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CITY OF CUPERTINO - -.PERMITNO. - HUH,D1NGDI1r`$s10N PERMIT., ' +«©NT BUILDING AY)DRESS: .« ' 'SANITARY NO. APP LA ON NlJIrr�ATE OWNER'S ME:. 1S/) �'r�' /+''1WI1'/�' II'F•' i�� LNIC AN ROLN ON' ay CHITECT/ENGINEER - - IrllL�55lfiY ,EI(Rkl'I'yINF,O s CONTRACTORS DBCI.ARAGGN - .. Oz O - 1 nerebY aRren that 1 ret licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commederng Job Description - �,y�.m weNSauon]OW)ofD' ision 3 AGE, /� Buse and professions Cade,ardney license is mfullf and elle . 0 � Lia nL¢ ISM «' aZ/3 w 3 a H Data Cenv m l C Li O; f, ARCHITECTS DECLARATION !Ye £ I,undmnard my Plans shall ha u cor used Public reds'.- - ..'a c a LicAnsed Pmfeuional t m=m - OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION - •.. - (= 2 - Thereby.111.Net 1 am emmp,tram the Contmcon License Lew for the ;, r f O following bound(Section]031 5,Business and professions Codue Any city ce county _ iwhich nary pamn m cmnhvd Alter improve,demolish r spar any mosc ns. SqFt FI OOr'AIea - - Valuation print tot tt,alw regmms the applicant for such pemdt m fl .asgnetlrumrr¢nt �OO D - that he r s licensed pursueto the provisions of the Conhu acrs license Law(Chapter 9 " ,p D . that heir;Amnthsecvan]000)ofberiesn381Neeedmamdon,Any nacme)of -AFM Number Occupancy T( e drat he is exempt Anldfrom and Ne beans far the subjects the exemption.Aciv viototian o(. Y / P Y `7 P Section]031.5 by Any red del for$pemot rubjuto the applicant to a civil pewlty of not more Nen five hundred dollars y magi. • '1 I v of Bre pmpeny.ormy employees with wages Ncv antic compenuuon.' Require Ins ecti s'� will doth. ilk d Nesoucmrc ea nrounondedrolland fmaale(Sm]0a4,Busineu _ J, and,Bruited -Cade The C.tea ea Lt.u V does..,'.p,],m An borne,a property ho bu Ida or tmprorer Merton And who does such work hint f or through O I w mpl y provided Nat each empro erneim ere or intended or offered for ! —N, We Ifhowe thbilding or improwina ti wild within one year ofcompletion Ne - Wilder will have th,burden of proving that he did not builds improve for par- � pa.4sade.) ❑1,u owner of the property,am exclusively convecting with licensed carnations to • y V •Y l conchae,the project(Sec.7044,Business and Professions Code.)The Conmetors U- cense law does not applyje a awns of p toe y who builds or improves thereon,tib _ . License mmsfar such prolecto Lith.cenwdor(0licenaed punwmm Ne Contractor'. . El IMA Law. ❑.l em comp underSu.• ,B g:P for this rcuon Owner - e Ddu .. . - WORRER'S COMPENSARON DECLARATION 1 and w affirm under perohy of perjury one of du fusuare rte dcclser's Ga p - •' I hava pro ide vfee by ecure icara,37W of do, ro ml6inrld for anis Compen- tion,as provided for by Ss i,an 3]80 of Ne Labor Code,for the yerfamonce of Ne ' - / k[a which this permit is issued. yrt¢v�have naw will ode,fon Worker's Compensation Insurance,az his pare t i Section Q]W orthe tabor Coda for the parromoenpcieaof Ne work for whichthie parent is iaeucd. ' CYWork/Is gpsetio s ce cCL „PNoY t CERTIFICATEOli"EM ONbROMWORRERS' - COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (This satin need not be completar if Ne pcmdt is Bohan hundred dollars($100) - layan,saran the Any to become for which Nis the woaiars,Co.,.. .. , nm employ anY Person in anY man' ear o he subject to the Workers'Com - seinen Le 'fomie. PP NOTICE TO APPL[C f, 'ng this Cenifina of Exemption,you should hecotnesubject to the Wolk. Compeneetien provia s of the Lebm Code,you must - • forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be darned uvoked 'CONSTRUCDON LENDING AGENCY 0 I hereby store Nm Nem is a conservation leading agency forth perfotrrunce of - - - ft,work far which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Co.C.) ai .Leve/s Name .v r sem • , I<rldef 6 AddR6e W ^� 1 certify that I kora read this application and Aum Net the above infomu,ien is . • - - )" - - 0.. building I egret w comply With ell city vis county ndeato.of this stmt lendt relating h, • • . z building condvedproAnd hereby ectitnurpose, utiles of this city to enter upon Ne - - C.) above-(We)ore property for errpectian ker,ha. 'C (W) greetoe ndemnfyand keep nosy inantheCityym ere penin ad City - - W Rablwquefi gmente to dofthiS cA which coaly lnally WAy ALCNLag01n51601d Cely '•��,�` O W ,in consequen fth grana got Nie perming ' ,APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLYWITH ALL NONPOINT ' GUTATIONS Signe..of ApplsanfiConmctm Date HAZARDOU TERIALS DISCLOSURE + Will Ne applicant or future building occupant store or handle hauNeva material Re-r O - - ' as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12.And the Heald and Safety - Codsection 25533(.) Type of Roof N. GilW II Ne applicant or future buddingacupnm use equp turd viae=Which All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being mit havN ear connmeruno udeFiined by the Bay Aces Air Quality Mao-scond installed. If'a roof is-installed without First obtaining an inspection """' I agree to remove.all new materials for inspection.•Applicant ❑Yes o s, d 3T p I w=. NehA mamrida understands and will�com 1 with all non point Source,re ulations., reap iremrnta ower Chapter 6,' of the csli p Y Y b fomie Health At Safety Cade.Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.I understood Nat if die ' � - - buildingdasnacurreml aw.tic...I'dantlsmYmsponseml'tYrona'fy the acuparq , f(n.'sayuiuniems wee ma poor iesuerce of e It erY_. Signature of Applicant DateOwner or-auNonzeifegem e 'All_roof coverings to be Class "B"or better - OFFICE LS a--,- 1012101 -1012 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR: SOUND WALL AT: APPLE COMPUTER CUPERTINO,CALIFORNIA PROJECT NUMBER: RJE00062 MAR 1 5 2000 MARCH 8,2000 ����+��' r � } I'd � ��� •/� C 4• i E ., m/ ray jay engineering IL U' consulting engineers F�crar� 102 persian drive•suite 101 (408)734-1613 sunnyvale•california•94089 (408)734-1697fax CE 22750-DECEMBER 31,2001 ray jay engineering S consulting engineers Project: Job No: Date: (o CCi Engineer: Sheet No:G- L >=I ���"1� .� ?� (,t)�� �' ICU 815 -1- Oly lois U G 5-© w tri c k Zig TArl I c(C- =��,, �-# - 'Co p A' 1�— � z u• lo�t'� T ��c�r ray jay engineering consulting engineers Project: Job No: --TDate:�,/(, /00 Engineer: Sheet No:C Z, MOM= 7-� 54- � �L000 -,c x t5 �f t oiy (OL o L i KrT i—= 14 4' '100 q�-7 OqL q-000 -A L4 4 use mfa Pran Check Dr-ision 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(403)777-3223 Fax(403)777-3333 Citti'of CUP ertin.o Building Department 9/6/96 SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING AGREEMENT Project Name: ©��e �( tt/14��_ Date: Project Address: I �tl� Bldg.Permit No:0 3 To permit applicants of projects requiring Special Inspection and/or Testing per UBC Section 1701. BEFORE A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED:The Owner,General Contractor,Project Architect/Engineer and Special Inspectcr shall acknowledge the required special inspections,testing and conditions. When determined by the Building Inspection Division,a pre-construction conference with the parties involved will be held to review the special inspection requirements and procedures. Special inspection and testing shall meet the minimum requirements of UBC 1701.The following conditions are also applicable: 1. Contractor is responsible for notification to the Special Inspector or Agency regarding individual inspections for times listed on the attached Schedule and noted on the City approved plans.Adequate notice shall be provided so the Special Inspector has time to become familiar with the project and do a thorough job for all inspections. 2. Each Special Inspector shall submit his qualifications to the City and is subject to a personal interview for pre-qualification.Special Inspectors shall display an approved identification badge when performing the function of a special inspector or upon request,and must have a valid ICBO Certification for the type of work being inspected. 3. Duties and Responsibilities of the Special Inspector are: A. Observe the work for conformance with the CITY APPROVED (stamped)design drawings and specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the UBC. NOTE:Shop drawings may be used only as an aid to inspection. B. Bring nonconforming items to the immediate attention of the contractor and note in daily report(Ref.item 4).If any such item is not resolve in a timely manner or is about to be incorporated in the work,notify the Building Inspection Division immediately by telephone(408-777-3228)or in person,and the Project Engineer or Architect. l/3 Plan Check Division 10300 Tone Avenue i Cupertino CA 9:014 Telephone(403)777-3223 Fax(403)777-3333 C. Furnish reports of tests an inspections directly to the Building Inspection Division,Engineer and Architect of record and others as designated.These reports are to include the following: Describe inspections and test made with applicable locations List all non-conforming items Indicate how non-conforming items were resolved or indicate unresolved items as applicable Itemize changes authorized by Architect,Engineer,and Building Inspection Division if not included in non-conformance items D. Insure that an adequate number of pre-qualified special inspection personnel are on the job based on the intensity of activities,quality of work being performed and the various operations occurring. E. Submit a FINAL LETTER OF COMPLETION to the Building Inspection Division stating that all items requiring special inspection and testing were accomplished,approved and reported and,to the best of his knowledge,in conformance with the approved design drawings,specifications,approved change order and the applicable workmanship provisions of the UBC.Item not in conformance,unresolved items or any discrepancies in inspection coverage(i.e.missed inspections,periodic inspections when c.:nrinuous was required,etc.)shall be specially itemized in this report. F. FINAL LETTER OF COMPLETION shall be signed by the Licensed Registered Engineer of the Special Inspection Agency of record. 4. Each Special Inspector shall complete and sign the Special Inspection Record at the job site or each day's inspection and provide a daily handwritten report in a format acceptable to the Building Inspection Division to remain at the job site with the contractor for review by the Building-Department's Inspector.Content of the daily reports shall be per Item 3C above. 5_ Work requiring special inspection and the performance of special inspection shall be monitored by the City's building inspector.City approval is required prior to placement of concrete.General Contractor shall notify(408-777-3228),24-hours in advance for each day special inspection will be conducted. 6. Special inspections are to be performed on a CONTINUOUS BASIS,meaning that the SPECIAL INSPECTOR IS ON SITE IN THE GENERAL AREA AT ALL TIMES OBSERVING THE WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTION.Periodic inspections may be approved by the Building Inspection Division and,if approved,shall be noted on the SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE. 7. Only the City approve Testing Agency of record shall sample, transport and test materials. 2/3 Plan Check Division 10300 Tore Avenue Cupe lino CA 93014 Telephone(403)777-3223 Fax(408)777-3333 8. Only the City approved Special Inspection Agency of record shall provide special inspectors.Independent inspectors may be pre-approved by the Building Inspection Division per Item 2 above. 9. BEFORE AN OCCUPANCY PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED:The Special Inspector or Agency shall submit a FINAL LETTER OF COMPLETION per item 3E above directly to the Building Inspection Division. 10. Copy of SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE,SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING AGREEMENT,SPECIAL INSPECTION RECORD,and SPECIAL INSPECTION DAILY REPORT,SHALL BE AT THEOT B SITE• ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sienature Company Owner: V r General Contractor. �` CCS s ' Spedal Inspector or Agency: Project Engineer/Architect: Building Inspection division: 3/3 Flan.Cluck Driisicn 103(10 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 9:014 &tV Telephone(103)777-3223 Fax(403)777-3333 of Cupertino Building Department 0'-17 5-- _bosvJ 1,,, S ( cl Project Address JProject7fide SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING To owner of projects requiring Special Inspection or Testing per Chapter 17 of the 1994 Uniform Building Code,please acknowledge and return to the City. BEFORE A PErwIT-CAN BE ISSUED:The Owner or his representative,on the advice of the responsible Project Engineer or Architect,shall complete,sign and submit the attached form"Structural-Tests and Inspection Schedule"to this Department for review and approval. The owner and his general contractor,where applicable,shall also acknowledge the following conditions applicable to Special Inspection and/or testing. 1. Contractor is responsible for proper notification to the Inspecting or Testing agency for items listed. 2. Testing laboratory only should take samples and transport them to their laboratory. 3. Copies of all laboratory reports and inspections are to be sent directly to the City by the Testing agency. 4. Inspection agency to submit names and qualifications of on-site special inspectors to the Building Department for approval. 5. The Special Inspector is under the authority and is responsible to the Building Official.All inspection concerns and/or problems encountered are to be brought to his attention immediately. 6. Special inspectors may be required,as a minimum,to provide weekly reports to this department of all inspection activity. 7. It is the responsibility of the contractor to review City approved plans for additional inspection or testing requirements that may be noted. 3. BEFORE AN OCCUPANCY PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED:The inspection agency shall submit a statement that all items requiring testing and inspection were fulfilled and reported.Those items not tested and/or inspected shall be note in this statement.Copy of statement to be maintained at the job site for City's Building Inspector's review prior to final inspections. ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY ALL PARTIES CONCERNED Owner's Signature MAR IS 700)0 Project / ctEngineer or Architect Signature Testing pe n Agency Signature Contractor's Signator City Plan Check Engineer Signature 1/3 rcvised 7123/97 Plan Check Division 10300 Tore Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(403)777-3223 Fax(403)777-3333 STRUCTURAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS SCHEDULE Prior to issuance of a building permit,the Owner,on the advice of the Architect or Engineer,shall complete, sign and submit this form to the Building Official. Ar.QO�rjS SOur,(Lynt 3`u-00 Project Name Date Project Address - Testin Inspection Agency C o n-fJ Owner's Name Si e&Title hereby certifies that the Testing/Inspection Agency named above has been engaged to perform structural tests and inspection during construction,as checked below,to satisfy all applicable portions of the Building Code. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit,the Inspection Agency shall submit a statement that all items of designated work performed were reported.Any items checked but not tested or inspected will be noted and explained. Whenever any designated items on this list are ready for sampling,testing,or inspection,it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to give timely notice to the Inspection Agency so that the required services may be performed. REINFORCING STEEL: XRadiography RAL STEEL: _Tensile&Bond,one set per heat per_tons le&Test(list is members below) Inspection of Placement Identifica' &Welding Inspection Inspection of Welding Ultraso c Inspection Ra ' phy t ONRY: ding Inspection Preliminary Acceptance Tests(Masonry Units,Wall Prisms) Iting Inspection _Subsequent Tests(Mortar,Grout,Field Wall Prisms) ltrasonic Inspection Inspection of Grouting RadiographyInspection of Placement&Grouting Deck Welding pection CONCRETE,SHOTCRM GROUT&MORTAR ASPHALTIC CONC _Mix Designs Conc. Shot Grout Mortar _Inspection arch Plant Agggre ate Tests for Desi _Core/Tes Suitability of As�re les _Field tion Elie Desi _Suit ty Tests Tut Panel Specific Gravity Asphalt Content Batch Plant Inspection Sieve Analysis Cement Grab Sample _K Factors Inspect Placing _Stabdometer Value Compression Tests _Swell Cast Specimens Pick-upSamples WS ASG CONCRETE m le les rrSample&Test Shrinkage Bars _Unit Weights Yield Check Air Check Dry Unit Weight 2/3 revised 7/23/97 GEIIEA'p & NOTES 1 . GENERAL ,' �. �® • A. The notes apply to all drawings. ' f� B. This Project has been designed in accordance with � the 1997 U.B.C. `� C. All work shall be in accordance with all State and o� Local Building Codes in effect at the place of building. b► Di Details and Notes on Typical Sheets shall apply unless specifically shown otherwise. Details of construction not fully shown shall be of the some nature for similar conditions. 60,-O. E. Do not scale Structural Drawings. If dimensions or details are not clear, or discrepancies exist on the drawings and/or specifications, contact the Engineer, 8'-0' 10'-0` ! F. See Mechanical, Electrical and/or Architectural I Drawings for locations and sizes of pipes, conduits, ? 2 1 drain leaders and other similar openings not indicated S1 on the Structural Drawings. 51 � � g G. Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and (" T - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - -- complete - - - - - - - - t complete responsibility for job site conditions during I the course of construction of the project, including safety of all normal working hours; that this + _ _ _ _ _ _ requirement shall apply continuously and not be i I - - - - - - - - - - - - - ray �A limited to normal working hours; and that the i I - DENOTES 10 z10 OPNG i Qp contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the _ l I :: ..�• 103 a o Owner and the Engineer harmless from any and all I I I �'• ' ftft f 1 1 liability, real or alleged, in connection with the I I I I Sunn ;734 CA 94000performance of work on the project, excepting for I I I Td. 404) - 3liability arising from the sole negligence of the I iax (40e34-tas)7 s ;r Owner or the Engineer. # I ; I ~' ' royJoy0Paa1»II,n#1 H. Contractor acknowledges that he has thoroughly ! I I I I I familiarized himself with the building site conditions, I 15 s . I (E) GENERATOR PAD I 15 grades, etc., with the drawings and the specifications, I f with the delivery facilities and all other matters and I I I I conditions which may affect the operation and I I I I �jOiESSfq�I completion of the work and assumes all risks ; TYF therefrom. ; S1 I I i I I ,; ✓� I. The drawings schematically indicated existing and new constructions. Due to the nature of the work, adjustments will likely be required in the field to ( I - -- -- -- - -• _ __ _ meet the design objectives. Such adjustments are l i (� part of the contract and shall be made by the I I I CAt~1t ; contractor without additional cost to the Owner. 2. FOUNDATION C.E. 22750 A. Unles otherwise shown, excavation shall be as near as possible to the neat lines required by ^` the size and shape of the footings. The footings shall be cast in earth trenches without forming. B. Over excavation shall be bockfilled with concrete with concrete or shall be reported to the Engineer Ar and backfilled as directs. C. Allowable Soil Pressure: UBC TABLE 18-1 -A 1000 psf 3. CONCRETE WORK -. ' A. Portland Cement shall conform to the ASTM Standard Sepcification for Portland Cement, C-150, latest edition, Type 1 at all locations. One brand of cement shall be used throughout. - SOUND WALL FOUNDATION PLAN SC: 1/8"=V-0" B. Aggregates: ASTM C-33 latest edition. Aggregates at footing may be ordinary local aggregates. All other concrete includingthat at exterior sidewalks and slabs shall hove granite oro proved limestone limestone coarse aggregate and Felton-Olympia fine sand aggregate. I C. MIX DESIGN: 1. Concrete Mix Design: All concrete mixes shall conform to applicable Building Code requirements, regardless of any minimum - requirements listed herein or on the drawings. All mix designs shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before being used. Mix designs shall show proportions of cement, fine and coarse aggreagate, water and graduation of combined agregates. } t 4t n 2. Minimum Oix Requirements; It shall be the contractors responsibility to design the mixes to provide the minimum requirements listed below. t ' i4 Min. Strength Max, Slump Max. Aggregate 0 28 Days Size Foundation 2500 PSI 4 1 -1/2 inches W D. All reinforcing shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 60 except that Grade 40 shall be used ~ Z at the f (lowing locations: all field bent bars; ! r and all #3. provide lap splice of 40 dia. (mini) El +(14'-81 EL + 14'-8 t0 Z,? LO yA'.. 'q�� \, "l I. I+: / • :..i'I' .••; ',,61 is '�. •1 � . 11' . .. . i. • �' , : f.r I i . , . , . '. , r. 1 ". ! ' . . , •1 , • . ' i • • _ ,1. � - jfi� I1 }t./. t ' • r:;yl , . ' ,•.•• '>.11 1. •, '''. 1' ,' id,"'• f ' � " 5 'i ',i , • ,, A. l^ .1. , - _ - 1■ '+ t ti 'll� + , ' 1 O/ 1 /' fr'I 1 ( I• , I,. - .r , i• 1 h, 1 ! . ' , . _ '. �• ' i 'w ' i- ' aY i .a' ,',Y� , r 'i +'.s 7..•.r.• r ',) ., a. 1. .♦ I . a . ,•I l 1/ l .a _ �,: , �� - •'•. . . :: Restri © parking r crequired a'. • . � ., .; .,� ,. �• r � ;, :.� , ;- � �• p stalls and walkwa ., a.l _ '}"'.w •,�, r i;,,•.1 e.1r•�,; : ;:�t ; • , . �� .� .,� iA�- c r s ,: :�,: '«5�.:. _ .� P 9 y per Codn ment5 ":'��`°+ "a5 r`G'�'' j 'r '. ;•!• - p Requiro ��.r •�'}r`1 r ' 1 • 1111' ' f• rl r, •'•• f I ` ,` r 'PI I ' ' •' ' ' I ''' , r' . ) r . 1 r f d i 1,; it •1.1', I 1 • r , t 1 ,1• 1,r" I .. . . . , i ,i,- }.• •; r 1v � , ,• ra , . ',• ., al New Work. ' �Z,�lL�fkl• • 'J ('ii 1 ';`'N .l t;' ,• .'• ' .I l Y • �. ...,} ! ''!•r f11 �1' 11 r l H •ll�'/' ! r,;, , t ' .. ., + +}:� {J�t 1-f..'I'r i, P t'• �' {�.1�• 'i:1�, P •I:' ) • ( ' Ili '• ..• I ' '' •' ,a r , '1• � r �3 2 I 1.'• ; ; • �•, J. . New Concrete Walks: To be heavy broom finish with rowel >�f;��; , �d,t �.� ♦ ,1. .,. ,,:•1 ,,, :, � ,. ,� ') , ' r �. 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