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00040093 (3)
JLC 5 LAV- r ;UU U r ZUUU ' A 5 E Frfi rq : J ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING Soil, Foundation and Geotechnical Engineers File No. 6-00-741-SI ' SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR ' PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL REMODELING LOCATED AT 10685 LARRY WAY ' CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA JULY 5, 2000 1 PREPARED FOR: ' LONG NGUYEN GOLDEN PROPERTIES DEVELOPMENT ' 2114 SENTER ROAD, STE.11 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 ' BY: ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 131 TULLY ROAD ' SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95111 ' File No. 6-00-741-SI ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 1-2 SOIL INVESTIGATION Introduction 3 Purpose And Scope 3 Project Location and Description 3-4 Field Soil Investigation 4 Laboratory Testing 5 ' Soil Conditions 5-6 Geologic Setting 6 Seismic Considerations 6-7 Liquefaction 7-8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' General 8-9 Site Grading 9-13 Building Foundation Design Criteria 13 ' Retaining Walls 14-15 Slab-On-Grade Construction 15 General Construction Requirements 16-17 ' Limitations and Uniformity of Conditions 17-18 APPENCIX "A" ' Figure 1 - Vicinity Map Figure 2 - Site Plan ' Figure 3 to 4 - Logs of Test Boring Figure 5 - Plasticity Index Table 1 - Summary of Laboratory Tests ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING Soids,Foundation and Geotechnical Engineers 131 Tully Road,San Jose,CA 95111 (408)436-8440, Fax:(408)258-4909 A 5 E ' July 5, 2000 ' File No. 6-00-741-SI 1 Golden Properties Development ' Long Nguyen 2144 Senter Road, Suite 11, San Jose, CA 95112 ' SUBJECT: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ADDITION Located at 10685 Larry Way, in Cupertino, California 95014 SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION Dear Mr. Nguyen: tPer your request, we are presenting our Soil and Foundation Investigation Report for the proposed Single-Family Residential addition located at 10685 Larry Way, in Cupertino, California. Our investigation indicates that the subject site soil conditions ' are suitable for the proposed residential addition, provided the recommendations presented in this report are carefully followed ' under supervision of a Project Engineer. It must be understood that it is the responsibility of the owner or his/her agent to enforce these recommendations. The contractor must be aware of any unusual conditions that may be faced during construction of the project. ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 1 File No. 6-00-741-SI ' The accompanying Soil and Foundation Investigation Report shows our findings pertinent to the subject site. Our recommendations ' and conclusions are based on these findings and present design criteria for the proposed development. ' It must be understood that our investigation does not cover the ' environmental aspects of the project. ' If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely yours, t ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING r sof rssiotr, LAWRENCE KOO, P. aQ ......... 1. , S, C.E. # 34928 ch.•'�?'` C'34923 ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 2 File No. 6-00-741-SI ' facing Larry Way to the east. Plenty of vegetations are grown ' around the yards. The existing one-story house will be remodeled and one-story addition will be constructed at the backyard area. ' FIELD SOIL INVESTIGATION: ' The field soil investigation was performed on June 25, 2000, by a project engineer. One soil boring was drilled to the depth of 20 feet below the existing ground surface at approximate location ' shown on Figure 2. The boring was advanced by a truck mounted drill rig with 8-inch diameter hollow stem augers. During the ' drilling operations, the soils encountered were logged continuously in the field. Undisturbed soil samples were obtained ' by hammering a 2 1/2 inch (6.4 cm.) I.D. split tube sampler into the ground with a 140 pound (64 kg.) hammer falling 30 inches (76 ' cm.) . Blow counts for each 6 inches interval were recorded as an indication of the relative density of the soils. These samples ' were sealed and taken to the laboratory for testing. A disturbed bulk sample of the near-surface soil was also collected for ' laboratory analysis. Figures 3 and 4 are the logs of the Test Borings which show the depths and description of the soil samples ' were obtained. ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 4 File No. 6-00-741-SI 1 - ' SOIL INVESTIGATION ' INTRODUCTION: i PURPOSE AND SCOPE: 1 The purpose of the soil and foundation investigation performed by our firm for the proposed Single Family Residential addition located at 10685 Larry Way, in Cupertino, California was to evaluate the surface and subsurface soil conditions at the project ' site through field investigation and the laboratory testing of soil samples and study of available information pertinent to the site to give recommendations for the earthwork and foundation design to best suit the proposed residential construction. ' PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: The property is a flat rectangular lot in residential area located at 10685 Larry Way, in Cupertino, California. The lot is bordered ' with other residences at north, south and west three sides, and ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 3 it File No. 6-00-741-SI ' LABORATORY TESTING: ' The laboratory testing program was designed for determination of the physical and engineering properties of the soils underlying the site. Strength characteristics of the soils to support ' foundations were determined by blow counts of the soil sampler and the results of Direct Shear tests performed on selected soil ' samples. The samples to be sheared were placed in contact with water for a minimum of 24 hours prior testing and allowed to drain briefly under normal loads of 1, 2, 3 KIPS (.5, .9 and 1.4 Metric Tons) . ' Atterberg Limit Tests were performed on a near-surface soil to assist in the classification of these soils, and to obtain an evaluation of the expansion and shrinkage potential. Undisturbed samples were tested for Moisture Content and Dry Density to determine their consistencies and moisture variation. ' The results of the laboratory testing are presented in Table 1. SOIL CONDITIONS: The soil boring showed that the subsurface materials at top 3 feet consisted of brown gravelly sandy silty clay. Below this layer, the soil changed to brown clayey silty sand and gravel. This layer ' extended to the depth of 8 feet, and the soil changed to brown ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 5 1 File No. 6-00-741-SI silty clay with* trace of sand. At depth of 14 feet, the soil ' changed to brown silty sand and gravel. This layer extended to the depth of 18 feet and the soil changed to brown clayey silt to the ' depth of 20 feet where our boring was terminated. No groundwater was encountered during our soil exploration. Atterberg Limit Tests on near surface soil indicated that the native soil has low expansion potential when subjected to fluctuations in moisture. ' GIOLOGIC SETTING: San Andreas Fault is located at 6 miles Southwest to the site. Local Monte Vista Fault is located approximately of 2.5 miles to ' the Southwest. Hayward Fault and Calaveras Fault are located approximately of 11.5 and 14.5 miles respectively Northeast to the ' site. The site is not located in the Earthquake Fault Zones (previous Alquist-Priolo Special Studies zones) established by the ' Santa Clara County. 1 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS: ' The subject site is located within the seismically active San Francisco Bay Area. The primary seismic risk at the site is ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 6 File No. 6-00-741-SI ' related to very strong ground shaking from potential major ' earthquake events on active faults in the region. The known active faults capable of producing earthquakes that would cause the ' highest ground accelerations at the subject site are the San Andreas, Hayward and Calaveras Faults. The structural engineer shall design the proposed structure in accordance with Chapter 16 of 1997 Uniform Building Code for Type ' "A" Seismic Source. ' Summary of Seismic Parameters (UBC 1997) Seismic Zone 4 Seismic Factor (Table 16-I) 0.4 ' Soil Profile (Table 16-J) SD Seismic Coefficient (Table 16-Q) Ca = 0.44 Na ' Seismic Coefficient (Table 16-R) Cv = 0.64 Nv Near Source Factor (Table 16-S) Na = 1.2 ' Near Source Factor (Table 16-T) Nv = 1.6 LIQUEFACTION: Liquefaction is the transformation of loose saturated silts and sands with less than 15% clay sized particles from a solid state to semi-liquid state. This occurs under vibratory conditions such 1 ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 7 File No. 6-00-741-SI ' as those induced by a seismic event. Based on our field exploration, the subsurface soils encountered consists mixture of clay, silt, sand and gravel that is very stiff to hard. It is our ' opinion that the potential of liquefaction at the project site is very unlikely. ' CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' General: The following conclusions and recommendations are made from the ' results of the investigation described in this report. The recommendations relate primarily to site grading and improvement. 1. The site covered by this investigation is suitable for the proposed residential house development, provided the recommendations set in this report are carefully followed. ' 2. The native surface soil at the project site has been found to have low expansion potential when subjected to fluctuations in moisture. 3. The project site lies in a high seismic activity area, severe ' ground shaking produced by the earthquake on any of previous ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 8 File No. 6-00-741-SI e . ' mentioned faults can be expected within the economical life ' span of the proposed structure. Structures at the site should be designed in accordance with UBC code or local building code ' whichever is more stringent. ' 9. The native soils, with the exception of the organically contaminated surface soil, are suitable for use as engineering ' fill. ' 5. On the basis of the exploratory borings, it is our opinion that trenches to 5 feet deep below the existing ground surface ' may not need shoring. Trenches below 5 feet deep shoring will be required. 1 Site Grading: 1 Site clearing, placement of fill and the control of grading toperations at the site must be conducted in accordance with the following recommendations and under a supervision of a Project Engineer. ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 9 1 File No. 6-00-741-SI ' 6. All engineering fill, whether native or imported soil, should be placed in uniform horizontal lifts of not more than 6 to 8 ' inches in uncompacted thickness and compacted 5 feet beyond building foundation perimeter to not less than 90% relative ' compaction according to ASTM D1557-91 procedure. ' 7. Before compaction begins, the fill material whether native or imported soil should be brought to water content that will permit compaction by either: ' A) Aerating the material if it is too wet, or B) Spraying the material with water if it is too dry. ' Each lift should be thoroughly mixed before compaction. No ' rocks larger than 6 inches in diameter should be used. ' 8. No soil shall be placed or compacted during periods of rain nor on ground which is not drained of all free water. Soil shall not be compacted until completely drained and the moisture content is within the limits herein described or approval by the Project Engineer. Prior approval by the project engineer shall be obtained before continuing the grading operations. ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 11 1 _ File No. 6-00-741-SI 1 - All debris, 'vegetation, any existing trees not to be utilized ' in landscaping, and abandoned utility lines shall be removed from the building pad areas. t2. All organic materials including roots, grass, and weeds should ' be stripped from the site prior to any earthmoving operations and transported away from all areas that are to receive fill. ' 3. The depressions left by the removal of surface and subsurface ' structures should be cleaned of all debris and backfilled with clean native soil. This backfill must be engineering fill. ' This operation must be conducted under the supervision of the Project Engineer. t4. Any water wells on the site which are to be abandoned shall be tcapped according to the requirements of the County Health Department. The final elevation of the top of the well casing tmust be a minimum of 3 feet below new adjacent grade prior to any grading operations. In no case should a building ' foundation be placed over a capped well. ' S. Following the cleaning and stripping operations, the then- exposed soil should be scarified to a minimum depth of 12 ' inches, moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted to the minimum required relative compaction. ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 10 File No. 6-00-741-SI t ' 9. Trench backfill should be compacted to the same relative ' compaction as the fill. Where any opening is made under or through the perimeter foundation for such items as utility lines and trenches, the openings must be resealed so that the are water tight to prevent the possible entrance of outside ' irrigation or rain water into the underneath portion of the structures. The utility trenches extending under the ' perimeter foundations and concrete slab-on-grade floors shall be backfilled with native soil and adequately compacted. 10. The contractor shall conduct all grading operations in such a manner as to preclude wind blow dirt, dust, and related damage to neighboring properties. The means of control shall ' assume liability for claims related to wind blown materials. ' 11. In the event that any unusual conditions not covered by the specific provisions are encountered during grading operations, ' the Project Engineer shall be immediately notified for directions. 12. Any imported soil for engineering fill shall have minimum "R" ' value of 25, and Plasticity Index not more than 12, or approved by the Project Engineer before the grading operation. ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 12 File No. 6-00-741-SI 1 ' 13. All grading work shall be observed and approved by Project ' Engineer and shall prepare a final report upon completion of the grading operations. 14. Acre Soil Engineering shall be notified at least two days ' prior to commencement of any grading operations so that they may coordinate the work in the field with the contractor. 1 ' Building Foundation Design Criteria: ' The proposed residential building may be supported by continuous perimeter footings with isolated interior spread footings. In ' general, the foundations should be founded at a minimum of 18 inches below the lowest interior adjacent subgrade. The interior ' and exterior footing shall be founded at the same elevation below pad grade. For the above conditions, in either undisturbed natural ' soil or properly compacted fill, the foundation may be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2500 psf for dead plus live ' loads. The value may be increased by one-third to include short- term seismic and wind effects. ' If the new foundation is connected to the existing foundation, proper reinforcement should be used to dowel into the existing ' foundation to minimize possible movement between new and existing foundation. ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 13 File No. 6-00-741-SI ' Retaining Walls: ' Any facilities that will retain a soil mass should be designed for a lateral earth pressure (active) equivalent to 40 pounds ' (18.2Kg.) equivalent fluid pressure, plus surcharge load. If the retaining walls are restrained from free movement at both ends, ' they should be designed for earth pressure resulting from 50 pounds (22.7 Kg.) equivalent fluid pressure, to which should be ' added surcharge loads. In designing for allowable resistive lateral earth pressure (passive), 300 pounds (114 Kg.) equivalent ' fluid pressure may be used with the result acting at the third point. The top 1 foot (.3 m.) of native soil should be neglected ' for computation of passive resistance. The bottom of the retaining wall footing should be set at a ' minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent subgrade, and designed for allowable bearing pressure of 2500 psf for dead plus ' live load. The allowable bearing capacity may be increased by 1/3 to include wind and seismic effects. A coefficient of friction of .3 may be used for retaining wall ' design. ' The above values assume a drained condition, and a moisture content compatible with those encountered during our ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 14 File No. 6-00-741-SI ' investigation. 'To promote proper drainage, a layer of at least ' one foot (.3 m.) of pea gravel or drain rock should be placed between the facility and the retained material. Either weep holes ' or perforated pipes (perforations down) should be included in the design to conduct excess water from behind the retaining structures. Suitable out-fall locations for drainage facilities should be chosen to minimize future erosion. ' We recommend a thorough review by this office of all designs pertaining to facilities retaining a soil mass. 1 Slab-on-Grade Construction: ' 1) A minimum of 4 inches thick of 3/4 inch clean crushed rock or ' Class II baserock shall be used between the finished subgrade and concrete slab. If Class II baserock is used, it should be compacted to 95% relative compaction according to the laborabory compaction prodedure ASTM D1557-91. The concrete ' slab should be designed by the project structural engineer. 2) Use of a vapor barrier under the concrete slab is optional, depending on the nature of the floor covering to be applied. If a plastic membrane is used, it should be used between the base rock and 2 inch sand layer. ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 15 1 File No. 6-00-741-SI General Construction Requirements: ' 1) Concentration of rain water from roof gutters should be directed away from foundations and planting areas near structures. ' 2) All final grades should be provided with a positive gradient away from foundations in order to provide a rapid removal of surface water run-off. Ponding of surface water adjacent to foundations should be avoided. 3 Where utility lines cross under or through perimeter footings, ' they should be completely sealed to prevent moisture intrusion into the areas under the slab and/or footings. The utility trench backfill should be the native soil or imperious material for at least 3 feet (.9 m.) both side of the ' exterior footings. ' 4) Our firm should inspect the footing trenches prior to the placement of concrete. At no time should water be allowed to stand in the unpoured footing trenches for more than 24 hours. ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 16 M9 ' File No. 6-00-741-SI 1 5) The final design of the foundation and reinforcing required ' shall be determined by the Engineer responsible for the foundation design. It is suggested that the foundation design ' be reviewed by Acre Soil Engineering prior to construction. 1 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS: 1 The discussion and recommendations presented in this report are based on the followings: 1) The recommendations of this report are based upon the ' assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the borings and trenches. These recommendations ' are evaluated for the proposed construction planned at the time. If any variations or undesirable conditions are ' encountered during construction, or if the actual construction will differ from that planned at the present time, Acre Soil ' Engineering should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be given. 2) This report is issued with the understanding that it is the ' responsibility of the owner or his representative to ensure that the information and recommendation contained herein are 'I ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 17 1 ' File No. 6-00-741-SI ' called to the attention of the architect and engineers for the project and incorporated into the plans, and that the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractors and ' subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. ' 3) The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the ' broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated, wholly or in part, by changes outside of our control. Therefore, this report is subjected to review by a Project Engineer, and should not be relied upon ' after a period of three years. ' 4) This report was prepared upon your request for our services, in accordance with currently accepted standards of professional engineering practices. No warranty based on the contents of this report is intended, and none shall be inferred from the statements or opinion expressed herein. ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 18 ' File No. 6-00-741-SI i 1 ' APPEND _ XX " A "' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 1 tFile No. 6-00-741-SI g L u c o.vi•e , °� trazw �'t af-�4—�7,-J.� f. � � a, a:".• � -rir[ _ �' rw+ it � I . � , �Y '��Pm'�..,,,.,Y, w, .,' �^ '^ �_�6g f-�--^_•ray ' > � � 9— ZcrrYgw—'�1--.5`{� 3 � 6.. m{ 2 9 rcwrt eLC{L,.f 3•. 1 irs[!� _�-°+�w- � > - �' �_ �Er�:r FRS' {• >Yusrrnr. 1+2+1+ u YAILCU /' Site Thomas Bros. Map 1999 Santa Clara County, Paye 832 1 1 Figure 1 - Vicinity Map ' ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 1 File No. 6-00-741-SI 1 1 , i I � 1 1 i 1 Proposed Remodeled � i Residence 1 Shaded Area is existing house 1 I 1 � �• i^— --7,i Y'i 1 r 1 I I B- I 1 I 1 LAK y WAY 1 1 Figure 2 - Si.te Plan ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING ' arro. 6-00-741-S1 ' Loyy.o D,: L,K, E.Oronro y Doling Loy Do,iny No. B-1 D.r.orw.0. 6/23/00 AcOro..Ebution DorinOD1.m.W 8' ' Dwnny U.mocSam Pliny mail oC Truck Mounted Drill Rig 140 lb. Hammer Falling 30" 6 D-0 E Snur7nt Va Y ' u r-21C 1 C � UN Oo DESCRIPTION ' Brown gravelly sandy silty 1 clay. ' 2 ' 3 4 BI- 4 33 GC Brown clayey silty sand and 12.5 121.4 .40 31 ' gravel, moist, very stiff to 5 hard. ' 6 7 Changed to brown silty clay with 8% little sand. ' 9 B1 9 53 CL Brown silty clay with trace 10.9 118.5 trace of sand, damp, hard. ' 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 B1 14 50/6" GM Brown silty clay changed to .1 28.brown silty sand and gravel, damp, hard. 1- k S t. Figure 3 ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 7-00-741-SI LO^•,�sJ 13 L.� Uplow—y Dotlnp Lop D011no NO. B-1 1 0"',c. 6/23/00 APPto-.El—tlon 00'1n0 DI-1., 8 Drl:lin;I.IeInaC T—plin,M/IIIOG 1 'Truck Mounted Drill Rig 140 lb. Hammer Falling 30" U A. � e LL! — E y Sn.,t TII .f H o f oY io E 1 O — n¢� jV 3 V O o Uvl O n 1 JC"' x DESCRIPTION 1 7 g Changed to brown clayey silt. 19 1 0 31-20 42 42 Brown clayey silt, moist, har .15.3 113.8 Boring terminated at 20 feet, 21 - no groundwater was encountere . 1 2 1 3 1 24 25 1 26 1 27 i Zg 29 1 30 1 31 32 1 • 1 n,mui Figure 4 1 ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING File No. 6-00-741-SI ' PLASTICITY CHART ' 60 CV CE ' SO � CH ME X 40 v � MV 30 CI 20 MH CL' C 10 L 7--- 0MI ' 4 "-' ML 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 go 100 Liquid Limit % 1 PLASTICITY DATA ' Plastl- Unified Key Hole Depth Liquid city Soil Clas ' Symbol No. Ft. Limit % Index % sificatlo ' & Bulk 2 33 11 CL t * Soil type classification based on British suggested revisions to Unified Solls Classification System ' Figure 5 - Plasticity Index 6-00-741-SI TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF MOISTURE,DENSITY,ATTERBERG LIMITS ' DIRECT SHEAR TESTING UNCONFINED COMPRESSION S..PLE DEPTH IN-PLACE CONDITIONS ATTERBERG LIMITS UNCONFINED DIRECT SHEAR TESTING NO IF T.) MOISTURE DRY LIQUID PLASTICITY COMPRESSION ANGLE OF UNIT CONTENT DENSITY LIMIT INDEX STRENGTH INTERNAL COHESION 1%DRY WT.) (P.C.F.) (%) (K.S.F.) FRICTION (P.S.F.) (DEGREES) ' 131-4 4 12.5 121.4 31 400 ' 131-9 9 10.9 118.5 B1-14 14 8.1 128.9 ' B1-20 20 15.3 113.8 Bulk 2 33 11 t t 1 1 AM SUM II GnQMR IG TEKCOLE ENGINEERING & ASSOCIATES Architectural•Engineering •Planning 2819 Akino ct. • San Jose.CA 95148 • (408)314-4281 • Fax(408)532-1340 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FILE : No. # 6-00-714 — SI and CONTROL / PLAN #9899 June.16,2001 1 o: Golden Properties Development Mr.Long Nguyen •2114 5enter Road, Suite 11•5an Jose,CA 95112 5uject: Proposed Residential Room Addition Located at 10685 Larry Way•Cupertino.CA 95014 Final Framing Inspection • APN.1316-02-009 • Control/Plan Chk.No.# 9899 •Permit No.:#00040093 Dear Mr.Nguyen, Per your reque5t,we have reviewed and performed the final framing inspection of the new& (Ex15ting)framing at the job Site of 10685 Larry Way.Cupertino,California 95014. The inspection was done and 5an5fied all reauirement5 according with theplains have been approved by the Building&Safety Department City of Cupertino . Control/Plan check No.if 9699. Permit No.q 0004(X)93. As result of our inspections,please finish the following details in orders to obtain the final framing inspection from the city building Inspection be fore cover the insulation and drywall. 1. Provide Simpson joist hnrger for each 2x8 Roof Rafter at circle/Living room. 2. Provide Chimney Strap:Metal ties at chimney to Roof Rafter per plan/Sheet A6 With G5 16 x -O'with blocking required. 3. Provide 2x 6 blocking both Side of I leader and Rough Sill windows plate with Cont. Metal trap 6516 min See Detail 4,Sheet 51. 4. Provide Simpson hanger typ.At all opening See detail 8-Sheet 51. pp 1 he City building Irrspector will verify the co rection5 have been made by this report,and �. final framing inspection by their final check-list.Please call again if you have any question for this report comments. 5incrrcly your, y8 �S, R �ys Bachar Koujah,P.E. No.474,0 Irl Associates Engineer * EXP.12.31. /s Tekco Engineering&Associates op CAUFa e �► TEKCOLE ENGINEERING & ASSOCIATES Architectural• Engineering•Planning 2819 Akino ct. • San Jose. CA 95148 • (40a)3144281 o Fax(408)532-1340 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT Feb.18,2001 To: Golden Properties Development Mr.Long Nguyen 2114 5enter Road,Suite 11 San Jose,CA 95112 5uject: Proposed Residential Room Addition Located at 10685 Larry Way, Cupertino,CA 95014 Location of existing foundation,new fourdation/side&rear set-back • APN.1316-02-009 • Control/Plan Chk.No.#9899 • Permit No.:#00040093 Dear Mr.Nguyen, Per your request,we have reviewed the new&(Existing)foundation plan for the proposed residential room addition located at 10685 Larry Way,in Cuppertino,California. • Our review indicated that the new foundation for rear set back,front set back,left& right side set back was prepared clear in accordance with the plan sheet A-1,dated Jan 10,2000,And with the soil and foundation investigation report,File NO.6-00-714-SL dated July 52000,by ACRE 501L ENGINEERING. • The set back required is 20'-0'max.clearance from PL.by the city plarrong code as shown in sheet A-1.The new foundation proposed for rear set back is 26'-0"is very clear.The front set back from the curb of street to the existing garage foundation is remain the same as 35-0,there is no change.The plan shown is 30'-0',is the min required.your front required set back is still more clearance from the code. • The existing right side setback is keeping the same as existing from PL to existing garage foundation is N-C.this is very clearance as is.The Left side set back is keeping the same set back as existing foundation from PL.is 11'-6'is clearance as shown in the plan If you have any questions,please fell free to contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely your, _ `oQt�oFEss/o R K0 Yy W ' Bachar Koujah,P.E. No. 4749 �`I Associates Engineer * EXP,IZ. 0 S Tekco Engineering&Associates Sf C/VIL F 0' CALIF��- ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING Soils,Foundation and Geotechnical Engineers 131 Tully Road,San Jose,CA 95111 (408)436-8440, Fax:(408)258-4909 A 5 E September 22, 2000 C Golden Properties Development Mr. Long Nguyen 2114 Senter Road, Suite 11, San Jose, CA 95112 SUBJECT: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ROOM ADDITION Located at 10685 Larry way, Cupertino, CA 95014 Grading and Drainage Plan Review Dear Mr. Nguyen: Per your request, we have reviewed the New & (Existing) grading and drainage plan for the proposed residential room addition located at 10685 Larry Way, in Cupertino, California. Our review indicated that the New & (Existing) grading & drainage plan sheet T-1, dated January 10, 2000, was prepared in accordance with the soil and foundation investigation report, File No. 6-00- 741-SI, dated July 5, 2000. I If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely yours, ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING f ESS/U��9 ZAWRE'NCE KOO, P. E. C.E. # 34928 4 i s C.d223 of A rE 0` ��tt ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING Soils,Foundation and Geotechnical Engineers 131 Tully Road,San Jose,CA 95111 (408)436-8440, Fax:(408)258-4909 A S E September 22, 2000 Golden Properties Development Mr. Long Nguyen 2114 Senter Road, Suite 11, San Jose, CA 95112 SUBJECT: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ROOM ADDITION Located at 10685 Larry way, Cupertino, CA 95014 Grading and Drainage Plan Review Dear Mr. Nguyen: Per your request, we have reviewed the New & (Existing) grading and drainage plan for the proposed residential room addition located at 10685 Larry Way, in Cupertino, California. Our review indicated that the New & (Existing) grading & drainage At plan sheet T-1, dated January 10, 2000, was prepared in accordance with the soil and foundation investigation report, File No. 6-00- 741-SI, dated July 5, 2000. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely yours, ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING 2 0P MANDATORY MEASOES CHECKLIST: RESIDE&IAL (Page I of 2) MF—IR Note: Lownse residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk(•)may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents,the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures: §130(a). Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. §150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R-Value. IV 4- §150(c). Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U-value in metal frame walls v (does not apply to exterior mass walls). • §150(d) Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed Goon. §150(1): Slab edge insulation-water absorption rate no greater than 0.31/.,water vapor transmission rate N A no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. §118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form. §1 16.17 Fenestration Products,Exterior Door,and Infiltration/Exftltration'Controis 1.Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2.Fenestration products(except field-fabricated)have label with unified U-value,certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC),and infiltration certification. 3.Exterior door and windows weatherstripped;all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. '150(g) Vapor barrier mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. Alk §150(p Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with§151 meets Commission quality standards. ^/ i 4150(c). Installation of Firtplaces,Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. I Masonry and factory-built fireplaces have: a.Closeable metal or glass door I/ b.Outside air intake with damper and control c.Flue damper and control 2 No continuous buming gas pilot lights allowed. Space Conditioning,Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: 4110.§113: HVAC equipment,water heaters,showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. r'✓ §150(h). Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE.SMACNA orACCA. V §150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. (/ §1500) Pipe and tank insulation I Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.38 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2.First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank,non-recirculating systems,insulated(R4 or greater) 1.Hack-up tanks for solar system,unfired storage tanks,or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined intemal/external insulation. a All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water systems. 5 Cooling system piping below 55'F insulated. 6 Piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. July 1,1999 •MANDATORY MEA41tES CHECKLIST: RESIDITIAL(Page 2 ore) MF-IR Note: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk(4)may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents,the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning,Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures:(continued) p 150(m) Ducts and Fans I All ducts and plenums constructed,installed,Insulated,fastened,and sealed to comply with the 1CB0 1997 UMC sections 601 and 603;ducts insulated to a minimum installed R-4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely within conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic,tape,aerosol sealant or other duct closure system that meets the applicable requiremetas of ULI81,ULI9IA,or ULI81B and other applicable specified tests for longevity given in q I50(m).. 2 Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 3.Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampen. g 1 14: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment. i I System is cenified with 78%thermal efficiency,on-off switch,weatherproof operating instructions,no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2.System is installed with: N/k a At least 36"of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3 Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. §115 Gas fired central furnaces,pool heaters,spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning pilot light.(Exception:Non-electrical cooking appliances with pilot<150 Btuthr) Lighting Measures: q 150(k)I Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy of40 IumenLwals or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. g I50(k)2.:Rooms with a shower or bathtub must either have at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/wall or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternatives to this requirement allowed in.4150(k)2.;and recessed ceiling fixtures arc IC(insulation cover)approved. r July 1,1999 CERTIFICATE OF WMPLIANCE: RESIDENTI4& (Page 1 of 2) CF-111 low Project Title Dale 1o68S 14fLi4 l✓ Ctr,P&2Tiyp G.4 qto Project Address / Building Permit a Q,C/d-n/ � (71 q) p�i32 Plan Check/Date Documentation Author Telephone [� P4<!t4 GF l/ T Field Check/Date Compliance Method(Package or Computer) Climate Zone Enforcement Agency Use Only GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area 2160 ft= Average Ceiling Height: /0 ft Conditioned Slab Floor Area �/6 a ft' Building Type: J/Single Family ✓Addition (check one or more) Multi-Family ✓ Existing-Plus-Addition Front Orientation: Q North/South Ea /West/All Orientations (input front orientation in degrees from True North and circle one) Number of Stories Number of Dwelling Units: O Floor Construction Type: Gla aised Floor(circle one or both) BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Frame Type Cavity Sheathing Total R- Assembly Location/Comments Type wd=wood Insulation Insulation Value' Ul-Value' (attic,garage,typical,etc.) stl=steel R-Value R-Value Wall WD /2•/3 N� R.13 O.oB Olt GexTF-R-• lw�A-!LS Wall Roof Gu Z> 1230 A,/A- RB0 Roof Floor Floor Slab Edge N FENESTRATION Shading Devices Fenestration Orien- Area Fenestration Fenestration Interior Exterior Overhangs (ft #/Type/Pos. Cation ') U-VBlue SHGC Shading Shading Art. /Fins AM Front E4S T ll D O. r DvJ4�- 0,8 Standard By reAs 'V Front Standard Left Tff /3 o•7SDy4 O.fr3 Standard S4&Ztr N d LeftStandard Rear Li/f5 2 .7S bdL o, 3 Standard Rear Standard Right NO2T/l ( .7S 1/A-L 0,8 tBndard t/aE N Right Standard Skylight N 4 / 2 0. S Vim- 0.83 Standard N .V Skylight Standard For prescriptive compliance,Total R-Value and Assembly U-Value are not required for a wood-framed wall that meets cavity R-value insulation requirement for the Prescriptive Package. 'For prescriptive compliance,there are no credits for any interior shading except the default or"Standard" drapery. These default interior shading devices(draperies)need not be installed for compliance purposes. July 1,1999 ' CERTIFICATE OF C&NIPLIANCE: RESIDE NTIAi(Page 2 of 2) CF-IR Llw..r 26 A W D ar C/nl Gj t /2c70M AM/T/oN D 2-22- 2040 0 Project Title Date IIVAC SYSTEMS Note Input hydrunm or cumbbred hydnufic data under Wain I leafing Systems,except Design I Icalme Load Distribution Heating Equipment Minimum Type and Duct or Heat Pump Type Ifurnace.licit Efficiency Location Piping Thermostat Configuration pump.ctc) AFUrur IISPF) (ducts,attic,etc.) R-Value Type (splitor package) Gar -,rrR A/A Lz )Z-Ae.� N Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Heat Pump Type(au conditioner. Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Configuration heal pump,evap.cooling) (SEER) (attic,ce.) R-Value Type (split or package) WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Energy' External Rated' Tank Factor or Tank Water Beater Distribution Number Input(kw Capacity Recovery Standby' Insulation Tvpe Type in System or utwhr) (gallons) Efficiency Loss(%) R-Value sa So 0/ 40oopo _1/0 0.53 _ ?+L>- I. For small gas storage water heaters(rated inputs of fess than or equal to 75,000 Otu/hr),electric resistance,and heat pump water heaters,list Energy Factor For large gas storage seater heaters(rated input o(greater than 75,000 nlu/hr),list Rated Input,Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water healers,list rated input and recovery efficiencies. SPECIAL FEATURES and MODELING ASSUMPTIONS(Add extra sheets if necessary) Including Thermal Mass(thermal mass type,covering,thickness,and description) G,En AM, )7 LE ! Se,r/r4 X Ov 411 9ATNQ.aoM K/TL.,µ,[ M / n 7-A-t 2 3 C 5) COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This cent icalc of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 23,Pans I and 6 of the California Code of Regulations,and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations,any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. Designer or Owner(per Business and Professions Code) Documentation Author Name. Name: IIJAAJ LE PE "ritic&jrm. rffKcoLC —CAI 41AIC l-/LIArG��✓}t�r. Tille/Firm: A'ire OSOV&;/V eroa- Address: Un 2 r 14.0 LL/ p/U✓E Address: /0/6/ /3 o LI A> 1 Tf 202 A Z t rTM f N[ Telephone: / �' ) Z/O -6 I'Y s/ Telephone: C?/V/ Sit/ 1L.? Lic.p: (signature) (date) (signature) M1 <^, (date) Enforcement Agency Name: Title: it (Jo.2169E m Agency: , Telephone: (signature I stamp) (date) July 1, 1999 HOURLY AND ANNUAL Form 2 BUILDING HEAT LOSS RAIZ ShrdwO On1gn 0-1 Go,r4 N(�uyE-.v !k„IEaE,i,,oLEL/nr¢� /iJ'DuAOD, lot &ZA4z 4*!X_ Cy/ftr)No a4-r rua-AiAze 6t LJAA/LE o2_222000 SITE INFORMATION IIr•.\0.e.•O.r Iha.A"—U.I . .. Moo 24.38 •f•e•r _ 0•a+.ew.i.-w...r\IIm...ow....1........... . r\„ Z8 •I _ ori.\•J...n 1Ar.r—p..o,.Ilro.e Aoor .l............ . Tj_ •r PROPOSED BUILDING ENVELOPE INFORMATION _ Ww/Mw M\Ihvw or.11........................... ftj •• - Wr\nw A,-In\«o.w,!........................... ..,,, Rd 0--rM OLi•.g Air 0101.P.11 ..... ............... A, 384 Ri y.Cl—"AIrap�.1A,1..w..udblalA.,�J..e.....1 A�, G32 Ri HOURLY HEAT LOSS L`ESICB TEMPERATURE 01 FF EnENCL• .a A.1 Au...IWW 01.r T)'..rk.rlvw 0\a.....70ii. •!-JT. I 4 Z •! ie_11\.w 1•.w ie1 iwmul.•Fkr O.r v rIq�JnM«.0 So........... I'—1 T2 •0.Tw I 2/ •f fv v.-.wu1.e ilea 0•..VINs IJwM.(\e Spt.........{�//IM��51! .L,T�7 /6 \/ it:�p.w Werne i•0e.1 .. 70ii S? •I -Lrw a 22 \/ COAOUC'IVE HEAT I= ..«...V er Aw-.rr. A,r,ni r \r r�nrw L�.T wewlr+.0 _ C.0\u.w•.I.u.w.•.r �w.u.n W.aw�I n•w..»w yu.\ .. _ G1.n.� DfJ 4-e- 7EMO$2EA �ay s o.,7r 's i/2 /2�0 g6 ,ro1ir s s ' 300 nt.Es 3/60 . 0.036 •!(z 4.778 1y, SLAQ, DEFMi67- F+wM 3 /60 008 ]:, 22, S.9'3 a.: wi-oeoaot . Zy d2.3 INF LIT RATION it... 0 wL...t :llw...11i—,msr.wmuwwl N/A' Ili • h • •�� , - •/. t :,VIA :.....: �..I VINTILATION Am- 0 r Lw t Ir IN.\.P•wriwti.l+Ll.Irw1 D,2 �S>R FLao/i hil....w. 412- ei . I= ............... t x,66 r.w....µy..1..1\.. pig 1.•+.L...1 - DUCT HEAT LOSS 19..r 0 —L--4 •I IN,\r•n+e..a11 r8 29 . - 0.1 S • l.�r • 1 ��w M.►x 4.brvf mo 6y,lLox /I y.) c 9/,692. TOTAL IL—I-to e. I � /2n •_u.I.. ANNUAL HEAT LASS Z.y.�B •i....l.-. / 6_? .1./1b .' 1.00 ,,...,... .O. 10/27,7yx/o69mIKE :T— L.w.1 KOUJAH CONSULTING ENGINEERS STRUCTURAL DESIGN A PLAN REVIFWING STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR ONE STORY SINGLE FAMULY RESIDENCE �iQFu`�3Slp�� OL \'' t,a a No. 47490 .i' EXP.12-31 PREPARED BY: BACHAR KOUJAH JOB NO.: 00-0013 DATE: February 29,2000 TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEETS = �� CALCULATIONS ARE NOT VALID WITHOUT THE ENGINEER'S YkE'[SEAL A SIGNATURE.NUMBER OF SHEETS PROVIDED SHALL CONFORM TO THE TOTAL NUMBER STATED ABOVE.OTHERWISE,THE ENGINEER SHALL TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE CALCULATIONS.TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEETS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE COVER SHEET AND THE RESPONSIBILITY SHEET.PLEASE READ THE ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITY SHEET VERY CAREFULLY. 0 • ENGTNEER'S RESPONSIBILITY The Engineer's Professional responsibility is limited to work contained in these calculations. The Engineer assumes no responsibility for work not a part of these calculations nor for inspection to ensure construction is performed in accordance with these calculations. Soil report (investigation) data is NOT available for the subject site for use by the Engineer. Therefore, for design purposes, a soil bearing value of 1000 p.s.f. with 1.33 increase for lateral loads was used. The builder is responsible for obtaining verification of the soil bearing value and related lateral load values in a manner approved by the agency/agencies with governing jurisdiction. It is the full intention of the Engineer that these calculations conform to the Uniform Building Code, 1997 edition and the ACI 318- 95. These calculations and specifications shall govern the working drawings. However, where any discrepancies occur between these calculations and the working drawings, the Engineer shall be notified immediately so proper action may be taken. Kol[JAH CONSULTING• l+n i • ENGINEERS u n _ III NU 4298 ACACIA A\E ,-III.CK11) \0RCo.Ltd 928611 PI10\I::,`NI917?-1-1 i 22 STRVCTL,'R.V.DESIGN S PLAN REVIEW'L\G VERTICAL LOADS- Roofing(Conc.tile) 10 psf Felt 0.5 psi Plywood.12"thick 1.5 psf Framing(2x8 @ 16") 2.1 psf Sprinkler 1.0 psf Misc. 1.5 psf Total Roof Dead Load Rt dl:= 16.6-psf Ceiling(2x8(§16") 2.1 psf Insulation 1.0 psf Gyp.bd clg. 2.5 psf HDR.&beam loads Rd:=22.6-psf Total Roof Live Load RI:= 16-psf (4:12 pitch) Int.Wall DL: W;,,t:= 12-psf Ext.Wall DL: W,t:= 15 psf Clgdl:=6-pst' CIBu:= 110-psf VERTICAL LOAD ON BEAMS: Load on garage roof rafters: TR:=12•ft Wdl n:=Rt djT WdI R= 16.6 plf W,,-,:=RI-TR W11n= 16plf C:\00-0013\vert-1 d.mcd Kot1AII CONSULTING• v __ _ __ srlsn,rr suLLr>. 2— E NG I_NE E It S ENGINEERS u:crt: — JOB NO 4298 ACACL\AVE- CIILCKLD _ CLIENT NORCO.CA 92860 - F'IIO\'1::(909)734.1322 STRUCTURAL DESIGN R PLAN REVtEWTNG VERTICAL LOADS CONT.: Load on typ.roof rafters: TR:=i2•ft WdI rt:=Rr dl•Trt Wdl R=22.133 plf WB, ;=RI-TR Wtt_R=21.333 pIf Roof load on typ.headers: Twa 28-ft hd:=2 Roof load on typ.6'-0"header: Twd hde:= (2Z)ft+2-ft Wdi hdo:=Rd•Twd_hde Wdl hde=271.2 plf We hda:=RI,T-d hda Wtl_hde= 192plf Roof load @ entry beam(B1): Twd B1:= ' +Mt WdI 81:=Rd'Twd 81 WdI 81= 146.9plf W11BI:=RI-Twd_Bl W11_Bt= 104plf Roof load on garage T„d GB:=I Z+1.5 ft beams(B2): l J Wdl GB:=Rd•Twe GB Wdl_GB=214.7 plf WII_GB:=RrTwa GB WIIGB= 152plf Pg d1:=486-lb Pg II:=468 Ib Ir.:M0-0013\ve -Id.mcd KOUJAII CONSULTING • �;, _ SLiinrr • nla+r 3 „1 �� LNGINEERS UALL ----___-- 4298ACACIA A\'E.. CIuiCF:1:U CLIENI \ORCO.CA 92860 PHO\'5:(909)734.1322 STRUCTURAL DESIGN B PLAN REVIEWL\G VERTICAL LOADS CONT.: 16 Roof toad over foyer(B3): Twe B3 — •ft LEn)rYL y J 2 Wdl_83 Rd,Twd_B3 Wdt_83= 180.8plf Wn_B3 Rt•Twd 83 Wtt_B3= 128ptf Pry l:=791-lb Pry tt:=560-lb Roof load over beam between TN,d_B4:=I 2+31•ft foyer&library(B4): l J Wdt_84 Rd-Twd_B4 Wdl_134=203.4plf WII134 RrTwa B4 Wtt_B4= 144plf 18 Roof load over beam between Twe es I Z I•ft foyer&living(B5): \ / Wdt Bs Rd•Twa 8s Wdt Bs=203.4plf Wtt_Bs:=RI-Td Bs Wu-B6= 144plf r 28.5 Roof load @ foyer supporting Twd B6:=I— •ft ridge(B6): \ 2 WdlB6 Rd•Twd B6 War B6=322.05ptf Wu m:=RrTwa B6 WIlB6=228 plf C:\00-0013\vert-I KOU,IAH CONSUrrING • Hti _ sIIIn:C1 • nl:ri>: G� a ENGINEERS 11AII MHN" 4298 ACACIA A%I- ('I ILCAED CIA N1 .. - NORCO.CA 92860 111IONIS.()09)734-1-122 STRUCTURAL DESIGN do PLAN REVIEWING VERTICAL LOADS CONT.: /Zl Roof load @ beam over Td-B7:=I 0 I)>3 kitchen&family room(B7): l Wdl 87:=Rd•T..d B7 Wdt 87=226pif WB B7:=RI-T..a B7 WII_87= 160ptf 22 Roof load @ beam over Td Ba:=I 2 I•n bedroom 3(B8): \ /J WdlBe=Rd-T..a Bg Wdl_B8=248.6 plf W11Bs:=RrT..a Bs WII_Bs= 176plf Roof load @ living room(B9): Wdl 87:=2893•lb Wdl_B7=2.893 kips WII 87:=2048-Ib W11-B7=2.048 kips Roof beam between kitchen Twd BIO:=(22).ft &family room(B10): Wdl BIO:=Rd-T..a BIo Wdl_BI0=248.6pif Wu BIo:=RI-T..d BIo W11 BIo=176plf Ma)dmum point load on D ftg:= 12-in+6-in Dftg= 18 in W ftg:= 12-in cont.footing: Sp_a8:=1000•psf Wp,.t:=3.5•in Sag:=2-Dftg+ W,,t Sftg=39.5 in Pill:=Sp dl'�Sftg'Wftg� P,u=3.292: 103 lb C:\00.0013\vert-Id.mcd KOUJAH CONSULTING ENGINEER, Title: Job aDsgnr: Date: 4298 ACACIA AVE., Description: NORCO,CA 92860-1206 VOICE:(909)734-1322 Scope: FAX:(909)734-1322 �.� Timber Beam&Joist c,„,.�,,,rr, dr r u l al:al o„R, FVFYC�I� Description Roof framing Timber Member Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1991 UBC Requirements Gr.rr.mr. 1yp.rr.rttr. Bl B2 03 as Timber Section 2.8 2.8 6.10 3.12546.5 6.10 698 6.12 Beam Width int 1.500 1.500 5.500 3.125 5.500 5.500 5.500 Beam Depth int 7.250 7.250 9.500 16.500 9.500 7.500 11.500 Le.Unbraced Length R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Timber Grade Do,rw F.-I.w D.6w Fu-1.w twsw Ftp-lu4 L)u w Fu,24F-V Du4w FV.Wc4 Vw w Fu.L. h. 1) rw Fu-umb. Fb-Basic Allow psi 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 2,400.0 1,350.0 1,350.0 1,350.0 Fv-Basic Allow psi 95.0 95.0 95.0 190.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 Elastic Modulus ksil 1,700.0 1,700.0 1,700.0 1,800.0 1,600.0 1,600.0 1,600.0 Load Duration Factor 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.000 1 1.250 Member Type Sawn Sawn Sawn GluLam Sawn Sawn SaN .000 Repetitive Status Repetitive Repetitive No No No No Center Span Data Span R 17.50 16.00 13.50 20.00 10.00 11.00 10.00 Dead Load #IRI 16.60 22.20 147.00 215.00 181.00 203.40 203.40 Live Load #M 16.00 21.40 104.00 152.00 128.00 144.00 144.00 Point#1 DL lbs 488.00 791.00 3,851.00 LL lbs 468.00 5W.00 6.000 x R 10.000 5.000 Results Ratio= 0.6607 0.7386 0.6635 0.6522 0.7779 0.9058 0.8321 Mmax 1M Center In-kl 14.98 16.74 68.62 277.44 86.88 63.05 160.93 @X= R 8.75 8.00 6.75 1 O.DO 5.00 5.50 6.00 ib Actual psll 1,139.6 1,274.1 829.4 1,956.6 1,050.2 1,222.8 1,327.5 Fb:Allowable Psi!1lmdlnu ue5.0 H-din9'c73K 0-diuu UOKK 0 1seudiuu BOOK Brndiuu OK0.0 H-di u1.OK -dl g OK 5 N:Actual psil 36.8 44.6 43.2 106.1 57.0 61.7 88.4 Fv-Allowable psli118.8 118.8 118.8 237.5 85.0 85.0 5hrnr a 6.3 _- Shw OK Shur OK Sl-r OK Shrar OK Shru OK Shear OK Reactions Left End DL lbsi 145.25 177.60 992.25 2,393.00 1300.50 1,118.70 2,557.40 LL Ibsl 140.00 171.20 702.00 1,754.00 920.00 792.D0 720.00 Max.DL-U- lbs 285.25 348.80 1,694.25 4,147.00 2,220.50 1,910.70 3.277.40 Right End DL lbs 145.25 177.60 992.25 2,393.00 1,300.50 1,118.70 3,327.60 LL lbs 140.00 171.20 702.00 1,754.00 920.00 792.00 720.00 Max.DL-LL lbs 28.5.25 348.80 1,694.25 4,147.00 2,220.50 1,910.70 4,047.60 Deflections Ratio OK Detlecwr.OK i;ellection CK Deflection OK Ceflecoor OK Deflection OK Del ect cn C Center DL DeR in -0.433 -0.404 -0.161 -0.434 -0.110 -0.217 -0.159 LIDeR Ratio 485.5 475.0 985.1 552.9 1,090.3 609.5 755.8 Center LL Dell in -0.417 -0.390 -0.116 -0.324 -0.078 -0.153 -0.029 UDea Ratio 503.7 492.7 1,392.4 741.0 1,541.1 860.9 4,130.9 Center Total Dail In -0.850 -0.794 -0.281 -0.758 -0.188 -0.370 -0.188 Location R 8.750 8-000 6.750 10.000 5.000 5.500 5.200 VDeR Ratio 247.2 241.8 576.9 316.7 638.5 356.9 639.1 KOUJAH CONSULTING ENGINEER Title: Job 9 O 001 Dsgnr: Date: 4298 ACACIA AVE., Description: NORCO,CA 92850-1206 VOICE:(909)734-1322 Scope: FAX:-.(909)734-1322 _ Timber Beam&Joist ,u n'k LL ...Ufl-lql +1=.un+n¢.cc_l al.0 Wu,+rt. Description Roof framing cont. Timber Member Inforrnation Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements �s 1'6 B7 Be 119 BIO 11D1 all Timber Section 2.125x12.0 4.10 4x12 4.12 4x8 4.10 Beam Width in 3.125 3.500 3.500 5.125 3.500 3.500 3.500 Beam Depth in 12.000 9.250 11.250 12.000 11.250 7.250 9.250 Le:Unbraced Length Rl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Timber Grade Dw WFu.24F-V nw4W Fu-IarcS Dw4W Fu-InreL Da9W Fu.24F-V Dw WFu-L r Da. Fu.Ly ta4W lir-1_4 Fb-Basic Allow psi, 2,400.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 2,400.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 Fv-Basic Allow psij 190.0 95.0 95.0 190.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 Elastic Modulus ksi 1,800.0 1,700.0 1,700.0 1,800.0 1,700.0 1,700.0 1,700.0 Load Duration Faclor 1 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.000 1.250 1.000 1.000 Member Type GluLam Sawn Sawn GluLam Sawn Sawn Sawn Repetitive Status No No No No No No No Center Span Data Span RI 14.00 8.50 12.00 16.00 12.50 4.50 8.50 Dead Load #M 322.10 226.07 248.50 248.60 57.00 48.00 Live Load #/R 228.00 160.00 176.00 176.00 40.00 80.00 Point X1 DL lbs 2,893.00 1,413.00 LL lbs 2,048.00 1,000.00 X n 8.000 2.000 -- Results Ratio= 0.7188 0.5588 0.9032 0.8034 0.9803 0.9526 0.2316 Mmax Q Center in-k 161.73 41.83 91.69 237.17 99.52 35.05 13.87 @x= R 7.OD 4.25 6.00 8.00 6.25 2.00 4.25 fb i Actual psi 2,156.4 838.1 1,242.0 1,928.2 1,347.9 1,143.1 277.9 Fb Allowable psil 3,000.0 1,500.0 1,375.0 2,400.0 1,375.0 1,200.0 1,200.0 Bmd'u4t OK 8-dinx OK amdWit OK amdin8 OK erudinu OK arndiWe OK BmdlU OK fv..Actual pail 133.1 62.6 82.3 60.3 86.5 88.7 20.8 Fv..Allowablepsii 237.5 118.8 118.8 190.0 118.8 95.0 95.0 Shmr OK Shear OK Shmr OK Sit-OK �hexr OK Shmr OK Shan OK _Reactions d Left End DL Ibs1 2,254.70 960.50 1,491.00 1,446.50 1,553.75 913.25 204.00 LL Ibsl 1,596.00 680.00 1,056.00 1,024.00 1,100.00 645.56 340.00 Max.DL-LL lbs 1 3,850.70 1,640.50 2.547.00 2,470.50 2,653.75 1.558.81 544.00 40 Right End DL Ibsl 2,254.70 960.50 1,491.00 1,44650 1,553.75 756.25 204.00 LL Ibsl 1,596.00 680.00 1,056.00 1,024.00 1,100.00 534.44 340.00 Max.DL«LL Ibsl 3,850.70 1,640.50 2,547.00 2,470.50 2,653.75 1.290.69 544.00 Deflections Ratio OK Deflection OK Defec0on OK Deflection OK Oeflectior OK Detlecaor.OK JH:ect cn 6K Center DL Den in -0.344 -0.068 -0.164 -0.321 -0.193 -0.027 -0.014 UDefl Ratio 488.8 1,508.0 878.9 597.9 775.5 ',006.5 7,100.2 Center LL Den in -0.243 -0.048 -0.116 -0.227 -0.137 -0.019 -0.024 UDefl Ratio 690.5 2,130.1 1,238.1 844.6 1,095.4 2,837.6 4,260.1 Center Total Dell in -0.587 -0.116 -0.281 -0.548 -0.330 -0.046 -0.038 Location R 7.000 4.250 6.000 8.000 6.250 2178 4.250 UDefl Rata 286.2 882.9 513.3 350.1 454.0 1.175.4 2,662.6 KOUJAH CONSULTING ENGINES Title: � Joba 4298 ACACIA AVE., DDale: Descr:scnplion NORCO,CA 92860.1206 VOICE:(909)734-1322 Scope FAX:(909)734-1322 �, �.�= Timber Beam &Joist -_w c:,a)-001 trunrne.c � Description Roof framing cont.(2) Timber Member Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements u02 Timber Section 4a1e Beam Width int 3.500 Beam Depth inl 9.250 Le:Unbraced Length fti 0.00 Timber GradeD.4w Fr•L—k Fb-Basic Allow psis 1,000.0 Fv-Basic Allow psil 95.0 Elastic Modulus ksii 1,700.0 Load Duration Factor 1.0D0 Member Type Sawn Repetitive Status I No Center Span Data Span ill 5.00 Point#1 DLlbs 2,100.00 LL Ibis 1,472.00 X n 2.500 Results Rata- 0.a946 Mmax Q Center in-k 53.58 X= rt 2.50 fb:Actual psi 1,073.5 Fb:Allowable pall 1,200.0 Bordint OK Iv Actual psii 82.7 Fv:Allowable pail Ili-19K6.0 iReactions — ------ -_ —� @ Left End DL lbs 1,050.00 LL lbs 736.00 Max.DL-LL lbs 1,786.00 @Right End OL Ibsl 1,050.00 LL lbs! 736.00 Max.OL-LL Ibsl 1,786.00 Deflections Ratio OK Center OL Dell in -0.024 UDen Ratio 2,491.7 Center LL Dell In -0.017 UDen Ratio 3,554.7 Center Total Oen In -0.041 Location It 2.500 UDen Ratio 1,464.9 KOUJAH CONSULTING ENGINEE0 Title: .labs 4298 ACACIA AVE., DDate: Description scnpticn NORCO,CA 92860-1206 VOICE:(909)734-1322 Scope FAX:(909)734-1322 Square Footing Design w euro:uc Description Footing under garage beam General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1097 UBC Requirements Dead Load 2.400 k Footing Dimension 2.250 It Live Load 1.800 k Thickness C 2.OD in Short Tenn Load 0.000 k #of Bars 3 Seismic Zone 4 Bar Size 4 Overburden Weight 0.000 psf Rebar Cover 8.250 Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf rc 2,MD psi LL 8 ST Loads Combine Fy 40, 00.0 psi Load Duration Factor 1.000 Column Dimension 0.00 in Allowable Soil Bearing 1.000.00 psf Reinforcing Rebar Requiref lent Actual Rebar"d"depth used 8.500 In As to USE per foot of Width 0.143 In2 Y00IFy 0.0060 Total As Req'd 0.321 int As Req'd by Analysis 0.0004 int Min Allow%Reinf 0.0014 Min.Reinf%to Req'd 0,0014% Summary Footing OK 2.25ft square x 12.Oin thick with 3-#4 bars Max.Static Sal Pressure 974.63 psf Vu:Actual One-Way 6.01 psi Allow Static Sal Pressure 1,000.00 psf Vn'Phi:Allow One-Way '76.03 psi Max.Short Term Soil Pressure 974.63 per Vu:Actual Two-Way 23.22 psi Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 1,000.00 psf Vn'Phl:Allow Two-Way 152.05 psi Alternate Rebar Selections- Mu :Actual 0.93 k-ft I R 2 #4's 2 #5's t Nes Mn•Phi:Capacity 6.59 k-ft I R 1 $75 1 #6's 1 AB's 1 #10s KOUJAH CONSULTING ENGINEERS - 4298ACACIAA%E... (H 1A KE) Cl LIF111 .NORCO,CA 92860 1 11 ON E:19091733-1322 STRUCTURAL DESIGN 6 PLAN REVIEWING � r L=12-0" 0 o 3 �r r L._-7_ �. 1 L- 0, f r L=6 0 o- 0- 4'� , 0 0 , GIZ Lfsi I ! KOUJAH CONSULTING ENGINEERS u.,n — _ n,l,s, ---- —_- 429aACACIA.4VI CIR CF:[U__ CLII_NI_____ _ NORCO.CA 92860 PI IONS.(909)734-1322 SII STRUCTURAL DESIGN S PLAN REVIEWING LATERAL ANALYSIS: (Longitudinal direction) Loads: Roof load Rdl :=22.6-psf LI North wall load(ext.) %:= 15•psf South wall load(ext.) W,:= IS•psf East wall load(ext.) We:= 15-psf N--Le-0 West wall load(ext.) Ww:= 15•psf Wall load(int.) Wi:=12-psf Height of north wall¶pet: H.:=11-ft H,,,p:=0•ft Height of south wall¶pet: Hs:=11-ft H,p:=0•ft Height of east wall¶pet: He:= 11-ft Hep:=0•ft Height of west wall¶pet: Hw:= 11-ft Hw p:=0•ft Building Dimensions: L):=75-ft Le;=57-ft Wind Coefficient: C,:= 1.13 (15'-20'), Exp.C Cq;= 1.3 H1 qs:= 12.6•psf (70 MPH) 1:= 1.0 H) 7-ft H,:= 11-ft Pr:=(Cc*Cq-gs•HI+C,.Cq•q,•1.2r)•Le Pr= 1.319.10416 Hr Seismic loads: Ni:=2 Hi:=35-ft Trib.roof area: R.:=4163•ft2 Roof OL Rdl lb:=Rdl-R, Rd[-lb=9.408 x 104lb Ext.wall DL Wda;= We.r (He+HeP)2+WW,(Hw+Hwp)Z�r 3 L� Wde=9.405 x 10 Ib 2-He 2•Hw DADrive D-Old100-0013XLon lat.mcd KOUJAH CONSULTING• _____ -_-— tii t3ir:cr • SHIA I NO 0I /�-- - ------------ ENGINEERS DAH[_--- _-- 1013 No -- 4298 ACACIA AVE. C'HLCKEU CLIENT NORCO.CA 91860 PHONE(909)734-1322 STRUCTURAL DESIGN&PLAN REVIEWING Longitudinal direction,cornt.: ( 11 Wdi:=I Wi-Ni.l ZiJJ•L� Wdi=2.394 x 104lb Total Seismic load: L W`=Rdi Ib+Wde+Wdi W= 1.274 x 10516 Base shear(UBC 1830.2.3): N.:= 1.2 (5km,type A) C.:=0.44•N. (UBC table 16-0) C.=0.528 R:=5.5 (UBC table 16-N,item 5) 1:= 1.0 N,:= 1.6 Z 0.4 Ct 0.02 h,,:=20 T Cr•hn0.75 •1•=0.189 C,:=0.64•N� Cv= 1.024 P= 1 Ev:=0 (ASD design) V0;= 2f!.W Vg=3.67 x 104lb Not more than: V I HR.1•W VI =3.058x 104lb (Seismic Govern) Not less than: V2:=0.11•C.-DW V2=7.401 x 103lb 0.8•Z-N, 1 le lb less than: V3:= R W V3= 1.186 x 10 Ib V4 3 R TT.W V4= 1.254 x 105lb Vb:=if(Pr2VI,Pr,V)) Vb=3.058 x 104 lb D:\Drive 7-0Idt00 0013\Lon lat.mcd KOUJAH CONSULTING• S 11111,No, _k Z,'1 ENGINEERS 1"A1r 4298 ACACIA AVE. L HLCKED CLIENI_ NORCO.CA 92860 Pl IONE(909)734.13'_2 STRUCTURAL DESIGN R PLAN REVIEWING Longitudinal direction,cont.: Load to wall line A: TAA:= 3Z•ft.75•ft r l 2 VA:= Ra Vb'TA A +Wn•I Zn+Hn.pJ'�LI�• SR B 1 VA =1.03 x 104 Ib LA w,11:=(16+6+5.5+8.5+8.5)-ft LA_wd1=44.5ft VA V"Il:= VAwall= 165339p1f STUCCO OK 1.4-LA wall Calculate uplift for 5.5'wall at line A: La:= 5.5•ft La J vA_wall•t-e•He- 0.85•We•(He+He.p)•— P�p A := Le 2 P„p A= 1.433 x 103lbSIMP.HPAHD22-2P Load to wall line B: TAB:=12 Vl •ft•75•ft) Vl' [W".( l2.5-Ce•1 4VB:=Ra•TA_B+ 2 +Hn.p I•(LI) R Vg= 1.443 x 10 Ib LBwa11:=(17.5+15+5)•ft / LB-wall=37.5ft VB well:=74-LB-wall VH ve wall=274.914p1f 1.4•LH wall Calculate uplift for 5'wall at line B: LH 5-ft 10. L132vI3 wa11•LB•He- 85.1Ve•(He+He.p)2 Pup_B LB P„p B=2.673 x 10316 Use SIMP.'HD2A' DADdve D-Old1 00-0013\Lon lat.mcd KOIJJAH CONSULT CNG• « SUBn:rr --- -- ,HELrNo J,-S--')l --- ENGINEERS a 11_ -- _-- _-- )ullNui_—_---__—.— 429SACACIA AVL, CI ILA KI.D_ _ _-- CLuiNr — NORCO.CA 9200 PHONE 19091734.13'_2 SrRUCTURAL DESIGN B PLAN REVIEWING Longitudinal direction cont.: Calculate uplift for 17.5'wall at line B: LB:= 17.5.11 [W.,(H,+ L1323.5Lae_] vBwell LB He-0.85• Hep)• 2 +Rdl• 2 ft 2 Pup_B L Pup e=-178.16616 No uplift B Load to wall line C: Tp C 162•ft•25.R TA-C=200 It Vy Hs 2.5•C■•I 3 VC:=—•TA c+W,•�2+H,p�•(30•ft)• R VC=2.063 x l0 Ib R. LC well (3)-ft LC wall=3 It vc wdl�= VC vc wall=491.255 pif Use SIMP.SW32X1--4 strong wall - 1.4•LC wall Calculate uplift for 3'wall at line C: Lc:=3-ft LC2 vC wall,Lc,He- 0. C 85•We•�He+He.p�•-- pup c = 2 Pup =5.193 x 103lb LC Load to wall line D: Tp D (L2•11)68•ft TA-D=952 ft, Vy (!2 s2.5•C■•13 VD:=—•TpD+W,• +H,p •(50•ft)• R VD=7.984 x 10 Ib R■ - LD wall (4+4+10)-ft LD-wall=1BIt VDVp_wall VD well=316.815 plf 1.4•LD wall D\Drive D Old\00-0013\Long lat.mcd KOI'.IAH CONSULTING• in _ slis)lcl • iuEi 14 n I ENGINEERS DAH. 31)BNo -- 4298 4298 ACACIA AC'li. CIIEC'AEU __.._ CLIESI NORCU.CA 92860 PI IOSE-.(909)734-1322 STRUCTURAL DESIGN&PLAN RE\IEµTNG Longitudinal direction cont.: Calculate uplift for 4'wall at line D: LD:=4-ft Z LD �•D_wall'I-D'Hc— O.H$•W�(He+He.p)._ pup _ 2 P„P_p=3.204 x 1031b USE HD5A w/4X4 -p LD Vc� 10•ft Lc wall Calculate redundancy: A,:=41634' y,,,,x:= 0.225 V Ymu=— b p 2— 20 p=0.622 « 1.0 Use P:= 1.0 Y— 2 Ab ft Diaphragm nailing analysis: Vb Lac, 28 ft Ddia 43-ft Vdi, 1.4•L, V:= Vdi;Lai, 4.5 V=6.036 x 10316 2 4 VA:— V VA= 140.374 plf « 180 PLF OK Ddc, Calculate required chord be: Vdi,,Ldi,Z T:= T=0.624 kips Splice tap plates w/12-16d common nails H'Ddi;1.4 C\00-00 1 3\1-ong lat.mcd KOUJAH CONSULTING ENGINEERS D n---- --_—__--_----_---_.—_-.-- ,u13Nu—----_-__-- 4]96 ACACIA AVE. ([IFCKED CLILN"r _— NORCU.CA Y2360 PHONE(909)734-137'- STRUCTURAL DESIGN B PLAN REVIEWING LATERAL ANALYSIS: (Transverse direction) LOWS: Roof load Rdl:=22.6•psf North wall load(ext.) %:= 15•psf Ll South wall load(ext.) W,:= 15•psf East wall load(ext.) We:=15•psf West wall load(ext.) Ww:=15•psf Wall load(int.) W;= 10•psf Height of north wall¶pet: Hn:= 11-ft Hn,p:=0-ft Height of south wall¶pet: Hs:= 11-ft H,.p:=0-ft Height of east wall¶pet: He:= 11-ft He.p:=0-ft Height of west wall¶pet: Hw= 11-ft Hss.,p:=0-ft Building Dimensions: LI:=75.ft L,:=57-ft Wind Coefficient: Ce:= 1.13 (15'-20'), Exp.C Cq 1.3 H1 qs:=12.6-psf (70 MPH) 1:= 1.0 HI:=7-ft H,:= 11-ft Pr:=ICe-Cq•gs•HI+Ce•Cq-gs•t• 2l Le Pr=1.319x104lb Hr Seismic loads: JJ Ni:=2 14i:= 11-ft Trib.roof area: P,:=4163•ft2 Roof DL Rdl Ib:=RdI•Ra Rdl Ib=9.408 x 10416 r 2 + `2 Ext.wall DL Wde:=I Wn-(Hn2 H p, +WS. (H, H P/ t`LI� Wee= 1.238 x 10416 DA\Drive D-Old\00-0013\Tran lat.mcd KOUJAHCONSULTING• ;UBJILI • nEIIN(, 4�—"' ENGINEERS ----- — ------ — :I,(INo ----- 429S ACACIA AVE, l IILCKEI) CLIENT NORCO.CA 92560 PHONE(909)734-1322 STRUCTURAL DESIGN d PLAN REVIEWING Transverse direction,cont.:Wdi:=�W; qv(Hi)] Z .LI Wdi= 8.25 x 103 Ib Total Seismic load: W:=Rd1 Ib+Wde+Wdi W= 1.147x 105lb Base shear. Use UBC 1630.2.3: N.:= 1.2 (5km,type A) C, 0.44•N, (UBC table 16-0) Ce=0.528 R:=5.5 (UBC table 16-N,item 5) 1:= 1.0 N,:= 1.6 Z:=0.4 C( 0.02 h„:=20 T Ct.h„0.75 T=0.189 C,. 0.64•N„ Cv=1.024 p:=I Ev:=0 (ASDdesign) Vo;= 3 RC'.W Vo=3.304x 10416 Not more than: V I := 2 5 C,1.`V V 1=2.753 x 104lb (Seismic Govern) R Not less than: V2 0.11•C,•1•W V2=6.662x 10316 Not less than: V3:=0.8•Z•Nr1 R •W V3= 1.068 x 10416 Cr1 V4 R•T W Va=1.129x 10516 Vb if(Pr?VI.Pr.V1) Vb=2.753-1041b DADrive D-Old\00-0013\Tran lat.mcd KOLfJAH CONSULTING• "�-- - -- - SVBJECr-_---•— ENGINEERS DAIL IOHNu 4298 ACACIA AVE. C'IIECF:I.D CLIGNT NORCO.CA 92860 PHONE.190917 34-1322 STRUCTURAL DESIGN B PLAN REVIEWING Transverse direction cont.: Load to wall line 1: T, I := 222•ft•57•ft _ V •Ta_I He 2.5•Ca•1 VI := b +We• —+Hep •(10•ft)• VI =4.344x 103111 Ra 2 R LI wall:_(2.667+2.667)•It LI_Wul=5.334ft VI ,Nall:= VI vl_w,n=581.764plf Use SIMP.SW32X10.4 strong wall wall Calculate uplift for 3'wall at line 1: LI :=2.667-ft �vi -H.- 0.85•We•(H.+H,.p)•LI2— PUP-1 LI 2 Pup_I=6.212x 103111 Load to wall line 2: TA-2:=( A_2:=(L6-ft-57-ftft) V_.- VyRs 2+I Ww•(Zw+Hw p I(57 ft) 2.5•RCa•il V2= 7.914 x 103lb LZ wall:_(15+9+11)•ft / L2 wall=35 ft V2 wall:= V 2 v2-wall= 161.502plf Use 3/8"plywood w/8d common nails 1.4•L2_wa11 @ 6"on edges&12"In field. Calculate uplift for 9'wall at line 2: L2:=9-ft r 1.22 v2 wau•L2•He-L0.85•We•(He+Hep). 2 3 Pip 2 L2 Pup_2= 1.145 x 10 Ib D:\Drive D-Old\00-0013\Tran lat.mcd KOUJAII CONSULTING ;rllnri __ ENGINEERS DA L -- ---- - - --.. - -- ----- Jon NO------ --- 4298 ACACIA AVE. CIR:CI:1-U_ __-__ CLIENT NORCO,CA 97860 PHONE 4909)734-1322 STRUCTURAL DESIGN$PLAN REVIEWING Transverse direction cont.: Load to wall line 3: TA-3:=12 ft-57-it) Vb.TA 3 Hw l 2.5-C;I V 8.102x 103lb V3:= Ra +LWw Z - +Hw.p I(57.ft). R 3= L7 wall:_(6+6+7.5+3+3)•ft / 1 3 wall=25.5ft V3 wall wall:= V3 v3 wall=226.948 plf 1.4•L3 wall Use SIMP.SW32X10-4 strong wall @ T-0"walls 8 3/8"plywood wl 8d @l 6"on edges 8 12"in field at all other walls. Calculate uplift for 6'wall at line 3: L3:=6•ft V) wall.L3•H--10. 85-W�(He+He p)•-L— iz P�p3:= _ L3 2 1 P„p_3=2.076 x 103lb Use HPAHD22-2P Load to wall line 4: TA-4:=( A_4 (1•ft•47•ft) Vb.TA I+r rHw 2.5•Ca•I V4=4.66 x 10316 Vq:= LWM I Z+Hwp�(47 ft) R Ra La WWI (12+5+4.5+9)•ft L4-"i= 30.5ft V4 V4 wall= V4_WWI= 109.142 plf STUCCO OK 1.4.L4-WWI Calculate uplift for 4.5'wall at line 4: L4:=4.5-ft L4` V4_wall-L4•He- 0.85-We(He+Hep)- 2 Pip a�= P"p_4=884.9981b Use HPAHD22.2P L4 DADrive D-Old\00-0013\Tran lat.mcd KQUJAH CONSULTING• , ulsn. r rI1:E�" I r f q ENGINEERS DA If. — -------_.—__— _ -- JOB NO 4298 ACAM AVE.. CHECKED CLdixr– — NORCO.CA 92860 PIION-E-.(909)734-1322 STRUCTURAL DESIGN A PLAN REVIEWING Transverse direction, cont.: Vi.( 10-ft 1 ILLI '"'°JI Calculate redundancy: A6:=4163•ft2 ym,,,:= V Ym.x 0.296 b p 2- 20 p=0.952 « 1.0 Use p:=1.0 Ab Ymui ft Diaphragm nailing analysis: V L.di,:=35-ft Ddi,:=31-ft Vdi.:= LI Vdia=367.068 plf v:= Vd �d V=4.588 x 10316 2.1.4 VA:_v VA= 148.011 plf « 180 PLF OK Ddi, Calculate required chord be: F,:=24000.psi Vdii1 Wig 2 I•:= T=1.295 kips Splice top plates w/12-18d common nails 8•Ddi 1.4 C:\00-r)o 3\Tran lat.mcd SAL TERNATE CAL'ULA TION SHEE- FOR DRYER VENT SHCWN (h0. 2) UMC 1903 (b) r I Vent ;,ct:ulotims, Urderl oor, Ergineere _quivo ent: VELOCITY PRESSURE SIL= LENGTF /FEET VELOC TY PRESSURE DROP (INCHES) (FEET) or C' {fpm) (inhes W.G.) {inches W.G.) I�• cECTiON ITEM! ` i i A-B DUCT 4 1.0 0.01.30 ! 1,400 - i 0.01 I I B ELL 4 TO 3 BY 4 - i 0.4200 1,400 0.121 0.0 i B DUCT 3 BY 4 2 5 0.0'00 1,400 - I 0.02 r, ELL 3 BY 4 ` 4Q.4200 i1,400 0.12 I 0.05 C-0 TRANSITION 4 T4 6 j I 0.1900 1 1,400 0.12 a(j2 I D- DUCT 6 20.0 O.0032 I 875 - 0.06 ! E- TRANSITION 6 TO 4 I - } 0.0500 1,400 0.12 0.01 F OITLET 10.5500 ! 1,400 0.12 0.07 1 23.5 i I 0.29 NCTE Ducts in cowl spaces or atti:s RYER are to.be ctsvioted wit 1-:nch. -pound fib!rgioss duct wrap. D !W jMK)oe s 6•un+AOCInMK au OIA)ray;,r FAM AO(YUM 110 A. OIL !'OR 6' \ IiA r F i E , S/V DIA I 4'ai. ---� Fit.. NO 2 - Enalneered dr,.'e- vent equivalent 'u U.M.0 SECTION 1903 (not to scoie) ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING Soils,Foundation and Geotechnical Engineers 131 Tully Road,San Jose,CA 95111 (408)436-8440, Tax: (408)258-4909 A S E September 22, 2000 Golden Properties Development Mr. Long Nguyen 2114 Senter Road, Suite 11, San Jose, CA 95112 SUBJECT: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ROOM ADDITION Located at 10685 Larry way, Cupertino, CA 95014 Grading and Drainage Plan Review Dear Mr. Nguyen: Per your request, we have reviewed the New & (Existing) grading and drainage plan for the proposed residential room addition located at 10685 Larry Way, in Cupertino, California. Our review indicated that the New & (Existing) grading & drainage plan sheet T-1, dated January 10, 2000, was prepared in accordance with the soil and foundation investigation report, File No. 6-00- 741-SI, dated July 5, 2000. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely yours, ACRE SOIL ENGINEERING LAWRENCE KOO, P. E. C.E. # 34928 (I 1 AtsviNONG •r I , Y as �' • Y I p rZs'. o� R MF ► r rr t h .......... .._._ _ P 31 LTINCI SANITARY DISTRICT g�> I- ad a S DER: _ 2 -''-•G� ,9a • !�� • 0 65 Stevens Creek Blvd., Bldg. C 4 ` Cupertino, California 95014 CHB: _ 01 1 i AEF: ! • I Ih� '� ( File: .- e- •4�/� ' _.....� ;C••-�... •a: __ ....v..,,.v-....,............+s.'... -,.5..� o.a, .... „1... QpFESSI ,� " CNIt R OVER THE COTEEVIEW" r18,�D Date: SPR K � c File: Cu D • MOP i '1 ry 277.0 y q y m Buildi g Dept-Cupertino ,tV �� `-__.___.._. _._......___ .... ._....__.._.._..___..._..._..._.._ ��/ /'� cQ 0. 414 M W p V I Q / Z 'O M I R. EXP. 1231• ,3 P H L �' Community Developm nt Depgtment • Buil �U City of Cupertino � C4:S F I© ..� �'. l��`� , __ t_..__. 1 ' - t sT9 r C l l I4 t��'\ 10300 Torre Ave. I t , 0 Cupertino, I I ` tca �j r V ' Loch l4� W a1 Re: Subject: �tSt �yNO , � •I , Name: ALdX- , �I OFl2fslcac�cE IV Address: 6 g Yrc �` �` , `� pf.2I t r-.!a Grnf*�f PLA Ji 'i V & z q � N Control/Plan Ck No: 9 g 9 9 I r I Permit No: 6 0' 0406. 93 The Cupertino Sanitary District has reviewed the plans for the subject project: t ' I ❑ No additional conditions/requirements by the District. iCti■ `dI_` CA �LO.f�. I vA0FE8Sl0 Sanitary sewer is available and the existing building is connected to sanitary sewer, see �Q - M ot j _ conditions/requirements listed below. ❑ Sanitary sewer is (not) available, see conditions/requirements listed below. _ �, ' No, ' a 47 9 I � r EXP. 1231 The following Conditions/Re ulrementa are made: � 1"' i � � t' ' Th foil q • �' • I � g t ❑ Cupertino Sanitary District Fees or Permits are required for the subject, r improvements please do not issue any building/grading permits . t �OF CALtF� ❑ Plans shall be reviewed by the Industrial Waste Division of the San Jose/Santa Clara J �. Water Pollution Control Plant,Phone 945.31x10 for questions and to schedule an plan I appointment. Please Do Not Issue permits until pretreatment recommendations have Q r ` 1 1 been forwarded to you by the District. i i M 11� i - Locate and raise to grade a property line cleanout (verify serviceability if existing.) j _ ❑ Install a backflow protective device (verify serviceability if existing.) . J o `•✓ " - w - Break aroas authorizod minor electrical appliances liances only. I - _ ` I� G GI 1 � ' Bre PP - ❑ No commercial disposal or commercial dishwasher installations. \ - ❑ No added lab/office equipment which results in additional wastewater discharge. I =�.1 ? _ slit r? �: 5 e 1_ ❑ Other: .... :........ Q z t ISE ��IhIG AS� . : IGo Fri �' Storm water from surface or roof drains, other general surface runoff water or condensate from any t residential HVAC equipment shall not be discharged to the sanitary sewer. W 1To l * I$ Ike. I I �y _... ., Ct+Ylefi EN WUlvr K>Ys,55R, >JW{,h 'Y,H71R.: 'fAriNri, n.wur,Mrlm •. . •' i ( I . BOOK • "r 316 Pte � 2vl -G' I �I iU ? ?.a f>� -�I �•e> 'TU - 0 : _ t•a1N`. 'N��- ` a r � _r Plr6 t , a.. k �><IS Ora- �..._,.._.. U 1�-,c15 Gj ���c f+� : Ir�o►�, d = = ={= _ I G ,1 cd �� _ s M 5lRRA FREEWAY LUCILLE T 'I AVl.T YIWI OEAarA� r f� e}•-•�� 1 _ ,tri! �XI�.-'�G �t�/ftJG '�_ I��„►4. : I'S . t•�r ,. .. ill •ZT � NM :U1A � 1I - r'' ' �� T r 21 n x If J m S LOT 7 / a II. -COMMON AMA AII[A / / 1 iM[w �\ \ - 61 Y ,Q 11 , lI F I� 7�7 . Ttwxm f( r© trr 1� i'■. CIS{tel"' +• J tro o ic. ti»,r'�"-=�\16 ' ,� g, ��111 rr P s � 1 , S1 qP rn Ira a �31� ' u t G ' -- - -- - L,Oryr y ` O AW I I A•)! SI�pa711C. I I �tl O ' t1 0.01,•«tt) /� / I E4 LI M < V 41 ,a 41 F g k A 1 _ `� ;'.r+ _ utdutortl r I II ---- -- - 3 - ° �y #I un ew•n.l I , o - - --- 669 At NET C L. f� �t�•�/ �t //+�M {1ut/-foul 1 r . Z • , Vrj 11'•. !•11-� W " I I L�rZA1rIL.1't �lispiw'''°r'w'.1 / It LI* 8 2F N %17 4` 1 i W ��•— 1 .___. ------------- '.d ____ ____ r .. i atll—1 Afwwr (1I 3 • - J�' c,;; �►ccv NG� �. n. y eD y Il , r �/ 0 s Q0 f S 4.41DAC. NET m O S N 526 "--" - - .. il' STORM RUN-OFF SHALL DRAIN TO LARRY WAY. ,�� Pct �� "V U r ISI N ! a{� M w a5�1 d V-n R.os res/+E SCALE... 1•:4o0 }.. _ III f �+■,>r t ! ; - _ ADD THESE NOTES TO GRADING19ITS PLAN:SOILS ENGINEER TO STAMP AND SIGN GRADINti PLAN: �Q �'�`''� s„} INFINITE LOOP �il I (6Z a • !E p r� a 49 K a u ; de ' t g w 1.CIvN Engineer or Solb En Inver to review ell grading end submit a final report to the City prior to occupancy, i 6` ? 2 r - - --- -- -- 1 aot 1-Haul � 2 ' 1it0�1!atl ri t • ----- �?!�7"",- � ✓ © �� 4 • Y 2,Campadlon reports and pad elevation cervticagon aro required on all bulldl pad work.-* -7 12) I ini'i iitorl Ittlr 4 , Lt M 4J N 0 S! M' # n ; -...._y . .. PPP - _..... e ° /0 ;i l L_a6Y 1'v..t � .ra6ly „ t, (ZI ( fi /J �'9d N ?7471n ' m 61 n V K.,.:-- �....-._� ___ ....._,,. 3.Contact Public Works,777.3354,for drainage and final reds Inspection. - 4,Contractor la responsible for dust control end Insuring the area adjacent to the work Is-left In a dean condition. t • Q "rJQ'I i' p�L �. mteE, �to At ---• I .','.-'_ -�„y� _ r1 H , A.11_ta7r1 n 4l ¢j r ro IA Q B,The Contractor shall fewkwr standard data"tl 4 on tree pr8tectlan prior to aCCO ttehlny any work'orremoving any trees. • QW AOwvtl ___._ l a offs ♦ PCL. I 5t 7 y 10 s u 8,All gnding shell be done In etxordanee With the Solo Report proparod by dated-7"" "file no. • n' --"4" s'=� �'Lr�E+�E' / J ff . 7.All storm"rte lnstallelbn with slopes lase than 29E eh�Il be certlfixtby the CNN Engkleer. dD ,, 0 7 Mu / ------ es --- .-� ._ d to bulli de a&mnts approval dor to Inatolation. TA N i z 6 lei �%1�^ AVE. — -j �t� I' _n4r_ t °s n■ mss_ t _r?4r_ S,All onsite sanitary sewer Imes and laterals shall be soap, Ing p P r N,,; • R v y>< 1 ?7+� N {E i E7 n 8,Utlltze Beal Management Precllces(BMP's),as required by lhe'State Water Resources Control Board,for ANY acthtty whkh dlatuibi soil. �rQ t P,M,sao•M-! . Iq 7 10.A work schedule of grading end Erosion a Sediment Control Plan shall be provided to the City engineer by Augual 15,NO grading to be Y A ...-.- >� c.c.nSlexSS Lr--..- -� MIRRITT performed between October 1 to April 15 y tour) AVE � � n r t rA p.M.408 M•17 WMANA AVE. 016t■■■u 0M ec 91 tl h P,M. 643-M- 34 d aA ntt ■rmt■el P"M■4 11.All root drains end a dawn spouts shag be drained ghost flow 2%away from the building and collect by drainage inlet connected to pub * I. Cl '(AMENDED) D T 1e9e-2000 r A •' SISV'Ic 'xQ'Id', 4r! , al l/4 sra.coA. O n Q u NDE c STONE - ASSESSDII storm drain facility. tri r r. PAN= ON CLEARPRINT t000H �.. - _._._ . .a...�. -. .. _.. ._ _ ._ _. . . - ,.... 1 rq � mr s.•;it "` h � i '*dal m� rlr� 1 �I�� B I � r i i f 1 I 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 141 15 St RRVESIONG SY ' DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOW SCHEDULE SIZE NAME MATERIAL NOTES SIZE TYPE REMARK 7'•0" x 16'- 0" x 1314" GARAGE DOOR ALUJFACEIOVERHANG SAFETY AUTOMATIC GAR. OPENER 1'-0" x 3'-0" VINYL SLIDING DUAL TEMP. GLASS '' ����`` I ' 2 2'-0" x 5'-0" VINYL DBL HUNG DUAL TEMP. GLASS ea�� eat L 4fw- Q dos LL 2 3'-0" X 81-8" x 1314" EXIT DOORIFIRE RATED' SOLID CORED WOOD SELF CLOSEDiTIGHT FITTING/20 MIN. LABELED � ,�voNt H1. 29-8" X 6"-8" X 1318" INTER. DOOR HOLLOW CORED WOOD 1" UNDER•CUT FOR MAKE-UP AIR AS REQUIRED 3'-0" x 5'-0" VINYL SLIDING DUAL TEMP, GLASS " �.j 4'-0" x 6'-0" VINYL SLIDING DUAL TEMP, GLASS a 0 8 V-0" x 6'-8" x 1318" INTER. DOOR HOLLOW CORED WOOD 1 UNDER •CUT FOR MAKE-UP AIR AS REQUIRED a a 5 3'•0" x 8'-8" x 1 318" F.A U. DOOR HOLLOW CORED WOOD W.124" x 12" MT. SREENED VENTILATION 5 5'-0" X 5'-0" VINYL SLIDING DUAL TEMP. GLASS a we a z z p a a a d 2'• 0" x 5'-0" x 1" TEMP. GLAS9 DOOR TEMP. GLASS m z ~ O f3: o D lea 6'-0" x 5'-0" VINYL SLIDING DUAL TEMP. GLASS '� eB to v z m .J 11 °� a z z } a °� a S V-6" X 7'-0" X 1 318" PANTRY DOORIPAIRS LOUVRED WOOD c/ 2'•0" X 4'-0" VINYL FIXEDIARCH. DUAL TEMP, GLASS Q � O $ w z S„ g9p a = V H TooW W 05 V-0" x 6'-8" WAREDROSE DOOR MIRROR 81-PAS0 22'-0" x 4'-0" VINYL DBL HUNGISYSTEM TOTAL 8'-0" HTISEE ELEVATION U 14 1 4'-0" x 5'-8" WARE DROBE DOOR MIRROR BI-PASS g 6'-0" X 8'-0" VINYL SLIDINGIARCH DUAL TEMP. GLASS 3'-0" x 8'4" x 1 318" DBL. INTER. DOOR HOLLOW CORED WOOD ENTRY 12'•8" 0 8'•0" x 6'-8"x 1318" DBL INTER. DOOR FRENCH LOUVRED WOOD LIVING 14'-9" � LIBRARY 111-8" J V-0" x 8%0" x 1 314" MAIN ENTRY DBL DOOR SOLID CORED WOOD WEATHER STRIPJ DEAD BOLTITEMP,GLASS DINING 11'0" KITCHEN . 11'-0" 3 5'•0" X 7'-0" X 1314" FRENCH PATI) DOOR SOLID CORED WOOD WEATHER STRIPJ DEAD BOLTREMP.GLASS FAMILY 10'-0" MASTER BED 10'-0" 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1 314" FRENCH EXIT DOOR SOLID CORED WOOD WEATHER STRIPJ DEAD BOLTITEMP.GLASS BEDROOM 1 9'-0" BEDROOM 2 i 9'-0" BEDROOM 3 9'-0" ^ 0 BEDROOM 4 9'-0" 0 MASTER BATH 3. wood anal type dose with o+nea Iabrtuted of hamper BATH9'-0 roll lossjMn 8116, Inch thickness, provided shaped Portions of the panels are not loss then 1N kolh INCA. BATH 2 9+-0« Individual panels shot not exceed 700 $O irk in area. 0 A Stiles and falls that be of solid kanber with•evene POWDER 9'-0" - dimentiona o nm less lien 1.2ro Inches In thickness ard HALL WAY 1 D'-0" I M 3 inches in width, Mulnons IN$be considered a omit of adjacent panels tsdeas oiled as required herelm fa stilet UTILITY ROOM 101 10'-0" t N aha nib,except mullions ova 18 inches long may Mve GARAGE 8'-0" v w ALLOWABLE SPANS as overall width of not lou thin 2 Inches,Calved was g t DOUGLAS FIR•LARCH NO. 2 OR BETTER $hat Mw l thicknorence as of not hat than 318 Inch. lJ Dimensional tolen(teet pubNSMO In recognized Industry Q (4A 11 FLOOR GIRDERS sunidwit;may be Minted. I' i¢t 4UNTEL3 3 ROgF sat tope s►acrn r Stir ORtarG WET Dope Stops.Dope stow of In•twhping door$ $hall be of one. 94 FLOORT CER1N0 MFTERB s Ctlx+O SIZEGIROF /"ecA ►6,o oras o y'oinepto Place construction with the lamb,01 lonad by rabbet t9 the Iamb. JOIST JOIST Illi 16, exI to, per ..r Hinges. AN pin•type histo" which are accessible Iran the Aes r6, ro, r.r r-r outside the secured nes when the door It closed shall have , F1 sols r4,+0 I . notvemovottle tinge pins. In addition,they shell have minimumwr e� e i1 TO ate ro. r-r rr 114 inch diameter steel lamb stud with 114 Inch minimum 284 ;r rr 1`41 ee1+ w-r eo •• re• fe• protection oldest the hinges are shaped to prevent removal of the W e ' 9.r •Y 4.1 +r4 418 rd f•tr r� door if the hinge pins are removed. +t• 1rr 1fP Strike Nota. The strike plate for latche$ and the holding ` t x+ a rr 1 r* ALLOWABLE SPANS FOR PLYWOOD FLOOR AND ROOF SHEATHING r r.+d• 1 wr device for projecting deadloolis In wood construction that) be } or 2+'•1r Ire• secured to the lamb and the we heating with screw$not lest H t.a +r . per v+r Ira' PlTA1000(CONRNIl0U5 t7VER 2 e ROOF L lenIr4rgth.th, FLOOR PLAN LEGEND +r yr +rr 1ea OR MORE SPANSAHDFACEGRN SIME EDGES EDGES Cynnder Guwde. CYlindw ptanrd, shad lot InstaltA nn ell V +far PERPENOICIRARTOSUPPORTS EDGES TONGUEr cylinder tacks whenever the hinder9 tole +r +r6, + -t ) BLOCKED UNBLOCKED GROOd OR h protects beyond the Inca of -' ' ' ICKNESS I NTIFICATION the dna a is otherwise seeestibti to prlppinp tools. 1r 706, Dosdboll. Dadbolts shot Contain hardened intent to real M� trip lir +r.r >r pre k 2r IF pdth+g tools. A straight dadbolt shelf have A lninirnu,n throw of V tV•� 1e rite M 3T if lr 1 inch and an embedment at not les than $is h+ch Imo the Los 4070 k w 3r 10 heeding device iteeivIng the pnolected bolt. W wit a K 3r 7r 0111311111, GIAted °peningt within 40 k%Mg of the requited kinking device of the door,when the don le In the ctnsad position. Not": snot be filmy tampered Mau er approved burplary legislator I� 50 GAL. WATER HEATER ON 18"HT. .Teb,sltdvolonare bnadUPON t8owlinsbed of40pit. material;of sham be or°teeted by motel ban, samara or prime ❑ REFRIGERATOR SPACE Y 2.TabWNed values we bored upon Mien wpporlrq a cWg.and a roof ive bed of 20 pd fa abpe of less than 410 12(vertical to having a maximum operdng of 2 Inches. PLATORM hortromtsilost at la lbwequalwapnmerBev+4ki2,«dsdtaeof frookolv240. For nota not Supporongactrrtpsprat SwigeoonwdWindows.Smmnodoers and windows Shit OVEN I MICROWAVE ■ PROVIDE GAS PROVIDE SEISMIC STRAP PER CODE SEE my behrneSed 10% be equip0/d with locking devices• and that be provided with a 7.MaxknunwNpld ot toot r>dt+1h9 Mat not c teed B pd. BUMP ughlnp root c"O ngt"coo hg B PSI"reguire Structural device in the UPOW Chad"Of the fmvkg panel to otahiblt raising OUTLET PLUMBING PLAN FOR DETAILS ealeuia$onb Analysis onto design far yet and Wtwdloods. slid itmovInp of IM moving pont In the closed w paniolly open PROVIDE GAS OUTLET&VENT PER CODE 4.4 x 12 Douglas FIT.Na i graft my be used ova a its 7 Ganga door opertkng In eh4-it"s tscined atdttmtltd gong"without position. S.Th apply lot 04."•andStruct"IWad"ce, INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS RANGE WJ OVEN • PROVIDE GAS OUTLET 8.Nal apedfop sl pafoal edea thot not exceed f<o.6, Intermrdale not spacing she be 1T o.6,Mashing Mai be o'ecmnon'isle. - -_ --- - ,., Infpsetlon Raquked.'-TM permit holder or his epeM shell EXHAUST HOOD WJ VENT TO OUTSIDE AIR �$ e+ " BOARD ' GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PE X GYPSUM h of t when 1 • i ❑ b18 TY rob the nmMt o Building and$still M the building e , y °eQi i"g ' "g ABOVE PER CODE NAILING SCHEDULE SHEAR WALL DETAILS ready for each of the following Inmpeellont: THROUGHOUT GARAGE AREA BASED UPON DOUGLAS FiR FRAMING MEMBERS cow a« N t er , ---7Ywuc—,�--25 MAX--� DEFINITION led+when fully tempered,a 1/4 Inch when lamksted,and shell 1. Fou ikilom ,When the rxeavnbn for footings Is completed ®CERAMIC TiLE & SPLASH »Polk lot not 346d« Habhable $pen (Roam) It tate In a Structure la living, as the test requirements of V.B.C. Standard No. 64.2. and all forms and required nhlatirg steel are In oloes but OW au« »• sleeping, eating a ceokInp, Bathrooms, toilet eompenments, before any eonereu is poured. » anweernena TvrleAl closets,Mns•storage a utility Space, and Similar items• are not EMERGENCY ESCAPES 2. wood Floating: When on wood.roof,will and Iron training, DOUBLE SINK WJ GARBAGE DISPOSAL IQ DRYER SPACE PROVIDE GAS OUTLET pee » «d t w eel considered habitable cote. Em sable w ndow Evart' tkeoor room ed f have at bat the blocking an and bracog b completed and all pipes, rough G.I. VENT TO OUTSIDE PER APPiCABLE M » perr.s gene e41am � aHEARwALIa oho operable window or extarbr dope approved la emergency electrical 6,M punting,eNmnWt. flashing and vents are in Am » to 16, Ilea LAYOUT ROOM DIMENSIONS escape. Thea sillwpsS+aY qua windows a moa$must provide glees,but betas any Interior wall eovtrirq Is In poles. UNDER COUNTER DISH WASHER U.M.C. O u6, 10 a rev ,Ise Flea Ara, DwretiM trade did have at least one room which a lull clear owning and shelf be operbble from IN Wide without 3. Theemd Insulalon For Dwe" a Residential Structures- So rrrrrw410 sisheor 2S.,,, 2S•s, shall hive not lose than 120 Saudis feet of floor area. Other the use of special tools. AN emergency escape windows the" When OR thermal Insulation Is Installed In r"tired war and ,,Nadl ,NCN 11x, MbitaD1,rooms erupt kitchens shell have m mea of not les Mve a mFnieaxn not opening of 5.7 square 1"t with a nolniman title faces,but before any of INS work is eoneahed. If am anedbaerwrrig Than 70 square feel• alt etear height of 24 Inches and width el 20 Inches. The tit 4. Lothkng:When andtatenbrkth we place and r6, for• awns a HOSE BIBB WJVALVE FOR ICE MAKER »Opel sea rev WId1h, HabMM�rooms other than a klichon shelf not be lett height of ennergeroly escape windows shat not be Sae than 44 Oeste*g. � WASHER SPACE PROVIDE HOT & »ptMapro«, than 7 ions In any dimenai0n. Intt'MN obeys the flow. S. Final: .When the bundling Is Completed And ready for COLD HOSE BIBBS 6,N fm rhe PLAN Stow WALu CeInfi Heights. Habitable space the*have a ceiling height of nnn:tgnsnney. ® TILE COUNTER TOP WJ SINK � sa»ode» r w t el e.e. not lees than 7 loot 6 inches measured to the bottom of the SMC+KE DETECTORS "i1 '�'«`u•01M n0 ENERGY CONSERVATION STANDARDS Q I-----1 IINsMd cells KhcMns, Mels, buMoomt a1d tNUI General.Smoke detectors an requited la new construction 'O'r'^1YOtoA.L"""" compartments may have a ceffi g height of not len than 7 Iter. of Weping fosses end conklors a areas giving access to Sleeping 1, AN Imm latbn materials sham be cartiifed bytM manufacturer Top M » ant net .t .« sw; room$. GARAGE OPENER W./SAFETY STOP c41 aa+ Locatbe.The required smoke detector$INr be mounted m m$ eompfylag with the CAl11aNa Guantr Standards for PAPER HOLDER ZI (/� 6,•a tee tees LIGHT ANDVENTiLATiON knulatingMottrleh. -"Inc«.edOwwal.Fa the purpose of determInkg the right be ventilation the ailing a war of the Weping room, and at t Pont contrary 2, Doors and windows between conettlonad and outside of SWITCH E mqu'vod t y diol section,any room may be Considered as a Dation bused on mfr who a eNNrq of the eor(ida or ares pHkg aunt uocrtrFtlgtrd IPMS such as gongeb and compartmems fa WATER CLOSETa 1.8 GALIMAX FLUSH O W V4O ,twaeet 01 atr6,s eacm edt• of an ad pining room wen oho hall of the area of the common to the shaping toom.'Ap required detectors per be located In central ah pat furnaces shelf be 1wot k open and UebetrlrCled ad provides an p1ain0 of rot lass accoodance with the movarfacturer's instructions,with ro an of WN wulMrstripped. )I HOSE BIBB WITH BACKFLOW PREVENTER O ? ItO»,1a than ons tenth o1 the floor ties of the Interfa roan w 25 square the detseta build more than 12 helves below the finlehed 3. Manuls°lured dost ud windows SfaN be canilleA Snnd MEDICINE CABINET»sue.be rev E lost,whichever is greater. Citing of the room a corridor In which the dttecton labeled In compliance with. int epproprlete infiluetbn NON-REMOVABLE) ROFESSIp 6,3' f,� H n slxlaet of the $gndard$. r{rI C++'eWrs yw«wMas, S/ Natural Ught. AN habitable rooms that be provided with is required to be Insured. 4, All lumbi and electrical aMtretbrs,windows and dope v40Y PR Y D� Z �' Q ha V 4 S" natural fight by intens°I exterior fileted opawngs with an area PowaAequkrd smoke detectors(a now comtruetbn shot ° "g ty j C41rg Mew.adr.Aer, to ! not las that pee tenth o lid Itoa area of such rooms with o receive 1Mo primrry power from lid building widnp, Irnhes, between wish IoePIAIS slid floats still NI other IZ CAST-IRON SHOWER WJ70" HT. ✓ �, ;t opeNnfis In she envelope,elan be caulked. y well ENCLOSURED■SMOTH HARD mlNmnxn of 10 saran lets. h rlumnranl hphp than he MnMed fm ganarM Inryhlug v+ 1 r W .A!! Natural V«nlNat«n1 MIlCELLANEOU!' r11 R.hww• HdMtabla Rooms. Natal vendbllon b mars of Deere. In 6,N flweNogb very htwla dope h a doawiy knChin ard bnlhrooma, NONABSORBENT SURFACE oc No. 4 4 0 b--f v Z � Y S. All opanhgt fdoas end windows) AMI he prnpoily, 7 J Q Raraon!t mise * EXi . 1=:31•.()3 operrbla txtenbr opeNrgt with m area not leu then one dvengli which OanD+t1"pets shot INvo•mlninAan width o132 wntheratrlopeA,cMllled,end laboted. * LV �1 COF� it rend twentieth of the Ilea area of such rooms with a Inches. t 7. Baekdtalt dampers lot ON exhaust and fin systems than be IBJ SPAIBATH TUB COMBINATION © sr �r 4' h e twu brta booth east ew,e a minimum of 5 Square feet shelf be provided. Wets Hama Leemipp. No water Mater which depends on '. 000.toot o •�." aewloed. GAS F.A U UNIT ON 20" HIGHT b W 1 «nwww own ELEVATION Other Become:8mhroomC,wait(cboH umpanments, the combustlon o1 a lual for Mm Shah be knta"ed In any room S. New fireplaces that be InslareA whittiphl litthg,closable rt1 M 2. Mvk"WWW W6,ddmo botww breed was ince shat ( laundry rooms mond Similar rooms Our be provided with used or designed l0 be used for sleeping purposes,a bathroom,o insist a Clam$rations.WilkilS Sir hlAke with Aanpft,ard flew FF�Y vwe«srrt car ». ma seemed 25 fed natural ventilation by means of alienable material clothes clout,or In any confined space opening Into a bathroom datnp/r. CAST-IRON BATH TUB>'PROVIDE 12'X12" PLATFORM �` 0 M sea nW openings with an site not len than aha twentieth 01 IM a sleeping room. IN—WI ue+ tNG tie 3. M braced who panak Mot Mend from the N pate b due floor wool suchroto wiMa�mwn of 1.112 squad Anehae8e of water Hestia. AN Wolof heatwt Shelf be TUB ACCESS PANEL OR USE RIGID-TYPE PROVIDE GAS OUTLET, SEE MECHNICA W 4. •COMMON ONGALVANQEDBOX NAIU 1MPnragmlfotefNooraMaNtinpl. ARrehmenlmayWmadt fast. anchored a Strapped to prevent horizontal and vertical AREA OF ADDITION ISO.ft.) CONNECTION PLAN FOR DETAILS IY lope MarAkar)oal a bbddrgw4th a mMwmum o 2.18 penge hamkg Machadcai Ventilation On rad of requited material openings displrcemeM due to asnatudk t. COMPONENT Q 4. 11finealathtmis"bd)With BdmaEawf�p. 01. 4191. soo :toxo �Cj ® FLOURESCENTLiGHT W CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 4' &ndCon action fHlb'd'a�"edina ti,ea""anes Imnah'niw""Raisins seimidw a Privatesou Owe". Eway Wan and cage lit 4t2 to a N wet path eontiruction Mal not be ntbrtd in a braced who ins. Hebhabll Rooms. A moehaNeei ventilating yStem teoeralInp 1 dwelirq(Group R,DitdNon 31 from a private genpo e$e PAN W.TiLE FINISH 0 8 -0 HT. S. 111111101 braced who Nos Mot be supported on Continuous capable of providing two ole changes per Mur may be (Group M)I N$be protected on the gataga side with materials FLOOR JOISTS,BEAMS,AND GIRDERS b ndolions at Intarvels not exceednr 25 led provided.One fifth of the sir supply shag be taken from approved la oma-how Ike rt$letM construction, and a tell. Coming R-19 R•30 N 6,0 R 6,0 FnmkgAroundOwning$. Trin"and MaeerjokaMat; B. Hdutoo pfandnllNW-1 cpidWWWonsIn war pantlethat be the outside. , closing. tight fitting hire door •taro• in wcknes, a a SNI• � PRE-FAB FIREPLACE, USE MODEL GC-36 BY bed&AKaolumber oequMNa+tcropado",when the spmd Wad in eke and bepbn. The maximum aaumvleted length of Other Rooms. In bedrooms C"Iffing a Nthtub a closing•tight RRirgdopehaving a floe•protectlonnfogof not lest INSVL. WAR Alis A•13 R•13 A.1' 1»header ear ' 4 feet The endo of how" t is mon then 6 feet Openhgr h the bawd ant shot not exceed 20%of the length. Shower a combination thereof, Imu dry rooms, and than 20 minutes when toted In accordance with Fat I of U.B.C. TEMPCO ER. NO. & I.C.B.O.# 5335 WJ NON• O long%hMbesuppoAWbyhsiNnparlchonaJoWhongersurllem �'w"'aMbpaboaryaOde Mmingmembers sMrbeimNed skNbr rooms, a rn•chsniul vmtlatiat system SladadNo.43.2.UndarodKumglneessMNaPrivmgaage "ae.e R•1p R•Ie R•It �•Ia ALU. UTILITY SINKWJFAUCET COMB., HEARTOWALL PER CODE boo"on a beam,paration a Wed. Tar)aide over 12 led long that b Apure 23'1'Y•t connected dkrctly to the outside capable of providing , have all sparkles Into a loom used for Sleeping purposes. All neer be rlgpoAW atl*$M byhartthp anchorsa on ladgorsK%Pm lam ply : A mWmum o' 4.7 wide wnd of isnr IS Ply) five w efgrges pw Mu may be provided. This pt,•nl at duets psttkg though i pamin8 war• floor,a urkg Shot be CL Om 2 kith"by 2 k+ct". plwood,NW%ih Sit common^petard at it o.c.along 0 edges and dtclrrge N eat"ole FIND be at least 31"t from any corotnicted of steel having a thickness not lets thin 0.019 inch GLAZING I toes. 3/%pkie ue• Mg% CEILING SOFFIT LINE ABOVE 1r o.c.along Intimidate supports(held►, opening Into the btAdng. Bathroan$which Contain only (No. 26 golvenited Shoat Bapd. ISO*hole 111 fMet, of utsfor1mo Mex. C ono 6,M leokhkg, Notch"Hoon$e area d is shot that not a mins nmewd. need ene•Iaurth IM 10ia1 deptlt Honk bled In lokb Mot roll be Stucco(Cement p"ler):•minimum 8'0•'wide stucco panty 718- a water abut a lavatory a umbhallon thereof, pend B+pn4+iOn of Myatt Capons..M oCrupaney separation Std Z� wthn2woaoThetop orbotkim of pig oho the estmatero any thick apPikd over expmdtd metal a woven woe lath 1"tend to similar room$ may be ventilated with m approved nail be provided between a awaiting (Group R.Division 31 and a SHADING Nene cell and welt feeing even, I SKYLIGHT ABOVE such hoe Ma$not need one dried Ne depth title jasl fdokA"In Sominl wnlh No.it Bought,t S4Inch king,7116 inch had foots,tared medrNul redroulo"fin a simllar device designed to Carport having no enclosed uses above, provided the cerpat it 0041 nes til hid top 01 bottom d loiah thot nal oxeeed oat shah the depth and a n adm+xn 1N bndl and spotted m B Inch"on tenter. Naming that be remove Deas from the air. emkNy open on two a Hare Sides. ® A 2 J �'i 1 ZC_J O A A W N that not br bated h the midde ttkd o the Spat Jobb framingfrom b M duds'loo and bottom pmol and blocking. Urda•Roa Ana.Undar•Ikia arae shah be ventilated with Attie Access. An stile access opeNrg shelf be provided la ' Slab 2.112•Gypsum beside Son wole And N $ a nn area of tot lost than 1 sq.11.la each 150 aide$ with a yet" height of nom then 30 Inches. The SMOKE DETECTOR °mane Were o a sio j Order of Pat"Mata In an p Mahe 4 FOUNDATION STUD WALLS(Cripple Wails) 84. ft. Opening* Mall be located as close to carriers as cot" shot be located les a eorrroct, hallway a other readily MASS Iloo( eAllne,er ig%.1 npene slob. itches a the oppoaog Josh Mat be had bpNher h M approved msener. JOWS frwnirg into tle hide of a wood Coder that be Breelhp:Grippe web that rad be used irrdtta designed. pletie+i and psi provide aoas vmtilellon,The opmotpt$MN be oaetsibk bulbs The peNnp sINN not be hitt than 22 Inches Dee nolo Raised 811.Oroean beads 41st weNA And " s n C M C K!O S14cm bylremag M+ttot%w onledgor oldw tot bits then 2Inch" FOOTINGS ON EXPANSIVE SOILS approxknataly sgnwty distributed Ihong the length of et least two by.30 Inches.T"olaeh minimum clear headroom In the mile 131 Ilber uene, 28 X38 X 4 THK. CONC. PAD FOR by 2Inth". Footing sypeh»on nwnsk SW that be constructed In a manner oppog a sides sad Shia be covered with cerrotionnsistant woe Saes anal be provided it w above the aceese opening. Ne141N CONDENSOR UNIT, PROVIDE ELEC. FUSE BOX that wr mkdmitt damage b the Structure from movemtnd of UN toe: meth with mesh aponings of 114 Inch In dimension. Odrg gar Dow Allem6l".FuN Might ending plan door$ 1. AN elating Shelf be duel. , w000 BTuos & FREON UNE PER CODE OATS AIIle.Attic area pup be ventilated with opendnps having a Mud adptninp tut Mip1q fixed caret within the assembly then be 2, theAng may eendn d 641sn er bands. Cutting and Nothing. In exteflot want and tisdrlg pwRlons, 1. Depth of ft6vt below IN asking and Bnithed grad"shot no net arms of roll les that 1 sq.IL la tach ISO Eq. It.at ala,The constructed of approved onwet hStard gbting. 3. Thermal Mese h squired II IM Mdhten Mermen the and,denee say wood Sid may be M or notched to a depth not exceeding 25 be Int then 24 Inch"for taterbr and lig Inch"for Interior openkgs shat be owed with econsloo-nsistam wire meth with -' datr••wetOde er the releee near feetadM of the bunding. ® 30" X 30" ATTIC ACCESS a PROVIDE LIGHT , - - -_ ■Cdl■ Percent o the width d the Stuff.In noftbeaing wrly°m,any wood Ioorags. moth ownings of 114 Inch h dimension. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS SMOKE 'DETECTORSI Smoke detectors, which may be w ` ! i' sled"ybea4of oold lotdWhnot n "dingiOpefcantoithe 2. Exiviorwaft MdInterior be4Mpwere shNbesupwAedon Entry Vision.AN entry float shot be provided with a door AND SWITCH PER CODE., PROVIDE 24 � �- II, �1 '_ 101 , i width d the stud. battery operated, tun be mounted on the calling a wall o1 t:ontintwvs footings. SANITATION vkwu, vkw pact, or viewing windows. Such view pores or each axlstirq ram used la$lespinp oapous and at a pont CATWALK IF LOCATED WITHIN 20' OF �o�� No. Bofed Hoke. A hon nae greater h tBrmNar than 40 percent 3. Foopngs that be ahforcod who Yrkach damNa deformed Torsi Fatotldss.New water Cbtets that Mve a maximum window$that be constructed of tufty tempered glass, ce tnSl located on the WIN at coiling of the exist"corridor ATTIC MOUNTED F.A.U. & PROVIDE GAS N O( ZOO Ii I of the stud width nay be bored In any wood std.Bored hope hat rNniorcog ban top and botomwhich Mot be pled within 4 fiche copscity of 1.6 pamper,aro thin be located kr a clear space Gadral.S'rgme swim door,the active lest Of a poll of time, or ora giving access to thea room*.Whirr tletoing rooms prealer thin SO pwcml01lM wdth o the$hd sit iimnrled h mon Inches o the boom end top tithe barrage, not lose than 30 inches In width and have a clear sate in front and the bottom Mal of Dutch doss tMlf be t Woptd with a an on m troller level,a deteetm tharlle placed It lid center OUTLET besting setons or in 4. ConerNe Aw Watt on bei•T C P arty who whole each bored stud k obubled, pada that be placed on a 44nM N of of the wma close stool of net lett than Z/Inches. desdbo4 6,M desdbekkg kith. The deadboll and Inch may of thtreiNrg dheety alcove the Ctahway. Smoke detatart -- providtd hall more than two such fat"sive doubled Stud*pee to wane S9Cn9Ne a on a mabhme bartky memb ono.The gobs Showa Anna. Showers that have floors and want lhdthed activated by per lack or lady 6,I bid.The lock a locks shall be Shag be located no more thin 12 Inches below the calling of bored In ro cow%hat the hope o the bored hek be nater than% that be N Matt 3.1/21neh s thick and Mot be fainforcedwith with smooth. Mrd, non•Ibsabint Surfaces Such ss pallend key-opsnated from the Whew tide of the door and openable tram 31 Y_ AInch to IM edge o 8e th,d Beed holes the not be bcaled W thewelded wire meth of deformed reinforcing ban. Welded wife cement, concrete ceramic tilt or other approved material to a the knerior dee by a device which does not tequila a key. Special the room m earhd01 In whish 1M smoke deuetor i,requre0 EXHAUST VENT 5 AIR CHANGE PERmash shot have a eros 4octonal area o rat Its than SHOO o rot kis thin 70 inches above the drNn inlet.Materials knowledge,or special effort to operate, to be Installed. MINUTE I MIN. came eat on o pad"t tel a motel. ( wry, Rsiafordrt ben otthherl than sinreturN Ntmtnta used In Such watt $half be of a Swill equals inch 0.05 sq.In.)palet aha p drag Desai Swbgk+p wad doers $hilf lar u1 M/ACT HAZARD OLA2MOt Edslinp gbtirg of IM plait In w BRACED WALL PANELS (Shear Panels) prep have a dwnNeo W hoes thin 318 Inch she be Spaced al type which IS not adversely affected by motive, ea+firuetlon Of ono of the following$: every Chiding plats panel o1 /ldlmg-typt doors, other than General AI aledw whit and appkado Interior wet shoe be Intervals no exceeding 24 inch"sub wry, G"for Showa and Bathtub Enclosures. Glelir+g used In 1. SOwtar doors not len Than 1.318 Inches in Ihieknast, wardrobe dons, bethmm shower doors and trench-type to wed w M PW and aaYndO fats by the use o mother p rwood a S. TM Sol below M Interior commit Wb that be a ealedwnh doors and panels of shown and bathtub en C101u is sham be luny 2. Hollow cote doctors of doors fess Thin 1.318 Inches Mn wooden doom shall be Impact Mesrd glazing.. 11 not, Then stucco braced posy: a mdsturs to•depth of 18 Inch"prior to pacing the concrete. ttn+perad,laminated Hilly Class a approved plastic. When Clefs Reclines either of which sit covered on the inside Isle such Closing thin be replaced with Impact hassrd Closing or 1, &s°edvdpan*thebehMter~homeach oMwbyho is used ItshagMvtamiNmurnlNcknomolnot fess thAnil/ with 15.8nptsMmmetal attached with screws itI• on approved film that be Insisted on the plats. Impact mon Thin 4 fed, etN no more that 81aM from sash ad of a braced At<hmaximum Centers aroadthe perimStel,Of plating Shot Comply With the rsguirsmin„ OR •NA�TS wet lite wed 251M on anew(mit)• PRINTED ON CLEARPRINT 1DOOH , . 8 w �,.. .'�- ,. ,c.e,�, ., ..-an Y� • °'�§ `raids, u�L =s" ':_ I 1 � �2 BMf �31 I 4i I 51181 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 12 13 14. 15 v e AEYIGICHYS OV II ' -2e2 Ir�� 41, 141, Gil co I. c 11 '�21 it g2� 51r q SI.SII ��o� �,I,4) oi.�ll Ir _ ___.. _ _-_ 2q - � Wf �F.r qp ..,.._... 3)7, wo BEDR0 �+ • BEDROOM 1 ; R = OMD/z�o%�� SD. O / � � , ; • �. : GARAGE - I Q - a y� w • � s; in, NB - N k3 Io W IPA 31 ?4IP o i 12Ms L o HB i LIN LINFaJ T SUITE: G I M S 11/�I IB 5 ,5 L RARY ROOM i D m ( d�7' r qp �� a o _ 1) ..i rte' .` • q�•� � ��.�.�,,,��� '��" 0 � t + �j •_o � � '� I � . = I � � �I � I Z { o .� ' ,' I � F,�OYER .,' �:, � ' . ,� r o _ �o , ,t I I I I — - - - - I � Z O, � a ' I .FAM Y 00 v 4 Imo' 'I 7��GII '2 w ao"o tZ� um t W O �� N 'I _ WWW .. ._-.—. . . . - .._.._._.__. I •r ,. .r r . e •�• I DI II R r M'�' I r ! l +� `' ... `r. M.I `) II n �r� f NI = 1 Q. CL K co*G. 5 CSL II I � 'I II : I II II ; � I � ,. � � 1-511 :j,p "y�r ;L t ' /. 5 � (, ,0 2a a i •ra E =AIL. ev 47- � I10 d� joid 11M ..... , •N ! _ v- -,44 n TOM regeD v(Z � -_G_.I �� •.D , OR EMEN-6 PAINTED ON CIEAAPAINT 1000H �`*'��. ._. .. . i` �j� �. � � � ,. - _ - � s ,. •+.. •.� ..y-. ,.,-'i4i1 I i,�1 " ��Y iS �}.:. i�`.:,z. I � r I I I I 2' T I 31 I 41 I 51 I IBI �� IT 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 113 14, 15 e=aa movisioNs SY 12 S � i'D -4141 2 'v t C `,r�` ,��1� / C ,•«�n, .� .�1f 1 ,�.,•,' ,,, ' - �«.�–��.tr+ r —�_ .. 777 so aim �ftm 10 1- ' •. ( Ir G " 1 J ' . -' 6 � 1 : .� ••' k .. X 1Y � /� ` - GIC• I. 4 .•.YI, I r. « , o FIN-ew I 8 I , 4 � h ki 77177 ma of ESSIO y m a 0. 474 0 X * EXP- 1i31•� �Q 0 MONIE,R nl,Es .�. z INs-nc�TicaN )Lr %PEc. _.-_ .......... -_--- __-._..._ _. _. _ _..,__ - �: 1 ,< ; ?• I ice. ;y ' .til \ A fit _ � 'r ' � +; . •, W �err 01% 14 Aw w r CX VA r . , �. . .. _ F� I • • 1 AWN I:. MCm!f�°R . I1hriD b11raP 5� _ MAIr�I� '✓��N�� -r P - � _coharJDv o � �ldL. _ _ ' __ - • `�� �. I.�.r.. `!/HVc'^•G! TS clP, ..rhAM 7l! �.f ✓V W ...- O1q.,?wrr _O 5JW- UP cc:Wwa� _ rlr4a. ca. J3 cll1:r.UPI. �-E NIS '. f7R �•l int b oW °�f�E.L , -J 0 d c��lc, ��rtpirlG , l�IJ coNc. �sTEPs To 10INIs14 CmPsAAC. NOV 0 7 2000, 4 f' Ir�rA MrG. Of PRINTED ON CIEARPRINT tOOoH f I I i 21 'T' I 3I al IT 51 71�� B 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14,716 3:')5 anvimcm my `"GG 800 l5 A TAPERED GOLUMN UNLE55 .5PEGE�D,"" SHAFT 6A5E MAX: G/0 �I Q d 6'-5' ROUND q 1/2' 3' x 3' W 8'-7' ROUND 12 5/8' 4 1/2' x 4 1/2' W10'-q' ROUND 16' 6' x 6' !!e 5HAFT 12'-1' ROUND Iq' 7' x 7' 14'-13' ROUND 221/4' 8 1/2' x 8 1/2' 16'-15' ROUND 25 3/8' 10' x 10' 18'-17' ROUND 28 1/2' ii' x U' _ 0' Iq' ROUN 31 5/8' 12 I/2' x 12 12' BASE -0000�.00000,00 WHEN ORDERN6 PLEASE SPECIFY STYLE t OF GAP AND DA5E, 51ZE OF SHAFT, 51ZE 1 o OF CUTOUT, AND TYPE OF FINISH, a SHAFT 8A5E MAX, G/0 6' ROUND q 1/2' 3' x Y N I - SHAFT 8' ROUND 12516 4 1/2' x 4 1/2' g+ w • / - 10 ROUND 16 .. 12' ROUND Iq' 7' x 7' N > 14' ROUND 22 1/4' 8 1/2' x'8 I/2' W u 1 � W : �' \ 7 16' ROUND 25 3/8' 10' x 10' " tom! \ +a. • e 18' ROUND 28. 1/2' u' x 8' ._.I / ==��� ���� •I�� =��I . 6A5E 20' ROUND 315/8' 121 x * .6�. �.� �alr �NG0L...LJMN GAK�ON"� r ;1 QµOFESS��N 1. • V 0. 41490 SF3 208 c 58 20q _ Z Q OW � o ........ _� {S'^'s�Y'• QLJ Qom!, 14 W ^ --- 56 210 � o " ate � � v - 2 W Q. 5� 211 Y 5 1 I 12 5A5HE GAKc�)ON`.?101 alumm.. of N Gin p, 48 V ANI)S cwt K■D oT ' � `. �•�!b l �r1., «s4445 - DAYS d _ OIL. _p, vol G� Clp ■ca ■ //// JO• NO. w �___.__ �qq CT NOV 0 7 200 } 13P ■N■NTN PRINTED ON CLEARPRINT 1000N Al s I I 11 I 2) I 3I I 41 I 51 I 6 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 I x REVISIONS BY i0,al. fit W&oA ~t>b'v stN+A@4S ) ' � T} ttav,�iulilOEo,�tTAt t>�141.�J , , I ' .::.:f.'..•.f... , , zet ,fie et�tr� .. 'c c � icor EC UQ Rw • „ evEL DlSGREMN• i NOT TO SCALE' E PLA # . ; pwt9 Ut�Y rRMACE M,Iatu MIRER a sutW . � R�4M�)E•• -9LOt'1(it10 P'f' Q�pFESgtp � t Atitrtt<r9PA1�8 ��o p,R � � H FEIR PAfT¢ItY-1 'c M1iHtIS; . y COD 1 W rillW * EXP. 12-3190 •5lRt1CT1�tAL Df�AW94GS FOR FRJ�iU1IG�'OETAftS "�"y •,� sr�l CIVIL w ` CAIS METAL Flr?E STMBY FIREPLACE #tAAIOFACTURER CER. TILE HEARTH 3r-PR6•A AB CORNER FIRPLk W1.STOWt -AS REWIRED Bf FIREPUi1;E MANUFACTURER _ HHtAA l ktGh( . F RTH -�— OFFSET EtBOwS ic STARTE9 SEM" t6 d., ! -----HEAOER' B flt�?�+I .� .M• Y. &*16,E 5, oN>41 L TO Ghll M NE PREFA M ]FIREPLACE HEARTH : c 4: 1/2' (9,t.O9)JJAJC0 BUILDING SAEOOES 1 EH2416.#MUDW I F10,'IR hLA6 Date ='I�— I !-- .•• - - -- I• ('':'.•��j��..�_ scale Drawn � F �, NOV 0 Jdob[ARE FG" �W�%o REP�0A`.Q.•"E ��E A��atxlj Sheet im NOT TO SCAL ( __" or sheets 24%ft POINTED ON N0.loom MEAR►RINT• ,..» - __. . _._. ...w--w_ ._,,. ..__. _ ,w. .,.: :. ,: __..- v -. :.. ...--....-.+a+,ra..w.hw.artw. d"u i n ll�b�J•Ht. ,� . . ! I I 11 I 21 7_r. I ' 41 1 I 1 51 I 1 8 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 141 15 - ' ! t K �x i f 24'! 24" NERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES REVISION$ BY ZIP STRIP 1/8" WOOD §TRUOTURAL STEEL AND Wl7.DING -"WIDE X 1" DEEP 1. THE INTENT OF THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS IS TO' SHOW THE MAIN STRUCTURAL MINIMUM FEATURES AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN FOR THE PROJECT. ARCHITECTURAL 1 ALL STRUCTURAL LUMBER SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR GRADED IN ACCORDANCE '' ' '• ` ! ' DETAILS ARE SHOWN INCIDENTLY ONLY AND NOT COMPLETELY. THEREFORE. 1. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH "AISC SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN, 4*` ' WITH WCUB RULES No. 16, AND TO BE OF THE FOLLOWING GRADES UNLESS • ' ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH STRUCTURAL NOTED OTHERWISE: FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS f X - X _ DRAWINGS DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN m ' STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS IF NOT CLARIFIED IN STUDS AND PLATES 2" to 4" thick: 2" to 4" wide - CONSTRUCTION GRADE 2. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-36. THE ADDENDA AT THE REQUEST OF THE CONTRACTOR, SHALL BE BROUGHT STUDS AND PLATES 2" to 4" thick: 5" and wider - N0. 311 TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR JOISTS AND PLANKS 2" to 4" thick; 5" and wider - NO. 3. PIPE COLUMNS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-530 GRADE "B" WiTH SULPHUR CLARIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDERATION JOISTS AND PLANKS 2" to 4" thick: 2" to 4" wide - NO. 2 CONTENT NOT TO EXCEED 0.05% ENDS SHALL BE SAWCUT SQUARE FOR TRUE 12" ADDED VERT. IN HIS BID. BEAMS AND STRINGERS 5" and thicker, 5" and wider- N0. 1 BEARING. POSTS 5" and thicker. 5" and wider - NO. 1 SLAB REINF. CONTRACTION JT. 1/2" DIA. SMOOTH DOWEL SINGLE LAYER 2. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF 4. TUBE COLUMNS SHALL CONFORM 70 ASTM A-501 OR A-500, GRADE "B", O 18" O.C. OIL do PAINT „ „ BOTH LOCAL AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (U.B.C.) STANDARDS. 2. ALL PLYWOOD ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR WITH LEGIBLE APA ONE SIDE 24 -7 24 GRADE STAMPS AS FOLLOWS: 5. BEAM CONNECTIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH "FRAMED BEAM CONNECTIONS" A.I.S.C. 3. THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PART 4, TABLE 1, USING A307 BOLTS (M.D.) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, CIVIL, AND LANDSCAPE FACE GRAIN PARALLEL TO SUPPORTS - STRUCTURAL I EXTERIOR 3" 3" ,. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. FACE GRAIN PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS - C-D WITH EXTERIOR GLUE B. ALL WELDING SHALL BE BY ELECTRONIC ARC PROCESS AND SHALL COMPLY • __�- UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED WiTH A.W,S. SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING AND FABRICATION. % ' 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON �- X .-- X ` THE JOB SITE AND REPORT ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR POSSIBLE ALL PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING SHALL BE O-D WiTH EXTERIOR GLUE UNLESS 7. WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY CERTIFIED OPERATORS IN A SHOP LICENSED - - - -- DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK. SPECIAL OTHERWISE NOTED. BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITY. - CARE SHALL BE GIVEN TO SITE AND BUILDING LAYOUT THEREON. ALL PLYWOOD WALL SHEATHING SHALL BE STRUCTURAL I OR C-D DOUGLAS FIR KEY JT. 12- AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. B. LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES SHALL BE USED WHEREVER REINFORCING STEEL IS d � ADDED VERT. -� 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SAFE AND ADEQUATE BRACES AND 3. ALL FOUNDA11ON PLATES OR SILLS RESTING ON CONCRETE OR MASONRY WELDED. CONSTRUCTION JT._ CONNECTIONS TO SUPPORT THE COMPONENT PARTS OF THE STRUCTURE UNTiL ate t c� _ THE STRUCTURE ITSELF (INCLUDING THE FLOOR AND ROOF DIAPHRAGMS) IS FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLAS FIR. 9. UNLESS SHOWN, a' SHALL BE MINIMUM WELD FOR ALL e DOUBLE LAYER COMPLETE ENOUGH TO ADEQUATELY SUPPORT ITSELF. STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS. e!J --- 4. ALL NAILING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE N0. 25-Q UNLESS SCALE SCALE 6. OPTIONS, IF PROVIDED HEREIN, ARE FOR CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE HE SHALL OTHER NOTED WISE THE PID.. ALL NS. NAILS SHALL BE COMMON NAILS SPACED AS 10. ALL BUTT WELDS SHALL BE FULL PENETRATION UNLESS OTHERWISE DETAILED Z 0 b CONTRACTION /CON ST. JT. NTS 1 WAL-L/FTG. SPLICE DTL. NTs 2 BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CHANGES NECESSARY, COORDINATE ALL ON THE PLANS. z DETAILS, AND SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED APPROVALS. 5. ALL BOLTS AND NUTS. WHICH BEAR AGAINST THE FACE OF WOOD MEMBERS ly W • d 7. COSTS OF ADDITIONAL DESIGN WORK NECESSITATED BY SELECTION OF AN OPTION SHALL BE PROVIDED WiTH STANDARD METAL WASHERS. 11. A CERTIFICATE OF FABRICATION FROM THE SHOP PERFORMING WELDING OR A W e d g n OR DUE TO ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE BORNE BY THE REPORT FROM THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR MUST BE FURNISHED TO THE JOB Z C O , o: 6" MIN. ,� - DOUBLE TOP PLATE 6. PROVIDE 2 INCH BLOCKING AT ALL ENDS OF JOISTS AND RAFTERS AND INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FRAMING APPROVAL H L } _ PPER CRIPPLE STUDS CONTRACTOR. _ _ _ -\ AT ALL BEARINGS. INTERMEDIATE BLOCKING SHALL BE INSTALLED AS Cb •�. � Q REQUIRED BY CODE ALL PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING SHALL HAVE 2 INCH 12. HIGH STRENGTH 8 LTS WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR DETAILS SHALL Z v O 8. WHERE DESIGN AND DETAILS OF PLATE GIRDERS, TRUSSES. ETC., IS TO BE BLOCKING AT EDGES. PLYWOOD ROOFSHEATHING SHALL HAVE 2 INCH CONFORM TO ASTM A-325 OR ASTM A-490 (FRICTION TYPE) AND THERE W _ = __ Y _ _ PROVIDED BY FABRICATOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CALCULATIONS Ln --- -- BLOCKING AT EDGES WHERE NOTED ON THE PLANS SHALL BE NO PAINT Oil, LACQUER OR GALVANIZING BETWEEN THE CONTACT -C m \-6" MIN. f � PREPARED BY A CIVIL OR STRUCTURAL .ENGINEER, TO THE ENgNIO:R AND TO � ttltil� THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 7. PROVIDE 1 X 6 LET-IN BRACING AT APPROXIMATELY 45 DEGREES AND EVERY 25 SURFACES. _J'ACE" POST CAP 9. WHERE "SPECIAL INSPECTION" IS REQUIRED ON THE PLANS. A REGISTERED � IN WOOD STUD WALLS NOT SHEATHED WITH PLYWOOD. BRACE TO BE 13. HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SHAD. HAVE LOAD INDICATOR WASHERS TO SERVE AS ARIMER V G----- - CONTINUOUS FROM SILL TO TOP PLATE, DIRECT TENSION INDICATOR. INSTAL1A71ON OF HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SHALL Y DEPUTY INSPECTOR, APPROVED BY, AND RESPONSIBLE T0, THE ENGINEER AND REQUIRE SPECIAL INSPECTION BY A DEPUTY INSPECTOR, LAP SPUCE _.•--__-._-- BUILDING DEPARTMENT, SHALL BE EMPLOYED BY THE OWNER. SPECIAL 8. PROVIDE ONE TRIMMER STUD AND ONE KING STUD UNDER ALL HEADERS IN 12d INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR: ONE STORY CONSTRUCTION PROVIDE DOUBLE TRIMMER STUDS AND ONE REGULAR STUDS A. PLACING OF ALL CONCRETE WITH AN rC IN EXCESS OF 2,500 psi. 14. ALL STRUCTURAL FIELD WELDING, INCLUDING WELDING OF REINFORCING STEEL D TRIMMER B. ALL FIELD WELDING, OR WELDING PERFORMED IN AN UNLICENSED KING STUD IN ALL BOTTOM STORIES OVER ONE STORY. SHALL HAVE SPECIAL INSPECTION. D "v - SEE "WOOD" FABRICATING SHOP. 9. PROVIDE DOUBLE FLOOR JOISTS UNDER ALL PARALLEL PARTITIONS. r pkv . NOTE No. 8 C. ALL CERTIFIED COMPACTED FILL 6 _ �j�b ON SHT. S-1 D. SUCH OTHER ITEMS AS MAY BE REQUIRED ON PLANS. 10. ALL LUMBER SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT OF 199 AT THE _ Jam- I E INSTALLATION OF HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SHALL REQUIRE INSPECTION BY �IoreS iD ►- 1 � 4d TIME OF USE GA� G'•N ; ROUGH SILLA DEPUTY INSPECTOR. 2 1/2" MIN. WINDOW 11. ALL METAL CONNECTORS SHALL BE BY SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. 90'BEND HOOK D OFFSET �� i 10. AS A CONVENIENCE TO THE CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW REQUIRED ALL HARDWARE CONNECTORS SHALL BE THE DESIGNATED MODEL No. TO (• 50 � Wn1lnlr�ei2. S�tAN- QK'✓lL�-T P �9 5 /F/GA�IA SHOP DRAWINGS AS TO THEIR GENERAL CONFORMANCE TO THE DESIGN CONCEPT. 2K$ 1 z� h CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLEs NONETHELESS, FOR COMPLIANCE AND MATCH THE MEMBER SIZE AS SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER (UNLESS TYPICAL RFJNFORCING BAR BENDS NOTED OTHERWISE ON DRAWING). CONNECTION OF SIMPSON METAL r"'z�Q Cp,� roAsi4rk6 W! /f/S SILL PLATE DIMENSIONS AND SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS IF APPLICABLE, FOR THE __._._.___._. .... _. . __._. ... _.... _._-__._...__ _ O CONNECTORS TO WOOD SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SIMPSON'S FOLLOWING: !�L•��1-!!r' 1'b r� Gvrove4AJI,\ ! �i1/Tr A Ggt7Z"l2 d=BAR DiA. - --=-- - - A. GLULAM BEAMS AND PANELIZED ROOF FRAMING. REQUIREMENTS. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE I BEND DIA _ B. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND TAPERED STEEL GIRDERS INCLUDING ERECTION 12 SUBSTITUTIONS FOR SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC 'S PRODUCTS MUST MIN. D=6d FOR �7 BARS OR SMALLER LOWER CRIPPLE STUDS BRACING. �JCICUY1CnJTl�.JbJ /his �2Ei//E'1,�, D=8d FOR #8 BARS OR LARGER O WINDOW ONLY C. PRECAST CONCRETE FLEMIJJTS. INCLUDING PICKUP POINTS, STRONGBACKS BE PRE-APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. D=5d FOR STIRRUPS AND T1ES AND BRACING, ALL CERTIFIED BY A REGISTERED CIVIL OR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. �� Fal* to rHE lA/JT2�1 �rb,� 2EQub-i:T/nl(� .g °FESSIO SCALE SCALE D. CONCRETE POURING SEQUENCE, SHORING DETAILS AND SPECIAL oQR Nqt R E I N F. SPLICING NTS 3 FRAMING @ OPENINGS 4 CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES '(CERTIFICATION MAY BE REQUIRED). �o�� I �, p,R K NTS E SUCH OTHER ITEMS AS MAY BE REQUIRED ON PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND COMPLIANCE CERTiFICATES TO _ m No. 41 90 A D/3 THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WHEN REQUIRED. 5hhtu.. ,e}pi//S� � SJ/L,gi�✓!q o�F/G/,�L a MIN. * EXP. 12.31. 1 I -LOW HYDROGEN WELDING RODS 11. WHERE SOIL REPORT IS CITED, ITS REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE ADOPTED HEREIN. SHEETINDEX /J ��/�/�� / 12. DETAILS SHOWN AS TYPICAL ARE APPLICABLE TO ALL SIMILAR CONDITIONS. a� Toe ewltpI� Pa�� 6.0 /,j Aft M e,5- �ilX 7W ��3 ~ BEADS TO BE AT LEAST FLUSH CONCRETE S-1 GENERAL NOTES $ DETAILS in 111 ~ 11 D I. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING 28 DAY MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE 'ILII I 1/16" /3 ow HYDROGEN WELDING STRENGTH: S-? FOUNDATION PLAN b, 7{C �,p�/�o4r/a j � 441 AIG 4FOA& l m LAP WELD MIN. ROD, LENGTH OF WELDS 2,500 psi WITH 4 INCH SLUMP S-3 FLOOR FRAMING PLAN • , AS SHOWN ON DWG.'S D_ /-STEEL PLATE 2• CEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-150. S-4 ROOF FRAMING PLAN � 3, BEFORE CONCRETE IS POURED, CHECK WITH ALL TRADES TO INSURE PROPER p �N�►t�' Sy�s'r�,vf /ti.l ,q.�cort ,,, �lir> MONOUTHI POUR --SEPARATE POUR T-�� PLACEMENT OF ALL OPENINGS, SLEEVES, CONDUITS, CURBS ETC. RELATING S-S DETAILS r O FILL TO THE WORK. SLEEVES TO BE 2 INCHES LARGER THAN PIPE. ER WELD_ i 4. ALL ANCHOR BOLTS, DOWELS OR INSERTS SHALL BE SECURLY TIED IN PLACE S-6 DETAILS STEEL PLATE BEFORE CONCRETE IS POURED. Q BOLT SIZE EMBEDMENT 1/ '' S-7 DETAILS TIIII45° 5. ALL SILL PLATES SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE FOUNDA11ON WITH ANCHOR Q 1/2" DIA. 6" BOLTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH DRAWINGS. THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF -5/8" DIA. 8" TWO BOLTS PER PIECE WITH ONE BOLT LOCATED WITHIN 12 INCHES OF 31V' DIA. 9" EACH END OF EACH PIECE O W NOTE: THIS EMBEDMENT 8" Ia s' COMPLETE JOINT C) �, <[ SHALL BE TYP. U.N.O. PENETRATION GROOVE WELD 6. ANCHOR BOLTS NOT CALLED OUT ON DRAWINGS SHALL BE 1/2" DIA. ANCHOR �, 3 W ---- - - - - --••- BOLTS WITH A MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 7" INTO FOOTING AT 6'-0" O.C. SCALE MAXIMUM, SEE ALSO DETAIL FOR ANCHOR BOLT EMBEDMENT THIS SHEET. CZf Z ANCHOR BOLT EMBEDMENT NTS 5 R E I N F. LIVE LD T N G SCALE 6 MAY BE USED.UEU OF ANCHOR SIZE AND SPACING SHALL BENS FOR rINNACCORDANCE WITH i 4 NTS THE MANUFACTURER'S ICBO REPORT REQUIREMENTS. Z O "V __.$'-p!' .MA?(, •_•, . _...... . 7. ALL ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A 307, ,Li j 02 m ,-ROOF FRAMING GRADE A WITH 60,000 psi TENSILE STRENGTH. Q �p W ��•-CONST. OR CONTR. JT. ;• F O ar!• PER DTL 1/S-1 � O ~ O _ ___.._. ._. ._._..... ._. . _ ._ _. ..l..__ �-2' SQ. MAX. OPENING W Z . J _REINFORCING_ STEEL ,-COL DIA./WIDTH 4 12" ; -- � p J == - / -- =-==- 1• REINFORCING STEEL FOR FOOTING SHALL BE DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING Ln uj a �4 - 24" LONG--� /-DOUBLE FRAMING AROUND � CENTERED IN SLAB :•' OPENING (TYPICAL) TO ASTM A-615 GRADE 60. LAP BARS A MINIMUM OF 40 DIAMETERS. R , -w WHERE SLAB JT. ISOMITTED 0 CORNER ��i 2. FOOTING DOWELS SHALL MATCH VERTICAL WALL OR COLUMN STEEL LAP 36 � �SIMPSON HANGERS TYP. DIAMETERS. 4 O OF ISOLATION JT. ------ ---•�•- WHERE MEET C.J. -�- ---------" --•--•- . 2" I 3. AT ALL OPENINGS IN CONCRETE.' CONCRETE CONCRETE BLOCK AND BRICK MASONRY, SEE PLAN FOR SIZE PROVIDE AT LEAST 2-#5 BARS AT JAMBS, HEAD AND SILL., EXTENDING 2'-0" DAN ICOL ISOLATION JT. -- BEYOND EDGES OF OPENING, COL PER PLAN _26-2 4. MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER SHALL BE: > AS RIOTED 3",....CONCRETE POURED AGAINST EARTH, NON-SHRINK GROUT `\ 2".....FORMED CONCRETE WHICH WILL REMAIN IN CONTACT WITH EARTH. N.F. 8" DIA. MAX, HOLE THROUGH 1 1/2".....BEAMS, MEASURED TO MAIN STEEL; COLUMNS, MEASURED TO - -- - PLYWOOD SHEATHING TIES OR SPIRALS; EXPOSED. 3/4".....SLABS; INSIDE FACES OF WALLS. SIMPSON "U26" HANGERS 5. WIRE MESH SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-185. LAP 8" MINIMUM. ( � NUV U � i 2X6024" O.C. SCALE SCALE L. TYPICAL ISOLATION JT. �> 7 FRAMING AT ROOF OPENINGS .• • NTS 8 • . i , . � � •sem - NOW r 1. r ' 11-77 � 3j I 4I I - 1 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14. 16 I ���j� I I I I I 5 8 7 8 9 I 1 I I 21 6 8 l =f � RBVIBIONB BY S� LO p I ' I 12 = - y. s� f IIIIL 2 Ini 12 _ I �? so I r��w►� �vJE� .4=� 4,440 I,Jro exit- OQROFEssI� 12 I I � F•mT,t�h. I;vls�v to ���� �, SPR K � I eorolxl= x I m EXP. 1z�490 r 12 o•fER 2? S.,�C� -lLL G . ° Z a L4' W. � SIE SN6�' S3 O i �a�5 cn 5 f .I OW Mo �Ity 3ch e VA C 2 � © w � . 4; sr, pP W v ,E at1S7�. DMAWN CHECKED DATE SCALE CA%4 YX � tl SHUNT i OV 0 7 20100 «V op SHOBTB naahut�enratr Ho. 1eee-24dd s- ,i I 1I I 21 I 31 ( 41 5 r��gl 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 t0 1 i t2 13 14, 16 Y i aY AEVI>IION!• my Q *5 N G� 4r Ole, otiJ CD ev e-c- 4 / tiN Q 4 NNP P Q��4NP 4 he I Z` a/G l►� rlar> , use Q 4, 91 Q 4 Gao�G +� WD 2 A. /,� .� p sg�c As �' , I 5\4 3Lx io-4 .N H �� � H� �DR Q� IOG ,r �'�"�' STRO i4Ll. I" Low c� _ h 2 74 C --- - - — `�- o7'ES ALL � • I I —,, i 1 U I >. kl& [� G► (�a:G.� '�,( Q I D F �A�rO,sZs to .�iu I I" to �c �H.a.LL �E 1M. .al w o X. I ,� 8 0 �� � a � ��E b, F � � u,�,a, � .°� n a 60 J x . Y 58 5� _ � G x A� W a N IZ. L �4.OI op �� x 3 I 1�S r Lt, tiJ, D, W • d i c o LnlS-p l Z .3 Q , ' i` DzA M � D�r/� IL �j Fog :c M to P pi.Arr e r 4xn O r t� Z HDR :z ° _ 2x 6 C, lG10. V �j�C I Gam, Y U sK r ,I 4A4R SMo o� I Wb 2,4 — 41 4 1 7` I 1 I I I N -•------ - X ol x ►� , .; s� C� x 49¢ - _ x _ _ !~ Z K HA _ I QaOFESS/p . Hl2 �►ST 6_C_-r__ ______ i4p ---- �`� �i X . a 414 �=- L- 11 • - - • aI c.a � t � 1 • V * I:XP. 12-31• Cox . � a `4X4 � •� � � � '� y� i 1 1 I � v �. �� W .� ss u� f � p• � O �' � I I i •'' / C T l'� 5$ �. I V i /a �/' Oct r.�,. 1 "„ � � x \y N 01 N � `� 6 �� tie` It "tel t 4 a HAQ K NCSFAR q r s, d oo a 4w L4 LINE o� a6c/.� -- � ' �'x 8 c J '/ �► - `` - '� � ' tar �1 � • 2 K. r ,1 � �4� j� (� X' jVD S X . ✓ q�,. . Hqe 2X8 ORAWN. SG � s7 5 � r \''�/,�l� , `� OXG F�sr i 3 ' , dy(ri C [CKNO ' T� P O /1u- r7p 1 MS 5_I HD ? a. g1 wILliG OAT■ OIz '/a I p o SCALE JO INS,/ � r OR ONSETS PRIMM ON CLEARPRINT lomm r' r I ' I 11 21 �� 31 ► T 41 I 51 I 181 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 i t 12 13 14, 15 RNVINCIYN YY .. •. .Iq .w... .. -- .r. .wry .1.. ..... ... _ ..r 1... . � 1 I Z�cL IZ,hL , C.(61/o •C � � I 2x � RR C/6H G, II I II r II N � I � II II I II N it � it � S I � II G t • � WA h Z . Uj 2xlo I w � M I I �.Kyl/sN � �_8 _ � R.R• c/��o.C. � a I I V e 2x •mac l o �� II I I 1 I I ve PR K0� 1 y No. 47490 L -- — — l -- — �I ��`V /roklf i 1 s� EXP. 12-31�/ 9r CIViI c 0 "1 .1y I I I I OU ,� �I GX6 i t I G,xG -711'I I I I C► of �y o I I •, 11 I I � � m l l � o o I INSTALLWG �. I � $ oZ ao SKYLIGHT SHAFT After your skylight has been installed on your roof. it may be neeessay to coc•Vuct a sl.•yi Z11, 4-cli or sua::to gcc `11 Q.r Z O• _ light into the room below. This can be done by fruniog: I i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s $ , I I' U� �ieGPosr Z QJ g Z the skylight well(using 2 x 2's and sheetrock or plywood) — — -= - - — - — - — — — — — ' — — — i,, from the underside of the skylight to the ceiling. Cut a O hole in the ceiling and-frame it in as you did the roof I - '' C X 6 0 W V opening. Palet the skylight well alight color, You may . I I TG r o 4 J wish to add a while plastic diffuser panel at the ceiling to- conceal o I I e ; '_,_�''"� V W conceal the well. T+P K. ' R', R. -�' W I• %a uGD,ar0 �— I I lid ICz I t�f W • Lis I f � � GSD ! .� �i' I k � -2 K'6 � ►� / Nib jr r, _.. ....., _ _ — — c'` rT a i • •1..1.1..... 1 •.� Ortwoll DRAWN IC CNECKEo Insufatto / skylt�ht ,'' DATE. =- ^�`''-s f► Drf+dl Sha11 1 ► ~•• MI 1..1. .1• .11 1/I i 1 r I (OPT. 11,ecAfle - i NET •Irl.....1.. . •. •. . • ItemotMihoffdea� ns1 AsteultlTframedapeninpand°deq}ret@an9leri p sides wiltprerlde proper suppoA fer ina drywall Iining and insuld7lanTeolred. OR $HEETe PANTED ON CIEARPRINT 1000N ! r i r I 11 I 21 m I 3l ! al l 5I I iT61 I 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 tt 12 13 14, 1b A. RSVINCI NS my j r l � 2 AGE G ,!� 4 Q� gM C N �cIG GG 4� I2 0 I I Ib1fci 4.0 w w • M 1 Y _..__ __ _ G•o SECTION A A SCALE: '/." = f- 0» QROFESS/O K G t ti � No. 47 90 * E%P. 1231•Qz S�qr CIVIL ��\P FOF CA%\FO Z 0 Q Q r�r G Gxe R1P 2XG �.lZ FtIsT6� E3M , ¢•xro c„�. 00 57 � ICo d.c, it ►cIC� N 2x b c j. I Co D•G, ?,cs� ca414g -not; i �yG, 11 It W V ... . ... ..... ... . I i1Q, W 12 Zit t� . _.Cr ,(}-D_.4..G. o ~ V i O LQ QX II \ Z)44s C J, , I• rr/O/r DRAWN ------ f - - i _ r CHOCKED 41 Ir 14 0Ar i, DAT/ � . . OCALE 1. L ail�l lal,40 _ - 3� - 0 ff F'„ NET +•e�rd I � •H.�T Nov SECTION B B �� 1 _ SECTION CC ! SCALE, %» 1•- 0" a •N�EiT• PANTED ON CLEARPRINT 1000N I I 1I � 21 � I 3I 41 1 51771�81 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 i . . �+,. . ter,!,;., , AIVIOIONIs PV / .. I ,. 1 P "-r;lk'i ;r' �.. ��" XEOOES ANO112 /O,FlELD 8 ''i 'w;I' { ARAT POjNI . a .f ;.,' 'ANFi AN(, OR BOLT Y - 1.. r ~ /' ' ` 'A 18' DI ,12" SS 6 8" 1V 2X RAFTERS W/3-ed TO TOP PUTS sena. a ti / Du► . ,: '.{ ,,'� Af' J\ A1,'1 c.,; ] ` _ ..•.a,*� rpt I - �I. • 1 "1 y,. ° .. 1 , e > t ": L,r } :+, ' 2X C.J. W/3-ed TO TOP PUTE '- r i 13 V :-{ " t' Dl �4" 63TB3b y 8" D „ a u ; r .ti �1' 1tidA'; /� A / µ : aD: TO' Cd. W ., , +' RAFTER /$=18d OR PER PLAN a, y4 y,. i `{ I ' t , s; ib I " _ pRQNOE A C VENT ,0 EAVE rn . .,' v M 1N •.::. 4 CODE 4 ''��"'�''� I Y PEN ! I'. II : • ,r, ,, 4 . _ . ,., I , : ,. .r•+.rte ,r',, L;. *'•'' 1a ,.r_ � 1, NDN F r 1. '1 ') - • , I.. 3 'til ;` Y 1. !�!. r' - y�,.I..x(-1 r.' ..` p�� _ f !1l/tr'- �NNO�' 9�r.r • 0 1 " '•' °OM1 •' Y 1 r f 4 -4 �� .� .. r, {a ,i 4 PLAN �" F � ;, r . , .. ; ,,• P �' a;.' ,*.? - -:, ' .� �. . _ , r. .. ... : :,. . ' :: ; ;' ' . ., . , : t 1��\y��ryry� }f,{, fl '-t; I • _ SWPSOPI A3'� 0, 24 O.C. - .. 'iFASTEN . 1 r � 31. . �. r 1 i 1 M 'w l P W ..E,- �'� ;-;. B TOP LATES i 1 0L pd, i , :. 1. + ENO OE SPLIEd W 110 . . ,' t II ADJ SPLICE 1M 4•"O� ,., 1, a MOD�1' W20A .� , k ` . �yr�.� .. � ��.eta•) pcEr+T i' ti 1 bA 1 1/4 :* > . g� '� t .1 4 2><Cc 2X` MEgt . I . fiMBEA.. 20 r . . STiJD 016` O.C. y;rr.:NlU1,'. TO PO*IW ; I r . `� / i p •: 'DISE. 2' /4 ', : FOR W1111. HEIGHT 01tER 18 C 2X8 ST1J0 0 1.8 O.C. FOR 1 NAILS 414 - ".:oto: ,,..,,,,,... ,, . h'. ;. ...: ..,.' 11 t HEX HEAP ' 80LT • T SHEAR PANEL WALL HEI�HT. OVER 10 y� 1 , .. SEE PUN BOL11% ��� $iIA11. 1; K OwlIft UN . . . I`1 �. . c . Q�1 k. ., i ' N �. . 5CALE SCAT$ C ; , a �✓' C .4 c. > „�' N-�. . G WALL . LA[3 iDOI •STALATLO(� e 5'CIa T .I• .ALL CONN. ..1 �� 'WP:ICAL H% , fN: A N a . UV ::. H \: NQS N > ..R • _ , } I . . . . . . . k;. • • " s.' y„ fr ., 2X4 P.T. SILL W/D py DU A B. t X10 LONG, 12 FROM SPUCE • a . ?I . ;',' . . ., t I SHEAR PANEL w Y R . . , 9 INTO 60NC. .4-0 O.C. EXCEPT . r �, , SEE PLAN rl wAu. 4 . S1�. AS NOTED. TYP. . . A , . , . u Il N ► I , �' ci. ' ,: B.N n WALL`PER' 1�LAN .. �a♦.8 >',. .M M Fa, . I � w� r Y .. I , , L I1 .4 d L I/ , .. , . . 7 X X-•--• X nl o Lada% __..a.x -. ,G G- / , , /2 . . _ Q, - ' i` 'iXRE, N.: e�olJ 1 No P HOIAOWN PER PLAN.. F.G. LV • ;._ 4. 0 STi10 WALL , _ r _ ; v AN B T � .. %j H� 5T1W W %M ; . 4" CONC. SLAB W ALi. 'PER PU►N 4 i . . _ - ` P>wRR ,:' , . MIN,'LAP . 1-. y EDGIi: R' W.YI+:kt j8 X 6-10/0 SI PL.I WHERE OC( 1RS »< a /'��� `��'1'� -. LL i - - - I I' CHOIR AS' G J-'''a' , 2 X PRE�RE - fR�AT D - . , . ,� � ) I �� (w���r,l -..-w. ---... X. .-v % y "1. ,i•lry", , 1,. • .`R' SILL PLAII« ���pe ' 1 .• . . . •• . • . • ': �: . •,... , ...,t. . N. 4AP , . s1 4 CONC. SLAB.W . .. .- •, . 5 B r;J NAIL. PER. P N .. f o ' o . SHEAR WALL EDGE LA ,. ; , r 2°,;SAND:..W/-0: ML W.W.f: , X 6- IA ItJ �I .. ; (, 'Q . : : . BARR , ��� .% ', . . % - I�'. !{..`I L - • '•, I 111 V/ r .. 1 . . . . � / t .� 211 t '" - L .. . .. .. ' n .• )L"p - . IP► • 1 -- FIND Wj 6 MI � " tl r '�� ., . J ,. "- VAPOR ARR G 3 t.111. . .7 S s '�- ` 1 w . `T. aC B. 1 MIN. LAP . ,.; .. ' . � . . . , - .1 _ , .. , _ , i.. • - v ` 1 . . . ..4 _ . , i . BSI �. . • P P N ., t ea o� . . .' . . . . SCALE .. . . SCALE :. SCALE SCALL . . ' y P x WALL FTG. DEEPEN FTG AS RQ'D 7 DIFF. DEPTH FTS. �, 4749 v „ /_ „ 5 WALL FTS. � 3 4"ffi1r-a� nrls . BALLOON FRAMING �}. 3 4 t�1 O XP. 129 . f 3- * E 11�-� rt - f.•. . . . .11 . . . . ;. vI s . , . . `� y„ ,13T I IAN 1 . . . Cbl. P P . . OST"PFR -PLAN ER LAN O i • 1' � 1 . t; sw1'wALI 4 . . L ' " Cik. BA5 Pl; Q+"X 17 ¢' I.. . . OR HOLDOWN PER PLAN O 11C8"`CDASt . c Q< . 1 ,, s..: L, u �, _ SEE-ARCH. ... , - ,, . : n . \r � � : '1 1 3/ �t DIA°.x. 1 O CONC. SLAB W ''. SLAB w • '. . ', 1 CONC. •W.F. ,6 X 6-10' 10 2 X P UftE TREATED " / Sib ALK , W.W.F. 6 X 6-100 . • 1: : : I , ',.,. R AN .OR fi 2 . • ;:.. _.....:j ,.,� R - 4" COI+1C. �:J ;_.W . .. X X X SHEAR WALL'EDGE NAIL PER PLAN , . SEE GRADIN 11V,W. 6 tf iQ , O � �. "� O oP � I I - .._:: ... •--:x . X .- �=-•X. X' x X .. ; , W.W.F: 6 X 6-�1A 1 pRYAI� 1 4,. O Q O a r • V' 30174 . •: . ' • . is `o e. n -:...,- SAND 5 MI . • • . .y, . }•. �. i �! yY/ 4 Q I ! 2 SAND w/ 6 M14 ., ' a. . . V LO VAPOR BARRIER •Y1;1P.OR BARRIIs�. ' , ,P."�,,,'"'''`,c�".`r` '' h. ;, : .. 1• • T'r n '.y • . - � zZ . .� . . VAPOR 13AR'RER s J O ,, S MIL VAi? . .. --=---T--- BARRIER W ' Mr�y♦ a . OZicW ` EINE. t SKI - T. & B. Cyt: t Q O 4 v EINE. � �_ 2 . . COL. C. �REIW.:. PER PLAN , � '� . rz � POST C.LC p ? W V P PER PLAID FTfi:, C.. „ , � 1' . . I • PER LAN ' IY J • .. r SCALE SCALE : ,� SCALE , coca. F : - o Y , •; POST FTG. 1O POST/FTG. 1 WALL/FTG. 1 .. J �qb,1 �tl 1 �i y ,� ' ,.), / NTS . NfiS, .r < `, , t : k • • . ... . 4 i.:. _ . . .. . .. . .I- .. . v •..__ . .. _. 7 3 _ ..-_ . ., . . , :, �I. PFR' PLAN` .. _ .._ -• • . . . . •• . . . , .• I ! , . I . L . . . i _ . . . I . . .. .. t .DM. PER PLAN .. .. , . . . .. . .. . :' tj .% :' _ 'ti .A ..1. •. ANY,.Qf ••.M',�j Mr.1 YMIII a i r -,,. . ,fit 'A�, .. r; ,: : .. `\':\. 1 r .. ", :' C'POSfi CAP . • . , I , i 'i ,\ , 1iti . •• . . / P �la : ' ) .].' .11 : 1 -1 L•'1', ., s1' ei:AN.. 6 X 6 P03fi is „ 87RAP •f�ER �' .; ,, . U ,'. , . 3 . t 1, • • f, ?, is ,... .. .. I c,,' OAAWN . . k . . I , /. t- 1 . ala' ` ' i . .. .,• M5T48 -8 '.' •AN p d' 1r./ '"I . , '1 . v. ` ,, , , ,. . fir. CMOCKID ! }� < ;,E Tt ! .,. rr ., •.1 ':M v Y L. i .t ' r ,I p 1. 1, 1 ! RA , , 4 :. ., CTP' A CW r .,'. 1 I1 'i . . 1 l• a. ,i a E D ,P �."�• H FR ,. A PLAN r r ; .i .p' 3. 't. '. .`,. /' . " a'i .f �CALt ,.. . , :.:. :. J... i i .. , , '.Yl. 'i, , . , J '. •k `' ,. Gln..1. I `.,,, ','-.,. ,- -'! k .I r . JCl� NO. pD'S TC AP, 4 i. I 1 COL. PER tit AN. L I ! 17 i �i t t 1 . �lIOtT . I �• . I POS?.PER:�'W' , .' I I • I,. .: 4 ,. 11, .. /'. µ. . p 3 C ,, 1 . ,r , ', p C'" 1 r.,v Ni it�e. 1. - ♦,, A", , l. ' . ri 1 '',- , ._a6 . . . '.1. .., ,. \ i 7 . y .A'>� 1 a' •� $ n 0 11 _ t• ",.. .� ,t ,4,'r .. ,. 1 YI { �1 G h r 3 al'S: y': \. T I j . . IY yra 1• 1Y } k' 1 IV• �w. }ff r . 4 y t, 5. r u { ti ?A t I p1 �'_' ��/ TS r A 4' t I. H s' H ''�7 -� tom, �;,: o I� s 0 1 ' �� ;�41.�. •. ' i .I��. /\may, •1 ' f 'UI •� .�'f . 1' i .r , K. ,.. i 'S r/r s• w.�=. '31:1 . �:: POST WEADER - w 1`�� A 'Yn �i �'- !' t ., ' 'fir 4Q i.r' 1. `rni ,'fIR♦,lt .[es• �•. . PRIRTED ON CLEARPRINT 10DOH ... . .., a 11 T 1 21 m I 3I 41 I 51 I h81 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 iLtt �'RO".IrI�UC REVISIONS sv 1 y q?#f P4'lNl�. + �q :NACL Od 2t4 MJIT OUB=LOAKERS' //1" R4 . 8-8d Td8 N p Q p A1' k S AN[t "4Y LD O 94 Q.C. TO SECOND RAFT/} .. 1:, 4 .x .�)(- ' • 2 s c! 2x s,'LL �C,ciT� ItaI.RAFi /'3-e# to CGta ' troTOH Ft e� fwt •1�/ -lea f tri[. PNit �. R r�✓ ����. PURUN,,. SZe'AS'N.R.) 11 o ;w Ip�AtE 4riK r _ T BRAtE Ga o� C G -G' • . 2x4 O 4' 11 t L /101i �NA11.` CE.Tty , x s ll b 6 l Cp tic 1:J, w -�I ' p�yr: ' e�+. il eRAc -�", ,i L, , t ; ! , Il f `.� , p" NUFTER,TO.,'C,J. W/LU*Ild..e1'��f U.NA. R �O�E POM '4771C'ArnC MT p VE ST I� b P98 CODE Urrj�». J. r�.�• �„ i I :,hnl REa k-)") gx PASCUSOR " - ------ __.._ .-. ; • . ? AS OETAB, r ' RACE • BL kc.. • „t. 2' 4 .- • • ---- NOTCH 8 ►/ MAX' f t•• •• �•N' r SIMPSON A35 0 24. '0 C 20X446BR ' ,O l G _ 2X ORIPPLES ,O ta" O.C. 18` MAX. sBIPsoN A35 O 24. O.C. DBI. 2X TOP PUTS ' coC. 45 MIN. �" '1 1 % ; I DBL TOP PLATES W/ 1050 2X BLK(L 0 48' O.C. u '�✓�E o(fNJ ovo.Tlorq EA. END OF SPLICE W/ N0� 2X .PLATE W/ �> ) ADJACENT SPLICE VNTHIN 6-O' 18d O a' O.C. 9 , c IXf. FINISH PER PUN 2X END C.J. W/ ISO M >: 18d 0 B" it 75fiiil. PER.PL,a n1 .' 1 ,, PRO � 4 121' AT EXPOSED W�Ki To BLOCKINGIrD.C.D. B.rJ p � ' PROV. 1 X TAdi $ G.1 G•1 2X C.J. PER PUN hI �— �> ! � I �. _ C J. PER P (LAp:ABOVE wAu.�PUN nSNEAR PMEL PLAN AS REWD W 8-18QSEE U.N.O.) 2 M 1211 + LOAD BEARING WALL DBL 2X TOP PUTS W/3-16d PER BLACK ouced K M its • 7 ��-L� � r�N� 2 TYPICAL EAVE 3 TYP.RAKE / SHEAR TRANSFER 4 BRACE TO RAFTER j • ----------- O WL nNISHINO MATERIAL HIP BEAM SEE PUN HP, RIDGE, OR VALLEY PER PLAN n SHEAR PANEL PER PLAN DBL. STUD OR POST Q� ( W/ E.N. TYP. ) SIMP HL 78 W s COUNTER FLASHING I & 0 v Bd EA. .N. y 1 X 4 NAILER j JST.$TO STUD 3-18d EA. STUD SIMP. 5? 2113 B.N. 2X BLK'G W 4'-0" it til FLASHING F/ F 9.N. RIDGE SEE PUN lit r. ot COVIO ROOF'G. ( _ SIMPSON H2 OR I I STO 807H SIDE UNDERLAYMENT u r lit Q 4X4 KING POST j . ROOF SHT'0, ' + ASTPER PLAN JST, PER .PLAN • I �},��.. .. SIMPSON A33 OR - 18d 0 8' 16d 0 W STB BOTH SIDE ,� ft00R FRAMaIB tad 0 18' 1x4 LET-IN n DBL. SND Oft POST + - -- RIBBON W/2-84 I I ( W/ E.N. TYPE ) 2 X 8 LEDGER SHAPED NAILS EA. STUD 3..�g� SIfAPSON•MST 48 OR 50 W/ EACH 5RD A Fu � ELS STRAP)ARd1ND 8c i"� 81 114AS. TO FLOOR FRAMING 2 X RAF='�~ SIMP. U24 BEAM EIL PER PIAN BELOW ) KO Q�pFESSIpNgI , WHERE WALL NOT CONT. o PR ' 2X4STUDS WL , 47490�T m 6 ROOF TO WALL 7 BALLOON "'FRAMING 8 HIP/RIDGE 9 KING 'POST 10 ;10LDOWIV cr * EXP. 1231 Lu .4 `s'!,➢T 'GIVII OPS WOOD BEAM PER PIAN SOW,BLOCKING SIMPSON S? 292 OR EQ. STRAP F OF CArF 2X4 SILL PLATE EA. SIDE WHEN DBL PLATE IS DOUBLE STUDS-SEARING/NON BEARING 1/8 DEPTH Of JOIST MAX(TTP, T de B) AL EQUAL S1M05or► 5-r NOTCHED OR BORED. I 1/3 DEPTH OF JOIST MAX. EQUAL EQUALL*t ' I O ,:---- 2.1 do. HOLE MAX. FOR 20 STUDS71 . JOISTtet. 3 �HSOIE FOR 2X8 STUDS ' F105T 4*r NON OF-ARM STUDS Q ' PUSH BEAM SEE PLAN n r ' ED4E DISTANCE Q 3/8 MIN. DBL. PLATES --� DROP BEAM P€.� 2.1 dta. WXE MAX. FOR 2X4 STUDS ,� + .• 3.3 ftHOLE MAX. FOR 2X8 STUDS c. m BORE MAX, 80 X. O Z d 2X SIDS 1.4' MAX, NOTCH FOR 2X4 STUDS DRILL. 1 28 die. HOLE BEFORE W4*IN0. 0 � i osT 12 LMI MAX.0 MAX NOTCH FOR 2x8 STUDS EXCEEDH�/4 DEJOIST �PTFL "� (,ej 3 in 14 W000 POST ( A�� �ww"e o�UF�En� O .NO NOTCHES WITHIN MIDDLE 1/1 OF ' Oen Z �„ co SIMP. ST STRAP PER PLANSPAN OR AT CANTILEVER MEI BM t0 WOOD BEAM �2�-'l7LCj$•I!OST SEE PLAN DfTERICR/f)FA�NG STUDS DOL TOP PLATE rl SIMP. ST STRAP PER PUN k 3/8". MIN. EDGE DISTANCE. Z to 1.4' did. HOLE MAX. FOR 2X4 STUDS FOR 2X8 STUDS (2)-2X OR P051 SEE PLAN TOP PLATES 2.2' dta. HOLE MAX. BORE MAX.•40 X (60 X IF DBL STUDS). D :t t0 W . 7/8' MAX.. NOTCH FOR 2X4 STUDS o O +may 1.40 MAX NOTCH VA . 2TCNFOR 2X8 STUDS 5 % W tL tj POST PER KLAN IF BEAM SPLICED OVER SUPPORT LY NAILSSIMPSOSON X224 W/ 8-18d Q 12 CONNECTION DETAIL 13 FLASH BEAM 14 POST TO DROP BEAM 15 HOLES AND NOTCHES o METAL TRIM .I IM R-13 INSULATION / WINDOW WALLBOARD WINDOW S/8" GYPSUM BUILDING PAPER METAL TFC SCREEN GLASS WWALLBOARD '.� SCREEN 5 8" GYPSUM. 5/8.1' GYMETAL TRIM ! se ' s 8" GYPSUM GLASS WA.UOARD ALUMINUM SUDING WINDOW SILL w STUCCO CORNER =-I WALLBOARD CORNER BEAD .... • DEAD ri WINDOW FRAMING E • " S i r, 2X WD. TRIM SHAPED- 4 R-13 INSULATION �, ,:, KRAFT PAPER :�. R-13 INSULATION WINDOW Fl{1SIHING , e e EXT. CEMENT PLASTER' OVER , IYTPr CcAnLL.• •• ' ' METAL LATH & WATER `r' •t s. PENETRATION FLASHING f " PROOFING MEMBRANE TYP. 3 8 GYPSUM _ EXT CEMENT PLASTER OVER L DRAWN �l: dtNA' WALLBOARD . ; ^^"'�::''. I S METAL LATH & WATER S 8" GYPSUM ••�;.i , • . HEAD ":.y'• PROOFING MEMBRANE TYPE > WALLBOARD t" CHECKED r .� PENETRATION FLASHING ,.;i SCREEN, • ' EXT. CEMENT PIASTER OVER c; v SCREEN KRAFT PAPER WINDOR .c:� + KRAFT PAPER DATE METAL LATH & WATER CEMENT PLASTER OVER FLASHING METAL DRIP SCREED R-13 INSULATION WINDOW RiEjAI,.TRIM PROOFING MF.MSIiANE TYPE METAL LATH & WATER ' t PROOFING MEMBRANE TRIM e• SCALE 1YP. w ,Y R-13 INSULATION - M��- 16 N �. STUCCO CORNER GLASS s ' . IkSHINko G t, BEAD EXT, CEMENT PIASTER.OVER �1 a uMINUM suDlNo METAL LNR. & WATER [ JOB NO. t, WINDOW HEAD BUILDING PAPER TYP. ,x: PROOFING MEMBRANE TYP. ' NO r. i u E�10ET n �&BRAF �it�t MEM TYP:�---• • , t . "SUDING SL c r N a;II��I. SLIDING WINDROW:' SI L At, SLID'N' WINDOW - JAMS 19 ALUM. SLIDING ,;WINDOW JAMB I� VAI 06W . HFAp . 17 �1.;,. �- ; . 1 $ .' ALUI��.,15l�IDINO 'WINDOW HEAD 20 ALUM. SLIDINQ •WANDOW SILL �1 � D1� SHEET. ON CLEARPRINT I000H MIMES 4 rT1 s I �I 11 I 2) I 3� I 41 �� 5 h13� 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 131 14, 15 n >� i ' SN 4'-0" MIN LAP BETWEEN 5N 5N UPPER 4 LOWER PLATES SEE FOUNDATION EN EN EN 'N' N' 'N' 'N' PLAN FOR FOOTING EN EN (NUMBER OF WIDTH(W) & DEPTH(D) 4X4 POST a a EN NAILS / BOLT5 P05T BASE • 1 . EACH LAP) • EN • EN 5N [•� EN EN El> FINISH SURFACE 5N (Y n n 4 a > o o0 EN @ JOINT (5TA6GER) —� B C JOINTS IN PLATES TO BE 1 a o'a TOP PLATES A B 5N CENTERED OVER 5TU05 m > ; o < • - OR MULLIONS a HOLD DOWN P05T /t JOINT STUD PER — (NUMBER) W SHEAR WALL SGHED 5N MARK N CONNECTOR PER PLAN • • ' EN EN EN MINIMUM [12] 2 ROW5 OF 6 [Ibd] GONG FOOTING 2")' IN E06E 0 ❑ ❑ EN P15TANGE TYP TYPICAL TOP PLATE SPLICE U,O.N. TYPIGA�L POST/FOOTING DETAIL 5N [] EN EN EN E O 6 STUD PER 5N HOLD DOWN PLAN TYPICAL SHEAR WALL INTERSECTION W/ HOLI:)OWNS ANCHOR FN --OE PER PLAN F BN 8N B.N, 2X4 VERT EA,SIDE OF R.R. SHAPED X EN BLKG EN PLATE FRMG, FILL ROOF RAFTERS NOTES: (5TA66ER) 3/8' PLYWD 2X4 STUDS 2X4 VERT. EN 1) FOR ITEMS NOT NOTED SEE PLAN 4 SHEAR WALL 5GHED. w/ sd @O C e 16' O.C. EN S SHR PLAN PNL./ 2) MINIMUM PANEL DIMENSION 15 1'-O 2X4 W/ 3-16d Z 3) USE FULL 51ZE PANELS WHERE POSSIBLE. 0 EN�' RA�FTER51 CLO. 4) FIELD NAILING (FN) @ 12" UON. .101575 EN 5) [3x] SOLID BLKG @ HORIZ JOINTS. 0 B.N. kIRPER ED- ___vA_ SN 2X6 ® ICLG. JSTS. Q O/G. 7GyW D] Q 2X BLOCKING X FRMG, PER TS, T �lJ DPLAN SECTION X — X W h TYPICAL SHEAR WALL INTERSECTION 2X BLOGK a TYPICAL SHEAR WALL ELEVATION O/G.35 ® 24 3 � W/ NO HOLI�OWNS I VEN.. , . � 2X BLKG, 2X4 STUDS W/ 'A35'/BLK. 24'— @ 4'@ 16' O.C. W/ (U,O,N,) B.N. EN. J 2 SHEAR WALL h I 18 ✓ 4 PER PLAN E,N, EN, 2X PLATE W/ 2X W/2-A6d 16d'S @ 4' PER MEMBER 4XP05T, MIN O.C. BEAM/ PLAN, — 1 ® 4S BEAM/ PLAN, 16d NAILS OR V 3 o.G. I /e M.B. W FRAMING/PLAN Z /2 � Q 2 (D (5) SD NAILS EA. END OF BRACE. SLAB OR GONG HPAH022 O FOUNDATION O 0 60 DEGREE MAX. 2X BLK'G. 16 17 �3 5PLI0E OVER CENTER OF STUD. ROO�4 4'-0" MIN, LAP W/(4) IGD NAILS. - PER DIAPH. B.N. PER PLAN 22 8 O FIREBLOGKING AT MID, HT. OF ALL 2X BLOCK W/ A35 @ 24" O/ WALLS OVER V-O" HIGH, (2) IOD BN BN X E.N. oQaoFess�o'� Y 2z]VERT ES OF 2X4'S SHAPED NAILS EACH END OF FIREBLOGKIN6. BLKG Q 60 T' MIN. EMBEDMENT IN CONCRETE. ROOF RAFTERS ROOF RAFTERS w 47 0 EN PER PLAN * up. 12-31--d 2X4 0 16" MATCH WALL ��qr CiviL 5 15 0 2 X STUD & TRIMMER MIN. AT JAMS. EN 2X PLATE W/ Fof SEE FRAMING PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL s BELOW c 16d ® 4" O/G OF 'MST60' STRAP SUPPORT. 2x BLKG SN EN A35/ BLOCK EQUAL EQUAL --2X4 VERT. OS 5" MIN. q" MAX,. FROM SILL END. E.N, 4X BLKG @STRAP 6O N PLYWOOD TRUSS BEAM SIMP, 'MST60'2 X SILL W/ A35 EACH END. C ] EN X 13 CEILING JOISTS E.N, I� (3) 16D END NAILS. SECTION X - X TOP PLATES 14 12 SPLICE PER SCHED SHEAR WALL 2X GEILIN6 I I II 16D NAILS AT 24" MAX. 0/C W(2) IGD JOISTS W/ 6" BEAM WHERE PER PLAN, NAILS EA. STUD II'-6" OR LE55 & OCCURS (FULL HEIGHT) OVERLAP d 6X6 P05T (3) 16D EA. STUD OVER II '-6". 5-16d NAILS DBL STUD TYP TOP PLATES PRAM DATE 12 TYFR P. SOLID LINTEL, SEE PLANS FOR UON ON PLAN 51ZE. FRMG. FILL 13 5/5" DIA. X 10" A.B. @ 46" MAX. O/C. ENGINEER DATE O w/ 2X2X3/16" STEEL WA5HER5. 29 Rev. PATE APPR. L ROOF DIAPH. 1 10 14 3 X P.T.D.F. SILL. 1/2' PLYWD 2X4 STUDS B,N, PER PLAN STUDS, PER W/ 8d @ 4' @ 16" O.C. 2 2x SCAB PLATE 5TUD 15 STUD TO SILL TOE NAIL (2) IOD NAILS 4 - Ibd EA END PLAN O.C. 3 EACH SIDE. PLATE TOP OF E'N 4 SLAB 5 16 2 X 5TU05 AT 16" 0/0, 11 111 2X BLOCK B.N. 2X BLOCK ® 6 16" O/G EA, SIDE FRMG. PER W/ A35 ® OF DRAG RAFTER 7 17 (2) bD NAILS PER STUD. AB W/ PLATE WASHERS T' MIN INTO GONG PLAN 24" OIC, (1/4 x 2 1/2 x 0'-2 I/, (WHERE CURB OGGUR5 8 ADDL LENGTH EQUAL 2X PLATE /6 PER PLAN / DETAILS FRMG, PER ROOF RAFTERS Ibd ® 4" O/G IS I X 6 DIAGONAL LET-IN BRAGS AT EA. TO CURB HT) PLAN PER PLAN �, 1 ( I'k 5 Iq �1 CORNER 4 25'-0" MAX. 0/0. 5" MIN x 5" MIN O zd A35' TYP. z_ 12" MAX 12 ' MAX A35/ BLOCK ! NOV ��� I , . r O E.N. E.N. F iv 2X BLKG. 2X4 STUDS W/ 'A35'/BLK, -_ `�' N 0 @ 16' O,C. (u,O.N ) J L 2" MAX EA PROJECT 0No.0-0013 \—PANEL PER PLAN TYP E.N. 2X PLATE W/ 16dAT GORNER AT INTER5E6TIONAT SPLICE O.C, 6• 2X GEILIN6 D.C. SHEAR WALL JOISTS W/ 6" PER PLAN, OVERLAP h TYPICAL WALL FRAMING DETAIL I BEAM/ PLAN, (FULL HEIGHT) WHERE OCCUR 5-Ibd NAILS sl+EEr (D. 1 I .... . �. 51- ` _ � _, � m- 10 11 12 13 14, 15 3 7 11 j I A AAIVI*lcNs my 10 1y v t d � MFr � 2��1- GI -rel- �''' .���► a�. s UP 91 LTINO SANITARY DISTRICT 0 65 Stevens Creek Blvd., Bldg, C DER: Cupertino, California 95014 CHB _ . t© AEF: _ \ ? I r` < Vl vD File: _ I err ['��•'' T � .. , `�l-'�'{+�'.�•1 �� fi �. r r rli � ��r�� — � — .— ii♦_ir—,�� MY yflY ifW'IYIIWW(� rill OVER THE COUNTER REVIEW' -. _....___�.__..._ . ..__...___ ..m•..--.-_-r_.�___.�.__..._._.... MIM Date: — w IQ—ev IGO I ¢ ry I f ao • File: Cu D • MOP 2'5�o I V d ' Buildi ig Dept-Cupertino � � ! nn Community Developm nt Department • Building -4 -� - 6. yt /i ' I OQPOFESS/ 0 , F- 'V Cit of Cupertino —'-- 10300 Torre Ave. z W M aper mo, CA 95011-3202 Re: Subject: ICGSI re `tiQQrE{' � ► � * EXP. 12,3j 9O � Name: on ` j / s Q� * O e q �9 �/ Address: le(, 8 S 44aC r r y 6-�� i \\o �4T CALIFO� �L APN: �It'o -02 ^009 / l 4 ���' G7' s ,i�, ' "r I �Aai�6r �� W Control/Plan Ck No: 9$9 9 ` Permit No: 49 O O ¢ O 0 9 3 I �/ • f✓jf ! I (yCfl%PI-i �F I / I � The Cupertino Sanitary District has reviewed the plana for the subject project: � — r � � kL b the District, 0 No additional conditions/requirementsy is available and the existing building is connected to sanitary sewer, see i = PDI TI -- _I auFESS/0 Sanitary sewer g g ( I M conditions/requirements listed below. `PR I K ,.. j�. f,. ` 1 m C Sanitary sewer is (not) available, see conditions/requirements listed below. ! Ign I I �! ! i� No. 47 9 The following Conditions/Requirements are made: EXP. 1231- ;, C Cupertino Sanitary District Fees or Permits are required for the subject . V— improvements please do not issue any building/grading permits C Plans shall be reviewed by the Industrial Waste Division of the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant,Phone 945.3000 for questions arid to schedule an plan appointment. Please Do Not Issue permits until pretreatment recommendations have I = r been forwarded to you by the District. I a r I - - - Locate and raise to grade a property line cleanout (verify serviceability if existing.) 0 Install a backflow protective device (verify serviceability if existing.) . ( � �+►�+ IS I I C D D Break areas authorized minor electrical appliances only. 1 - 0 No commercial disposal or commercial dishwasher installations. 0 No added lab/office equipment which results in additional wastewater discharge. ..................................................................................... _ 1-.. A I ,I 0 Other: ................................ — N.. `� Storm water from surface or roof drains, other general surface runoff water or condensate from any _— t1 - residential HVAC equipment shall not be discharged to the sanitary sewer. r ,� ,� l•�r:4�•rCra y _ o� I I ----.� \N' ;�• � � \, �. 5 ' MIN. I To. r Ica 6-6 r�r I. ��'' ,i ; 430 V,tllt Vr tuv II naat,wn, -' )ANIn 1..nM Wv4I i� y0.TVM1.•�• J I J sooK PAaE I AIR h�G IJL ' JI Inc( ' iit •1 ' ) _ .,....._. ..__.. ... .. ... ..... .. ... _. .-,p.+r.!!P:_1�n•T:T!rT+e-+P. _-.-.ir—R.n. ...( _---•'-va^^n4-T.r ...... .. .... _. I//� • . ISG JUNIPERO SERRA FREEWAY 2. I 8 � pp�� � h • ' ' ,_•-_, IS ...�._•_____ ._..__...»..-_._^_"____-_'_"'._._,.....,__...... _....-...v. r.,..*•♦m•r,.+...-..._.vr+,.....:,ti!.n�. -. •_. ....•..-..,..-.w•.+e.r._- ..w•.•.._«m..,_......,._.�.._._.-..__._.. _—'•___.._....mow �, �,a. �.• • �r7 .ri 4-1 �— LUCILLE T -1 AVE.TRAC VIUADIAarA 1 W 1 s - - -- - - -� a� ;R 7sK N1QXI�r�C �1\/IIJG �,+�. : I'S 17 �4• Fr m S Lot 7 , // ' t� \ 7 ,. ! . 27 77 74 Ifs IT r �r S 43 lir II I I .r y1 �1`� ,�AIJI r o�) - i LA, J COMMON AREA �,ww�.� u„•tu,l dr 611 {+ to 7[ ,7149 � ;p S iU 1 ' rQr •'L �I�INty 7 cl� {��* S "31 ct�Q .C'� �SiLar s y uq�14 t It4tiyh `1e \ ----- -=-- ------51 $I 4a `` rr I / , 1 ISt �°C�r N '. eZ IF SS,7o 14 ie u. A Q b , : I I �tMar>• I an Ac. t 6E n '�4p1 . 1 ------ -- n p --- e7 g kOtt 9f 40 'A ,� < 1e a111-4 t G , ' ,;0.°,r•utr, ' , y 64 N$� V 41 w ff p o 1! 17 7 F = �, `fir, L �,� �, OTAW C uw'tua)S1 7 r 1 as I --- 3 Y e y Zt'.� 1v rC7 tL !i z ELal ---- --` -- - --- 689kNET Llttl'�ttlOM) 1+ �. 11 I1 6 , . O 2 ♦ to W �I I UJ I <w ! ,1 °�K t`i /i e a le o d 27 44 yr i� k------- q �,H�CKtO.. BK 8baa-ln-,. Y P I1I 6011 k 3 r 9/ 43 141f k 6a 4 4770AC NET �S� 7 =1 Lor 1 S,' I __ ___ ___ _ _. Y _ Q ,, STORM RUN-OFF SHALL DRAIN TO LARRY WAY. I LO Ac, LOT a •:I ---- a F1o.e1 Ar �I t 1 _ •---- ROS rP9NI Z ' ..� I ' p ' ' ` T■ J C a ( s N rf k p 20 44 ae 4J p ID r SCALE I •400' ,ADD THESE NOTE9 TO OIIAOINOISITE PLAN.SOILS ENGINEER TO BTAMP AND SIGN GRADING PLAN: © "' I�� �Vf� •. - ♦ • .OA ayya1I cc INFINITE LOOP ru I a (p,L `a _ 9 X (h S se g r � c 2_9 K a1 EO a1 u ; ,� 1.Civil Engineer or Solis Engineer.to review all grading end submit a final report to the City prior to occupancy. r (�7 tmataa I 1 --- CLIP orf �� i ? r �r Nlt,o t I A - Yt• --- ---� '• I 10.01 �-t�ttl "t°trl erg q ?! 46 T st r 41? rt 2,Compaction reports end pad elevation certiAeallon are required on ell bulking pad work. N!0 e W! 3.Contact Public Works, for drainage and final rade inspection. s 2 uertn�o« .. .. _ 9 g• p• tk ,Z„ 1. wl `. tlL U1aN.r'U_.E � ..e4u� n li� 21 4 ' is V F•qb r V 47 i v v • b 61 17 V. ', Ila. I 4.Contractor is responsible for dust control end insuring the area adjacent to the work Is in a dean condition. k, +; �J,dSQ 'DQTti : , a JOr /09 L04 nc I I - -- -- " • -' ti,Ths Contiactor shall roview standard detail S 4 on tree prdtection prior to accomplishing any work or removing any trees. 11..: j A,rS y i Se!6 k N 4e 41 41 r 6Q 14 E �� =i'"'a NOW �1 ___._ �? ____ ..____ y _____ 0,All grading shall be done in accordance with the Solis Report prepared b pp�� dated (IIs no. i eu'tttten Lie ) I ��t,2 . o Y n� "' $"NET 67 F ,� PCL. 1 IL� / 54 J d Y'I 7a "9 70 f9 IG - J 7 All storm line!netelletlonwith elopes less then 2%shall be carolled by the Civil Engineer �LVQ + �� ,4 J Is , B All n-eke sanitary sewer linea and laterals shell be sutiJpct to bulking departments approval prior to Ins talialbn. ,� r ' z d 0 /Q3 I �--- AVE. — .!m I' -ng . 4 "- - - _ I>at. e D y j 6 €1 D g.Utilize Best Management Practices(BMP's),ss required by lhe'State Water Resources Control Board,for ANY activity which disturbs soil. L PDQ 11 4,1 b I PR\AN PM,s30.M-2 , 61 ° 12 10,A work schedule of grading and Erosion d Sediment Control Plan shall be provided to the City engineer by August 15,NO gradinglo be 11 { - s M MERRITT Cuua AVE performed between October t to April 15 I vl P.M.409 M-17P.M. IMRI ANA AVE, t 11"1ZTOK:- to 111 M M �( P.M. 643-M- 34 erA A I" 1" 11.All roof drains and or downspouts shell be drained sheet flow 2%away from thea Nillding and collected by drainage irlet connected to pub I/a SUi.COA (AMENDED) o T 1999-1000 �' •` Q QpF �N"_d ,1�0'Id ti a 71 ur«cncr EASSrS4011 etoliTl drain fedlity. PRINTED ON CLEAIIPRINT IOOOM T_T 1 1 i I I 21 I 3I I 4 5 I h81 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 i � . ■ REVISIONS my ! I , A 1 6\.I V 1� d V Q rr M1� 1 d Z ., I I t 'c N 'v .r,, ,.w.....-.+.....•-..+.•.wow.•wwr.+.m.nnv:a..vsnm�":a-.-'-:r..,T:-'....,....... ...... .. ......... -.._ _,. UP TINO SANITARY DISTRICT DePin PR K o g 0 65 Stevens Creek Blvd., Bldg. C DER: 4 r Cupertino, California 95014 CHB: v I ` C' AEF: \�q ! r` y 03R 9 'Zn °� ` Pl File: �/ �/ ' 47490 :u' I a EO 4�� - � .« int"■ rr"L w. �. •� .� r��+r 1 .i - - aw,rr .alarsrMrarAa� it XP 1231 I OVER THE COUNTE REVIEW' ^18_oD ----" MIN . _ s9 N Date: Qi i sIly CIVIL 0�� File: Cu D -MOP I �N � • 7 1 � 2 7I-o A. CA4% w a Buildi g Dept-Cupertino _� W d �i Community Developm nt Department _ Building I� �/ i rIOAJ Sc City of Cupertino :� Gx�.j"10N ;~�.• '/�l✓ __ _.w.• t- —_� I I of �dd 6/,4C 10300 Torre Ave. , % 'I { Z` v aper 9no, CA 95011-3202 J�/ � � - Lll Re: Subject: '2e S1 Prf�OSTW i ` M Name: 1-dA e yJ i I �� O IV Address: g'5- )4_ r r / APN: 1(0 -0 2 �O D 9 rr r r A. Control/Plan Ck No: 9 9 if Permit No: 6 O 0 ¢ 0 The Cupertino Sanitary District has reviewed the plans for the subject project: - 4 ❑ No additional conditions/requirements by the District. . PDI'�or�l Sanitary sewer is available and the existing building is connected to sanitary sewer, see t j I • I I I-I M v�OfE'Sl0 I /• - .. ® .fig 5�'G. ✓"aI, � � 4 ''r' conditions/requirements listed below. J �I 1 ` 1.•�f i\` in 0 Sanitary sewer is (not) available, see conditions/requirements listed below. EXP1231 The following Conditions/Requirements are made: . • # , r 0 Cupertino Sanitary District Fees or Permits are required for the subject - 1 fi CAL improvements please do not issue any buildinglgrading permits , i + -•. reviewed b the Industrial Waste Division of the San Jose/Santa Clara ❑ Plans shall be y � ,,, Water Pollution Control Plant, Phone 945.3000 for questions and to schedule an plan I - - ' -1 ' __ appointment. Please Do Not Issue permits until pretreatment recommendations have ! � I yr • � � i , been forwarded to you by the District. i c .. ..� ' - - --• - - - Locate and raise to grade a property line cleanout (verify serviceability if existing.) 0 Install a backflow protective device (verify serviceability if existing.) J C.. Ll _ ❑ Break areas authorized minor electrical appliances only. -~- _ 0 No commercial disposal or commercial dishwasher installations. ❑ No added lab/office equipment which results in additional wastewater discharge. Ui 1`��. � I� � � •�IJ u` ^f'-�1� �(�\ ❑ Other: ............................................................................................................................... ........ Q zp 1 •-�2 N.. /.� /' i ?,1 v !J C &R a,& Storm water from surface or roof drains, other general surface runoff water or condensate from any HVAC e discharged tthe sanitarysewer. equipment shall not be discargeo e . I ! 1 r G residential q p •'•n C � .; �/ _ ; I (0� `��� ( � I 1o'r'L`I' �i'�C9 �G.�t '• �.�/�d��� , � �-•1 �,n: ( Loc.,�, -� S I I -------� �N' �• � �,,� \ `'•`S = I �i MIN. � I All I y \ ' utrke U. Wunl+ nannww, ,nn,e u.nge wun,i, VIWVKWT ' BOOK PAse v • r' `� ,�. �:, v 3Co -e� -� ."v - e 316 CD 1 11 F .ET �,�I. ,< � � r i x = Q ; 11 01x!, e,. 1-! •>' ., ,F ,��1 } �� . ;I �s.✓ Heo p NEIL cv�1 _ I' ._fin �l U ' ElC: ' �` '• JUNIPERO SERRA FREEWAY •� � h 40 II ,. R � PATA 6AR4G9 � -26 _ LUCILLE _ "1 AP111 VIWI0EAN4A 1 IIIIIIIIIN a a N w , �...I r .x'��''f t.". �f�l�� T4tf� Ja'� = I:,J IZ • �r If � r::J - 1{t'i'F' i• S_ 7 4 7R 7S p N �Q a E TJ I t'���5�J �/'J/�'' (,�/^'� �_+� 1 1 �S•.,�) f���\Jr��,Q�� ��yr��! � II/ ' elf M^ ..`:_21 U__4'K.�!_ C.. Zoe r-•^' ' - _ rI V.{.O. �" � �: � �o �Et� NEI.'.( J k u_ e \\\ T r; Ir » SE 13 R r 1/ f - 43 _. m LOT 7 `?^ . COMMON AREA ,•n6S f n k 56 is . SI 43 F 7p A A �r� 27 ----------- 5111011 ---- LOT: Is W 1^t, r+°+_, E. s . 93 » x i� e a A V 5 , fr- AI,/e.rrr Ac.{I pd�' d Lnli' 1 \ ,_, '� a .�..t. 4_�. ».C..l...,�.u'Mt�... . T Sol ', n y 1 ,o a �� 2 < ` a_c _ 1 rF"� I Ili j, 1 I or - -- o > I!0.N ntuvl ' it U h I< V 41 n 4j p o K 97 r E "' -C/'' �1.�.,ii•,• �•�1 �� _ �V AW a a I I{aa.+N,xI .I IkeI! l --- --` - - 3 - --- 689 A NET T Y LIrl Be�<r if � '.'Orli Is VVVJ11 61 (7 A ° a 2P Aa 97 f7 !t 6s r : MIN W C' t1J C. _ HRt=KNo. eu'�ItWrI ° - 3: ------------ BK 1 I e l rf�.a-Zn ,. ` rJ1I I I I y Il 13 n 9/ a ,s sji e! 9 Y 4.910hc Nit 1 in �\ vl• i ,,.:,.. 326 s S I EI 1.32 AG y 'rLOT eM' I '' -,i' ''-- =t - Rs s 11 O STORM RUN-OFF SHALL ORAIN TO LARRY WAY. {i 0.81 Ac, a eI n /! aIia r tw ort�J ; !1 n _R 0. N9/Ar SCALE.., I•<9oo' r�r�` p } I ADD THESE NOTES TO I;RADINO19iTE PLAN:SOILS ENGINEER TO STAMP AND SIGN ORAOINO PLAN: 1Q ,r Com' -.,� f�� � �e ,1 ---- ------- ---- ase:?r i :,'DAYS 1 /Nf/N/TE LOOP lu I �(p� ,� f r`'7, se r; �_ 9_9 K r EO �9 n ; na 1, Civil Engineer or Solis Engineer to review all grading and submit a final report to the City prior to occupancy, G �p7TI e / it w Fj ©I W �,•'�^ -1` a d r'x �CtbnLM gl ------ ------ --- ' 2,Compaction reports end pad elevetbn certification ere required on ell building pari work. I ? f Iv L�f-ti I i 2 j aoT r-sl..! IE �'"°uevu I rr (R rt _' 49 +5 m !/ r t7 n p b t ___ 3.Contact Pubec Works,717-3364,for drains o end final rade In cion. S I tt l it Ieu'�ASom J1110, W! s A 9 f"�1 :• `J Cop r 0: .r.� . ,t1 . C Z 11 uei anon p _ nor . Z ,f n_,f •u n't (? " x 1 ,+ ;n V r ,o sl n ; 4,Contractor Is responsible for dual control and insuring the area adjacent to the work Is bR In o dean condition. 1- 1° �� dS� .D ff Jq A Cl `L 2!1:41 rL01 •fi 1 ----- --•-- _.. - ry 104 „r ,L 108 Ile 12 I a ° 5.The Contractor shall review stand detail 8 4 on tree pMtectlan prior to ecCpmpilehing any work or removing any trees. �` � ,!2•I,;c�t(�.. . ' "+ rt1N 1•nA 'Y i Sf H k a >" RA n oI !J M i rA c+ 3 ,.• li "Oval Q __ . 6,All grading shall be done In accordance with the Soils Report prepared by -�Q"=_dot � . F ! PCL I t! Ise a wLan / , - ed ,Ale no F / 54 Lf � ?� 9 ao 14 1 . l9 IS L 7.All storm line Installation with slopes lees than 2%shall be certified by the Civil Engineer. + m yQ rd •'-- ----- \ 9`•LN'w' 1L.162'8"+iI /. / _'' e . r��,.y aAW1Q s s $ C ,3 !� 8.All on-she sanitary sewer lines and laterals shell be aubJpcl to building departments approval prior to insta6elfon. ,• ' e /� sI ss.o� —AVE. — ' _�Le" a _!1 V- 'i§^�_ - ��s 9, Utilize Beat Management Practices(BMP's),as required by the'State Water Resourcae Control Board,for ANY aclfvity which disturbs soil L PDQ + g 6 - I}� N! a;I P(l\PNS �g M, e3o•M-2 � 'K� y I s ??s! �R � £ f7 D Iq 7 10,A work schedule of fired! end Erosion d Sediment Control Plan shall be provided to the City engineer by August 16, NO grading to be T.L_'— s M c.C.11318259 r-- - r _ —' MERRITT wit?) AVE performed between October 1 to April IS cwt ,�, MARIANA AVE. Flm+hnlna.M aL 177 r h .., ,A I P.M.406•M- 17 P.M. 643-M- 34 al "r` 1 Ne. r.aaa.Nw r,�as wy 11.All roof dralns and or down spouts shall be drained shoot flow 2%away from the building and collected by drainage inlet connected to pub d (AMENDED) ° T wi999-4000 !�4 9ECr.CCR O q 0 LA [NCL E. STONE - ASSESSOR storm drain facility. [�SrtJR y�,y O� •t!�NItT,� N '9IS1� e J, R PAK= ON CLEARINII AON $' T777-T7111T����TT'�T� 1 I17TT17-T-72 m 41 1 51 I 181 �MI 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 ll 121 131 14, 15 4