10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, California 95014
Telephone (408) 252-4505
'November 12, 1974
G of Cape
Ms. Veda S. Call
10897 S. Blaney Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Dear Mrs. Call:
Attached is a copy of a report received from John Busto, Chief Building
Inspector, made after inspection of the structures at 10566 John Way. You
will note by the attached memo that there were a number of violations of
the code, therefore, the City could not verify that these structures met
the present codes or ordinances.
You will also note that many of these were constructed �n the county prior
to 1959 and I assume some consideration could be given by those with whom
you are dealing.
Citi9 of CUperti"o
TO: John Busto, Chief Building Inspector
DATE: Nov. 7, 197+
FROM: Jim West, Building Inspector
SUBJECT: Garage Conversion, Carport and Storage Shed Addition at
10566 John Way. Owners: Mr. & Mrs. Ross Tannehill
Garage Conversion to Family Room (done in 1953)
The front of the garage was closed in; the existing slab was apparently
used for the floor and a ceiling material was applied directly to the
bottom side of the existing rafters with 2 rafter ties evidently remain-
ing that were covered to look like beams.
The following items are either in direct violation of the codes or are
1. The door from the hall to family room opens out into the family
room over a concrete step. There is approximately two 8" risers and
one 9" or 10" tread.
2. If the existing concrete slab was used as the floor, then there
would apparently be no moisture barrier or water -proof membrane
below the slab.
3. The ceiling applied to the underside of the existing rafters may
be loading for which the rafters were not designed. There was no
apparent deflection in the ceiling; however, there was no way that
this could be checked at this time.
Carport and Storage Shed (built in 1953)
Access to the carport at rear of property is along side of the family
room. There is 9'-7" between the fence and building. A gate is located
in the side yard for access to the carport. The carport structure is
open on two sides. It is of wood construction with a dirt floor and a
90# roll roofing. The clear inside width of the structure is 8'-9" with
a 7'0" height at the low point of the shed type roof. The overall length
is approximately 241 -0".
The closed sides of the structure consist of 4 x 4 posts at 810" o.c. on
piers. The walls between posts span from post to post with 2 x 4 studs
at 24" o.c. on plates that are clear of the ground approximately 6".
The open side is 4 x 4 posts at 9'-0" o.c. on piers with 2 - 2 x 4 plates
spanning between posts. There are 450 diagonal braces from posts to plates
that would be considered as cutting the span of the 2 - 2 x 4 plates from
9'-0" to approximately 6'-0". The roof consists of 2 x 4 at 24" o.c. with
plywood sheathing (thickness and glue type not known) and 90# roll
Garage Conversion, Carport and Storage Shed Addizlon at 10566 John Way
Page 2
roofing over.
The following items are in direct violation of the codes or are questionable:
1. Bottom of posts are within 6" of the dirt.
2. Span of wall between posts at closed sides.
3. Span of 2 - 2 x 4 flat plates as beam between posts that carry the
4. Span of 2 x 4 rafters at 24" o.c.
5. The rigidity of this structure.
6. Connection of posts to piers.
7. Depth of piers.
8. Location of structure in relation to side and rear property line.
Citil of Cupertino
TO: John Busto, Chief Building Inspector
DATE: Nov. 7, 1974
FROM: Ed Murphy, Electrical Inspector
SUBJECT: Inspection of Additions and Modifications at 10566 John Way
Owners: Mr. & Mrs. Ross Tannehill
The structure is a typical one story, wood sided structure situated at
the above address, which was built under the Santa Clara County in
the late 194O's to the early 1950's.
The attached two -car garage has been changed to a family room, with the
front door removed, and windows placed for lighting and ventilation.
The wiring in this modification was an ungrounded wiring system to the
typical ungrounded receptacles. There are two lights in the ceiling.
The owner stated that this change was made in 1953 while under the County
control, but he did not take out a permit for the work. The romex I
could see behind one receptacle appears to be the style that was used
around the date he gave me. Therefore, I would believe this modification
was made in 1953.
The carport at the rear of the property consists of shed type structure
with the south side covered with plywood and twenty one (21") inches
from the property line. This cover has a dirt floor and measures over-
all 9/4" x 24'0". Attached to the north side of the carport and fourteen
inches (14") from the rear property line is a 1410" x 1810" storage shed.
The only electrical in the carport and storage shed is lighting and one
receptacle that is wired from the garage and fed by romex used in the
year of 1954. Therefore, I would establish the wiring and possibly the
structure to be built within the year of 1954. The owner stated he did
not take out a permit on this addition.