PC Summary 03-27-2018To: Mayor and City Council Members From: Benjamin Fu, Assistant Director of Community Development Date: March 28, 2018 Subj: REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISIONS MADE March 27, 201.8 Chapter of the Cupertino Municipal code provides for appeal of decisions made by the ]Manning Commission 1. Application DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, ASA -2017-04, Amir Khojasteh (Liaoning Benefit Petroleum (US) Corp), 18850 Barnhart Ave Development Permit to allow the demolition of the existing 1,177 sq. ft. auto repair shop and the construction of a new 2,471 sq. ft. new convenience store; an Architectural and Site approval for the construction of a new 2,471 sq. ft. convenience mart, on-site work including new canopy over gas pumps, relocation of all four dual -head pumps, paving for off-street parking and landscaping, and off-street improvements off S De Anza consistent with the South De Anza Conceptual Plan; a Use Permit to allow for the construction of a new 2, 471 sq. ft. convenience mart at an existing 76 gas station Action The Planning Commission approved the application(s) on a 4-0-1 vote (Takahashi absent) Enclosures: Planning Commission Report March 27, 2018 Planning Commission Resolution(s) 6851, 6852, 6853 Plan Set 2. Application U-2017-01, ASA -2017-02, John Schwarz (Valley Church of Santa Clara County), 10885 N Stelling Road Conditional Use and Architectural and Site Approval Permits to consider ,a request to continue operating five tennis courts, associated fencing, and lighting installed and, operated without prior permits at Valley Church. g.planning/Post Hearing/suinmanj to cc012318 Action The Planning Commission approved the application(s) on a 4-0-1 vote (Takahashi absent) Enclosures: Planning Commission Report March 27, 2018 Planning Commission Resolution(s) 6854, 6855 Plan Set 2 R SUBJECT OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE e CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3308 - FAX (408) 777-3333 ]PLANNING COMMISSION S'T'AFF REPORT Meeting: March 27, 2018 Consider the proposed replacement of an existing gasoline service station and an auto repair shop (1,221 s.f.,) with an updated gasoline service station and a convenience market (2,419 s.f.); .and consider the proposed convenience market, concurrent sale of alcoholic beverages and gasoline, and proposed 24-hour operations at the site as conditional uses. (Application No(s): DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, ASA -2017-04; Applicant(s): Amir Khojasteh; Location: 10490 S. De Anza Blvd; APN: 369-39-041) RECOMMENDED ACTIONS That the Planning Commission adopt the draft resolutions to: 1. Find the project exempt from CEQA; 2. Approve the Development Permit (DP -2017-02); 3. Approve the Conditional Use Permit (U-2017-03) for: a. A 2,419 s.f. convenience market; b. Concurrent sale of alcoholic beverages and gasoline; c. 24-hour operations for the gasoline service station and convenience market; and 4. Approve the Architectural and Site Approval Permit (ASA -2017-04). DISCUSSION Project Data.: er�reall P`°Des Commercial/Residential _gfm,sas South De AnzaSpecial Area '11:2M �1111121*; Z®fl��g 3 es�gafl�E P (CG) Planned Development General Commercial �F� y.d Y Rig � ' �s�xflS$Illl 3 t h°, >fl' . pF Z 4 x �'r� IDSed� ,.ABLE3,s$'.SGwr.,..,�+. R tr:✓''sm�re.'�.a'rw5nss'�.a'Y✓r_-„„.L �,E'r�,3',;,.._ .�,».kHm4'3�.._�?"„�Zi3'i 16,097`s.f. 0:36 / acres 14,103 s.f. / 0.32 acres 01-112 1,221 s.f. 419 .. , s.f. 8% 17% DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Page 2 �.,7s f�y"#'ekf,rs;zrsr�"� xi°ri�.`�.r.,-:''�f°i y.'�� tiar�r�,i�ys ,� fir® osedl we�l�Ze �nre� �prvw � arenrvn;�� 18'-8" 30' max. mg -W. �18�.�][nng�e�acoynaco�� 73 35 , ' iw��iy�aa�`�'���3au sEs W kroe WIN_ l�n����Cra�4Ptt�Ci�gStudy) 8 7 18�e7]LI[[�a7clka� ��x��, 2 2 f Sundaa= rdall 24 hours On ISO OeHner��'g.A Yes Envrrori nenta lssessment Categorically Exempt Page 2 DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Paze 3 The South De Anza Conceptual Plan was enacted in 1985 for the purpose of maintaining active commercial uses along the street by creating a landscape boulevard that would provide an active pedestrian corridor while also increasing the traffic capacity and safety of S. De Anza Blvd, a major thoroughfare within the City. The design standards are applied to new development, redevelopment, and use changes for the properties to the west of S. De Anza Blvd from Scofield Avenue to Pacifica Drive and on both sides of S. De Anza Blvd from Pacifica Drive to Bollinger Road. Application Requests The applicant and architect, Amir Khojasteh, representing the property owner is requesting permits to consider the proposed replacement of an existing 76 gasoline service station and an auto repair shop (1,221 s.f.) with an updated gasoline service station and a convenience market (2,419 s.f.) and associated site improvements, including paving for off-street parking and landscaping. The property owner has identified that they wish to sell alcoholic beverages at the convenience market and operate 24 hours a day at this location. The Municipal Code (CMC 19.60.030 and 19.132) requires review and approval of the convenience market, the 24-hour operation, and the concurrent sale of alcohol and gasoline, as conditional uses, by the Planning Commission. Analysis: General Plan and Zoning Compliance The existing automotive service station is a use consistent with the General Plan Land Use Designation of Commercial/Office/Residential and is permitted as a conditional use within the general commercial zoning district. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a convenience market, 24-hour operations of the convenience market and the gasoline station and concurrent sales of alcohol and gasoline. These uses would be consistent with the General Plan Land Use designation and the zoning district, if the Planning Commission permits them. An analysis of the proposed conditional uses is presented later in this report. Existing Use and Proposed Changes The current site has four gasoline fuel dispensers sheltered by an overhead canopy, and a single -story 1,221 s.f. building that consists of a pay station office with a small area dedicated to retailing food and beverages, and an auto repair shop. There is currently no enclosure for the trash containers on the site. There are also three existing landscape planters on the site - one along the western property line, one along the southern property line and one close to the existing building on the site. Page 3 DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Page 4 The applicant proposes to make the following improvements at the site as indicated in Attachment 4: Relocate the four existing fuel dispensers to accommodate wider drive aisles between dispensers; ® Replace the existing overhead canopy with a new 19 feet tall overhead canopy that utilizes materials and colors compatible with the proposed building ® Demolish the existing building and construct a new convenience market (net new 1,198 s.f.); ® Construct a new trash enclosure; © Provide landscaping and tree shading consistent with the parking lot landscaping requirements listed in CMC 19.124; Provide landscaping and sidewalk consistent with the intent of the South De Anza Conceptual Plan; and ® Consolidate driveway openings along Pacifica Drive. Planning Area Development Allocation The project proposes to construct a new convenience market with an increase of 1,198 s.f. of net new commercial allocation. Currently, there is no available commercial development allocation within the South De Anza Planning Area. However, there is 819, I 327 s.f. available within the Heart of the 'City Special Area. The General Plan allows development allocations to be transferred between Special Areas if there are no, further impacts than those already identified by the General Plan EIR prepared in 2014. The trip generation of the proposed project is under the threshold for necessitating the preparation of a Traffic Impact Analysis per Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority's (VTA) Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines. Furthermore, as discussed later, the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. Therefore, the additional requested commercial square feet will be drawn from available allocations within the Heart of the City Planning Area. Architectural Design and Site Planning The applicant incorporated recommendations from the City's consulting architect by providing a facade that is visually cohesive through architectural style, material choice, and color schemes. The building is designed with a flat -roof contemporary style utilizing bold red and black painted aluminum panels for the roof edging, building awning and overhead canopy. The proposal also includes two -foot tall silver corrugated metal panels to complement the contemporary style while providing required screening of utilities and other rooftop equipment. Additionally, the new aluminum awnings will wrap around the building to give the facade more depth and enhance the modern appearance. The overhang of the roof of the building and the canopy are supported with columns that Page 4 DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Page 5 are wrapped with brushed aluminum that further accentuates the clean lines of the contemporary style. The overall height of the building is 15 feet to the top of the flat roof and; 17 feet to the top of the aluminum roof screening. At the entry, the height is measured 18 feet 8 inches to the top of the parapet of the entry feature, which provides the building with additional dimension and added height only for the prominent entry way into the building. In General Plan: Community Vision 2015-2040, the primary building bulk is required to fall under a 1:1 slope line and the South De Anza Conceptual Plan requires a 35 -foot setback measured between the street curb line and building. These plans allow for varied setback to height standards where the encroachment does not affect privacy or contribute to excessive building mass as viewed by a resident. The proposed building and canopy is below the required 1:1 slope line requirement with the building at a setback of more than 70 feet and the canopy at a 23 -foot setback. The primary building along S. De Anza Blvd is below a required 1:1 slope line measured from the boulevard curb line and therefore, is consistent with the required building plane standard. The overhead canopy is encroaching into the required building setback but does not contribute to the building mass, therefore, the proposed canopy complies with the applicable design and development regulations. As a solution to ensure visual and physical connectivity between the building and the street, the building's fagade is about 40% glass and will be kept clear of spandrels, ads, and posters, unless permitted through review by the Planning Division and as permitted by the Sign Ordinance. Additionally, as part of the proposal, the property owner will remove the fence along the eastern property line to integrate the pedestrian access walkway proposed off Pacifica and along the eastern property line. A condition of approval has been added to ensure that the applicant complies with this requirement prior to final occupancy. There currently is no physical structure to contain the trash receptacles that are generally stored to the south or west of the existing auto body shop. As part of the redevelopment, the applicant proposes to construct a trash enclosure designed in compliance with the City's "Guidelines for Non -Residential Building Trash and Recycling Enclosures." This will be reviewed and approved by the City's Environmental Services Division prior to issuance of building permits. Landscaping and Trees The South De Anza Conceptual Plan requires that development, redevelopment, or use changes that require a Conditional Use Permit provide sidewalk and landscape improvements consistent with the "Long -Term Sidewalk" design which has provisions for a landscape boulevard that spans 20 feet. Measured from the face -of -curb, a ten -foot Page 5 DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Page 6 landscape area and utility easement, bisected evenly by the property line, is followed by a standard five-foot sidewalk and a second row of trees. The applicant has proposed site improvements to satisfy these requirements to the extent possible, given the lot configuration. Currently, the existing property line along S. De Anza is ten feet from the face -of -curb and allows for a five-foot wide landscape planter and a five-foot wide sidewalk to be located within the existing public right-of-way. The applicant has proposed to provide six on-site trees, located adjacent to proposed parking stalls, to comply with the required tree planting ratio per every five parking stalls. There appears to be a tree in the landscape planter closest to the existing building on site. However, the applicant has not requested for a tree removal permit. Therefore, it is assumed that the applicant intends to retain the tree. Should removal of the tree be desired, a tree removal permit to ensure that the proposal is reviewed appropriately and that the final species of replacement trees be reviewed and approved by the City in consultation with the City's Consulting Arborist prior to issuance of demolition permits. Site Improvements During the review process, the applicant worked with the Public Works Department to secure a land dedication of about 2,000 s.f. with the maximum depth about 20 feet (See sheet A2.0 for Attachment 4.) This dedication was determined to be the appropriate developer contribution to the De Anza Blvd/McClellan/Pacifica Signal Modification Project. The project is intended to better align the currently off -set intersection (Figure 1 above) to increase efficiency of the traffic flow through this major corridor. The Public Works Department has included this project as part of the Capital Improvement Program, and the start date of this project is contingent on accumulating sufficient developer contributions and supplementary funds. The project is anticipated to include relocating two street signal poles, concrete and striping work, and the consolidation of the Pacifica driveways to this site. This applicant, however, will only be responsible for the land dedication and driveway consolidation. Ingress/Egress The site has three existing driveways for ingress/egress: a 39 -foot wide driveway off of S. De Anza Blvd (western driveway); a 77 -foot wide driveway at the apex of the curve at the intersection of S. De Anza Blvd and Pacifica Drive (middle driveway); and a 21 -foot wide driveway off Pacifica Drive (eastern driveway). As part of the street improvements to enhance the pedestrian experience by reducing the number of driveway cuts, in compliance with the General Plan Goal for Walkability and Bikeability under Policy M- 3.5 Curb Cuts, and to improve vehicular safety, the applicant proposes to reduce the western driveway from 39 feet to 30 feet; and to consolidate the middle driveway and the Page 6 DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Paae 7 eastern driveway into one 29 -foot driveway in the location of where the current eastern driveway is located to conform to the City's Public Works standards for commercial driveway widths (minimum 24 feet, maximum 32 feet). A condition of approval has been added to ensure that this is completed prior to final occupancy. Parking General commercial uses are required to comply with the ratios listed in the zoning code (CMC 19.124) by providing 1 parking stall per 250 s.f. of floor area (4.0 stalls per thousand s.f.). The new 2,419 s.f. convenience market would require the property owner to provide ten total auto parking stalls as off-street parking. However, due to the site constraints as a result of dedication to the City, expansion of the footprint of the building and relocation of the gas dispensers, the property owner requested that a parking study be prepared to consider an alternate parking ratio for the proposed uses on the site. The property is located within a Planned Development zoning district which is specifically intended to encourage a variety in development pattern and allows for flexibility in land use and design regulations, such as parking standards. A parking study provides data upon which a decision regarding an alternate parking ratio can be made, therefore, on behalf of the City, Fehr & Peers, Transportation Consultants, conducted a parking study based on a survey of three existing gasoline service stations in the City. The parking study (Attachment 5) concluded that seven parking spaces would be sufficient to meet the off-site parking demand for the proposed uses. The property owner has provided eight spaces which have been indicated on the project plans. The applicant will comply with the City's bike parking requirements. SigLiage Signage details are not complete and are considered excluded from this permit application. Staff will review the signage proposal with the property owner at the time the applicant applies for a sign permit through the Building Division. Conditional Uses The applicant has prepared a business plan to address the need for the three conditional uses that are being requested (see Attachment 6.) The Cupertino Municipal Code Section 19.08 defines a "convenience market as a use or activity that includes the retail sale of food, beverages, and small personal convenience items, including sale of food in disposable containers primarily for off -premises consumption, and typically found in establishments with long or late hours of operation and in relatively small buildings, but excluding delicatessens and other specialty food shops and establishments which have a sizable assortment of fresh fruits, vegetables, and fresh -cut meats." However, since the proposed use is at an automotive service station, per Municipal Code Section 19.08, "the Page 7 DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Page 8 sale of food or grocery items on the same site is prohibited except for soft drinks and snack foods, either from automatic vending machines or from shelves." The proposed use meets this definition and therefore, conforms to the requirements of the Municipal Code. The applicant is seeking approval for 24-hour operations for both the convenience market and the gasoline service station. In accordance with the General Commercial Ordinance Section 19.60.030, commercial businesses are allowed to remain open outside of regular business hours (7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.) with a Conditional Use Permit. Over the years, the Planning Commission has approved extended hours use permits for businesses that include restaurants, coffeshops and breakfast shops, and gasoline service stations and convenience markets with appropriate conditions of approval and if found to be a compatible use. It is fairly common for gasoline stations and convenience markets to operate 24 hours a day. Finally, the applicant is also requesting to sell beer and wine in the proposed convenience market. A Use Permit is required for the concurrent sale of gasoline and alcoholic beverages in a General Commercial (CG) zone per Chapter 19.132 of the Municipal Code, and may be permitted, by the Planning Commission, if the use is compatible with existing and planned uses in the area. This property/is located along a major thoroughfare adjacent to commercial shopping centers to the west and south. The proposal complies with the restrictions contained in Chapter 19.132 for the concurrent sale of gasoline and alcoholic beverages. The alcohol will be stored and displayed in the permanently affixed coolers located against the eastern wall of the proposed convenience market. The applicant has also indicated the five-foot clearance area from the cash register and the front door which must be kept clear of beer or wine displays on the project plans (see Sheet A.3.0 of Attachment 4) Please see Table 1 below for a survey of other Cupertino gas stations that were approved for conditional use permits that permitted convenience markets, concurrent sales of alcoholic beverages, and/or 24-hour operations of on-site uses. Table 1: Existing gas stations and approved uses 76 Gas and 7 -Eleven Convert existing gasoline service bays to a 'convenience market, 21530 Stevens Creek propose concurrent sales of alcoholic beverages and gasoline (U - Blvd 2011-09) Page 8 DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Page 9 Gas Station & Address Approved Uses Chevron Demolish existing gasoline service station and auto repair shop 10023 S. De Anza and replace with new 24-hour gasoline service station with Blvd convenience market (U-1997-10) Valero Demolish existing gasoline service station and replace with new 10002 N. De Anza gasoline service station with drive-through car wash (U-1998-05) Blvd Concurrent sales of alcoholic beverages and gasoline (M-2006-02) Valero (previously 24-hour operation at a gasoline service station (U-1987-19) Chevron) Car wash service at existing gasoline service station (U-2009-02) 1699 S. De Anza Blvd Concurrent sales of alcoholic beverages and gasoline (U-2012-02) The proposed convenience market is located at least 300 feet from the closest residence at a visible intersection in the City. The layout of the convenience market orients it to S. De Anza Blvd with approximately 40% of the wall facing S. De Anza Blvd having fenestrations leaving much of the interior visible from the street. The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office did not identify any public safety concerns associated with the new proposal, but recommended the installation of high resolution video surveillance cameras strategically located to visually cover the entire site. This is included as a condition of approval. A condition of approval to require the property owner to address security concerns in the event that they may arise is also included. Finally, a condition of approval has been added to ensure reimbursement of the costs of supplemental public safety services, should the need arise. The City contracts its law enforcement services with the Santa Clara County Sheriff. This contract covers basic services, such as, crime prevention patrols, investigative services. The contract also allows the City and the Sheriff's Department to mutually agree upon supplemental services, such as, crime prevention patrols beyond those acceptable of being scheduled and within the capability of the Sheriff to provide. Should the need arise for such supplemental services due to this operation, the City and/or Sheriff Department may agree upon these services, for reimbursement by the applicant. Since the City has a cost - recovery policy for services provided, the costs associated with supplemental services related to the proposed operation, must be reimbursed by the applicant. The applicant is aware of this condition of approval. Environmental Assessment: This project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Section 15303 New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) because the proposed use would occur within City limits and would be surrounded by existing urban uses. Page 9 DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Page 10 Other Department/Agency Review: The City's Building Division, Public Works Department, Environmental Services Division, the Santa Clara County Fire Department, and the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office reviewed the project and have no objections. PUBLIC NO'T'ICING & OUTREACH The following table is a brief summary of the noticing done for this project: ® Site Signage (14 days prior to the hearing) ® Legal ad placed in newspaper (at least 10 days prior to the hearing) ® 60 public hearing notices mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the project site (10 days to the ® Posted on the City's official notice bulletin board (one week prior to the hearing) ® Posted on the City of Cupertino's website (one week prior to the hearing) No public comments have been received as of the date of production of this staff report (March 21, 2018). PERMIT STREAMLINING ACT This project is subject to the Permit Streamlining Act (Government Code Section 65920 — 65964). The City has complied with the deadlines found in the Permit Streamlining Act. .Project Received: January 23, 2017; Deemed Incomplete. February 22, 2017 Project Resubmission: May 22, 2017; Deemed Incomplete: June 20, 2017 Project Resubmission: November 20, 2017; Deemed Incomplete: December 20, 2017 Project Resubmission: January 19, 2018; Deemed Incomplete: February 19, 2018 Project Resubmission March 12, 2018; Deemed Complete: March 14, 2018 Since this project is Categorically Exempt, the City has 60 days (until May 14, 2018) to make a decision on the project. CONCLUSION Staff recommends approval of the project since the project and conditions of approval address all concerns related to the proposed development and all of the findings for approval of the proposed project, consistent with Chapters 19.156 and 19.168 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, may be made. Page 10 DP -2017-02, U-2017-03, 76 Gas Station March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-04 10490 S. De Anza Blvd Page 11 NEXT STEPS Should the project be approved, the Planning Commission's decision on this project is final unless an appeal is filed within 14 calendar days of the date of the mailing of the decision, on April 13, 2018. This approval expires on March 27, 2020, at which time the applicant may apply for a one-year extension. Prepared by: Ellen Yau, Assistant Planner Reviewed by: Piu Ghosh, Principal Planner Approved by: Benjamin Fu, Assistant Director of Community Development ATTACHMENTS: 1— Draft Resolution for DP -2017-02 2 — Draft Resolution for U-2017-03 3 — Draft Resolution for ASA -2017-04 4 — Plan Set 5 — Parking Study 6 — Business Plan Page 11 MEN DP -20i7-02 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 6851 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF AN EXISTING 76 GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AND AN AUTO REPAIR SHOP (1,221SO. FT.,) WITH AN UPDATED GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AND A CONVENIENCE MARKET (2,419 SO. FT.) LOCATED AT 10490 S DE ANZA BLVD (APN 369-39-041) SECTION I: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: DP -2017-02 Applicant: Amir Khojasteh Location: 10495 S Ike Anza Blvd SECTION II: FINDINGS FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Development Permit as described in Section I. of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given as required by the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held at least one public hearing in regard to the application; and WHEREAS, the project is determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA); and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds as follows with regard to this application: 1. The proposed development, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 2 The proposal is an update of an existing gasoline station with an increase of the net square footage (1,198 square feet) to accommodate for a convenience market and the relocation of the existing four fuel dispensers.'The redevelopment and expansion of uses to accommodate for the convenience market will enhance the commercial activity along S. De Anza Blvd by providing additional commercial square footage, improving sidewalks and driveways, contributing land through a dedication to support the De Anza Blvd/McClellan/Pacifica Signal Modification Project, and provide landscaping and tree canopy coverage in the newly striped parking lot and along the S. De Anza Blvd frontage. Therefore, the proposal will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity. 2. The proposed development will be located and conducted in a manner in accord with the Cupertino Comprehensive General Plan and the purpose of this title and complies with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The proposed development is in conformance with the Cupertino General Plan as part of the South De Anza Special Area. The South De Anza Special Area is intended to continue as a predominantly commercial area with neighborhood centers, commercial office and residential uses and gathering spaces for the community with a focus on promoting active retail and service uses, improved bike and pedestrian connectivity to adjacent neighborhoods and an improved streetscape with landscaping and separated sidewalks. The proposal has met the development standards as defined by the South De Anza Conceptual Plan and the City Municipal Code such as heights, setbacks, and parking requirements. The site is within a Planned Development Zoning District that supports commercial uses. Therefore, the proposed development is consistent with the purpose of the City's zoning ordinance. The project is exempt from CEQA under 15303 (Exemption for New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures).. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of the maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on PAGE 3 thereof,: The project is found to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act and the application for a Development Permit, Application no. DP -2017-02 is hereby approved and that the subconclusions upon -which the findings and conditions specified in this resolution are based and contained in the Public Hearing record concerning Application Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 3 no. DP -2017-02 as set forth in the Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting of March 27, 2018 and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set drawn by AGP Design Group entitled "76 Gas Stations 10490 S. De Anza Blvd." consisting of twenty-six (26) sheets labeled as A.0-0 — A.11.0, L.1.0 — L.2.0, T.0, C.1— C.6, and PH.0 — PH.4 except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. 2. ACCURACY OF PROTECT PLANS The applicant/property owner is responsible to verify all pertinent property data including but not limited to property boundary locations, building setbacks, property size, building square footage, any relevant easements and/or construction records. Any misrepresentation of any property data may invalidate this approval and may require additional review. 3. ANNOTATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The conditions of approval set forth shall be incorporated into and annotated on the first page of the building plans. 4. CONCURRENT APPROVAL CONDITIONS The conditions of approval contained in file nos. U-2017-03 and ASA -2017-04 shall be applicable to this approval. 5. GENERAL PLAN DEVELOPMENT ALLOCATION The applicant shall receive an allocation of 1,198 s. f. of the available 819, 327 s. f. commercial allocations for Heart of the City Special Area. 6. HOUSING MITIGATION FEES The applicant shall participate in the City's Below Market Rate (BMR) Housing Program by paying housing mitigation fees prior to issuance of building permits as per the Housing Mitigation Manual. 7. PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN A demolition and construction management plan shall be submitted and reviewed prior to building permit issuance. Prior to commencement of construction activities, the applicant shall arrange for a pre -construction meeting with the pertinent departments (Building, Planning, and Public Works) to review the prepared Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 4 construction management plan, to ensure that construction complies with the conditions of approval, staging of construction equipment is appropriate, tree protection measures are in place, public access routes are identified is defined, and noise and dust control measures are established. 8. CONSTRUCTION HOURS Construction activities shall be limited to Monday through Friday, 7 am to 8 pm and Saturday and Sunday, 9 am to 6 pm. Construction activities are not allowed on holidays. Maximum noise levels are delineated in the City's Community Noise Control Ordinance. The developer shall be responsible for educating all contractors and subcontractors of said construction restrictions. Rules and regulations pertaining to all construction activities and limitations identified in this permit, along with the name and telephone number of a developer appointed disturbance coordinator, shall be posted in a prominent location at the entrance to the job site. 9. NOISE LEVELS AND ABATEMENT Project construction and use shall comply with the City's Community Noise Control Ordinance at all times. Should the. project exceed any of the stipulated maximum noise levels outlined in the City's Community Noise Control Ordinance, an acoustical engineer may be required to submit noise attenuation measures to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development at the applicant's expense. 10. DUST CONTROL The following construction practices shall be implemented during all phases of construction for the proposed project to prevent visible dust emissions from leaving the site: a) Water all active construction areas at least twice daily and more often during windy periods to prevent visible dust from leaving the site; active areas adjacent to windy periods; active areas adjacent to existing land uses shall be kept damp at all times, or shall be treated with non-toxic stabilizers or dust palliatives. b) Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and(other loose materials or require all trucks to maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard; c) Pave, apply water at least three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites. d) Sweep streets daily, or more often if necessary (preferably with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. e) The applicant shall incorporate the City's construction best management practices into the building permit plan set. Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 5 11. CONSULTATION WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS The applicant is responsible to consult with other departments and/or agencies with regard to the proposed project for additional conditions and requirements. Any misrepresentation of any submitted data may invalidate an approval by the Community Development Department. 12. INDEMNIFICATION Except as otherwise prohibited by law, the applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its City Council, and its officers, employees and agents (collectively, the "indemnified parties") from and against any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against one or more of the indemnified parties or one or more of the indemnified parties and the applicant to attack, set aside, or void this Resolution or any permit or approval authorized hereby for the project, including (without limitation) reimbursing the City its actual attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defense of the litigation. The applicant shall pay such attorneys' fees and costs within 30 days following receipt of invoices from City. Such attorneys' fees and costs shall include amounts paid to counsel not otherwise employed as City staff and shall include City Attorney time and overhead costs and other City staff overhead costs and any costs directly related to the litigation reasonably incurred by City. 13. NOTICE OF FEES,'DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS, OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90 -day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. SECTION IV: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 14. STREET WIDENING AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Public street widening and dedications shall be provided in accordance with City Standards and specifications and as required by the City Engineer. The Developer shall provide the City with a dedication in fee of a variable strip of land, approximately 20' in width, along the north and northwest portions of the property, Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27; 2018 Page 6 to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Developer shall also provide the City with a temporary construction easement along the property frontage to facilitate the construction of the intersection improvements and any conform areas within the property. The dedication will be utilized by the Public Works Department to construct intersection and signal improvements at the intersection of De Anza Blvd and Pacifica Drive to address inefficiencies in traffic operations. The Developer will be responsible for installing all required frontage improvements other than those directly associated with the intersection modifications. 15. FAIR -SHARE CONTRIBUTION The Developer shall provide the City with a fair -share contribution of 25% of the total cost towards the intersection improvements. 16. CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS Sidewalks, driveway approaches, curb and gutters and related structures shall be installed in accordance with grades and standards as specified by the City Engineer. 17. PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE IMPROVEMENTS Developer shall provide pedestrian and bicycle related improvements consistent with the Cupertino Bicycle Transportation Plan and the Pedestrian Transportation Guidelines, and as approved by the City Engineer. 18. BICYCLE PARKING Developer shall provide bicycle parking consistent with the City's requirements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 19. EARTHWORK Earthwork shall be as approved and required by the City Engineer in accordance with Chapter 16.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. 401 Certifications and 404 permits maybe required. Please contact the County Health Department, Army Corp of Engineers and/or Regional Water (duality Control Board as appropriate. 20. DRAINAGE Drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Any storm_ water overflows or surface sheeting should be directed away from neighboring private properties and to the public right of way as much as reasonably possible. Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 7 Any onsite drainage inlets shall be equipped with an approved trash capture and filtering device, and the property owner will be responsible for ensuring the proper cleaning and maintenance of these facilities. 21. C.3 REQUIREMENTS Per the NPDES permit, this project would be a C.3 regulated project should it create and/or replace 5,000 S.F. or more of impervious surface (collectively over the entire project site). Stormwater treatment improvements would be required if this threshold is reached, and the developer would be required to reserve a minimum of 4% of developable surface area for the placement of low impact development measures, for storm water treatment, unless an alternative storm water treatment plan, that satisfies C.3 requirements, is approved by the City Engineer. The developer must include the use and maintenance of site design, source control and storm water treatment Best Management Practices (BMPs), which must be designed per approved numeric sizing criteria. A Storm Water Management Pian, Storm Water Facilities Easement Agreement, Storm Water Facilities Operation and Maintenance Agreement, and certification of ongoing operation and maintenance of treatment BMPs are each required. All storm water management plans are required to obtain certification from a City approved third party reviewer. 22. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Developer shall comply with the requirements of the Underground Utilities Ordinance No.. 331 and other related Ordinances and regulations of the City of Cupertino, and shall coordinate with affected utility providers for installation of underground utility devices. Developer shall submit detailed plans showing utility underground provisions. Said plans shall be subject to prior approval of the affected Utility provider and the City Engineer. 23. TRANSFORMERS Electrical transformers, telephone cabinets and similar equipment shall be placed in underground vaults. The developer must receive written approval from both the Public Works Department and the Community Development Department prior to installation of any above ground equipment. Should above ground equipment be permitted by the City, equipment and enclosures shall be screened with fencing and landscaping such that said equipment is not visible from public street areas, as determined by the Community Development Department. Transformers shall not be located in the front or side building setback area. Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 8 24. WATER BACKFLOW PREVENTERS Domestic and Fire Water Backflow preventers and similar above ground equipment shall be placed away from the public right of way and site driveways to a location approved by the Cupertino Planning Department, Santa Clara County Fire Department and the water company. 25. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Utilize Best Management Practices (BMPs), as required by the State Water Resources Control Board, for construction activity, which disturbs soil. PMP plans shall be included in grading and street improvement plans. 26. NPDES CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT When and where it is required by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), the developer must obtain a Notice of Intent (NOI) from the SWRCB, which encompasses preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), use of construction Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control storm water runoff quality, and BMP inspection and maintenance. 27. EROSION CONTROL PLAN Developer must provide an approved erosion control plan by a Registered Civil Engineer. This plan should include all erosion control measures used to retain materials on site. Erosion control notes shall be stated on the plans. 28. WORK SCHEDULE Every 6 months, the developer shall submit a work schedule to the City to show the timetable for all grading/erosion control work in conjunction with this project. 29. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN The developer must submit a traffic control plan by a Registered Traffic Engineer to be approved by the City. The plan shall include a temporary traffic control plan for work in the right of wayas well as a routing plan for all vehicles used during construction. All traffic control signs must be reviewed and approved by the City prior to commencement of work. The City has adopted Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards for all signage and striping work throughout the City. 30. STREET TREES Street trees shall be planted within the Public Right of Way to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and shall be of a type approved by the City in accordance with Ordinance No. 125. Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 9 31. FIRE PROTECTION Fire sprinklers shall be installed in any new construction to the approval of the City. A letter of clearance for the project shall be obtained from the Santa Clara County Fire Department prior to issuance of building permits. Clearance should include written approval of the location of any proposed Fire Backflow Preventers, Fire Department Connections and Fire Hydrants (typically Backflow Preventers should be located on private property adjacent to the public right of way, and fire department connections must be located within 100' of a Fire Hydrant). 32. FIRE HYDRANT Fire hydrants shall be located as required by the City and Santa Clara County Fire Department as needed. 33. SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY CLEARANCE Provide San Jose Water Company approval for water connection, service capability and location and layout of water lines and backflow preventers before issuance of a building permit approval. 34. DEDICATION OF UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS Developer shall "quit claim" to the City all rights to pump, take or otherwise extract water from the underground basin or any underground strata in the Santa Clara Valley. 35. SANITARY DISTRICT A letter of clearance for the project shall be obtained from the Cupertino Sanitary District prior to issuance of building permits. 36. UTILITY EASEMENTS Clearance approvals from the agencies with easements on the property (including PG&E, AT&T, and California Water Company, and/or equivalent agencies) will be required prior to issuance .of building permits. SECTION V: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS DIVISION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO 37. FULL TRASH CAPTURE STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN INSERTS For projects located in medium and high trash management areas as defined by the City of Cupertino Trash Management Area Map or are adjacent to a creek, full trash capture storm drain catch basin inserts may be required. A Maintenance Agreement and certification of ongoing operation and maintenance of the devices in accordance with the manufacturers recommended specifications is required. Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 10 38. STORM DRAIN INLET MARKERS All exterior storm drain inlets on the property shall be clearly marked with "No Dumping Flows to Creek" or "No Dumping Flows to Bay'. 39. EXTERIOR COPPER The exterior use of copper for roofing materials, rain gutters, downspouts, or any ornamental enhancement is prohibited. Small copper adornments such as door handles or fence post caps are exempted. 40. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE RECYCLING Construction, demolition, and renovation projects which are 3000 square feet or more are required to submit a completed Waste Management Plan demonstrating that a minimum of 60% of the material generated is recycled consistent with the provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code Section 16.72. SECTION VI: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 41. FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new and existing buildings and structures shall be provided the locations described in this Section or in Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.19 whichever is the more restrictive. For the purposes of this section, firewalls and fire barriers used to separate building areas shall be constructed in accordance with the California Building Code and shall be without opening or penetrations. 42. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/ or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the "system(s) . under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record ae documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2010 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 11 43. CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY All construction sites musty comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification S!-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals as appropriate to the project. CFC Chapter 33. 44. HAZMAT REVIEW A separate review by our HAZMAT Division is required. Detailed plans for the proposed system must be submitted separately and directly to our office located at 14700 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, CA. All permits required by the HAZMAT Division must be obtained prior to commencing work, or as indicated by the HAZMAT review. 45. ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in, a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic number or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a'minimum of 4 inches (101.6mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. CFC Sec. 505.1 SECTION VII: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY CUPERTINO SANITARY DISTRICT 46. PERMIT FEES Permit fees shall be required for the subject application based on the proposed area and use modifications 47. IMPROVEMENT PLAINS Improvement plans for the subject project shall be reviewed by the District. Resolution No. 6851 DP -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 12 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of March, 2015, at the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Chair Paulsen, Sun, Fung, Liu NOES: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nice Chair Takahashi ATTEST: /s/Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Assist. Dir. of Community Development APPROVED: /s/Geoff Paulsen Geoff Paulsen Chair, Planning Commission U-2017-03 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 6853 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING A USE PERMIT FOR A CONVENIENCE MARKET (2,419 SQ. FT.) IN CONJUNCTION WITH UPDATES TO AN EXISTING GASOLINE SERVICE STATION, CONCURRENT SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND GASOLINE, AND 24-HOUR OPERATIONS AT 10490 S DE ANZA BLVD (APN 369-39-041) SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: U-2017-03 Applicant: Amir Khojasteh Location: 10495 S De Anza Blvd SECTION II: FINDINGS FOR USE PERMIT: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Use Permit as described in Section I. of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given as required by the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held at least one public hearing in regard ,to the application; and WHEREAS, the project complies with the restrictions for concurrent sales of alcoholic beverages and gasoline as required in Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 19.132.060; WHEREAS, the project is determined to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA); and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds as follows with regard to this application: 1. The proposed use, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; Resolution No. 6853 U-2017-03 March 27, 2018 Page 2 The proposal is an update of an existing gasoline station with an increase of the net square footage (1,198 square feet) to accommodate for a convenience market and the relocation of the existing four fuel dispensers. The redevelopment and expansion of uses to. accommodate for the convenience market will enhance the commercial activity along S. De Anza Blvd by providing additional commercial square footage, improving sidewalks and driveways, contributing land through a dedication to support the De Anza Blvd/McClellan/Pacifica Signal Modification Project, and provide landscaping and tree canopy coverage in the newly striped parking lot and along the S. De Anza Blvd frontage. Therefore, the proposal will not be detrimental or injurious to property or. improvements in the vicinity. 2. The proposed development and/or use will be located and conducted in a manner in- accord riaccord with the Cupertino Comprehensive General Plan, underlying zoning regulations, and the purpose of this title and complies with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The gasoline service station and convenience market use comply with the Cupertino General Plan and Municipal Code requirements, including but not limited to, parking regulations, and security measures. The conditions of approval ensure that the use is conducted in a manner that is consistent with the Cupertino General. Plan and Municipal Code requirements as mandated in Chapter 10.48: Community Noise Control. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of the initial study, maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on PAGE 3 thereof,: The application for a Use Permit, Application no. U-2017- is hereby approved and that the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this resolution are based and contained in the Public Hearing record concerning Application no. U-2017-03 as set forth in the Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting of March 27, 2018 and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set drawn by AGP Design Group entitled "76 Gas Stations 10490 S. De Anza Blvd." consisting of twenty-six (26) sheets labeled as A.0-0 — A.11.0, L.1.0 — L.2.0, T.O, C.1— C.6, and PH,.O — PH.4 except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. Resolution No. 6853 U-2017-03 March 27, 2018 Page 3 2. ACCURACY OF PROTECT PLANS The applicant/property owner is responsible to verify all pertinent property data including but not limited to property boundary locations, building setbacks, property size, building square footage, any relevant easements and/or construction records. Any misrepresentation of any property data may invalidate this approval and may require additional review. 3. ANNOTATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The conditions of approval set forth shall be incorporated into and annotated on the first page of the building plans. 4. CONCURRENT APPROVAL CONDITIONS The conditions of approval contained in file nos. DP -2017-02 and ASA -2017-04 shall be applicable to this approval. 5. PREVIOUS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL All previous conditions of approval from shall remain in effect unless superseded by or in conflict with subsequent conditions of approval, including the conditions contained herein in this resolution. 6. CONVENIENCE MARKET A convenience market is approved at this site in conformance with the conditions of approval contained in this resolution and as specified in the Cupertino Municipal Code. 7. HOURS OF OPERATION The convenience market and gasoline service station is approved for 24 hours per day operation, 7 days per week. 8. CONCURRENT SALE OF GASOLINE AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES The applicant is permitted to concurrently sell beer and wine and gasoline in accordance with the City's Municipal Code requirements for concurrent sales of gasoline and alcohol. 9. ABC APPROVAL The applicant shall obtain all licenses/approvals as required by the State of California Department of Alcohol and Beverage control prior to sales of alcoholic beverages. 10. TRASH AND DELIVERY ACTIVITIES A detailed refuse and truck delivery plan shall be prepared by the applicant. The plan shall specify locations of trash facilities, refuse pick up schedules and truck delivery Resolution No. 6853 U-2017-03 March 27, 2018 Page 4 schedules and routes. All trash facilities must be screened and enclosed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. The final plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. 11. MODIFICATION OF OPERATIONS Changes to the operations determined to be minor shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development. Further, the Director of Community Development is empowered to make adjustments to the operation of the tennis courts to address any documented problem or nuisance situation that may occur. 12. REVOCATION OF USE PERMIT The Director may initiate proceedings for revocation of the Use Permit in any case where, in the judgment of the Director, substantial evidence indicates that the conditions of the conditional use permit have not been implemented, or where the permit is being conducted in a manner detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare, in accord with the requirements of the municipal code. 13. ON-SITE SURVEILLANCE The property owner shall provide plans indicating the location of high resolution video surveillance cameras in strategic locations to cover the entire site prior to the issuance of building permits. Additionally, the property owner shall provide documentation of the installation and proper operation of of the surveillance cameras prior to final occupancy. 14. LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT The property owner shall address security concerns in the event that they arise to the satisfaction of the City. The City reserves the right to require additional security patrols and/or other measures as prescribed by the Sheriff's Office or Code Enforcement for reimbursement by the operator. 15. COVENANT DISCLOSURE The property is under a Cupertino planned development zoning and property purchasers should check with the City to determine the specific restrictions under the Planned Development Zone and related permits. 16. CONSULTATION WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS The applicant is responsible to consult with other departments and/or agencies with regard to the proposed project for additional conditions and requirements. Any misrepresentation of any submitted data may invalidate an approval by the Community Development Department. Resolution No. 6853 U-2017-03 March 27, 2018 Page 5 17. EXPIRATION If the use for which this conditional use permit is granted and utilized has ceased or has been suspended for one year or more, this permit shall be deemed expired and a new use permit application must be applied for and obtained. 18. INDEMNIFICATION Except as otherwise prohibited. by law, the applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its City Council, and its officers, employees and agents (collectively, the "indemnified parties") from and against any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against one or more of the indemnified parties or one or more of the indemnified parties and the applicant to attack, set aside, or void this Resolution or any permit or approval authorized hereby for the project, including (without limitation) reimbursing the City its actual attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defense of the litigation. The applicant shall pay such attorneys' fees and costs within 30 days following receipt of invoices from City. Such attorneys' fees and costs shall include amounts paid to counsel not otherwise employed as City staff and shall include City Attorney time and overhead costs and other City staff overhead costs and any costs directly related to the litigation reasonably incurred by City. 19. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90 -day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. Resolution No. 6853 U-2017-03 March 27, 2018 Page 6 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of March, 2018, at the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS:.Chair Paulsen, Sun, Fung, Liu NOES: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nice Chair Takahashi ATTEST: /s/Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Assist. Dir. of Community Development APPROVED: /s/Geoff Paulsen Geoff Paulsen Chair, Planning Commission ASA -2017-04 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 6852 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AN ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL PERMIT FOR AN UPDATED GASOLINE SERVICE STATION, CONVENIENCE MARKET AND ASSOCIATED SITE IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING PAVING FOR OFF- STREET PARKING AND LANDSCAPING, LOCATED AT 10490 S DE ANZA BLVD (APN 369-39-041) SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: ASA -2017-04 Applicant: Amir Khojasteh (Liaoning Benefit Petroleum (US) Corp) Location: 10495 S De Anza Blvd SECTION II: FINDINGS FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL PERMIT: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received anapplication for a Architectural and Site Approval as described in Section I. of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given as required by the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held at least one public hearing in regard to the application; and WHEREAS, the project is determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds as follows with regard to this application: 1. The proposed development, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; Resolution No. 6852 ASA -2017-04 March 27, 2018 Page 2 The proposal is an update of an existing gasoline station with an increase of the net square footage (1,198 square feet) to accommodate for a convenience market and the relocation of the existing four fuel dispensers. The redevelopment and expansion of uses to accommodate for the convenience market will enhance the commercial activity along S. De Anza Blvd by providing additional commercial square footage, improving sidewalks and driveways, contributing land through a dedication to support the De Anza Blvd/McClellan/Pacifica Signal Modification Project, and provide landscaping and tree canopy coverage in the newly striped parking lot and along the S. De Anza Blvd frontage. Therefore, the proposal will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity. 2. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 19.168, the General Plan any specific plan, zoning ordinances, applicable planned development permit, conditional use permits, variances, subdivision maps or other entitlements to use which regulate the subject property including, but not limited to, adherence to the following specific criteria: a) Abrupt changes in building scale should be avoided. A gradual transition related to height and bulk should be achieved between new and existing buildings. The proposed convenience market is in compliance with the primary building 1:1 slope line requirement listed in the General Plan Community Vision 2015-2040, and the 35 foot setback in the South De Anza Conceptual Plan. Additionally the surrounding commercial uses are designed as one-story commercial buidlings, therefore the height and bulk of the proposed building is compatible with the existing and future character of the architecture along the S. De Anza corridor. b) In order to preserve design harmony between new and existing building and in order to preserve and enhance property values, the materials, textures and colors of new building should harmonize with adjacent development by being consistent or compatible with design and color schemes with the future character of the neighborhoods and purposes of the zone in which they are situated. The location, height and materials of walls, fencing, hedges and screen planting should harmonize with adjacent development. Unsightly storage areas, utility installations and unsightly elements of parking lots should be concealed. The planting of ground cover or various types of pavements should be used to prevent dust and erosion, and the unnecessary destruction of existing healthy trees should be avoided. Lighting for development should be adequate to meet safety requirements as specified by the engineering and building departments, and provide shielding to prevent spill-over light to adjoining property owners. Resolution No. 6852 ASA -2017-04 March 27, 2018 Page 3 The proposed building's mass and bulk is consistent 'with the surrounding developments and proposes a contemporary streamlined architectural style that is consistent with the future character of the S. De Anza Special Area as an active and vibrant commercial corridor that supports nearby, residential uses. The height of the building is aligned with the existing structures and is within the one to two story height limitations as listed in the South De Anza Conceptual Plan. Additionally, existing fencing along the eastern property line will be removed to support connectivity between adjacent properties and promote the pedestrian experience from Pacifica Drive to the proposed building. Furthermore, the proposal also includes a newly constructed trash enclosure which will conceal the trash receptacles on- site. The trash enclosure is visually integrated with the proposed building through the use of similar materials and colors and the physical connection of the roofing of the trash enclosure and the awnings of the building. Final lighting for the development will be reviewed with the construction documents to meet safety requirements while preventing spill-over light to adjacent properties. c) The number, location, color, size, height, lighting and landscaping of outdoor advertising signs and structures have been designed to minimize traffic hazard, positively affect the general appearance of the neighborhood and harmonize with adjacent development. Signage approval is not included in this application d) With respect to new projects within existing residential neighborhoods, new development should be designed to protect residents from noise, traffic, light and visually intrusive effects by use of buffering, setbacks, landscaping, walls and other appropriate design measures. The proposed project is along a commercial corridor with frontage on S. De Anza Blvd, adjacent to commercial and commercial office uses, and located more than 300 feet away from residential neighborhoods, therefore residents are protected from adverse impacts of the redevelopment of an existing gasoline service station. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of the maps, facts, exhibits, testimony, staff's report and presentation, and other evidence submitted in this matter, subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on PAGE 4 thereof,: The application for a Architectural and Site Approval, Application no. ASA -2017-04 is hereby approved and that the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions Resolution No. 6852 ASA -2017-04 March 27, 2018 Page 4 specified in this resolution are based and contained in the Public Hearing record concerning Application no. ASA -2017-04 as set forth in the Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting of March 27, 2018 and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set drawn by AGP Design Group entitled. "76 Gas Stations 10490 S. De Anza Blvd." consisting of twenty-six (26) sheets labeled as A.0-0 — A.11.0, L.1.0 — L.2.0, T.0, C.1— C.6, and PH.0 — PHA except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. 2. ACCURACY OF PROTECT PLANS The applicant/property owner is responsible to verify all pertinent property data including but not limited to property boundary locations, building setbacks, property size, building square footage, any relevant easements and/or construction records. Any misrepresentation of any property data may invalidate this approval and may require additional review. 3. ANNOTATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The conditions of approval set forth shall be incorporated into and annotated on the first page of the building plans. 4. CONCURRENT APPROVAL CONDITIONS The conditions of approval contained in file nos. DP -2017-02 and U-2017-03 shall be applicable to this approval. 5. DRIVEWAY CONSOLIDATION Prior to building permit issuance, the property owner will be required to provide plans indicating the consolidation of the two driveways along Pacifica Drive to the City's Public Works standards for commercial driveways. 6. EXTERIOR BUILDING MATERIALS/TREATMENTS The final building exterior plan shall closely resemble the details shown on the original approved plans. Final building exterior treatment plan (including but not limited to details on exterior color, materials, architectural treatments, doors, windows, lighting fixtures, and/or embellishments) shall be reviewed and approved, by the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits to ensure quality and consistency. Any exterior changes determined to be substantial Resolution No. 6852 ASA -2017-04 March 27, 2018 Page 5 by the Director of Community Development shall either require a modification to this permit or a new permit based on the extent of the change. 7. WINDOW DETAILS The frontage windows shall be kept open and transparent to the greatest extent possible. The final storefront design and window display shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits for tenant improvements. No changes shall be made to the transparency of the windows without the express approval of the Director of Community Development. 8. SITE LIGHTING All lighting must conform to the standards in the Parking Regulations Ordinance, and the final lighting plan (including a detailed photometric plan) shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development prior to building permit issuance. A report from a licensed lighting engineer may be required to confirm all exterior lighting throughout the site complies with the City's Ordinance. 9. LIGHTING INTENSITY ADJUSTMENT The City reserves the right to require the applicant to utilize dimming technology to adjust the lighting intensity of all lighting fixtures when deemed necessary. 10. FENCING The applicant will be required to remove all fencing along the eastern property line to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits. 11. PROTECT AMENDMENTS The Planning Commission shall review amendments to the project considered major by the Director of Community Development. 12. LANDSCAPE PROTECT SUBMITTAL Prior to issuance of building permits, 'the applicant shall submit a full Landscape Documentation Package, per sections 14.15.050 A, B, C, and D of the Landscape Ordinance, for projects with landscape area 500 square feet or more or elect to submit a Prescriptive Compliance Application per sections 14.15.040 A, B, and C for projects with landscape area between 500 square feet and 2,500 square feet. The Landscape Documentation Package or Prescriptive Compliance Application shall be reviewed and approved to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits, and additional requirements per Resolution No. 6852 ASA -2017-04 March 27, 2018 Page 6 sections 14.15.040 D, E, F, and G or 14.15.050 E, F, G, H, and I will be required to be reviewed and approved prior to final inspections. 13. LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION REPORT The project is subject to all provisions delineated in the Landscape Ordinance (CMC, Chapter 14.15). A landscape installation audit shall be conducted by a certified landscape professional after the landscaping and irrigation system have been installed. The findings of the assessment shall be consolidated into a landscape installation report. The landscape installation report shall include, but is not limited to: inspection to confirm that the landscaping and irrigation system are installed as specified in the landscape and irrigation design plan, system tune-up, system. test with distribution uniformity, reporting overspray or run-off that causes overland flow, and preparation of an irrigation schedule. The landscape installation report shall include the following statement: "The landscape and irrigation system have been installed as specified in the landscape and irrigation design plan and complies with the criteria of the ordinance and the permit. 14. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE Per the Landscape Ordinance (CMC, Chapter 14.15), a maintenance schedule shall be established and submitted to the Director of Community Development or his/her designee, either with the landscape application package, with the landscape installation report, or any time before the landscape installation report is submitted. a) Schedules should take into account water requirements for the plant establishment period and water requirements for established landscapes. b) Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to the following: routine inspection; pressure testing, adjustment and repair of the irrigation system, aerating and de - thatching turf areas; replenishing mulch; fertilizing; pruning; replanting of failed plants; weeding; pest control; and removing obstructions to emission devices. c) Failed plants shall be replaced with the same or functionally equivalent plants that may be size -adjusted as appropriate for the stage of growth of the overall installation. Failing plants shall either be replaced or be revived through appropriate adjustments in water, nutrients, pest control or other factors as recommended by a landscaping professional. 15. SCREENING All mechanical and other equipment on the building or on the site shall be screened so they are not visible from public street areas or adjoining developments. Screening materials/colors shall match building features and materials. The height of the Resolution No. 6852 ASA -2017-04 March 27, 2018 Page 7 screening shall be taller than the height of the mechanical equipment that it is designed to screen. The location of equipment and necessary screening shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits. 16. TRANSFORMERS Electrical transformers, telephone cabinets and similar equipment shall be placed in underground vaults. The developer must receive written approval from both the Public Works Department and the Community Development Department prior to installation of any above ground equipment. Should above ground equipment be permitted by the City, equipment and enclosures shall be screened with fencing and landscaping such that said equipment is not visible from public street areas, as determined by the Community Development Department. Transformers shall not be located in the front or side building setback area. 17. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT The applicant understands that any existing trees on-site that are removed will require a Tree Removal Permit. The proposal will be reviewed and the final species of replacement trees shall be reviewed and approved by the City in consultation with the City's Consulting Arborist prior to issuance of demolition permits. 18. ARBORIST REVIEW Prior to building permit issuance, the number, location and species of trees shall be reviewed and approved by the City in consultation with the City's Consulting Arborist. The replacement trees shall be planted prior to building permit final. The Applicant shall provide the Department of Community Development adequate documentation, including, but not limited to, photographs, receipts or invoices, to verify that replacements have been planted. The City's consulting arborist shall inspect the trees after planting and a report ascertaining the good health of the trees mentioned above shall be provided prior to issuance of final occupancy. 19. PROTECTED TREES The applicant understands that the replacement trees may not be removed without a Tree Removal Permit and that they shall be responsible for ensuring the proper maintenance and care of the trees. The applicant shall also disclose the location and species of all replacements trees on site upon sale of the property. Resolution No. 6852 ASA -2017-04 March 27, 2018 Page 8 20. TREE REPLACEMENT The applicant shall provide adequate tree replacements for trees proposed to be removed in conjunction with the proposed project. The number, location and type of trees shall be incorporated into the detailed landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development. 21. SIGNAGE Signage is not approved with this use permit application. Signage shall conform to the City Sign Code. 22. LIGHTING On-site lighting must be in conformance with Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 19.60 and automatic teller machine lighting, specifically, shall meet minimum standards required by the State of California Business and Professions Code. 23. DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS All demolished building and site materials shall be recycled to the maximum extent feasible, in accordance with the City's Recycling and Diversion of Construction and Demolition Waste under Chapter 16.72 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. The applicant shall provide evidence that materials were recycled prior to issuance of final demolition permits. 24. CONSULTATION WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS The applicant is responsible to consult with other departments and/or agencies with regard to the proposed project for additional conditions and requirements. Any misrepresentation of any, submitted data may invalidate an approval by the Community Development Department. 25. INDEMNIFICATION Except as otherwise prohibited by law, the applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its City Council, and its officers, employees and agents (collectively, the "indemnified parties") from and against any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against one or more of the indemnified parties or one or more of the indemnified parties and the applicant to attack, set aside, or void this Resolution or any permit or approval authorized hereby for the project, including (without limitation) reimbursing the City its actual attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defense of the litigation. The applicant shall pay such attorneys' fees and costs within 30 days following receipt of invoices from City. Such attorneys' fees and costs shall include amounts paid to counsel not otherwise employed as City staff and shall include City Resolution No. 6852 ASA -2017-04 March 27, 2018 Page 9 Attorney time and overhead costs and other City staff overhead costs and any costs directly related to the litigation reasonably incurred by City. 26. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS, OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90 -day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. SECTION IV: CONDITIONS ADMINSTERED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 27. DEDICATION OF LAND The applicant shall provide a dedication in fee of a variable strip of land, not to exceed 20' in width, along the north and northwest portions of the property. Further, the applicant shall agree to provide a construction easement to facilitate future intersection improvements. Modifications to onsite facilities may be necessary to facilitate these improvements, and the owner shall agree to provide the City limited access to private property and improvements to aid in this effort. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of March, 2018, at the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Chair Paulsen, Sun, Fung, Liu NOES: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Vice Chair Takahashi ATTEST: /s/Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Assist. Dir. of Community Development APPROVED: /s/Geoff Paulsen Geoff Paulsen Chair, Planning Commission K(g.P. AAJ 39nign (group 1296 Virgina, Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 'Fel (408) 316.6168 F: N1aiLw-,prapacbJLnct REVISIONS NO. ITI.M ABBREVIATIONS SYMBOLS PROJECT NAME AUJ ADJUSTABLE I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER R SI I�N�I NO Sll C'VION Minn m�Comm�'mc A1.11M ALUMINUM INSUI. IN ULA'I ION M 1 A WALT. Ill1;NT(FICA"T101J 37 18 L ANGLE MECH MECHANICAL SFC'f ION A40 A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR MPR MANUFACTURER ATE, ABOVE FINIS MET MANU ISDRSHEEAW'H}:KLSF:C'TION IS DRAWN 76 Gas Stations 100 BD 130ARD MIN MINIMUM BLDG BUILDING MTD MOUNTED I)F`TAll_ ROOM A Nl1Ml3FR 10490 S. De Anza Blvd. CAB. CABINET (N) NL. W' llE-FAIL IDEN'I IFICATION CENTER LINE NIC NOT IN CONTRACT �" NO. ^ NUMBER �,p S1IEF.T WHFRI= DETAILCOLUMN %�T TDFR T�TO, /� C ER CLG CEILING NTS N01 10 SCALE IS DRAWN LINE GRIL) lJ 1 1 11 �1 L� � CLR CLEAR A WALL COL COLUMN O.C. ON CENTER TYPE E.LFVATION CONC CONCRETE O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER YOINT CONST CONSTRUCTION O.I .C1. OWNER FURNISHED. CONT CONTINUOUS CONTRACTOR INSTALLED RAD RADIUS GSR COUNTERSINK RFC RECESSED CW COI.DW'A7'EK SCOPE OF WORK PROJECT BUILDING DATA CONSULTANTS KECT RECTANGLE DET DETAIL DIA DIAMF:'FFR REF REFERENCE 'llte -a RLINF REINFORCED ING DIM DIMENSIONT ILI-Q KEQLIRIID project consists of demolition of Srstmg building. and build a neW 2.497 sq. 1t. of metal stud construction With cement plaster finish convenience store -Dien" construction and nem trash enclosure are fully sprinkered according to BUILDING DATA' OWNER. DeAn/netroleum(rJS)Cotpomtion DWG DRAWING to the Calilornra Dire code (CIC) and Building code (CI3C). 1049 S 10490 5. De Arva Bbd. Sc SOLID CORE 'file cSistin gas ,.1111 ps will be sh lith moved tLom West to the east in order to create more s pace for cars- } 1 ]Cupertino, A.P.N.: 369-39-041 CA 95014 ILA EACH SCHED SCHEDULE Landscaping consists of reit' and ground covers of c mi in, heights synth mednmt height slu ubs, ADllILESS: 10490 S De Atnua Bhd. I-LEV I-LFVATION sill STILET Trees, in clusters of 3 oro, supply visual vertical screening at Wood ranee comers per landscaping drakvings. Cupertino, CA 95014 LLLC FLFCFRICAL SIM SIMILAR Colored river rock is placed in certain areas to introduce a Tom maintenance item. ptoviding a varier in materials LAND USE. Commercial EQ LQUAL sill CS SI'FCII ICATIONS at selected accent areas. EXISTING ZONING: P (CG) AILCIIfI I-:C'f: A.GY. Design Group FXH EXHAUST SQ SQUARE This building s ill construct based on lite California Green Building code. EXISTING USE: Gas Station (F:) EXISTING STD S"rANDAILU 'The hours of operation for tltis location Will 24 hours and the number of occupancy Will he 10. EXIST INC,FOOT PRINT 1,221S ft 9- � AmirI-oreseteh Ivlike Foresee EXT EXTERIOR STL STEEL LOT SIZE. GROSS Sq. fl. 16.097 Sq. ft. 121)6 Virginia Ave. D:XP EXPANSION sl"-SIT- .or SS Sl AINLFSS STEEL OCCUPANCY GROUP M Campbell, CA 95018 SUSI' SUSPENDED TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V -B Tel (408) 316-6168 FIN 17N 1511 71IIK 'THICK Sl OIUFS 1 F -mail". agp iipacbcll.nct I I.R PI OOR I O) S. TO1' OF SLAB I'l ILLI SPRINKI,ER Full FIX Fix TURF FYI, TYPICAL 1'1:NC'E Nm Wood fence V.I.F. VLRII Y IN FILLD 131AI.DING COVERAGE 2.487 Sq. it. 18 % SIRI: E SMI'NGINEERS GA GAUGE VOL V01.1 IMI_ , 1,.1NllSCAP}: COVF:IZA(IE 2.` 63 Sq 1t. __ � l'_ Sr'RViSaint Raiavi GAIN GAI,VANI/.ED GI. GLASS TRASI I ENCLOSURE _3, Sc It '' . - 1 ���, 1534 Carol, Lane SIHEET INDEX W WITH GYP GYPSUM WD WCrOI) PAVING COVL:RAGE. 7.481\ Sq. tt. 581,;, Los Altos, CA `800 5 id..�,(:,(�;941-851 FLO )R NLLIA RA 110 2 487 Sq it 1 1(,.097 Sq 1i = 15`;1 _ "d Mac ( BFFORF: LAND DEDICA"I"ION) F -nail sntpcnginecrs a %'ahoo n an GENERAL NOTES AC' 11TA1 LAND HI':PORP LAND DI'DICA'I'ION 16.0'v7 Sq it ARCHITECTURAL AC'I UAL LAND AT:] FR LAND DEDICATION 14.10; Sq- It, FIRE SPRINKLERS NOTES: n)'f HF CITY OF CUI'L I21 MO RF:QI!IIZIS DIRE SI'I:INKLI: RS T11ROlIGIIOIIT nLI. NI'WAND L.xISTING 131) II.UINGS IND STRIICTl11L I:S SIIALI. 131: I'ItO\'IDI:D IN "CITE A.( 0 C101111 Sill -1:"1' 'I OlA1_ LAND DEDICAIION 16.097 Sq. It. - 14103 Sq. ft 101)4 SgF1 LOC'A'I IONS D1. SCRIBED IN TRIS SECTION OR IN SF( '"CION 1)03 2.11-1I1- OWNLR(S).00'C I IPANI (S)AND ANY CON'CRACIOR(S) OR SUBCONTRACIOR(S) A.10 FXISI"ING DEMO. SI"II. PLAN ILO )R AREA RATIO 2.487 Sc FL/ 14.103 ScIt. = I"-; < �;v.;, aS. 8 M ARL: RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSULT ING'A IF H "1111-:'A A I LR PURVEYOR OF RECORD IN ORDER TO DI -I LRMINE 11 ANY MOUIFICAT ION PROPOSLD SITE PLAN ( Al= I Fk LAND DEDICATION) 1 I - - OR UPGRADE OF THI: EXISTING WATI�:R SER\'ICE IS RLQUIILEI). BY CMC FIRF: WALLS AND FIRE I3ARI6FILS USFD TO SEPARATE BUILDING AREAS SITALL I3E A.2.0 FU"CLIRE CONCEPTUAL IN I FRSE.CI ION LAYOUT CONSI ILUCITD IN ACCORDANC'I: W'ITI l I I Il. ('AT 11 ORNIA BUILDING CODE AND SHAIF- BE WITHOUT OPENING OR PENFTRA7'IONS. A.3.0 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN. LNl ARGI=.D "FOILF'I PLAN_ DFTAILS 'I RASI I FNCLOSI W '_3i Sq13.174 Sq. ft. = 11N, (Sprinklcred) B) THI_ At' FOMA"TIC' SI'R1NKI.I:R SYSTEM SII;\I.I. BI_ INS I ALLI-U IN ACCORU.ANCI WITI I CFC. CMC. AA 0 "I RASH I":NCI ()SURD:. CANOPY F.I.LVATIONS .I-L/ 'I\ pe 1 Construction C, FAST RLSPONSI= FIRS SPRINKLER III:ADS SIIALI. 131: IN',I ALI.F1)1N GARAGE: AND WORKSHOP AREAS. A.5.0 FLOOR AREA DIAGRAM A 6 0 ROOF PLAN_ D] LAILS PARKING Rcquued 7 Provided peCm site sludv report - - Di1111 SI JITRI SS ION ('ONI RAC IOR SI FAIL PROVIDI. TWO COPIES OF\III: DRAWINGS ANI)CALCIJI_ATIONS 0_7.0 IWILDING FI_LVATIONS_ DOOR & WINDOW EL_1:\'ATIONS ho, ided. 7 +1 11 C. TO TIIF FIRE DISTRR'F 0.8.0 BI; ILDING SFCIION S, TRASII I_NCLOSURF. SDC"f ION APPLICABLE CODES: ll, 111I: UISIIGCT SHA1.1. ISSUI: A I'I:ILMIT PRIOIL TO INSTAIF.AIION 01' Fill AU IOMAI IC' SPRINKLER SYSTEM. A'9.0 LINE OP SI I F. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENT: A.Io.O COT OR AND MA IFILIAL A ILO RENDERING- 3D L F CALIORNIA BUILDING CODE. 2010 2. CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE. 2016 I'O'I ABLE. WATER SIJP] LIES SHAI_I. 131; PROI FCC ED FROM CONTAMINATION CAUSED BY FIILE LANDSCAPING 3. CALIFORNIA FIRE. CODE. 2016 P}ZOI i.C'I ION W AI*I;IZ Sl JI'P.. LILS 013 CFC AND HEAT -TI I AND SAFETY CODE 4 CALIFORNIA F LDC'"IRICAL C011E. 2016 TIMING OF INSTALLATION: L_ -L0 I_ANDSCAPI[ PLAN 5. CALIFORNIA MSCI IAN )CAL CODE. 2016 W1.u:NFfnLtAI'IALA II, !SACCI u . "11Rtil>>11 tOK _-,.ll7"II0 C'ONCI:'1lAIS"F EPLAN CCALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE. 2016 I31INSAl LFD SUCH PRo11 C1IONSHAT 1.BI-INS IALLI:.DAND MADE SERVICEABLE PRIORTOAND DIALING I Hl. T1MF OF CONSTRUCTION TEMPORARY S I RLE"T SIGN SHALL HE INS I ALIT D AT EACH 7, CALIFORNIA GRI -. FN BUILDING CODES S1 RJ:ET TNT FRSECTION WHEN CONS IRUC'T]ON OE' NEW ROADWAYS ALLOWS PASSAG}: BY VI-:H1CI.F:S, CI I Y CU S. CITY OF CLJPFR"CINu CODES ANT) ORDINANCES. ODLSLIMIT CPC. INCLUDING. Brl'I NOT ED TO, FIREAND 7.ONING. PREN41SES IDENTIFICATION: CIVIL A'1'ROVFD NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES SIIALI. I3F. PLACED ON ALI. NI W (WILDING IN SUCH POSITION AS 'IO HE PLAINT,Y VISIBLE AND LF:GIBI.F_ FROM STREE1T OR ROAD RON IF NG I FIE PROPF.IL1 Y 'I".l SURVEY PROJECT LOCATION NI IMBFRS SHALL CONI"RAST ITT IFIR BACKGROUND. CI -C CICSI (ITT C-2 GRADING x DRAINAGE PLAN CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: C-3 DFIAILS a .• a F I q x x AI.I. CONS'IRUC1'ION SI I F:S MUST C'OMPI.I' W'lll I C'I'C Cl IAI''IL:IZ 33 AND ti1ANDAKD DI'.TAll, ANT) C-1 S''O' W' "}'t 'ONE Rol, MI:ASIIRF.S I.M11 n f .1 C It 1 SPECIFICAI ION SI -7. C-5 ST ORM WAII.R CONT ROI. MC-.ASURF.S DFIAILS PLANTING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEMS:x BUBBLER IRRIGATION WILL BE USED DOR IlL[ES ANll SHRUBSPOI'-UP SI'}LINKI.IIR I IE:ADS W'll.l, HF USIA) C'-6 EROSION CONITL(JI. PLAN TO IRR FGA I L THE "F1IRF AREAS. CONC LA IDF1) Qt 1ICK COLD PL ER VALVAS ANI) BACK FLOW FIR FVLN'IT' RS COMPLETE CHF. SYS'(I:M. '�-' -.. g�O � �'� keymm LANllSCnI ING WILT, HI': 1'ILIVn'r D:I.Y MAINTAIND:U. ALL IRRIGAi'10N PI PINC', SHAI.I. BF PVC SCHEDULE. 40.�� ., INSTALLED AT n DEPTH OF 18" BELOW GLLADF:. M. GREEN BUILDING CODE: CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY W ITH CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE: AND RLGULAT IONS. ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION>°:;e, NF.W AND L:XIS7"ING 13111LUING SHALE HAVE APPROVEDADDRESS Nl1MBI:KS. BIlILU1NG NUMBERS OR BUILDING IDI:NIII ICATION 1'I.ACED IN, A POSH ION . , .. ... - - x , : .. _ .. .. , . - .. 71 TAI IS PLAINLY I.1'.GiBLE. ANU V 1SII3LL FROM 711F. SI itLl. T OR ROAD FIZUN I ING 7111 I ROI LILTY. I VLSI. N11M13LRS SHALL CONI (LAST W ITH 7 HLI12 13ACKGROIJNU. h WHER ELF. 11 IL 3 ' 'O J O - FI 'IAL ADDRI'.SS NUMBLRS SIIALL BL PIZOVIDLD IN ADDITIONAL APPROV : ( F 1 I_ll I l I I11: DULL C I E I F C L. U 1. )CA'I'ION'IY) FACILITATE I.ML.RGD;NCY 14 �v 1! " I r t: ?. _ . RESPONSE. NUMB17RS SI FALL BEA MIN IMAM OF 4 INCHES HIGH WITH A MINIMUM S1ROKF. WIDTH OF 0.5 INCIL ADDRESS NUMBERS •'�'x s •" SHALLBF- MAINTAINED. CFC SEC 506.1.' :€P �,.<:� " HAZMAT REVIEW: kM r� A . FI nRn TL R IIV IL 'A' BY ILIZMA T DIVI S ION I S KL.QUIKL:U. U[.TAILLU PLA NS TOIL I TIL PROPOSED SYS TEM MUST BI. Sl1BMITIT, D SEPAILATFI.Y AND DIRECTLY TO 'II IF ()I'FICE LOC AT nT 14700 W'1NC'I IF S'I'1':R 13 LVD, LOS GATOS. CA. ALL PERMITS RI:QlJIRK D 13Y IIA7.MAT DIVISION MI1 ST BE OBTAINI'D PRIOR TOSIT COMMENCING WORK. OIL AS INll[CA 1'LD BY THL I IAZ.MAT REVIEW. RESTRICTIONS FOR SALES OF .ALCOHOL: a. NO BII R OR W IN'L. SHAL.I 81: DISI'(.:\1'llU W II HIN 111 L I LL: L OF 1111: CASI11:I.61S7 LR OR F1117. FRONT DOOR UNL1:SS I I IS IN A III R\t:\\L:N'I L`l AFIT I:D CO()LLR. LEIAS AN SHALL, BFDISI I �I NO10K US hNOAD\ ERIISFNPNI ODAI.00110I.IC BE\ 1RAGES .A ;1) e , z ..x.^. £c,�<h',�,-,w'clu�z«.c.a%,...�.,.>Maa�o'i .a.a In w. .xv:✓'xw:ito xw'�„! ' 8c 'rw. .�°u,;„ �>v:.� : , .. ...rr .. .�,. 6c ,:ate.:.!<:r�:�>��f�lr"...5!.:✓u8wXS," . NO SALT, OF AEC011OLIC BI:\"FR \GLS SIF LL BE NI.ADE FROM A DRI\T-IN W"INDOW". d No DISPL 1] OR SAI 01: BEER OR WIND. SHALL. BE n1 ADL FROM AN ICL Tt B. e V0 BE8R OR VAINE :ADVER I-ISIN( SHALT. 13L LOCATED ON NIOTOR FUEL ISLANDS :AND NO SHLF- TRUE VICINITY MAP NORTH IIJ ('MINA -11 LD IL FOBLEB OR W INT: SHALL BE LOCATED ON Bi -Il. DINGS OR WINDOWS. N.T.S. I F:NIPLOYEL:S ON IR I'Y BEF" E11N \IIF. Bot RS OF TLN PM AND TWO.AAL WHO SELL BEER OR WINE SIL.\LL. BE AT 1,EAS T TWLNT) -ONE YEARS OF AGE. K(g.P. AAJ 39nign (group 1296 Virgina, Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 'Fel (408) 316.6168 F: N1aiLw-,prapacbJLnct REVISIONS NO. ITI.M DATE Planning Suhminal 9 6 16 Planning Suhminnl 12 11 17 Minn m�Comm�'mc 119'19 Planning Suhmimd 37 18 PLOT SCALE 12"- 1'-0" DRAIA \ Bl AK CHECKED BY AK PRG1LcrNO. 2016.01 DATE: SCALL AS SBOvv"N 09-19-2016 A.0.0 PACIFICA DRIVE • (68 � 0 L=65.42.E R=122.06'• N49°53'19"E 3.69' •11 o % R=20.00' • W CQ N Z w Q a FKFCZ I o l EXISTING SITE PLAN/ DEMO. PLAN z 1 "=20'-0" ¢ o �z w I— z LU U LU U LL LL O U LL C) Q a 0 co 0 N PACIFICA DRIVE • (68') o GENERAL NOTES 1 FIELD VF RIFT' AI"1. DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING EQLIP\IENT. EXISTING ELI -CC IRICAL & MIECIL\NICAL 1'71LITIF:S, ROOF Fl"F:\IENTS, PIPING. CONDIT] AND CONDI OI' TI IF. SPACE. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION COMMENCES. NOTIFY ARCIIITECT Of AN]' CONFLICTS BETWEEN CO\S"I"RUC FIO\ DOCI AND EXISTING CONDI IIONS. 3, CONTIZ-\C'1 OR IS RLSIIONS1131-E FOR ALL ELECTTRIC L WORIL SACH AS OI'I"L.LI"S, SU "ITCHES. U"IRINO AND ALL. DOCLMENTS NHICII :IRE IZEQUIR17D BY ALL AGENCIES FOR PLAN CHECK AND BIILDING PERMII I PROCESS. 4" CONTRACTOR IS RI=,SPONSIBIT FOR ALL MECHANICAL. IIVAC WORK - AND AL1. DOCI \U'1HCH ARE RLQI: IRED 131' A(iF,\CILS FOR PLAN CI IECR .-\ND BI'ILDING PLR -%11T PROCESS. KEY NOTES 0I ISN' 4" CONC. SEE CIVIL DWGS, OPATH OF TRAVEL OEXISTING DRIVE WAY "1013F CLOSED OEXISTING GAS PL\IP'TO 131 RLLOCA'I"ED 0 N3'.W 6" SI FEE POST 0 \ENMETAL ROOF. SEE Sl IF] F:1.6.0 �7 lE> yte'r.v. R1xJF'r,) BI. RF"MOVED O(E) Post FO 131: RF\IOV1D c) (1) AIR & NATER PLMIP TO 13F RELOCATED l0 (N) LOCATION OF. -IR & WA I LR PL\IP II (\) Ic)C I'M OI iF.l GAS PL\IP O GATES 0 (V I'% 14 (\)C(),\( Cl R1_ SFE c1\11 DWGs_ O':1'.\\ PLANI ISG \RLA I6 IAN"S,ARP,\ 0 BLu.DUG slov I OCA I I"v' 1S NI %1, 1OCA Ito\O1 L.\ISTIN(i SIC.\ 0 I.1\L Of ISI Il"RI Cl 1) S'I-RI:EI .ALIONNIE':"F 0 01' I:\IS II\G PROPI'R1) 1_I_�I: OLINT. OFE\IS I INO I..-\SI.\II.N'I" OOM IIOLR FIRI RI.SIS I \\CI. R:\Il\G N AAI" OBOUARD. 1'.UN I"FD GEmsTLVG DRIVE NAY TO REMAIN, SEE ClV II- DNYiS. 84i CLI\IBI\G\11:1 '1PI..-\\"F (� NIAN FENCE 0 \\"H EEL STOP."Fl"P. GSTREIT TRFF.SEF SHFYI 11 0 TREE_ SEE S111111._1 DIAGRAM 1 o AREA 1: 140.87 SQ. 1"F. ARE .1 2: 490.10 SQ. FT. AREA 3: 87.30 SQ. FT. ARF,A 4, 557.68 SQ. FT, AREA 5: 1687.10 SQ. 171'. "10'1".AL LANDSCI'F ARE N: 2963.05 SQ, FT. PROPOSED SITE PLAN 1 "=20'-0" A.(g.0. 'Aj Ersign Group 1296 Virginia Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 1'cl:(408) 316.6168 F-Mail:agp(a�pacbcll.nct REVISIONS REVISIONS No ITEM DA1E Planning Submittal 9616 Plannine Re w", 2 21 17 Plannine Sul+inittal 1004 17 Plannine Submittal 121117 Plannine Submittal 3 7 18 111101 SCALE: 12" F -O,. CIIF:CR1'D BY \IF PROJECT NO: DATE: SCALE AS SHOWN 07-6-16 A. 1.0 t I n, o` 0 � 3 � o 4n C5 a ti c-,5 r-- w o 0 n J Q N W 0 U 1 • "-ffMKFC EXISTING SITE PLAN/ DEMO. PLAN 1 "=20'-0" ¢ o az Of w z w U w U LL LL O U LL U Q d 0 0 CV PACIFICA DRIVE • ('68') %%%w o PROPOSED FUTURE SITE PLAN I f'=20' -0t1 ¢ o az GENERAL NOTES 1- 1:F:LD A"I PJF)' AI.I. DIMENSIONS AND LSISTISG FQCIPNIFN'F. EXIST ING FLF.CI"RICA]- & NIFCHANICAL VFILITIES. ROOF ELEMENTS. PIPINO. CONDUIT AND CONDITION OF 'I"HE SPACE BEFORE CONS 'IRL'Cr fION COMMENCES. No'nFv:vRCfII F:CI O:�:vn"�' CONFI.ICIS BF.Tu"F;EN CONSTRL'CIION DOCL-MFNFS :AND LISTING CONDIIIONS- 3, CON IRlCFOR IS RLSPONSIBLF. FOR AIJ LLFCI"RIC.AI. WURF: SUCH :AS OL"PELTS. S\A1'fCl 11-:S. lAlltlNCi :AND :\I.L. D( lC l:.\If:\'I�S \\"I IICf I :1RL: 1i1:QL�I1.L:ll Bl" :\I.I. AGENCIES FOR PLAN CIIECR AVD BUILDING PERNII I PROCESS. 4, CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MECHANICAL. H\ "AC \PURE:. AND ALL DOCUNfENTS A;l11CII ARE REQLIRED B7" AGENCIES FOR PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERNII"I" PROCESS, KEY NOTES Ol NLAA 4" CONC-SFF. CIVIL. IWO& OPA 111 OITRAPEL LSISTING PROPERRI-y LINE FNISTING GAS PLAll' I'O BI RFLUCA FED ONEN STFLL POST 0 NFR NIFTAL ROOF . SEF. SHEET A21 O7 (F) \IFI"AI- ROOF TUBI- REN1O\ I:D 0 iF) POST T(1 BE REI 1PED O I lI il:l ,1112 A li0AI LR P��\1I FO 13F �t1�.1 OCATL.D 1 I I UC:vTION OF iL) G:vS PL,\IP OGA I I'S O iNII G (N)C1',C CEEB 0 ,1AA PLANI"INO ARLA ICS I.AP\-N AREA OBL- ILDING SIGN I.()CA]ION IS NFP" I OCATIr�S 1lF fAIS'1lNG SIGN 0 O 7F ONtl 1-I�F W .�IS I ANC1. R,v FlvC; AP,VLL. OCLIMBING \'1' FE PLAN "l- OAPIILLI. STOP OS'tR1:L_'I TREE: SEI: SIIFI.T 1..1 ?!, I" AFL. SLE slnail L.I DIAGRAM Drsign (group 1296 Virginia Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 TcL(408) 316.6168 L. MaiLagp(a pacbcll.nct z A2 REVISIONS NO, ITI DAT]. Plannine Submittal 9616 Planning Re, io, 2 21 I7 Plan) e Submittal 10 04 17 Plannine Comments 1 1818 Plannine Submittal :i 7 19 PI 0 F SC.ALF: 12 -F-tr" C'IH:CkED BY MF PROJECT NO: D:\ I E SCALF. :\S SIIOV N (17-6-16 A.2.0 PACIFICA DRIVE • (68)a o 891 00' 00" L=65.42. 42.06 R=122.06'• Xi ur N49°53'19"E IW /1 3.69' •o / ptae•o.— L=17.10' .0 �/ �� •o R=20.00' / •• n J Q N W 0 U 1 • "-ffMKFC EXISTING SITE PLAN/ DEMO. PLAN 1 "=20'-0" ¢ o az Of w z w U w U LL LL O U LL U Q d 0 0 CV PACIFICA DRIVE • ('68') %%%w o PROPOSED FUTURE SITE PLAN I f'=20' -0t1 ¢ o az GENERAL NOTES 1- 1:F:LD A"I PJF)' AI.I. DIMENSIONS AND LSISTISG FQCIPNIFN'F. EXIST ING FLF.CI"RICA]- & NIFCHANICAL VFILITIES. ROOF ELEMENTS. PIPINO. CONDUIT AND CONDITION OF 'I"HE SPACE BEFORE CONS 'IRL'Cr fION COMMENCES. No'nFv:vRCfII F:CI O:�:vn"�' CONFI.ICIS BF.Tu"F;EN CONSTRL'CIION DOCL-MFNFS :AND LISTING CONDIIIONS- 3, CON IRlCFOR IS RLSPONSIBLF. FOR AIJ LLFCI"RIC.AI. WURF: SUCH :AS OL"PELTS. S\A1'fCl 11-:S. lAlltlNCi :AND :\I.L. D( lC l:.\If:\'I�S \\"I IICf I :1RL: 1i1:QL�I1.L:ll Bl" :\I.I. AGENCIES FOR PLAN CIIECR AVD BUILDING PERNII I PROCESS. 4, CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MECHANICAL. H\ "AC \PURE:. AND ALL DOCUNfENTS A;l11CII ARE REQLIRED B7" AGENCIES FOR PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERNII"I" PROCESS, KEY NOTES Ol NLAA 4" CONC-SFF. CIVIL. IWO& OPA 111 OITRAPEL LSISTING PROPERRI-y LINE FNISTING GAS PLAll' I'O BI RFLUCA FED ONEN STFLL POST 0 NFR NIFTAL ROOF . SEF. SHEET A21 O7 (F) \IFI"AI- ROOF TUBI- REN1O\ I:D 0 iF) POST T(1 BE REI 1PED O I lI il:l ,1112 A li0AI LR P��\1I FO 13F �t1�.1 OCATL.D 1 I I UC:vTION OF iL) G:vS PL,\IP OGA I I'S O iNII G (N)C1',C CEEB 0 ,1AA PLANI"INO ARLA ICS I.AP\-N AREA OBL- ILDING SIGN I.()CA]ION IS NFP" I OCATIr�S 1lF fAIS'1lNG SIGN 0 O 7F ONtl 1-I�F W .�IS I ANC1. R,v FlvC; AP,VLL. OCLIMBING \'1' FE PLAN "l- OAPIILLI. STOP OS'tR1:L_'I TREE: SEI: SIIFI.T 1..1 ?!, I" AFL. SLE slnail L.I DIAGRAM Drsign (group 1296 Virginia Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 TcL(408) 316.6168 L. MaiLagp(a pacbcll.nct z A2 REVISIONS NO, ITI DAT]. Plannine Submittal 9616 Planning Re, io, 2 21 I7 Plan) e Submittal 10 04 17 Plannine Comments 1 1818 Plannine Submittal :i 7 19 PI 0 F SC.ALF: 12 -F-tr" C'IH:CkED BY MF PROJECT NO: D:\ I E SCALF. :\S SIIOV N (17-6-16 A.2.0 CL -os3 1 2 I A TEL. I _ z'-0 � � � 11 EN OFFICE i M m 1l 4 c 9'-4• 0 9'-2• 4'—D' }W 16 g I 1F PUMP O CONTROL 10 L�L� L FLILL-Lo L_L_L_ LLL LL_LLL L -L 12'-8• LLLLLLL LL C t__ L L LLLLLLLLLLL SALES LLL 0 LLL7 L LI LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLL D L LLLLLLLLLLL cli L LLLLLLL L LLLL LL LLL 4 6' L LL LL LLLL LLLLLL L LLLLLL LLLLLL LLLLLL 0 N 17'-10• 6'-0• 3' 3'-8- N •O I I � cli Lf) BAKERY BACK ROOM B 2 Q B CASE E4' 4' WALK IN 9 COOLERI II uq COFFEE ISLAND o � O 1 I oY N I U I C CN < i o I I F 0 CD OPEN co N.T.S cc BEV4I COUNTER Gp 77- A 8'-10• 12'-2• 10'-0• FLOOR PLAN 1.1 II 2 1/4"=1'-0" j o e' -s• �'-10• GENERAL NOTES I. I-1L:LD VERIFY ALL. DIMENSIONSAND LNISTIi�6 LQlIRNIL'" I. EMSI'ING 1'-5• 1'-5• F:I,F:CFRICvl. K I,IECHANICA I. CTII.lT1ES. ROOF I.LEyf@STS. PIPING. CONDCIT AND C )NDITION OF I HE SPACE BEFORE CONS1RI"CTION COMMENCES. NO "I IFY _\RCi ii II:CT OF ANY CONFLICTS BIPA LEN CONSTRICTION DOCVMEN IS AND ESISI'1SG CONDITIONS. 3, CON FRACTOR IS RFSPONSIBLs FOR. -ALL LI,F.CTRICAI. ATORR. SL -CH AS OL71.ETS. SU ITCI IFS_ WIRING AND ALL DOCUMENTS " IIICH ARE REQUIRED BY ALL AGENCIES POR PLAN AN CHICCK \ND 13011 DIVi PFRNI F PROCESS. 4. CONIRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE. FOR AI I SILCIIANICAL. IIVAC �\'ORF:. ''ND AI -1. \ DOCUAIFNTS VA HICH ARF. REQUIRED BY AGENCIES FOR PLAN CHECK AND 7M / w BL II DIS( PI RSL17 PROCESS. LSS 16 s. ALL MECHANICAL 1 QLIPMEN I N IL BE ON T HE ROOF. 6. o.NOBILI OI RINFSIFALI 131-DIS{I \l LD N11III\EIII IFIT01 IFIF CASH REOIS1ERORTIiL. FRONT co°D DOOR L\I FSS IT IS IN \11�RS11\F\7 LYAFFIXED C(H)AR h. \O 1D\ LR I ISE MEN F Of ll COIi OLIC 13L\ I R 1( LS SII 1L L 132 DISI 1 Al FD -11 N10101 ll"EL ISLANDS. I c. ;'O S \LL OF AI COI IOI,IC 13k \ F.IZAGt S SHALL. 13F N \DF. FROM A DRRI'[ INA INDO\k . I \\ E. \O DISPLAYOR S-1LL OF BEER OR U INi- SHALL BI S1 -\DE. I ROM AN ICL Tl B. \ e. NO BEER OR WINE ADVERTISING SHALL BF LOCATED ON MOI OR FITC ISLANDS AND NO SFI.F- / / 11.1.1 N1N ATED FOR BEER OR U INE SHALL BE LOCATED ON Bt ILDIN(S OR NINEXAk S - f. EMPLOYEES Ol EPS O\ DL I1 BF 1 N LEVI IF I IOI. RS OFF 1 I:N P.'\i. \\D'IWO A N N I IO SELL BEER OR WANE \ SHALI. BF AT ILAS I IU'F.NTl -ONF. EARS OF AGE. KEY NOTES Y-0• 5• S-0• 1 1'-2• 4'-4• S-0• 5• 0 2 x 3 -E TEMP GLASS S'IORE FRONT HNTRY DOOR N PANIC HARD" :ARF. insL..,.DI.S,,l 4C'M4r 0 T= R ti, A.C. RAMP, 8.33% MAX., 10 MAX. AT FLARED SIDES 12• GROOVED BORDER UP ADA FIXTURE HIGHTS �="l � 6'-0' L H.C. PARKING N.T.S J zQ OSTOREFRONT r� CD a. Q OCOUNTER m O � O N u a ONEI:AL CA\OPYABO\T TOILET ENLARGED PLAN 0 S1111\Ts ¢ O L\ISII\G I[LFCTRIC\I TO STAY 0 `5; z G3.a 7 r�- 10" DIA. Al I .MIALM COITR COLI NN 0 7'-0',c - 1 4" 1I:AII'. GLASS DOOR AA PAM( II ARDA -ARI( a'_Ii•�„ , T-0" h- I I_AI. DOUR PLASTIC LAMINATE COUNTERTOP W/ 2' — 0" u, 3,41"', 7 -o1, -U001) DOOR BACKSPLASH I I LS FERIOR Sit CCO FINISH OA'LR PI_YbAY OD SHI \10 I'IRL I, ISL\ST ELEV. _ LAVATORY (SEE N X —X PASTI ]RIO CIG.vRl'J II IM MECH. DWGS.) ++ ++ RECYCLE BIN O 2" X 4" WD. FRAME Lr' 1.1 TR:ISII BINSTL. ANGLE ®l i PRO111131TF:D ARA(.A FOR DI SI'L:Al'1A'C.:AA'l RlVD OI ALCOI IOI. kFA-I-:R:A(;LS_ A115_ (,1: 5 11T I INT. DIVIDER BEYOND 8" 3/4" PLYWOOD LD i 7'-6• 9'-0• DIVIDER BEYOND /3"x4"xl _ 4" LANDSCAPING 3/4" PLYWOOD (TYP.)ONT. STL. ANGLE DISABLED SIGNAGE, SEE PROVIDE 1' —6" WIDEE +' ACCESS PANEL AT " CENTERLINE OF EACH O CONC. WHEEL STOP SINK, ATTACHED W/PLASTIC CONCEALED MAG— 6.. LAMINATE NETIC FASTENERS 0) ELEV. = 4' STRIPPING PAINTED ON X'—X" o I SURFACE, DIAGONAL LINES ARE 3'-0• D.C. INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY PER CBC 4e'• �-A_3a4 ,tr:.Ip81 t`, ice' r,.'Ira eL insL..,.DI.S,,l 4C'M4r 0 T= R ti, A.C. RAMP, 8.33% MAX., 10 MAX. AT FLARED SIDES 12• GROOVED BORDER UP ADA FIXTURE HIGHTS �="l � 6'-0' L H.C. PARKING N.T.S J zQ r� CD a. Q m O � O N u a Q J W 0 z G3.a RI.A-ISIONS NO. ITEM DA I E P[ an nine Submittal ) 6 16 III amimp Submitral 121117 Planning Cumm"nic 1 18 18 I'lann"w Submillal 3 718 A.3.0 ol 0 m Q 15'-4" C 21 SQ. FT.1 CART 2 28 SQ. FT.1 BIN 1 21 SQ. FT.1 CART 1 35 SQ. FT.1 BIN 2 O X s C A-6 TRASH ENCLOSURE FLOOR PLAN 1/211=11-011 /211=1'-011 O I I Lo 461-011 GENERAL NOTES 1. FIELD VERIFY A.LI. DIME\SIO\S A\D ESISTISO EQI II'PIPX'I. ESIS7l\G 32'-011 LEC'I"RICAL K MECHANIC L U IILI"I IES. ROOT ELF:\11"N I'S, PIPING.CONDUIT AND Cl)\DITIO\ OF'FI II- SPACI- RI:FO1:E CO\STRLCTIO\ C(J\I\IE\CES. \O') F1 ARCIII F:CT OF A\1' CONFLIC'T'S 13 Mk FEN CONSTRUCTION DOCUME\TS AND EXIS"HNG CONDIIIOAS. s. CON -1 RACIOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL E1TC7RICAL WORK- SUCH AS OUTITTS. SV1"I-ICHFS. Al"IRING AAD AI_L DOCl'VIF:S"IS VA H1C'H ARI[ REQURED BY ALL AGEACILS FOR PLAN CH1SC'R AAD Rl°ILDIAG 1'EliAII"F PROCESS. Oq, CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE I OR ALL MECHANICAL. HVAC U-OR1v AND ALL DOCVNIE\'IS'WHICH ARF: RLQI'IRF.D 131' AGE\C'IES FOR PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PER\1CI PROCESS 5, All, MECHANICAL FQUIP\1ENT P-11. BE ON'l HE ROOF. Il q F. TRASH E'.JCI.USURE IS 1'1'I'E I CO\S'1 RLC I ION AND IUI.L1' FIRE. SPRINRLERED. KEY NOTES Ol 8" C11.- U%All . N'1711 PIAS IER CI-MENI FINISI 1,COITO MATCH BUILDING o 2RN O BRI_a'SI IED LU\1. CO\"ERED OVER 10" DIA. S I'LEE COI"_ (COLOR 13D. �� 10) m % MFF \1 GATICS, CORRI-G.A ITD MFT:\I_ PANEL_ SlIA ER SMITH SRI 51 BS' A'IAS �. .0 (COLOR BD. = 1 ) O 4°— " O \LUM C\\OPY F ASCI 1. DFSIG\ I'I R TRO] Il \1'S COOPT FR \I: Sl 131 1' OIIIERS) Ili O4 DIA. NIETAL POST 'A AR I.D \1I II113Rt'SHED ALLM IO \t_\'ICH I31'ILDI\G COI.. CANOPY FRONT ELEVATION 0 "COyC CURR 1/4 11 /411 1'-011 0 CORIJ (;A I11) MI 1A 1 11AVEL, SiI A"ER SV1I11l SR 51 13) :, 1 %S ((Y)LOR 111) = 1 ) O\11 1 ROO )I C, 11 \\1l1 1) IM VI R B) \1 1) SPA\ O55X,iX"BASF: PI.:\II. Iti BOLLARD 11 76 SIGN R1' OTI ILRS -�-'-nit 3 CANOPYSIDE ELEVATION REN "ISIONS NO. IHa1 1):r11 Planing Sul ictal 1'_ I l 17 FlannineC ...-tc I IX IX 1'laitine sul"nittal 1 7 1 X co L FRONT ELEVATION x C N a . a A.4.0 1.00 O Q Q > tea' O N z o Q OO � > Q va o C.14 F - REN "ISIONS NO. IHa1 1):r11 Planing Sul ictal 1'_ I l 17 FlannineC ...-tc I IX IX 1'laitine sul"nittal 1 7 1 X co L FRONT ELEVATION x C N a . a A.4.0 1.00 FLOOR AREA DIAGRAM 4 GENERAL NOTES L FIELD \'F:Rif Y ALL DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING I:.CtIIP\fE\"E. E\IS IING F:LECTRICAI. X MECHANICAL 1-TILITIFS. ROOF FITMEN IS, PIPING. CO\'DUIT AND CONDI HON OF'I'III: SPACI: BEFORE CONSIRI:CIION CONINII LACES. NOI7F1' ARCHITT-.CI OF AN1' CONITICIS BEI \\ EEN CONS IRI'CION DOC:L'NII:N'IS AND E.\ISTINO CONDITIONS. 3. C'O\TRAC'OR IS RI:SPO\SIIII.E FOR AI.L ELECIItIC_1L N'ORkC SUCH AS OI-TLI'TS. SNITCHES_ N'IRI\G :\\D:\Ll. D(K'l�\f E'� IS N HIGH --1Rt: RF(ll'7RI D 131' .ALL AGENCIES FOR IT %N CIIECK AND 13L-ILDING PFR,\11'1 PROCESS. 4- CO_ FR ACTOR IS RESPMSIRII: FOR ALL MYCHANICAL. HVAC N"ORK. ,AND ALL DO tCLAIF.\TS NI IICH ARE RFQt IRED I31' AGENCIES FOR PLAN CHECKAND BUILDING PERMIT PROCESS. KEY NOTES A'. (4'.\9'6")=38 Sq. FL A- I:(4' x 'Y-9") - 38.6(, Sq. I A -2,(4'-4"x4'-0") -17.33 Sq. Ft A-3'.(8'-10" \ 8'-4")- 73.61 Sq. Ft. A-4(13' 2 ", 14'-8") - 193.11 Sq_ Ft. A-5 (17-10" s 29 -4•') = 523.1 1 Sq_ Ft A -C (20' 6" , 28'-10") - 59 1.08 Sq_ It, A-7:111'-8" % 8'-0") - 93 33 Sq_ FI. 13 (9'-6"x9'-8") 82.16Sq. Ft. C: (I6"4"x8'6"1-138.83 Sq. Ft_ D: (13'-2" , la' R") - 193.11 Sq_ Ft. 17 OU -10" . 10'-6") - 396 75 Sq. 171. I� Is' -10" y 8 -9"1- 70.66 Sq. Ft- ( OPL:A SPACE) G 8'-]0" . 8'-0") 70.66 Sq. 1:1 1 OPEN SPACE i FI (3'-6' 1 4'-0") = 14 Sq. Ft. J: I T -W X9'-0") - 36 Sq. It, I ()'IAI. I'1.()()R AR)�A SQ 1"F.: 24111.u8 I(YIAI fit111.1>ING Si) 1 1.2-1K701i DIAGRAM A.(S.P. AAJ Ersign (Sroup 1296 Virginia Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 'l'el:(408) 316.6168 E-Mail:agp(a)pacbcl1.nct RI \ R1(\ MONS NO, III V1 1),%F] Planning Su0mi11al 9 616 Plannine Rc—, 2 21 17 Plannine Submillal 10 04 17 planning Submittal 1211 17 Plannine C mmwnts 2 21 18 Plannine Submittal 3 718 PI 01 SC.AIT: DIt\\\'N 131': AR CHI CKI:D 131': \ I F PROJFC'I-\O: DATE: SCAI.F. AS SHOWN 07-6-16 A.5.0 57L FL 247.72 --I I 1�� RQOF PLAN 1/811=11-011 /811=1'-0" J I - 15'-4' - 11 I >� g TRASH ENCLOSURE ROOF PLAN M 10 1/4"=1'-0" 'o cn 01— ENLARGED SECTION N.T.S. SECTION @BEAM N.T.S. METAL ROOF DECKING 3 N.T.S. H �o OROOF SUPPORT DETAIL I N.T.S. CMU DOWELS DETAIL N.T.S. Ersign (Iruup 1296 Virginia Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Tc;l:(408) 316.6168 L-Mail:agpralpacbcll.net R1 V'ISIOSS NO I ITM 1) vTr. Plannine Subminal 9 6 16 Plannine Ro i-1 2 21 17 Plannine Submittal 12 1 117 Plannine Cmenls 118 18 Plannine Submittal 3 7 18 EAST ELEVATION 1/811=11 -Ott /VII_11-Olt SOUTH ELEVATION LNE OF S;ytT 2Y_9. I DEEM PER PEIROLEIIIFS COOPERATE SPEC. (BY OTHERS) ) ° I 1 I; / b I � I � S DEAUQA BL Y EDGE OF STREET CURB L NORTH ELEVATION 1 /811= 1'-011 a KEY NOTES 0I CORRUGATED.\IFl AL 1'. ANEL• SIL\:R Snll'LI1 SR1:51 (COLOR BD. ^ I ) 0 E\TERIOR BLILDING LIGII1. '1'L\ 301. 7, 12" \1 x 4"D (COLOR 13D.-3) 0 1:\TERIORCEMF`�T PLASTLR- S\IOOTI l FINISH, RELF. MOORE -RNl 237-L 13LL'L HARMONY"ICOL( 'RBD =B) 0 ALL'\li\L\I S"IOREFRO\T DOOR & Ilt.AML. L.1601 -70131 -ACK 3P (COLOR BF) =7) 0 STORFFRO` -I WINDOWS, AA 250. 425 TIILR.\LAL WINDOWS FN I-R.A\CED K STORF:IRON-I S (COLOR 131)_ -8) 0 .1LL \II\L'h1 MU T'_ll, C'O\IPOSITL PANFI S. BFR -RLI) - ALPOLIC \IF0, OR FQLAI. (COLOR BD. * 9) 0 ALI'\II\L\t \1FT_ I, CO\IPOSFI F PANLI S. BPS-PEARL-.0,P01.IC SIFG. OR GQL'AL (OPTION- S\IOO111 CLMENI l'L.ASTFR Fl\ISI1 COLOR- KELL1' MOORF:45 R1i1TF. SHADOW) (COLOR BD.'. A OR=9) K AIL \II'�L\I �I"AI_ CO\(I OSI IL 1 -\VL.1 S. B3I1 SLATF BI. \CR \1.A 17'1.- ALPOLIC \IFC._ OR FQL AL ICOLUIt BD. 9) y 10 DIA, \1LT-1L COLI\I\ U' �ARI'lD U1*111 BRL SI1Lll ALL\B\Z'\1 O(COLOR BD = 10) 1() \I.U- LOC.A'FION OF F\IS'11\G AIRAND \1'A FFR I't MP I l TRASH ENCLOSI-RE 0 M TIAL DO\\ NSPOLT 0 GAS I'1 \1P 14 131CYCIA. R1CR lj 13L'II.DI\G SIGNS 0 BOLLARD. P. -11\'1F:1) 0 4" DIA. \ICTAL C: OIAM\ \\ARPI:D \11111 BRLS111_D \I.L'\ll\L-\I (COI OR BI) 10) IR MFIAl. ROOF (COI OR BD. +'') 5-0" 5-0" 5-0" 5'-0" 1 6'-6" 0 0l N � 0 a N O r7 I I EXTERIOR DOOR AND WINDOW ELEVATION 1/411=11-011 /411=1'-011 6 6'-8" 3'-10" 8'-4" Ti z z O O _ _ 0 -- L�E9EFL1LR�0E_--_-- N � N o-- - ----= -=- 7--^----- [D CD b Z b M o N b 10 m b .. .. .. v O O_ ^ O_ _ i F.F. - 249.45 m I F G.. 744 an EXTERIOR DOOR AND WINDOW ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0" Plannine Submittal 9 616 PLANNING RL\ -ILIA' 6 20 17 Planning Submittal 12 I1 17 Pl1innine Ccnnmcnis 1 18 18 Plannine Cinnmonis 2 2118 Plannine Submittal 37 18 PLO1 SCALE: 1211-F-01, DR_\\\\ BYA1: CIIE:CkED 131': .\IF PRO,FC1 NO: DA IF SC:AIJ-.ASSll(M'V 07-6_16 A.7.0 BUILDING SECTION A -A 1/411=11-011 /41I_1I-011 BUILDING SECTION B -B 1/4"=1'-0" C TRASH ENCLOSURE SECTION A -A 1/411=1'-0" GENERAL NOTES I. Fit .LD V'LRIF]' ALI.1)I6II:NSIONS ANO EXIST ING GQIIPNIGS'F.-MSTING 1:LF:C'FRIC AL x RIECILANICAI. L-r1Lr1'ILS. R(R)F ELEn1FNTS. PIPING. CONDLIT AND CONDITION Ol THE SPACI: BEFORE. CONSTRLCTION COSI.NIF.NCFS_ NOTIFY ARCI 11111CL OF ANY CONFLICTS 13F.T'A-EEN CONS'IRLCFION DOCIAIFNTS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS. 3, C)\TRACTOR IS RLSPON'SIBLE FOR ALI. FLECTRICI. WORL SICH .AS Ot 1'LETS, SN IICHLS. WIRING A`:D AL1. D(XS :AIEN'IS N'HICH.-ARG RLQL[RFD BY AI.L AGENCIES FOR PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT PROCESS. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RLSPONSIBLL FOR ALL NIF.CHANIC\L. IiVAC WORK. AND ALT. DOCL NIENT'S'A HICH ARL REQUIRED 11) AGFN'CIFS FOR PLAID CHECK AND WILDING PI RMI"I PROMS. KEY NOTES Ol FLAT ROOF (COLCR 13D. = 2) 0 NIL FAL PANFL SCRI-EN (COLOR 131). - 1) 0 NIL FAL FASCIA (COLOR 131). = 9) OFL:\'r O\'FRI TANG BELO". SEF FLE\'A I ION FOR LOCATION; (COLOR 131). - 6) OS I RLC'LRAI. JOIST 0 SUSPENDED CEILING 0 CORK. MFLAI, ROOFING. COATED WITH RE'S "I ISIIIBFrLD PAINT (COLOR I31). a 2) OWIT D .ANGEL S'11 . 1 1 "' 16"1' 8" PLA II TO STI. JOIST. LSF. -.q SCRI:\U'S'FO FASCIA 131). S' (iA 20 L(1.1 ID(il 11_\SHl\G li) 4 , 4 , 1 4" IISS PI:RPI:N. TD BI..A.\t ON" C\1t N \LL OG_\ 20. G.I. W71 U ON1TI.GATT. 0 DRI\ LN AY 1 1 VI (CONC. \PRO\) 17 CEMI NT PLAS l I R FIN'ISII "I(FLI,l MORI: 237-1_ BLLF 11-\RNIO\1 0 (COI.OI: 13ll.+=Bi 1N CLNE\T PLASTER FINISII "KIT I.1.1P )RI: 4� NIIIII. Sll\D(N."' (COLOR BD. =,\ ORI: 9)) 39lSign 01riol p 1296 Virginia Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Tc L(408) 31 6.61 68 1--MaiLagp(u3pacbcll.nct REVISIONS NO. ITTNI DA I E Pb umuw+ Submittal 9 6 16 Pl-ninc Submittal 121117 Plnnnin- Sul fowl 3 7 1R O O r"Tl W �MM O O �= o Q o REVISIONS NO. ITTNI DA I E Pb umuw+ Submittal 9 6 16 Pl-ninc Submittal 121117 Plnnnin- Sul fowl 3 7 1R DE ANZA BLVD. - EXISTING EAST VIEW N.T.S DE ANZA BLVD. - PROPOSED EAST VIEW N.T.S PACIFICA STRET - EXISTING SOUTH VIEW N.T.S PACIFICA STRET - PROPOSED SOUTH VIEW N.T.S A.(g.p. 'Aj 39rsign (group 1296 Virginia Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Tcl:(408) 316.6168 l-Mail:agp;a)pacbc1l.nct KF.\ ISIU\S No, IFLM DATE Plannine Submittal 12 11 17 11Ivini— C'rmlmcmc 2 21 Is Plannins Submittal 3 7. 19 11R0.11:CT M) DATE: SCA I. F, AS S1RAN N 07-6-16 A.9.0 a a d A.M.P. AAJ 39rsiijn Group 1296 Virginia Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Tcl:(408) 316.6168 1_i-Mail.agp(a'pacbc1hict ur,v lsloss No ITFNI n: Tr. Planning Suhmillul I.'. 11 17 A. 10.0 rn Q z � o Q O o v 0 ur,v lsloss No ITFNI n: Tr. Planning Suhmillul I.'. 11 17 A. 10.0 A.(s.P. AAJ Drsign Group 1296 Virginia Avc. Campbell, CA 95008 TcL(408) 316.6168 F -Mail agp(a)pacbcll.nct REVISIONS Plannine Subiumal 12 11 17 Plannine commuats 2 21 IS Plannine Suhmiltal 3 7 18 A. 11.0 Y� M z � Q° D � G w� � O J O REVISIONS Plannine Subiumal 12 11 17 Plannine commuats 2 21 IS Plannine Suhmiltal 3 7 18 A. 11.0 ABBREVIATIONS FILL AREA LIMiT 9ESCR/P770/V CUT AREA UMiT DESCRIP776W AB AGGREGATE BASE L/S LANDSCAPE AREA AC ASPHALT CONCRETE LP LOW POINT AD BC AREA DRAIN BACK OF CURB MON (N) MONUMENT NEW BFL BACKFLOW PREVENTOR OGORIGINAL GROUND BW BOTTOM OF WALL O.R. OVERLAND RELEASE C&G CURB AND GUTTER PB PULL BOX CENTERUNE PGEV PG&VAULTC CP/ PROPERTY UN ECLS CO CLEANOUT PP POWER POLE CHID CHANNEL DRAIN PPP PLASTIC PERFORATED PIPE DWY DRIVEWAY PSE PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT Of DROP INLET PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE DTL DETAIL R/W RIGHT OF WAY ELCT ELECTRIC RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT ELEVATION SO STORM DRAIN EUC EUCALYPTUS TREE SDMH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE (E),EX EXISTING STD STANDARD FF FINISH FLOOR SS SANITARY SEWER FG FINISH GRADE SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FH FIRE HYDRANT BSW BACK OF SIDEWALK FL FLOWUNE TC TOP OF CURB FNC FENCE IF TOP OF FOUNDATION FOC FACE OF CURB TG IDS TOP OF GRATE TOP OF SLAB GB GRADE BREAK PAVEMENT GUY GUY WIRE TW TOP OF HP HIGH POINT (TYP) TYPICAL DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE VCP VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE INV INVERT WL WHITE LINE STRIPE JP JOINT POLE WLK WALKWAY JB JUNCTION BOX (UTILITY) WM WATER METER LG UP OF GUTTER WV WATER VALVE LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION PROPERTY LINE F FILL AREA LIMiT C CUT AREA UMiT fO2 CONTOUR W-- WATER LINE - SD--►- STORM DRAIN PIPE (SOLID) SS SANITARY SEWER PIPE SUD- SUBDRAIN PIPE (PERFORATED) e OH e,T.1V OVERHEAD UTILITIES WiTH POLE G GAS UNE E ELECTRIC LINE (UNDERGROUND) JT JOINT TRENCH (UNDERGROUND) ® SLV STREET LIGHT VAULT SSCO SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT 0 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE [� STORM DRAIN MANHOLE CONCRETE SWALE AREA DRAIN/ INLET OVERLAND RELEASE PATH GRADE TO DRAIN, 2% MIN. AWAY FROM HOUSE 1% MIN. FROM PROPERTY LINE TO SWALE (E) TREE TO BE REMOVE DOWN -SPOUT POP-UP EMITTER ROOF DOWN -SPOUT, CONNECTED TO STORM DRAIN SYSTEM GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS GAS STATION PHASE ONE 10490 S. DE ANZA BLVD., CUPERTINO, CA GENERAL NOTES 1. All work shall be in accordance with the State of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (dated July 1992), Standard Plans (dated July 1992), and City of Cupertino Standard Details. The Contractor shall perform the work described in the specification, and as shown on the drawings, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. The Contractor is required to notify the Public Works Inspector two (2) working days prior to requiring an inspection. Two (2) working days prior to installing permanent striping, the Contractor shall call for review and approval of the proposed striping by the City Traffic Engineer. The City shall have the right to make changes in the locations of the alignment of Ione stripes and pavement markings. 3. All underground utilities shall be installed and adequately backfilled before placement of the base material and surface structures. If utilities are to be installed subsequently, a written notification from the affected utility company indicating its commitment to bore or tunnel shall be submitted to the City Engineer before proceeding with the work. Underground utilities, except storm and sanitary sewer, will not be permitted in pavement area, with the exception of street crossings, otherwise specifically approved and authorized by the City Engineer. 4. The Contractor shall have all of the utilities, underground mains and services that may conflict with the roject, located in the field. The Contractor shall contact Underground Service Alert (USA) two 2) working days in advance of any work, for location of the underground facilities, at (800 642-2444. 5. All trench backfill, fill areas, and base material shall attain a minimum 95 % compaction as per Standard Specifications. For typical trench sections, refer to the City Standard Details, with the exception of sanitary sewers. 6. All trees, roots and foreign matter in existing or proposed Right of Way shall be removed to a depth of two (2) feet below subgrade and disposed of. 7. All existing pavement removed or damaged shall be replaced as required by the City Engineer. B. All concrete used for all structures must be Class "A" (6 sacks per cubic yard) as per Standard Specifications and shall attain a strength of 3,000 p.s.i. in 28 days. Sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be Class "B" (5 sacks per cubic yard) as per Standard Specification and shall attain a strength of 3,000 p.s.i. in 28 days. 9. Drop inlets installed shall be City of Cupertino Standard unless otherwise noted on the plans. The boxes shall be installed at the same time the P.C.C. curb and gutter is installed. Class "A" P.C.C. shall be used. 10. A minimum thickness of six (6) inches of P.C.C. shall be required for commercial driveway approaches and five (5) inches for residential. Locations shall be determined prior to the installation of curbs. The driveway shall be Installed at the some time as the curb. 11. All street curbs shall be vertical P.C.C. curbs. 12. Install City of Cupertino street name signs, four (4) blades each per assembly as shown on the plans. 13. Install City of Cupertino standard monument box (es) and monument(s) as shown on the plans. 14. All grade stakes and laths required by the City Engineer shall be installed by the Subdividers Engineer as directed. Minimum off -sets for cut stakes shall be five (5) feet. 15. Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall have cut sheets approved by the City Engineer. Notify the City Engineer two (2) working days prior to requiring inspection. 16. The Contractor shall submit a written request for final inspection. 17. One pound of dispersing black shall be mixed with each cubic yard of concrete at the batch plant. 1B. Grading of lots outside of R/W as per typical section and for cross-section, shall be completed and approved by the City Engineer before proceeding with preparation of the subgrade and placement of surface structures on lots. All lots shall be graded to the street elevation, or as shown on the plans, or as determined by the City Engineer. 19. Notify the City Engineer (two) 2 working days in advance of requiring services for checking field staking. At this time, three (3) copies of the cut sheets will be furnished. 20. All standard street monuments, lot corner pipes, and other permanent monuments disturbed during construction shalt be replaced before acceptance of the improvements by the City of Cupertino. 21. Manhole frames and covers shall be brought to finish grade before final paving. 22. The Developer shall pay all costs for moisture -density curves (Calif. Test No. 216E) and any other tests required by the City Engineer during street construction. 23. Approval of these plans does not release the Contractor of the responsibility for the corrections of mistakes, errors, or omissions contained therein. If, durin the course of construction of improvements, public interest requires a modification of/gor a departure from the City of Cupertino specification or these improvement plans, the City Engineer shall have the authority to require such modification or departure and to specify the manner in which the same is to be completed. 24. Septic tanks shall be pumped and backfilled to the satisfaction of Santa Clara County Health Department prior to construction. 25. For all five (5) foot monolithic sidewalks, all fire hydrants and electroliers shall be installed behind the sidewalk. 26. Each sheet of the construction/modification plans shall be Initialed by the City Engineer to be considered approved final plans. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, and all Subcontractors to insure they are furnished with approved plans or the latest revised plans. 27. All water lines, valves, hydrants, and appurtenances thereto installed within the City of Cupertino Municipal Water Utility's services area, shall be the property of said water utility. 28. Construction signing shall be installed prior to the beginning of work. 29. Any and all storm lines Installed as part of the work on these plans shall be cleaned of all excess material, debris and obstructions. Storm lines shall be flushed as directed by the City Engineer. SANITARY SEWER NOTES 1. All work performed shall be installed to manufacturers specifications and all work shall comply with all current local, state and federal requirements. 2. All work shall be constructed in accordance with these plans and the Standard Specifications of the Cupertino Sanitary District. 3. All excavation and backfilling within street right-of-way shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer of the public agency having jurisdiction. Encroachment Permits shall be obtained and a copy shall be on the job during construction. 4. Fill material shall be compacted to a minimum of two and one half (2.5) feet above the top of pipe elevation by methods that will not damage the pipe or substituted with gravel or one (1) slurry mix. Fill material must attain a minimum of ninety five percent (95%) relative compaction, as per State of California Standard Specifications. 5. The District Engineer shall be notified two (2) working days in advance of starting construction on this project 20065 Stevens Creek Boulevard Building C Cupertino, CA 95014 408 253-7071. P le � 9 P ( ) At that time, traffic plans, encroachment permits and the sewer diversion plans shall be given to the District Engineer. Sewer diversion plans shall include sewage bypass and emergency plans. Work shall not begin until the District Engineer has provided written acceptance of these plans. 6. One (1) sanitary sewer lateral shall be Installed for each lot or building. Location of lateral and property corners to be staked in field at the some time the sewer main is staked for construction. Laterals shall not be laid on less than two percent (297 grade and shall have a minimum coverof four and one half (4.5) feet at property line or edge of sanitary sewer easement. Laterals shall be deeper than four and one half (4.5) feet when directed by District Engineer. Laterals shall not be extended beyond the street right-of-way line or sanitary sewer easement line until the main has been tested. Lateral sewers constructed outside of the public street or Cupertino Sanitary District Easement shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of, and shall be inspected by the City of Cupertino Building Department. 7. The Contractor performing work on the sanitary sewers shall be required to register with the District and provide insurance as specified in Sections 1.39 and 1.40 of the District's Standard Specifications. 8. The Developer and General Contractor shall be responsible for protection of all existing improvements including existing sanitary sewer facilities that are to remain and if damaged during construction of the proposed improvements, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Cupertino Sanitary District and other affected agencies. 9. Channels of all District manholes within the construction area shall be protected by plywood covers, placed in the manholes and manhole castings shall be adjusted to final grade in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the Cupertino Sanitary District or as directed by the District Engineer. 10. The Developer and General Contractor shall be responsible for the prevention of construction debris entering the existing sanitary sewer system due to the construction activities associated with this project and the Developer and Contractor shall pay all costs associated with the release of construction debris into the existing sanitary sewer system due to the construction activities associated with this project. 11. The Developer and General Contractor shall be responsible for the prevention of o sewage spill associated the Contractors activities on this project and the Developer and Contractor shall pay all costs associated with the release of sewage into surface drainage system and downstream surface waters. 12. Utility Notification (Contractor shall locate all utilities prior to start of excavation): A. Underground Service Alert 800-227-2600 B. Storm Drains City of Cupertino C. Sanitary Sewers Cupertino Sanitary District 13. All Sanitary Sewer Pipes shall be PVC-SDR26 or approved equal, unless otherwise specified by the District Engineer. 14. Access for Pedestrians and vehicles shall be provided at all times unless approved in writing by District Engineer. ))PROPERTY E 15 OF THE LINE OF CONNECTION AND STREET LATERAL 11S REQGIR�N6 PR ORTO PASSINGTHE CITPOINT Y OF CUPERTINO FINAL INSPECTION. OWNER TO CALL DISTRICT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO VIDEO INSPECTION TO SCHEDULE A DISTRICT INSPECTOR. DISTRICT TO PROVIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WHIT WRITTEN NOTIFICATION UPON COMPLETION OF INSPECTION. Approval of these plans by Cupertino Sanitary District does not relieve the Installer of the responsibility for the correction of mistakes, errors, or omissions. If, during the course of construction of the sanitary sewers the public interest requires a modification of, or a departure from the District Specifications or these improvement plans, the District Engineer shall have the authority to require such modifications or departure and to specify the manner in which the modifications or departure is to be done. Approved 20 CUPERTINO SANITARY DISTRICT District Engineer N.T.S. I SHEE T INDEX: 1 COVER SHEET, NOTES, DETAIL 2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 3 DETAILS 4 STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN 5 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES/ DETAILS 6 EROSION CONTROL PLAN BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BEARING S 89'00'00" E OF CENTERLINE OF PACIFIC DR., AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN RECORD MAP, RECORDED IN BOOK 154 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 4, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS, WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS MAP. SITE BENCHMARK: $ SURVEY CONTROL SET MAG NAIL ELEVATION=248.00' PROJECT BENCHMARK.• SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BM 157 (NAVD 88 DATUM) CUPERTINO SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NOTE: - CUPERTINO SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT CONNECTION PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUE OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT. -SEE SANITARY SEWER NOTES ON SHEET C-2 FOR REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. NOTE: 'THE GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING SITE GRADING, BASEMENT EXCAVATION, PIER DRILLING, FOOTING EXCAVATIONS, PREPARATION OF SUBGRADE AND PLACEMENT OF NON -EXPANSIVE FILL BENEATH THE BASEMENT SLAB AND SLABS -ON -GRADE, PAVEMENTS, RETAINING WALL BACKFILL, AND INSTALLATION OF SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SHOULD BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED BY MURRAY ENGINEERS, INC., DATED JANUARY 10, 2013. MURRAY ENGINEERS, INC. SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT LEAST 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTiFlCAT10N (650-559-9980) OF ANY EARTHWORK OPERATIONS AND SHOULD BE PRESENT TO OBSERVE AND TEST, AS NECESSARY, THE EARTHWORK, FOUNDATION, AND DRAINAGE INSTALLATION PHASES OF THE PROJECT." DRAINAGE NOTES 1. Surface water shall be directed away from all buildings into drainage swales, gutters, storm drain inlets and drainage systems. 2. All roof downspouts shall discharge to concrete splash pads draining away from the foundation. See architectural plans for roof downspout locations. 3. On site storm drain lines shall consist of solid PVC-SCH 40 OR PVC SDR -35 minimum or better. Use PVC SCH80 OR PVC SDR -26 for pipes running under driveway. 4. Storm drain inlets shall be precast concrete, Christy U23 type or equivalent. Use traffic grade cover for inlets in driveways and stalls. CITY ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE APPROVED BY: TIMM D. BORDEN RCE 45512 Date DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS EXP. 12/31/14 sMP ENGINEERS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL: (650) 941-8055 FAX (650) 941-8755 OWNER / DEVELOPER: COPYRIGHT (Ci 2017 SMP ENGIN ERS CIVIL ENGINEERS Z OO LLJ fAm Q t5 =a U W ILZ0 U -< Z a: � tr W Q c U to U CO 0 uoce: 02/06/2017 Scale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job J: 216069 Sheet 1 OF 6 C-1 Z n W 0 Z Q Z Q Z 'r V SURVEY CiTY MONUMENT ELECTROLIER ®WM WATER METER I • T TREE WiTH TRUNK - x x - 6' WOODEN FENCE r102.23 SPOT ELEVATION TREE PROTECTION FENCE 5' TALL CHAIN LINK EARTHSWALE CONCRETE SWALE AREA DRAIN/ INLET OVERLAND RELEASE PATH GRADE TO DRAIN, 2% MIN. AWAY FROM HOUSE 1% MIN. FROM PROPERTY LINE TO SWALE (E) TREE TO BE REMOVE DOWN -SPOUT POP-UP EMITTER ROOF DOWN -SPOUT, CONNECTED TO STORM DRAIN SYSTEM GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS GAS STATION PHASE ONE 10490 S. DE ANZA BLVD., CUPERTINO, CA GENERAL NOTES 1. All work shall be in accordance with the State of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (dated July 1992), Standard Plans (dated July 1992), and City of Cupertino Standard Details. The Contractor shall perform the work described in the specification, and as shown on the drawings, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. The Contractor is required to notify the Public Works Inspector two (2) working days prior to requiring an inspection. Two (2) working days prior to installing permanent striping, the Contractor shall call for review and approval of the proposed striping by the City Traffic Engineer. The City shall have the right to make changes in the locations of the alignment of Ione stripes and pavement markings. 3. All underground utilities shall be installed and adequately backfilled before placement of the base material and surface structures. If utilities are to be installed subsequently, a written notification from the affected utility company indicating its commitment to bore or tunnel shall be submitted to the City Engineer before proceeding with the work. Underground utilities, except storm and sanitary sewer, will not be permitted in pavement area, with the exception of street crossings, otherwise specifically approved and authorized by the City Engineer. 4. The Contractor shall have all of the utilities, underground mains and services that may conflict with the roject, located in the field. The Contractor shall contact Underground Service Alert (USA) two 2) working days in advance of any work, for location of the underground facilities, at (800 642-2444. 5. All trench backfill, fill areas, and base material shall attain a minimum 95 % compaction as per Standard Specifications. For typical trench sections, refer to the City Standard Details, with the exception of sanitary sewers. 6. All trees, roots and foreign matter in existing or proposed Right of Way shall be removed to a depth of two (2) feet below subgrade and disposed of. 7. All existing pavement removed or damaged shall be replaced as required by the City Engineer. B. All concrete used for all structures must be Class "A" (6 sacks per cubic yard) as per Standard Specifications and shall attain a strength of 3,000 p.s.i. in 28 days. Sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be Class "B" (5 sacks per cubic yard) as per Standard Specification and shall attain a strength of 3,000 p.s.i. in 28 days. 9. Drop inlets installed shall be City of Cupertino Standard unless otherwise noted on the plans. The boxes shall be installed at the same time the P.C.C. curb and gutter is installed. Class "A" P.C.C. shall be used. 10. A minimum thickness of six (6) inches of P.C.C. shall be required for commercial driveway approaches and five (5) inches for residential. Locations shall be determined prior to the installation of curbs. The driveway shall be Installed at the some time as the curb. 11. All street curbs shall be vertical P.C.C. curbs. 12. Install City of Cupertino street name signs, four (4) blades each per assembly as shown on the plans. 13. Install City of Cupertino standard monument box (es) and monument(s) as shown on the plans. 14. All grade stakes and laths required by the City Engineer shall be installed by the Subdividers Engineer as directed. Minimum off -sets for cut stakes shall be five (5) feet. 15. Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall have cut sheets approved by the City Engineer. Notify the City Engineer two (2) working days prior to requiring inspection. 16. The Contractor shall submit a written request for final inspection. 17. One pound of dispersing black shall be mixed with each cubic yard of concrete at the batch plant. 1B. Grading of lots outside of R/W as per typical section and for cross-section, shall be completed and approved by the City Engineer before proceeding with preparation of the subgrade and placement of surface structures on lots. All lots shall be graded to the street elevation, or as shown on the plans, or as determined by the City Engineer. 19. Notify the City Engineer (two) 2 working days in advance of requiring services for checking field staking. At this time, three (3) copies of the cut sheets will be furnished. 20. All standard street monuments, lot corner pipes, and other permanent monuments disturbed during construction shalt be replaced before acceptance of the improvements by the City of Cupertino. 21. Manhole frames and covers shall be brought to finish grade before final paving. 22. The Developer shall pay all costs for moisture -density curves (Calif. Test No. 216E) and any other tests required by the City Engineer during street construction. 23. Approval of these plans does not release the Contractor of the responsibility for the corrections of mistakes, errors, or omissions contained therein. If, durin the course of construction of improvements, public interest requires a modification of/gor a departure from the City of Cupertino specification or these improvement plans, the City Engineer shall have the authority to require such modification or departure and to specify the manner in which the same is to be completed. 24. Septic tanks shall be pumped and backfilled to the satisfaction of Santa Clara County Health Department prior to construction. 25. For all five (5) foot monolithic sidewalks, all fire hydrants and electroliers shall be installed behind the sidewalk. 26. Each sheet of the construction/modification plans shall be Initialed by the City Engineer to be considered approved final plans. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, and all Subcontractors to insure they are furnished with approved plans or the latest revised plans. 27. All water lines, valves, hydrants, and appurtenances thereto installed within the City of Cupertino Municipal Water Utility's services area, shall be the property of said water utility. 28. Construction signing shall be installed prior to the beginning of work. 29. Any and all storm lines Installed as part of the work on these plans shall be cleaned of all excess material, debris and obstructions. Storm lines shall be flushed as directed by the City Engineer. SANITARY SEWER NOTES 1. All work performed shall be installed to manufacturers specifications and all work shall comply with all current local, state and federal requirements. 2. All work shall be constructed in accordance with these plans and the Standard Specifications of the Cupertino Sanitary District. 3. All excavation and backfilling within street right-of-way shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer of the public agency having jurisdiction. Encroachment Permits shall be obtained and a copy shall be on the job during construction. 4. Fill material shall be compacted to a minimum of two and one half (2.5) feet above the top of pipe elevation by methods that will not damage the pipe or substituted with gravel or one (1) slurry mix. Fill material must attain a minimum of ninety five percent (95%) relative compaction, as per State of California Standard Specifications. 5. The District Engineer shall be notified two (2) working days in advance of starting construction on this project 20065 Stevens Creek Boulevard Building C Cupertino, CA 95014 408 253-7071. P le � 9 P ( ) At that time, traffic plans, encroachment permits and the sewer diversion plans shall be given to the District Engineer. Sewer diversion plans shall include sewage bypass and emergency plans. Work shall not begin until the District Engineer has provided written acceptance of these plans. 6. One (1) sanitary sewer lateral shall be Installed for each lot or building. Location of lateral and property corners to be staked in field at the some time the sewer main is staked for construction. Laterals shall not be laid on less than two percent (297 grade and shall have a minimum coverof four and one half (4.5) feet at property line or edge of sanitary sewer easement. Laterals shall be deeper than four and one half (4.5) feet when directed by District Engineer. Laterals shall not be extended beyond the street right-of-way line or sanitary sewer easement line until the main has been tested. Lateral sewers constructed outside of the public street or Cupertino Sanitary District Easement shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of, and shall be inspected by the City of Cupertino Building Department. 7. The Contractor performing work on the sanitary sewers shall be required to register with the District and provide insurance as specified in Sections 1.39 and 1.40 of the District's Standard Specifications. 8. The Developer and General Contractor shall be responsible for protection of all existing improvements including existing sanitary sewer facilities that are to remain and if damaged during construction of the proposed improvements, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Cupertino Sanitary District and other affected agencies. 9. Channels of all District manholes within the construction area shall be protected by plywood covers, placed in the manholes and manhole castings shall be adjusted to final grade in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the Cupertino Sanitary District or as directed by the District Engineer. 10. The Developer and General Contractor shall be responsible for the prevention of construction debris entering the existing sanitary sewer system due to the construction activities associated with this project and the Developer and Contractor shall pay all costs associated with the release of construction debris into the existing sanitary sewer system due to the construction activities associated with this project. 11. The Developer and General Contractor shall be responsible for the prevention of o sewage spill associated the Contractors activities on this project and the Developer and Contractor shall pay all costs associated with the release of sewage into surface drainage system and downstream surface waters. 12. Utility Notification (Contractor shall locate all utilities prior to start of excavation): A. Underground Service Alert 800-227-2600 B. Storm Drains City of Cupertino C. Sanitary Sewers Cupertino Sanitary District 13. All Sanitary Sewer Pipes shall be PVC-SDR26 or approved equal, unless otherwise specified by the District Engineer. 14. Access for Pedestrians and vehicles shall be provided at all times unless approved in writing by District Engineer. ))PROPERTY E 15 OF THE LINE OF CONNECTION AND STREET LATERAL 11S REQGIR�N6 PR ORTO PASSINGTHE CITPOINT Y OF CUPERTINO FINAL INSPECTION. OWNER TO CALL DISTRICT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO VIDEO INSPECTION TO SCHEDULE A DISTRICT INSPECTOR. DISTRICT TO PROVIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WHIT WRITTEN NOTIFICATION UPON COMPLETION OF INSPECTION. Approval of these plans by Cupertino Sanitary District does not relieve the Installer of the responsibility for the correction of mistakes, errors, or omissions. If, during the course of construction of the sanitary sewers the public interest requires a modification of, or a departure from the District Specifications or these improvement plans, the District Engineer shall have the authority to require such modifications or departure and to specify the manner in which the modifications or departure is to be done. Approved 20 CUPERTINO SANITARY DISTRICT District Engineer N.T.S. I SHEE T INDEX: 1 COVER SHEET, NOTES, DETAIL 2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 3 DETAILS 4 STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN 5 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES/ DETAILS 6 EROSION CONTROL PLAN BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BEARING S 89'00'00" E OF CENTERLINE OF PACIFIC DR., AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN RECORD MAP, RECORDED IN BOOK 154 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 4, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS, WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS MAP. SITE BENCHMARK: $ SURVEY CONTROL SET MAG NAIL ELEVATION=248.00' PROJECT BENCHMARK.• SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BM 157 (NAVD 88 DATUM) CUPERTINO SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NOTE: - CUPERTINO SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT CONNECTION PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUE OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT. -SEE SANITARY SEWER NOTES ON SHEET C-2 FOR REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. NOTE: 'THE GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING SITE GRADING, BASEMENT EXCAVATION, PIER DRILLING, FOOTING EXCAVATIONS, PREPARATION OF SUBGRADE AND PLACEMENT OF NON -EXPANSIVE FILL BENEATH THE BASEMENT SLAB AND SLABS -ON -GRADE, PAVEMENTS, RETAINING WALL BACKFILL, AND INSTALLATION OF SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SHOULD BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED BY MURRAY ENGINEERS, INC., DATED JANUARY 10, 2013. MURRAY ENGINEERS, INC. SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT LEAST 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTiFlCAT10N (650-559-9980) OF ANY EARTHWORK OPERATIONS AND SHOULD BE PRESENT TO OBSERVE AND TEST, AS NECESSARY, THE EARTHWORK, FOUNDATION, AND DRAINAGE INSTALLATION PHASES OF THE PROJECT." DRAINAGE NOTES 1. Surface water shall be directed away from all buildings into drainage swales, gutters, storm drain inlets and drainage systems. 2. All roof downspouts shall discharge to concrete splash pads draining away from the foundation. See architectural plans for roof downspout locations. 3. On site storm drain lines shall consist of solid PVC-SCH 40 OR PVC SDR -35 minimum or better. Use PVC SCH80 OR PVC SDR -26 for pipes running under driveway. 4. Storm drain inlets shall be precast concrete, Christy U23 type or equivalent. Use traffic grade cover for inlets in driveways and stalls. CITY ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE APPROVED BY: TIMM D. BORDEN RCE 45512 Date DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS EXP. 12/31/14 sMP ENGINEERS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL: (650) 941-8055 FAX (650) 941-8755 OWNER / DEVELOPER: COPYRIGHT (Ci 2017 SMP ENGIN ERS CIVIL ENGINEERS Z OO LLJ fAm Q t5 =a U W ILZ0 U -< Z a: � tr W Q c U to U CO 0 uoce: 02/06/2017 Scale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job J: 216069 Sheet 1 OF 6 C-1 Z n W 0 Z Q Z Q Z 'r V SMP t i FN�INFFRS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL: (650) 941-6055 FAX (650) 941-6755 OWNER / DEVELOPER: COPYRIGHT 2017 SMP ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERS Z Z W Z 0 - WW W a a °° U a Z <Z a- a Z ar 00W� Q Q � = Q z t U z co p �o Q 0 0 Revisions: Seale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job & L lir 0 tl%-n PACIFIC DRIVE :. : . NOTE: .::.'. W.:;_:�NEED-:.. N�LR::._=N.E.-:_:EMEN- N".:.-E R ::ER :N _. RDER R=148.32' L=40.25' D=15'33'02" _'-L_N..-RM _ RE'. :REE:::= -EMEN ;_' -- E.:.R ="EJ- .EVV: EN _"M RO ;D.:= WDENED- SAWCUT 3 CONFORM (E) DWY TO BE REMOVE R REPLACE WITH (N) RX (E) WLK TO BE REMOVED TO EXTEND (E) DWY (E) DWY TO BE REMAIN (N) CURB SAWCUT R CONFORM SAWCUT R CONFORM R=232' L=101.60' D=25'T5C'32" 246.95 _ . ... .4246:45 (E) DWY TO BE REMOVE 3 REPUCC:WITH (N) WLK 24735 . .:.., .:Tc •1 248.65 ... • •R : • '' 4: S890 00'00"E O E ( CURB TC 2d7S0y�y.'T L=65.42.�FL247DD R CONFbRMTDT�E RELOCA 24654 VALLEY g1T1ER (� 42.06 1�'- #LIC 247.4i1 4 .+: + �PJi . -'- - R=122.06' . .': . + + +(E) + + + + + + (E) FL INLET RB a. + + + +' + + :. :.4 + .. TC 247.57 �� _ + + + + + + + + + + (E) AC 246 22 FL 241.07 + + + + + + + + + + (E}'TC 246.58 Vii. + + + + /EASEMENT + + + + + + + + + + + GONFORill +« + SAWCUT R + + + + + + r `N) VALLEY + + + + + + + + + + + + + + UNE + + + + + + + + . + + it + + - :: + + + + + + + + + + + + + MWORM (E) FLOW ELEVA %++++ +++ +++++++ 27.25 N49053'1 +++++++ +++++++++ TE +++++++ ++++ #,,. *+ �v� ro + + +' + _ o 3.69 + + + + + + # : Q�FZ ..++++++++++++++ ++++ .+++++++ + Quo o + + + + + + + + + + + + + CU CUT +. cy + + + + + + + + +++++++ + + + + + ., 1 �a , L=17.10' + �. + +_* ++++++++++ +.., r�CD - , +++:�++ + o (N, a,Re R=20.00' ,,++++++++++ �, + . + + , t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NOTE:' + + + + + DWY 247.63 ;jEy TO$ 24 3d + TC 2 2 TOS 247.33 TC 247.83 NEW PLANTER CURB SHOULD BE INSTALLED WITH A +++++ + ++++++++ (E) 247.62 DEEP FOUNDATION IN ORDER TO:PERMIT.FUTURE++++++++ STREET CONSTRUCTION GRADE DIFFERENCES. + +` + + + + + CU CUT + + + + + + E DWY 247 82 g NOTE: SAWCUT R CONFORM + + ++ + ++++ .._ , D E E E R R ED -_ _ _ TC 247.91 + + + + 21GI +++ ++++++ CURB CUT .< s R=48.96' L=42.27' D=49'27'36 i + ELEVAT S IN HAT D .:AREA, BE REMAI TC 248.2 + / TOS 248.76 + 248• TDS 246.7 E DWY 248.2 + CURB CUT DWY 23 MEA DRAIN FOR TRASH DMORIRE N WITHTRAP TO SANITARY SEWER + 248.37 TC 246.88 DWY 248. DWY 24.66 TOS 24$29 m IDS 247. TOS 247.88 109.38- - - ;, 248 = ..? • IW 247. P 247.60 N00° 53' 50"E b J Ix TOS 249.38 5.00 :; f i': I Vii. I V Z TC 2,824} s . ifi II �f .4 TOS 249.38 # SAWCUT 3 CONFORM I n �LLJ� .... .:...e. DWY' 348.46 AWY 246.45 DWY 248.45 '= TOS 249.16 ) O f,:A4782 2 \ 11 / DMA DWY 246.52 F.F-249.45 \ PERVIOUS :1 , PAVEMENT TC 2449.14 .' M \ \4 0.50' 4 75 . 5:00' `� Ff SUBDRAIN \ , / ( t '% D o INV 247.45 \ / T SDCO RIM 24645 (TRAFFIC GRADE) \ / NV 24715 .. ...+ ..--��y1 ---SUD----SUD---SUD----SUO- -- �p M-► \ (N) DRIVEWAY TC 248.95 (Cel "NLET mss? \ \ +'A TOS 248.48 .. DWY 248.45 (�! / NO DU%G FLOWS TO BAY (F OVERLAND / TG 248.1 ' s• \ EARTH SWALE 0 0.5X \ INV 6' 246 61 SD A�, \ I ► .2 PVC (OU INV 6' PER \ 146.85 \e I .. . • i / (2)« (IN) \ / INV 246.61 D 2�,4� o \ - - - - N E? FL 247.72 - DWY 248.4Slo fIG H `. +� 2ZI' 2X 2x� N 31 LFA 6' PVC O 0 51L DWY 248 74 DWY 248.74 DWY 248.74 DWY 248.74 TC 249.23 N x '" FG 247.75 SID 11 INLET • _ N6 DU FLOWS AY G WS - -.. _..- T 24 RAI TG 2D TO 249.10 WLK 248.60 ARTH SWALE O A.SX TC 244 24 O 1 11 TC 249.24 24 9 24 HP 247 N$9 00 00 W TC 32 INV 6' 19 INV FIELD VERIFIED 110.00 49.43 TG 246 80 TG 2 TC 249.4 TOS 249.43 ' _. __ . , ............ _..._, ..... .. ...... .INV 246.35 _.._....._ .... GRAPHIC SCALE 0 0 S 10 - .:. 4D NOTE: CA TCH BA IN FIL T - N-..-M---EE .R__ E R I N END t R ❑.�',: Nom::::-:ER-�� - - is iso E�uas��. _ SMP t i FN�INFFRS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL: (650) 941-6055 FAX (650) 941-6755 OWNER / DEVELOPER: COPYRIGHT 2017 SMP ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERS Z Z W Z 0 - WW W a a °° U a Z <Z a- a Z ar 00W� Q Q � = Q z t U z co p �o Q 0 0 Revisions: Seale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job & L lir 0 tl%-n PIPE MATCI PIPE La. - PLAN STORM DRAIN INLET N.T.S. ELEVATION VIEW STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT DETAIL N.T.S SECTION Y -Y ZM DRAIN PIPE PER PLAN EAR TH— S WALE DETAIL N.T.S. SPLASH BL 0 CK N.T.S. SMP t ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL: (650) 941-6055 FAX (650) 941-8755 OWNER / DEVELOPER: Z OD Qm0 Q ca J (LZz Q oW� Fow <c� to q O Redelonc bcale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job f 216069 Sheet 3 OF 6 PLANTS/ HOUSE DOWNSPOUTS VEGETA ON J 3 SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK O S MIN. 24'x{ 2 2% MIN. MIN. 5=1X AWAY PROPERTY LINE S=SY: AWAY FROM BUILDIN MIN. $ Mq-:gR FINISH GRADE 3 GRADENATIVE /� � 3' MIN CERTIFIEDCOMPACTED SUBGRADE DRAINAGE SWALE p Q�, 12' MAX 2X4 RED WOOD HEADER EAR TH— S WALE DETAIL N.T.S. SPLASH BL 0 CK N.T.S. SMP t ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL: (650) 941-6055 FAX (650) 941-8755 OWNER / DEVELOPER: Z OD Qm0 Q ca J (LZz Q oW� Fow <c� to q O Redelonc bcale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job f 216069 Sheet 3 OF 6 PACIFIC DRIVE (E) WLK TO BE REMOVED TO DIM (E) DWY (E) DWY TO BE REMAIN SMP R=232' L=101.60' D=25'5'32" - 2f 60 (E) DWY TO BE REMOVE & RO UCE VATH (N) WLK 1' NOTE: L=65.42. <E) ALLEY GUTU R=122.06' +++ +++ ++ .. CITY WILL NEED A CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY IN ORDER TO CONFORM t#++++ +++++t++++++++ }t + ENGINEERS NY411247.60� FUTURE STREET PAVEMENT TO THE PROJECT SITE WHEN THE ROAD IS WIDENED. + + +++ 4 } + + ; + 1 + t + + + ++++++++++ CIVIL ENGINEERS R=148.32' L=40.25' D=15'33'02" (E) DWY TO BE REMOVE h REPLACE WITH (N) 1WJ(- R=48.96' L=42.27' D=49'27'36" -� E NOTE: ADA ACCESSIBLE PATH TO BE CROSS -STRIPED. ATEA DRAM FOR TRASH E>f=9K VM TRAP h VW CONNECTED TO SANITARY gNER (E) WLK TO BE REMOVED TO DIM (E) DWY (E) DWY TO BE REMAIN R=232' L=101.60' D=25'5'32" - 2f 60 (E) DWY TO BE REMOVE & RO UCE VATH (N) WLK 1' L=65.42. <E) ALLEY GUTU R=122.06' +++ +++ ++ t#++++ +++++t++++++++ }t + NY411247.60� + + +++ 4 } + + ; + 1 + t + + + ++++++++++ / + + ., + + + ; + + t + + . + + t .... VALLEY + + + 4 + + + r N00° 53'50"E + +++++++++++ . i► + + + + t +++++++ + + + %++++{+++#+;++++ CO ��M (E) FLOW ELEYATI 27.25 N49°53'19"E \ +{++++++++++++++ 04 }+++++# +t+++ 3.69' ++t#++# ++++,+++ Q °�#++++++ ++#++++ Quo QQ ++ + + + Cu CUT +++++++ y - + + i + + + + + + + + + i + + #. + I £v+++t+++++++ +++++ L=17.10' _++}+* r ' W R=20.00' +*++ ++++++ ++++ ��+}.+t �+++F+-+<++ wj NOTE: ++ t+ + NEW PLANTER CURB SHOULD BE INSTALLED WITH A t{++++� + +#++++++ DEEP FOUNDATION IN ORDER TO PERMIT FUTURE— STREET CONSTRUCTION GRADE DIFFERENCES. ++++++++++++++++ CUR CUT � R=48.96' L=42.27' D=49'27'36" -� E NOTE: ADA ACCESSIBLE PATH TO BE CROSS -STRIPED. ATEA DRAM FOR TRASH E>f=9K VM TRAP h VW CONNECTED TO SANITARY gNER N co 5 W ` z _ O Z co m a =aU 0-QZ 0 ow U <c� o: to U a �o Revisions __1 __/ Scale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job /: 216069 Sheet 4 OF 6 C-4 z g ILW a z 0 Z a z 0 109.38— - 2f 60 1' NY411247.60� N00° 53'50"E QQ W wj � I Q DMA -.1 F.F=249.45 i C JV \ � HP STIBDRAN \ o INV 247.45 1 SDCO %M 24&45 (MARX MADE)--, / / Y _ r�INV 247.15 c k N co 5 W ` z _ O Z co m a =aU 0-QZ 0 ow U <c� o: to U a �o Revisions __1 __/ Scale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job /: 216069 Sheet 4 OF 6 C-4 z g ILW a z 0 Z a z 0 PRE -CONSTRUCTION VS. POST -CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA COMPARISON Porosity of Depth PERVIOUS CONCRETE, e' THICK 6' PERFORATED PIPE, Compliance with NPDES Permit Provision C.3: Q Source Control Measures: TOTAL NET SITE AREA (AFTER DEDICATION) HOUSE DOWNSPOUTS i YIN. 1% SLOPE HOLES DOWN '. Yes PRE -CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS m .� . • • AREA (SQFT.) AREA (ACRES) PERCENTAGE MATERIAL BUILDINGS The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board 0.026 - Covered -Covered material storage and Garage. DRIVEWAY / WALKWAY � 0.293 89.9% AC/ CONCRETE TOTAL PROJECT IMPERVIOUS AREA 13,901 0.319 98.1% IMPERVIOUS TOTAL PROJECT PERVIOUS AREA (SFRWQCB) Incorporated updated requirements Into Santa Clara 0.006 1.9% PERVIOUS TOTAL SITE AREA 3 0.325 100.0% POST -CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION ,�. DESCRIPTION County's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit in August 06. These updated stormwater quality control 0 Site Design Measures: 0.057 w CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK z 0.003 1.0% ROOFING 235 requirements are predominantly in the category of new development discharge controls. The Permit requires that permanent, 1.7% ROOFING Pervious Concrete driveway with underdraln, 5,446 o _ MIN. 24'� WALKWAY, CURB 875 i/. 6.2% CONCRETE TOTAL PROJECT IMPERVIOUS AREA post- stormwater unlit control measures be implemented P quality P 0.211 Maximized landscaping areas to promote on-site PERVIOUS DRIVEWAY 3,142 22%MIN. �� �n LANDSCAPE 0.042 as part of development projects. TOTAL PROJECT PERVIOUS AREA infiltration as much as possible. Disconnected Roof downspouts k splash blocks 0.114 35.20/a PERVIOUS \ \ \ MIRAFI 140N FILTER FABRIC ON BOTTOM MIN. 4' NV. PER SIDES OF OPEN -GRADED BASE PUN 100.0% Updated stormwater quality control measures include: JAREA (SQFT.) AREA (ACRES) I PERCENTAGE that deflect the water awn from the buildingAND y 0.11081 \ �\ \\ \ MIN. 4' NOTCH INTO -Source Control Measures - Site Design Measures and flow to on-site landscaped areas and Earthswales. �\\ / /\ / NATIVE GRADE OR NO. 57 STONE OPEN -GRADED SUBBASE SOIL SUBGRADE THICKNESS VARIES NTH DESIGN, MIN. 12' PCC CONC. RETAINER CURB AT BOTH - Treatment Control Measures CERTIFIED COMPACTED SUBGRADE OR AS SPECIFIED BY SOILS ENG. SIDES OF DWY, FLUSH WITH EDGE OF DWY. Beginning August 15, 2006, all projects creating or replacing 10,000O Stormwater Treatment Measures: 2X4 RED WOOD HEADER sq. ft. or more of impervious surface area must design and install a PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT DETAIL permanent post -construction stormwater treatment facility on the NOT APPLICABLE SPLASH BLOCK site. The system must be design and installed according to numeric sizing criteria. er=-:M'-er.-::De.i::n- r.er-- N.T.S. NTS All projects, regardless of size that create or replace impervious 1) Design shall be reviewed and approved by a surface may be required to install stormwater quality controls to the licensed Geotechnical Engineer and the more maximum extent practicable. conservative design shall govern. ii) Design for pervious concrete pavement shall be This project proposes to implement appropriate source control and reviewed by the concrete manufacturer and the site design measures. The project creates/replaces LESS THAN 10,000 National Ready Mixed Concrete Association SQFT of impervious surface area, therefore, it is not required to (NRMCA). A report of the suitability of the provide stormwater treatment facilities based on numeric sizing design shall be given to the Project Engineer criteria. However, the project proposes to implement stormwater prior to placement of the concrete. treatment measures to maximize the removal of pollutants to the iii) Installation of pervious concrete shall only be maximum extent practicable. done by contractors with celiificotion from NRMCA and such contractor shall have at least one foreman with this certification on the job CONCRETE PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE at vi) All siteallall times. shall have an PLANTS/ = VEGETATION pervious pavement infiltration rate of 100 in/hr when tested In 1. SWEEP THE PAVEMENT EVERY SIX MONTHS. accordance with ASTM Cl 701. viii) Protect excavated area from excessive 2. PRESSURE WASH WITH WATER AFTER SWEEPING EVERY SIX compaction due to construction traffic and '* MONTHS. protect the finished pavement from construction traffic. 2 MIN. S=1% AWAY PROPERTY UNE S=5% AWAY FROM BUILDING MIN• S:5 g Mq FINISH GRADE ti DRAINAGE SWALE��O�Q�� 3' MIN 12' MAX EARTH-SWALE DETAIL N.T.S. PRE -CONSTRUCTION VS. POST -CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA COMPARISON Porosity of Depth >_ TOTAL GROSS SITE AREA (BEFORE DEDICATION) 16,097 SQFT 1 �2 Impervious'" TOTAL NET SITE AREA (AFTER DEDICATION) 14,173 SQFT 0.40 0.45 Yes PRE -CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION DESCRIPTION AREA (SQFT.) AREA (ACRES) PERCENTAGE MATERIAL BUILDINGS 1.154 0.026 8.1% ROOFING DRIVEWAY / WALKWAY 12,747 0.293 89.9% AC/ CONCRETE TOTAL PROJECT IMPERVIOUS AREA 13,901 0.319 98.1% IMPERVIOUS TOTAL PROJECT PERVIOUS AREA 272 0.006 1.9% PERVIOUS TOTAL SITE AREA 14,173 0.325 100.0% POST -CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATION DESCRIPTION AREA (SQFT.) AREA (ACRES) PERCENTAGE MATERIAL BUILDINGS 2;490 0.057 17.6% ROOFING COVERED PORCH 142 0.003 1.0% ROOFING TRASH PAD 235 0.005 1.7% ROOFING DRIVEWAY 5,446 0.125 38.4% CONCRETE WALKWAY, CURB 875 0.020 6.2% CONCRETE TOTAL PROJECT IMPERVIOUS AREA 9,188 0.211 64.8% IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS DRIVEWAY 3,142 0.072 22.2% PERVIOUS CONCRETE LANDSCAPE 1,843 0.042 13.0% PERVIOUS TOTAL PROJECT PERVIOUS AREA 4,985 0.114 35.20/a PERVIOUS TOTAL SITE AREA 14,173 0.325 100.0% PRE VS. POST COMPARISON JAREA (SQFT.) AREA (ACRES) I PERCENTAGE PROJECT IMPERVIOUS AREA REDUCTION 1 4,7131 0.11081 33.3% ULC: KLAJ t SIZING FOR VOLUME BASED TREATMENT DMA # _ A= 3142 s.f. Impervious Area = 321 s.f. % Imperviousness (i)= 10.22% Pervious Pavement Area = 2821 s.f. -. MAPsite = 20 Correction Factor= 1.4388 - . • MAPgage = 13.9 P6(gage): 0.512 in • P6(site)= P6(gage) x Correction Factor PES site : 0.73669 in -. Cw= 0.858i^3 - 0.78i^2 + 0.774i + 0.04 . - Cw: 0.11 18488 Regression Factor (a) a = 1.963 (48 hour draw down) Po = a x Cw x P6(site) • .. - ' • Po: 0.16175 in. Design Volume = Po x A x 1ft/12in Design Volume = 42.3508 ft^3 SELF RETAINING (PERVIOUS PAVEMENT) -• Min. Storage pervious Storage '-• -. Minimum Storage Depth = Design Volume (c.f.) / Pervious Pavement Area (s.f.) / rock porosity x 12 in/1 ft ' Porosity of Class II Permeable = 0.4 based on SCVUURP training. If value = "No" increase size of pervious pavement. sMP I r ENGINEERS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL.• (650) 941-8055 FAX (650) 941-6755 OWNER /DEVELOPER: J 0 W W O O Ilr Q 0 CAW Z 0 O aQ = N CL Z -Q Z Op Qo 0 COPYRIGHT � 2017 SMP ENGI ERS CIVIL ENGINEERScoccca R•vl•bnc Z g W Q Z O Z Q 0 Ir D vai•: o2/os/2017 scol•: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job k 216069 5 OF 6 C-5 Porosity of Depth >_ Rock* Required 1 �2 Impervious'" in} 0.40 0.45 Yes sMP I r ENGINEERS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL.• (650) 941-8055 FAX (650) 941-6755 OWNER /DEVELOPER: J 0 W W O O Ilr Q 0 CAW Z 0 O aQ = N CL Z -Q Z Op Qo 0 COPYRIGHT � 2017 SMP ENGI ERS CIVIL ENGINEERScoccca R•vl•bnc Z g W Q Z O Z Q 0 Ir D vai•: o2/os/2017 scol•: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job k 216069 5 OF 6 C-5 J N N LU O WITHIN 200' FROM PROJECT SITE OR AS DIRECTED BY INSPECTOR PROTECT (E) STREET.INLE.TS-- - PROTECT S INLET P ETAIL L=65.42. ......................:.. R=122.06' 1710 r- TIC / LI KIA INLET PER DETAIL .FR......... BSBL, .. PER Tfl LE REP�T2'T N89° _Ot 0011WGRAPHIC SCALE VV VV 10 D 5 10 20 40 .0 110.00 1 sills PROTECT STREET 1. _lII;_ ... INLET PER DETAIL BETWEEN HAY BAL 12 MIL PLASTIC LINING WEIGHT IN CORNERS PLAN NOT TO SCALE 2 WOODEN STAKES OR REBAR PER HAY BALES (TYP) STAPLE AS REQUIRED 12 MIL PLASTIC LINING HAY BALES ROUGH WOODEN FRAME I BINDING WIRE NATIVE MATERIAL STACKED HAY BALES (2) WEIGHT IN CORNERS RAMGH S�EhCaTl � A LL CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA N.T.S. C) 0 6' Co^ L ! L 0 O � C)�/'� V/ Maintenance - The entrance shall be maintained In a condition that will prevent tracking or flowing sediment onto public rights-of-way. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone as conditions demand, and repair and/or clean out any measures used to trap sediment. - All sediment spilled, dropped, washed, or tracked onto public rights-of-woy shall be removed Immediately. - When necessary, wheels shall be cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrance onto public righte-of-way. This shall be done at on area stabilized with crushed stone, which drains Into an approved sediment trap or sediment basin. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (TO BE MAINTAINED) I2w 1'x1• STAKE 0 t � ~- DRAIN GRATE A - - N®IDI I®�®ISI I FIBER ROLLS TIGHTLY WARPED SEDIMENT TRAP TRENCH. NOM: 1. PLACE FIBER ROLLS AROUND THE INLET CONSISTENT WITH BASIN SEDIMENT BARRIER DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. FIBER ROLLS ARE TUBES MADE FROM STRAW BOUND W/ PLASTIC NETTING. THEY ARE APPROX. 8' DIA. AND 20 -16 FT. LONG. 2. FIBER ROLL INSTALLATION REUIRES THE CURE STAKING O THE FIBER ROLL IN A ENT AND TRENCH, 3- DEEP, FIDW staples• rock bags, DUG ON CONTOUR. RUNOFF MUST N07 or similar weight BE ALLOWED TO RUN UNDER OR AROUND FIBER ROLL device T-t S DE AN2A BLVD. WOOD STAKES OR 3. THE TDP OF THE STRUCTURE (PONDING -mow SOOx MIRAFl (OR EQUAL) Z s SLOPE (25:1) METAL TO GROUNHEIGD MUST BE WELL ELEVATION DOWNSLOPE E n PROVIDE APPROPRIATE TRANSITION A PREVENT RUNOFF FROM BY-PASSING THE INLET. EXCAVATION OF A BASIN ADJACENT BETWEEN STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION FIBER ROLL PLAN VIEW TO N°THE INLET RPE OFF THE N.T.S. 50' STRUCTURE MAY BE NECESSARY. PONDING HEIGHT W MBED FIBER ROLL 3'-5' INTO SOIL (SEE FIBER ROLL 4. FOSSIL FILTERS SHALL BE INCORPORATED IN ALL CATCH BASINS AND FIELD INLETS 24" AND LARGER AND SHALL Rope FIBER ROLL NOTES FIBER ROLLS DETNL E5) BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. FOSSIL FILTERS ARE 1. Place fiber roll In key trench 3' deep and place excavated sop � 1Y SDE ANZA BLVD. AVAILABLE FROM KRtSTAR ENTERPRISES INC., 422 LARKFIELD CENTER, SUITE 271, on uphill or flow sloe of the roll. 2. On slopes and hillsides, fiber rolls shall be abutted at the ends SANTA ROSH, CA 95403, PHONE (800) and not overlapped. Place alternate stakes on both sides of the 579-8819. roll, every 6'. 3. Install fiber roll 12" from limit of grading SLOPE (2'5'1) DROP INLET PROVIDE 1' WIDE BY 8" DEEP SEDIMENT TRAP PLAN N.T.S. TRENCH AROUND INLET. FOSSIL FILTER SECTION A - A STORM INLET SEDIMENT TRAP -FIBER ROLLS N. T.S. Maintenance - The entrance shall be maintained In a condition that will prevent tracking or flowing sediment onto public rights-of-way. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone as conditions demand, and repair and/or clean out any measures used to trap sediment. - All sediment spilled, dropped, washed, or tracked onto public rights-of-woy shall be removed Immediately. - When necessary, wheels shall be cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrance onto public righte-of-way. This shall be done at on area stabilized with crushed stone, which drains Into an approved sediment trap or sediment basin. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (TO BE MAINTAINED) (E) CURB & GUTTER GRAVEL BAGS GRAVEL BAGS STACKED 2 HIGH GRAVEL BAGS (PEA SIZE. CLEAN) STACKED ONE HIGH B7 . .............................. AT WEIR OPENING .......... , ...... ......... .:,..... . FLOW FLOW ..... .... .......... (E) CATCH BASIN_.......... _ .. ... - ..... ........ _....... .. ...../ .. 2 ...... ........... _._..................................... L .. (E) PAVEMENT-� _ JI (E) CATCH BASIN ,.._•,. SILT BAG/ FILTER TO BE REGULARLY MAINTAINED TRAFFIC CONES SECTION B -B PLAN EXISTING DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION N.T.S. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES AND MEASURES 1. The facilities shown on this Plan are designed to control Erosion 11. Reasonable care shall be token when hauling any earth, sand, gravel, stone, and sediment during the rainy season, October let to April 30. debris, paper or any other substance over any public street, alley or other public Facilities are to be operable prior to October 1 of any year. Grading place. Should any blow, spill, or track over and upon said public or adjacent operations during the rainy season, which leave denuded elopes shall private property, immediately remedy shall occur. be protected with erosion control measures immediately following 12. Sanitary facilities shall be maintained on the site. grading on the slopes. 2. This plan covers only the first winter following grading with 10. During the rainy season, all paved areas shall be kept clear of earth material assumed site conditions as shown on the Erosion Control Plan. and debris. The site shall be maintained so as to minimize sediment laden Prior to September 15, the completion of site improvement shall be runoff to any storm drainage systems, including existing drainage $wales and evaluated and revisions made to this plan as necessary with the water courses. approval of the city engineer. Plans are to be resubmitted for city 13. Construction operations shall be carried out in such o manner that erosion approval prior to September 1 of each subsequent year until site and water pollution will be minimized. State and local laws concerning pollution Improvements are accepted the city. abatement shall be complied with. 3. Construction entrances shall be installed prior to commencement P of grading. All construction traffic entering onto the paved roods 14. Contractors shall provide dust control as required by the appropriate federal, must cross the stabilized construction entranceways. state, and local agency requirements. 4. Contractor shall maintain stabilized entrance at each vehicle 13. With the approval of the city Inspector, erosion and sediment controls maybe access point to existing paved streets. Any mud or debris tracked removed after areae above them have been stabilized. onto public streets shall be removed daily and as required by the city. 5. If hydroseeding is not used or or is not effectively 10/10, then MAINTENANCE NOTES other Immediate methods shall be implemented, such as Erosion 1. Maintenance is to be performed as follows: control blankets, or a three-step application of: 1) seed, mulch, A. Repair damages caused by soil erosion or construction at the fertilizer 2) blown straw 3) tockifier and mulch. end of each working day. 6. Inlet protection shall be Installed at open inlets to prevent B. Swoles shall be inspected periodically and maintained as needed. sediment from entering the storm drain system. Inlets not used In C. Sediment traps, berms, and swales are to be Inspected after conjunction with erosion control are to be blocked to prevent entry each storm and repairs made as needed. of sediment. D. Sediment shall be removed and sediment traps restored to Its 7. Lots with houses under construction will not be hydroseeded Erosion protection for each lot with a house under construction shall original dimensions when sediment has accumulated to a depth of confirm to the Typical Lot Erosion Control Detail shown on this sheet. one foot. 8. This erosion and sediment control plan may not cover all the E. Sediment removed from trap shall be deposited In a suitable situations that may arise during construction due to unanticipated area and in such a manner that it will not erode. field conditions. Variations and additions may be made to this plan F. Rills and gullies must be repaired. in the field. Notify the city representative of any field changes. 2. All existing drainage Inlets on St. George Lane within the limit of the project 9. This plan Is Intended to be used for interim erosion and sediment control , shall be protected with sand bags during construction. See only and Is not to be used for final elevations or permanent Improvements. detail. Sand bog inlet protection shall be cleaned out whenever sediment 10. Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring erosion and sediment depth Is one half the height of one sand bog. control prior, during, and after storm events. 3. Existing concrete ditch sediment trap shall be cleaned out routinely during construction. SMP PPP!PPP f I 1 ENGINEERS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL;- (650) 941-8055 FAX (650) 941-8755 OWNER / DEVELOPER: COPYRIGHT @ 2017 SMP ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERS W Z 00 CL oma O =QU 9 °=a z O zWF z Fa_ v! W CO 0 T1_ Revisions: 02/06/2017 Scale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job /: 91AnAo 6 OFIS C-6 Stockpile cover fabric Secure fabric with staples• rock bags, or similar weight Overlap fabric device S DE AN2A BLVD. 2' (typical) -mow SOOx MIRAFl (OR EQUAL) Z s ON EXISTING GROUND n PROVIDE APPROPRIATE TRANSITION PROFILE BETWEEN STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND PUBUC RIGHT-OF-WAY 50' Rope EXISTING GROUND � SDE ANZA BLVD. Swale PERSPECTIVE 3' TO 5" . AGGREGATE TEMPORARY COVER ON STOCK PILE PLAN N.T.S. (E) CURB & GUTTER GRAVEL BAGS GRAVEL BAGS STACKED 2 HIGH GRAVEL BAGS (PEA SIZE. CLEAN) STACKED ONE HIGH B7 . .............................. AT WEIR OPENING .......... , ...... ......... .:,..... . FLOW FLOW ..... .... .......... (E) CATCH BASIN_.......... _ .. ... - ..... ........ _....... .. ...../ .. 2 ...... ........... _._..................................... L .. (E) PAVEMENT-� _ JI (E) CATCH BASIN ,.._•,. SILT BAG/ FILTER TO BE REGULARLY MAINTAINED TRAFFIC CONES SECTION B -B PLAN EXISTING DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION N.T.S. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES AND MEASURES 1. The facilities shown on this Plan are designed to control Erosion 11. Reasonable care shall be token when hauling any earth, sand, gravel, stone, and sediment during the rainy season, October let to April 30. debris, paper or any other substance over any public street, alley or other public Facilities are to be operable prior to October 1 of any year. Grading place. Should any blow, spill, or track over and upon said public or adjacent operations during the rainy season, which leave denuded elopes shall private property, immediately remedy shall occur. be protected with erosion control measures immediately following 12. Sanitary facilities shall be maintained on the site. grading on the slopes. 2. This plan covers only the first winter following grading with 10. During the rainy season, all paved areas shall be kept clear of earth material assumed site conditions as shown on the Erosion Control Plan. and debris. The site shall be maintained so as to minimize sediment laden Prior to September 15, the completion of site improvement shall be runoff to any storm drainage systems, including existing drainage $wales and evaluated and revisions made to this plan as necessary with the water courses. approval of the city engineer. Plans are to be resubmitted for city 13. Construction operations shall be carried out in such o manner that erosion approval prior to September 1 of each subsequent year until site and water pollution will be minimized. State and local laws concerning pollution Improvements are accepted the city. abatement shall be complied with. 3. Construction entrances shall be installed prior to commencement P of grading. All construction traffic entering onto the paved roods 14. Contractors shall provide dust control as required by the appropriate federal, must cross the stabilized construction entranceways. state, and local agency requirements. 4. Contractor shall maintain stabilized entrance at each vehicle 13. With the approval of the city Inspector, erosion and sediment controls maybe access point to existing paved streets. Any mud or debris tracked removed after areae above them have been stabilized. onto public streets shall be removed daily and as required by the city. 5. If hydroseeding is not used or or is not effectively 10/10, then MAINTENANCE NOTES other Immediate methods shall be implemented, such as Erosion 1. Maintenance is to be performed as follows: control blankets, or a three-step application of: 1) seed, mulch, A. Repair damages caused by soil erosion or construction at the fertilizer 2) blown straw 3) tockifier and mulch. end of each working day. 6. Inlet protection shall be Installed at open inlets to prevent B. Swoles shall be inspected periodically and maintained as needed. sediment from entering the storm drain system. Inlets not used In C. Sediment traps, berms, and swales are to be Inspected after conjunction with erosion control are to be blocked to prevent entry each storm and repairs made as needed. of sediment. D. Sediment shall be removed and sediment traps restored to Its 7. Lots with houses under construction will not be hydroseeded Erosion protection for each lot with a house under construction shall original dimensions when sediment has accumulated to a depth of confirm to the Typical Lot Erosion Control Detail shown on this sheet. one foot. 8. This erosion and sediment control plan may not cover all the E. Sediment removed from trap shall be deposited In a suitable situations that may arise during construction due to unanticipated area and in such a manner that it will not erode. field conditions. Variations and additions may be made to this plan F. Rills and gullies must be repaired. in the field. Notify the city representative of any field changes. 2. All existing drainage Inlets on St. George Lane within the limit of the project 9. This plan Is Intended to be used for interim erosion and sediment control , shall be protected with sand bags during construction. See only and Is not to be used for final elevations or permanent Improvements. detail. Sand bog inlet protection shall be cleaned out whenever sediment 10. Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring erosion and sediment depth Is one half the height of one sand bog. control prior, during, and after storm events. 3. Existing concrete ditch sediment trap shall be cleaned out routinely during construction. SMP PPP!PPP f I 1 ENGINEERS 1534 CAROB LANE LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 TEL;- (650) 941-8055 FAX (650) 941-8755 OWNER / DEVELOPER: COPYRIGHT @ 2017 SMP ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERS W Z 00 CL oma O =QU 9 °=a z O zWF z Fa_ v! W CO 0 T1_ Revisions: 02/06/2017 Scale: AS SHOWN PREPARED BY: S.P. CHECKED BY: S.R. Job /: 91AnAo 6 OFIS C-6 0*101 cr ru-II,9ied(n)d .e: 1l e(^ -d 89I9 -9I £ (sot-):l0)I ulna.) ufiisd ff 4 9pr .6.t.y •slio}ap pJOPUD}s fi}lo 4}IM fildwm 11D4s silmop Ila 'LI •sadD�sPUvI J96JDl Jo s}uawaJlnbaa edogspuo-I gUOP1443 Je}DM OUlIJ9dr0 do filo do figlo e4g 41IM filcUoo IID4s uol}D6IJJI puD 6ul4wld IIV '91 'JelIOJ}UOO pescq Jey}DBM 0 pub Gqvl-j6-Qj6dv 0je4m UOIJEclail zilip pub sen lapa} UOI}DIIDgSUI SI •}ead eJonbG 0001 Jed GpJofi olgm 9 do egDJ wnwlulw D }o .9 do 41dap wnwlulw o o} Ilos ay} o}ul Jazlll:pad Iv vgou Jo }sodwoo e}oJoLLOoui 'irl •sDeJD pa}uold Ul 41MOJ6 100.1 PUD UOIICJOSgD Ja}DM J04 apolloAD eq IID4G poG pa}obduoo fillmlumpow-uou 4o „Q 4o Wnwlulw y 'pl 'SUDId admSPUDI POAOJddD ay} 40 S}OadSO IID 4}IM e7lOPJO99O Ul pell0}GUI uaeq sDy 6UIdmsPUDI a4} W41 'UOIGJAIQ uol}oedsul 6ulpling e4} o} elgD}deo�D Jeuuow o ul 6ul}lJM ul fidi}Jao IID4s }oa}MoiV edDospuD-I eq 'fiouodrrJoo o} Jol'Ad °NOI1VOIdI12eq 'ZI 'DaJO GIEUOIJ} FgIIIQSIA Fi}a4Ds D ul4}lM pa}mol 6ulaq so suold ay} ul pa}Dolpul sbaJD a41 ul 14619y Ul iC 9AOgD 6UIMOJ6 wOJ} 6UIdmGPU0I }UOAOJd O} J9UUDW D UJ P9UI0IUIDW eq 11045 6UICb-,GPL01 'II -NunoO ay} 4gIM aw UO U0110JIsIbei }uaJJno anDy }snw pub 'uol}mllddo Jazlllgpad Jod fi}unO7 puD a1 m5 e4g fig pasuaoll eq gsnw Joggo quoo papeas Uaeq enb4 JO a.D yoI4M 500JO fiUD cl Pelldcb eq IOU II049 eplolgJOH -polJed ewq sl4} 6ulJnp spo4}ew eplolgJe4-uou fiq aeJ4-peeM }de -1 eq IIDys sDeJD 6ul}uold IIV -sfiDp-OL 4o wnwIujw 0 Pe}uvId uaeq soy IDIJOIDw IWO IID Sun pasn eq }OU II0gG apIOIGPO i NOUV016dV 30IDIfl2l3H 'OI satim wJodaaJd Fq pa3oauuoo eq puD P91095 eq 100 saloJlg •pa}OU }I Ja}auolp JO IIpDJ pa}ou 4gIM seloJlo d0 s}uaw6as a.1D UMoys sanJrrJ IIy -pa}mlPUI 9sIMJ94}O sealun 9916uD }461J saaJ6ap Ok, }o eJD sJauJoo }nofiol IIV 'b 'pa}mlpW fillD914dDJ6 so null .1e}uao Jo aUl fi}Jedopd'11DM 6ulpllrq',IIow do a6pe'gpno do �-p0q 'em4 110M ay} WOJ4 eJD GILaujoirlG aW uolsuawip palDos epes.1edns suolsuewlp ua}}IJM 'g }oa}lyoJV eCiV-Pw1 e41 fiq PeMalneJ eq 01 }nOhVj IDUI3 .1hu"Gaoeu aq fiDW GUOI}m(dlpow pleb -UOIg0110gGUl o} JolJd }99}149-^d eLi—PUD-I O41 41IM 64WWPIP edbospUDl 110 do jW bi Melneb •L •MOIA9J s}99}I40dy adDospUD-I a4} J04 6UI}uold 01 JOIJd 4}uOw I }Goal }D FwaGJnU e44 }b p666Dg eq II04s elope}ow gunId IIV -'loo}s UM0J6 FwasxU eq II04G IDIJa}ow }uold IIV -9 'p960WDp OSO41 SD BZIS UD SapedS OWDS eLp 411M peobldeJ eq IID4s S}UDId 94}'UOl}on4SUm 6UIJnp P960wbp aJD ulowep o} s}uold 6ul}Glxe dl -UIOweJ 01 s}Ubid 6ulIGIxa fiub do ee4910pq Japun }uawdlnbe do 6upjl cf JO 6u1}opado JO 6ulurq fiuD do 6u1}}1wJed'}uewd4nb9 Jo IDIJe10w do 6uIJOgG Ou eq 11DyG GJe11 .S "JI006 auo ul a6DJanoo Ilnd 9insua Iib4s 6upvcd, 'qpm do �looq .10 JapDa4 do a6p9'}u9wanod dD a6pa wolf ,9 LuLp JaLpo4 ou po-mId eq IIIM 6ul}ubld JanOo punOJ6 Ily •y •491nw �JDq do Jabs .0 D 4gIM PesseJP-dog eq II04s sDeJD grw49 PUD J9AO9 punOJ6 IIV •6 ssaoo0 apedwl JO GMOpuIM -1901q }OU }!q eel}III}n Ue9Jos O} E-VGGaoau GO pe}sn(pb eq O} e.,o GUOI10001 Vold .Z •}uawaJlnbaJ fi}Io Jed wOJ6Dlp 6uI�.iD}s a41 ul uMo4s sD pa�D}s aq o} eJD Gaal} IIV 'I SHION OMINVVrld - :V219, :5021 V L.J POG -I GGDJEaUag ant;DN 01100 GU9110d GIjGOJ6V V219 00 ..OG 0 U011D9 I 1 Uo}6uI}unH --'3-IUnH, •01440 snul.OwasOb GOA .rano-) punbiq U01109 1 1 FIAI UOISO9 D}DpldsmlJ} snsslooua4}JDd V UOII09 S 1 uoilIpW apuolg s1ligvi6 Dnola}nog UOII09 9 -1 4snq-doH pa}Dal-aldJnd - ,DajndJnj, 0GO991A DODuopop C) 5auin pun egnJgC,, UOII09 SI -I DJOJDOGnl DJo.D7Snl, 071pul D1w90J}SJ9601 u01109 91 1 (Uapu11 Janes 6UlIJa}s Eull ie1c, Dscquawo} 01111 �3ZIG OZH 3 -NN NOWW09 �IHVN W91NViOG logwa c, CINHOTZ ONI,LNV Id -y4 I cit sK n,9 A ,mw,ny„N 0019 9Lti 0s9 I'1. S 3I P•1')0S SC UI '1in5 ..,..��iiluol� Oh9 � a` 20CM rm (Jawwns/uwn}no) Fv\l uogsog D}Dpldsngpj snssloouay}JDd ,DaundJrld, Dso�sln DODUOPOO S310N 335 '1I13�lOVe a3ar+d3ad E SgaIG 1Tr d I ,(alae'Ds �1.11NVnD 2103 I SDION 335 `9V11NVla 'S2igsl2j 2i3198r19 _I 1d�00V 0' -L Y "" ':"1V2J3V Ids aNV TJ371111Z13d Ta31VM 2103 gala Nm— OMJ a31V2103213d m..9 -Z gala end ag1V2103 3aI5Nl 213s121 'i -G -19912'i -G-19912- C Z — 1N3W3111gs 2131dV Dnv2:9 HSINI3 /M NgAg 39 O1 llV9 -100TH 30 601 - -1 210021 gg ll/Ggll a0 SlgS E '3>V15 30 XDV9 Ol 11VN 311 g3b1 21g99n,N ,.9.. g21n913 3l9noa 83211 213d OMl 'Sg10d 031VD2LL ZI X 02 'S3�;IV16 S3HONV219 01 g9VWVa g1VNIWlIg 01 Gg1 vis 30 d01 W12LL alo „I� g1IV1s IIVN 9N13D021 n1V9 KIDVINI .LNVId •olddo GnulJDwaso'd UOl}IqU;V vPUO19 sllloDJ6 onole}nog 091pul DIwaOJgs.1a6D1 6ui pa}s, Dsa}uawo} DIIIl I Z a �gaV219 HS IN 13 (NMV11V 11W0) wage „r - HJ1nW NIW X GgLON zl?s lll�'Jb'0 032Nd3Nd 53015 11V .131Ndo5 J.111N W 2673 S310N 22S '0d1 1N4 -1d 1Nakeli.13G N31=N 30V?49 HSINId 3noev uH9ns 30 01 1-WaLOO6 23NIy1NO1.) d0 dol 1, 6Z, kpCY 40hA C �P 1 z liya> 00N t9NIV1NDJ 30p'?19 HSINId Z Wt20 Z Fi7l'Y+I NIW .E 1n+M 210 9Nlnvd 30 3903'02m 3o a JI?d8 '`d3M+ 9NI1NHld 30 3903 X o R m t � 0N3931 GNI-iW-W 335'00 X) 9NIWaG _ en2 s aNv a3nm aN oa9 and °310N � 20X GrNHG / rGnm CNIlOa9 C O o O flouo3ala aNIM lio-loz=ii i I 3SVHd - NV Id UVDSW-�V I )r 1I� 11. 1I �� N LANDSCAPE PLAN -PHASE II 1 11_201-011 +F a�:^' - a r r i: r •.e r -ed air aoe !' _ A HA .; ..2 20___;_167 �.�. --- Rosemarinus offic. PLANT IMAGES PLANTING LEGEND 5yrrbol BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME H2O 51ZE Trees Existing Tree to remain I Ground Gover R05 Rosemarinus offic. 'Hunt.Gar.' Huntington L I Gallon 0 30" or, Existing Landscape to Remain PLANTING NOTES I. All trees are to be staked as shown In the staking diagram per city requirement. 2. Plant locatlons are to be adjusted as necessary to screen utilities but not block windows or Impede access. 3. All ground cover and shrub areas shall be top -dressed with a 3' layer of bark mulch. 4. All ground cover planting will be placed no farther than 6' from edge of pavement, edge of header or back of curb. Spacing shall ensure full coverage In one year. 5. There shall be no storing of materlal or equipment, permitting of any burning or operating or parking of equipment under branches of any existing plants to remain. If existing plants to remain are damaged during construction, the plants shall be replaced with the same species an size as those damaged. 6. All plant material shall be nursery grown stock. All plant materials shall be tagged at the nursery at least I month prior to planting for the Landscape Architects review. 7. Review layout of all landscape elements with the Landscape Architect prior to Installation. Field modifications may be necessary. Final layout to be reviewed by the Landscape Architect . 8. Written dimensions supersede scaled dimension Measurements are From the wall face, back of curb. edge of walk, building wall, property line or center line as graphically Indicated. cl. All layout corners are at 90 degrees right angles unless otherwise Indicated. All curves shown are segments of circles with noted radll or diameter If noted. Girdles con be scaled and be connected by freeform curves. 10. HERBICIDE APPLICATION: Herbicide shall not be used until all plant material has been planted a minimum of 20-day5. All planting areas shall be kept weed -free by non -herbicide methods during this time period. Herbicide shall not be applied to cry areas which are or have been seeded. Contractor must be licensed by the State and County For fertilizer application, and must have current registration on file with the County. 11. Landscaping shall be maintained In a manner to prevent landscaping from growing above 3' In height In the areas Indicated In the plans as being located within a safety visibility triangle area. 12. CERTIFICATION: Prior to occupancy, the Landscape Architect shall certify In writing In a manner acceptable to the Building inspection Division, that the landscaping has been Installed In accordance with all aspects of the approved landscape plans. 13. A minimum of 8" of non -mechanically compacted Boll shall be available for water absorption and root growth In planted areas. 14. Incorporate compost or natural fertilizer Into the Boll to a minimum depth of 8" at a minimum rate of 6 cubic yards per 1000 square feet. 15. All Pfantinas shall be outomaticollu Irriaoted utllizlna state of the art 5ustem corroonents and GALV. ROOFING NAILand Irrl W -- _ I6. All planting y with the city of City of Cupertino Water Efficient r Landscape Requirements fatian shall comply or larger landscapes. STAKE 17. All details shall comply with city standard details. DIREGTIOi� 0-0-0 DLR. GROUND GOVER / SHRUB 4ZX oc NOTE: FOR GROUND DOVER AND 5HRIJ8 SPACING (X 00, SEE RANTING LEGEND TRIM TOP OF STAKES 4 'p TO ELIMINATE DAMAGE TO BRANCHES STAKES! 50 X ATED O X POLES, TWO PER TREEEDGE OF PLANTING AREA, BACK S �— OF a,RS, EDGE OF PAVING OR WALL !LO G1�N DOUBLE FIGURE "8" RUBBER 437 2" MIN. MULGH TREE TIE, NAIL TO BACK OF d� STAKE. 3 SETS OF TIE-5/TREE 4" BERM (OMIT AT LAWN) -3' FOOTBALL -TOP OF ROOT- q� � O p, pMJ ALL TO BE EVEN W/ FINISH "C -B E M MIK m L ( BGRADE AFTER SETTLEMENT F L� l''011DO IV TOP OF CONTAINER GRADE 2 - BUBBLER RISER INSIDE W ROOTBALL TO BE PERFORATED PVC PIPE 2" 5ERM SLIGHTY AJ30VE 2-4"m PERFORATED PVC _ PIPE FOR HATER FERTILIZER AND FINISH �U Br t Yf1 FINISH GRADE AFTER 640 Stenlo .-\�e. Suite 10 GRADE Y SETTLEMENT IIIITs_- —L1 BUBBLERN�I5ER5 T TO AGGE"f'T Ciardella Slenlo Park CA 94025 (III 1 _ associates 11211II e 'p PLANT TAB: SEE NOTES Tel 650 326 6100 _' PLANT TAB: `. m III 111 FOR G7UANTITY Landscape Architect, r R 650 2X5 4537 CONTAiROOTBALL NOTES FOR QUANTITY - SCARIFY urban Design ca(a della assn e m II ISI SCARIFY ALL SIDES i IV II _ 111 ALL SIDES a _ _ — `4 !J' S _'� PREPARED BACKFILL: PREPARED BACKFILL: ' ' ' ' SEE NOTES = I ~- f l I I -IIII III I =1111 SEE Nom f 6" MIN. TWICE DIAMETEROF ROOTE3A L Jus.p. AAJ 39rsign Group Cu i p6bellr 'A'a9S�(i(�3 1 el:( -t08) 3 16.6168 F. -Mail : agp(ri) p ac be I I .net REVISIONS ITLAU DAIF. PLOI' SC \I.F.: DRAWN 131': RC CHECKED HY RC PROJECT NO: DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN 11-15-17 L.2.0 III kl I U U I e n --- �no ri W - m I - I I 1 I I O /..... IM IJ I li r .... t ...... r LANDSCAPE PLAN -PHASE II 1 11_201-011 +F a�:^' - a r r i: r •.e r -ed air aoe !' _ A HA .; ..2 20___;_167 �.�. --- Rosemarinus offic. PLANT IMAGES PLANTING LEGEND 5yrrbol BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME H2O 51ZE Trees Existing Tree to remain I Ground Gover R05 Rosemarinus offic. 'Hunt.Gar.' Huntington L I Gallon 0 30" or, Existing Landscape to Remain PLANTING NOTES I. All trees are to be staked as shown In the staking diagram per city requirement. 2. Plant locatlons are to be adjusted as necessary to screen utilities but not block windows or Impede access. 3. All ground cover and shrub areas shall be top -dressed with a 3' layer of bark mulch. 4. All ground cover planting will be placed no farther than 6' from edge of pavement, edge of header or back of curb. Spacing shall ensure full coverage In one year. 5. There shall be no storing of materlal or equipment, permitting of any burning or operating or parking of equipment under branches of any existing plants to remain. If existing plants to remain are damaged during construction, the plants shall be replaced with the same species an size as those damaged. 6. All plant material shall be nursery grown stock. All plant materials shall be tagged at the nursery at least I month prior to planting for the Landscape Architects review. 7. Review layout of all landscape elements with the Landscape Architect prior to Installation. Field modifications may be necessary. Final layout to be reviewed by the Landscape Architect . 8. Written dimensions supersede scaled dimension Measurements are From the wall face, back of curb. edge of walk, building wall, property line or center line as graphically Indicated. cl. All layout corners are at 90 degrees right angles unless otherwise Indicated. All curves shown are segments of circles with noted radll or diameter If noted. Girdles con be scaled and be connected by freeform curves. 10. HERBICIDE APPLICATION: Herbicide shall not be used until all plant material has been planted a minimum of 20-day5. All planting areas shall be kept weed -free by non -herbicide methods during this time period. Herbicide shall not be applied to cry areas which are or have been seeded. Contractor must be licensed by the State and County For fertilizer application, and must have current registration on file with the County. 11. Landscaping shall be maintained In a manner to prevent landscaping from growing above 3' In height In the areas Indicated In the plans as being located within a safety visibility triangle area. 12. CERTIFICATION: Prior to occupancy, the Landscape Architect shall certify In writing In a manner acceptable to the Building inspection Division, that the landscaping has been Installed In accordance with all aspects of the approved landscape plans. 13. A minimum of 8" of non -mechanically compacted Boll shall be available for water absorption and root growth In planted areas. 14. Incorporate compost or natural fertilizer Into the Boll to a minimum depth of 8" at a minimum rate of 6 cubic yards per 1000 square feet. 15. All Pfantinas shall be outomaticollu Irriaoted utllizlna state of the art 5ustem corroonents and GALV. ROOFING NAILand Irrl W -- _ I6. All planting y with the city of City of Cupertino Water Efficient r Landscape Requirements fatian shall comply or larger landscapes. STAKE 17. All details shall comply with city standard details. DIREGTIOi� 0-0-0 DLR. GROUND GOVER / SHRUB 4ZX oc NOTE: FOR GROUND DOVER AND 5HRIJ8 SPACING (X 00, SEE RANTING LEGEND TRIM TOP OF STAKES 4 'p TO ELIMINATE DAMAGE TO BRANCHES STAKES! 50 X ATED O X POLES, TWO PER TREEEDGE OF PLANTING AREA, BACK S �— OF a,RS, EDGE OF PAVING OR WALL !LO G1�N DOUBLE FIGURE "8" RUBBER 437 2" MIN. MULGH TREE TIE, NAIL TO BACK OF d� STAKE. 3 SETS OF TIE-5/TREE 4" BERM (OMIT AT LAWN) -3' FOOTBALL -TOP OF ROOT- q� � O p, pMJ ALL TO BE EVEN W/ FINISH "C -B E M MIK m L ( BGRADE AFTER SETTLEMENT F L� l''011DO IV TOP OF CONTAINER GRADE 2 - BUBBLER RISER INSIDE W ROOTBALL TO BE PERFORATED PVC PIPE 2" 5ERM SLIGHTY AJ30VE 2-4"m PERFORATED PVC _ PIPE FOR HATER FERTILIZER AND FINISH �U Br t Yf1 FINISH GRADE AFTER 640 Stenlo .-\�e. Suite 10 GRADE Y SETTLEMENT IIIITs_- —L1 BUBBLERN�I5ER5 T TO AGGE"f'T Ciardella Slenlo Park CA 94025 (III 1 _ associates 11211II e 'p PLANT TAB: SEE NOTES Tel 650 326 6100 _' PLANT TAB: `. m III 111 FOR G7UANTITY Landscape Architect, r R 650 2X5 4537 CONTAiROOTBALL NOTES FOR QUANTITY - SCARIFY urban Design ca(a della assn e m II ISI SCARIFY ALL SIDES i IV II _ 111 ALL SIDES a _ _ — `4 !J' S _'� PREPARED BACKFILL: PREPARED BACKFILL: ' ' ' ' SEE NOTES = I ~- f l I I -IIII III I =1111 SEE Nom f 6" MIN. TWICE DIAMETEROF ROOTE3A L Jus.p. AAJ 39rsign Group Cu i p6bellr 'A'a9S�(i(�3 1 el:( -t08) 3 16.6168 F. -Mail : agp(ri) p ac be I I .net REVISIONS ITLAU DAIF. PLOI' SC \I.F.: DRAWN 131': RC CHECKED HY RC PROJECT NO: DATE: SCALE: AS SHOWN 11-15-17 L.2.0 .......... fri �1�' R`?. rn.. . ... ....... IR AA (.6 romp Mttii I 1296 V#ginia Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 -16.6168 IMI Tel:(408).-I wo E-Mail:ago@pacbell.net ................. ............. .......... .......... aav AP mg . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .... ............... ................... .................. saa f. nn ♦ ........... :p: ............ . SOUTH SOUTH w r-13 I hAN I PACIFIC STJ DE ANZA BLVD.' NORTH 1296YRZiniaave. Cu*be% CA 95008 Teh(408) 316.610 EMml-ao@pac&Umd PROJECT NAME: PHOTO PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: 76 Gas Stations 10490 S. De Anza Blvd. CTTPFRTjNn. CA SHEETNO.: PH. I SCALE: N.T.S DATE: 8/28/2016 PACIFIC ST.- WEST PACIFIC ST.- EAST A. Ui.. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: SHEETNO. Cam VuLC ave Campbell, CA 95008 PHOTO rr�� 76 GUS Stations PH.2 316.61N pwb F^Ma�l.spQperbell.mt 10490 S. De Anza Blvd. SCALE: DATE: 30ssign (6rouf N.T.S 8/28/2016 CT TPF,R TTNO CA DE d 11NZ 1i BLVD.= S O U./ TH DQE ANNA BLVD.- TAT TH �.�. . CmvbegiCA95 Campbell, CA 95QD8 1?mM 0-sp@616>l l�Ible�:apg(a�pacl�lLnet Design lZur p PROJECT NAME: PHOTO PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLLEE:(� Gas �r �j j� ¶ �j w / 6 �J1 �, s S 14atio11JLs 10490 S. De Anna Blvd. CT TPIRR TWO. CA SHEETNO.: PH.3 SCALE: N.T:S DATE: 8/28/2016 DE ANZA BLVD.- WEST DE ANZA BLVD.- EAST A. cf . PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: SHEETNO.: Cmpb CA95. Campbell, CA 95008 PHOTO 76 Gas Stations PHA AAJ TeMw1-)316.6168 1rMni7:agp(a3pacbell.net 10490 S. De Anza Blvd. SCALE: DATE: Ersign Group N T S 8/28/2016 CT TPFR TING CA SUBJECT OFFICE OF COM[MUNITM DEVELOPMENT CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE e CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3308 e FAX (408) 777-3333 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Meeting: March 27, 2018 Conditional Use and Architectural and Site Approval Permits to consider a request to permit the continued operation of five tennis courts, and to permit associated fencing, and lighting, installed and operated without prior permits at Valley Church (Application No.(s): U-2017-01 and ASA -2017-02; Applicant: John Schwarz (Valley Church); Location: 10885 N Stelling Road; APN(s): CG: 326-07-022; 326-07-036 and BQ: 326-07-027; 326-07- 030; 326-07-031) RECOMMENDED ACTION That the Planning Commission adopt the draft resolutions to: 1. Find the project exempt from CEQA; and 2. Approve the Use Permit (U-2017-01) and Architectural and Site Approval Permit (ASA -2017-02). DISCUSSION Project Data: zsi`Yi�u✓$�k'�€�' X `� g"�%'E"%jbf;h�8���3#X �:.S $ ' �'�p g ixk r x Hk�+��'4ic 3 �����x�r��'Commercial/Residentgg ial �I�%s����0 � � xa� ME- 'K Stelling Gateway within the Homestead Special Area Zon�ngfDe�gnat&non Planned Development (General Commercial) �Egw�'yEak�f.`r�st`'�'Esiflk�E�o � ���1z £� .... $ � `�� �� � ' � � Ers��y�Ml„ PCG Quasi -Public B\Q ( ( )� ( kmf ��xtz P.r,uf ���s�iii��$���'�?kh'�.H,d.u�> ���.�s�a',s and ?C) Y i' { 'oal �]�urelI[�r®pye 385,070 sq. ft. / 8.8 rT' a acres �is' Curl�� �a 71 780 ft. / 1.79 acres nx�ap 3 v_.. 4, ..; ,.r% x ,E�`...�'. ,-.� n, F.... Z ., aS ,4' c&.63u U„ / s . :E 38,836 s . ft. � LY,,,d.d�.¢ „e ,a � # 3 � � '.;£. ai �1010,011""I ,0,01""h" _.?A3.9 �tj'R' av isi i'� X32 �s3�+Hc 9t✓F`% �: 5' p Ren�nred�III,Pro�rnded k x�"xre>,a-;.a5s..�,is(��ssKYr"•3 1111 'Y _n.A. 357 361 _1'� ..���. Incyce<Parlcanngq�a� 26 26 k �bs �F���ry 5 xq� Sarda�' 7:00 a.m. -10:00P.M. ?'daY E �. U-2017-01, Valley Church March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-02 10885 N Stelling Road Page 2 Project Consistent with General Plan: Yes Zoning-. Yes Environmental Assessment: 1 Categorically Exempt Background: Site Description The project site is located on property owned by the Valley Church, approximately 200 feet to the west of the intersection of Homestead and Stelling Roads. It is located within the Homestead Special Area in the Stelling Gateway which abuts the City of Sunnyvale, with Sunnyvale on the north side of Homestead Road and Cupertino on the south. The Homestead Special Area, which extends from N. Blaney Ave., on the east, to Noranda Dr. (west of N. Stelling Rd.,) on the west, is intended to continue as a predominantly mixed-use area with residential uses and neighborhood centers providing services to local residents. The land uses surrounding the site consist mainly of commercial and residential uses in both jurisdictions (see Figure 1 below). Figure 1- Existing Land Uses Page 2 U-2017-01, Valley Church March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-02 10885 N Stelling Road Page 3 Back round The Valley Church property is comprised of 5 parcels (outlined in red in Figure 1 above.) Three of the parcels are zoned Quasi -public with two parcels zoned Planned General Commercial. The site is developed as described below and shown in Figure 2: ® Area A is comprised of the main church building and three accessory buildings consisting of offices and classrooms that were constructed in the early 1970s, prior to the City's annexation of this property from Santa Clara County. ® Area B was approved as a new 7,200 square feet multi-purpose activity center in 1989 (U-1989-11). ® Area C was approved as a youth center in the late 1990s (U-1999-18.) An existing dive school building was allowed to be converted to this use. ® Area D, the subject area, was partially paved and striped for parking, to comply with the improvement plans for the planning entitlements related to Area C. The remaining space is undeveloped gravel area used as overflow parking. The existing tennis courts were constructed over the striped parking areas and have been in operation since 2003 without planning entitlements and building permits. Application Requests The applicant, John Schwarz, representing Valley Church, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit and an Architectural and Site Approval Permit to review the five full tennis courts and a half -court practice area constructed without permits and allow their continued operation. The tennis courts are located on a parcel zoned Planned Development with General Commercial Uses allowed (P(CG)). The General Commercial (CG) Ordinance requires that the Planning Commission review and approve uses that are consistent with the character of a general commercial (CG) zone. In addition, church buildings and associated recreational or other uses customarily associated with churches are conditional uses in the Quasi -public (BQ ' zoning district. The tennis courts are considered a recreational facility associated with the church. Therefore, the use permit also covers the expansion of the uses operated. by the existing church. Page 3 U-2017-01, Valley Church March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-02 10885 N Stelling Road Page 4 The Planning Commission may approve the conditional use permit, if it finds that the use will not be detrimental to the property or improvements in the vicinity nor create significant adverse impacts to the surrounding area and is a recreational facility customarily associated with churches. Specific considerations of impacts include odor, dust, fumes, glare, radiation, vibration, noise, traffic, or litter. Analysis: Compatibility The proposed use is generally in keeping with the goals of the Planning Area and has similar patterns of traffic and does not disrupt the operations of existing uses. Property owner records indicate that the Church has been owned, operated and maintained since at least 1983. The property used to be a parking lot prior to the development of the tennis facilities. The tennis courts are neither a permitted nor an excluded use in the General Commercial zoning district. However, the General Commercial ordinance does allow the Planning Commission to review and approve such uses if there are no adverse impacts to the surrounding area due to odor, dust, fumes, glare, radiation, vibration, noise, traffic or litter. The tennis courts are offered as an ancillary amenity to community members and the church congregation. Therefore, it is an expansion of the churches operations. Court operations are limited to 10:00 p.m and a condition regarding the hours of operation is included in the resolution. The proposed continued operation of the tennis courts do not contribute any odors, dust, fumes, glare, radiation, discernable vibration or noise, or additional traffic or litter to the surrounding areas. The nearest residences are approximately 200 feet west of the tennis courts and consist of single-family homes within the jurisdiction of Sunnyvale. Therefore, it is not anticipated that the residents will be able to feel any vibration or odor or dust related specifically to the proposed use. Prior to building permit issuance the property owner will be required to provide a photometric study conducted by a licensed engineer to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development and in compliance with the lighting standards in the Cupertino Municipal Code (CMC) and to ensure that there is no off-site glare. The Code Enforcement Divisions of the City of Sunnyvale and the City of Cupertino provided a list of minor complaints pertaining to this property. However, all except one were related to the operation of the tennis courts. In that case, in 2014, the complainant had reported loud tennis backboard noise to the Cupertino Code Enforcement Division. This was promptly resolved by the Church's office. Page 4 U-2017-01, Valley Church March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-02 10885 N Stelling Road Page 5 The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office reported that there were no issues or complaints related to the continued tennis court use at this site. As a standard condition of approval the property owner will be required to address security concerns in the event that they arise and pay for additional Sheriff's enforcement time if required. Architectural Design The development of the courts involved removal of parking lot related improvements and installing tennis court paving material, enclosing the area with 10 -foot tall painted chainlink fencing with open mesh windscreens, and lighting fixtures located approximately 20-28 feet above the surface of the court. The courts are open to the general public for recreational use, with a total capacity of 22 players, and not designed with spectator seating. Site Improvements Access to the tennis courts are provided through a pedestrian gate just south of the tennis courts and vehicular parking for the courts are provided through the driveways off of North Stelling Road. Talley Church facilities staff opens and closes the pedestrian gates at 7:00 am and 10:00 pm, respectively. The two existing access driveways off Homestead Road are only open on Sundays to allow excess parking for services. The City's General Plan has several policies that emphasize improving the walk=ability and bike -ability within the City. Policy M-3.5: Curb Cuts states "Minimize the number and the width of driveway openings." The General Plan also includes strategies to encourage shared driveway access within blocks where feasible. In October 2017, the adjacent corner parcel, located at the intersection of N. Stelling Road and Homestead Road, was approved for redevelopment of the site with a new Bank of America, branch building. As part of the off-site improvement discussion, the Figure 3 - Shared Driveway Concept property owners were agreeable to working with one another to reduce the number of driveway cuts along Homestead Road by consolidating the existing driveways and utilizing shared driveway access (indicated in red in Figure 3 above). While driveway Page 5 U-2017-01, Valley Church March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-02 10885 N Stelling Road Page 6 consolidation is not feasible at this time, a condition of approval has been added to require recordation of a covenant instead, to memorialize the agreement to consolidate the western driveway and to record appropriate ingress/egress easements for access. The five -parcel church complex is developed with some sort of improvements (whether hardscape or landscape) with the exception of an undeveloped gravel area used as overflow parking just north of the tennis courts. Previous planning entitlements include conditions of approval requiring the property owners to construct improvements to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director for all undeveloped areas which included the area now developed with tennis courts and the current undeveloped area used for overflow parking. Records show that the current gravel area was never improved and, at this time, the property owners have stated that due to limited uses in that area they currently do not intend to place any improvements in this area. A condition of approval has been included in the resolution to require the property owner to provide improvements as previously conditioned with future development applications. Parking The five parcels together provide a total of 361 striped parking stalls. Using the prescriptive parking ratios for the church and activity center uses as listed in CMC 19.124 and industry standards for the recreational uses not listed in the CMC, the church complex is required to provide 356 parking stalls. Additionally, since the operation of the tennis courts, there have been no complaints to the City relating to parking overflow concerns. Therefore, there are no parking impacts anticipated due to this approval. A condition of approval has been added to require the property owners to record an agreement for shared parking to ensure that required parking is available for all uses on the 5 -parcel complex. Parking Requirements Use Parking Ratio Re uired Church 1 stall/4 seats + 1 696 seats + 21 employees 195 per employee Multi -Purpose 1 stall/56 sq. ft. 7,200 sq. ft. 128 Activity Center Volleyball Courts 8 stalls/court' 2 sand courts 16 5 full courts and 1 half- Tennis Courts 3 stalls/court' 17 court Total Required: 356 'Parking ratios are maximums from Laguna Beach, Temecula, and Long Beach Municipal Codes, and ITE Parking Generation Standards. Page 6 U-2017-01, Valley Church March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-02 10885 N Stelling Road Page 7 ]Environmental. Assessment: This project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Section 15332 In -Fill Development and 15301 Existing Facilities) because the proposed use would occur within City limits and would be surrounded by existing urban uses. Other Department/Agency Review: The City's Building Division, Public Works Department, Environmental Services Division, the Santa Clara County Fire Department, and the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office reviewed the project and have no objections. PUBLIC NOTICING & OUTREACH is a brief summary of the notici ® Site Signage (14 days prior to the hearing) ® Legal ad placed in newspaper (at least 10 days prior to the hearing) ® 60 public hearing notices mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the project site (10 days prior to the hearing) this ® Posted on the City's official notice bulletin board (one week prior to the hearing) ® Posted on the City of Cupertino's website (one week prior to the hearing) No public comments have been received as of the date 'of production of this staff report (March 21, 2018). PERMIT STREAMLINING ACT This project is subject to the Permit Streamlining Act (Government Code Section 65920 — 65964). The City has complied with the deadlines found in the Permit Streamlining Act. Project Received: January 23, 2017; Deemed Incomplete: February 22, 2017 Project Resubmission: May 22, 2017; Deemed Incomplete: June 20, 2017 .Project Resubmission: November 20, 2017; Deemed Incomplete: December 20, 2017 Project Resubmission: January 19, 2018; Deemed Incomplete. February 19, 2018 Project Resubmission: March 12, 2018; Deemed Complete: March 14, 2018 Since this project is Categorically Exempt, the City has 60 days (until May 14, 2018) to make a decision on the project. Page 7 U-2017-01, Valley Church March 27, 2018 ASA -2017-02 10885 N Stelling Road Page 8 CONCLUSION Staff recommends approval of the project since the project and conditions of approval address all concerns related to the proposed development and all of the findings for approval of the proposed project, consistent with Chapters 19.156 and 19.168 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, may be made. NEXT STEPS Should the project be approved, the Planning Commission's decision on this project is final unless an appeal is filed within 14 calendar days of the date of the mailing of the decision. This approval expires on March 27, 2020, at which time the applicant may apply for a one-year extension. Prepared by: Ellen Yau, Assistant Planner Reviewed by: Piu Ghosh, Principal Planner Approved by: Benjamin Fu, Assistant Director of Community Development ATTACHMENTS: 1- Draft Resolution for U-2017-01 2 - Draft Resolution for ASA -2017-02 3 - Plan Set 4 - Applicant's Project Description 5 — Photos of Existing Tennis Courts Page 8 U-2017-01 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 6854 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING A USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF FIVE EXISTING TENNIS COURTS AND A HALF COURT PRACTICE AREA AT 10885 NORTH STELLING ROAD (A.P.N. 326-07-022) SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: U-2017-01 Applicant: John Schwarz Location: 10885 North Stelling Road (APN: 326-07-022) SECTION II: FINDINGS FOR USE PERMIT: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Use Permit as described in Section I. of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the tennis courts and practice area were constructed and operated without permits since 2003 and the property owners wish to obtain permits for the construction and continued operation of these facilities; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given as required by the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held at least one public hearing in regard to the application; and WHEREAS, the project is determined to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds as follows with regard to this application: 1. The proposed use, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; The location of the tennis courts is within an area of mixed commercial, office, and public -quasi uses and adjacent to complementary uses, including Valley Church and an existing picnic area and volleyball courts. Additionally, the applicant is required to adhere to the City of Cupertino's Noise Ordinance, Resolution No. 6854 U-2017-01 March 27, 2018 Page 2 Chapter 10.48: Community Noise Control. Therefore, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. 2. The proposed development and/or use will be located and conducted in a manner in accord with the Cupertino Comprehensive General Plan, underlying zoning regulations, and the purpose of this title and complies with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The tennis court use complies with the Cupertino General Plan and Municipal Code requirements, including but not limited to, parking regulations, and security measures. The conditions of approval ensure that the use is conducted as an accessory recreational facility associated with churches, and in a manner that is consistent with the Cupertino General Plan and Municipal Code requirements as mandated in Chapter 10.48: Community Noise Control. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of the initial study, maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on PAGE 2 thereof,: The application for a Use Permit, Application no. U-2017-01 is hereby approved and that the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this resolution are based and contained in the Public Hearing record concerning Application no. U-2017-01 as set forth in the Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting of March 27, 2018 and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set drawn by William K. Mayfield entitled "Valley Church Cupertino" consisting of six (6) sheets labeled as A-1.1, A-1.2, A-1.3, A-2, A-3 and A-4 except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. 2. ACCURACY OF PROTECT PLANS The applicant/property owner is responsible to verify all pertinent property data including but not limited to property boundary locations, building setbacks, property size, building square footage, any relevant easements and/or construction records. Any misrepresentation of any property data may invalidate this approval and may require additional review. 3. ANNOTATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The conditions of approval set forth shall be incorporated into and annotated on the first page of the building plans. Resolution No. 6854 U-2017-01 March 27, 2018 Page 3 4. CONCURRENT APPROVAL CONDITIONS The conditions of approval contained in file nos. ASA -2017-02 shall be applicable to this approval. 5. PREVIOUS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL All previous conditions of approval from shall remain in effect unless superseded by or in conflict with subsequent conditions of approval, including the conditions contained herein in this resolution. 6. OPERATIONS The tennis courts are approved as an accessory use to the Church. This use permit does not permit the operation of the tennis courts as a principal use separate from the Church or outside the normal hours of operation allowed by the Municipal Code. - 7. BUILDING PERMIT The property owners will be required to apply for a building permit to verify and review the construction of the tennis courts, ancillary fencing, and lighting. 8. MODIFICATION OF OPERATIONS Changes to the operations determined to be minor shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development. Further, the Director of Community Development is empowered to make adjustments to the operation of the tennis courts to address any documented problem or nuisance situation that may occur. 9. REVOCATION OF USE PERMIT The Director may initiate proceedings for revocation of the Use Permit in any case where, in the judgment of the Director, substantial evidence indicates that the conditions of the conditional use permit have not been implemented, or where the permit is being conducted in a manner detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare, in accord with the requirements of the municipal code. 10. LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT The property owner shall address security concerns in the event that they arise to the satisfaction of the City. The property owner shall pay for any additional Sheriff enforcement time resulting from documented incidents in the development at the City's contracted hourly rate with the Sheriff Department at the time of the incident. The City reserves the right to require additional security patrols and/or other measures as prescribed by the Sheriff's Office or Code Enforcement. Resolution No. 6854 U-2017-01 March 27, 2018 Page 4 11. PARKING AGREEMENT The property owner shall record an agreement obligating existing and future property owners to a shared parking agreement for the five parcels as illustrated on site plan prior to issuance of building permits. Said agreement shall be subject to approval of the City Attorney prior to recordation. The intent of this condition is to ensure required parking is available for the proposed uses. 12. DRIVEWAY CONSOLIDATION AND INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT Should the applicant not obtain appropriate building permits and record appropriate easements for consolidation of the west driveway off of Homestead Road, prior to final occupancy, the applicant shall record a covenant (or whichever legal document deemed appropriate by the City) agreeing to consolidate the existing driveway off of Homestead Load and record an appropriate Reciprocal Access Easement over portions of the property for shared driveway access. The nonexclusive easement. shall provide vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress over the area for shared driveway access. The easement language shall provide that construction of the driveway shall be completed/connected to the City's satisfaction at such time as the city can require the adjacent property owner to agree to consolidate the driveway and provide a reciprocal ingress/egress easement through a planning permit. The agreement language including the driveway and easement layout shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to recordation with the County Recorder's Office. The easement shall contain a provision that it may not be modified or removed without express written approval from the City. 13. COVENANT DISCLOSURE The property is under a Cupertino planned development zoning designation and property purchasers should check with the City to determine the specific restrictions under the Planned Development Zone and related permits. 14.. CONSULTATION WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS The applicant is responsible to consult with other departments and/or agencies with regard to the proposed project for additional conditions and requirements. Any misrepresentation of any submitted data may invalidate an approval by the Community Development Department. 15. EXPIRATION If the use, for which this conditional use permit is granted and utilized, has ceased or has been suspended for one year or more, this permit shall be deemed expired and a new use permit application must be applied for and obtained. 16. INDEMNIFICATION Except as otherwise prohibited by law, the applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its City Council, and its officers, employees and agents (collectively, the "indemnified parties") from and against any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against one or more of Resolution No. 6854 U-2017-01 March 27, 2018 Page 5 the indemnified parties or one or more of the indemnified parties and the applicant to attack, set aside, or void this Resolution or any permit or approval authorized hereby for the project, including (without limitation) reimbursing the City its actual attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defense of the litigation. The applicant shall pay such attorneys' fees and costs within 30 days following receipt of invoices from City. Such attorneys' fees and costs shall include amounts paid to counsel not otherwise employed as City staff and shall include City Attorney time and overhead costs and other City staff overhead costs and any costs directly related to the litigation reasonably incurred by City. 17. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90 -day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of March, 2018, at the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Chair Paulsen, Sun, Fung, Liu NOES: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Nice Chair Takahashi ATTEST: /s/Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Assist. Dir. of Community Development APPROVED: /s/Geoff Paulsen Geoff Paulsen Chair, Planning Commission ASA -2017-02 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 6855 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AN ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL PERMIT FOR FINE TENNIS COURTS AND A HALF COURT PRACTICE AREA AT 10885 NORTH STELLING ROAD (A.P.N. 326-07-022). SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: ASA -2017-02 Applicant: John Schwarz Location: 10885 North Stelling Road (APN: 326-07-022) SECTION II: FINDINGS FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL PERMIT: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Architectural and Site Approval as described in Section I. of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the tennis courts and practice area were constructed and operated without permits since 2003 and the property owners wish to obtain permits for the construction and continued operation of these facilities; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given as required by the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held at least one public hearing in regard to the application; and WHEREAS, the project is determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds as follows with regard to this application: 1. The proposed development, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; The location of the tennis courts are within an area of mixed commercial, office, and public - quasi uses and is located adjacent to complementary uses, including Valley Church and an Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 2 existing picnic area and volleyball courts. Additionally, the applicant is required to adhere to the City of Cupertino's Noise Ordinance, Chapter 10.48: Community Noise Control. Therefore, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. 2. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 19.168, the General flan any specific plan, zoning ordinances, applicable planned development permit, conditional use permits, variances, subdivision maps or other entitlements to use which regulate the subject property including, but not limited to, adherence to the following specific criteria: a) Abrupt changes in building scale should be avoided. A gradual transition related to height and bulk should be achieved between new and existing buildings. The tennis courts consist of surface paving, 10 foot tall painted chain-link fencing, and lighting masts with heights between 20-28 feet tall adjacent to existing two-story commerciallcommercial office buildings to the west and surface parking to the north, east, and south. The fences are setback at least 150 feet from the northern and eastern property lines and no buildings were constructed as part of the construction of the tennis courts, therefore, there are no abrupt changes in scale due to the development. b) In order to preserve design harmony between new and existing building and in order to preserve and enhance property values, the materials, textures and colors of new building should harmonize with adjacent development by being consistent or compatible with design and color schemes with the future character of the neighborhoods and purposes of the zone in which they are situated. The location, height and materials of walls, fencing, hedges and screen planting should harmonize with adjacent development. Unsightly storage areas, utility installations and unsightly elements of parking lots should be concealed. The planting of ground cover or various types of pavements should be used to prevent dust and erosion, and the unnecessary destruction of existing healthy trees should be avoided. Lighting for development should be adequate to meet safety requirements as specified by the engineering and building departments, and provide shielding to prevent spill-over light to adjoining property owners. The existing fencing for the tennis courts are painted black with well-maintained green open mesh windscreens and located away from the frontages of the property and abuts the parking lots of adjacent commercial offices. The location and color schemes are compatible with the existing uses and future character of the area. Currently the parcel with the tennis courts is screened by existing landscaping along the north and western frontages. Final lighting for the development will be reviewed with the construction documents to meet safety requirements while preventing spill-over light to adjacent properties. Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 3 c) The number, location, color, size, height, lighting and landscaping of outdoor advertising signs and structures have been designed to minimize traffic hazard, positively affect the general appearance of the neighborhood and harmonize with adjacent development. Signage approval is not included in this application. d) With respect to new projects within existing residential neighborhoods, new development should be designed to protect residents from noise, traffic, light and visually intrusive effects by use of buffering, setbacks, landscaping, walls and other appropriate design measures. The proposed project is along a commercial corridor with frontage on both Homestead and Stelling Roads, adjacent to commercial and quasi -public uses, and located more than 200 feet away from. residential neighborhoods, therefore residential neighborhoods are protected from adverse impacts of the use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of the maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on PAGE 3 thereof,: The application for an Architectural and Site Approval, Application no. ASA -2017-02 is hereby approved and that the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this resolution are based and contained in the Public Hearing record concerning Application no. ASA -2017-02 as set forth in the Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting of March 27, 2013 and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set drawn by William K. Mayfield entitled "Valley Church Cupertino" consisting of six (6) sheets labeled as A-1.1, A-1.2, A-1.3, A-2, A-3 and A-4 except as may be amended by conditions in #his resolution. 2. ACCURACY OF PROTECT PLANS The applicant/property owner is responsible to verify all pertinent property data including but not limited to property boundary locations, building setbacks, property size, building square footage, any relevant easements and/or. construction Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 4 records. Any misrepresentation of any property data may invalidate this approval and may require additional review. 3. ANNOTATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The conditions of approval set forth shall be incorporated into and annotated on the first page of the building plans. 4. CONCURRENT APPROVAL CONDITIONS The conditions of approval contained in file nos. U-2017-01 shall be applicable to this approval. 5. EXTERIOR BUILDING MATERIALS/TREATMENTS The final building exterior plan shall closely resemble the details shown on the original approved plans. Final building exterior treatment plan (including but not limited to details on exterior color, materials, architectural treatments, doors, windows, lighting fixtures, and/or embellishments) shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits to ensure quality and consistency. Any exterior changes determined to be substantial by the Director of Community Development shall either require a modification to this permit or a new permit based on the extent of the change. 6. SITE LIGHTING All lighting in the parking lots must conform to the standards in the Parking Regulations Ordinance, and the final lighting plan (including a detailed photometric plan) shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development prior to building permit issuance. A report from a licensed lighting engineer will be required to confirm light intrusion off-site does not occur and that exterior lighting complies with the City's Ordinance. 7. LIGHTING INTENSITY ADTUSTMENT The City reserves the right to require the applicant to utilize dimming technology to adjust the lighting intensity of all lighting fixtures when deemed necessary. 8. FENCING The applicant shall indicate the location of all fencing on the site for review by the Director of Community Development for compliance with the Fence Ordinance, prior to issuance of building permits. Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 5 9. PARKING AREA Upon future request for entitlements, the property owner shall be required to improve all unimproved dirt parking areas to City standards. 10. PROTECT AMENDMENTS The Planning Commission shall review amendments to the project considered major by the Director of Community Development. 11. CONSULTATION WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS The applicant is responsible to consult with other departments and/or agencies with regard to the proposed project for additional conditions and requirements. Any misrepresentation of any submitted data may invalidate an approval by the Community Development Department. 12. INDEMNIFICATION Except as otherwise prohibited by law, the applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its City Council, . and its officers, employees and agents (collectively, the "indemnified parties") from and against any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against one or more of the indemnified parties or one or more of the indemnified parties and the applicant to attack, set aside, or void this Resolution or any permit or approval authorized hereby for the project, including (without limitation) reimbursing the City its actual attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defense of the litigation. The applicant shall pay such attorneys' fees and costs within 30 days following receipt of invoices from City. Such attorneys' fees and costs shall include amounts paid to counsel not otherwise employed as City staff and shall include City Attorney time and overhead costs and other City staff overhead costs and any costs directly related to the litigation reasonably incurred by City. 13. NOTICE OF FEES DEDICATIONS RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90 -day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 6 SECTION IV: CONDITIONS ADMINSTERED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 14. SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS Curbs and gutters, sidewalks, driveways and related structures shall be installed in accordance with grades and standards as specified by the City Engineer. Contact Public Works to obtain an encroachment permit for any work within the public right-of-way. 15. STREET WIDENING Public street widening and dedications, if applicable, shall be provided in accordance with City Standards and specifications and as required by the City Engineer. 16. DRAINAGE Drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Any storm water overflows or surface sheeting should be directed away from neighboring private properties and to the public right of way as much as reasonably possible. All storm drain inlets shall be clearly marked with the words "No Dumping - Flows to Creek" using permanently affixed metal medallions or equivalent, as approved by the Environmental Programs Division. 17. C.3 REQUIREMENTS C.3 regulated improvements may be required.' The developer shall reserve a minimum of 4% of developable surface area for the placement of low impact development measures, for storm water treatment, unless an alternative storm water treatment plan, that satisfies C.3 requirements, is approved by the City Engineer. The developer must include the use and maintenance of site design, source control and storm water treatment Best Management Practices (BMPs), which must be designed per approved numeric sizing criteria. A Storm Water Management Plan, Storm Water Facilities Easement Agreement, Storm Water Facilities Operation and Maintenance Agreement, and certification of ongoing operation and maintenance of treatment BMPs are each required. All storm water management plans are required to obtain certification from a City approved third party reviewer. Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 7 18. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT The project developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City of Cupertino providing for payment of fees, including but not limited to checking and inspection fees, storm drain fees, park dedication fees and fees for under grounding of utilities. Said agreement shall be executed prior to issuance of construction permits Fees: a. Checking & Inspection Fees: b. Grading Permit: c. Development Maintenance. Deposit: d. Storm Drainage Fee: e. Power Cost: f. Storm Management Plan Fee: g. Street Tree $ Per current fee schedule ($3,349.00 or less) $ Per current fee schedule ($2;618.00 or 6% of improvement costs) $1,000.00 $Per current fee schedule ($8,790 per AC) $ Per current fee schedule ($1,208.00) By Developer ** Based on the latest effective PG&E rate schedule approved by the PUC Bonds: Faithful Performance Bond: 100% of Off-site and On-site Improvements Labor & Material Bond: 100% of Off-site and On-site Improvement On-site Grading Bond: 100% of site improvements. -The fees described above are imposed based upon the current fee schedule adopted by the City Council. However, the fees imposed herein may be modified at the time of recordation of a final map or issuance of a building permit in the event of 'said change or changes, the fees changed at that time will reflect the then current fee schedule. 19. TRASH, RECYCLING AND COMPOST ENCLOSURES Trash enclosure plans must be designed in accordance with the City's "Public Works Guidelines posted at www.cupertino.org/nowaste, and to the satisfaction of the Environmental Programs Manager. Clearance by the Public Works Department is required prior to obtaining a building permit. (CMC 9.18.210 H & K) The following items must be met: ® All three trash compactors must be enclosed by a roof with a minimum of 24' clearance. Roof clearance is needed to service compactors without dragging on pavement from enclosure. ® Compression pad in front of compactors must be reinforced concrete to withstand truck wear and prevent pavement. damage. Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 8 ® Compactor trash enclosure must be sufficiently insulated with sound attenuating materials to meet municipal code sound level thresholds during operation (50 dBA day and 60 dBA night), Environmental Programs staff recommends that Planning Division require an acoustical engineering report to demonstrate code compliance. ® Applicant must install sanitary sewer clean out at all locations where fire sprinkler safety tests are conducted since there will be not be sufficient landscaping to discharge test water. Alternatively, discharged test water may be collected in a tank truck for re -use as landscape irrigation water. If the latter is chosen, written agreement by the property owner must be provided and a copy maintained on-site and filed with the Environmental Programs Division. 20. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Utilize Best Management Practices (BMPs), as required by the State Water Resources Control Board, for construction activity, which disturbs soil. BMP plans shall be included in grading and street improvement plans. 21. EROSION CONTROL PLAN Developer must provide an approved erosion control plan by a Registered Civil Engineer. This plan should include all erosion control measures used to retain materials on site. Erosion control notes shall be stated on the plans. 22. WORK SCHEDULE Every 6 months, the developer shall submit a work schedule to the City to show the timetable for all grading/erosion control work in conjunction with this project. 23. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN The developer must submit a traffic control plan by a Registered Traffic Engineer to be approved by the City. The plan shall include a temporary traffic control plan for work in the right of way as well as a routing plan for all vehicles used during construction. All traffic control signs must be reviewed and approved by the City prior to commencement of work. The City has adopted Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards for all signage and striping work throughout the City. 24. STREET TREES Street trees shall be planted within the Public Right of Way to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and shall be of a type approved by the City in accordance with Ordinance No. 125. Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 9 25. SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT A letter of clearance for the project shall be obtained from the Santa Clara County Fire Department prior to issuance of building permits. Clearance should include written approval of the location of any proposed Fire Backflow Preventers, Fire Department Connections and Fire Hydrants (typically Backflow Preventers should be located on private property adjacent to the public right of way, and fire department connections must be located within 100' of a Fire Hydrant). 26. FIRE HYDRANT Fire hydrants shall be located as required by the City and Santa Clara County Fire Department as needed. 27. CALIFORNIA WATER°SERVICE COMPANY CLEARANCE Provide California Water Service Company approval for water connection, service capability and location and layout of water lines and backflow preventers before issuance of a building permit approval. 28. DEDICATION OF WATERLINES Developer shall dedicate to the City all waterlines and appurtenances installed to City Standards and shall reach an agreement with California Water Services Company for water service to the subject development. 29. DEDICATION OF UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS Developer shall "quit claim' to the City all rights to pump, take or otherwise extract water from the underground basin or any underground strata in the Santa Clara Valley. 30. SANITARY DISTRICT A letter of clearance for the project shall be obtained from the Cupertino Sanitary District prior to issuance of building permits. 31. UTILITY EASEMENTS Clearance approvals from the agencies with easements on the property (including PG&E, AT&T, and California Water Company, and/or equivalent agencies) will be required prior to issuance of building permits. 32. WASTE TRIOS One permanently installed exterior set of waste trios (landfill, recycle, and compost) and cigarette urn, designed for public use must be installed on the property and shown on the plans submitted. One trio set and cigarette urn satisfies the requirement for up to four adjacent businesses on one property. Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 10 33. FULL TRASH CAPTURE SYSTEM The developer will be responsible for installing a full trash capture system/device to capture trash from the onsite storm drain before the storm water reaches the City owned storm drain system. A full capture system or device is a single device or series of devices that traps all particles retained by a 5 mm mesh screen and has a design treatment capacity of not less than the peak flow rate® resulting from a one- year, one-hour storm in the sub -drainage area (see Municipal Regional Permit section C.10 for further information/requirements). A Maintenance Agreement and certification of ongoing operation and maintenance of the devices in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended specifications is required. 34. STORM DRAIN INLET MARKERS All exterior storm drain inlets on the property shall be clearly marked with "No Dumping Flows to Creek" or "No Dumping Flows to Bay" markers. 35. EXTERIOR COPPER The exterior use of copper for roofing materials, rain gutters, downspouts, or any ornamental enhancement is prohibited. Small copper adornments such as door handles or fence post caps are exempted. 36. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE RECYCLING All construction, demolition, and renovation projects are required to submit a completed Waste Management Plan demonstrating that a minimum of 65% ' of the waste material generated is recycled consistent with. the provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code Section 16.72. SECTION V: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE BUILDING DEPT. 37. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRED A building permit is required for the construction of the tennis courts and ancillary features. Provide a completed building permit application with complete plans and details addressing the construction of the fencing, light poles, and accessibility per the 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of March, 2018, at the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: Resolution No. 6855 ASA -2017-02 March 27, 2018 Page 11 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Chair Paulsen, Sun, Fung, Liu NOES: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: none ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Vice Chair Takahashi ATTEST: /s/Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Assist. Dir. of Community Development APPROVED: /s/Geoff Paulsen Geoff Paulsen Chair, Planning Commission STEWNG ROAD PARKNG DMA USE CODE CALCRATDN CHURCH CHURCH I STALL / 4 SEATS0 + I PER EMPLOYEE SEAM 6q6 0 @6A..OY@5, 21 N6 MwmfLwm ACUMCERIER 1 STALL / S6 SP. 50, POOTASM T10O 129 VIOUM OOM 6 STALLS / COM 0 COURT: 2 I6 T NMCMw 9 STALLS / COURT 0—S V2 IT TMALRM'D moven SST 961° °NIFBER REFLECTS THAT 29 SPACES la:tl DPROM EXISTINS TOTAL 5@ HOTU A -Is AMESM DATA A USE CODE CALCUTAIIDN CHURCH CHURCH PER LEG TABLE 1034001. 0 STALLS (REQ, 115 6 Acumum ACMCEHM PB¢ GBG TABLE 15.2051 0 STALLS (REO, 124 5 VMLBIMLCOM PER GSC, TABLE IIB -2001 0 STALLS Rte: 16 1 MMICOURS PER CBG TABLE IIB -2082 p STALLS R��N: 17 1 TDIALREO'D PRDV®® 19 26 IZ \ / ° 1 '® p n 1 n t bPPDE97RIAN' rt T 0 1 J -- -- 2na�0' STWPES TO BE S6' MIN or,. 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