24762APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY OFFICE CITY OFCUPERTINO IIUILLII G-F,LF.C'IRICAL APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL, BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT'IDENTIFICATION PERMITNO. gi /I4 �i L L BUILDING ADDRIP3S: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL lUNIT# LOT if 2— 10—`f3 OWNF]LlNA I. I NE: CAi — C� C I � -1Y1 ! CONTRACTOR'S E: LIC NO: awns N/C ❑ CON'fROLM AR 1 £C IENGINp FR: IC NO: 109191)/cJeSv(I1 ()L ADDRESS: s -M iSYi q verrv0r CONTACT: PHONE: QTY. ELHCI'RIC PERMIT' FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLD ELECT PLUMB MECH ❑ pC V`h l I L _ / PERMIT ISSUANCE IKZ 100 W E V V yy� LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ihereby aff mthat l am licensed underprovisions of Chaprer9(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full farce and effect. LicenseC s Liap APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIALTOR DESCRIt ION ABY.. I Q Cm� P W\ PANELS UP TO 200 AMI .' I if 101-I M iQy Dole •vZ y ARCl11TECTS DEC m TION 1 understand my plans shall he used public records. MPS ELECBI GNS is �Sp.IT(13A At n n E/SQ. PT. J Licensed Professional :11'6 ILF 'd•m `,; �Ym OO ,o OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 'I hereby affirm But 1 mm exempt from the Commuters License Law fo the following ration. (Swtinn to 7031.5, redsodel. Business we,d Professions Code Any city or cn ty which rcyuires a permit to centrum, aper, impmve, Jemnlish, or repair any at. I e priarmoit issuance. also rcquims the applicant far sucbpermivafile nsignedswrement That be is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chupor 9(commencingwith Section]W11)of DivisionJoflh,Business rand Pnrfessions Cade) SPECT CI C LSC. E IE P. ER ORP INST'. PG :R D: PS >IKIMING POOL ELECIRIC VALUATION 1—w GSection a,in unbar he is excmpuberefoan and me basis far lhemlleged esemptior Any voutinunofOUTLETS 7131.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicantto a civil penahy of mme than five hundred Jallurs($5018. ❑ I,osnwneroflM1epropeny, nrmyempinyecswithwegewsiheirselecompe willdoihework, and the structure isnot intended oroffered forsalicts..] lm - SWITCHIS- fIXTURFS NEW RESIDINTIAI. ELECTR S .I°I'. Q SIORIBS 'I YPI: CONS] RUCTION ..it PmfO.,mu Coss: The Contractor's License Law dues not apply or an owner of properly whobulldsor improves thereon, and whodoes such work hlusell'anhmugh his employees,provi foetal,. If, earn OCC.GROUI' RES. UNI FS TOTAL: mpvemenprov,memsarcne or improvementfoomplleted however, the building or dmpm provo is sold within one year or improve omm a for the owner- hrded). will have the burden nr proving Ihul he Jid not build or improve for purpose of Q'fY. PLUMBING PERMIT FLEE ❑ I,n roect(Se.7044.mexclusiv xEl Cba FLOOD ZONE APN and Poractiore, I'edcommeaorsto icemaconstruowdoethe p sion (Sec. ]094. Business and Profession Code:I The Contractthrommor's l.nwdo uun oh who impto and , P13RMIT ISSUANCE sed poor whor arichapply a conimalmsy the Contractor's Licecontracts,w.fu such projects wiNnumvactor(s)IicensW pursuant the Commcmr'e License law. ALTER -DRAIN & VENT -WATER (EA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ I am exempt under sec. , B & PC for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE OUTSIDEFEES SANITARY Y N RECEIPT M Owner Dao WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION DRAINS- FLUOR, ROOP, AREA, COND. SCHOOL TAX Y ❑ Ibercbyaffrnnhatl huvoaceni0cuto of trmemmtel Ginsurq nal oeniftno of Workers'Compcnsamion lnsurenceor aceniGedcapythereof(SCc.3g(XI,Iab CJ which RFCEIITN p1X'I'URES-PI?R TRAP UD PARK 1+4311 Y N GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I INC. OIHLETS coven all employee's under this permit. Policy M RECEIPT M BUILDING DIVISION FEES Company GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (FA) PLANCIIECK FEE Cenified copy is hereby famished. GRFASE/INDUSTRI. WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE Certified cagy is filed with the city inspection division. CERT IFICAI'17 OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GRIIASETRAP SOILS PEE SEWER.SANITARY - STORM EA. 2(1 ENERGY FEE (This searmumed not he camplacd ifthe permit is forma, hundred dollars I$ ME or len.) WATER BEAT'13R W/VENT/ELECTR I rectify that in the perf:mmamre of the work for whichthis permit is issued, l shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' PAID WNIER SYSTEM/TREATING NEW RESIDENTIAL PIMB. SQ. FT. Data ReceiplN TOTA Z Conlpm¢mion Laws of Calililmlu. Dale Applicant - NOTICRTOAPPLICANT:If. after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should (q became subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must 5 forthwith comply with such provisions or this pcnmiI shall be deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE at SEISMIC FEE O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY z Ilemby aflinn that then lsa conbmctmo lendingagency for the performonee of, the work for which this p,rmit is ismsul (Sec. 307], Civ. C.) lander', Name "✓ TOTAL: ,Z(, ev ELECTRIC 'ev Lenders Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBI s- D U CLcorrect. IA z unify Thal 1 have rend Ibis application and man, that the move infontuliom Is lagree In romply with ell ciryanJ coumynNinances and amen laws relining to Wildingcods oution. add herebyawhonae repros,mmivaofmhis caym emerupan be ave-entioned pmpeny for inspection purpo,es. ahm PERMIT ISSUANCE ALT£R OR ADD TO MECH. MECH ICAL ME CONSTRUCTION TAX (We) agree In save, indemnify and keep hamdess the City of Cupendmo against habilities,judgmems,cos¢andexpenseswhich may in any way accrue against said City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,0010 CFM) in conseyueme of the granting of this permit. AIR IIANDLI NO UNI "f (OVER 111,000 CPM) Signature of Applicant/Contractor Dame EXHAUSTHOOD(WOUCD PAID HHATING UNI f (TO 100,000 BTU) Date Reccipl HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazardous material as def ted by the Cupertino M icipal Csge, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Cade, See0on L. Scene. 11 Yes No TOlL: I [BATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) FAN (SINGLE RESID) Will the applicnmorfuwm building occupant useequipmentordevices which emit BOILER - COMP (3HP OR 10 4000 BTU) UTE SS A 11ent BOILER -COMP (DVI?R IOgfYdll BTU) msSSUAN�E hNous air commnieants as defined by the Be,Bay Area Air Quality Managem Dist/RI? 11 Yes 9No FEBr G 10 1993 NEW RESIDENTIALMF,CH. SQ. FT. 1 have read the havardoms materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Califomia Health & Safety Cade, Sections 25505.25533 and 25534. I understand that if the building does not curcedy have promotion it is my responsibility homely the `` I'�r QF- V UiCr{ 11140 the rcyuirem : which must mm prior to issuance of a Cen.1Te to of ocupant ea r e) . ISSUED BY: 0 G Owner uulhoriacdagent Data TOTAL: OFFICE t 19765 STEVENS CREEK BLVD 00024762 NEW YORK FABRICS SCANNED BOX # 739 44 77 "Jwa €v t f } 5 ✓ � � �� f 1 � .,..,�, ( .wC� ( l: ^'K f `yam F" i -A,( w��!� I;�