14090106 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 1060 WEST HILL CT CONTRACTOR:FREEDOM SOLAR INC PERMIT NO: 14090106 OWNER'S NAME: HWALING LIAW 845 S MCGLINCY LN DATE ISSUED: 10/13/2014 OWNER'S PHONE: 4088381388 CAMPBELL,CA 95008 PHONE NO:(408)613-2300 UI LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOB DESCRIPTION:RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ❑ INSTALL 20 PANEL PV SYSTEM ON SFDWL ROOF TOP 6.9 License Class � Lic.# KW; ADD SUBPANEL 125 AMP Contractor Date 1 hereby affirm hat 1 am lice under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business&Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$38240 10 I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this APN Number:36227042.00 Occupancy Type: permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED correct. 1 agree tocomply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating WITHIN 180 DA -EW ISSUANCE OR to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save 180 DAYS S E ECTION. indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, / costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply Is Date: with all non-point sourc gul ions per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section 9.18. —' RE-ROOFS: Signature Date / All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. ❑ WNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Signature of Applicant: Date: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Professions Code) 1,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). 1 have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. 1 will 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the declarations: Health&Safety Code,Section 25532(a)should I store or handle hazardous 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's material. Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District 1 performance of the work for which this permit is issued. will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by the Health&Safety Code,Sections 25533,and 25534. Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Owner or authorized age Date: /O / permit is issued. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,1 must I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. work's for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) Lender's Name APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Lender's Address I certify that l have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records. granting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section Licensed Professional 9.18. Date ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PERMIT APPLICATION Ll COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT•BUILDING DIVISION 1 n 10300 TORRE AVENUE•CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 V'� CUPERTINO (408)777-3228•FAX(408)777-3333 •bui':di 2Pcg erbEjo.org q 1� 6 PROJECT ADDRESS APN 11 i 104r)OWNERNAME - PHONE E-MAIL n C4 ) 7,3k- / '��I j�?i '3 STREET ADDRESS ) I 17 C1TY,i! AN,ZIPy v / FAX CONTACT PHONE', E-MAIL �✓%old �r�. �> j. jC_.� :_,'t: P.. i' C'-%.01 . STREET ADDRESS CI Y,STATE,ZIP FAX t t VY1 G �V ❑OWNER ❑ OWNER-BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT XCONTRACTOR ❑CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑TENANT CONTR TOR NAME LICENSE NUMBER LICENSE PE BUS.LIC# 7 COMPA,J�Y NAME < / E-MAIL (� ( FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY TATE,ZIP HONE _ ARCHITECTIENGINEER NAME LICENSE NUMBER BUS.LIC COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY,STATE,ZIP PHONE USE OF ')Z-SFD or Duplex ❑ Multi-Family PROJECT IN WILDLAND PROJECT IN STRUCTURE: ❑ Commercial URBAN INTERFACE AREA ❑ Yes kNo FLOOD ZONE ❑ Yes ❑ NO SOLAR PANELS ❑ ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION ❑ SOLAR WATER HEATING ❑ OTHER: FOR SOLAR PANELS: NUMBER OF A ITS: #KILOWATTS: /�' a TOTAL VALU �^�. , LII �{/ DESCRIPTION OF WORK PLI RECEI By my signature below,I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I have read this application and the information I have provi is orrect. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to bui g c struction. I autilomw,representatives of Cupertino to enter the above-Identfied proerty or inspection purposes. C. /Signature of Applicant/. _______ _ Date: SrMENTAL I TION REQUIRED OFFICE USE ONLY W - -THE-COUNTER a. H ❑ EXPRESS x w Y ❑ STANDARD V a ❑ LARGE a ❑ MAJOR PYApp_2012.doc revised 06/20./12 _�-._ CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE ESTIMATOR- BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS: 1060 w. hill ct DATE: 10/14/2014 REVIEWED BY: Mendez *PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration Repair PRIMARY SFD or Duplex PENTAMATION SOLAR-RES, USE: PERMIT TYPE: WORK install pv system; sub panel SCOPE hrs Elec.Plan Check $0.00 P Other Elec.Insp. 0.0 hrs $48.00 El NOTE:This estimate does not includefees due to other Departments(Le.Planning,Public Works,Fire,Sanitary Sewer District,School District,etc.). Thesefees are based on the preliminar information available and are only an estimate. Contact the DeplJor addn'l info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 Eff 711113) FEE QTY/FEE I MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 =] # Alternative Energy System Suppl. PC Fee: e) Reg. 0 OT FO.0 1 hrs $0.00 $236.00 -IPHOTOVRES Photovoltaic System PME Plan Check: $0.00 125 1 am s Electrical Permit Fee: $0.00 $48.00 IBELEC200 Services PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Pen-nit Fee: $48.00 Administrative Fee: JADMIN $45.00 0 Work Without Permit? 0 Yes (F) No $0.00 G) Advanced Planning Fee: $0.00 Select a Non-Residential (F) Travel Documentation Fee: ITRAVDOC $48.00 1 Building or Structure 0 Strong Motion Fee: IBSEISMICR $4.97 Select an Administrative Item Bldg Stds Commission Fee:. IBCBSC $2.001 SUBTOTALS: $147.971 $284.00 TOTAL FEE: 1 $431.97 Revised: 00202014 Residential Solar Permit Application 6.9 kW roof mount fixed flush PV system (grid tied, no batteries) Valuation: $38,244.00 Project Address 1060 W. Hill Ct. Cupertino, CA 95014 T.4 Owner Hwa-Ling Liaw (same address as project) (408) 838-1388 , , Plan Preparer Marina Zierk � and Freedom Solar, Inc. Solar Company 845 South McGlincy Lane Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 613-2300 OFFICE CSLB B-940672 Workmans Comp-State Compensation Insurance Fund Policy#824-0507591-12 thru 12/16/2014 Joe Longwello(408) 289-5917 CUPERTINO . building DepartrnenO ' 01114 t-:GFR 009t COMPLIANCE we By. CO{.AP I,11•.�;TY Cori r`f3R..'-AIT re�� A•_+ IND • 20 total solaa ► F; ;rNig"counted on CreoMount rack system. Racks are to be grounded. (See Thl^ dteC)]I�FI � al!is?t $I ! r�f th9 1ccs "Feci iCca� btlt�w111 r itied tiya'Wnsed contractor and in conformance with the 2013 tf1C.�5WfI1,WiiiioiJtc<t�p;;CUctiff:Jrilt'c�[ "! ,, � .'�,�1. 41 - ba "d tc f c-nit o, to�,u alofanyp;ov;sionsofaryaqoar /G •� •% _ �, SUNPOWER i UNMATCHED PERFORMANCE, RELIABILITY & AESTHETICS X y SERIES • 21.5%efficiency Ideal for roofs where space is at a premium or where future expansion might be needed. � �- �_�,��� X2 •Maximum performance Designed to deliver the most energy in HIGHEST EFFICIENCY6 demanding real world conditions, in partial shade and hot rooftop temperatures.'' 3 Generate more energy per square foot • Premium aesthetics X-Series residential panels convert more sunlight to electricity producing 44% SunPower®Signature`" Black X-Series panels more power per panel,'and 75% more energy per square foot over 25 blend harmoniously into your roof. The most yea rs.3,4 elegant choice for your home. HIGHEST ENERGY PRODUCTION 7 Produce more energy per rated watt High year one performance delivers 8-10% more energy per rated watt_' This advantage increases over time, producing 21% more energy over the first 25 years to meet your needs.' s F„ PERTINO Fw!iding Deparlmen? 1• �P w Maxeon®Solar Cells:PundamerdalIY etterb . o �`,!�`38 ttadsre�,Y�an t engineered for performance,designed for durability. Engineered for peace of mind Designed to deliver consistent, trouble-free � �` � energy over a very long lifetime.'5 N Designed for durability reg The SunPower Maxeon Solar Cell is the only cell built on a solid copper foundation. Virtually 3 impervious to the corrosion and cracking that degrade Conventional Panels 4s o = G1 Some excellent durability as E-Series panels. #1 Ranked in Fraunhofer durability test.10 Q 100%power maintained in Atlas 25+ M11 comprehensive PVDI Durability test.l' w sunpowercorp.com POWE R X-SERIES SOLAR PANELS SUNPOWER OFFERS THE BEST COMBINED POWER AND PRODUCT WARRANTY POWER WARRANTY PRODUCT WARRANTY t Year', - - - More guaranteed power:95%for first 5 years,-0.49/4/yr.to year 25.s Combined Power and Product Defect 25 year coverage that includes panel replacement costs,' ELECTRICAL DATA OPERATING CONDITION AND MECHANICAL DATA X21-335-BLK X21-345 Temperature —40T to+185°F(—40oC to +85°C) Nominal Power 12(Pnom) 335 W 345 W Max load Wind:50 psf, 2400 Pa, 245 kg/m2 front&back Power Tolerance +5/-0% +5/-0% Snow: 112 psf,5400 Pa,550kg/m2 front Avg. Panel Efficiency13 21.1% 21.5% Impact 1 inch(25 mm)diameter hail at 52 mph (23 m/s) Rated Voltage(Vmpp) 57.3 V 57.3 V resistance Appearance Class A+ Rated Current(Impp) 5.85 A 6.02 A Solar Cells 96 Monocrystalline Maxeon Gen III Cells OpenLircuit Voltage(Voc) 67.9 V 68.2 V Tempered Glass High Transmission Tempered Anti-Reflective ShortLircuit Current(Isc) 6.23 A 6.39 A Junction Box IP-65 Rated Maximum System Voltage 600 V UL; 1000 V IEC Connectors MC4 Compatible Maximum Series Fuse 20A Frame Class 1 black anodized, highest AAMA Rating Power Temp Coef. (Pmpp) —0.30%/°C Weight 41 lbs(18.6 kg) Voltage Temp Coef. (Voc) —167.4 mV/°C Current Temp Coef. (Isc) 3.5 mA/oC TESTS AND CERTIFICATIONS REFERENCES: Standard tests UL 1703, IEC 61215, IEC 61730 1 All comparisons are SPR-X21-345 vs.a representative conventional panel:240W, Quality tests ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 approx.1.6 m',15%efficiency. EHS Compliance ROHS,OHSAS 18001:2007, lead-free 2 PVEvolution Labs"SunPower Shading Study,"Feb 2013. Ammonia test IEC 62716 3 Typically 8-10%more energy per waH,BEW/CNV Engineering"SunPower Yield Report," Jan 2013,with CFV Solar Test Lab Report#12063,Jan 2013 temp.coef.calculation. Salt Spray test IEC 61701 (passed maximum severity) 4 SunPower 0.25Wyr degradation vs.1.0%/yr conv.panel.Campeau,Z.et al."SunPower PID test Potential-Induced Degradation free: 1 OOOV 10 Module Degradation Rate,"SunPower white paper,Feb 2013;Jordan,Dirk"SunPower Available listings CEC,UL,TUV,MCS Test Report,"NREL,Oct 2012. 5"SunPower Module 40-Year Useful Life"SunPower white paper,Feb 2013.Useful life is 99 out of 100 panels operating at more than 70%of rated power. _ 6 Higher than E Series which is highest of all 2600 panels listed in Photon Infl,Feb 2012. 7 1%more energy than E-Series panels,8%more energy than the average of the top 10 panel companies tested in 2012(151 panels,102 companies),Photon Int'I,Mar 2013. 8 Compared with the top 15 manufacturers.SunPower Warranty Review,Feb 2013. ?ii�rnrr, 9 Some exclusions apply.See warranty for details. LIn1 10 X-Series same as E-Series,5 of top 8 panel manufacturers were tested by FraunhoferI I Fit, ISE,"PV Module Durabilily Initiative Public Report,"Feb 2013. 11 Compared with the non-stress-tested control panel.X-Series some as E-Series,tested in Atlas 25+Durability test report,Feb 2013. 12 Standard Test Conditions(1000 W/m'irradiance,AM 1.5,25*Q. �- 13 Based on average of measured power values during production. " See htip://www.sunpowercorp.com/facts for more reference information. For further details,see extended datasheet:www.sunpowercorp.com/datasheets Read safety and installation instructions before using this product. q)April 2017 SunPo..er Corporation.All rights r...d.SUNPOWER,the SUNPOWER logo,MACEON,MORE ENERGY.FOR LIFE.,and SIGNATURE om kademahs or registered kademads of Sun!—w s un powercorp.com Corp—im.Sp—ifications mduded in this dotasheet aro subiectto changQ.Amtnoliv. Document f 504828 Rev A/LTR EN ao�rer-oae=— f Renewable Energy Solutions AURORA P 9aR 0 10 4 Designed for residential and small commercial PV installations,this Inverter fills a specific niche in the Aurora product line to cater for those installations producing between 5kW and 2ttkW. This inverter has all the usual Aurora benefits,including dual input section to process two strings with Independent MDPT,high speed and precise MDPT algorithm for real-time power tracking and +� energy harvesting,as well as transforrnerless operation for high performance efficiencies of up to 97.196. LvC The wide input voltage range makes the inverter suitable to law � power installations with reduced string size. This outdoor inverter has been designed as a completely sealed unit to withstand the harshest environmental.conditions_ - (fes_ Y . V UPERTINO 10 3uE ing,Deft. ent 'REVIEWED FOR (;dl3E ©MILIANCE • Earltihverter is set on spfrc grid�s which cavi be selected in the field •Sii glaseoutput Reviewed By.- .�.► , • Dual input sections with irCd esdent#1 i f'alloW optimal energy harvesting from two sub-arrays oriented _ in"rent diriediorts"I • Wide input range High speed and precrse NkWTaritlim for real time power tracking and improved energy harvesting • Flat efficiency curves on high efficiy at all output levels ensuring consistent and stable performance across the entire input voftage anouter rang •flutdtiorenclosurefarurire ilcted x`W*envirpnmentalcondltioris • R5-485 communication interface(for connection to laptop or datalogger) • Compatible with PVI-RADIOMODULE for wireless communication with AuroraPVIYDFSKMP - , 1 r BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PVI-5000-OUTD AND PVI-6000-OUTD FOR NORTH AMERICA -----------• ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -❑-1I + I (DC/a) BULKCAPS (DC/ACI IN1.2(+i IINI IN1 LINE GRIDPARAl1.EL FILTER RELAY L1 IN3 I: 1 1 L2 1 I - T I I 1 T riJ VE {1{ 1 1 1 IN2.I(+) 1 MVVT2 1 DC/DC) IN2.2(+) IN2 IN2 1 - RESIDUAL CURRENT DETECTION IN2,(-0 IN22f) ,~ 1 1 I 1 R54R5 +T/R --' �- --41 -7/R 1 I RLN REMOTE CONTROL,�++11 +R R GROUND •_------------------ FAULT 1 DETECTION1 AURM NO U C , 1 .CONTROL CIRCUIT,-•.•.. _ v .+ PVI-5000/60WOUTD-US PVI-5000/6000-OUTD-US 100- • -- ------- a t;; 480 97 99 --- - i- - +.- _ --__-� 96,8 9896,5 - 400 96,2 97 ---- ..._. ------ •__ - 95,9 ......,. .. 95,6 96{ -_ ♦ -- .---..- -__- P 95,3 Z' 95'-_ 345 MPPT 95 r I - Voltage 94,7 Z 94 - f .___. --_ - 944 Now 93 -... ,/! : 94,1 . -__250 V,.__ 93,8 do __ L 300 93,5 92 -- -.- --- —345 Vdc 93,2 91 - -.. , -- .- ,�.�480Vdc -- 95,9 92,9 --- 7 - , T -- T— SIZE, 90 250 i 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 100% %of Rated Output Power %of Rated Output Power r Is ;� , �r�� r1I� „rr.•�, �,�rx, Y ,,. f,; t ,�� ,�� c ,, ,� ,,� rli s s ( iPl' , t,r.� a •s a +,r� �ta t a s . �: .I Nominal Output Power W 5000 6000 Maximum Output Power W 5000 6000 Rated Grid AC Voltage V 208 240 277 208 240 277 Input Side(DC) Number of Independent MPPT Channels 2 2 Maximum Usable Power for Each Channel W 4000 4000 Absolute Maximum Voltage(Vmax) V 600 600 Start-Up Voltage(Vstart) V 200 (adj.120-350 200 (adj.120-350) Full Power MPPTVoltage Range V 200-530 200-530 Operating MPPTVoltage Range V 0.7xVstart-580 0.7xVstart-580 Maximum Current(ldcmax)for both MPPT in Parallel A 36 36 Maximum Usable Current per Channel A 18 18 Maximum Short Circuit Current Limit per Channel A 22 22 Number of Wire Landing Terminals Per Channel 2 Pairs 2 Pairs Array Wiring Termination Terminal block,Pressure Clamp,AWG8-AWG4 Output Side(AC) Grid Connection Type 10/2W Split-0/3W 10/2W 10/2W Split-0/3W 10/2W All u stab leVoltage Range(Vmin-Vmax) V 183-228 211-264 244-304 183-228 211-264 244-304 Grid Frequency Hz 60 60 Adjustable Grid Frequency Range Hz 57-60.5 57-60.5 Maximum Current(lacmax) ARMs 27 23 20 30 28 24 Power Factor >0.995 >0.995 Total Harmonic Distortion At Rated Power % <2 <2 Contributory Fault Current" A,dARMs 36.25/25.63 36.5/25.81 31.75/22.45 36.25125.63 36.5/25.81 31.75/22.45 Grid Wiring Termination Type Terminal block,Pressure Clamp,AWG8-AWG4 Protection Devices Input Reverse Polarity Protection Yes Yes Over-Voltage Protection Type Varistor,2 for each channel Varistor,2 for each channel PV Array Ground Fault Detection Pre start-up Riso and dynamic GFDI Pre start-up Riso and dynamic GFDI (Requires Floating Arrays) (Requires Floating Arrays) Output Anti-Islanding Protection Meets UL 1741/IEE1547 requirements Meets UL 1741/IEE1547 requirements Over-Voltage Protection Type Varistor,2(L,-Li/L,-G) Varistor,2(L,-L,/Li-G) Maximum AC OCPD Rating A 35 30 25 40 35 30 Efficiency Maximum Efficiency % 97.1 97.1 CEC Efficiency % 96 96.5 96.5 96 96.5 96.5 Operating Performance Stand-by Consumption WRMS <8 <8 Nighttime consumption WRMS <0.6 <0.6 Communication User-Interface 16 characters x 2 lines LCD display Remote Monitoring(1 xRS485 incl.) AURORA-UNIVERSAL(opt.) Wired Local Monitoring (1xRS485 incl.) PVI-USB-RS485_232(opt.),PVI-DESKTOP(opt.) Wireless Local Monitoring PVI-DESKTOP(opt.)with PVI-RADIOMODULE(opt.) Environmental Ambient Air Operating Temperature Range °F(°C) -13 to+140(-25 to+60) -13 to+140(-25 to+60) with derating above 122(50) Ambient Air Storage Temperature Range -F(°q -40 to 176(-40 to+80 -40 to 176(-40 to+80) Relative Humidity SRH 0-100 condensing :}Q ?''° 0-1p� Acoustic Noise Emission Level db(A)@1 m <50 s,�,�( r� 1 �e/� Maximum Operating Altitude without Derating ft(m) 6560(2000) ,a ur Mechanical Specifications Enclosure rating NEMA4X N Cooling Natural Convection''— -._..i E A Nbttal d► tion Dimensions(H x W x D) in(mm) 41.4 x 12.8 x 8.6(1052 x 325 x 218) Weight Ib(kg) <59.5(27.0) {?a7.0) Shipping Weight Ib(kg) <78(35.4) e( QMPLIANCIE Mounting System Wall bracket itC rt,v�CWa4 racket Trade Size Kos:(tea x 1/2°) �ade Sjza'rK�s Wa x Conduit Connections and(tea x 1-1/4"3 places side,front,rear) and(tea x 1-1/4"3 places side,front,re DC Switch Rating-(Per Contact) AN 25/600 25/600 Safety Isolation Level Transformerless(Floating Array) Transformerless(Floating Array) Safety and EMC Standard UL 1741,CSA-C22.2 N.107.1-01 UL 1741,CSA-C22.2 N.107.1-01 Safety Approval �CSA�, CSAR, Warranty Standard Warranty years 10 10 Extended Warranty years 15&20 15&20 Available Models Standard-With DC Switch-Floating Array PVI-5000-OUTD-US PVI-6000-OUTD-US 'Ali data is subjeato change without notice "inverter can apply that much current-Breakerwill open e �, r 1 V O G 7 O G NN W O m V .0 NN vim+ 4! 7 A 6 }� Z � YW o N S Power-One Renewable Energy Worldwide Sales Offices Country Name/Region Telephone Email Australia Asia Pacific +61 2 9735 3111 sales.australia@power-one.com China(Shenzhen) Asia Pacific +86 755 2988 5888 sales.china@power-one.com China(Shanghai) Asia Pacific +86 21 5505 6907 sales.china@power-one.com India Asia Pacific +65 6896 3363 sales.india@power-one.com Singapore Asia Pacific +65 6896 3363 sales.singapore@power-one.com Belgium/The Netherlands/Luxembourg Europe +32 2 206 0338 sales.belgium@power-one.com France Europe +33(0)141 796 140 sales.france@power-one.com Germany Europe +49 7641 955 2020 sales.germany@power-one.com Italy Europe 00 800 00287672 Opt.n°5 sales.italy@power-one.com Spain Europe +34 91 879 88 54 sales.spain@power-one.com United Kingdom Europe +44 1903 823 323 sales.UK@power-one.com Dubai Middle East +971501004142 sales.dubai@power-one.com Canada North America +1 877 261-1374 sales.canada@power-one.com USA East North America +1 877 261-1374 sales.usaeast@power-one.com USA Central North America +1 877 261-1374 sales.usacentral@power-one.com USA West North America +1 877 261-1374 sales.usawest@power-one.com a.>..,, ham....�.,.. s,..3x�!,d��X4._: i. ..o., Table of Contents n s�sg rw. xc ,. l<: ID c L` 6 �c t' 1. >, m Manufacturer of ren tv 0 � w i Introduction Component List Installer Responsibility r 6 3. Resources 1.AluTec Insenion Rail 2.AluTec Splice Set 3,AluTec Retaining Clip Set Ij 4.AluVer Base Rail S.AluVer Splice Set 6.AluVer Connector Set 7.AluTec L-Foot W- 8.AluTec Edge Stop&AluVer End Cap 9.AluTec T-Stop 9. 1D, ' 10.Tycu SOLKLAMP-Grounding Lug SassianSolar � _ 'f@aa10n$O�r - - , i I i Tools Required Installation Continued Mourn 4!12 L Feet'iwC Installation t r 1 V9p"1 i Mj1 01 Clio(i and _� . r,: is i :nr st I I� u. ,it:�.:rru- I`- _ ._.-__.__Parts Required ForThft Step AM ,_„_.» 1 -I V i I ~ 0 Ri � • i (D -r G7_ C M t. 9 __.. l Ses.wanSclae - 5�essimn5aa�ser - , Installation Continued Installation Continued 1 7 3 � i i2rr oer�r;pucker+:nrrillili .r a it I sem. 5&xKiom Solar i 1 ' I . I Installation Continued Miscellaneous tap 5: Pinishingl'ouche,s Base Haii Splice ., a;„ ., n a �y,*,,' f—k Parts Required For This Step Part Number ., Fdyn g;.r sG0 70;Cf.: tl 'J' �.. .ff Y....._ .1 V _. {P loll, ._......_..Insertion Rail sp ice t . c R> to fTi ,•mss 58s�ionSolar K tp Sr.ssionS®leer I ���R:�RI VlY New-Square D �� Existing Challenger, 240VAC/125A SUB PANEL 240VAC/200A SERVICE ENTRANCE PANEL 20 SUIIPOW@f1-345 Modules 1 Power One PVI-6000-OUTD-US(-A)(240\),INVERTER (Labeledras per NEC 690 54) (Labeled as per NEC 690-54) ` DIV. (4 strings of 5modules in series, Positive Ground) DC IN AC OUT �_ 240VAC MAX' 35A MAX •6000w MX ` 53 A �3 I 100ARATEDOUTPUT EACH MODULE: STC-345W a µ v K x i & �,_v !. -� y ✓yD,✓'.o, NN, cS �'' L9. t 4 2 0 a J ya st rk� 3` a -�, i �' t R µ `�• OA'a ■ ■ - ,� �.'�,�s �'� ., ..�" r_ F �z �N �100/'1"'� m ;�, �i: ,.��' fir'. �t, .. � � Y � .��i� �, atY - - {-_ �-_ +_ .}:_ �- ,-p,.„ ra�:, s. °'n.-`'��c°• .vx xv,�.;��. .�.: - s �,. ..a � It�,x4;k' '+'� "`�sv ��"": "'_ ,�' -w:, a� ��� �� _ m _ 1,r.F, - o„.: r + ,fs �,y., - � -t.vcg - -- � �a + ��ics � par . L-------�____-._L__ _________________L ����r� t � x � x•+k r � r a�"4 aFF� s• !:k�. 3 0 &`� "`3 b. .0 •-4' k' ' �,77s-Le X11 M t�. r y esT. -- - — AW- r--------- ------ .: '" '"=a -, - copper PE gnd - �. 1 °� Vie• a4r �' .,�L., .� �yr '�` +' _ _ I - �':. ,n•�'.; - � .._ .. ' - , �-.��e �'i Ya•��r'�s'�'� �, '? � � �� .`' yrs kc. m-`�� y � r: �' - ■ ■ ■- _ I d. ar,a 6 c x c �,, � »�qs£'� ,a,•. I zz �O � 1 r r z �„'. r .}_ IN, UTILITY.�3W -i = �.iv.-v5 .'it :,. -:.,1.'.''�.• :a: ' - "- ='?_. a_ r. =`�.G.. .LINE INa*. i I - I I #,8,AVVG copper'GEC gnd,in conduit #6 AWG c6pp&GEC.g"nd when exposed ---- I — - - I --------------- Grid Tie Details Service Panel Calculations. #10 AVG PV Wire from arra to J-Box - sup-�A �L Y �. +_ +_ ■ ■ +- #10 AVG THWIV-2 in 3/4�� EMT from Sum (inputs) <=J_30% of bus . .2 - L-------1=------ --------------- -----L-------L------ ---- ---------= J-Box to Inverter '35A+1- I►���� OOA < .�u 1 s� De r rmen 10 AUG THW -2 in,3/4 EMIT from 13'5A;<— p _ OCT 112014 Inverter to Sub—panel MAINPANE- _ .L REUI.E.VVE,G �:GR C.ODE COMPLi6��1D #4 AVG THWfV-2 in 1'' EMIT from Sum Qnputs) <_ 12W* ;bus-J ;. , = Sub-panel to (\/lain 35A+106A+1 OOA <=,40A * 1 .2 235A-<= 240A _ n Side Frame, T --� I � t0u! le,_wesne, �� � ' „� _ GIi�Cy Line *w. ar:ne - _ _ :_�s- X45 S�Cr o Freedom Solar, lnC, _.��.«. Siide"washer Cam bell,CR 95008 �408�s1�2300 Wire 1 �Liip r', l RESIDENTIAL GRID TIED SOLAR WSYSTEM, Wire insert TCHex.bolt " Hwa-Ling;Liaw FREEDOM 1060`W Hill,ct. �.:fiet screw �® R 408-83ino,,95014 MMhod for Bendlna Modnlne'nnd Reeks _ _ 408=838:1388 hwalingliaw@yahoo:com` APN#:362 27-042=AAv Use of ILSCO GBL4-DBT with SS 10-32x I SIZE' FSCM No:, DWG No.3W machine screw at"gnd'hole of DRAWN BY., Marina Zierk ' 1 module. DATE:. 08/0512014 SGAI E hot°to,,sS41e SINGLE LINE DRAWING SHEET 1 of 2 { , I i 20 SunPower X21-345 Modules EE T! 1 Power One PFVI-6000-OUTD-US (-A) (240V) Inverter ¢ x Y - ° 44_r •} }.�'...iP��IIj� __ill _{�.ap'�• (KY&n:,, i^}---� .a,:p ��ppPI n y} '--'T--' t.:v_ I C• -c-��..J a {"• I A. . r d ,1 _ ��. �i r� .� .�Y,�' 2 �_ lu � !..i.,:,��-�. a t. �••-�"-it-:Y.'� i `C _ .:'1,�^ L- _ (-`,, A��w - _- - ) i �, - Y' t l: i'-..: .1.,.:..5.S-.t_"s. f�-{-`-• i i. i s -+i f -_ t J r-. - _ ^i'1°Yk: r�`:+:�-• - - _ - , A Lj FRONT 3.0 _ OF HOME w = ' : . , `�. �, IJERTI�� —e • • • • pr"�, -�;-.-,r "�"# � � J ;��,� -� F� i�: lL, �, �10 ill g rid f1_ 2014 Roof Details - w ' f�' ) r • fi ( ,KEVIEWEG rUF CQIVIPLIA New Metal ,a ' f� c W �! Pitch: roof - 340 r Rafters: 2 x 10 f f F t a = Mounting System Details �} :-71 on 16 center: Mfgr:. CreoTecc Product: Cre"oMount s f" 25.6' r ` 'ght of PV modules, mounts &�racking: 1;001 :,5 lbs: Wei Might per attachment-, 47.7 lbs. - - ro Weight per square foot: 2.85 .� ., Area of.Array: 351 .3 sq. ft. �F r mo _ - Details for unting screw'locations for standoffsto be code compliant. Standoff locations depicted with "o withing these tolerances. Allowable spacing is'72" typical spacing used will be 48" or 72"'for a-total of 21 standoffs. x CreoTecc �> Racking 21'each � - Overhang Rail Spacing( end rnau n r�np 25%L mex R 1, an,L-e'i _ 1S.MIII I�LQI IG ai E r Universal Metal;Bracket Freedom Solar, Inc. �5 wwwFreedomSolarnet ._r z. .-f, i. ._ �•• amn M .r.•_....,... 100% - . .' r° Caftmia�bcense 940612 Campbell CR:95008 (408)613 2300 r„odule RESI-DENTIAL'GRID TIED SOLAR Pv°SYSTEM helgfit'(fvF) F_REED'ON! Hwa-Ling Liaw - - `" 1_-060 W, Hill Ct. �a '� ertino, 950'14, SOLA R k a 408-838=1388 hwalin liaw ahoo.com APN# :362-27-,042 - - SIZE FSC,M N& DWG'NO.. REV _ . rina. I .4 \ t DRAWN BY: Ma ' Z'erk.- �. 72:Max; B 1 A ' (F3uilding Slrticture) - - DATE_ 08101'12014 SCALE not to;scale ++ SITE PLAN SHEET 2 of 2.