07100090 CIT�' QF CUPERTINO � � T �q� 7� At BU[LDING DIYI�ION PERMIT �.+����'"�O� y����r'��T�tQ�.l4 ' ::....: ; _._.... ,: PERMIT NO. BUILDI �c�q���.ssEMPIRE AVE FAST WE�TER HEATER 07100090 � PERMIT LSSUE DATE 0�'NER'S NAME: , RUTH & ARTHUR MANSON 12601 :_32 AVE NE SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. �NE: BUILDING PfiRMIT INFO ARCHITECC/ENGiNEER: REMOVE ,'REPLACE GAS WATER e�oc ELECT PLUMH MECH � 0 � 0 j p � LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOb DCSCrlpt101] � v C I hMCby affirm that I am licenscd unJcr provisioos oC Chaptcr 9(commcncing ; y�� with Sccuon 7000) of Division 3 oC ihc Busincss and Prafcssiuns Codc. and my liccnte is �� y in full force and e t � v� Z Licenu 1 s — L�. � � p Datc — — ContracWr : F' � ARCHITECTS DECLARATiON j a .� a I undcrswnd my plans shali bc uscd as public rccords )yU � o y Liccnsed Pn�fcssional y 3 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hcrchy alTirm �hat I am excmpt Crom �hc Contractors Liccnsc Law for the � p O following reason. (Scc6on 7031.5, Busincss and Profcssians Co�ic: My city or county �,°, Pi which rcquires a pertnit to conswct, allcr, improvc, dcmolish, or �cpair any stn�cturc prior u� ils issuancc, alsu rcquires thc applicant [or such pertnit to tIc a signcd sutcmcnt `, Valuation _ Z } ,q. Ft. Floor Area a �hat hc is IiccnscJ pucsuant lo t hc pmvisions o[ t h c C o n u a c t u r' s L i c� c n s c L a w ( C h a p t c r 9 Y t �(commencing wi�h Scction 7000) of Division 3 of ihc Busincss and Profcssions Codc) or ,'�, �� that he is exempt thracfrom and ihe basis [or the allcged exemption. My violation of Occupancy Type Section 7031.3 by a�ry applicant for a permit subjecu the applicant to a civil penaity of APN Number not more �han fivc hundred dollars (5500). ❑ I. u owncr oC tt�e pcoperry. or my cmployces with wages u the'v solc compentation. w�ll do Ux work. and the swnuce is rrot intendcd or offered for salc (Sec. 7044. Business �2equired Inspections and Ptofessions Cade: The Conuactor's Lianse Law docs not apply to an ownec of propeny who huilds or improves Ihercon, and who does such work himsel[ or U�cou;d his awn employces. provided chat such improvemenis are not intended or otCered f� sak. l[. however, the building or improvement is sold within one ytar oC complction, ihe owner- buildec will have �he burden of proving �hat he did not build or improvc tor pucpose u[ salcJ. ❑ I, as owna of �he properry, am exclusively conuuting wilh licensed contnctors W constnut �he projett (Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Code:) lhe Conuaaors lr- cense Caw dacs oot apply to an owner of propeny who builds or improves thercon. md . who conuacts far such projects wi�h a conuactor(s) licensed pursuant to i6e Contractars License Law. Q 1 am ezempt under Sec . B& P C for this reawn Owncr Da1e _ . - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby a[firm under penalry o[ perjury one of Ihe foltawing declarations ❑ i hsve and will mainuin a CeniGcate of Conaen� to self-insure [or Warlrets Campen- satian, ss provided for by Sectian 3700 of the Labor Code, for Uu performance o( Uie work for whicd this pertnit is issucd ❑ I havc and will maintain Workc�s CompensaUon Insurance, u �cquired by Scction , 3700 0( �hc Labor Codc. Cor thc performancc of the work for which Utis pecmit ia isued. My Workers m ensau 4 Insucancc c'er Policy nu are: /'� Cartier. � liry No.: L/�n rG(.�J.l L--- CERTiFlCATE F EMPftON FROM WORKFRS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section necd not be complcicd if the pertnit is for onc hundced dotlacs (5100) , oc Icss.) I ceniCy that in thc perfortnance of ihc work fw which Ihis pertnit is issuc4 I sIw1I not omploy any person ia any manncr so as w becomc subject io �he Worlccd Canpensatim � Laws o( Califomia. Date Applicant N077CE TO APPLICAM: If, aftcr makin@ this CcniGcatc of Fxcmption, you shauW bccome subjcct to the Worker's Compcntation provisions of iAc Lador Codc, you must � z foMwiih comply with such provisions or this pecmit shall bc dccmcd mrokcd. z O CONSfRUGTION LENDING AGENCY (-�-i �-�. I hcfehy aRirm �hat there is a conswction knding agc�y for thc perfortnancc of a� thc wurk Cur which ihis pecmit is iuucd (Scc. 3097. Civ. CJ , W Q Lendcr's Namc j � (,cnda's Address V � I certi(y ihat I havc «ad ihis application and siatc �hal thc above informaliun is �� corrcct. I agree io comply wi�h all city and county oniinances and s�ate laws relating w O� building conswction, and hcreby authori�e reprcscntativcs of this city to cntcr upon lAc � W ahovc-mcnuoncd property (or inspccuon purjwses. a (Wc) agree to save, indcm�i(y and kecp harmless the City of Cupertino against �� liabilides, judgments, cos�s and expenscs which may in any way acccuc against said Gty (� z in con:equence oC U�c granting of ihis permii. D8[e � �--� APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILI. COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by. SOUR A1'fONS. / Re-roofs � of Applicam/Convactor °"� T of R oof HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE YP �11 �hc applicant or futurc building occupant storc or handlc hvardous matcrial az defincd by thc Cupenino Municipal Cadc. Chaptcr 9.12. and the Hcal�h and SaCay Cocle,Section25532(a)? All roofs �hall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ Ycs �o . If a roof i� installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will thc applicant or futurc building occupant usc cyuipmcnt or �iccs which cmii harardous air con�aminan�s as dc6ncd by the Bay Arca Air Quality Managcmem all new m aterials for inspecrion. as�c�? � Ycs �Nu I havc rcxl �he ha�ard<ws ma�crials requircmcn�t undcr Chaptcr6.95 of the Glifor- nia Hcalth & Safcty Cadc. Secdons 25505.25533 and 25534. I undcrstand ihat iCthe bu�ld+oB docs no� currcntly havc a tcnan� �ha[ it is my rcsponsiAiliry to noufy �hc occupant of �he rcyuirc ch must bc mel prior to issuancc oC a Ccnifica�c of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date '� All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better or authorizcd agcnt Datc From: 10/10/2007 07:50 �619 P.002J008 � / J U � � �v 381136 CITY OF C1:TPERT'Il�O WATER I�EATER CUPEI�TINO P'E1tNIiT A►PPLII�A'I'ION FURM � �x # � �� (v� � ���, Q U n�: _ �� -� -� Buildiag Address: 10245 EMPIRE AVE own�s Name: Phone # MANSON RUTH � ARTHUR 408 446-2505 Cantractor. phone # fAST WATER HEATER COMPANY 800-454-8955. CupF,rtino Business Lixagc � Stabe i.icense # 2910o snaes Buiidiag Pc�mit Info: Bld � h �� 7ob Descriptioa: Remove/Replace C�as Water Heater Residea ' g] Commcrcial ❑ Cost of Projeacct: 449.00 � . Str�pped On P�rm Bonded New Location � lacement � Qhr• if A licable Fet ID Fes Des ''on Fee C3rou � PRWFiEATR Resi3�ntia1 Water Heat�er Nent BUII.DING PCWHl3ATR Coamercial Water HeaterNent BUILDING 1 PP�RMTI'PEE Plunibing Permit Lssnaace PLUMBII�iG 1 TRAVDOC . Trav el �t Documeatation Pee BUILDINa BUSLIC $usi aess Lioense BUII.IDNG M CITY OF CUPERTINO � 4 ITEMS OF 12 PERMIZ RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN .. ....... 32622028.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 10/11/2007 RECEIPT #.........: BS000002962 REFERENCE ID # ...: 07100090 SITE ADDRESS .....: 10245 EMPIRE AVE SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............. CUFERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER ............: RUZH & ARTHUR NIANSON ADDRESS ..........: 10245 EMPIRE AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUFERTINO CA, 95014-1243 RECEIVED FROM ....: FWH ACQUISITION CO CONTRACTOR .......: JEFF JORDAN LIC # 29100 COMPANY ..........: FAST WATER HEATER ADDRESS ..........: 12601 132 AVE NE CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: KIRKLAND, WA 98034 TELEPHONE ........: (800) 454-8955 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- BSEISMICRE VALUATION 449.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 PPERMITFEE FLAT R.ATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 PRWHEATR LTNITS 1.00 24.48 0.00 24.48 0.00 TRAVDOC FLAT R.ATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT : 106.56 0.00 106.56 0.00 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- 518 WATER HEATER