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.y r...w .. .,mm...,y.. .. .�"tiln•r�..M.�.I.rihd' +., rxh^�r+�r.� r rte.. .r .ri^v nr..,�.� .tinwvu,.J +.�.. � , _ Sheet of- 2-7 Z,-7 1 f27Z,'1I SPECIAL INSPECTOR DAILY REPORT City of C!,�!1 r/ I wn Date/Day: �/t- A'1, Project Name: (7-•1 s 1A e,•, S L Project No. 57 t if Address: 20 61 Uv plc / (-/c C 1 d'. Report Sequence No. Inspection Type(s)/Coverage: t p 1 (v c 7-- /z o N. Continuous ID Periodic ❑ 1 Inspections Made: 0�Sc/ij /71L e)zT 1�.� T'o../ y) rl c 7- � f / L ' A3u7 -o a A.v� l�. s ..J �L) F%G rS S cT :../ Y dc(.✓n� t.+�bci� d S (i.S ../ T 17r/CA I .,.n.S CIA C,a// 7UUL) r 0Q-.<y. /'/�u/ Tom• — �i / —� y 11 /L a /� halcS o.wl /c. G �t(.c,keA, -A,' den Tb, JV, . Ie,-� l r t- Tests Made: firr' l i. Items Requiring Correction, Corrections of Previously Listed Items and Previously Listed Uncorrected Items: 4. Changes to Approved Plans Authorized by Architect or Engineer: ^5 Comments: Aw��oi c /oW Tcl a S <o/�w✓s i 9 c. %�/•u/ 1�� !/ u f d;�/iNs sc� l o S 33 t 3S ; Tt �� n/9 77nriw wH // of l)�,� �T• lO � UNC ✓ %N / �/�u/ WPI / 4r L.r T.�•w✓ �Ll ( / Sr' � TLi�c �✓ G K Tri I() To the best of my knowledge, work inspected was in accordance with the building departmentapproved design drawings,specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the U.B.C. except as noted above: Signed: A,.fi .� -[,/ Date: Print Full Name: o✓ / ,vt , I.D. Number. TERRATECH, INC. 1165 VANDER WAY SANJOSE.CA 95112 (408)297-6969 FAX(408)297-5716 _ 7891 WESTWOOD DR..s,rE. 11 GILROY,CA 95020, , (408)842-0236 FAX(408)842-7314 `- 225-K CANNERY ROW MONTEREY,CA 93940 (408)172-3716 FAX(408)272-7481 141 SUBURBAN RD.,STE.C2 SAN LUIS OBISPO.CA 9:1401 (805)541-5491 FAX(8M)5A.9-2748 .-.-.W+'-vr�'^'•rwkllfdr+�.�rc�wN�{t+..xT•..rrti.+��:i�iy.$a..Frli7^v�:nrw...�hw..N•r....�• •- ,-,.,F-.. .,. ...-,�...� ,.1 .... .. 4 .. . , Sheet of 1. SPECIAL"''INSPECTOR DAILY REPORT MCity of C�.�?crT�a Date/Day: Project Name: I cr, L< Imo, _\t Project No. 7 8 K Address: Gr< , "J Report, Sequence No. Inspection Type(s)/Coverage: 0 "00-( I ter_ a TSS 1 l.v Continuous © Periodic ❑ Inspections Made: )It���� ) os (' Tc"1 L A Un)c o�'T o{ I w"I J %oI) 1d �n O.�ci .5� 1` �3-�l ilGr /\ Tc a-� t-'nn0 lkt �.) i1. rwl C� alNS oY' ,1� \ IfC � \ nr 77� Lim / T pct ,- J It a. � ..J ' /7ne ex_/r✓N/ r✓.. // o � /�in�/.4 R. /oOLtA Sc.c. T / 0/ i Tests Made: � i Items Requiring Correction, Corrections of Previously Listed Items and Previously Listed Uncorrected Items: V 1 �l Changes to Approved Plans Authorized by Architect or Engineer:; 6 A\� e Comments: To the best. o1my knowledge (work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings,specifications and applicable workmanship provisidns of the U.H.C. except as noted above: Signed: /1Z' , /-� ./�✓ "�, Date: �r r. /I- '� • ' Print Full Name: t✓ r/�' i I.D. Number. TERRATECH, INC. 1365 VANDER WAY SAN JOSE,CA 95112 (408)295-6969 FAX-(408)297-7716 1 7891 WESTWOOD DR.,STE. 11 GILROY,CA 95020 (408)842-0236 FAX(108)842-7314 4k '295-K CANNERY ROW MONTEREY,CA 93940 (4M):372-3716 FAX(408)372-7481 ' 141 SUBURBAN RD.,STE.C2 SAN LUIS OBISPO,CA 93401 (805)548-5493 FAX (805)543 2748 Sheet./ _of / L, " ' SPECIAL INSPECTOR DAILY REPORT Structural'Steel /Welding City of: lA Ift q M +k Date/Day: 0 Project Name: In 4}o n (� � u_�_c . Project No: Address: 2c7 A3 nya I Ig 14A es „ Report Sequence No.: ' Inspection Type(s)/Coverage: We ding 3W Continuous W Bolting ❑ Shop W Periodic ❑ PT ❑ MT ❑ UT ❑ Field ❑ Welding Process Fk--, A UZ Electrode Type E.S/ Y— Type of welds ^, A Welder(s)Name(s) r Inspections Made: o—k 3 en n a 1'1 s , e - i_ e a W�r P F gI, t"n t �r Sf�K I,- AA v'�-rz � o1n�o wi �P>` , weee�l ' .� �}1¢ 111[��Ap9 • - t�etr,l 'c ,� !\mea dkwn 14A" f_� ISA ldm xx 7. S CAlil 1r es±!e W- '• ( (( 1 A C11 Results: QQ 11\D4KA \I1-S1 ■.fl, AC y014A 1� 10 AA /�4n tAVc.=1 (] nn nL l Comments: _! 3�2.. � �w-.T In�- ,., .: Lr pin' •� To the best of my knowledge, work inspected was in accordance,w%th the building department approved design drawings, _ specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the U.B.C. except'as noted above: i¢ t Signed: A Date: Full Nam . (ZFJP"5e mac/a�7�` I.D. Number.�� 9 �� TERRATECH, INC. 1365 VANDER WAY SAN JOSE.CA 95112 (408)297-6%9 FAX(408)297-7716- 7891 97-77157891 WESTWOOD DR..STE.101 GILROY.CA 95020 (408)842-0236 FAX(408)842-7314 12 THOMAS OWENS WAY MONTEREY,CA 93940 (408)372-3716 FAX(408)372-7481 ' 141 SUBURBAN RD.,STE,C2 SAN LUIS OBISPO.CA 9.W01 (805)543-5493 FAX(805)543-2748 i ■���� swoon. • JIM m Ir .• PIWA ® .� . alt ■ 01001, ■ - -� Kom'-wason on 1111 -- .--- - --. -.. _. m llm � 1[ m !�! 13 .. f O --• �� 7 ■i! I� m o m m o Imo:: - - ice. :c::•::e: •��:•iiiii NOV-16-94 WED 08 :49 AM CONST & DEVLOP SERV 408 476 3334 P. 03 �. �' o"x�b FoW�N6 rABLE TOP- mxmii BAR KiALL op- AG RAS Rrza%- B`(oWNw i aJ_pu • l I SECTION NRCHITF�j • V "4 OUTB&CK ST94CHOuSE C.18G 63 20630 VALLW GRGEN ORIVis s A `rlq �\4