BLD-2021-0835 Homeowners_Approvals_LetterBrookdale Estates
Home owners As sociation
PO B OX 700221
San Jose CA 95170
5th May 2021
Emily Zhang
19327 Sakura Way
Cupertino, Ca 95014
Re: Interior Arc hi tec tural Request Approval
Dear Mrs. Emil y Zhang
On behalf of the B rookdal e Es tate Homeowners As s ociati on, wereceived your plans for the i nteri or remodel of ki tchen, bathroom,li ving room, master bedroom, and exteri or openi ng adjus tment atyour home. Thank you for properly s ubmitting your architecturalrequest. Your request has been approved, bas ed on theinformation s ubmitted.
Please remember it is the homeowner’s responsibil ity to s ecureBuilding Permits , Structural Approvals, Safety Ins pecti ons and anyother approval s required by county or munic ipal authori ty.
If you have any questions or require any further as s istance, pleasecontact me at geis lj
Sinc erel y,
Jenni fer Gei s ler
Presi dent
Brookdal e Estate Homeowners Assoc iati on
DocuSign Envelope ID: D6D692FF-67A6-4108-9589-D3655E1FB808