08100183 CITY OF CUPERTINO T�a,y* Kvt;::tag..��ri x f',r 3 a� •> 14'*n ` i a : BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ✓d.,�O,1�ITRAGTQRANF,�RMA.TION-5i, nUILDING ADDR PERM"NO. R'S NAME: PERM"SSUE DATE PNO CONTROL NO. ARCHI=AINGINEER: BUILDING PERM"INFO '- BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 u00 LICENSED rksmam unORSDisions ATION fchap 1-49 u 9 1 hereby af0m Nat 1 am 0¢e Bu under and ftmu of Chapin 9(ammmcnring lob Description nZ6 with Scetian]0cffan,Oivisian Sof dta BusiteasaM Profession Code,and mylicenseu <�= n�enlseCleaneerca _ uv• 2 MFR&INSTL 1 DBL FACE MNUMNT SIGN; NON-ILLUM n;: Dam Contsx]or RCHITECrS DECLAR 1 I understand my plans shall W used as public a g C Licensed Professional c 3 OWNER-BUIIDE RDECLARATIONaca COO 1 boreso .(Site that I l vusin from tW Caston Co License Law for the p Oy' following moon.(Semon]0715,Business and improve. desiov Code:MY em or county COO prior te9NN' .permit reCOAM After.pplicnt for N:,h Perlin nee a silted aINCWR —zi primmi6isswncoursu requires tose tie applicant for nchpermi's Likes,Law Chap=9 . mm< that(comstatement mencing cingwitpursuant7000)ofDiviovofthe the nicPm(=1w(C me)or Sq.Ft.Floor Area Valuation egg (cam a is exe exempt Section IDn d the Division r of Ne Alleged Business and on.Any Code)car egg that he is uempl Nem(rom entl tW buss far IW Welted eumptiaa Any violation of Section 1071.5 by any applicant far a permit vbjcma Ne applicant to a civil Penalty of APN Number Occupancy pryYP e not more then five hundred dolWa(5500). P Y7 01.s.ownv of Ne proputy,ormY eroPloytta wire wage uHeir rote compewtiv, 32633110 . 01 - wiRdotWwart.andthesaumurtiswtimm�doroffe fmssle(Sec.]One,Business and Professions Cade TW Comacces License law don asst apply in an owner,or Required Inspections pmpenywho Wildamimprowsllbace .and wbodoessuch workhimselforthrough his owmetnPloyees,provided dutsuch improvements art net intended reoffered for We.It. however.the building or improvemern Is sold within one year of completion,the owner- W ildu MR have the Maden of proving Nal be did roc Wild or improve far purpose of sac.). 0 1.a owner or the property,Am exclusively ccaurani.2 with licensed convectors m construct the project(Sec.7061,Business am Profusion Code:)rhe Cuntnctues Li- cense law does not Apply to an owner of property who Wilds or improves thamon,and who contracts for such projects with a contra mr(s)rewound parwant in the Contractor's Lkeve law. lamacmptunder See .B&I'Crar NMteamn C Dam WORKERS COMPENSAT]ON DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the fallowing declandmom ❑I have and will maintain a Certificate of Covent to self-ivum fm Worker's Compete cation.as provided for by Section 7700 of the labor Cade.for dm Performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation lavnanee,As required by Section 7700 of the labor Code.for Ne pcdormance of the work for which NU Permit is issued My Worker'Qom a uav Iwrame cartiu and Policy nymber ere: Carty, 7A-7lm, Na:f DV IIO ZOG`�i tl CERnFI IE OF EXEMPnON FROM WORKERS r COMPENSADON INSURANCE (rhisunion teed rot be completed if the Permit le farm hundW dollara(5100) or less.) I certify Nat in the performance of the work for which Nis Permit is issued 1 shill not employ any person in any many an As to Wcomc subject to the Workers'Compensation Laws of California.Due Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,After making Nis Cettifiam of Exemption.you should become subon An Ne Workers Compensation provisions of the labor Cade.you most .J O foMwiN comP1Y with such provision ar Nu permit dull bo domed revoked. ^ CONSMUCnON LENDING AGENCY [—ice I hereby drmn the dmrt is a consuuctiun lending agency for lW performance of fk> the work N for which is Permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) aA Lender's Name =) z lender's Address U O 1 certify that 1 ban reed this application and sum Ihu the above information is U, E coma 1 agree to comply with all city and county oNinances and sum laws miming to .C) Wilding cansauction,and hereby Animal representatives of this city in enter upon the W above-mendomm Propcmy for iupectian purpmes. (We)Agme to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino agent Uy liacmeacquercemco se,gm and expcnsesrnit. mayN any wayamue•{aivcsald Cicy V z in cense Alum of the granting of Nu permit. n ^ APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS A WILL COMPLY Wfm All.NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE RECD / Re-roofs Si{ ort of P can o r Date ��--- HAZARDOUSMATERIALSDISCLOSURE Type of Roof Iby the Cupertino no forum bpal Code. Chaptnom m handle harudaus material fined io the Cupertino Municipal Codc.Chapter 9.13.and site HcaIN and Safety :. CY.2ss72(a>7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑res gNa Will the app scam os.future Wilding aceoWnt use equipment or&,i.which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit havardnn air contaminants a dcfmM by the,Bay Asea Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. D strict) ❑Yesy 1 have mad the hvaadnvmaterials mquircmenu under Chapmr6.95 of Ne Califor- niaHvlN&SofctyCode,SccdadsBMS.25577 And 25734.I unNnand thuifdm Wilding doss not cumnlly have A¢nen Nat'yy u my rcapoviM1ility m notify the occupant of de requirtmentawyw1r mel ern issuance oft Certificate of Ce'.pasey. e � Signature of Applicant Date owner or auN7seem All roof coverings to be Class `or better Date g assf�