501 Amendment ij)E or Print In Ink. ~pe Candidate Intention Statement I For 01IIcI0I Uoo On~ L_. PEATINO CITY CLER 00 Amendment (Explain) change in e-mail address Initial o Check One: E-MAIL (optional) orrin_for _ counciI@comcast.net ZIP CODE FAX NUMBER (optIonaIJ DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER L CITY 1. Candidate Information: NAME OF CANDIDATE (Lut, Am, Middle InitIIII) Mahoney, Orrin STREET ADDRESS o NON-PARTISAN PARTY: STATE DISTRICT NUMBER, If appbbIe, AGENCY NAME OFFICE SOUGHT (POSITION TITLE) 2.. o County "'" OFFICE JURISDICTION o Stete (0- o City (YNr of EIIIctIon) (NameofItfulØ..COUIIf)'JutIadicIJøn) 2. State Candidate Expenditure Limit Statement: (CelÆRS CMdidates, jud(Jes, judlcieJ candidatN, and cancldatea for local otfIces at8 not required to complete Part 2.) o Multi-County: _ SpeclaVrunoff o/ectJon (YeerofE/ectJon) PrllrHJtylgenefB/ election (Y..rolElectlon) (Check one box) 1111 accept o eccept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the and ----1----1_ voluntary expenditure ceiling for the do not accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for Amendment: o I did not exceed the expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election held on: general or special run-off election. above. above. the election stated election etated the (MarlfIf.ppNcebltt) o On ----1----1_, above. of the expenditure ceiling for the election stated in excess contributed personal funds correct. FPPC Form 501 (JanuarylO¡ FPPC Toll-Free Helpllno: 868/ASK-FPPC (8881276C3772 Verification certify under penally 3. of California the Stale of the laws perjury under 9/28/05 (month, day. yea" of IB¡ Signature on Executed