08070051 CITY OF CUPERTINO4 °�R,`*� �.: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT Q 1�[1V QR �.D QN'4 rt'x BUIL`fftaT'R UPERTINO RD SAMUEL CONSTRUCTION 08070051 OWNER'S NAME PERMIT BVE DAYS SUNNY VIEW LUTHERAN HOME 2141 CAROBWOOD LN 07/08/2008 HONE SANITARY No CONTROL NO. (408) 262-2727 BUILDING PERMR INFO ARCHRECTIPNGINFt]t: BLDG ELECT PLUMB _ I O a LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Job Description I bucDf y rom Wt 1 w lid under Provision,,of Chaper 9(aonco acinr Nth Section 700M of MvLdon J arihc B.*m and Pmrndora Coda.a dmY llcer.mIs DEMO OLD EXSTNG BLDG, GRG & TRASH ENCLOSURE Mn full faux uhf cO ipz 1}c10114772— - S p ARCHDECI S DECLARATION u'7S 7 I oMvwd mY plw W11 W urA u PoEllc rearm ktU y hd l.icoumd Pmfndow 5 OWNER Bucinpi R front the CIA'IION a i 1 bmby+Trim that 1 I.eBud linin tie Cmion Co Ism law for the 3 D o which nr recon ercam TDd I.S.Budin,ad om roalau Code Any city a munry, S f<i which�uhe,pump m onhmlml de,impure,drmall.h.a mpde m7,lrlaum iy Prim m is Ltrarae.din imui=me apphiom for inch Pawl to Bk,tlPrci.acct SSC thole ulica.adpmaantmNcpmiriouofWeCaoruldaI10 law(Chapa9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area Valuation I-9 lram.a gNm Siem Y0B0)of0i.cumaurine Bim®wPmrmmn axlac $17000 thin he u.pL Liz fr® w me ah,m for ftduyd ompdm Ant'.mlad 1 of Saamn 7031-1by aM.Mlk t fa o pawl m j M inn applbnt m e cMI pnulry or 3 2 61512 4 Number Occupancy Type inn mem than Bw hooded whir(SM ❑L u uric of Ne Jrapvry,IX my mFmyer,with wara u rhetrmle®pevutlorL will Oothewan Cothc he Cwvmtintamdaowdm Wtb(See.IOM,Batl® Required Inspections w Pmfraimu cmc The Cooeehod.Lloam law ma WtM*m m enc m q p pm m who pfoaionpaverthe p and Mhodeeramiwh waffemmmnllhhu owe mPlayea,proNded the aeh impm.mmu m mtman,lnd oroQeo foray B, ' howcwr.tiehdldlq abapropwinu mine did onoyou or®own fo.YoM Of mime Alit have the hlndm of pmrinr man be dm inn OdW a hoPmw fa Pmpoe of ale.} ❑1.u a.ma of tion RoRtY.w aeludwlY mna.ciinr Nm Van..d mnauema m anuuua the pmjca(Sec.7014,Business and Pmfcs ne Coda)The Comianes U- ®M lar dna awl apply b N one of papery who bnBm or Impure ThL'mal.and. Lincan 0 Isth uu nor nvth pojeW Alm aamvamaD)Oaas:dpm®mmthn Cmlrwor. - - r" lay. ED eampuMa Svc .BlPCfa lMa.a,me Owrc Due W ORKFHS COMPENSATION DURATION t I herby Aim under peaWy W palmy on,rJme tofmwiq dor•-•lo-' Ilima "lmdnWas CmfOomofCa dMsdf•m,urefa Wmlm'aCmnput rump,u povi&d for by Section 57W of the Iaha Cam.IN me pafam.oa of tin vurk for whzh lmr Permit u lined. 1 haw ma will mdnuin Wm s Co opmutmn Inw a.eyWhnd by Statin . 3700 of the labor Cock.for the ciformma of the work ra which this permith Imo. My Worker'.Compeuatim Iu.wvu¢curio W Pdlry number uc - 6Nec �e+a-(-L F7. vlel P,ItiNd gaej.ozG433 CERTIFICATE OF UEMFTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thttacthon mW not he campked U tie pumh Ir foram ho dundmWm(S10W mica.) 1 citify um w an:per(mmava W the.art fa.him rW gamin u faaed.l duff m cmpbyanypcm inmymumumumbaamembj=Aft WwaYCampensLUm . U"or CASOMiL Ora NOTICE TO A to the P.U.,Ba matinr Wer Axan f of E Labor Co you maim - b¢amritb co ct m the Wrd,pr Cmpor ti ImNt nal W the uba Cade.yin nein �ZO rrwNm mmaW with mai pmWdaa a noir pamb uhaD m amrind a.dmt Z^ CONSTRUCTION IENOBI()AORNCY - [-a Ihueby dnna ma there i.,mnan.Non ladinr,ap y forme pofamaaa or C> the work for which thin gamin il taai(Se 3W7.Ch.C.) W a Larolerr Nrme r7 Z LrnmYr Addma . U Q 1 ratify"1 low rend thin a Ikwion,nd.am tic the More Information u U.^ cmuect L aper m amply with dl city vW eomry,a®ooa,ud male bin,watinrm 0 huuiinr mwaUm..oa bemby au.hwa rephormurly or thin dry to upon the abase-mmumnd Popa1Y for iupNon purpowL (9k)hg m to ave,inmmdry and kwp howca m.Cry of Copnhm Mdaa r y Ilabllltiq Jmrmonu.emu.nd oprnva wNchmgmanyw.yacmeafpWnaid Ony U Z in mnwrit, a of ma pmtinr of lhh PemiL ^ APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by:S44j2zW Date �. SOURCE RFGULja2n. Re-roofs Sipmore of ApoI renaacmr Dau r DousMATvuALSDlsaohvae Type of Roof WlB the CupcL rare pdCo&.CpmtaomabdLM FTWdoanucul u nicahnd by the Cupenim Momcipd Cade.CWpa 9.12 um me Halm W SWay Conic.Sectim 25532(a)? ,H Ely. .9N. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will ere applient or mina building amapua hon eguiplva a dam wNcb If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit WaaWoa d,cmlmiuna u demN by the Ray Aro Air Owiry Muuro^m all new materials for inspection. Duma? ❑Ya P(Nu thaw narl theham nuahmquhcmm.mdmCapw6.95ofinehumn ma.HcW"SaraYCodq Semaa H5M.73533wWYSSd.lmdashadthmifhhe hild'mr . dam not cmmly lone a Wine tau it is my mamwb0ity to notify the occupmt W lie mquiamenu w,hic moat men - rauauc af.CaWlaa of = (` Signature of Applicant Date ��r. ��8 ° All roof coverings to be Class'n¢'or better