07110074 CITY OF CUPERTINO ° _ -GUI�.D[N� DIVISION PERMIT ����������������� ;. . ;:: ._ ,_ : ,.... : :: . . . BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 20660 RODRIGUES AVE ATLAS—`L'RILLO HVAC 07110074 . dER'S NA E: PERhIIT ISSUE DATE MR. WANG 1965 K�tLE PARK CT � 11/13/2007 PHONE: SAMTARY NO. CONIROL NO. ARCHI'IECTlENGINEER: BUiLDING PERMITINFO REMV & REPLACE FURNACE B� EO p�O � u o p LICENSED CONTRACfOR'S DECLARATION JOb DCSCT1pU01] v 1 hcrcby aCfirm that I am liccnscd un�icr provisions of Chapur 9(commcncing �Z � with Scction 70(M)) of Division 3 of �hc Busincss and Profcssions Codc, and my licensc is °= y in full foice and etf j� j'-'- v � Z Licensc CI v Lic.1t � t ;, p Da�c Conuacwr C � ARCHITECI'S DECLARA N � a I undcrsund my plans shall be wcd as public rxnrda a 4 O y Licensed Ptufcstianal , � OWNER-BUiLDER DECLARATION � I t�ereby affirm thai I am cxcmp� Crom 1hc Canuactor's Liccnsc Law far thc � p O [oliowing mason. (Sccilan 7031.5, Busincss �nd Profcssions Cafc: Any cily or county K Pi which rcquims a pc�mit w conswct, altcr, improvc. dcmolish, ar �epuir any swctmc '� z y, prior io i�s issuancc, also r¢quirrs ihc applicant for such pertnit to filc a signccl s�s�cment � � that hc is licenscd pursuant to thc pmvisions of ihc Conuactor's Liccnsc Caw (CAaptcr 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation y � $ (commcncing wi�h Scction 7000) of Division 3 of ihc Busincss nnd Profcssions Codc) or y �... Nat he is exempt [hecefrom and �e basis [a t6e allegcd exemp�ion. Any violauon of Section 7031.5 6y a�ry app►icant Cor a pem�it subjecu �e applicant w a civil pcnalty of ppN Number Oceupancy Type not mo�e �han fiw hundmA dollars (1500). ❑ I. u ownu oC tlie property, a my cmptoyeea with wages u their so� compensadon, wiU do ihe wodc, snd ihe stcuctme is notintended or of[med forsalc (See. 7044. Business Re uired Ins ections and Pro[essions Code: 7t�e Conuacwr's License Law dors not appiy tn an owur of 9 P propeny who builds or improves �hercon, md wM das such work himaelf or Uuongli hia own employces, providcd ihat such improvemen�s ue not imm�ded or otCered (or sale. I[, however, the buiiding or improvement is soid wi�hin one year of compleuon, ihe owner- builder will have 1he Inuden ot proving iha� he did not build or improve [or purpose of saleJ. � �, ��r� a( � property, am acclusively contncting with Gcensed rnntracWrs lo constmct the projea (Sec. 7044. Businas and Professions Code:) 7Le Con�exwr's Li- cense Law docs not spply w an owner of propeny who builds or improves �hemon, md , who contnc�s for sucd projecLS wiU� a conuactor(s) licensed pursuant ta the Contractor's Licenae Law. �[ am exempt under Sec. . B� P C for this rcason � Dam WORKER'S COMPENSA'I70N DECLARATION 1 heroby affirm under penalty of peryury one af tMe following declaruions: hsve and will mainuin a Cenificate of Consen� a xlf-insure for Workcrs Compen- ian, ss provided for by Section 3700 af the Iabor Code, [ar the performance of tAe w Cor which Ihis pertnit is issued. I have and wiU maintain Workcrs Compenaatian Insurana, u required by Scction 700 oC the Labor Code. Cw the pedormance of �he work for which this permit is issued My Wor Compensati�Insunncc rticr end Poliry number aze: Cartier. Poliry No.: ���W � C TI 1 ATE OF EXEMPI70N FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE • (fhis section need not bc completed if We permit is far onc hundrcd dollara (5100) or Icu) ' I cenify �ha� in thc performancc of �hc work fw which �his permit is issued, 1 shsll not employ any person in any manner so az m become wbject io ihe Worlcers' Compensation Laws of CaliComia Ds�c Applican� NOTICE TO APPC.ICAM: I(, after making U�is Ccnilica�c of EcempUon, you should become subject w the Worlcer's Compensadon provisions of the [a6w Code, you muu , ,� fonhwi�h comply with wch pravisions or this pecmit shall6e dcemed n.woked. � O CONSTRUCI70N LENDING AGENCY [.~-� �-�+ t heroby a[firm �hat ihere is a consuuction Icnding agcncy (or thc perfurmance u[ p(, � Ihe work for which this permit is issued (Scc. 3097, Civ. CJ a A Lendec's Nunc ' a z C.cnders Addmss V � ( certi(Y ihat I have cead this apphcauon and statc tAU We above in(oimatiun is w� corten, l agrce w compiy wiih all ciry and comry ardinances and sute Iaws relaung w 0 U building consuuciion, and hcreby authoria ceprescnutivcs of ihis city w cn�cr upan ihc � W atwve-mcntioned propcny for inspeciion purposes. a (Wc) agree to save, indcmnify md kecp harmless �he City o( Cupertino against �� liabilidu, mcnls, costs and e�cpenses which may in any way accn�c against seid City V z m ne of thc granUng of ' permi4 �'" ICA NDERST AND WILL COMPLY WITH LL NON-POINT Issued by: Date RCE ' � / / Re-roofs S�gnaturc of ApplicanVCon �- Da�e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS D[SCLOSURE Type of R �of Will �he applicant a futurc buiiding occupant swrc or handlc Aa•rardous matcrial - dcfincd by Ihe Cupenino Municipal Codc. Chaplcr 9.12. snd �he Hcalth and Safety �. Scction 25532(a)? All roofs ::hall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ Ycs o Will ihc applicant or f ture building accupant use equipmcnt or Jcvices which If a roof i:: installed without first obtaining an inspeetion, I agree to remove emit harardous air con�aminanu u dcfincd by the Bay Area Air Qualily Managcmen� all new m iterials for inspection. a����� ❑Ycs o Ihavcrcaellhehvard matcrislsrequiremcnlsundcrChap�cr6.95o(thcCalifor- nia y Code, Sectians 25505. 25533 and 25534.1 undcrsund that if ihc 6uilding � curtc hav,q,a�ert�4 at it is my responsibili�y w noiify �he occupant of the rc irem c sl be priar w issuancc o[a Ccnit�caic f Occu �r Sign re �f Applican Dat oW��� o� a�u,a��ra as��� p�,� All roof coverings to be Class ��B" or better CITY OF CUPERTINO 6 ITEMS OF 18 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN ......... 35911015.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 11/13/2007 RECEIPT #.........: BS000003227 REFERENCE ID # ...: 07110074 SITE ADDRESS .....: 20660 RODRIGUES AVE SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............. CUFERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER ............. MR. WANG ADDRESS ........ 20E60 RODRIGUES AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUFERTINO CA, 95014-2965 RECEIVED FROM ....: ATLAS-TRILLO ' CONTRACTOR .......: TRILLO, STEVE LIC # 4269 COMPANY ..........: ATLA�-TRILLO HVAC ADDRESS ..........: 19E5 KYLE PARK CT CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: SAI� JOSE CA 95125 TELEPHONE ........: (4C8)286 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY FMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- BENERGY PERMIT FEE 1.00 34.86 0.00 34.86 0.00 BREMFURN NO UNIT 1.00 14.31 0.00 14.31 0.00 BSEISMICRE VALUATION 2,100.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 EPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 MPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 PPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT : 172.04 0.00 172.04 0.00 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 507 FINAL PLUMBING 508 FINAL MECHANICAL CITY OF C UPERTIl�TO D? � � � � �� , J � �' ' ��J I����`�/�.� ,UPE�TINO PERMIT APPLI:CATION FORM APN # �� �� o �� . � � Date: �, `I � � � 7 Building Address: � (� ' - oCn s ,�✓� Owne,� s ame: Phone #'� � ,- ��� , � ��__ _ — --- -- � � . � Contractor: �yilone: I icense �: . .- _ - -, � �� �3��-oS��o � �13� Contact: Phone: Cupertino Busine� L� ense #: �� � Building Permit Info: Bldg ❑ Elect ❑ Plumb ❑ Mech ❑ Job Description: _ �----{__ �- � Residential Commercial ❑ i` For Residential I stallations: Attic � l floor� 2 floor � i ldhere to min set back requiremenfi� �� or Commercial Installations: /� � Replacement same weight ❑ Additional weight (snuctural calcs) � Structural Calculations required for new installation �� New installation Planning Ap roval Required ❑ Cost of Proje Type of Construction: Occupancy group: �� 1bv Strapped ❑ On Platform ❑ Bonded ❑ Sq.Ft. Floor Area: New Location � Re lacement � Qty. if Applicable Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BENERGY Er�ergy BUILDING B��'U� FL.rnace MECHANICAL BREMACOVER A� C Unit > 10,000 cfin MECHANICAL BREMAIRHAN A� C Units <= 10, 000 cfin MECHANICAL BREMRECEPT R�;cptl, Switch & Outlets ELECTRICAL BSEISMICRE Sf:ismic Fee Res BUILDING BSEISMICOM Sf:ismic Commercial BUILIDNG EPERMITFEE E] ec Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL MPERMITFEE Mech Permit Issuance MECHANICAL PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Issue PLUMBING BPERMFEE Bldg Pernut Fees BUILDING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BPGAS G�s Pi ing System Fee PLUMBING BUSLIC B �siness License BUILDING CTTY OF CUPERTJNO . _ : ;.,' - .3UILD(N�. D(VISION PERNIIT � � � � �_ • � , : ,, ; � :r�... :,. : � f:: .;. . .. � �< .:�< :._: � . . : : <.:. .. . ..::... .. :,. ,... . .. ..:. BUILDING ADORESS: PF3tMIT NQ 10330 SCENIC BLVD JUST �JATER HEATERS INC 07110051 OWNER'S NAME PIIibIIT L�T[IE D:4SE SCHASKER PHILIP W 3400 :=NVESTMENT BLVD 11/09/2007 PHONE SAKITAAY Na. CONTROL NO. ARCHflEiT/FNGINEFR: PHONEk: REPLA(;E WATER HEATER BUII.DINGPERMITIIVFa z fao ....: .....:.... ......... .. � � 0 M � ..... .,,; ...., . :. .., ;..,. .,:.; ,... ;, . � U F. :.. .. ' r ; .. v...<v,. ,. ;;:,s"�'`�3Xh`' TO ARRANGE INSPECTION 70B DESCRIPTION .. I- ° , � • .:• ". >.� � .: , . y �. . ' . . : ' . : .'� : ' �" Call 777-:c228 between 7:30 a.m. and 330 m., ����-� : . . ., u % . .'�r: �. Y ' '%� £Yi.' n .. 7a.. '.'a4� .: ....... .. .: .....'r.'::..���.^ '.:, a. , .5�.6:: r ❑ � '}��.. Z y? • '• � Monday f irougit Friday, at least 24 hours before ❑ K�7'C��N REMoDEL : F� Fp[JNDp'TIpri/p[ERS/fLD,g, required Inspection. Job address and Permit Number ����ON ❑ PLUMHING RE-PSPE o� � UFER GROLJIYD are needec I when requesting an inspection. ❑�-Tj-U�' ❑ STRUC7VRn1. MODIFiGTION � a y PAD/SET BACK-CERT REStDErf77 AI: � COMMERCiAL OI�"R ❑ QYIERIDR � • � CHII+9�1EY REPALR y y� GARAGE SLABS/PREGUNTi'E ' IMP[tovEMENC ' '❑ Sw[MMQVG POOLS '� e � . .. ,...< .,� ,:� .:.. ;.. : ;.. ARDOUS FIItE AREA .. o o . . ; , . :: �. <. . • , ... ... . > ❑ BA'I1�t REMODELREPAIR ❑ DEMOLITION o`e�� a.. H .-. . ...:., :. .:.::.::,...,::,; ��' :.:...::..::..::.:.:. :.::::::'::':..::.:�`�;���.�:�: UNDERGROUND/SLAB � � �,�, Z� 0 YFS If ye s- f undersund ihu a asa A roof uvinWy is Rquired � s c` UNDERGROUND PLUMBING ;�� LTIVDERGROUND ELECT1t1CAL ❑ No m�� m �_c�.o. s � �,. • ; : r, . ���#�•�:�,�;: MNIEIIt • . .. .�. . : _ l.. ,. "i�. . . .r: � a: ;, � .�..:.:.� a ..: _ � . :,s,. : �XISTING ROOF COVERINC= . ❑ NEVJ HLDG/AD�ITION ❑ DEMOL,I'I70N � �. .. . .. . . •> . . . .. .:. .. ..... . . . :. _..'.. .:. ��'�.�-�'� '�..' ' ., o . : : . , a., r; . ,. ..... : . . . . ,.... UNDERFLOOR PLUMSWG � � ❑ TENnx'r " ❑ Foon SExvtCE Number of e:isting covuin� - IMPROVEMF�f7' UNDERF7rOOR MECHANICAL UNDERFZ.00R ELECTRICAL To be remav�:d To be retained � �� UNDERFLOOR FR4MFNG VENTS UNDERFLOOR INSULATION � � 2. � �z: .s .::�;«:..«:<;� „::::«<,:.: •::;_,: : TYPE OF ROOF COVF.ItING . . . .. ,.. . . : . . ,�.,<.,>: � � �� � ;..�;4:: < ,.;;��t�.!�Y,<>� ........ . : . ,, .. . . ... ,, . .. :...:.:... :.:.: ::...: .:::.: Easnr �C; PROPOSED: ROOF SHEA7'H/DIAPHRAGM Hu7 -U Roaf PLUMBfNG � p ❑ euilt-Up Roof TUBS 3c SHOWER PAN ❑ AspLslt Shinelu � Asphalt 5hingla - • MECHADTICAL ❑ woo i shakes ❑ wooa shakes ELECTRICALJPOOL BOND ❑ Woad Shinvla ❑ Wood Shinglc FRAMING/STAIRSJE EGRESS ❑ Othe r(Specify) ❑ Otha (Spedfy) INSULATIONNENTILATION No Fit�►t. �tvsPECnoNS PfO91� �•C.B.O. Report Na ,:::. ; :,:,; . ;��� ;� ;� -r.. �� 1]I'�ITIL AL w. .. . . . . , ..;:: . . F . . . . . :. H .- . �� .._:..:v .; ,,s. • . :.. ...... . ...: .�... ' .,....: :.'.::..::-. ,,:';.::::,::.. �` :�z�':s'`:,>: cov�de gr fnsrallaaan pe:s T L REQUIRED BUSINESSP �^^f . � S . EXTERIOR SHEAR/FiOLD DOWN INTERIOR Si�ARlHOLD DOWN ' SHEETROCIVSHF.EiROCK SHEAR ir+srerno�+ SPECIAL INSPSCI'ION RBQUIRED ❑ nn crrsr EXTERIOR LATH/W SCREID :• . sxowEx taz�x � �:,::.: ,: ��,. ��, �� k��`����: ��>�-�: . . ,......... .., ,.. ..,. ............,... SCRATCH COAT SE`7VER/WATER � TEMPORARY APPROYALS OCCUPANCY M:,�� ..... . ,.. �{ .. . ....:�,, �. , °�� �....��,;„„ . : . . .., �`'�'`:t z p >>. .�, . .�: : : < lH C� :A. r:2.^.R:�.q.;5 :7=! RY DISTRICT �.. . . q •; � :. ...:":.:.... " ` ` `. CUPERTINO SANITA " � PLANNING 777-3308 � `n Closed c ircuit video inspection of property line cleanout, poir�t of connection x j GAS TES'7' and :street lateral required prior to passing FINAL CITY PLUMBING . � p GRADE (P.W. 777-3354) INSi°ECTION. Call the District (408-253-T071) for an appointment. � Z FfRE - CALL (408) 378�W l0 J O HANDICAP � U ELEC'I'RlCAL .��, a PLUMB[NG IMPORTANT J Z MECHANTC�,L When :i permit has expired, a charge totaling one-half the fees to �- '" Ei�rERGY obtain a new permit must be paid to reactivate the permit. VISUAL FINAL ONI.Y BUtLDING [f a per mit has been ezpired for more than one year, a charge totaling �x,�,�>� z����� .::<�.�.�«;�::... �.:;���:>�:,�•u:��«�......, ....�y......:< {�, t e ull fees to obtain a new permit must be paid to reactivate the �� ,��, � ,a: ` permit. :.•:: :: .... � ��� ` � � ! ' � ` � � � '� ` CERTIFIC 4TE OF OCCUPANCY ' «: ,��,�- .' x; ±;� � >,�.. � . � . �, :�.��>�:i�< ❑ PRE-INSPECTION: PLY1�1/00�: QV-PROGRESS: . [NSP. DATE WSP. DA7'E pVSA pA TEAR OFF INSAECTiOIY: BATTENS: F7NAL• INSP. OATE INSP. DATE INSA. DATE NOTE: OSHA APPROVED ACCESSTt ROOF SHALL BE PROViDED FOR lNSPECTION CITY OF CUPERTINO 4 ITEMS OF 4 PERMIr RECEIPT OPERATOR: bethe COPY # : 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN ........: 35708033.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 11/09/2007 RECEIPT #--.......: BS�00003204 REFERENCE ID # ...: 07110051 SITE ADDRESS .....: 10330 SCENIC BLVD SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............: CU?ERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER ............: SC:iASKER PHILIP W ADDRESS ........... CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CU:?ERTINO CA, 95014-2770 RECEIVED FROM ....: JU:3T WATER HEATERS CONTRACTOR .......: GI:�ROY, JOHN LIC # 15T28 COMPANY ..........: JU:3T WATER HEATERS INC ADDRESS ..........: 34i)0 INVESTMENT BLVD CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: HA'tWARD, CA 94545 TELEPHONE ........: (5:_0)293-9901 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY r�P'IOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- BSEISMICRE VALUATION 1,000.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 PPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 PRWHEATR UNITS 1.00 24.48 0.00 24.48 0.00 TRAVDOC FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT : 106.56 0.00 106.56 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CREDIT CARD 106.56 MC --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT : 106.56 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- 518 WATER HEATER ���1 I l��0 5 i City of Cupertino Buildin Permit A plication E-Mai I Jobsite Address: 10330 Scenic Blvd. Date: November 8, 2007 Owner's Name:---Shirley Schasker Phone No (408)725-8095 APN#: 357-08-033 ProjectValuation $ 1,000.00 Building Permit Info: Bldg___________ Elect______�___ Plumb__�__K____ Mech___________ �ob De scri tion Replace 50 gallon gas w�iter heater. � Contractoi� Information Company: Just Water Heaters Inc. I�hone: (510)293-2012 Contact Name: Fax (S 10)293-2022 Address: 3400 Investment Blve. E-mail: permits@justwaterheaters.net City, State and Zip: Hayward, CA. 94545 State Contractor's License # 591329 I:xp. Date: 3/31 /08 Worker's Comp#: Ol DKRM l 1001070 Can ier: Nelos Exp. Date: 4/ 1/08 Credit Car�� Information Credit Card #: 5474-6390-0047-�3660 Name on Card: �ust Water Heaters I nc. Expiration Date: 6/08 �� � "J�' 1`� Visa � Ma�.terCard � Corriments . Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue � Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone (408) 777-3228 C1TY Of Fax (408) 777-3333 CIJPE�TiNO _ Buildi.n De artment JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT # 10330 Scenic Blvd. �� � �� U�� OWNER'S NAME: Shrile Schasker PHONE # 408-725-8095 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: JustWater Heater � FAX # 510-783-6360 I am not using any subcontractors: �� �� ������`�'`--� 11/8/07 S ignature Date Please check a licable subcontractors and corr. lete the followin information: � SUBCONTRACTOR BUSI]vESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Just Water Heaters 591329 Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile � ��L� €�.� � �-�.� �t:�.�'z���.� 11 / 8 07 Owner/ Contractor Signature D �te 10/28/03