2766 h� 5" CO LOT NO. r o % a R ELECTRICAL PERMIT o ef 3 < 1964CI -o CUPIiRTINO w LL MAY 2 r 0 LL w Date AY 20 1964 195— Permit No. '_27 ° ` CITY OF CUPERT�`�i Fee S /s aU < App ication is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical Xwiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said j wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the 0 0 5; 0 City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. o a z -1 Use of Premises _ o 3 `a Owner 40 E rz4f j? Address — 0 W w By P. o. eox sas _ Address Q Q JhNJA CONTRACTOR, AGENT A rOVed � - t] Phone. PP ELECTU L4N ► t j:SafU3G�1=+ State License-�' Phone ELgato 6-4422 _ CIFW RPL FEES Y Size Service Conduito...��................Number of Outlets-_ ------------- .--U ..... _.. ...... .. .... Size Service Wire ---_....-..Number of Switches---------------- .�.1... ....._... .............. Size Service of Receptacles------------ --_3. ---__... .............. Size Sub Feed Conduit-----------------Number of Fixtures------------------ -- ----- --- - ----- Size Sub Feed Wires--------------------Ranges........`----- KW------------ ---------- -- -..-.........- 2SNumNumber of Circuits------------------- Oven ...../.... KW------------ ---------- - 01 0:2-5— Number ber of Meters......1-------------Signs.......... Transformers-------- ---------- ---- ----- --- --MisMisc. __------------------- c.---....-------------" -------- ------Dryers------/----------------------------- --------- --------- -----..:,/...J Motor-..y---------- H . Phase-------------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors--------------- HP-------------------- Phase------------...--- Motors------------------- HP---------- /" Phase--------- Charge ha ge----------- - CD fJ/G - /�:5- &Y;f TOTAL / CO OF INSPECTION APPR- VAL ' RoughWiringh.�.1- —-------- ----- Fixtures - O [I I INSPECTOR NSNECTOR Finish Wiring --------------- ----------------------- Motors --E osr[ INv[croR 1 ori[ ----t- iNn[crpx Final .-'--- -1--1-�-- --..-.�- _ .....' ... .... 01T[ INSPECTOR