall be a weatherproof sign, firmly attached to 5-foot-tall posts and: a. For Two Story Permits, Residential Design Review, eo ' a P and Tree Removal applications in Rl or R2 zones, shall be at least 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide. b. For an other applications that need a site notice, shall be at least 4 feet tall and 6 feet wide. 3. The notice shall be placed at least 14 days prior to the decision/public hearing and shall remain in place until an action has been taken on the application and the appeal period7 has passed. 4. The notice shall contain the following: a. The exact address of the property, if known, or the location of the property, if the address is not known; b. A brief description of the proposed project, the content of which shall be at the sole discretion of the City; c. City contact information for public inquiries; d, A deadline for the submission of public comments; e. If proposing a physical alteration to an existing building or new buildings, at least one of the Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 10 following visual representations of the proposed project: i. A color perspective drawing or three- dimensionaI (3-D) photographic simulation of the proposed project, in a size deemed appropriate by the Director of Community Development. ii. For Two Story Permits, Residential Design Review Permit and Miscellaneous Ministerial Permit applications, a color or black and white perspective drawing or three-dimensional (3-D) photographic simulation of the proposed project, at least 11 inches by 17 inches in size. iii. Visual Representation is not required for applications that do not have a material change in the physical appearance of the property. 6. Amend Section 19.12.110 of the Cupertino Municipal Code to add a new subsection G as follows: eous P For n ceof Miscellaneous Ministerial P a shall be mailed in accord with subsection 19.12.110A(41 and posted on the property, fourteen calendar days prior to the date of action on the application. 7. Amend Section 19.12.170 of the Cupertino Municipal Code to read as fonows: F. An appeal may be filed by any person, firm or corporation aggrieved or affected by any grant, denial, modification or revocation of any permit, or any determination or interpretation related to any provision of this title. o f a Miscellaneous Ministerial Permit shall be allowed. 8. Amend Section 19.28.040 of the Cupertino Municipal Code to read as fonows: Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 11 Planning permit required prior to building permit application Approval authority Type of Project A.None One-story, sin le-famil proiect that does Admin. not require exception or variance from the requirements of this ordinance B. Minor Residential Permit, pursuant to Chapter 19.12, Administration 1. One-story encroachment into a required rear yard setback, subject to requirements of Section 19.28.070 2. One-story extension of an existing side yard nonconforming building wall line, subject to requirements of Section 19.28.100 in all districts except Rl-a 3. One-story project with a gable end of a roof enclosing an attic space projecting oritside the building envelope, subject to requirements of Section 19.28.070 or 19.28.080 4. New or expanded second story deck or balcony with views into neighboring residential side or rear yards in all districts except Rl-a or on any proiect reviousl develo ed ursuant to Government Code Section 65852.21 5. Any active or passive solar structure that requires variation from the setback or height restrictions of this chapter, provided that provided that no su* structure shall infringe upon solar easements or adjoining property owners 6. One or two-story addition or new home on a sloped single-family residential lot with development on building pads/graded areas with actual slopes eqrial to or greater than 20% and with total floor area ratio of all structures on the lot greater than 35% Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 12 Planning permit required prior to building permit application Approval authority Type of Project C. Director's Minor Modification, pursuant to Chapter 19.12, Administration Encroachment of por* elements into the required front yard setback in the Rl-a zone, subject to the requirements of Section 19.28.100. D.Two-Story Permit, pursuant to Chapter 19..12, Administration Two-story additionornew two-storyhome in all districts that do not require Residential Design Review per Section 19.28.040 (!_) except in an Rl-a zone. E. Residential Design Review, pursuant to Chapter 19.12, Administration Admin. with design review Two-story addition or new two-story home in all districts except Rl-a where: 1. Second floor to first floor area ratio is greater than 66%, except any second to first floor ratio for development on building pads/graded areas with actual slopes equal to or greater than 20%; and/or 2. V\7here second story side yard setback(s) are less than 15 feet to any interior side property line DRC with design review Two-story addition, new two-story home, and/or second story deck in the Rl-a zone F. Exception, pursuant to Chapter 19.12, Administration Section 19.28.130, Exceptions DRC One or two-story project requesting an exception from Sections 19.28.070 Development Regulations (Building)], 19.28.080 [Eichler Rl-e Building Design Requirements', and/or 19.28.110 Landscape Requirements'. G.Hillside Exception, pursuant to Chapter 19.12, Administration PC Development (area greater than 500 square feet) on slopes greater than 30% H.Architectural and Site Approval, pursuant to One or two-story addition or new home on a sloped single-family residential lot with development on building pads/gt'aded Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 13 Planning permit required prior to building permit application Approval authority Type of Project Chapters 19.12, Administration areas with achial slopes equal to or greater ' than 20% and where the ait plus fill of the site exceeds 2,500 cubic yards I. Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Chapters 19.12, Administration Two-story addition ornew two-story home in an Rl zoning district with an "i" suffix T. Miscellaneous Ministerial Admin 1. New one or two-story duplex proiect Permit i an Rl zonin district u suant to Government Code Section 65852.21 2. New one or two-storv sinele-familv home, secondarv mincipal dwelline unit, or two-storv addition in an Rl zonin district ursu nt to Government Code S_ec_tio_n65__852_,21 9. Amend Section 19.28.060 of the Cupertino Municipal Code to read as fonows: Rl-5 Rl-6, 7.5, 8, 10, 20, etc., and Rl-6e j Rl-a I A. Minimum net lot area I i, 5,000 square feet ii.the number multiplied by 1,000 square feet iii. 10,000 square feet iv. For lots created under the rovisions of Government Code Section 64411.7 each of the resultin lots shall have a lot area of at least 40% of the orieinal lot beim subdivided, with no lots less than 1,200 square feet. B. Minimum lot width (at the 4'iann+ cp+h*rk i, 50 feet =ii. 60 feet ,iii. 75 feet iv. For lots created ursuant to the rovisions of Government 1:.,1 Code Section 64411.7: 1 A A 1%. / a. No more than two new non-curved ro er lines ma be added to create a n w lot_. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 14 Rl-5 Rl-6, 7.5, 8, 10, 20, etc., and Rl-6e Rl-a b. Existin interior lots or ie ha ed lots with either i 60 feet to 75 feet of or more street fronta e or ii more than 7r_e______etfron_ta e and a lot de th of u to 145 fe t shall resu t in lots with : res Itin lots shall have a street fronta e hat is between at least 40-60oo of the lot widthexistine street frontaee of the lot beine subdivided. Resultin lots shall have a side-b -si e orientation and shall not create a landlocked arcel. c. Existin interior lots or ie sha ed lots with more than 75 feet of street frontage and a lot depth of more than 145 feet ma e subdivided in one of the followin wa s: i. Resultin lots shall have a street fronta e that is at least 40% of the existiru= street frontaee of the lot beine subdivided. Lots shall have a side-bv-side orientation and shall not create a landlocked arcel' ot ii. One of the resul in lots shall be a fla lot with acce s to the street. The'builda Ie area f the fla Iot shalI s an the entir distance betw en the two si e ro e lines that intersect with the front ro e line of the lot beine subdivided. d. _Ex__i_t_erior lots or ie ha ed lots with l ss than 60 feet of street fronta e shall result in one fla lot with access to the street. The buildable area of the fla I t shall s an the entire distance between the two si e ro e lines that intersect with the front ro e line of the lot bein subdivided. e. Existing f]ag lot subdivision shall result in lots in the same orientation as the existim, lot (i.e., the existing front lot line must be the front lot Iine of the future Jots and the existine rear lot line shall be the rear lot line of the fu__tur_e_!ois_) and that are b tween 40-60oo of th lot width of the lot bein subdivided. f. Corner lots shall be subdivided in a manner that s lits the existin street side ro e line to create at least one f out lot line on that fronta e. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 15 Rl-5 Rl-6, 7.5, 8, 10, 20, etc., and Rl-6e Rl-a C. Landscaping i. See Chapter 14.15, Landscape Ordinance. ii. At least 50oo of the front ard of iii. Landscaping plans are required for all additions or new homes. The an roaect a roved urs ant to purpose of the Cha ter 19.28.150 shall be occu ied landscaping is to beautify by non-hardscape landscaping.the property and to achieve partial screening of building forms from the street and adjacent properties. Generally, the landscaping may include shrubbery, hedges, trees, or lattice with vines on fences. iv. At least 50oo of the front vard of anv moiect a roved urs ant t_o Cha ter 19.28.1 0 shall be occtmied bv non- hatdscaoe landscapine. D. Development proposed on building pads /graded area with slopes equal to or greater than 20% 1. Total site grading (cut plus fill)2-3 i, 2,500 cubic yards maximum. ii Projects that exceed the maximum quantity shall require Architectural and Site Approval per Section 19.28.040 (H). iii_ For roaects ro osed ursuant t Government Code Sections 64411.7 and/or 65852.21, total site eradine shall be limited to 2 500 cubic ards for the entire site as calculated rior to subdivision. iv. For roaects ro osed ursuant to Governme t Code Section 64411.7 an or 65852.21 flat ard area created b radin areas that are slo ed more_t_ha_n_lO'/o s!ia__ll be limited to 2,500 sauare feet, not includine the drivewav, as calculated rior to an subdivisi n. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 16 Rl-5 Rl-6, 7.5, 8, 10, 20, etc., and Rl-6e Rl-a 2. Fences See Chapter 19.48, Fence Ordinance E. Develo'oment im rovements or g l.On actual slopes >_ 30o/o i, Limited to 500 square feet. ii. Development greater than 500 square feet shall be subject to a Hillside Exception by the Planning Commission in accordance with section 19.40.080 of the RHS Ordinance. No Hillside Exc_eptioermitted on lots develo ed ursuant to Section 19.28.150. 2. For ro'ects i. Unless required by the City Engineer or to meet Fire Code re uirements radin activi on l ts with an avera e slo e of: ursuant to Ja'_rivyztiri owl a. L ss than five ercent shall not result in a chan e in rade JT13 V C 111111(ALL rtsAa Qar*:tsnc elevation b more than 12 inches from existin natural tlJllC uCLLllllli:l 64411.7 an or g JJ,Q €') ')1 b. Between five and ten ercent shall not result in a chan e 4 in rade elevation b more than 24 inches tr m existin natural rade. c. :__en nercent or more shall n t result in a chan e in rade elevation b more than thr e feet from existin natural gB3% ii. In all cases, the followim shall antilv: a. Chame in erade elevation shall be limited to the minimum extent necessa to ensure ade uate draina e and access as demonstrated b a radin and draina e ala_re red b a re istered civil en ineer. b. S lit level desi ns shall be used to avoid additional chan e in rade elevation. c. Unless otherwise reauired bv the Citv Engineer, spoils shall be balanced on site and shall match the existin Hradin and draina e attern of the site. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 17 Rl-5 Rl-6, 7.5, 8, 10, 20, etc., and Rl-6e Rl-a d. Unless r,' uired b t e Cit En ineer develo ment shall not result in a finished floor more than 36 inches above finished erade. F. On-site All ro erties shall rovi e a 4.5-foot-wide athwa a 4.5- immovements footwide _lantim. stri'o, curb and _u_tte_r, curb cut, AC pavement, and underground utilities at the street as follows: i. Detached athwa when a ro e on either side of the sub'ect ro e has a detached athwa o ii. Monolithic pathway when a property on either side of the subiect tiro'oertv has a monolithic nathwav iii. When ro erties on either side of the sub'ect ro ert do not have a athwa a athwa that matches the re- dominant attern of athwa s on the street as determined bv the Citv Engineer, shall be movided, unless the suboec ro ert has a "semi-rural" desienation adopted bv Citv Council resolution. iv. The Citv Eneineer shall ado'ot anv obiective standard necessa to im lement the re uirements of this G. Drivewavs 1. For interior lots_w_iih a street fronta e of 35 fe_e_t_or_le_s_s, no for -more than a one-car wide drivewa curb cut hall be develo ments ermitted. A distance of at least 22 feet shall be rovided oursuant to between two o_n_e-car wide curb cuts els_e_,_a_s_hared Government drivewa curb cut no more than a two-car curb cut ma be Code Section 64411.7 or 2. Unless subiect to subsection (31 below, for interior or pie- 65852.21 shaped lots with a street frontaee of more than 35 feet: a maximum two car drivewa curb cut is ermitted rovided a distance of at least 22 feet is movided between existine and ro osed drivewa flares else the drivewa curb cut shall be limited to 'a one-car drivewa curb cut. 3. When an Urban Lot S lit results in a fla lot the two resulting lots shall share vehicular access off of the access area f the resultin fla lot unle s one of the lots is a new interior lot with a minimum street fronta e of 50 feet. The Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 18 Rl-5 Rl-6, 7.5, 8, 10, 20, etc., and Rl-6e Rl-a access area shall be a minimum of 20 feet and a maximum o_f_25 fee_t__in width,_comori_s_inmu_ml6-foot______drive aisl and a minimum 2-foot-wide landsca in lanter on either side._A maxi_mum tw_o _cardrivew_u_rb_cutis ermitted at the ri ht of wa . No other curb cuts shall be 4 4. Wh re a shared drivewa not throu h a fla lot is d i. o additional cur cuts shall be ermitted. ii. 50oo of t e width f the shared drivewa curb cut shall be on eac ro e . iii. A maximum two car curb cut shall be ermitted. 5. Where shared drivewav access through a flag lot is reauired and w_ould _movide access to new develo ment the drivewa access for front lot sh II be loc ted in the rear 50oo of the ro er . 6. On lots where an existin resi ence is retained on the site of n urban lot s lit or develo ment ursuant to Government Code Se tion 65852.21 an existin curb cut of tt_otmor_e_t__han 18feetin_w_idthm_i exclusive access to the existin residence. 7. A maximum 18' wide car curb cut is allowed when a two-car curb cut is ermitted. 8. A maximum 12' wide curb cu is allowed when a one-car curb cut is ermitted. 9. Wh n shared access is ro osed a covenant ne essa for a ro riate in ress a d e ress asements shall be recorded prior to final p3rcel map recordation. 10. 10. A maintenance a reement shall be recorded to ensure shared maintenance of anv shared access easements, stormwater treatment, landsca'oirte and mivate utilities, rior to final arcel m re or ation. H. Eas ments 1. Utili easements shall be re orded rior to final arcel and Co_v_enants ma'o recordation. reauired for Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 19 Rl-5 Rl-6, 7.5, 8, 10, 20, etc., and Rl-6e Rl-a subdivisions 2. A covena;it necessar for ma.ntenance of stormwater mns__uan_t to tteatment facilities shallbere_corded miot to final man Government recordation. Code Section 64411.7 Notes: to screen cut and fin slopes. A tree planting plan shall be prepared for the site which will screen grading areas, and residential struchires, to the greatest possible extent, as well as to reintroduce trees on barren slopes which were denuded by prior agriculhiral activities. Landscape improvements shall meet the requirements as established in the Landscape Ordinance, Chapter 14.15. Landscape improvements shall be installed prior to final occupancy unless such installation is impracticable, in which case, the applicant shall post a bond, cash, or other security to ensure installation within an 18-month period from occupancy. All such landscape areas shall be properly maintained. 10. Add a new Section 19.28.150 of the Cupertino Municipal Code to read as fonows: 19.28.150 Ministerial A roval of to Two Ututs. A, Issuance of Miscellaneous Ministerial Permit. The Director of Community Development shall ministerially approve up to two n in R-I e- Ordiiiance No. 22-2246 Page 20 R-I zoned Planned Development Zoning District if the proposed h ' devel ent meets the a ents of Gov ent Code 6585 an m li a li l o standards, obiective subdivision standards, and obiective design review standards. B. Th Director of uni Devel ent shall a all ob'ective stan on stan in aci C an li I s ecific Jan and other ob'ective land se s ecifications that do not confli with the ents of Government Code Section 6585 including but not limited to the obiective zoning and design standards in Paragraph E. the Director of ommuni Develo mentma den ahousin develo ent aect ro en fin nderance of the adence that the ro d housin and determined in Government Code Section 65589.5(di(2), upon public health and saf or the h sical environment and for whi there is no or avoid the adverse D. A li n d F An li on n a fo l the Ci, shall be com leted b the a licant. The for shall be accom 'ed a fee that Council lution to sufficiently recover the cost of administering the requirements of this ao The a ' n shall accom ro osed ro'ect. E. Obiective Zoning and Design Standards for Ministerially Approved H " ' the R-I ' a In ad ' a n to li le o aective zo stan o 'ective a " on stan do in " a d ent ed m m I with licable o aective and desi standards to the maximum extent permissible under Government Code Section 65852.21, Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 21 develo ment ro ects: 1. Development a. Exce t as otherwise rovided herein units Standards shall not exceed 800 s uare feet er unit and Gov. Code, e shall com'olv with Paraera'oh B, above. a____b. The floor rea of the lar er unit in a du lex develo m nt ro osed ursuant o this Se_ction shallbeno_m_ ore than 200 s u_are feet ereater than the smaller unit of the du'olex develo ment. c. Notwithstandin sub ara ra h a develo merit ursuant to this Secti n ma have a maximum Floor Area Ratio of u to 45oo of th net lot area and a maximum Lot Covera e of 45oo of the net lot area lus an additional 5'/o for roof overhanes, natios, n_o_r_ches, and other___ similar featur_es_ not Substantiall Enclosed if it com lies with the reauirements of Paraeraph B and subnaraeraphs 2 through 16 of this Para ra ha rovided however that a housin develo ment roaect on a lot havin a slo e 30oo or reater shall not exceed the floor area allowed under Cha ter 19.40. However under no circumstances shall the size of an ministeriall a roved unit exceed 2 000 s uare feet of livin s ace. d. If the site has been occu ied b a tenant in the last three ears no more than 25oo of the exterior walls of an existine unit shall be demolished. e. If no dedication was re uired for cre tion of the lot th roaect shall include a dedic tion to accommodate the redominant ublic ri ht of wa as determined b the Ci En ineer buttin the corres ondin lot line and frontage immovements, includine curb, Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 22 gutter a'nd sidewalk shall be installed by the 2. Second to a. The ratio of the second sto to first sto First Floor Lloor area shall not exceed 50oo exce t that: atio:i. In all Rl zoning districts except the Rl-a d 1. The ratio of the second story to first stom floor area mav exceed 50'/o, tm to a maximum of 66%, if a combined first-sto side setback of 15 feet with no f'rst- st side setback le s than five eet second- sto side s tback of at least 15 feet e ch a rear setback of 20 feet on the first sto and a rear setback of 25 feet on the second storv are rovided. ii. In the Rl-a zonin district: 1. The maximum ratio of the second sto to first stor floor area is 40oo but no la er than 500 s uare feet exce t wh re allowed below" 2. A second floor may exceed 500 square feet but shall not in an case exceed I 100 s uare feet if first-sto side setbacks of at least 10 feet each , a co bined second-sto side setbac of 35 feet with no second sto side setback le s than 15 feet and a rear setback of 20 fe t for the first sto ' and 4_(L_feet for the sec _n'_ate 4 b. Interior areas measured from the finished floor to th to of the roof rafters with hei hts reater than 16 feet shall be double counted as floor ar a as follows: i. For one sto homes the floo are shall be double c unted as first floor area. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 23 ii. Fortwo storv homes, the floor area shall be counted once each for first and second floor area. 3. Setbacks:a. Minimum first-sto front setback is 20 feet unless otherwise re uired in a tract _ma'o or zonin ma exce t that: i. In the Rl-a zonin districl_the_ re_auired minimum setback is 30 feet. ii. Gar__ages with u to wo arkin s aces shall be set back two additional feet from the face of the livin area of the unit, not including a front entry feature 6 iii. Third car ara e s aces: 1. On lots when the earaee is visible from the street: 'oarkine shall be rovided in tandem or in a detached ac esso stnucture at the rearofthe 2. On fla lots or on side-oriented ara es located at the rear of the rinci al unit: a third arkin s ace ma be on the same wall lane as the other two arki'n s aces. b. Minimum second-storv front setback is 25 feet except that: i. In the Rl-a zonin district the re uired minimum setback is 30 feet. c. Minimum first- and second-storv side and rear setbacks shall be four feet eacha rovided however that: i. No setbacks shall be reauired for an existin structure or for a structure constnucted in the same location and to the s me dimensions as an existin Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 24 ii. No new _or exnanded st.r_uctu_res____shall encroach tmon anv existing public or private utility easements. iii. N setback shall be re uired from shared ne side lo line be een the tw_o ne___wlo_d ursuant to an Urban Lot S lit under Government Code Section 66411.7 when: 1. More than one new rima dwelli unit is a roved concurrentl with an Urban Lot d 2. Units with a zero-foot s tback are develo ed concurrentl o and 3. All other side ard setb cks are a minimum of fi e feet on the first sto nd 10 feet on the secon 4. The entiretv of wall faces alone the shared property line are structurall attacheda and 5. Structures alone the new shared ro e line ar no more than zero feet or less than four feet. iv. The re uired buildin envelo e shall not a'o'olv to the portions of structures with a zero-foot setback. d. Corner Trian Ie: No o ion of a structure shallbe located within a corner trian le mo_vided th_aLin no case shall a side ar setback of more han four feet be re uired. e. Detached mimar'yresidential stnuctures: Detached structures located on the same lot shall have a setb ck of five feet as measure b_etween the eaves of the two struc ures, 4. Maximum a. Princi al Dwellin units are lim'ted to 28 feet in hei ht and no more than two stories exha_j_: Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 25 i. In R-I Zonin Districts with "i" suffix buildin s shall be limited to one starot to exceed 18 feet . b. First-sto buildin envelo e: All the maximum exterior wall hei ht and buildin hei ht on sin le-sto structures and sin le- sto secti ns of two-sto structures ust fit into the buildin envelo e defined b : i. A 9-foot-hi h vertical line from natural rade measured at th ro er lineo and ii. A 25-de ree roof line an le roaected inward at the 9-foot-high line referenced Notwithstandin the first-sto buildin envelo e a able end of a roof enclosin an unfinishe attic s ace ma have a m imum wall hei ht of 13 feet to the eak of he roof as measured from natural rade. c. Second-st buildin envelo e: All the maximum exterior wall hei ht and buildin heieht on two-storv sections of two-storv structures must fit into the buildin envelo e defined b : i. A 15-foot-hi h vertical line from natural rade easured at th ro er linea and ii. A 25-de ree roof line an le roaected inward at the 15-foot-hi h line referenced above. d. Notwithstanding subsections (b) and (c) above ortions of the tnuct res de elo ed utilizin the rovisions of subsection 3 c a ove do not have to meet the first sto or second sto b ildin envelo e re uirements_. 5. Basements:Not allowed. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 26 6. Landscapine a. Landscatii_ne:r_o_posedlan_dsca_p_ine___shall and Privacv rn_ee_tthe_r_e_auirements of Chame_r__l4.l5_ofthe Protection:Munici'oal Code i. Front Yard Tree Re uired: A 24-inch box Califor_nianativetree_thatt icall rows to amatu_morethan30______feetis r uired for all two-sto homes and must be laced in the center 50oo of the front yard. ii. n exis in m ture tree in he front ard that is or can icall row to a hei ht of 30 feet of more and is locate in th center 50oo of the front ard can be used as th front ard tree sub'e t to a ISA certified arborist certif in that the tree is in ood health. iii. covenant shall be recorded to i enti the front ard ree as a Protected Tree and notifx __currentand_futu_r_e_mo_ ownersto_r_et_ainand m_aintain_the tr_e__ein ood health. b. Privacv Protection planting for windows from secon stor windows shall be re uired in the sam manner as re uired ursuant to Section 19.28.120 exce t as rovided below: i. Windows or other openings in the walJ wi h' a si e ard setback les than 10 fee shall have a minimum windowsill hei h of five feet one inch or shall have obscure lass an be ino erable with a fixed g ii. Windows or other o enin s in the wall with a rear vard setback less than 25 feet shall have a minimum windowsill heieht of five feet one inch or shall have obscure ss___and be ino erable with a fixe M Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 27 iii. Subsections (a) and (b) do not a'onlv to skvliehts or windows which do not have views into an adiacent side or rear vard or that face a street ot anon-residential zonin d. iv. Minimum planter width reauired for rivac lantin shall be three feet. nc access _ath__s shall not be concurrent with areas desienated as p_rivac lantin lanters. 7. Private o en Each unit must rovide at least 15oo of he unit g f,loor area as rivate o en s ace on the first floor with no dimension less than 10 feet. Private o en s ace shall not be located in the re_au_ ired front ard setback area. 8. Permitted ard a. Front ent features but not orches ma encroachments encroach into a reauired front vard setback u to thre feet. b. Ma extend into a re uired ard a distance not exceedin three feet. c. No architectural feature or combination thereof whethet a ortion of a tinci al or accesso structure ma extend closer than three feet to anv monertv line. d. Architectural features ma not exceed 50oo of the wall the are on as measured from the interior w 11 surfaces. 9. Sec nd stor Not allowed. decks balconies or s 10. a. Entrv features: standards: i. A maximum of one ent feature er unit is allowed and no more than one entry fe_atu_r_er__e shall be allowed. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 28 ii. The entrv featu_ re sh_a_ll b_e_oriented toface the stre_et an_dshal_linclude a front_ _ door also oriented to face the street. iii. Maximum entr feature hei ht is :t4 feet as meas red from natural rade to the to of the late. iv. If a du lex with attached u its is proposed, a mo'oosed entr_y _f__eature incoroorate tw_o en_tran_cedoorsfot___the two units. One of th_e entran_ce_ao_ors____ora c mmon o enin into a shared ent portal shall be oriented to face the street. v. If duplexes are proposed on corner lots, the entr nces to the two units shall be on differ_ent s__treet fronta es exce t that if the___corner lot front a ma'or collector both the entra ces ma be located on the minor collector or nei hborhood street. b. If a front 'oorch (not a front entrv featurei is nro'oosed, t_he norch_shall_b_e__nr__o__ reater in idth than in hei ht i. Porch elements shall have detailing that emohasizes__t_he ba_se a_aveca osts and fenc elem nts of the orch. c. Exterior and/or _u_ncove_red__stairaccessshall not be allowed to the second floor. d. All new structures ro osed in the Rl-e zonins=dist_rict hall meet the buildin desien reauirements in Section 19.28.080 and shall meet the Eichler desi n idelines. e. In the Rl-a zonin district the second stor shall not cantilever over a first sto wall m f. In addition to standards outlined in subsections I - 9 above develo ment on ro erties with an avera e slo e reater than IO%_shal_lcom l with ection 19.40. 50 F, Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 29 and (D_anaS__ection 19.40.060(E), (H), m m g. Windows and doors shall either: i. Have a minimum three-and-one half inch in width bv three-quarter inch in depth trim when protruding from the 3 ii. Be inset a minimum of three inches from the exterior finish of the structure. If recessed, the primary siding material shall over the recessed ed e faces and_ wrap toward the interior face of the window lazin or door b not less than two-inch de th. h. _A!ara_ shall be recessed a minimum of six (6j inches from the surroundi _ buildin _ wall and shall include trim of at least one and a half 1.5 inches in i. Roof overhan s or buildin eaves shall be a minimum of 12 inches in width. j. D tached sttuctures on a lot must use the same architectural stvle and materials. k. Where the _ara _e faces the side ard but is visible from the street, the earas=e shall incorporate a window on the street front facade so that it a ears to be a habitable ortion of the house. The window s le must be the same as the windows on the habitable dwellin unit s . 1. Enclosed livin area shall be closer to the street than ara e s ace. Gara es shall be set back as identified in subparaeraph (3) above. m. N more than fif ercent of the front elevation of a house shall consist of ara e 8 n. The maximum width of a ara e on the front elevation shall be 24 feet for a o-car ara e. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 30 o. Gara e doors for no more han two car s aces shall be visible from the ublic ri ht of wa . p. Outdoor li htin shall com I with the re uirements of Cha ter 19.102. a. The elevation facim, a street shall incor'oorate at least four architectural features such as ba windows or an ent feature, and/or elements of architectural interest, such as wall insets or offsets, planters, railings, trellises, a combination of roofin elements e. . hi and able roofs dormers, chanee in architectural materials, auoins, accent tides, or an accent window inset reater than six in hes. Windowsills door or window trim and roofin materials do not count as one of the features. r. Gable ends and utch _able ends taller tha thirt inches shall include at least one elem_e_nt of ar__chitec_terest such as: s a wall offset with corbels brackets or chan e in materialsa s Iouvered wood or metaIvents; ffl cla or terracotta tile ventsa s accent tile de orationa ffl medallion de oration" s metal rillea s a chan e in architectural materialso ffl incor oration of corbels' s decorative a le edimentsa ffl evebrow trellises or pergola structurallv attached to the buildin or ii windows/glazine. s. Stone veneer or accent materials used as a wainscot on a street facine facade shall be wra ed around to the side fa ade and end at acal terminus such as a fence line or a chimnev or at an interior corner, Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 31 t. Stone veneer or an other sidin material wra ed on columns shall terminat at the floor. 11. Accesson a. Allowed pursuant to the reauirements of buildings/Chapter 19.100, except that Accessorv stnuctures:Dwellin unitsor uniorAccesso Dwellin units shall not be 'oermitted on anv lot in the R-I zoning district if a lot sttlit has been approved pursuant to Section 18.12.70 and one or more unit s have been a roved for construction pursuant to Section 19.28.150 on each resulting lot. b. Limited to one sto not to exceed 15 feet c. Accesso Dwellin Units shall meet subsections (1) and (2) above and shall additionall be in com liance with the re ulations of Cha ter 19.112. d. Air conditioning units and similar mechanical eaui'oment such as eenerators, sum u s heatin and ventilation e ui ment shall be round-mounted and screened from ublic view or under and shall meet accesso stnucture setbacks and adhere to the re uirements of Cha ter 10.48 of the Munici al Cod_e 12. Shall com l with the re uirements of Cha ter 19.48 of the Munici al Code. 13. 4__a. A minimum 8-foot b 3-foot s ace er unit rec clin and not visibl from the street shall be rovided o!in an interior vard behind a fence. containers b. This area shall not be concurrent with an emer enc access athwa re uired b the Fire Department. 14. a. Units shall have at least one off-street arkin s ace exce t that arkin re uirements shall not be im osed in either of the following instances: Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 32 i. The arcel is located within one-half mile walkin distance of ei her a hi h- uali t_ransit corridor as defined in Public Resources Co e Section 21155 b Code or ofa ra'o,_asde_finedin Public Resources Code Section 21064.3. ii. There is a car hare vehicle located within one block of the arcel. a. Parkin s ace s shall be rovided in an enclosed ara e encom ssin 10' b 20' s ace for each s ace unobstnucted i.e. b walls a liances etc. between six inche from finished floor up to six feet from finished floor. b. When additional enclosed arkin s ace s is are ovided he s ace s shall meet th re uirements of Cha ter 19.124_. 15. I_rivewav__and a. A one car drivewav shall be a minimum of 10 curb_cuts:feet in width and a maximum of 12 feet in vy. b. A two-car drivewa shall be a maximum of 20 feet in width. An third or more drivewa s aces shall be in tandem. c. Sub ara ra hs a and b do not a I to the fla lot access area. d. When a two-car curb cut is permitted, a maximum 18' foot wide curb cut shall b allowed e. When a one-car curb cut is permitted, a maximum 12' foot wide curb cut shall be allowed 16. Short Term No residential unit created 'oursuant to this m Section ma be rented for a term of 30 da s or Prohibited:_less_. F. This Section shall remain in effect until such tim Government Code Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 33 fh amend whether on or initiativ or are d to unenforceable by a court of competent iurisdiction, at which time this Section shall become null and void. conversion-to a con An li on for for a resi con this Section Develo ment. comm a or aon or nv on of a I 11. Amend Section 19.40.050 of the Cupertino Municipal Code to read as fonows: A. Density 1. Dwelling Unit De'sity Determined by Appendix F of the General Plan based upon slope density standards described therein. 2. Transfer of density credits Density credits derived from application of a slope density formula to a lot or a group of lots may not be transferred to property outside any approved subdivision or parcel map boundary. B. Minimum Lot Aiea 1. By zoning district symbol: Lot area shall correspond to the number (multiplied by one thorisand square feet) following the RHS zoning symbol. Examples: RHS-20: Minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet (20 * 1,000 s.f.) RHS-120: Minimum lot size of 120,000 square feet (120 1,000 s.f.) RHS-218: Minimum lot size of 218,000 square feet (218 1,000 s.f.) Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 34 2. For subdivision Minimum lot area shall be in accordance with Appendix F of the General Plan, unless clustered in accordance with Section 18.52.030 (Hillside Subdivisions). The minimum Iot area shall be 10,000 square feet for each u'iit in a clustered subdivision. 3. Subdividable lots Lot size zoning designation shall be assigned at time of subdivision for ro erties not subdivided pursuant to Government Code Section 64411.7. 4. Non- subdividable legally-created, developed lots Shall reflect the existing lot size 5. Lots created a. E_ach resultin lot shall be at least 40oo of the size s_nALm____of the original lot being split. b.Each resulting lot shall share one common drivewa . If an existin drivewa or curb cut G_overn_men_t__exi_s_._tsa_new rivewa or curb cut locat'o__ll Code Section not be a roved. 64411.7 and c. 3L___pto two new ro ert lines ma be added to 65852.21 _create__a new_!ot a_nd shallfoll_owth_econtours of the ro e . d.If in an area where direct sanita sewer connection is unavailable a ercolation test com leted within the last five ears r if the ne_r__colati_o_ntest has een re_certif'ed withinth_e_ last 10 ears must be rovided. e. _Buads shall be identified on theflattes_t nortionof_alol_____close_s_ttoanexisti_rivewav. Where no driv wa exists buildin ads shall e i__dentified on_the t__lattest ?)_o__rtion_ _o_fthelot, clos_est to t_heacc____essroa_d unless doin so would result i_n a c_ombine__derl _t_____erthan__that re uired for sitin elsewhere on the lot. In those cases, building pads shall be sited so as to result in the minimum required grading to develop two units of u to 800 s uare feet each. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 35 f. No side or rear setbacks shall be re uired for an s= structure or for a structureconstr_ucted in thesame_location and to_the same dimensions as an existin structure. g. No new or ex anded structures shall encroach u on an existin ublic or rivate utili C. Minimum Lot Width a. 70 feet at ftont setback line. b. No minimum lot width for lots served by private driveway and which do not adjoin a public street. D. Development on Substandard Lots A Hillside Exception shall be obtained to construct structures or improvements on existing vacant legal lots, exce t where rohibited b Government Code Section 65852.21. E. Site Grading 1. Maximum Cumulative total of 2,500 cubic yards, cut plus fill. Includes: grading for building pad, yard areas, driveway and all other areas requiring grading. Excludes: basements b. All cut and fill shall be rounded to contour with natural contours and planted with landscaping wich meets the requirements in Section 19.40.050G c. For each of the lots develo ed or created ursuant Grading o Government Code Sections 64411.7 and Ouantitv 6_585_2.21, a cum_ulative total_o_f__l_,250 cubic_vards, cut plus fill (including grading for building pad, ard areas drivewa all other areas re uirin radin and basements exce t if the ori inal lot that was subdivided has alread erformed rior grading, then the amount of grading that has p_reviousl occurred shall be reduced from the maximum eradim, auantitv allowed cumulativelv on the two resultin lo s. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 36 d. Unless re ired b the Cit En ineer or to meet FireCodere irement radin activi onlotswith an avera e slo e of: i. Less than five ercent shall not result in a chan e in rad elevati n b more than 12 inches from existing natural grade. ii. Betwee five and ten e cent shall not result in a change in grade elevation by more than 24 inches from existim, natural grade. iii. Ten percent or more shall not result in a chan e in rade elevation b mor than three feet from existin natural rade. e. In all cases the followin sh II a l : i. Chan e in rade elevation shall be limited to the minimum extent necessar to ensure ade uate draina e and access as demonstrate b a radin a d draina e lan re ared b a re istered civil 7 ii. S lit level desi ns shall be used to av id additional chan e in rade ele ation. iii. Unless otherwise re uired b the Ci En ineer s oils shall be bala ced on site and shall match the existing grading and draina e at ern of the site. iv. Unless reau_ired __b__ythe C__h E_er, development shall not result in a finished floor more than 36 inches above finished 2. Graded Area ;4 Shall be limited to the building pad area to the greatest extent possible. b_._For_lotsdevelo ed or created ursuant to Gov_ernment Code Sections 64411.7 and 65852.21 graded areas are limited to within 50 feet of the buildin ad area. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 37 3. Common Driveways Grading quantities shall be divided eqrially among the participating lots. E.g., two lots sharing a driveway shall divide the driveway grading quantity in half. The divided share will be charged against the grading quantity allowed for that lot development. 4. Flat Yard Area .a. Limited to a maximum of 2,500 square feet, excluding driveways 3b.Forlots develo ed or created ursuant to Government Code Section 64411.7 limited to a maximum of 1250 s uare feet er lot excludin drivewa s exce t as limited b subsection I . 5. Soil Erosion and Screening of Cut and Fill Slopes Plan A licensed landscape architect shall review grading plans and shall, in consultation with the applicant and the City Engineer, submit a plan to prevent soil erosion and to screen cut and fin slopes. F. Landscaping Shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect to: 4 Screen the residential structures to the greatest possible extent from the following prominent intersections. For 'oroiects pursuant to Government Code Section 65852.21, no more than 50'/o of the visible wall face surface area shall be visible from the following 1. lreeFllanfing rominent intersections: Flan i. Foothill B ulevard and Cristo Re Drive ii. Foothill Boulevard and Al ineWav iii. Bellevue and Carmen Road iv. Linda Vista Drive and Hvannis'oort Ave v. Hyannisport Ave and Bubb Road vi. Rainbow Ave and We moth Drive. A visual simula ion from each of the intersections above shall be provided to indicate com'oliance. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 38 2. Landscape Requirements land ca ed i.e. not hardsca ed 3. Installation of Landscape Improvements Must be installed prior to final occupancy in"dess it is not practicable. If not instaued, the applicant shall post a bond, cash or other sectirity to cover the cost of installation within an 18;month period from ocaipancy. 4, Landscape Maintenance All sui landscape areas shall be properly maintained in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 14.15, Landscape Ordinance. 5. Native Trees Shoild be integrated into the site design to the greatest extent possible. G. Watercourse Protection 1. Watercourse and Existing Riparian Vegetation Any watercourse identified in Figure 6-G in the City's General Plan and its existing riparian vegetation must be shown on all development plans. 2. Setback a. Lots < I acre b. Lots > I acre The setback shan be measured from the top of bank of the watercourses or from existing riparian vegetation, whichever is greater. The setback from riparian vegetation will be measured from the drip line perimeter. AII new development, including structures, grading and clearing, must be set back as follows. 50 feet 100 feet H. Development Near Prominent Ridgelines 1. New structures Shall not disrupt a 15% site line from a prominent ridge as identified in Appendix A. The fifteen percent Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 39 site line shall be measured from the top of ridge at the closest point from the structure. 2. Additions to existing structures within the 15'/o site line of prominent ridgeline M-q_,,Shall not further encroach into the site line. For example, the addition may not add height or bulk which may increase the disruption to the fifteen percent ridgeline site line. 3. Impractible Clause If (1) and (2) above are not practicable, alternatives may be considered through the exception process, rovided that no disctetionat exem tion rocess is allowed for roaects seekin a roval under Government Code Section 65852.21. I. Development on Slopes of > 30o/0 a, Hillside Exception required for all grading, structures and other development > 500 square feet, excetit that on lots develo'oed or created pursuant to Government Code Sections 64411.7 and 65852.21 radin buildin ads for structures and other develo ment is limited to a maximum of 500 square feet for each lot. b. If the lots evelo ed or created u suant to Government Code Sections 64411.7 and 65852.21 have no areas with slopes less than 30% that can accommodate u to two units of 800 s uare feet each radin for buildin ads for structures is limited to 800 s uare feet. No other develo ment hall be ermitted on such lots e. . develo ment for flat ard area unless re uired b the Ci 4 J. Trail Linkages and Lots Adjoining Public Open Spaces Site Plan L,a. Site plan must identify trail linkages as shown in the General Plan Trail Plan, on and adjacent to the site. b. If a trail linkage is identified across a property being developed, development shall not take place within that area inless approved through the exceotion 'orocess, except that on lots developed Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 40 or cteated ursuant to Government Code Sections 64411.7 and 65852.21, no development may occur in an area where a trail linka e is identified on the ro ert . c. For lots adjoining Public Open Spaces, driveways and buildings shall be located as far as feasible from the Public Open Space and designed in a manner to minimize impacts on the Public Open Space, exce t that on lots develo ed or created pursuant to Government Code Sections 64411.7 and 65852.21 no develo ment ma occur within 50 feet of a Public Open Space unless doine so would preclude the development of 11D t_otw_______ounits_of800 s uare fee each K. Views and Privacy It is not the responsibility of City Govetnrnent to ensure the privacy protection of the building permit applicant or owners of surrounding properties that may be affected by the structure under construction. However, the Director of Community Development may confer with the building permit applicant to discuSs alternate means of preventing privacy intrusion and preserving views exce t that for I ts develotied or created pursuant to Government Code Sections 64411.7 and 65852.21 rivac nr_otection nl_a_ as re uired ursuant to Section 19.28.120 is re uire for vie s from the se ond sto into ad'oinin side or rear ar s. Windowsorothero enin sinthewallwithaside ard setback less than 15 feet or a rear ard setback less than 25 feet shall have a minimum windowsill hei ht of fi e feet one inch or shall have obscure glass and be inoperable with a fixed pane(s). 12. Amend Section 19.40.060 of the Cupertino Municipal Code to read as fonows: Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 41 Table 19.40.060: Building Development Regulations A. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) a. Exce t as othemise rovided herein a ministeriall a roved housin develo ment roaect a roved ursuant to this Section shall not exceed 800 s uare feet er unit. b. Notwithstandin Para a h a a rninisteriall a roved hou in develo ment approved pursuant to this Section may have a floor area as calculated in subsection ic belo if it com lies with the re u_Jrements of this Sectiorr rovL__,_dedho_w__ever, that if the housim. develo'oment is on a tiarcel created bv a ministerial lot s'olit under Cha te 18.20.170 the maximum allowable floor area for the ori inal lot shall be I X f - - _2 - - - -allocated to each resultin lot e ual o the ro ortionate size of each resultin lot to 1. lYlaXlmum the ori anal lot. However under no circumstances shall the size of ministeriall AllOWat)le a rov d units exceed 2 000 s uare feet of livin s ace. L)evelopment q Fot ptojects not subject to ministetial approval under Paragraph (a) or (b), maximum allowable development shall be the lesser of: i, 6,500 square feet; or k ii.4,500 square feet plus 59.59 square feet for every 1,000 asquare feet over 10,000 square of net lot area, times the slope adjustment factor pursuant to Section 19.40.060(A%2)' Net Lot Area-10000 Formula = (4,500 + (59.59)) X (Slope Adiustment Factor) 1000 2. Slope Adjustment Factor based on Average Slope of Net Lot Area Avg. Slope Reduction (1.5 x Average Slope - 0.1)) a. Average Slope _< 10% No reduction in allowable floor area Slope Adjustment Factor = I 10%0% b, Average Slope between 10% and 30% A reduction in allowable floor area by one and one-half percent (1.5%) for each percent of slope over 10 percent. Slope Adjustment Factor = (1 - (1.5 x Average slope of net lot area - 0.1)) 11%1.5% 12%3% 13%4.5% 14%6% 15%7.5% 16%9% 17%10.5% 18%12% 19%13.5% 20%15% 21%16.5% 22%18% Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 42 23%19.5% 24%21% 25%22.5% 26%24% 27%25.5% 28%27% 29%28.5% c. Average Slope > 30% Allowable floor area shall be reduced by a constant 30 percent Slope Adjustment Factor = (1 - 0.3) 30%30% 3. Additional Regulations for Lots Within Clustered Subdivisions where Land is Reserved for Common Open Space a. Lot Area for calculating FAR May count a proportionate share of the reserved private open space to arrive at lot area for purposes of calculating FAR. b. Maximum FAR prior to slope consideration No developable lot in a cltister development can exceed forty-five- percent floor area ratio, prior to applying the slope adjustment factor, when a portion of the private open space is attributed to the lot area for calailating FAR c. Average slope of lot Calculated on the developable lot only. B. Height of Buildings and Structures Limited to 30 feet C. Setbacks First Floor Second Floor Habitable Third Floor (or portions of structures taller than 20 feet) 1. Front-yard a. Slope _< 20%20 feet Driveway and garage must be designed to enable vehicles to park off- street 25 feet 25 feet b. Slope > 20%10 feet 25 feet 25 feet 2. Side-yard a. Interior Side 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 43 b. Street Side on Corner Lot 15 feet 15 feet 20 feet c. Lots develo ed ursuant to Government Code Section 4 feet 4 feet 4 feet 65852.21 3. Rear-yard 20 feet 25 feet 25 feet a. Lots develo ed ursuant to Government Code Section ___4feet 4jeet 4feet 65852.21 D. Second Story Decks and ratios Minimum Setbacks First Floor Second Floor Habitable Third Floor (or portions of structures taller than 20 feet) 1. Front Yard 17 feet 17 feet 2. Side Yard 15 feet 15 feet 3. Rear Yard 20 feet 20 feet 4. Lots develo'oed pursuant to Government Code Section Not allowed. 65852.21 E. Downhill Facing Elevation 1. Second Story Downhill Facing Wall Plane Offset a. Offset from First Floor Downhill Wall Plane i. Average of 7 feet 6 inaies for 75% of the second story downhill facing wall plane shall be setback and ii. Not less than 4five feet offset. iii. The remaining 25% may not extend past cantilever over the first story wall plane. b. Multiple Downhill Facing Wall Planes Offset shan apply only the primary setback affected. c. Offset from First Floor Roofed Porches i. Offset may be measured from the outside perimeter of first-story roofed pories. ii. Roof of the pori must match, in pitdat and style, the roof of the main structure. iii. Porch must be at least 5 feet in width and extend the length of the wall on whiah it is located to be a uali in offset feature. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 44 2. Maximum dWall Height on Downhill Elevation 15 feet a. For ministerial proiects, the maximum height of retaining walls facing downhill slopes shall be five feet, unless placed behind a dwelling unit or other similar structure and shall not be visible from the public right of way, prominent intersections listed in Section 19.40.050(F)(1), nor face an adiacent property. In all cases, retaining walls shall be screened with landscaping. 3. Maximum Hexght oi I I ' a a I ' I i / . _ i " . _ Il D. l'Or alSCretlOnar7 prOieCtS, ffle maXlmllm nelgnt Of retaxnlng WATTS Retaining Walls Facing taClng ClOWnnlll SlOpeS mad t)e Varlat)le Dut eVel7 effort Snail t)e L)ownhill made to stagger retaining walls to maintain heights at five feet or less. Retaining walls shall be screened with landscaping. Retaining walls taller than five feet visible from the public right of way, prominent intersections listed in Section 19.40.050(F)(1), or to adiacent properties shall additionally be faced with architectural materials such as stucco, stone, etc. F. Permitted Yard Encroachments 1. Extension of a Legal Non- conforming Wall Plane for structures not located within a prominent ridgeline site line a. Where a building legally constructed according to existing first floor yard and setback regulations at the time of construction encroadies upon present required first floor setbacks, one encroachi_ng side of the existing structure may be extended along existing building line.i. b. Only one suai extension shall be permitted for the life of the building. c. Encroachments into a required yard which are the result of the granti_ng of a variance may not be further extended. d. Further encroachment into a required setback is not allowed. I.ey a non-conforming setback may not be further reduced. e. In no case shall a_ny wall plane of a first-story addition be placed closer than three feet to any property line. f. Shall not a'onlv to 'oroperties developed or created pursuant to Government Code Section 65852.21 and 64411.7. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 45 2. Architectural Features a. May extend into a reqriired yard a distance not exceeding three feet. b. No architectural feature, or combination thereof, whether a portion of a principal or accessory structure, may extend closer than three feet to any property line. c. Second sto decks or balconies ma not further encroach into a re uired setback than allowed in Subsection D. ' 4 As allowed by Chapter 19.100, Accessory Buildings/Structures b. Lots created and developed with two units tiursuant to Government Code Sections 64411.7 and 65852.21 ma not develo an Accessor Dwellin Unit or unior Accesso Dw__el_t. G. Accessory Structures _ c. Air conditionine units and similar mechanical eauitiment such including attached patio covers) as eenerators, sumo pumps, heating, and ventilation eauinment shall be round-mounted and screened from ublic view or under round and shall meet a cesso struchire setbacks and adhere to the re uirements of ha ter 10.48 of the Munici al Code H. Design Standards 1. Building and Roof Forms a. Natural Contours ulding shall follow as closely as possible the primary natural contour of the lot. b. Building Mass and Roof Pitches The main building mass shan be on the upslope side of the building and the roof pitaies shall trend downslope. c. Second Story Dormers Permitted within the second story setbacks as long as they are minor in shape and size. d. Downhill Elevation of main structure Shall have a minimum' of four offset building and roof elements to provide varied building forms to produce shadow patterns which reduce the impact of visual mass. e. High Wall Planes Wall planes exceeding one story or 20 feet in height, whichever is more restrictive, shall contain architectural elements in order to provide relief and to break up expansive wall planes. 2. Colors Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 46 a. Natural Earth Tones All structures on the lot shall use natural earth tone and/or vegetation colors which complement the natural surroundings. Nahiral earth- tone and vegetation colors include natural hues of brown, green and shades of gray. b. Reflectivity Value Shall not exceed 60 on a flat surface 3. Outdoor Lighting All outdoor lighting shall meet the reqriirements in Chapter 19.102. All ro'ects shall strive to attain exce t that roaects ursuant to Government Code Section 65852.21 shall attain, the following standards: a. No more than 50oo of the fa ade visible from the ri ht of wa shall com rise the ara . b. A two car ara e face shall not exceed 24 feet and a one car a ('.:r;iopc . ara e face shall not exceed 12 feet. N lall lallb %- l-l c. Gara es visible from the ri ht of wa shall be setback a min_i_moftwo_feet from the livable areas of the home exc t if onl the ara e an or the entrance to th home and no other livable ortions of the home are accessible from the street level. d. Third car s aces shall be rovided in tandem or shall be rovided in a d tached accesso structure. All moiects shall strive to attain, except that proiects pursuant to Government Code Section 65852.21 shall attain, the followim, standards: a. Onl one ent feature shall be ermitted er structure and onl i Pnh'v Pp*+nrpq one entry feature shall be visible from the public street. J " -""'-" b. Du lexes shall have entrances to each unit on differ nt c. Entry features shall be limited to 14 feet in height from the natural rade to the to of wall I te. 6. Uncovered/exterior staircases Not allowed. I. Geologic and Soils Reports Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 47 1. Applicability A geological report prepared by a certified engineering geologist and a soils report prepared by a registered civil engineer qualified in soils mechanics by the State shall be submitted prior to issuance of permits for construction of any building or structure whiai: a. Is located on property in an RHS zoning district which has been designated by the General Plan to be within a geological hazard area; and b. Where an addition, alteration or repair of an existing building or structure include at least one of the fonowing: i. The improvements include increasing the occupancy capacity of the dwelling such as adding a bedroom or $ Accesso Dwellin unit, or ii. The cost of the completed addition, alteration or repairs will, during any period of twelve months, exceed twenty-five percent of the value of the existing improvements as determined by the $6 based on current per foot value of the proposed structure to the existing structure's value on a parcel of property. For the purposes of this section, the value of existing improvements shall be deemed to be the estimated cost to rebriild the improvements in kind, which value shall be determined by the % 6 Official. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 48 2. Content of Reports These reports shall contain, in addition to the requirements of Chapter 16.12 of this code, the following: a. All pertinent data, interpretations and evaluations, based upon the most current professionally recogized soils and geologic data; b. The significance of the interpretations and evaluations with respect to the actual development or implementation of the intended land use through identification of any significant geologic problems, critically expansive soils or other unstable soil conditions whidi if not corrected may lead to structural damage or aggravation of these geologic problems both on-and off-site; c. Recornrnendations for corrective measrires deemed necessary to prevent or significantly mitigate potential damages to the proposed project and adjacent properties or to otherwise insure safe development of the property; d. Recommendations for additional investigations that should be made to insure safe development of the property; e. Any other information deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. 3. Incorporation of Recommendations All building and site plans shall incorporate the above-described corrective measures and must be approved by the City Engineer, upon a third- a eer review of the re orts rovided at the a licant's cost prior to building permit issuance. J. Private Roads and Driveways 1. Pavement Width and Design The pavement width and design for a private road or common driveway serving two to five lots and a single-lot driveway shan comply with development standards contained in the Hillside Subdivision Ordinance, Chapter 18.52 of this code. 2. Reciprocal Ingress/Egress Easement and Reciprocal Maintenance Agreement The property owner for a lot served by a private road or common driveway shall, prior to issuance of building permits, record an appropriate deed restriction guaranteeing the following, to adjoiriing property owners who utilize the private road or common driveway for the primary access to their lot(s): a. Reciprocal ingress/egress easement, and b. Participation in a reciprocal maintenance agreement. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 49 K. Solar Design The setback and height restrictions provided in this chapter may be varied for a structure utilized for passive or active solar purposes, provided that no such structure shall infringe upon solar easements or adjoining property owners. Variation from the setback or height restrictions of this chapter may be allowed only upon issuance of an Administrative Conditional Use Permit subject to Chapter 19.12, exce t that lots develo ed ursuant to Government Code Section 65852.21 shall not be eli ible for such a discretiona etmit. For lots develo ed ursuant to Government Code Section 65852.21 u on develo ment of the lot a ro riate ublic ri ht of wa L. Off-street Im rovements dedications shall be made to accommodate the redominant width of the street and street im rovements shall be installed to the Public Works De artments standards. M. Short Term Rentals No residential unit created ursuant to Government Code Section Prohibited.65852.21 ma be rented for a term of 30 da s or less. 13. Add a new Section 19.40.090 of the Cupertino Municipal Code to read as follows: 19.40.090 Ministerial Approval of Up to Two Units. e f mm Dev shall a e u residential units on a parcel in an RHS residential hillside zoning district if the proposed housing development meets the requirements of Government ' n ' a all li le obiective zoning standards, objective subdivision standards, and obiective design review standard5. The r f mmuni Dev im o' n d o 'ective reviewstandardsinthe unici Cod General any applicable specific plan, and other objective land use specifications a wi a of v a n 6585 inclu a not limited to the standards for ministerial development projects in Section 19.40.050 and 19.40.060. Ordiiiance No. 22-2246 Page 50 or of Communi Develo ent ma den a ho develo ment 'ect ro sedunder acial makes a written fin u n a re nderance of the evidence that the ro sed ho and determin in Government Code Section 65589.5 2 u n ublic health and safety or the physical environment and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific, adverse D. li on and Fees. An a lication on a form made av le by the City shall be completed by the applicant. The form shall be accompanied by a fee that the City Council may adopt by resolution to suffici recover the cost of ' a a the a ents of this ao The licati shall a 'cal Jans d a a on on ro osed ro'ect. E. 0 aective Zo ' and Stan for Approved Housing Development Proiects. In addition to any applicable o 'ective zo a ' o o n an o aective review standards in the Munici a h ' el t this onmust with li le 'ectiv n 6585 notlimitedto for d elo ro,aects in Sec ion 19.40.050 and 19.40.060 and the followin : 1. Ba ements No allowed. 2, Balconie_s,No allowed. deck or similar 3__. _Desien_a. Windows and doors shall either: M___i. Have a minimum three-and-one half inch in w'dth b three- uarter inch in de th trim when rotrudin from the wall or Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 51 ii. Be inset a minimum of three inche from the exterior finish of the structure. If recessed the rimar sidin material shall cover the recessed ed e faces and wra toward the interior face of the window lazin or door b not less than two-inch de th. b. All ara e doors shall be recessed a minimum of six 6 inches from the surroundin buildin wallandshallincludetrimofa_tleast one and a half 1.5 inches in de th. c. Roof overhan s or buildin eaves shall be a minimum of 12 inches in width. d. Detached structures on a lot must use the same architectural s le and materials. e. Where the ara e faces the side ard but is visible from the street the ara e shall incor orate a window on the street front facade so that it a ears to be a habitable ortion of the house. The window s le must e the same as the windows on the habitable dwellin unit s . f. Gara e doors for no more than two car s aces shall be visible from the ublic ri ht of wa . g. The elevation facin a street shall incor orate at least four architectural features such as ba windows or an ent feature and or elements of architectural interest such as wall insets or offsets lanters railin s trellises a combination of roofine elements (e.e. hiti and able roofs dormers chan e in architectural materials uoins accent tiles or an accent window inset ereater than six inches. Windowsills, door or window trim, and roofin materials do not count as one of the Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 52 h. Gable ends a d dutch able ends talle than thi inches shall include t least one element of architectural interest such as: ffl a wall offset with corbels brack ts or chan e in materialso ffl louvered wood or metal vents; u clay or terracotta tile vents; II accent tile decorationa b medallion decorationa a metal lill@- u a chan e in architectural materials' u incor oration of corbelsa ffl decorative able ediments" ffl e ebrow trellises or er ola structurall attached to the buildin or u windows/ lazin . i. tone veneer or accent materials used as a wainscot on a street facin fa ade shall be ra ed around to the side fa ade and end at a loei_cal terminus such as a fence line or a 4 i. tone veneer or an oth r sidin ma erial wra ed on columns shall terminate at the 4. Private O en Each unit must rovide at least 15oo of the unit Sj2a_Ce___floor area as riv te o en s ace on the first floor with no dimensi n less than 10 feet. 5. Refuse a. A minimum 8 foot b 3 foot s ace er unit not recvdine and visible from the street, shall be provided in an other containers interior ard behind a fenc . b. Thi area shall not be concurrent wit an mer enc access athwa re uired b the Fire Department. a. Units shall have at least one off-street arkin s'oace,__e_x_c_e_p_i_ihatn_ eau_irements shall ot be im osed in either of the followin instances: Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 53 i. The parcel is located within one-half mile walkine distance of eithet a hieh-aualitv transit corridor, as defined in Public Resources Code Section 21155(bl Code, ot ofama'ortransitsto asdefinedinPublic Resources Code Section 21064.3. ii. There is a car share vehicle located within one blo k of the arc 1. b. Parkin s ace s shall be rovided in an enclosed garaee encomnassine 10' bv 20' s ace for ach s ace unobstructed i.e. b walls a liances etc. between six inches from finished floor IID to six feet from finished floor. c. When additional enclosed arkin ace s is/are rovided the s ace s shall meet the reauirements of Chapter 19.124. F. Section shall remain in until such ' e as Government Code Section 65852.21 is repealed or superseded or its requirements for evel am whether l on or initiative or are held to be le a f a which a a Section shall become null and void. G. An uni ed to on ineli le for conversion to a condo communi or stock cooperative proiect. Any application for a tentative subdivision e for a ' a minium nv ' n of a created to this Section be denied b the f Dev 14. Add a new Section 19.112.060 of the Cupertino Municipal Code to read as fonows: 19.112.060 Accesso . Dwellin Units Prohibited on Certain Lots. Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 54 vision this dw ' 1 or n 18 70 construction Section 65852.21). on 6585 or 65852.22 or Or a 'unior aCCesSO e- ' a ernm no accesso be ' on l in if an urb Iot lit ne m resid s e ved r to Section 19.28.150 or 19.40.090 Government Code Section 5. If any portion of this Ordinance or its application is for any reason held to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed severable, and such invalidity, unenforceability or unconstihitionality shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, or its application to any other person or circumstance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted each section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sentences, clauses or phrases of the Ordinance be declared invalid, unenforceable or unconstihitional. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council on the 1"' day of November, 2022; and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council on this 15' day of November, 2022, by the following roll call vote: Ordinance No. 22-2246 Page 55 Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABST AIN: Paul, Chao, Moore, Wei, Willey None None None SIGNED: ya/-_- 7_Z__ DCiatyrCyofPCa'u'lMQayor Date ATTEST: Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: L z:i Nov 18, 2022 Christopher D. Jensen, City Attorney Date 11/30/22 Ord. 22-2246 - Adopt Standard, Ministerial Approval of Duplexes (Senate Bill 9) Final Audit Report 2022-11-18 Created:2022-ii-18 By: Status: Transaction ID: Araceli Alejandre (aracelia@cupertino.org) Signed CBJCHBCAABAAPV5aHP8-hGoHNO99qBBMK6U42q5cqmtj Ord. 22-2246 - Adopt Standard, Ministerial Approval of Duplexe s (Senate Bill 9)" History 6 Document created by Araceli Alejandre (aracelia@cupertino.org) 2022-11-18 - 5:46:36 PM GMT- IP address: 73.470.27.253 R Document emailed to christopherj@cupertino.org for signature 2022-11-18-5:48:31 PM GMT j" Email viewed by christopherj@cupertino.org 2022-al1-18 - 6:18:33 PM GMT- IP address: i@ Signer christopherj@cupertino.org entered name at signing as Christopher D. Jensen 2022-11-18 - 6:18:48 PM GMT- IP address: 4 Document e-signed by Christopher D. Jensen (christopherj@cupertino.org) Signature Date: 2022-11-18 - 6:18:50 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: 0 Agreement completed. 2022-11-18-6:18:50 PM GMT owgm by Adobe Acrobat Sign STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) CITY OF CUPERTINO ) I, KIRSTEN SQUARCIA, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Cupertino, California, do hereby certify the attached to be a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 22-2246 which was enacted on November 15, 2022, and that it has been published or posted pursuant to law (G.C. 40806). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of November 2022. ____________________________________________ KIRSTEN SQUARCIA, City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Cupertino, California