05100223CITY QF_CUPERTINO i s"'en>m ,. �' -^'� '� (� 7'','A -'�T 'o yip RC()i\`-rRAQT NFOR " .. BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT -A'TTOi� BURDINO ADDRESS: D.C. TAYLOR COMPANY PERMrrno.05100223 R'S NAME:PFRNOT ISSUE DATE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Q) 340 MASON PHONE SANITARY N0. CONTROL NO. 925)603-1100 ARCNITECT/ENCINEER: BUIIDINO PERMIT INFO BLDG ELE= PLUMB NECH 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Job Description P 1 beR.frim that .fthat 1 fm Ranted undo povivmu of Chpv 9 (wmmeMng with Sxtmn 7000) W Di ..3 of Or Budncu W ProfeaMvo Codc, aad my Bcewrm � pin"_39 4f51 65 4 T/O BUR W/CAP SHEET.ADD SARNAFIL SINGLE m �� D,r % PLY MEMBRANE MECHANICALLY FASTENED ON Iu.icra my phna alWl _ . Llcmued PmfnaiwW OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 M.by afrm that 1 .m eavnpt I. the Contractor, Ucmr Law for thc following Rion. (Sccdw 701.5. 8 si—,s am PaWevvw. C. Any cny or county which rtaubn . Icrmlt to cvwtrt abu, mn . drmalhh, m OOPW my funnuR prmrmiaiaw�..me trytMnh Wldit.ni for aunt pmnitm filcadgneJ atuevrut W cww.cmrt lune Law (Chpmr 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Val�yi ff 4 8 0 that be u Baoscd pmw.nt to h pm.nbo. h (rnommcng with S iw 7000) W Divuim 1 of h 9mmea W Profeaion code) a that a % emmpt tbnefrom W h bad. for h a0eiea nalaplav AMY NNaIIOn Of APN Number Occupancy Type smaho 7ml3 by myapplicant ror a Voda abfeca de.ppEant lo. CMI mralty of wtmaR tha nK tmdRd hua. (ssm). '31603045.00 ❑ t u owar W h pmpaty, ar my erepb)eea rRb w.gn u dent oak mmOpeoadm, Required Inspections ti Pe worm h .m.maK m�amnn maed aRo urea «.e s� a,.e d� and PrWeadon Cade The Cuacmf. T i— law don a t. Iy m m oweu W paopmtywbo WildaorlmpaRadarwn. wbo— work orfiredth sa ff. O ataetedrdopicoad fms.le. B, owm mopbyc., W.Atlol Imp. hot 1. W.1aate bv.ever, the btwing m hopo yew of cont the and wrid Me nm roar NR baK tk buNen W Vowing that K rid not m(d or Impure (or pwpola W ba not ale). ). 71 1, o ower W Re p t. 704.B eulodvdy ft(cscd.i with ) Tho d otwcwa b cansoua h proka ]tlaa, No(ntiw Coda) Tho Cammm�t. )) / d <uue law don ort gryly n m owac a(prnprnY'wbo builds at n.ac W IY �au Of Ort Q� ono w thO COOL wt cmaaca for.ud pokes wuhameuaw(s)Ideated pm.uammthe Conucmta Jane law. ❑Iw camp vodm Sac .B•Pefor lhia was Date- WORKERS COMPENSAT'KXf DECLARATION 1 hereby.ffum wdcr patty W pOJury me of the fmbwhii ixl.rWonc Ilan W wladfor aiv.CeNOam of Coaeub for Wd.. Cod,% ft of the wbn, for by Salon 7T00 W the VIYi Code, far h pdamtma ar the r hick rwtk (a width Ihu pur.lt u hsmd. ft1 haw W will mdaum wor . Campmvdav I., a rtgnvrd by Seam. . '1(10 W the Labor Cock. for the p.famtma of h wort far rb" thi. pump %ialyd My wor scont buxrma nrticr W Polity nunoc.R: `^- carter. 5- Pol:n' No.:43`1-04-J09-7 CERTIFICATE OF E%FMFfION FROM WORKERS' " COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This aumof orsd wtbe complecd ifthe mhot m for ow buntrrddWWa MOM orIna) I cofy that m h put.. W h wort fm whit Ni. pmmh if Isuad, I .hall wt employ arty pumn in my mammon as b bccmne abklt m h WmYaY Canpuaadm laws of C.tlfomh Dam Appilat, NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, alta m Wag Nb Cm(iae of E.empian, you wad boom mbJm b h WateY. ewprnauae povhlwo W the labor Code, Y. tam . forthwith comply wdb each povitlma or this mrrna mall be loured motad. CONSTRUCf10N I.PNOMG AOENCY Ibor lium thatthen h. Wtmnv30nt perfarW l7.Cm.te^c/Ihmrwe ' IM rah far which this lxmdt b ilaueE (Sx 1(191, Civ. C) IandaYf Name � Leudet. Addw ) I amfy Nat 11aK Rad W f apgliaiw and a.v thu h WOK mformfdm u ^ condi lag m wroply with all city avd cmmry odww.nd oar Lan rtwleg a building canarnccion,myherbyaothodRrtosta. of this city murge uponh %r aboK namumrd ffvpcny for m.pccdw o l kt (Wc) ag— b aK, iodunwfy W hap h.nNm h City of C'mieo.gdnt h . roj mbdnma)uEpvcw.cawa.d caprara whim may In my way ante namt laid City P %carmyuutaar the grfndni W rises prmit. ^ APPLICANT UND STANDS AND W COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date ).A--I OS S W RCE REGULPONS. a J'/ '09tlas Re-roofs aJ .,u Type of Roof Slgtmae of {anYCwtmar Due HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE MU Wc.pplicaot or future Wit mg owu rmt ante or b.ndle hardo ra =WrW a @(lard by h Copmiw Monbi* Code. Chaptu 9.12. W h Tkdth W Sddy tyre, s ,tan u532(0] All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. C3 �. rl Na If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Wtu the.pplkmt w funR hilwni aavpavt um cgwpmcm or ticv which emit laradoua air conumimna a dobwd by h Bay Arta Air Q"hy Maagacm all new materials for inspection. Diauict7 6fai (��/J7 u� .•ui I ham ¢.dhhvaArustr uOuJcrChaxcro r. 5aWeuhpuCLLa ew�3 �i��7/yygi7fcii.'r7 niaFNINkSa.S;25 13arx] 1MmbwMNhng olff don Ec mfy t6ic.9 tom°❑Yn aeA,roaJ or>�wm' Signature of Applicant Dale � All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better owauRmthan n oom Item 2 of 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO PERMIT RECEIPT Sec: Twp': Rng: Sub: Elk: Lot: APN ........: 31603045.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 10/27/2005 RECEIPT #..........: 31768 REFERENCE ID # ...: 05100223 SITE ADDRESS .....: 10900 N BLANEY AVE SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............: CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OPERATOR: suem COPY # : 3 OWNER ............: PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO ADDRESS ..........: CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUPERTINO CA, CA 95014 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT ----------------- ------------ OTHER 2212.33 ------------ TOTAL RECEIPT 2212.33 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION ________________________________ 305 FRAME 601 ROOF TEAR OFF 603 ROOF BATTENS NUMBER ------------------ VISA VOICE ID DESCRIPTION 307 INSULATION 602 ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL 604 ROOF IN -PROGRESS RECEIVED FROM ....: BONITA JENKINS CONTRACTOR .......: BILL TAYOR LIC # 23898 COMPANY ..........: D.C. TAYLOR COMPANY ADDRESS ..........: 140 MASON CIRCLE STE D CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CONCORD, CA 94520 • TELEPHONE ........: (925)603-1100 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD -TO -DT THIS REC NEW BAL BPERMFEE VALUATION 351,000.00 ' 1935.36 0.00 1935.36 0.00 BSEISMICOM VALUATION 351,000.00 73.71 0.00 73.71 0.00 TOTAL PERMIT 2009.07 0.00 2009.07 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT ----------------- ------------ OTHER 2212.33 ------------ TOTAL RECEIPT 2212.33 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION ________________________________ 305 FRAME 601 ROOF TEAR OFF 603 ROOF BATTENS NUMBER ------------------ VISA VOICE ID DESCRIPTION 307 INSULATION 602 ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL 604 ROOF IN -PROGRESS CITY OF 'OUPEkTINO Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408)777-3228 Fax (408) 777-3333 Building Department JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT # OWNER'S NAME: PHONE # 6 GENERAL CONTRACTO : Lam, Co FAX # %0 I am not using any subcontractors:I— -7 aS Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information er/Contractor Signature Date SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring. Carpeting Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile. er/Contractor Signature Date SCITY of CUPEkTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO REROOF PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 0 S/U0aa3 APN # 316 / O �0 6 3 SGS-' Date: / / `i/( �� l Qs Building Address: /O 4.00 -)1 Owner's Name: F BUILDING Phone #: S Z_ B Contractor: Phone #: 92s X03 —// 6 U License #: 4-S G s 6 Contact: Phone #: Cupertino Business License #: Plan Check Fee BUILDING 2.3 89 V Business License Type of Roof Covering: Existing: Proposed: Built -Up Roof ❑ Built -Up roof ❑ Asphalt Shingles ❑ Asphalt Shingles ❑ Wood Shakes ❑ Wood Shakes O Wood Shingles ❑ Other (Specify) ❑ Wood Shingles '�( Other (Specify).1-76 Number of existing coverings ❑ Provide I.C.B.O. Report # -f % 2 ❑ To be Removed ❑ Provide Mfgr. Installation Specs. Have Read, Understand and Will Cpmply With Cu ertino's Tear Off Polic : Job Description: -//-a w C`P ' 4,,4 -->� - Ld - Residential ❑ CommercialE- Fire Zone: Yes ❑ No & Confirmed with Planning De t. if there are any restrictions: LJ Cost of Project: oo Type of Construction: Occupancy group: 3So V &) Qty. if Applicable Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILDING BENERGY Energy BUILDING BSEISMICRE' Seismic Fee Res BUILDING BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILDING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BUSLIC Business License BUILDING CITY OF CUPEkTINO Community Development Department Building Division City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Telephone: (408) 777-3228 Fax: (408) 777-3333 Building Department Subject- Re -roofing policy for the City of Cupertino 1. Prior to permit issuance, you must agree to comply with 1997 UBC Standards and manufacturers specifications on re -roofing. 2. New roof coverings shall not be applied without first obtaining all inspection and written approval from the building inspector. A final inspection and approval shall be obtained from the building inspector when the re -roofing is completed. 3. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing installation. 4. To receive a final sign off from the City, the following steps are required: 1) Pre -inspection and/or tear off approval. 2) In -progress inspection approval. 3) Final inspection approval. a) Spark arrester installation. . 5. If plywood is installed, a plywood nail inspection is required. 6. Any roofing which is applied without first obtaining an inspection, will require the removal of all new material down to the sheathing, so a proper City inspection can be performed. 7. NOTE: If you call for a plywood nail inspection and the job is not ready, you will be charged a re -inspection fee of $176.18. The re -inspection fee must be paid before another inspection can be scheduled. IMPORTANT: 1. Flat roofs must have a minimum of 1/4 " per foot slope and demonstrate that there is no ponding. 2. An I.C.B.O. report is required to be on the job site at the time on inspection. I understand and will comply with the above stated policy on re -roofing. Homeowner's Name: �"` ` R CLI Job Site Address: Roofing Company Name: - e Applicant's Signature: /2 Date: f pS • Greg Casteel Building Official Revised 11/2/04 Printed on Recycled Paper 0 12/12/2005 MON 9:32 FAX ®002/002 Trident Environmental Arra Engineering, Inc. yds' 110 L Street, Suite 11, Antioch, California84509 Lia/ A•760516 Phone (0251706-6831 fax (9251778.9067 101�3/ I pu%23 I0 ti December 12, 2005 Subject: New Roof at PG&E's Cupertino Service Center, 10900 N. Blaney Avenue. Cupertino, California To Whom it May Concern: On Saturday, December 10, 2005, I inspected the installation of insulation and roof membrane at the subject location. The insulation was secured with 6 fasteners per sheet and the membrane with fasteners at 6" O. C. at the perimeter and 12" O. C. through the field. An area 10' x 20' (2 squares) was re -roofed. On Sunday, December 11, 2005, I inspected the installation of insulation and roof membrane at k the subject location. The insulation was scoured with 6 fasteners per sheet and the membrane is with fasteners at 6" O. C. at the perimeter and 12" O. C. through the field. Two areas were re - roofed, an area 20' x 40' and an area 6' x 100 (total 14 squares). Re'spQec_tfidly, S. Garratt Sharp Project Manager/Chemist • 11/01/2005 10:31 9256031109 1,0/29/2005 17:03 FAX 408 777 3333 • 10/26/2806 15:59 9256031109 10/25/2005 22:45 5105383202 CUPWINO 1 6 1Q I•AII1riQt a66II,g /4900 DC TAYLOR CO CITY CUPERTINO GC TAYLOR 00 LEDALITIU INK s'�rr' Womin Q:—%s .t •f.,•_ PAGE 02 [6002/0Q2 PAGE 01 PAM 02 C==Mdl rDwwbpmm4t (�L t CA- g7r014 Tewb b12={I� Ir -3 331 MA PAM DMIM TICENsB # Keller Canyon • ❑ Ox Mountain ❑ Newby Island EI, Forward Sanitary Landfill Sanitary Landfill Sanitary Landfill Landfill 901 Bailey Road - 12310 San Mateo Road 1601 Dixon Landing Road 9999 S. Austin Road Pittsburg, CA 94565 Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 Milpitas, CA 95035 Manteca, CA 95336 Phone (925) 458-9800 Phone (650) 726-1819 Phone (408) 945-2800 Phone (209) 982-4298 X2871 Fax (925) 458-9891 Fax (650) 726-9183 Fax (408) 2 62 Fax (209) 982-1009 - NON -HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST R WASTE ACCEPTANCE NO. DRESS G FHONE REQUIRED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT E, ZIP C'1GLOVES❑GOGGLES I]RESPIRATOR 0•HARD HAT �'•�y-- _--5, ;�,<y Z1TY-VEK GOTHER CONTACT PERSON SPECIAL HANDLING PROCEDURES: SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT/TITLE DATE GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATICN. I hereby;miry that the abo+e named material is M a lwwdoue waste ae dented try 40 CFR Pan 261 a has = of Vw CaGlomia code d regulatloro, hes been properly tl ribad, Geseifiad end packaged, and is h proper condltnn to harmponat',on a'cadi,g b applicade regulahorm', ANO, If the wssts Is • b tment residua of a prsvlouey resbiets l has ue snare subpcl b drs Land Cbposal R nddclona, I cem'y and warrent gal Vta waste has been healad in eRIXda o whh bte squire m nhi of 40 CFR Pert 266 snd is no longer a hezaidous wash as defined by M CFR Pan 261. _. i ❑ DISPOSAL O CONSTRUCTION ❑ DEBRIS ❑ SPECIAL WASTE ❑ SLUDGE i Fw 1 _ 1' i FACILITY I hereby certify that the above named material has been accepted and to the best of my knowledge the foregoing DISPOSAL METHOD: is true and accurate. O SOIL • CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS O NON -FRIABLE ASBESTOS O WOOD ❑ ASH O SPECIAL OTHER 0 0 (TO BE COMPLETED BY LANDFILL) DISPOSE I OTHER SCHEDULING MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO 3:00 P.M.THE DAY PRIOR TO EXPECTED ARRIVAL -ANY UNSCHEDULED LOADS ARE SUBJECT TO REFUSAL UPON ARRIVAL. ONGOING DAILY DELIVERIES MUST BE SCHEDULED WITH THE LANDFILL THE DAY BEFORE. GENERATOR COPY MANIFEST A 4 A 6 4 7 1 I 10/24/2005 15:22 9258383121 S GARRATT SHARP PAGE 01 G ¢ � r �' a u t7 V: CRI05 • • n R103 W y WP V ` or -c r^ O V U V W - z a W R n a CRIT n` CR]q CR113 CR109 CR107 9 x _ Xi V V N N V W A V $ O� O N � u � a C In u - u IR e u ry N V U A 4159 Y D n V ➢ A Y J V (1 U N E V A CR127 CR135 N IW.i u A d W N ry 11 �y J N N ry N r n CR173 J y V / W L V J 7 W � W • • n R103 W y WP V ` O U V W a W R n a CRIT CR]q N W � � n a u - u IR e u N V U A 4159 Y J V (1 U N N V A N wo )V, 13L407 w 9-22-1998 S:e6AM, FROM • Laboratory Test Repor 3400 Crow Canyon Road S:m Rarnnn, CA 94583 TES 24 -Hr. Service Line: 8-251.3 1181 SUBJECT: ASBESTOS ANALYSIS TES LAB'FILE NO. 05C On April 21, 2005, twenty 5 (building 6454) were taken I samples were then submittee (8, 11, 16, and 23) all of wh asbestos ranged from 2% to the chain of custody form is The attached map shows wh( patches containing asbestos' the small oblong dark patch large dark colored rectanguh • patch as the small egg shape 923 patch as the rectangular Pc: Ed Conner Report #: 562.2-05.60 97 or (925) 866-3197 ROOF SAMPLES AT CUPERTINO SERVICE CENTER it samples of the roof of the Administrative Engineering building y certified building inspector Robert de Haas of TES. The roof to TES for asbestos analysis. Asbestos was found is four samples h were found in patched areas, Roof layers containing chrysotile %. Results are compiled in the following lab test report. A copy of e samples were taken, and the attached photos show what the ok like. Photo 1 shows the sample 48 asbestos containing patch as the middle foreground. Photo 2 shows the sample #1I patch as the roof in the middle of the photo. Photo 3 shows the sample 916 patch in the middle right foreground. Photo 4 shows the sample zterial at the base of the low wall. Date: 5/2/05 Tested by: p Y E. m6e� Approved by: �rt_� Clement 0. Da Silva adFurs. 01. P. 2 10/24/2005 15:22 9258383121 S GARRATT SHARP PAGE 02 9-22-1996 8:06AM FROM P.1 10 PACIFIC GAS ai SuildingDesiggn a TO: NAME- DEPT/COMPANY: ADDRESS: PHONEIEXT: FAX NO.: d ELECTRIC COMPANY d Project Services FAX COVER LETTER DATE: 1 um N OF PAGES SENT (INCLUDING COVER PAGE): 4 FROM: Thomas O tpng, RPA ShM CFM . Load Project Manager Pacific Gas and Eleet fc pony 34OU Crow Canyon Road San Ramon; CA 94583 External; (923) 888.629 Intemel: 8-281-5298 Fax External: (925) Internal: 8-251-5446 TPB2 Internet TPB2@PGE-COIW COMMENTS: Rich, At Scott's requ hero Is gof thfil Ploacn earl m. roreuoatlnruc 0 0 90IO �l• 3��j 9-22-1998 8:0SAM FROM P.1 PACIFIC GAS ar d ELECTRIC COMPANY Building Design aj id Project Services 'FAX COVER LETTER DATE: 10/19/05 # OF PAGES SENT (INCLUDING COVER PAGE): 4 TO: NAME: DEPT/COMPANY- ADDRESS: PHONE/EXT: FAX NO.: FROM: Thomas Bitting, RPA, FM Ik, SMA, CFM • Lead Project Manager Pacific Gas and Electric Company 3400 Crow Canyon Road San Ramon, CA 94583 0 External: (925) 866-529E F 0 d Internal: 8-251-5298 Fax External: (925)86 Internal: 8-251-54467 5446 LAN TPB2 Intemet TPB2@PGE.CO COMMENTS: Rich, At Scott's request, here is E copy of the asbestos report for the Cupertino admin bldg. Please call me for questions. Thanks, Donn A�. 13/,4 p,6'' ' 11/07/2005 14:35 7074514881 • Fax Memorandum /0?00 Al - To: Rich Springer From: Gary Hite GARY HITE SARNAFIL PAGE 10 ISSA"M olvldon N, 6MA" P Regarding: P G & E - Cupertino Date: 11 /7/05 Fax Number 925 603 1109 Number of Pages: 11 L i`-' LkhC%1 iZoo" CaLL.v�d i`X No %1 13 4vja aOaKcr CO hZ 4 C 47r Seb is M o e tiT 13.4- 9 -0 g .4 -9-0g e)XS' -1oi4 • Rich, here is the letter and data sheets you asked for. On the S-327 data sheet the 2 meters is the 6 ft. sheet and the 3 meter is the 10 ft. sheet. If they question the difference, the 6 ft sheet is special order in the white ( energy smart) color. Give me a call if you need anything else. Thanks, Gary samafll - Wald Clara Rooling and WabmproOng InWnot MtPJMw-samat➢us.com 11/07/2005 14:35. 7074514881 GARY HITE SARNAFIL Santafll Inc., (Westam Region ) 10701 Holder Strebl Cypress, Ca. 90630 phone ( 800 ) 421.1662 Fax ( 714 ) 821-9356 November 7, 2005 Rich Springer D.C. Taylor Company- Western Office 140 Mason Circle Concord, Ca. 94520 RE: Pacific Gas & Electric 1090 N. Blaney Ave. Cupertino, Ca. 95014 Samaf) Project Number: 018748-1005 PAGE 09 s 1aSama Barnsfil VIVIslon Dear Mr. Springer, In reference to the above mentioned project, please be advised that when installing multiple layers of insulation it is not required of necessary to fasten the inmflation layers independently. Satnafil specifications and Industry standards regitha the top layer be fastened in a manner to penetrate each layer installed and into the roof decking a minimum I inch. The insulation joints shall have at least a 12 inch stagger between layers. 1 hope this letter will clarify any confusion on the matter. Thank you for contacting Sarriafil. Regards, Clary A. Hite Western Area Technical Servicc Representative CC: Darryl Terry Tim Heaney Job File / 018748-1005 satna/it - World claaa Roo" and WaOerprouflng Internet: httplAvww.sam3fibA.00m 11/07/2005 14:35. 7074514881 GARY HITE SARNAFIL PAGE 02 0 :i'Sarna Berd•rllDivision world dl... dean.• .ed *e1orpe•n.■ ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE OF AWARD TO: D.C. Taylor Company - Western Offi 19 -Oct -05 140 Mason Circle Concord, CA 94520 PHONE: 925-603-1100 CONTACT: Rich Springer On 17 -Oct -05 we received your Notice of Award for a Samafil application at: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: REGION: BUSINESS MEMBRANE: SYSTEM: COLOR: BLDING USAGE: Pacific Gas Br Electric 10% North Blaney Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Western Region - Cypress, CA Flat Roof PVC - 01 S327-15 Stunafast 6110 - EnergySmart Commercial - Office SQ.FT.: 33,400 WTY. 20 year(s) WTY. System WTY. FEE: $4,008.00 sonar Ind. 107p1 Holder Mad C-spr000.CAa Rion (a0aM71.1002 Fit (714)Ul-6350 He Ii oe •From this date forward this Project Number is: 018748-1005 • Membrane rolls shall be stored lying down on pallets and fully protected from the weather with clean canvas tarps nim. • Use only Saroafil approved details, submit any non-standard (not in catalog) details for technical review and acceptance prior to installation. • Check existing substrate. Remove any wet or damaged components and replace with new dry dues of equal performance. Apply roofing materials over even, clean, dry substrates only. • Conditions causing a positive pressure environment under the Sarnafil membrane must be eliminated. • A cross section of the proposed roof system is required. • A roof plan is required showing sheet and fastener layouts, plan dimensions and roof heights. • We understand there are no U.L. or F.M. requirements for this projed. However, FM 1-90 criteria must be followed when requesting a 20 year warranty • Please note this assembly only meets the intent of a FM rating due to substrate type and or thickness DENS DECK AND INSULATION SECUREMENT • Fastener pull out tests MUST BE CONDUCTED. Submit results to Saroafil for acceptance. • Stagger joints at least 12 inches between layers. • Fasten insulation boards at a rate of I fastener and insulation plate per 5.33 square feet (6 per 4'xg' board). • Foro perimeter and corner attachment of insulation refer to Factory Mutual Data Sheet 1-28 & 1-29. -_-- - -------------------- -_-------_- ---- MFMBRANESECUREMENT:SARNAFAST • Use only Maxload Samafastener and Maxload Samadisc for S327 membrane attachment. Page 1 of 2 r1 L_I 11/07/2005 .14:35 - 7074514881 GARY HITE SARNAFIL PAGE 01 0JOSarna aarn•rl1 Division world dl•a• Iba/bs and wuppri•flow a.netrw. 107014 MW er.r Cypr•r, CA a0m0 Phar(!0 AV -tam fax(714)471-M • For Factory Mutual 1-90 attachment of the membrane, install 2 half rolls in the perimeters and comers fastened at 6 in. on center around the entire building perimeter and at the high side of elevation changes. Additional half rolls may be required based on actual building dimensions. • Insall perimeter fasteners in a Picture frame manner $o the rows of fasteners are one continuous line from one edge of the building to the other. • Fasten interior full sheers 12 in. on center. SEAMS • A minimum of two seam cuts per day is required (start up AM/start LIP PM). Mark the samples with the date and time taken. Hold for Samfil Technical Service Rep. • All membrane areas to be het -welded must be cleaned with Sarn soly and MEK as needed to achieve consistent and proper welds. • Enclosed is a sample of our 20-ycar System warranty we will provide upon successful completion and close out of this project • Upon completion of this project, please insure the items on the enclosed "Foreman's Compktlon Checklist" has been completed prior to scheduling a Final Inspection or Sending is the "Request for Warranty inspection" forms to the Stunafil Regional Technical Manager in your area. NOTE: THIS ACCEPTANCE IS FOR THE RELEASE OF MATERIALS ONLY. DEVIATIONS FROM THE ACCEPTED NOTICE OF AWARD PROPOSAL MAY PREVENT THE JOB FROM BEING WARRANTED BY SARNAFIL, INC. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION. PLEASE BE SURE TO FORWARD A COPY TO YOUR PROJECT FOREMAN. Darryl Terry AUTFIORI7,ED SARNAFIL REPRESENTATIVE CM Ce: Gary Hite (Tech Rep) Dnice Adami (Tech Rep) eTim Heaney (Sales Rep) Technical Department (Canton) Hie (Cypress) 1 J Fp- Page 2 of 2 • • SARNAFAST SYSTEM Insulation installation 1. Insulation shall be Installed according to the Insulation manufacturer's Instructions and in accordance with contract docunwts. . 2. Insulation shall be laid on acceptable substrate or vapor/air retarder with tight joints in parallel courses, with end joints staggered. (If more then one layer Is used, the second layer of Insu- lation shall be laid with all joints sts9WW.) 3. Insulation shall be neatly cut to fit around penetrations and projections. 4. Insulation shall be secured to deck with accepted fasteners and plates according to the contract documents. 5. Install tapered insulation in accordance with the insulation manufacturer's shop drawings. 6. Install tapered insulation around drains to create a drain sump. 7. Do not install more insulation board that can be covered with Samafil membrane by the and of the day or onset of Inclement weather. 8. Use at least 2 layers of insulation when the total insulation thickness exceeds 2.5 Inches (64 mm. Stagger joints at least 12 inches (0.3 m) between layers. Typical fastening patterns below: 01/04 CO 39Gd 1 Emy 52 FL' (5) 1 every 4 FL' (4) 1 Eery 72 FL+(10) 1 Every 4 FL' (6) M. -1I3CNaVS 31IH ANV9 1 Cory 6.15 FU (6) T886T9VLU SE:bL 5002/L0/II 11/0.7/2005 14:35 r 7074514881 GARY HITE SARNAFIL PAGE 04 kailabil'(ty: Samafastener-MAXLoad Is available dire* from Samafil Authorized Applicators when used within a Samafil roof system. Contact your Samafil Regional office for further information. Warranty: As a Samafil-supplied accessory, Samafastener-MAXLoad is included in Samafil's Standard or System Warranty to the Building Owner. Maintenance: Samafastener-MAXLoad requires no maintenance. Technical: Samafil provides technical support via. Corporate and Regional offices. Technical staff Is available to advise Applicators as to the correct installation method of Samafastener-MAXIoad. U.S. Regional Otfloes Length Useable Thread Length Packaging Weight 2 inch (25.4 mm) 1-3/4 inch (44.5 mm) 1000/Bucket 34 Ib (15.4 kg) 3 Inch (76.2 mm) 2-3/4 inch (69.9 mm) 1000/Bucket 49.5 Ib (22.5 kg) 4 inch (101.6 mm) 3-3/4 inch (95.3 mm) 500/Bucket 33 lb (15 kg) 5 inch (127 mm) 3-3/4 inch (95.3 mm) 5001Bucket 40 Ib (18.1 kg) 6 inch (152.4 mm) 3-3/4 inch (95.3 mm) 500/Bucket 47.5 Ib (21.5 kg) 7 inch (177.8 mm) 3-3/4 inch (95.3 mm) 250/Bucket 28 Ib (12.7 kg) • 8 inch (203.2 mm) 3-3/4 Inch (95.3 mm) 250/Bucket 31.6 th (14.3 kg) Mg0L,M FOR MORE WORS"T10N COMACT Corporate Oflioe U.S. Regional Otfloes Canada Office SemefY, Inc. New England Tel: (781)821.0885 Fax (781)821-9205 Same" L10. Roofing and wetaiproo" SyaMnrs Ramsey, NJ Tel.: (201)3270479 Fax: (201).327-4089 1260 Lakeshore Road East 100 Den Road Lemont. tL Tel.: (630)739-9740 Fax: (630)739.9741 Mississauga. Ontario Carton, MA 02021 Norcross, GA Tel.: (770)141 -MSS For (770)441-1681 LSE 399 C11114KIa Tal.: (781)828-5400 Downey. CA Tel,: (502)4014151 Fax. (562)401-4160 Tel.: (906)271-7009 14800-451-2504 Tacoma, WA Tel.: (253)274.1500 Fax: (253)2741501 141MM-0/79 Fax: (761)828 -SM Hotaton, TX Tel.: (713)9544864 Fax (713)780.8294 Fax: (905)271-6808 Frtak Sale Lake City, UT Tel.: (801)575-8848 Fax: (801)358-4407 DISCLAIMER •Ali statements herein are expressions of opinion, which by performance and testing are believed to be accurate and reliable and are presented without any knowledge that such recommended uses may infringe any patent. No implied warranty of any kind whatsoever is made or intended. ._._ _. Wald Gass Roofing Q WeterpruaAnp 7702 11/07/2005 14:35. 7074514881 Sarna Samafll Division GARY HITE SARNAFIL PAGE 05 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Samadisc MAXLoad Overview: The Samadisc MAXLoad is a large diameter high strength plate used with the Samafastener MAXLoad to attach the 120 Inches (3 meters) wide Samafil 5327 roof membrane to the roof deck within the Samafast (seam attached) system. Composition: The Samadisc MAXLoad is a 3.5 inch (88 mm) round steel plate made from 20 gauge (0.9 mm) minimum AZ -50 Galvalume coated steel that meets the Factory Mutual 4470 criteria foroorrosion resistance. Features: The Samadisc MAXLoad has three concentric rings of 6 patent pending Eyehooks. The 18 Eyehooks grip the membrane without initiating tears, and are easier to handle than barbs. High ribs and an extruded center hole provide increased strength, Packaging: The Samadisc MAXI-oad is packaged in 6 gallon (22.7 liter) buckets of 500 pieces each. Each bucket weighs approximately 52 lbs (23.5 kg). Installation: The Samadisc MAXLoad is positioned on the surface of the 5327 membrane and a Samafastener MAXLnad is placed through the center of it. The Samafastener MAXLoad is then set into the roof deck, clamping the S327 membrane in place. Wald Claw Roofing 6 Waterproofing 2103 TI/P7/2005 .14:35 • 7074514881 , t miff Sarna asmafll Dlvlalon Com/ GARY HITE SARNAFIL PAGE 06 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sarnafastener = MAXLoad M % "6,- FAS iT, • overview: Samatastener-MAXLoad is a specialty designed threaded fastener used wlthin the Samafil Express double-weldsystem to secure Samarail and Samafil 5327 roof mem- brane to (22-24 gauge) steel roof decks. Composition: Samafastener-MAXLoad is made from carbon steel, treated with a blue colored Climaseal coating to meet the Factory Mutual 4470 criteria for corrosion resistance. Features: Samafastener-MAXIoad is an oversized roofing fastener with a pronounced buttress thread and a mini -drill point which increase both surface area and fiction against the steel deck for excellent backout and pull out resistance. The shank diameter is approxi - matey 0.26 inch (6.6 mm) and the thread diameter is approximately 0.33 inch (8.4 mm). The driving head has a diameter of approximately 0.66 inch (16.8 mm) with a #3 Phillips recess for positive engagement and simplicity of application. The thread den- sity is 13 turns/inch (approximately 5 tumsJcm). Packaging: Sarnafastener-MAXLoad is packaged in buckets of 1000, 500, or 250. See Technical Data section for lengths and weights. Installation_ For S327 roof membrane attachment, the Samafastener-MAXLoad is placed through Samarail, membrane, insulation, and set into steel roof decks with an extra heavy duty (min. 6.0 amps) variable speed (max. 2000 rpm), reversible screwgun with dutch re- lease and a #3 phillips bit. Sarnafastener-MAXLoad must penetrate the steel deck a minimum of 1". Care must be taken to not damage the roof deck. Choose the correct • fastener length and do not overdrive or underdrive the Samefastener-MMI-oad. Pulk out tests may be required prior to job start for Technical evaluation. wodd Oaw Roofing a were�ng 7/02 11/07/2005 14:?4 7074514881 GARY HITE SARNAFIL PAGE 02 :W Sarna • Samafll Division • • PRODUCT DATA SHEET Samaplate Overview: Samaplate is a specially -designed stress plate used with Samafasteners to attach an insulation board directly to steel roof decks prior to the installation of the Samefil me- chanically -attached or adhered roof membrane. Composition: Samaplate is a 3 inch (75 mm) square, 26 gauge stamping of SAE 1010 steel with an AZ 55 Galvalume coating to meet Factory Mutual 4470 criteria for corrosion resistance. Samaplate has a high -rib design to increase strength and to provide protection to the Features: membrane underside from abrasion by the fastener head. Samaplate (notched ver- sion) can be installed with theAcartrac II fastening tool for improved productivity and for consistency of application (contact Sarnafil forAccutrac II availability). Samaplate is packaged in boxes of 1000. Each box weighs approximately 54 lbs (24 Packaging: kg). Samaplate is positioned on the surface of the Insulation board. A Samafastener is set Installation: through the center of it and drilled Into the roof deck. The Samaplate damps the insula- tion board in place. Alternatively, theAccutrac It fastening tool positions the Samafastener through the Samaptate automatically and sets both in place through the Insulation and into the roof deck. Wald Gass Roo&V d Waterproofing Mrld pass RooMlp a Wareproonng r� II/Q7/2005 .14:35- 7074514881 GARY HITE SARNAFIL PAGE 07 Maintenance: Technical: Technical Data (as manufactured): r 1 Upon suasssful completion of the installed roof by the Samafll AuthorizedAPPlicator, Samefll can provide a Warranty to the Building Owner via the Authorized Applicator. EnergySmart S327 membrane requires no maintenance. As a prudent preventative plea- sure, Samafll recommends that the Owner or that the indesignated represent ive inspect the installed roof system for damage, plugged drains, least twice a year and after each storm. Samafil Provides technical support via Corporate and Regional olflces. Technical staff Is available to advise Applicators as to the correct installation methods of EnergySmart S327. The typical initial reflectivity, emissivity and solar reflective Index figures for Samafll EnergySmart 5327 membrane were measured by Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory. t� ASTM ASM D-4434 Spec. Typical Physical ,a — Test Parameters Method Requirement Properties PolyesterReinforcing Matt" overall Thickness, min., Inches m)' /O 17751 0.045 (1.14) 0.060 (1.5) Breaking Strength, min., Ibfrin. (KNlrtl) 0751 200 (35.0) 230 (40.0) 20% Elongation at Break min. D751 15% 75 85 Seam Strength, min., (% of breaking strength) D751 (201)32747179 Fax: (201)327-4059 Ralenbon of Properties After Heat Aging D3045 — 95 Tansile Strength, min.. (% of original) 0751 90 90 Elongation, min., (% of original) 0751 D1004 45.0 ( (200) 50 (220.0) Tearing Strength, min., Ibf (N) 'F 'C) D2136 Pass Pass Low 7empsralure Bend, -40 (40 Accelerated Weathering Test (Xenon ATC) G63-96 5,000 Hours 10,000 Hours Cracking (7x magnMcetion) — — None Negligible None Negligible Dlscdoratlon (by observadw) DISCLAIMER None None Crazing (7x magnOcabon) Linear Dimensional Change -- D1204 0.5% max. 0.1% Weight Change A1ber Immersion in Water 0570 s 3.D% max. 2.5% Static Puncaue Resistance. 33 Ibf (15 kg) D5602 Pass Pass Dynamic Punctlee Resistance, 14.7 tFlbf (20 J) D5636 Paas Passo Initial Solar Reflectance E903 — 8.3 0.92 Emisslvity E408, C1371, other — Solar Reflective Index (SRI) E1980 — >104 Failure occurs through membrane rupture not seam failure. An an ENERGY STARa partner, Sarnaf8 Inc. has determined that this product meals the ENERGY STAR` guidelines for energy affidency. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT. cwporeta Ouse Barham,Im. Rooikp and Waterproofkhg 6ysrams 100 Dan Road cordon. MA 02021 Tal.: (781)828-5400 1-000451-2504 Fax: (781)428-5385 Fmolw webmast"oemsfllus.corn U.S. Regk wW 01110 9 New England Tel-: (781)821-0885 Fax: (781)821.9205 Ramsey. W Tal.: (201)32747179 Fax: (201)327-4059 Lemont, IL Tel.: (610)730-9740 Fax: (630)739.9741 Norcross, GA Tal.: (770)441.5555 Fax: (770)441-1851 Downey, CA Tel.: (502)401.4151 Fax: (562)401-4160 Tow ma. WA Tel.: (253)274-1500 Fax: (263)274-1501 I-Immton, TX Tel.: (713)9544884 Fax (713)780.8294 Sax Lake City UT Tel.: (801)575-0646 Fax: (501}355 407 DISCLAIMER somas Ltd. 1260 Lakeshore Rood East Mississauga, Ontario L5E 3B8 Croda Tel.: (905)271-7009 14WO-268-0479 Fax (WS)271.8808 eAll statements herein are expressions of opinion, which by performance and testing are believed to be accurate and reliable and are presented without any knowledge that such recommended uses may infringe any patent. No implied warranty, of any kind whatsoever is made orintended. Wald Gess Roofing & Waterproofing 410 11/07/2005 ,14:35. 7074514881 GARY HITE SARh1AFIL PAGE 08 PRODUCT DATA SHEET SairriSfil osarna EnergySmart� S327 Roof Membrane 60 mil (1,5 mm) LEl (� 1/0< Overview: The EnergySmart 5327 roof membrane by Samafil is the first and only commercial single ply membrane to be labeled under the Environmental Protection Agency's ENFRGY STA)e program that can demonstrate more than 34 years of formulation consistency end history. EnergySmart S327 is a heat -weldable roof membrane formulated for direct exposure to the • weather and is produced with an integral polyester scrim reinforcement for high strength. EnergySmart S327 is the Samsfil roof membrane used within the Samafil Express, SarltafaW and Engineered mechanically -attached Systems. EnergySmart S327 roof Membrane is produced in two standard widths of 78-1% inches (2 meters) and 120 inches (3 meters). Composition: EnergySmart 5327 is a high-quality product containing ultraviolet light stabilizers, flame re- EnergySmart S327 has a unique lacquer coating applied tardant, biocide and reinforcement. to the top of the membrane to resist staining from airborne dirt and pollutants. The color of the weathering surface of EnergySmart S327 is bright white and the underside color is dark grey. Features: The manufacturing process causes EnergySmart S327 to have no buik-in stress at time of production and to have a fully -encapsulated reinforcement with no risk of delamination or water -wicking. EnergySmart S327 is thicker than many competitive products which can improve weldability and service life. EnergySmart $327 has a unique configuration of the scrim reinforcement for high tearing strength, especially important for the Samafast seem - attached system. Packaging: EnergySmart S327 rolls are wrapped in a protective film and strapped to a wood pallet. Installation: EnergySmart S327 is installed by a Samafil Authorized Applicator. EnergySmart 5327 is rolled out onto the insulation board or acceptable substrate, fastened to the roof deck with Samafasteners and Samarail, Samadiscs or Samabar and heat -welded together by trained operators using Samafll's hot-air welding equipment. . Availability: EnergySmart S327 is available directly from Samafil Authorized Applicators. Contact your Samaftl Regional Office for further intortneden. Wald pass Roofing Q Wstwproofin9 4103 Trident Environmental AND Engineering, Inc. . 110 L Street, Suite k1, Antioch, california 94509 Lick A 7 60 516 Phone (925) 7066931 FaM 1925) 7769067 qo �. Bw�y xv� November 16, 2005 Subject: New�Roofat-PG&E's•Cupertino:Service Center, 10900 N: Blaney-Avenue.- Cupertino, California 9ETo Whom it May Concern: S1149--or On Friday, November 11, 2005, (Veteran's Day) I inspected the installation of insulation and roof membrane at the subject location. The insulation was secured with six (6) fasteners per sheet and the membrane with fasteners at six (6) inch O. C. at the perimeter and 12 -inch O. C. through the field. A small area of dry rotted plywood was removed and replaced with new. The new area is approximately 4 -feet x 4 -feet. New pressure treated 2 x 4 edge framing was added for edge support. An existing joist with superficial dry rot on its upper surface was treated with a copper biased wood preservative. • Mr. Michael Perry of Skyline Engineering, Inc, also inspected this work. Skyline is providing design and inspection services for this project. On Saturday, November 12, 2005 no additional tear -off was performed and no new roofing was installed. The day was spent detailing the areas of previously installed new roof. Respectfully, S. Garratt Sharp Project Manager/Chemist n U ,12/05/2005 NON 10253 PAX 2002/002 /D oo Alf P6 �)6, Eronmental AND Engineering, Inc. • A_Irident nvi 110 L Street, suite 01, Antioch, cellfornie 84608 Lic / A•700518 Phene (82617088831 Fex (82517788087 :December•.'5;2005 Subject: New Roof at PG&E's Cupertino Service Center, 10900 N. Blaney Avenue. Cupertino, California To Whom it May Concern: On Saturday, December 3, 2005, I inspected the installation of insulation and roof membrane at the subject location. The insulation was secured with 6 fasteners per sheet and the membrane with fasteners at 6" O. C. at the perimeter and 12" O. C. through the field. An area 20' x 100' (20 squares) was re -roofed. On Sunday, December 4, 2005, I inspected the installation of insulation and roof membrane at the subject location. The insulation was secured with 6 fasteners per sheet and the membrane • with fasteners at 6" O. C. at the perimeter and 12" O. C. through the field. An area 37' x 45' (-17 squares) was re -roofed. Resl lyj a S. Garratt Sharp Project Manager/Chemist �.. is L] • • /0900 N, 1314-,7�"J Aw , R6; �_; - Q Trident Environmental AND Engineering, Inc. 1101 Struet, Suite N1, Antioch, Californh 94509 December 1, 2005 lie.M AJ60516 Phone 192517066931 Fax 1925) 778.9067 0 Subject: New Roof at PG&E's Cupertino Service Center, 10900 N. Blaney Avenue. Cupertino, California To Whom it May Concern: On Friday, November 25, 2005, (the day after Thanksgiving) rain prevented any roofing activity On Saturday, November 26, 2005,1 inspected the installation of insulation and roof membrane at the subject location. The insulation was secured with six (6) fasteners per sheet and the membrane with fasteners at six-inch O.C. at the perimeter and twelve -inch O.C. through the field. Respectfuny, S. Garratt Sharp Project Manager/Chemist 00 2101AV1 0a 601TE09SZ6 0E:60 S00Z/Z0/ZT / J6nuary 9, 2006 • 0, Mr Rich Springer D.C. Taylor Company 140 Mason Circle Concord, CA. 94520 Re: Pacific Gas dt Electric SwwAl Project Number: 018748-1005 This letter is to certify that the Sarnafil roofing system at the above named project was instalW according to SSaznafiPs specifications, and is accepted for the issuance of the specified warranty. If you have any questions or need further info madon, please don't hesitate to call. (925) 864-1492 Bruce Adami Western Region Technical Service Representative bruce.ademi@smnsfilus.com p a l A'�` F C F � JAN 1 E 2006 Fax Memorandum iaCSarl�a Swn0vn x ®Sarna Semsfll Divlsioh INSPECTION FOR WARRANTY CONTRACTOR Tle. P14E (An ADDRESS . 416 In IAS11 e4 t` , Rr iF CONTACT TEL. NO. PROJECT ADDRESS SARNAFIL IA.7E <FRJ/- !S%WIGJ OFFICE %CJ 'l0 I ,A,1L�RfS_S 'eA 90l,3n DATE �� a JOB I. D. O ik7 y9'- '00,5 - INSPECTION TYPE AND DATE: (NOTE DATES OF PRIOR INSPECTIONS, CIRCLE TYPE OF INSPECTION) 'ORIGINAL JAVG'6 'SUBSEQUENT ��_ _l_J— —l—J—// TWO YEAR _J_I_ FIVE YEAR —1___/_ SARNAFIL SPECIFICATION SF)R, IiASf 5' 32'7 _62, 1il 116 afJ✓RS SyS/EA-) PUNCHLIST ITEMS: OBSERVATION OF WORKMANSHIP. 4 B 8 10 CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE: PRINT NAME ,- SIGNATURE SARNAFIL INC. REPRESENTATIVE: �IZ I.IG F. IY.i Rr+r PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ACCEPTED FOR ISSUANCE OF WARRANTY.. YES _IJO LETTER REQUIRED FROM CONTRACTOR #ONFIRMING PUNCHLIST COMPLETE: _YES NO RE -INSPECTION REQUIRED: _YES V NO SHOULD CONTRACTOR BE INVOICED / FOR VISIT: YES (INCLUDE EXPENSES) V NA 'A PER DIEM CHARGE PLUS EXPENSES MAY BE CHARGED WHENEVER INSPECTIONS SUBSEQUENT TO THE ORIGINAL ONE ARE REQUIRED. 'WHEN ALL PUNCHLIST ITEMS ARE COMPLETE, PLEASE NOTIFY SARNAFIL INC. IN WRITING.