11120030 Wesley Liu Engineering, Inc.
7246 Sharon Drive Suite#O, San Jose,CA 95129 Tel& Fax:408-973-1839
May 5,2012 20v3 O File: 111102.L2
Re: Structural Walk/Review
Tsui Residence
[20299-Northwest Square]
Cupertino, CA 95014
To Whom It May Concern:
As requested, we have made the structural framing walk for the project mentioned above on 5/4/2012.
All of the items that we brought up were addressed per our recommendations.
Based on our observation, we concluded that the framing was in general conformance with the approved
plans and specifications. This review is conceptual and qualitative. It is intended to verify the presence
of major structural connections and to identify major deficiencies. Accuracy of the dimensions, type
and grade of the materials, and similar features of the work were not checked in detail. Also, at the time
of our visit, the roof and all exterior walls were covered with building papers. Home owner shall be
aware that this review is not a guarantee of the construction. The contractors are still responsible to
produce a completed project conforming to the plans.
We appreciate the opportunity to have been of service. If you have any questions or require additional
information, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
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