12080137 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 10900 N,TANTAU,AYE• CONTRACTOR:,DEVCON CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO: 12080137 INC OWNERS-NAME; CUPERTINO TANTAU'LLC' 690-GIBRALTAR DR DATE ISSUED:08/22/2012 OWNER'S°PHONE: 4088629799 MILPITAS,CA 95035PHONE NO:(408)942-8200 ❑, LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S-DECLARATION' : 3? 1 - BUILDING PERMIT INFO: BLDG ELECT' PLUMB '° License Class 3 Lic.# �� l9 Ii p\rA/ . MECH RESIDENTIAL . COMMERCIAL Contractor k-�-�'VC_-�(�.1/ Date hereby affirm ttiafI am,hcen"sed under the provision"s',ofChapter9 JORDESCRIPTION:APPLE-I ST'FLOOR-COMMERCIAL TENANT (commen'ciug with Section 7000)of Divfswn 3 of,the Business&Professions IMPROVEMENT. Code,and:that my license is?in full force'and effect. OF°546 SQFT TO.CHANGE(1)'LAB SPACE:INTO'(2)LAB SPACES hereby affirm underpenalty of perjury one ofthe following two declarations: 1'fiaveiand will maintain'a certificate of•consent,to self-insure,for'Woiker's Compensation„as provided,for'by$ecti'on_3700.- the Labor Code,for the p&fb(nianeerofthe w"o'rk,fortvf ch'ihis!,permifis,i'ssued. I'liave,and,will maintain`Work,er's Compensation,lnsurance,astproyfded for by Seeti6n6700'ofthe Labor,Code;:for the,&rfofmance of the;work for which this permit,is issued: Sq.Ft Floor,Area; Valuation:$38800Q APELWANT:,C ERTI FICATI ON I certify;that l have read,thisapplicafion and state that the above information'is APN Number:31'609029:00 Occupancy Type: correct.I,agree`to:comply witti�all city and counwordinances,and,state�laws relating io,:bmldingconstrgetion,and.hereby�authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above me_mionedproperyfor(inspecttowpurposes. '(.UVe)agree to.save ndemnity and,keepbarmless the',City<ofCupertino against,liabilities;juiigments, PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED 'costs,and expenses'whicli inay`accrue against said Cityin consequence of'the grariting`of this;permii. Additionally;the appIicant,understands and.-wiII comply WITHIN X180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR with all non;Point-source regulations) the Cupertino Municipal"Cod"e,Section 180 DAYS FROMZAST CALLED,INSPECTION. 9x'18.. _ Signat e Issued y:b / //Yi���/L l Date: a _ _ '0 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION' I hereby,affi'rm:that Lim;esempffrom the Contractor-s.License Law for.,one of RE-ROOFS: 'the following two reasons; All roofsshiiV all beiidcted:prior tdany'roofihg material being installed.If a roof is rso I,as;ownef theproperty,or myemployees with wages as,their'so_le;compensation; installed without'first'obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for will do,the,work,and the structure isnot intended4o-r:6ffered f6r.,sale'(Se"c.7044, inspection. Business&,Professions^Code) ,I;as owner of thetproperty;am exclusivelycofitracting with.licensed contractors.to_ Signature of-Applicant:. Date: 'construct the project(5ec.7044;,Business;&;Professions Code): ,I here b affir-m under penalty of.perjury one,of the,followin three ALL RO:OF'COVERINGS TO BECLASS"A",OR BETTER - declarations.: P Y P_ J -Y_ _ _g_ declarations: I have and will'mamtain a Certificate of Consent to self-msure7for,Worker's HAZARDOUS MATERIALS'DISCLOSURE Compensation,as,provided•for by 3ection•3.700 ofthe,Labor.Coile;-for the ;performance ofthefwork•for which this permit;is issued. t have read the,hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the: I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance;•as;Provided=for'liy California Health&S.afety,Code,Sections 25505,;25533;'and 25534. I will maintain = compliance'with"tlie,•Cupertino Municipal Code;,Chapter 9 12,and the Health&_ Section 3700 of the,L&t,Code,for the perf6 riance,"ofthe work,for which this Safety Code,Section 25532(a),�should_I store or handle haaardoas�material. rt - permis issued: Additionally,should Luse:egoipmentor.devices which"emit hazardousiair :1 certify tkat,inihe'performance 0f,thepwork•for which.this permit is issued)shall contaminants a"s'.defined by the Bay;;Area',-Air QoalityManagement;Distr`ic-t I_will •not employ any°person in any manneriso.as to•bi c0rne;subjecLto.the Worker's maintain compliance with the;Cuperttno Municipal Code,Chapter 9il2:andahe 'Compensation laws-of California. If;,after.makingthis_certificate ofe-xemption,I Health&Safety+Code,Seetions,25505,25533;and 25534. become sulijecftothe Worker's,Coin°pensation piovisions,ofthe Labor Code,I,must forthwith comply with,such provisions or this permit shall'be,deemed-evoked. r•or a” or` / ,Date: 9/2z.hz APPLICANT•CkRTiFICATiON CONSTRUCTION'LENDING AGENCY certify,that.I have read this application&state4hatthe%above'idformation,is ,I correct agree t'o-eoriiply with:allcity and county`ordinances�;andstate laws;relating Lheiebyaffirm.that there is,a;construetion lending agency°for t_he°performance of Aurk's 'to building construction,and,hereby authorize:_representatives-of,this,city to,enter for which this permit is issued(Sec.,3097;Civ C.) upon the+above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(,We)`agree to save Lender's;Name. indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino 4gamst liabilities,judgments; costs and expensesawhich may,accrue agamst.said.Crtym consequence of the Lepel_en's,Address. granting of:tliiis,,permit:Additionally;,the applicant understands and will-comply ,with all non-point source regulations,pei the Cupertino;Mun'icipal Code"Section ARCHITECT'S'DECLARATION Lunderstand+my plans shall be usedas public,records. Signature Date Licensed Professional CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT- BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE-,CUPERTINO, Ck95014-3255 ts CUPtRTINO (408) 777-3228- FAX(408) 777-3333- building(akupeftino.org N I ADDITION Al AL PERMIT4 EWCONSTRUCT ON ADD ALTERATION/ ❑ REVISION),DEFERRED,- ORIGINAL ;I�kOJEC"t ADDRESS APN# I 1 0 0 OWNER NAME PHONE. &MAIL STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE,ZIP FAX' ,CONTACT NAME PHO E E-MAIL STREET ADDRESS' CIT­Y,:STATt, Zip FAX OWNER ❑ OWNER-BUILDER El OWNER-AGENT )!kONTRACTOR 13 CONTRACTOR AGENT El ARCHITECT El ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER, El TENANT CONTRACTOWNAME eL LICENSE�NUMBER LICENSEZYPE BUS.LIC 9 _39YA T COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX Y_ ,�nqe DL\lcoo COY4.co!21 STREET ADDRESSpo CITY,.STATE,ZIP PHONE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME LICENSE,NUMBER BUS.LIC* C C COMPANY-NAME E-MAIL 'FAX cy STREET ADDRESS CITY;,STATE,ZIP PHONE je CA 5-3-e F DESCRIPTION OF WORK �7 e-, , EXISTIN�USE PROPOSED USE CONSTRJ7, 4 STORIES J�a , — j vi - I �F USE, TYPE bcc. SQ.FT. VALUATION(S) ce DEMO TOTAL AREA AREA NET AREA t3 BATHROOM KITCHEN :OTHER REMODEL AREA REMODELARFA 'REMODEL.AREA 'PORCHIAREA DECK AREA TOTAL•DECK/PORCHARE 'GARAGEAREA: UDETACH E],ATTACH '4 DW,ELLING�UNITS.: IS kSECOND UNIT E]YES SECONDISTORY LIYES BEING,ADQE1)?- )RNO ADDITION? _23NO TOTAL VALUATION: PRE-APPLICATION ZYES IF'YES�PkO,�TDE.COP-�OF, IS�-,Tq�_BLPGA� YES. ,RECEI V r"n I F Al, PI:AT4NfNG,,AP,PL • N PLANNINGAPPROVALLETTER 00ii]EFNIOAE? NO �E g x 0 R12 13y'my,sigrature,below-,4 certify to each,of.the�followifig_. Lamth&property.bWn-er-,6r authorizeHgen--t-to-'act on,the�proftrty owner's.,4ehalf.' I,have read'this application and theJfiformation I have prbvidedl�is,correct. I'hav6"read,i�e'-bescripti.on,of Work,and verify'k ls�`accuraie. I agree to comply with all applicable local 6rdinari-ces;and statAaws relating to bd,ild' wAfturri representatives clCuvertino to�en' DjX-1 I:authorize r5prese, ter the aboye-ident'fi d property for inspection purposes. S igriature,of AppI icant/AgeDater JS e�. SUPPLEMENTAL 10 D 'PLAN,CHECK 5140 ffl 'it f6r. N �BUILDING.-P `New SFD orMultifdmil' Wblli�gs� ly tion'"e 10 -dkisting,lbuilding(§)� Demollii ired prior to issuance,ofbuilding, 0_1"'N", 0 NO 5 4 permit for,new building.,, �,-,,EXPRESS V - Commercial Bldgs: Provide a corn pl.eted'Hazardous Materials Disclosure El PUBLIC-WOW 1,01" ,form if any Hazardous Materials are b6r(gused g§,D4-t of this project. DEPT- Copy df,Planhi-g Approval Letter,or Meefing,with Planning prior Yo MAJOR ❑ SANITARY " �AYy SEW � ,:submittal ofBuilding Permit application'. U,4 R ENT HEAL, B14gApp, 201.1.do'c;revi'sed,06%2,7'/II CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE:ESTIMATOR -BUILDINiG DIVISION ADDRESS: 10900 N T.antau,Ave DATE: 0.8/1:3/2012 REVIEWED BY: Sean. APNi : BP.#r � VALUATION: 1$388,000 ,PERMIT TYPE:: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Tenant Improvement: PRIMARY PENTAMATION USE: Commercial Building PERMIT TYPE: 113JI WORK Tenant Improvement of 546 s 'ft to:chan e 1, .Iab s- ace into 2 labs aces. SCOPE TYPE-,OF FLR AREA OCCUPANCY'TYPE CONSTR. s.0 PC.FEES PC FEE ID BP FEES BP FEE ID' B (Tenant Improvements) 11=6;11.1-B"jV;V=B 546 $1,964.70' .IBTIPLNCK = $737.71 IBTIINSP TOTALS:. 546` $=1,,964:70 .$737.71 1VIE HHO ��' � OU-VolRY� QIWK ELC, R ® YdQNYMBHo Vtech..t'ffrrr C' c:cR Mw/_Z), PlaI) ,le:f]..P'erriti? "f,,n?s%. e'crmieT er 1'ici I'.a;nzt, ( ze. Qdxr V(ch. 'Insp, OCLE r I'l.onh Ir1sp ,1fec_/z. Insp Tcc,., l'!.tr 1. I zsp. I c,.. co:,Ih.sf,.`e:e NOTE: This estimate doesmot include fees due,to'other Departments(he.Planning;P,ublici Works„Fire,Sanitary Sewer.District,School District;eic:: These ees.are hased�on the relimiiza. information-available and are:onl .an,estimate. Contact the Ve 't; or addh7 in o.. FEE ITEMS(Fee'Resolution 71-053 a.' 7/1!11) FEE QTY/FEE MISC:ITEMS. `Plan Check-Fee: $1;964,.70 Select a;Misc Bldg/:Structure Suppl. PC:Fee: Reg. 0.OT 0 0 hrs. $0.00 Building` or Element of 3 PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: $737.71 Suppl:,Insp . QReg, QOT s .00 PME.Unit Fee: PME.Permit Fee: $0.00 Conso7acrion.Tcrr: T7 t1_CitlYltllSLt.?YdTiL't?I'f.,'R.” - Work Without Permit? 0 Yes �. No $0;00. . Adwa'nced.P.l'ahninV.Fee: $0.00 Select a Non-Residential. E) 'Travez DOCZlInentation 1 gees: Building or Structure 0 i Strong IViotion"..Fee: IBSEISVIICO $81A8 S.'elect an Administrative Item B'1dg Stds Commission'F.ee: IBCBSC `$1.6.00 r r SUBTOTA �S $2;79,9,:89 $0..00 ' T®TALFEE $2,799.$9 � Fa 1 �" .. �, tai Revised: 07/01'/2012 SJ.Ce`��:S�Y�Fealr.�„1i.`4.._^1�..-w_'em^^ - -'�c:_ -..r, - ax.,-xt:xwar., P.ut.m.s -- '"'•'^"rS�.'-�' r�k'"`.'i ' -_ - __ 'Building Department, / Ci ty er Of Cu tino. �:pz 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino,.CA 95:014=325.5 Telephone:408 777-3228 .F , C O P E RTI,N O Fax: 408-777-3333 .. CON T1 CToR_l.S:tTBC.ONT:R-ACTOR,.LIST JOBAD.DRESS; lzxv-1vzn. PERMIT# bl OWNER'S NAME: ,e PHONE#1 4 o4S)r'1`l Z_, 5e�J { GENERAL.CONTRACTOR: . o,%1 � BUSINESS". Sel"i 3,' . .. ADDRESS: 6ejO 67 {- C- D i' : C. CITY%ZIPCODE -lM I :'t lS *Our municipal code.. quires alkbusinessesworking irr.ttie city to..hawe a City of C:upertino:limsiness licen'se:, I NO BUILDING FI`NA'L OR- FINAL O.CC CC INSPECTIQN(S) WILL`BE 'SCHEDU,LED•'UNTIL THE .; GENERAL'CONTRACTOR-ANDD ALE 'S:LTBCONTRACTORS.-.][!,AVE- OBTA-INED.A CITY'.OF C.UP.ERTIN:O BUSINESS LICENSE:.. '1am not,using any subcontractors: Signature Date; Please check•applicab;le:subcontractors and,com Tete thefoll'owing.infor..matiori_; ; p ✓' SUBC®NTI2ACI`®R, .B><TSINESS'N.AIVIE BUShhT'ESS.LICENSE Cabinets &;millwork `Cement'Finishing V Electrical (,wX: ALLYL Excavation Flooring I Carpeting; pfes vx Linoleum %Wood; Glass,?V-G'lazing .Heating, Ali Irisulatioii. Landscaping Lathing: P;ain6- /°Wallpaper'- Paying; Plastering. Plumbing,,. Roofing: _ Septic Tank . Sheef'M6 al _ Sheet:Rock. Tile:. owner-/Contractor Signature'. ? ` Date