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APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY .-ELECTRICAL CITY OF CUP ERTINO PLUMNINC, - MECHANICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT BUILDINO PROJECT IDENTIFICATI(IN^,F^.'c::. o'J. PERMIT NO. L BUILDING ADDRESS: 71'' 1 L 3 ra /0 I/7 UNITN 0 (LCyOTN / ' SANITARY NO. APPLICA'I[ON`S'yUHMITIAL DATI N -a / O .NS ME: PIIONIi' 985�-CAoO CONI'ICACIORS AMC: LIC NO: /•�.:h er NIC CON 'IROLN ARCIIM:(7DId,CIINCER: LIC O: ADDRESS: CONTACT: PHONE: ,{fir /� /N �. e �� e,�^ yap yy Q 6 1 QTY . s, l "' "'- - ; rtei; gL,ECTRIC PERMIT' -, - FG ` ',FEE _" - BUILDING PERMIT INFO. =t BLlN7 EIw1' PLUMB MI:CII IryQ( p( RWj( CIO PC•.RMIT ISSUANCE LICEN.:DCONIRACTOR'SDIiCLAKATION 1 hcrehy affirm that I am liccnved underpmvisionsofCbapler9 (commencing with APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION Seniame ad effect. sm l of the Busines and l'mkairm Code, and my licenm is in full force and effect. Licenm CUss 1.ic.x PANELS UP T02f1(IAMPS ^ � � � � `\J 201 - USE AMPS Date Conn.,., ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I undemmnJ my plans .hull k used xe public rccnads. OVER I000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA ` 0 SOSQ. PI'. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Profcsxinnul OWNER -exempt from SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. he Cinnamon's License Law for the 1 hereby affirm that I tom exempt from she Cosions ? 4' Ca ingrearoa.(Section Businc,aadd Profusion Code: My city or county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. s� / which otto comeam whichI.hrequires a permit to iarvtrum, aher, improve, demolish, or repair any swmurc an file.signedLa geomenr tPrvisiontfine uch POWER DEVICES that heiulensed,rsontto th Contrmniuo 9(che islicensedpmmanuotheprovisinnsof the Ca Baddes License Law(. Cease .(commencing withSection1000)of Division 7oftheialexemand Professions Cde) orthm heir exemptnytefmmandtM basis fmthealleged exemption. Anyvimmian of Seeion'/W LS by any epPlicnt fora permit aubjauthe applicant macivil penalty of SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION 7 OUTLETS - SWITCHGS- FIXTURES not mare third five hundred dollem (S500). ❑ I.asownerofthepropeny.ormyemploymswlthwagesaatheirnlecompensmion, NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECIR _SQL FT. - STORIES TYPE CONSTRucnoF will dothework.nd the nmctum is no, imemledoroffercd for esle(gee. 70 ,Business and Professiws Coda: The Commctota License Law dm, not apply to an owner of - - propenywhobuildsmimpmvathercon, end whodoesuuch work himselforthmughhis own employeca.praviddthm such improvemememonotintendedmr(fercd forole. IL CGROUP RES. UNITS TOTAL' Q. however, the builJingorimprovemem is sold within one yeuofwmpleion, rheawnen builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of QTY; hy, I}ga++t LY1 4n m y?-u +j,5&BINGPERMITw xJr ..FEE ❑ I,mownerof the property, tom exclusrvelycomrmting with licensed contractorsf FLOOD 20NE APN wmnCt the project (See. 7044, Business and Pmfamions Code:) The Convector's License Low dues nmapply loan ownerofproperty whobuilda or Improves thereon, and PERMIT ISSUANCE who ctavnm forsuch pmjtt'D widracontraims(s)Iianxd parsons to the Commences n Licese Low. AL& TER-DRAINVENT-WATER (FA) A +\\'='x•<e') r�' s . .t—'ABSUMMARY.'t-';ti'"-✓;,„ k't'"^ y� "❑ 1 ere exempt made Sec. . B & P C far this reason HACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE. SANITARY Y—N— RECEIPT # Owni Dole DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF, AREA. COND. WOR KMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX Y N '❑ Ihercbya(firmthelhaveavenicarteafc copythmbf(Sce. 380. Lab C.) whiof Woken Compenxatiunlmumncemecmifid copy rhertaf(Sec.781M), LabCJ which RECEIPT# FlXTVRFS - PER TRAP PARK FEE YN coven all employee's under this Permit. Policy # GAS - EA. SYSTEM-1 INC. 4 OUTLETS RECEIPT N BUILDING DIVISION FEPS Company ❑ Conifid copy is hereby fumiehed.. GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) PLANCHECK FEE O �� GREASE(INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE ❑ Certified copy is filed with the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' —COMPENSATION INSURANCE - -— -- GREASETICAP SOILS FEE SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA. 2WFT. ENERGY FEE (This section need nor he completed ifthepemtit is forme hundraddi lun($IM) as less.) WATER HEATER WNENVELECIR leenify Chain theperfmmanceoftheworkforwhich this permit iaissued, Ishall not employ any person in Cray .recta an . an become subjat Id the Workers' PAID Compensationfas,of California. Date Applicant WATER SYSTEMRREATING Date ips0 NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. O(Ier making this Ceniftcmeof Exemption, yetiamild NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ. FT. TOTAL: become subject o the Workefs Compeosxdon provisions of the Labor Code, you must fonhwithcomply with such pmviriare or this permit shall be domed revoked. BUILDING D SEISMIC FE ^si'a J CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that hem is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this points is issued (Sec. 71391, Civ _C.) ' . Nome TOTAL: 70,'ELECTRIC FEE x Lenders braces Address 1 comfy that I Curve read this application and more that the above information t co.I. Iegren to comply withal) city ondcaunry radiances and sate law, relating to nxwm QTY. "' IZ .S--r"nda•mr ay.�xvt«aa4 m tr sy` •'Jf MECHANIfALPBRMITt 'r' "J t e. �t:a tx ♦: :c.t.; CM5'. 5 v x"P88>x! ,-. a..,...-, PLUMBING Q Q s PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL 70 d k- buildingconvvuaion, and hereby authorize representatives ofthisciry to enter upon the aWve-mentiorsd property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECIL CONSTRUCTION! .!"w qF U (We) agree to save, indemnify ad keep historical the City of Cu,somm, against luddlid.,pnigninspus, costs andexpensa which may in any way eca... gunstame City AIR HANDLINGUNIT(TO 10.000 CFM),___ in cunseyucnc the grenlin this pema AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 UM) Slgnat of ApplicanVCommclo Data EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUC D PAID' HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) 4 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Dam Receipt # Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle himadous material av Joinby the Cupcnino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety HEATING UNIT (OVER IW,l100 BTU) TOTAL: VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) �Ns (/ Gsde, Seaio1 23532(u)P ❑ Yev ❑ No WilHhe:spplicamorfumre buiWingmcupumuseeyuipmenwdwices which emit BOILER - COMP(7HPOR IW,WO BTU) ISSUANCE DATE BOILER - COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) horadom it comaminaaa u defend by the Bay A. Air Quality Management UisWm'.' ❑ yes ❑ No aPl NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH.—SQ. FT. I have rand the havdadaua materials re irtments under Chapter 6.95 of due C°lifarnia Main,&Secnary Cork, Sevilurn 25505.25573 end 25574. 1 undeatnd that CI APR R if the huilding dms nor cumenlly have a mnam, star it iv any responsibility to dairy the 19 cu, I of the rt rircn¢nu w h nm.n by met prior rr issuan of a Cenificme of �'i l �, (kcuPsnc), �,�rSr • v S�— ✓�� f r� C ISSUEfD ITV:' (�ar meted agent N�Tx Dasc TOTAL: 7a + Nx r-x 45.00 zeo.9 zoo's x 5 201.0 + +ut.i xto x'— x 5 3.0' 75 Z01.-7 13 I 11 PLAN 3C a o s' co , l uUECENED2PnPil J'fiP. P.P JUN 2 8 1996 Y 'VIM' WN l BLDG. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO j.p .Y .. ... L ... v N i J 4z ;' TRACT No. 8686 - LOT I CITATION CORSICA at PORTIFINO HOMES CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA w"E° 1-e20DATE: 6 D-96 PROJ.NO: 15236.1 Thm pip I ppyy�p q br Iha purypae p Mpwinp Via ereral bfaton ol,M house to Oe connruaeC on rti bl an0,ro tlirec,on of wrlue waW dnewq op ilw Ip atixminimem praAwnl per city tl,I Th..S Wft's.W.nanminimum orftmthi regwnmem ara appoxunate oMY and muss rot be assumetl mrnd. lne'as � Emtl' IbU mnEnon wm my hom this plan. I J w.9- + +'x 4201.7 42.00' K- xp + mf.6 o p xn L x � P5 tol.8 3' 5 >tat.5 5' 5' I Il I j PLAN 0 2A o O N DD 00 D sh 100. Ijl 5.0_' n --- ' -- - 5.0 Zoa 0 0 10' P.U.E. co ao S.W.E. '42.00' 199.7 zaa.s Whi TT(G )nqO TRACT No. 8686 - LOT 2 CITATION CORSICA at PORTIFINO HOMES CUP.ERTINO! CALIFORNIA x"LI1--20' 1 WE: 6-ZI-96 I IROJ.NO: 15236-1 his plat / plan u Por tla purpoN M sllaefry 1h yyareral dcalinn at 1. laws to W con..d on Iro hat and tfr dr.ran of a Waw water Crahnapo olf the IM at t%minimumV ant per city slandaras. Seftcle other than minimum onlinanw r2uiremenl are apphoaimab only aM must not be assumed correct The 'as - Ewn- IaN conaaun she vary tram this plan. t :+Zo34 42.00' 4- x- O - _ _ :0 + o Z03.4 to 0 to %In l zo3.b s 73 Z04.Z 5' 5' 3,0' i PLAN 0 2A 0 o r tiot o 00 i .o t +I sea oj 10P.U.E. _ � ___ ._ T _ 4' S W.E. - . • .' Z61.7 Z0Z.5 TRACT No. 8686 - LOT 6 CITATION CORSICA at PORTIFINO HOMES CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA M41.1: 1-=20' 1 Mm: b 21-96 pua.No: 15236-1 This plot/ plan is for the purpose otshowimma perre rat bcatbn of the Musa to he ccnstructad on the btandtlledusrion of surface water drainage off IM lot at 1%minmum pradart per city starMarOs Setbacks o1Mr turn minimum ordinance requirement are apptovimale only ano must hot be assumed rorrom The 'as built' Ilald wndd*n writ wry Irom This plan. x _x 45.00' LO zoo.e+ — trix �% 5 Z01.0 1 Ts Z017 I PLAN 3C rel RECEWED JUN 2 8 1996 BLDG. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO O ' P.U.EY 1997 51 WNA G�on�ecfo•� del tOpnMID o yfn�e Nam tZ TRACT No. 8686 - LOT 1 CORSICA at PORTIFINO CUPERTINO CALIFORNIAI SCALE: Vis20 This plot I plan u ttli the puryese of ahowirq the gaeneral location of the house to as construded on the lot atM the waoti m of .7 water tlrairujp oHtM lm all%minimum gratlwimper city sumoards Saeaoks omerthan minimum ordinance raauimmem are approvimam only atM must rot ba assumed correct This'as EmA' field condnbn wdl vary from this plan. v CITATION HOMES DATE: 6-Zi-I& 1 pllOd. No: 15236-1 b.9• + -J x +un.7 42.00' + i : - xo + 2016 o 0 to to tri x^ � OS Zo1.8 1 3' S' 73 ZOZ.5 51 51 I I I {I l PLAN 0 O 2A N N 00 00 l too .1- 5 5.0' 1 I --- — 5.0 Zoo 0 0 10' P.U.E. oo. ao S.W.E. 119.7 ZOOS Whi SOpp@Cn lt) TRACT No. 8686 - LOT 2 CITATION CORSICA at PORTIFINO HOMES CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE: r=20' I AE: 6-D-%, I PYOJ.NO: 15236-1 is plat/ plan rs for the puryosa of showiW Iha yyehe I bcalan of IM Musa to W conztrucled on tro M aM tM drtemun or audaca water drairo{p off tM lot at 1X minimum gratlwm par city slandarM. Satoads other minimum omironca rpuhemeM am appronmate only aM most rot bo assumed correct. Tha'as owtl' field Condition will vary ham this plan. T x iM.4 42.00' + K- % . + 0 In CLO Z03.G In � 'i 103.E s' rs 104.t 5' 5, PLAN 0 2A 0 o 00 00 ti0ti 00 Zo1 1.01 t + � O O ao 10' P.U.E. CIO 4' SW.E..: ,. '42.00': Z01.7 ZOZ.3 TRACT No. 8686 - LOT 6 CITATION CORSICA at PORTIFINO HOMES CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1"=20' 1 DIE: 6-21-90 1 PROJ.NO: 15236-1 This plot I plan is for the puryoso of snowing the gereral location of the house to be constructed on Ind br arA the dvembn of surface water draimga off the lM at l%minimum gradwnt per city standards Setbacks ollanhan minimum elements redual ment are approximate only and must rot a assumed correct The 'as .bmll- field condition will vary from this plan, * K +� 42.00' %N L ---►Ln 10 5' TF 2D5.0 j I 2% 3.01; + PLAN 0 3C W J_ 5 0 0 N 5 L_L _ 3 I 'in- P.U.E. 14' S.W.E. TBG "3.0 Via Sorrento CCEN D JUN 2 8 1996 BLDG. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO F sf ,e P t Tr��f Nwh,.6e-✓L 8` A of / 91687 G✓<r AfloLz eeu (0-7-9& hoI 1 CITATION 'HOMES TRACT No. 8831 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA MNO CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1"-20' 1 DATE: 8/4/98 JOB N0.15238-4 Ln Kc0 4— ---+c0 K 00 x: ' % X x K�1P6.202.7 5' x� f T.F2oG•3 % �o 5 l 3, 3 PLAN20 2B 6 0 5' 1.0 3, 111 -- f - - - I/ O 15' -- Ib O I 10' P.U.E 4' S.W.E. 40.00' :.2.3.33'.:•• •:• TBG203.o 4Za3$ ,� Via Sorrento R CT No. 31 CITATION 'HOMES CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE:I"-20' I DATE: 6/4/90 JOB NO.15230-4 �* m x r2ord 40.00, In M \ K� � YYY yaG•o 00 �y x0 x " (O p/Kh rx P• 5. 20G.Z +' xr 3 �I 5' 111 3' TF.,20(o.6 �5, I 3 3.0 I PLAN 1 _ 3A o 0 00 5' 1.0 1.0 1 I +� _-_-- L _ _ Y\ _ --- --- 110' PAE.o 10' P.U.E. 40.00' 11 Via Sorrento TRACT T No. 831 CITATION HOMES CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA CAWFORNIA SCALE:1"-20' I DATE: 4/17/96 J08 NO. 15236-2 o � S �6 ?f' 246,&42.00' x x if' � O u0 20(0. $ O \ x00 N pro• 7 5' r ;' x f- •8, I 5' T�2o7 2 5 1 PLAN 2B o 00 OD 5' S' c6 00 101' P.U.E. 10' P. U.E., 42.00' 42.00' Via Sorrento LOT TRACT No. 8831 CITATION ON HOMES CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE:11.•20' DATE: 4/17/98 JOB NO.15238-2 +x t-207/42.00' X \\ _ O X00 \ ZO 7'0 00 5 I i PLAN �00 3B 00 5' r O -- -- 10' PAE.T � 42.00' 5.0' 5.0 ' 1.0' -----� zolo•O _ --- 06 Via San Marino Lv 1 J CITATION HOMES TRACT No. 8831 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA CAUFORNIA SCALE:1"-20' DATE: 4/17/96 IJOB NO.15236-2 K :< le 18.49' 28.54 x ;I x 8.0' 5' i PLAN L 0 3 LA 00 °I�'a 5' ': 6.0 1.01 0 2asg --- OJ .YI — -- -- 5 _P.U.E. -- 47.12' CO Tecz°¢.s TBGZaso Via Portofino TRA T No. 80 CITATION rl o M ES CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA SCALE:1"-20' 1 DATE: 6/4/98 IJOB N0.15236-4 '+ K4 42.00' o K+ zo6.z { �ti%����Ln + K+iS.204•¢ I 5' 7�F- 205.0 1 3.0' I PLAN 0 3C 5' j3L. 1.0 ' O 0 4' S.W.E. 7-60 ZOZ, 3 I 5' 3 RECE E D o JUN 2 8 1996 N 5 , BLDG. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO TBG103.0 Via Sorrento LOT 1 TRACT No. 8831 CORSICA at PORTOFINO C62,1 e ci ro ✓ o F 57'keef /Z/+4lst 6 AxaO c- c--x CITATION 'HOMES SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA SCALE:I"-20' I DATE: 8/4/98 JOB N0.15238-4 "'2O5.642.00' * „ Ij K 2o5.s +I x L x0 + --►cO x 00 x�% w x x O 51 � TFZoG•3 x �o 20,1 3, 3 I PLAN 2B 0 0 5' 1.0' ,\— --- _F O 93 -- 15 -- 00_ O 1 ---- 10' — X.---- 4' S.W.E. J 10' PUE 40.00' 23:33' TBG 203. o � 103.8 Via Sorrento RBd G-7-9G TRACT No. 8831 CITATION 'HOMES CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA CAUFORNIA SCALE W'-20' DATE: 6/4/98 lJOB NO.15236-4 N S S '3 is K F20(d 40.00' x+ x x LO x_ ?� pp ZOG.O 00 If jt0 z06.Z x + xr 3 �� 3' TF..20G.8 5' �y 3' 1 PLAN 3A o 0 5' 1.0 j 1.0 1 L-- -- �___ 10' P.U.E.o �0 10' P.U.E. 40.00' Via Sorrento LOT 3 CITATION HOMES TRACT No. 8831 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1"-20' DATE: 4/17/98 IJOB NO. 15236-2 o � �6 S �s '3 +x- 2--".042.00' x +" x x 00 0 x0 '1 206. 5 O x00 v Ld6.7 5 B 5' 7-71`207 2 5 3' i PLAN 6 2B \o 00 00 5' 5' o% 5 00 10' P.U.E. 10' P.U.E.• 42.00' 42.00' Via Sorrento LOT 4.. CITATION HOMES TRACT No. 8831 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA SCALE:1"-20' DATE: 4/17/96 JOB NO.15236-2 CUPERMID CALIFORNIA 6 �6 '3 +x t-207/42.00' %+. 207.5 x O \ X� LD%O 00 O% r � Nag/xco��------•- co I�x x r-X 5 7r x+-Zo7.Z x l5 TP. 20 3.0 ' + z� 6.5 I I PLAN ,\3B 00 5 5.01 Lp 7 S' --- 00 -- 10' P.U.E.31 -- —rl — 42.00' Via San Marino LOT 5 CITATION rl O M ES TRACT No. 8831 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE:1"-20' DATE: 4/17/98 JOB NO.15238-2 J 1zc69 18.4928.5t/K 204- 20 .3 a 8.0 71�,zp 7. z 5 i j I 3.0' PLAN ` M M 3 LA � O n+ 5' S S 6.0 1.01 ------ o Zcrg --- o� rl -- --5—P.U.E. 0 47.12' °6 T8C2p4.S TBG2pSo Via Portofino LOT 6 CITATION 'HOMES TRACT No. 8831 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA ICUPERTINO CAUFORNIA SCALE:1"-20' I DATE: 6/4/96 JOB NO.15236-4 EGHWE,D, OCT 101995 VON DEPARTMENL CUPERTINQ 4' S.W.E. It 6 Via Palamos LOT 6 CITATION HOMES TRACT No. 8687 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA ICUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE:1"-20' I DATE: 9/3/95 JJOB NO. 15236-1 a +x+ 42.96, K - x- x N x^ x +Z08b x� TF Z09.i x x co PLAN 1P1 b 213 -- 55' 00 -- r--- 5' 5' c6 10, 8:. 42.64' .... ,.... 10, NJ 6. 4' S.W.E. & S.S.E. Mg.6 N 7 Via Palamos LOT 7 CITATION HOMES TRACT No. 8687 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA CUPERTINO CAUFORNIA SCALE:1"=20' DATE: 9/3/95 JOB NO.15236-1 ram b0�� y ' b %+ + x_ 42.32' 10� (0 tx Lox ^x x fZoo.* rf= zo9. I x y PLAN 00 " 1 B lV `° Ki 00 5' {" --- 5 _ O 10, P.U.E� — -- -- 2Q6.6 .. 4' S.W.E. k S.S.E. ZO6.4 8 Via Palamos LOT 8 CITATION HOMES TRACT No. 8687 LOCORSICA at PORTOFINO sANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1..-20' DATE: 9/3/95 JOB N0.15236-1 CUPER CALIFORNIA ; U4 MHI.KHT S 5VI'IP n JJ m r +\ 42.32 _.. S r7 �ap i ?Ag0 t iy /2A4.ZIO 5 I I I 04 I I PLAN N � 3 B N "' 5' 1.0' N to 5 " . 5.1 � R lio�.3 O --___ +' O) --- 1 4' S W.E &� SS.E J 9 Via Palamos Lu 1- U> CITATION HOMES TRACT No. 8687 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SHWA CLARA. CALIFORNIA MUPORNIA SCALfi11--20' r DATE: 9/3MS IJM NO.15238-1 DO 1r.vO lm4NHT d JVI•Irm I �ptY4'\ 47.00' z zc7.7 v PLAN rio 2C 00 .o' --- + 10' P.U.E. �Z 4' S.W.E. &SSE E` tcY..o 10 Via Palamos TRACT No. 8687 CORSICA at PORTOFINO CITATION HOMES SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA SCALE:1"020' DATE, 9/3/95 JOB NO.1323E-1 00✓ /w_O_ � Via Palamos " RUE I im 0 00 5' 5' a 11 Ta[ Q28.03,,cyNIA PLAN xil �A I I I I TF= Z09.0 18' tZ083 I 45.00' Pgomfp I./'t RETAINING NALL LOT 11 TRACT No. 8687 CORSICA at PORTOFINO CALIFORNIA w a al CITATION HOMES SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA SCALE W'-20' DATE: 9/3/95 IJOB NO.15236-1 Via Palamos zo—,L — —._ EI 412 TI Bm3_L _ . --[5_pU.E. 0 ao 5,PLAN02a 10 �1— 00 002 5' x x 5 , TF= Z09.2 5' x; 0. Nti � f \ x M Ob4 42.13' ^x + +� PROPOSED 1.4't & AININ6 LOT 12 CITATION HOMES TRACT No. 8687 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE:t^=20' I DATE: 9/3/95 IJOB NO.t5236-I Via Palamos 5ZO74 13 M .U.E. Ci _ 42.38, r& ZO7.Z ---_ CS_P.U.E. o 00 5' ---' -- , -+ 5' -- Q �5 5' PLAN ED 00 25 00 00 00 5' \ �5� F�yo9•S _ x5 %� ' nl X +Lo8.8 IrJ� y, 5 0K �01. 38.03 1 f\ 4.o(a "4.5 .a MA0.5Ep l.4't RfrAIN1146 WALL LOT 13 CITATION �� ES TRACT No. 8687 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA CUPERTINO CAUFORNIA SCALE:I•'-20' DATE: 9/3/95 JJOB N0. 15236-1 Via Palamos 4.00 PLAN ' 3A f ...TF= Zo9.7 5 � +Z07.x 0/ " d N to" x rnx ¢ZB4i �X+ PRoPoSEp /.4'f ATAWIIN6 WALL, LOT 14 CITATION H O M EES TRACT No. 8687 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA CUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE:I"•20' DATE: 9/3/e5 JJOB 715236-1 Via Palamos ZO ' 15 4.5.50 a,_ �6G 20� 6 In 5' S' I N In PLAN00 ���" , rl 2B rl 5' >i x 5'v 38.rS5 +AX 3T`+ CO0 4.08' PM10a40 i 4'1 ReMIJ146 AWL LOT 15 CITATION HOMES TRACT No. 8687 CORSICA at PORTOFINO SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA ICUPERTINO CALIFORNIA SCALE:1"-20' I DATE: 9/3/95 JOB NO.15236-I 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Building Division (408)777-3228 (408) 777-3333 (fax) October 28, 1994 Elaine Voulgares, Development Manager SUMMERI-IILL HOMES 777 California Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 RE: Summerhill Homes, Tract 8657 Dear Elane: This letter is being written to confirmation of our conversation October 27, 1994, in which I advised you to contact the Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding the septic tank and leach field environmental testing requirements for the referenced project. Mr. George Laver of the Regional Water Quality Control Board will advise you of the appropriate action to be taken too obtain approval of your project. The City of Cupertino will make every effort to assist you in getting your project back to schedule as soon as the environmental testing requirements are satisfied. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. JA/cda cc: G. Laver Sincerely, Joe Antonucci, Building Official I'rinlrJ On Awych!d P:ghA A __...-..�.w��..r.';..__^+t<�pxy.Tt��+`+=-:..z,_:_....-r-.+�-..�._...:s.f._..�w:...�..�^�v�?C:.+,.wnr.�n.�..+a���,[A:ar:si�'.:..+,r... acv�iitpyp��...rm�a.r:'_:rs....c•.r.' COAST Insulation Contractors, Inc. 1086 N. 11th St. • San Jose, CA 95112. INSULATION CERTIFICATION This is to certify that insulation has been installed in conformance with the current energy regulations, California Administrative / Code, Title 24, State of California, the building located at: SITE ADDRESS: W/-r % 0 FLOOR y 19 Manufacturer _OWENS CORNING Thickness/Type R-Value EXTERIOR WALLS: 3 �L �� Manulaalurar OWENS CORNING Thlnknomarrypo n-Vnluq _ - - CEILINGS: BAITS: Manufacturer OWENS CORNING Thickness/Type C/ ! �L R-Value 3J BLOWN: Manufacturer OWENS CORNING Thickness/Type R-Value 3 Weight/Bag 35 Sq. Ft. Covered 1�2 3 # Bags Used Z 7 AIR INFILTRATION SEALANT INSTALLED: YES 06 NO ❑ GENE NT R �I� % ��/ �✓ 1%S LICENSE # BY: �+I1 6M ��%' TITLE: J7/✓hQr.✓V DATE : O% COASVINSUWIO�N�CONTRACTORS, INC. ICENSE # _ BY: TITLE: x DATE: 404 l.lti IALI:INLA11 I WI II HM6� -__-_•_ F',Aln RUG.31 '95 9:20AM 50 VRLLEY PLUMBING 408 265 2509 P.1 ERTIFICAi E PL W THM A"^A"^ I r-j)j � use of thls rots *" a» agAmperaw ol ur AID041n.e .eaCH& to e(r WAL lee *A� bev�••�r+'d tr"lone a i Site Addrasi+ permit; Number An 4-c6Uvad06 canUicsta is rewired to be posted at M8 MOC114 ails prior to ttta kwarwe Of the G=Upa=y per= (NS form may bu aced to mot mesa requirements. AU appliance Categories is" below are ttse actual squipri M l�=itled. Nets that the aRkUnry and type of the dpptlanoe its sHad uLat be egdvatdu of better uwu ina appiance 9Pagaed on the wrtIDota eA eom111141 oa (Form OF-1 M. TV16 t:erwCat4 for Re equivalent) SW be pro, end dW°d by the persorgs) assuming ovemU responsiriGty lot the appliance Narwwon. Refer w the re"ma ejde of this wnitime for an expl;2nalson or Irtarm7tlOn requkad. t, the undersigned, vertly that fho eW;=wrtt listed in the category &boos UW ailywa+m Is the etS.tat equlpment installed and that the egapmaN aww or a=ee& the regLfwd0 ants of the APPUR110E 011danr y Standards- . � additrort, I't�ve verIIbd itiffi the .egutpment Is +9Wtrs�ttt co tx moro oractxe than Ilm egr+�mwd spedfn:d on tt1B' $'ot'�pikhm Sabtii*0 to 0oMW%Str218 =MWa= w3h'♦ite' L�+eigjr EtS�rwY$ s for residwitiat twldirtjs. HVAC SYSTEMS: Naattng EyWpmear Heating eQuUL CEO C*VW AcwW Dkvibusion Duster Keadw w d wamin9 TyP^ (Packa9rd MamA. Make a Efiatef\cy Type And txpna aetere CWwn Eeubmapt ..— 1 ___ _ n_V_L._ 4C.1..- /Rn.l.\ Le..aRv /Muhl 11,.: : . FURNACE `. VORK 80,$._ ATTYC va - 42-946 • P2MP0020NAa02L Coortn.# EqutpAfenr C40 no equipmard Type CPadtgged CPO tXrW d Comprraaor Unit fiver. [.411�fA�iC1 Lza mk. Jkma"l Number _— NJT APPL14ABLE - DATING ONLY WATER NEATtNG SYSTEMS DimiO. Weugr MCGertAed energy System Heater Mama Malta & Factor/ (4Q- GU.- -1 Anal Effleiettay Dud Duct ^` LaLbLj\ t z2alen risYelue .1 :ASCO•AIR C014P ZONING .279031. HVAG 8ubeeeoSmo/'(ZC0f tea�za) CIR Genorar CotatsetorCWF1i Qr+er Took Insul WMernal Past vahme Wrap lrsul. Starafltl Light 4 414L. _ r 4av- RWd Soled Input WOOL !� Cmdks RAU SHOWEf9 HEADS: crrT ; et . Alt taUeats ahoaretM3de aped are Ssted in the Commissttuts D!Y O! Gertsied Feuaua And Sla�werheoda )yyp •TaIr21, Pe z r.. 5 2 Soabn 111. ,/ !X� �nnturo.Q�te" ... pekn,reWt\gSWtaotwaaort'�•�r'+.+!�• "1//•�S6' ca r�neral cUnaeeterbp Q.ner Fix oemmaer i e TaTAL P.66 v ps.ern �� 0 f�. 0 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA WOOD TRUSS, INC. CONTRACTORS LICENSE # 709914 TRUSS ENGINEERING DRAWINGS Job Name & Location �x Thornhull Construction,Inc. Contractor Job Truss Truss Type Oty ply 9522 Tf COMMON 3 1 Thornhill Const. U481695 2-0-0 w N vI 0 tta5 5.00 F2 5-8-4 J.JVu a Jun zu 7880 Mrt eK Incrusrrdes, Inc. wed ucr 77 Ue:bi:7z 7995 Pagel 44 = 2 5.8-4 I 3x4 = 3x4 = 2-0-0 I� 0 5-8-4 5.8-4 LOADING (pso SPACING 2-0-0 CS/ DEFL (in) (loc) 1/dell PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 PlatesIncrease 1.00 TC 0,33 Vert(LL) 0.01 413 999 M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 Lumberincrease 1.25 BC 0.20 Vert(TL) 0.03 413 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WS 0.05 Horz(TL) 0.01 3 We B CDL 10.0 Code UBC-94 Min Length ILL dell = 360 Weight: 44 (lbs) LUMBER BRACING CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.l TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 on center purtin spacing. CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.l BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10-00-00 on center bracing. S 2X4DFStd REACTIONS (lbs/size) 1=56310-3-8, 3=56310-3.8 FORCES M<, TOPCHORD 1-2=-557,2-3=-557BOTCHORD 3-4=511, 1-4=511WEBS 2-4=111 LOAD CASES) Standard_ ®WARNING - Vert fy dedpn paramebn and HEAD NOTES ON THIS AND RE VERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. rl Design voles for vie only wlln Work caNNltoa. Thor design 4 basest no, upon paramete,s Nown, and B for an Individual bullaln0 component to be, Inslalletl and landed vedkally. Applkoblllty Of design patamelert and paper Incorporation of component it responsibility of building dedgne, -hat Imu designer. Bracing shown d for lateral suppod of Individual web members only. Additional temporary baling to more stablllly during consVuclbn a the msponsiblilty of me e,ecta. Additional permanent bracing of ine overall structure a the fesponslblllty Or the bul101ng tleslgne,. lot general gukfancs regarding fabrication, duchy lonbol, storage, dellvery. erection antl bracing, consult OST-68 OualMy Standard, 091-59 lacing SpeeXkation, and NI11-01 MITek Industries, Inc. Handling Imalllna and Iraclfsg Secommendatlen avallabb loom hurt Plate lore 583 D'Onolola D,Ive. MadA.n. W153719. Sym ols Numbering System AGeneral Safety otes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Failure to Follow Could Cause Property * Center plate on joint unless Damage or Personal Injury dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply 1. Provide copies of this truss design to the plates to both sides of truss and building designer, erection supervisor, property A.. securely seat. J2 J3 J4 owner and all other interested parties.. A.. TOP CHORDS 2. Cut members to bear Tightly against each � z other. a WEBS Place plates on each face of truss at each 2 orientation, locate NJ3. o,„ccjoint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane 1 /8' from outside edge of O a o _ at joint locations. truss and vertical web. a 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chord splices o at 1/4 panel length(* 6" from adjacent joint.) BOTTOM CHORDS *This symbol indicates the 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of _ required direction of slots in it J8 J7 J6 lumber shall not exceed 19%at time of connector plates. fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE preservative heated lumber. • For tabular Plating format refer to the AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE LOWESTJOINT 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and Mirek/Gang-Nall Joint/Plate Placement Chart. FARTHESTTO THE LEFT. is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFTTO RIGHT. practice is to Camber for dead load deflection. B. Plate type, sae and location dimensions PLATE SIZE shown indicate minimum plating requirements. The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 9. Lumber shall be of The species and sae, and 4 X 4 perpendicular to slots. Second in all respects, equal to or better Than the dimension is the length parallel grade specified. to slots. BOCA 86-93. 85-75, 91-28 10. Top chords must be sheathed or puffins LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 provided at spacing shown on design. A Indicates location of required 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329, 4922 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. SBCCI 87206. 86217, 9190 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring WISC/DILHR 870040-N, 930013-N, 910080-N connections To trusses are the responsibility of BEARING others unless shown. Indicates location of joints at 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with Wk which bearings (supports) occur. stacks of construction materials. — 14. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. MITek IndmUles, Inc. G //� ry 15. Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. /�6� ® PANEL © 1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. iNMRQ,4/R® CLIP FOCMOl4.019 «�9 ® Job Truss Truss Type 9522 T1G COMMON I r217ThomhiConsts. - U481596 vonnem California Wood r rus 3.300 a Jun 20 1995 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Oct 11 08:57:15 1995 Page 1 ' -2-0-0 5-84 I 11-4-8 13-4.8 2-0.0 vI 0 5-8-4 5.00 0-2 3x4 = 2 5-8-4 3x4 = 3x4 = 2-0-0 I� 0 11-4-8 Plate Offsets (X, Y): (2:0-0-0,0-0-14) LOADING(pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI (roc) 1/dell PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 PlatesIncrease 1.00 TC 0.000.00 I""M20(20ga) 186N48 TCDL 14.0 Lumberincrease 1.25 BC 0.000.00 FDEFL.(in) I"" B CLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0,000.00 1 BCDL 10.0 Code UBC-94 th ILL dell = 360 Weight: 53 (lbs) 7VP CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.1 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.l OTHERS 2 X 4 DF Std FORCES BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10-00-00 on center bracing. NOTES 1) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 2) Gable studs spaced at 16 inches on center. 3) Gable studs exceeding 72 inches length to be laterally braced at midpoint. For studs exposed to wind, see 4) Studs to be fastened with 1.5x4 M20 plates. LOAD CASE(S) Standard A WARNING - Vr l fy d-el paraalebn and RL Norms aN TNIs AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE Use. ��.. 0"sign valid lot use only with Mitel, conneclots This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and b lot an Individual building component to be � ,stalled and added vedaolly. ApplkabllXy of drini patomelen and proper Incorporatbn of component a responsiblay at building designer - nor puss d"signer, Bracing shown a IOr lateral suppoil of Individual web member. only. Addllbnal Iempofoiy boding to Insure stablilly duilng constructan Is the rZporsdalilly of the eleclol. Addllbo nal permanent bding of the Overall structure Is the respondblllty of the building designer. For general guldonce rdlding fobraatan, auallly control. storage, dellyery, erectan and boding, consult QST-0e Ouallty Standard, 051-ag Bracing Speseldatipn, and HI601 MITak Induatriea, Inc. Handling Inslallbp aM Incising pecammerMatan ovailabb Isom truss Pale Inslllute, 583 D'Onoea Drive, Maclean, WI $3710. Sym ols Numbering System AGeneral Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Failure to Follow Could Cause Property * Center plate on joint unless Damage Or Personal Injury dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply 1. Provide copies of this Truss design to the plates to both sides of truss and building designer, erection supervisor, property securely seat. ��' J2 J3 J4 owner and all other interested parties.. TOP CHORDS 2. Cut members to bear Tighiry against each � 14 r other. a WEBS J5 Q 3. Place plates on each face of truss at each *For 4 x 2 orientation, locate of 4, s ¢ joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane plates 1/e"from outside edge of O O a1 e at joint locations. truss and vertical web. O o 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chordsplices 114 length(' 6" from at panel adjacent oint.) BOTTOM CHORDS *This symbol indicates the 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of _ required direction of slots in Jt J8 J7 J6 lumber shall not exceed 19 %at time of connector plates. fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE preservative treated lumber. For tabular plating format refer to the AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE LOWESTJOINT 7. Camber Is a non-structural consideration and MRek/Gang-Nall Joint/Plate Placement Chart. FARTHESTTO THE LEFT, is the responsibility of Truss fabricator. General WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFT TO RIGHT- practice Is TO Camber for dead load deflection. 8. Plate type, sae and location dimensions PLATE SIZE shown indicate minimum plating requirements. The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and Q X Q perpendicular to slots. Second in all respects, equal to or better than the dimension is the length parallel grade specified. to slots. BOCA 86-93, 85-75, 91-28 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 provided at spacing shown on design. A Indicates location of required 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329, 4922 R. spacing, or less, if no ceiling a_ installed, V//�/ unless otherwise noted. SBCCI 87206.86217, 9190 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring WISC/DILHR 870040-N, 930013-N, 910080-N connections To Trusses are the responsibility of BEARING others unless shown. Indicates location of joints at 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with which bearings (supports) occur. stacks of construction materials. — 14, Do not cut or alter Truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. MITek Industrka, Inc. ® 15, Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. PANEL © 1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. HYDRO,A/R® CLIP FORM019,019 ® FJob Truss Truss Type Oty Ply 9522 T2 MONO 6 1 Thornhill Const. U481697 .. _........ ..... _..... ..__.. .,.... n v vi 0 d.auu a our, eu rada Ivrll eK mausrnes, Inc. wear ucr if ud:Or:7 v l Y8L Yage 7 -2-0-0 I 5-8-10 11.1-0 2-0-0 5-8-10 5-4-6 5.00 12 1.5x4 i i 3 3x4 = 1.5x4 11 3x4 = 5-8-10 11-1-0 5-8-10 5-4-6 LOADING (pet) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) floc) I/dell PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TO 0.29 Vert(LL) 0.01 5r4 999 M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 LumberIncrease 1.25 BC 0.20 Vert(TL) 0.03 115 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WS 0.34 Hoa(TL) 0.01 4 n/a B CDL 10.0 Code USC-94 Min Length ILL deft = 360 Weight: 56 (lbs) LUMBER PCHORD 2 X 4 OF No.1 CHORD 2 X 4 OF No.I BS 2X 4OF Sid REACTIONS (Ibs/size) 1=552/0-3-8, 4=432/0-3-8 FORCES TOP CHORD 1.2=525, 2-3=0, 3-4=156 BOT CHORD 4-5=481, 1-5=481 WEBS 2-5=108, 2-4=531 LOAD CASE(S) Standard BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 on�center purlin spacing;. -- except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10-00-00 on center bracing. ®WARNING - Ver{fy deeipn parameten and READ Nt7TEs ON TNSs AND REVERSE RIDE BEFORE DBE. seersern. Design valid lot use only with Work connectors. this design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is lot an Individual building component to ot, Installed and boded veribally. ADGIbabRily of design barometer, no poper hcorporalbn of component a tesponsiblllty of building designer - not trust designer. Bracing shown a for lateral support of Individual web member only. Additional temporary bracing to hsurs stability during constmcibn B the responubility of the ereClor. Addllbnal permanent brocing of the over structure b the respondblIlly of the building designer. For general guidance regbrding lobrbatbn, duallly control, storage, delivery, etecibn and becing, consul QST-BB Quality Standard. 051-09 bating Specebatlon, and NIB-gl MiTek Industries, Inc. Handling Indalllog aM Bracing pocommendatbn ovalbbb loom Trust Plats InstlNts, 583 D'Onolob Drive. Maclean. W153710. Sym ols Numbering System AGeneral Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Failure to Follow Could Cause Property *Center plate on joint unless Damage or Personal Injury dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply 1. Provide copies of this truss design to the plates to both sides of truss and building designer, erection supervisor, property securely seat. �� J2 J3 J4 owner and all other interested parties.. 4 TOP CHORDS 2. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. a WEBS JS 3. Place plates on each face of truss at each *For 4 x 2 orientation, locate o " +. ; „� ¢ joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane plates I/a' from outside edge of u o a a c X at joint locations. truss and vertical web. a o 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chard splices 114 at panel length(* 6' from adjacent joint.) BOTTOM CHORDS *This symbol indicates The 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of required direction of slots in Ji J8 J7 J6 lumber shall not exceed 19%at time of connector plates. fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE preservative treated lumber. • For tabular plating format rotor to the AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE LOWEST JOINT 7. Camber Is a non-structural consideration and MRek/Gang-Nall Joint/Plato Placement Chart. FARTHESTTO THE LEFT. is the responsibility SPo T`/ of truss fabricator. General WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFTTO RIGHT. practice is to Camber for dead load deflection. 8. Plate type, size and location dimensions PLATE SIZE shown indicate minimum plating requirements. The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and 4 X 4 perpendicular to slots. Second in all respects, equal to or better than the dimension is the length parallel grade specified. to slots. BOCA 86-93, 85-75, 91-28 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 provided at spacing shown on design. A Indicates location of required 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329, 4922 ft• spacing, or less, if no ceiling is. installed, unless otherwise noted. SBCCI 87206. 86217, 9190 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring WISC/DILHR 870040-N. 930013-N, 910080-N connections to trusses are the responsibility of BEARING others unless shown. Indicates location of joints at 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with uld which bearings (supports) occur. stacks of construction materials. — 14, Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. MITek IrMwtrbs, Inc. tY ® �® 15. Care should be exercised In handling, erection and installation of trusses. PANEL © 1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. 01MAPD A/NG CLIP roaYme.mv v.� c �R G Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply 9522 T3 COMMON 15 1 Thornhill Const. U481698 ro fp in vI O J.JUU a Jun ZV 7990 M/l eKIndUStnes, UIg. wed UDt 77 08:d/:ZJ 7996 Paget -2-0-0 6-9-1 1 12-10-5 18-11-0 20-11-0 2-0-0 6-9-1 6-1-4 6-0-12 2-0-0 5.00 12 4x4 = 3 3x4 = 1.5x4 P 3x8 = 1.5x4 I I 6-9.1 6-9-1 12-10-5 6-14 1 18-11-0 6-0-12 LOADING (pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) (roc) Well PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TIC 0.43 Vert(LL) 0.03 7/6 999 M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 Lumberincrease 1.25 BC 0.35 Vert(TL) 0.09 716 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.53 Horz(TL) 0.02 5 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code USC-94 Min Length ILL dell = 360 Weight: 97 (Ibs) LUMBER CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.1 CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.1 EBS 2 X 4 DF Star REACTIONS (Ibs/siie) 1=86510-3-8, 5=865r0-3-8 FORCES TOPICHORD 1-2=1214, 2.3=605, 3-4=605, 4-5=806 BOT CHORD 5-6=0, 6-7=1115, 1-7=1115 WEBS 2-7=127, 2-6=-615, 3-6=105, 4-6=623 LOAD CASE(S) Standard BRACING ... -_ ..... ...�.. - . TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-4-5 on center pudin spacing, except and verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10-00-00 on center bracing. ®WARMNO - Vpun M design pnrvrrsebn and READ NOTES ONTHIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Y Deelgn valid tot use only won Work connector,. The design Is based only upon parameters Mown, and Is tot an Individual building component to b0 Installed and boded vetlkally. Applkabilly of desgn patameten and proper Iocotpopatbn of component a imponslbNly of building designer - not truss � designer. Bracing Mown it dot ldteial support of Individual web members only. Additional temporary placing to Insure stability during concruclbn is the respondollily of the erector. Additional permanenl bacing of the overall structure a the tesponslbillly of the bullding designer. For general guidance r egording labrkotbn, quality control, storage, delivery. election and bfaclorg. consult QST•SB Quality Standard, 051-89 Spacing Specncation, and NIB-91 MITek Induftlrles, Inc. Honoring InaallLp and Spacing peeanmefWalbn av011abb ❑Om Truss note Institute, N3 D'Onotrb Drive. Modhon. W153719. Sym ols Numbering System AGeneral Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Failure to Follow Could Cause Property *Center plate on joint unless Damage or Personal Injury dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply 1. Provide copies of this truss design to the plates to both sides of truss and building designer, erection supervisor, property 1/8.securely seat, J2 J3 J4 owner and all other interested parties.. TOP CHORDS 2. Cut members to bear tightly against each U °1 other. a WEBS J5 3. Place plates on each face of truss at each * For 4 x 2 orientation, locate 3 ,� � a t ; joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane plates from outside edge of o _ a V at joint locations. d Truss and vertical web. a 4, Unless otherwise noted, locate chordsplices o at 1/4 panel length(* 6" from adjacent joint.) BOTTOM CHORDS *This symbol indicates the 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of required direction of slots in J1 J8 J7 J6 lumber shall not exceed 19 %at time of connector plates. fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE Preservative treated lumber. For tabular plating format refer to the AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING ATTHE LOWESTJOINT 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and MITek/Gang-Nail Joint/Plate Placement Chart. FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFTTO RIGHT. practice is to camber for dead load deflection. PLATE SIZE 8. Plate type, size and location dimensions shown indicate minimum plating requirements. The first dimension is the width Q Q to Second CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and X perpendicular slots. in all respects, equal to or better than the dimension is the length parallel grade specified. to slots. BOCA 86-93, 85-75, 91-28 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 provided at spacing shown on design. A Indicates location of required 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329, 4922 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is. installed, S/�/ unless otherwise noted. SBCCI 87206, 86217, 9190 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring WISC/DILHR 870040-N, 930013-N, 910080-N connections to trusses are the responsibility of BEARING others unless shown. Indicates location of joints at III 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with which bearings (supports) occur. stocks of construction materials. T" 14. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate R without prior approval of a professional engineer. MITek Industri", Inc. O �® 15. Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. ! CLIPEL © 1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. rf/YDs7o AAN® FORM014.019 GAS",vu� Job Truss Truss Type Oly Ply . 9522 T3A COMMON 7 1 Thornhill Const. U481699 • M ••��C r,t.. d.avv a dun 2u 7995 Mu eK alcusines, Inc. wed Uci 11 0B:5CZ/ 1995 Page 1 �I O -5-4-0 6-9-1 12-10-5 18-11-0 .20.11-01 5-4-0 6-9-1 6-14 6-0-12 2-0-0 4X4 = 5.00 12 3 6-9-1 6-9-1 12-10-5 6-1-4 18.11-0 6-0-12 t Plate Offsets (X,Y): (1:0-0-0,0-0-0) LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) (loc) Well PLATES GRIP TCLL 14.0 'TCDL Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.43 Vert(LL) 0.03 716 999 M20(20ga) 1861148 1.0 Lumber/ncrease 1.25 BC 0.35 Vert(TL) 0.09 716 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.53 Horz(TL) 0.02 5 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC-94 Min Length ILL dell = 360 - Weight._ 100 (Ibs), TOP CHORD 2 X 4 OF No.1 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 OF No.1 WEBS 2X 4OF Std REACTIONS (lbs/size) 1=106510-3-8, 5=865V-3-8 FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2=1214, 2-3=-605, 3-4=605, 4-5=-806 BOT CHORD 5-6=0, 6.7=1115, 1-7=1115 WEBS 2-7=127, 2-6=-615, 3-6=105, 4-6=623 NOTES 1) Extension(s) atjoint(s) 1 must be supported. LOAD CASE(S) Standard BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-4-5 on center purlin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10-00-00 on center bracing. ®WARNING - Verl(B design pam.t.n and READ Nares ON THIS AND REVERSE BIDE BEFORE USE. Design varkl tot use only with MITek connector. Ins, design Isbased only upon parameters mown, and s, for an Individual bullainp component to be � Installed and loaded vertically. Applkablllly of design parameters and! propel Incofp otbn of componenl s, responsibility of bulking designer - not buss design et. Bracing shown k fa Mewl support of Indivklual web member only. Additional temporary bacing to Inure stability during consbucfbn a the responubiilty of the erector. AddBbnal permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of Ire bulltling designer. For general guidance regarding lob8colion, quality control, storage, delrven. erectbn and bracing, consult CST-58 Quality standard, DSI.89 gracing ap«nicatlon. and HII.91 MITak Industries, Inc. Handling Insiderna and gracing geeommendallon ovallable❑om lust pals Institute, 583 D'Onoftb DiNst, Madison, W I53719. SYMMOls PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION *Center plate on joint unless dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply plates to both sides of truss and securely seat. A.. A,. SF *For 4 x 2 orientation, locate O X plates 1/e' from outside edge of o truss and vertical web. F *This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. For tabular plating formal refer to the MRek/Gang-Nail Joint/Plate Placement Chart. Numbed J2 J3 TOP CHORDS System J4 BOTTOM CHORDS it JB J7 J6 JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING ATTHE LOWESTJOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFTTO RIGHT. PLATE SIZE The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 4 X 4 perpendicular to slots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. BOCA 86-93, 85-75, 91-28 LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 A Indicates location of required V continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329.4922 SBCCI 87206.86217.9190 WISC/DILHR 870040-N,930013-N.910080-N BEARING Indicates location of joints at Wk — which bearings (supports) occur. �� rM Bill Industries, Inc. �® TM PANE �L® HYDRO-A/R® CLIP L FORMO1B.019 AGeneral Safety Notes Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Damage or Personal Injury 1. Provide copies of this truss design to the building designer, erection supervisor, property owner and all other interested parties.. 2. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. 3. Place plates on each face of truss at each joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane at joint locations. 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chord splices at 114 panel length(* 6" from adjacent joint.) 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber shall not exceed 19%at time of fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or preservative treated lumber. 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to camber for dead load deflection. 8. Plate type, size and location dimensions shown indicate minimum plating requirements. 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than the grade specified. 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at spacing shown on design. 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is. installed, unless otherwise noted. 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring connections to trusses are the responsibility of others unless shown. 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with stacks of construction materials. 14. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. 15. Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. © 1993 Work Holdings, Inc. L952 Truss Truss Type qty ply2 T3G COMMON 1 1 I Thomhill Const. U481700 • m sN vI 0 J.JVU a Jun ZVIVVO Iylll eK Incrusmes, Inc. Wea Ucr 77 UU:J/:JU 788a rage 7 -2-0-0 6-9.1 12-10.5 18-11-0 120-11-0 2-0-0 6-9.1 6.1.4 6.0-12 2-0-0 5.00 12 3x4 =.. 2 3x4 = 1.5x4 i i 6.9.1 12.10-5 18-11-0 6-9-1 6-1-4 6-0-12 Plate Offsets (X, )r): (2:0-0-0,0-0-14) LOADING (pso SPACING - 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) (loc) 1/deil PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0,00 Vert(LL) 0.00 / "" M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 Lumberincrease 1.25 BC 0.00 Verf(TL) 0.00 / "" BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 n/a B CDL 10.0 Code UBC-94 (Matrix) Min Length ILL deli = 360 Weight: 126 (Ibs) BER BRACING P CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.1 TOP CHORD Sheathed— BOT CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.1 BOT CHORD 1-4:6-0-0.- WESS 2 X 4 DF Still OTHERS 2X 4OF Star FORCES NOTES 1) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 2) Gable studs spaced at 16 inches on center. 3) Gable studs exceeding 72 inches length to be laterally braced at midpoint. For studs exposed to wind, see 4) Studs to be fastened with 1.5x4 M20 plates. LOAD CASE(S) Standard ® WARNING - Verl fy dedpn parameters and READ NOT6s oirl AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with Mllek connector,, The design n based Only upon parameters mown. and n tot on Individual building component to be Installed and added vedkally. Applldablllty Of design parameters and proper Incorpolotion Or component Ifresponsibility of buldellng de - not bus, designer. Bracing mown b for deal sappod of ndivldual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction n me � raiponsibifry of the erector. Addlllonal permanent bracing of the Overall structure IT responsibility of me building desloneL For general guidance eg rarding loWicals n, auallly cohbo4 Storage, delivery. fraction and bracing, consult OSM18111 Quality Standard. DSO.59 Bracing Specllicollon, and HIO.91 MITek Industries, Inc. Handling Installing and Pricing 9ecommendatl9n ovallobb Pont Truss Plate Inollule, 583 D'Ono9ld Dllve, Madinah, WI 53719. Symbols PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION *Center plate an joint unless dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply plates to both sides of truss and securely seat. o 0 O *For 4 x 2 orientation, locate T plates 1/8" from outside edge of o truss and vertical web. 0 *This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. • For tabular plating format refer to the MRek/Gang-Nall Joint/Plate Placement Chart. Numbering System J2 J3 J4 TOP CHORDS BOTTOM CHORDS J1 J8 J7 J6 JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING ATTHE LOWESTJOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. PLATE SIZE The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS Q X Q perpendicular to sots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. BOCA 86-93, 85-75, 91-28 LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 A Indicates location of required continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329.4922 SBCCI 87206,86217,9190 WISC/DILHR 870040-N. 930013-N. 910080-N (.BEEARIR�IINN'Gj g indicates location of joints Iw_ which bearings (supports) occur. MITek kldustrlw, Inc. TM ® PANEL ® OfYOAO,A/17® CLIP FOQM019.UIS AGeneral Safety Notes Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Damage or Personal Injury 1. Provide copies of this truss design to the building designer, erection supervisor, property owner and all other interested parties.. 2. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. 3. Place plates on each face of truss at each joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane at joint locations. 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chord splices at 1A panel length(* 6" from adjacent joint.) 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber shall not exceed 19 %at time of fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or preservative treated lumber. 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to camber for dead load deflection. 8. Plate type, size and location dimensions shown indicate minimum plating requirements. 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than the grade specified. 10. Top chords must be sheathed or puriins provided at spacing shown on design. 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring connections to trusses are the responsibility of others unless shown. 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with stacks of construction materials. 14. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. 15. Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. © 1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. n NORTHERN CALIFORNIA WOOD TRUSS, INC. CONTRACTORS LICENSE 0 709914 TRUSS ENGINEERING DRAWINGS Job Name & Location sssz Thornhill •n•z Job[ Tndss Truss Type Qly ply 952P T1 COMMON 3 1 Thornhill Const. U481695 pvalaranl 4a111p/Ina vvuuu drus J.JUU a Jun zu 7Y8b Mll eR mOUsfneS, Inc. Wea Uct 77 U6:W:72 199b page 1 • I -2-0-0 5.8-4 11-4-8 13-4.8 2-0-0 5-8-4 5-8-4 2-0-0 I �I 0 4X4 = 5.00 (1 z 2 3x4 = 3x4 = I1 0 5-8-4 5-8.4 LOADING (pst) SPACING 2.0-0 CS/ DEFL (in) (too) 1/datl PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 PlatesIncrease 1.00 TC 0.33 Vert(LL) 0.01 413 999 M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase' 1.25 BC 0.20 Vert(TL) 0.03 413 999 SCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WS 0.05 Horz(TL) 0.01 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code USC-94 Min Length ILL deft = 360 Weight: 44 (lbs) LUMBER BRACING CHORD 2 X 4 OF No.1 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 on center pudin spacing. CHORD 2 X 4 OF No.I BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10-00-00 on center bracing. S 2X4DFStd REACTIONS (Ibs/size) 1=56310-3-8, 3=56310-3-8 FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2=557, 2-3=557 8OTCHORD 3-4=511, 1-4=511 WEBS 2-4=111 LOAD CASE(S) Standard ®WARNING - Verify de819n parameter, and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. DeslOh valld for use Only with Work apnneclos This design of based only upon parameter shown, and is for On Indlvklual bukdlnp component to be � Inslalbtl and boded vmfbally. Applicability of design parameters and proper IncOrpOlatbn Of componenl 8 responsibility of bulk3ing designer - not hus[ assignee. ll ocing shown b for bteml supporl of Indlvlduol web member only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during comhuclbn k the lasponslbelly of the erector. Addllbnal permanenl bracing Of the Overall drucluie a the tespon[Iblllty of the building designee. for general guidance regarding fobtbatbn, quarry control, storage. delivery, erection and bracing, consult OST-68 Quality Standard, OSI.89 Spacing SpeeMlcallon, and NO-01 MITek Induelrles, Inc. Handling Intlalllrea and Spacing Necommendatlenovelbbb team Truss plate Institute, $83 D'Onoteb Dilve, Macron. WI53719. " Sym ols Numbering System AGeneral Safety otes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Failure to Follow Could Cause Property *Center plate on joint unless Damage or Personal Injury dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply 1. Provide copies of this truss design to the plates to both sides of truss and building designer, erection supervisor, property securely seat. �1/' J2 J3 J4 owner and all other interested parties.. � 4 TOP CHORDS 2. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. J5 o WEBS ¢ 3. Place plates on each face of truss at each * Far 4 x 2 orientation, locate of ; �, ¢ 7 joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane plates I/9 from outside edge of o a r' ^ = at oint locations. 1 truss and vertical web. ro a o 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chord splices 114 at panel length(* 6" from adjacent joint.) BOTTOM CHORDS * This symbol indicates the 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of — required direction of slots in J1 J6 J7 J6 lumber shall not exceed 19%at time of connector plates. fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE preservative treated lumber. • For tabular plating format rotor to the AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING ATTHE LOWESTJOINT 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and MRek/Gang-Nail Joint/Plate Placement Chart. FARTHESTTOTHE LEFT. is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFTTO RIGHT. practice is to camber for dead load deflection. PLATE SIZE 8. Plate type, size and location dimensions shown indicate minimum plating requirements. The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and Q X Q perpendicular to slots. Second in ail respects, equal To or better than the dimension is the length parallel grade specified. to slots. BOCA 86-93.85-75, 91-28 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 provided at spacing shown on design. A Indicates location of required 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329, 4922 It. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is, installed, unless otherwise noted. SBCCI 87206.86217.9190 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring WISC/DILHR 870040-N, 930013-N, 910080-N connections to trusses are the responsibility of BEARING others unless shown. Indicates location of joints at 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses withwhich bearings (supports) occur. uldW stacks of construction materials. 14. Do not cut or alter Truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. MITAk I dwtrMa, Inc. 15, Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. ©1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. tl/YDR04/R® CLIPEL Job Truss Truss Type qty ply 9522 T1G COMMON 2 1 Thornhill Const. U481696 • 2-0.0 5-8-4 5.00 [ 22 Jaw a Jun LV 7eY0 Iylll eK mousmes, mc. Wea UCI 77 1,16:01:7D 7'J8J rage 7 3x4 = 2 5-8-4 3x4 = 3x4 = 2.0-0 Iv 0 11-4-8 Plate Offsets (X, Y): (2:0-0-0,0-0-14) LOADING fps/) SPACING 2-0-0 CS/ DEFL (in) floc) Well PLATES GRIP TOLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.00 Ven(LL) 0.00 / •••• M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 Lumberincrease 1.25 BC 0.00 Vert(TL) 0.00 y ...• B CLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC-94 Min Length ILL deft = 360 Weight: 53 (lbs) TUP CHORD 2X4DFNo, I BOTCHORD 2X4DFNo.1 OTHERS 2 X 4 DF Std BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed •- - --- -- ....... _ _ BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10-00-00 on center bracing. FORCES I NOTES 1) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 2) Gable studs spaced at 16 inches on center. 3) Gable studs exceeding 72 inches length to be laterally braced at midpoint. For studs exposed to wind, see 4) Studs to be fastened with 1,5x4 M20 plates. LOAD CASE(S) Standard ®WARNING - V.I(fy designs paRmetere and READ NO7'E9 ON THIS AND REVERSE WDE BEFORE USE. Y Design valld Ira use only with MIIak eonneclon. the design a based only upon polametea Now., and b for an IndivUVal building component to be Instolbd and boded veitkally. Applkablllty of design parameters and propel Incotpotolson of componenl H wsponslblllly of building designer -'not Moss � designer. Bracing shown 4 lot areal upprut of Individual web members only. Additional temporary baclng to Insure stablllly owing conduction I the Iesponslblllly of the srecl.l. Addllional permonenl bracing of the overall structure k the responslblllly of the bulding designer. For general guidance regarding fabrlcatian, quollly control storage, deh,ety, erection and bracing, consult OS7-5e Dually Standard, DSI.89 Bracing S,recRkatlon, and eI1-91 MITek Industries, Inc. Handling Inaallind and Bracing Recommendation avallabb eom Truss Pate Inallute, 583 D'Orrofflo Drive, Madison, WI53719. Sym ors Numbering System AGeneral Safety otes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Failure to Follow Could Cause Property *center plate on joint unless Damage Or Personal Injury dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply 1. Provide copies of This Truss design to the plates to both sides of truss and building designer, erection supervisor, property • securely seat. �1" J2 J3 J4 owner and all other interested parties.. 4 TOP CHORDS 2. Cut members To bear tightly against each other. a WEBS J5 3. Place plates on each face of Truss at each *For 4 x 2 orientation, locate a K, s ,.� ¢ joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane plates I/e" from outside edge of c� o a r Z at joint locations. truss and vertical web. o a o q Unless otherwise noted, locate chards lices P 114 at panel length(* 6" from adjacent joint.) u BOTTOM CHORDS *This symbol indicates the 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of required direction of slots in it JB J7 J6 lumber shall not exceed 19 %at time of connector plates. fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE preservative treated lumber. For tabular Plating format refer t0 the AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING ATTHE LOWESTJOINT 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and Mlrek/Gang-Nall Joint/Plate Placement Chart. FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFTTO RIGHT. practice Is to Camber for dead load deflection. 8. Plate type, sae and location dimensions PLATE SIZE shown indicate minimum plating requirements. The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and 4 X 4 perpendicular to slots. Second in all respects, equal to or better than the dimension is The length parallel grade specified. to slots. BOCA 86-93, 85-75, 91-28 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 provided at spacing shown on design. A Indicates location of required 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329.4922 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling Is installed, V//�/ unless otherwise noted. SBCCI 87206, 86217, 9190 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring WISC/DILHR 870040-N, 930013-N, 910080-N connections To trusses are the responsibility of BEARING others unless shown. Indicates location of joints at 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with Uk which bearings (supports) occur. stacks of construction materials. — 14. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate �'"' without prior approval of a professional engineer. SLRek krdustri", Inc. TM V(D�� �® 15. Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. PANEL C 1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. flYDAD AIR® CLIP J.7b Truss Truss Type Oil ply 9522 T2 MONO 6 1 Thornhill Const U481697 • ,�,,, ..o„r,.,,,,_ ..�,.w r ram n v YI 0 J.3ou a .Iun ZU 7995 Ml l eH mOUstnes, Inc. Wed OCt 11 U8:6/:19 1995 Page 1 -2-0-0 5-8-10 { 11-1-0 l 2-0-0 5-8-10 5-4-6 5.00 � 12 1.5x4 11 3 3x4 = 1.5x4 11 3x4 = r -- 5-8-10 1 11-1-0 l 5-8-10 5-4-6 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS/ DEFL (in) (loc) Well PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.29 Vert(LL) 0.01 514 999 M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 Lumberincrease 1.25 BC 0.20 Vert(TL) 0.03, 1/5 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.34 Horz(TL) 0.01 BCOL 10.0 Code UBC-94 Min Length ILL deft=360 Weight 56(lbs) LUMBER CHORD 2 X 4 OF No.1 CHORD 2X 4OF No,I BS 2X 4OF Std REACTIONS (IbsvVze) 1=552/0-3-8, 4=43210-3-8 FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2=-525, 2-3=0, 3-4=156 BOT CHORD 4-5=481, 1-5=481 WEBS 2.5=108, 24=531 LOAD CASE(S) Standard BRACING TOPCHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 on -center pudia spacing;. -- except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10-00-00 on center bracing. ®WARNING - Verl m deripn parnmebn and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE BIDE BEFORE USE. Deshn valid tot use only with Arli el, connector$. the design b based only upon parameters shown, and a for an Individual bugging companion bt to be � Y Installed and sodded vmlkally. Applkablllly of design ,ammeens and proper Incorporation of compIs ln onent spondblllly of building designer - not bust designer. Bracing shown a for lateral support of Individual web membea only. Addllbnal Iem Daroty btockg to Insure stability during construction Is the rZponVbillty of the ecial. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure 5 Ie the sppndblllty of the bulking designer. For general guklonce rOfficial.arding labrioatlan, quality control, storage, delivery, election and bracing. consult CSE•55 Quality Standard. Dsg-ag gracing Specification, and HIS -al MITek Indudrles, Inc. Handling Imtatlinq and gracing gecommerW alion available from truss Rate Institute, 583 D'OnoSio Drive, Modeon, M53719. Sym ols Numbering System AGeneral Safety otes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Failure to Follow Could Cause Property 13/. *Center plate on joint unless Damage or Personal Injury dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply 1. Provide copies of This truss design to the plates to both sides of truss and building designer, erection supervisor, property securely seat. Ya' J2 J3 J4 owner and all other interested parties.. �•, -� TOP CHORDS 2. Cut members To bear tightly against each 1 other. J5 3. Place plates on each face of Truss at each *For 4 x 2 orientation, locate E a: NIZ joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane plates 1/e" from outside edge of O O_ n r at joint locations. truss and vertical web. 0 a o 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chordsP lices 114 length(* 6" from at panel odjac ent joint.) BOTTOM CHORDS *This symbol indicates the 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of _ required direction of slots in it JB J7 J6 lumber shall not exceed 19%at time of connector plates. fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE preservative treated lumber. • For tabular plating formal refer to the AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE LOWEST JOINT 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and Mtrek/Gang-Nall Joint/Plate Placement Chart. FARTHEST TO THE LEFT, is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFTTO RIGHT, practice is to camber for dead load deflection. 8. Plate type, size and location dimensions PLATE SIZE shown indicate minimum plating requirements. The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 9. Lumber shag be of the species and size, and Q X 4 perpendicular to slots. Second in all respects, equal to or better than the dimension is the length parallel grade specified. to slots. BOCA 86-93.85-75. 91-28 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 provided at spacing shown on design. A Indicates location of required 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329, 4922 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. SBCCI 87206, 86217, 9190 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring WISC/DILHR 870040-N, 930013-N, 910080-N connections to trusses are the responsibility of BEARING others unless shown. Indicates location of joints at 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with Uk which bearings (supports) occur. stacks of construction materials. — T" 14. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. MITek Industries, Inc. ® TM 15. Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. ® © 1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. NYDRf7,A/p® CLIPE� LFORM018,019 'Job Truss Qt Truss Type Qty71Thomhill gob T3 COMMON 15 Const. U481696 • •••• ••��� • •�� d.duu a dun cu IOUD MII eR /naustres, Inc. Wea UCf 77 Ua:OGZJ lyyt rage 1 -2-0-0 6-9-1 12-10-5 18-11-0 20-11-0 2-0-0 6-9.1 6-1-4 6.0-12 2-0-0 5.00 12 4A = 3 3x4 = 1.5x4 It 3x8 = 1.5x4 11 6-9.1 6-9-1 12-10-5 6-1-4 18-11-0 6-0.12 LOADING (pso SPACING 2-0.0 CSI DEFL (in) (loc) 1/dell PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.43 Vert(LL) 0.03 7/6 999 M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 Lumberincrease 1.25 BC 0.35 Vert(TL) 0.09 7/6 999 8CLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES W8 0.53 Horz(TL) 0.02 5 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code UBC-94 Min Length /LL dell = 360 Weight: 97 (lbs) LUMBER CHORD 2 X 4 OF No.1 CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.l WEBS .2X4DFSlid REACTIONS (Ibs/size) 1=865/0-3-8, 5=865/0-3-8 FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2-1214, 2.3=-605, 3-4=605, 4-5=806 BOTCHORD 5-6=0, 6-7=1115, 1-7=1115 WEBS 2-7=127, 2-6=615, 3.6=105, 4-6=623 LOAD CASE(S) Standard BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-4-5 on center puffin spacing, except and verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10.00-00 on center bracing. A WARNING - VerlTy design parameter and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE URE. vatic tot use only with Miley connectors. The design h based only upon potamelers shown, and Islot an Individual building component to as, installed antl toasted velibatlp y. Applicability of design parameters and proer Ioccupofolbn of component h responsibility of building deslgnet - not Russ dedgnet. Btocing shown 4 lot btewl suppoll of IndNbrs ldual web memeonly. Additionalismpaaiy bracing to Insure stoDlllly outing continuation the ElDesign IaSOOnslblllly of the ereclOt. Atltlllbnal permanent DIOCIng OI the OVOIaS [hucWte h the retpondblllly OI the Wilding designer. FOt genmal quldance legoiding fabrbalbn, quallly conhol, sfoiage, delivery, ereclbn and btacNg, consul) O117-88 Dually Standard, D511-119 prating Specification, and HILOI YiTek Industries, Inc, Handling Inchlllrdi and Sraclrq pecommerldalbnavolbbb from ❑ussP to Institute.583 D'Onollb Dtive. Maclean, W153710. Sym ols Numbering System AGeneral Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Failure to Follow Could Cause Property - t'i' *Center plate on joint unless Damage or Personal Injury dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply IjW�7^CtW\7• 1. Provide copies of this truss design to the plates to both sides of truss and building designer, erection supervisor, property securely seat. JZ J3 J4 owner and all other interested parties.. TOP CHORDS 2. Cut members to bear tightly against each � other. a WEBS 15 Q 3. Place plates on each face of truss at each *For 4 x 2 orientation, locate o +, a „+ M joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane plates 1/8" from outside edge of O o a r ^ X at joint locations. truss and vertical web. a o 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chord splices 114 at panel length(` 6" from adjacent joint.) BOTTOM CHORDS *This symbol indicates the 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of required direction of slots in J1 J8 J7 J6 lumber shall not exceed 19 % at time of connector plates. fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE preservative Treated lumber. * For tabular plating format refer to the AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING ATTHE LOWEST JOINT 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and MQek/Gang-Nail Joint/Plate Placement Chart. FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFT TO RIGHT. practice is to camber for dead load deflection. 8. Plate type, size and location dimensions PLATE SIZE shown indicate minimum plating requirements. The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and Q X Q perpendicular to slots. Second in all respects, equal to or better than the dimension is the length parallel grade specified, to slots. BOCA 86-93, 85-75, 91-28 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 provided at spacing shown on design. A Indicates location of required 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329, 4922 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling isinstalled, unless otherwise noted. SBCCI 87206, 86217, 9190 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring WISC/DILHR 870040-N, 930013-N. 91008G-N connections to trusses are the responsibility of BEARING others unless shown. Indicates location of joints at 13. Do not overload roof or floor Trusses with Uk which bearings (supports) occur. stacks of construction materials. — 14. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate �'" without prior approval of a professional engineer. MITek Industries, Inc. ® TY �tRJ 15. Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. CLIPEL ©1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. IiYDROdIp® FORWIB,B19 '�'� 'Job Truss Truss Type Oty ply 9522 T31 COMMON 7 1 Thomhill,Const. U481699 J.Juv a Jun 4u iYuo MI7 eK mausrnes, Inc, wea UCr 77 U6:D121 799a I -age 7 -5-4-0 1 6-9-1 1 12.10-5 I 18-11-0 12o-it-O 5-4-0 6-9-1 6-1-4 6-0-12 2-0.0 4x4 = 5.0072 3 N 6-9.1 6-1-4 6-0.12 Plate Offsets (X, Y): (1:0-0-0,0-0-01 Io N LOADING (ps1) SPACING 2.0.0 CSI DEFL (in) (roc) 1/den PLATES. GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.43 Vert(LL) 0.03 716 999 M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0,35 Vert(TL) 0.09 7/6 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.53 Horz(TL) 0.02 5 File BCDL 10.0 Code UBC-94 Min Length ILL deft = 360 _• Weight: 100 (lbs)_. TOP CHORD 2 X 4 OF No.1 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.1 WEBS 2X 4OF Still REACTIONS (lbslsize) 1=106510-3-8, 5=86510-3-8 FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2=1214, 2-3=605, 3-4=605, 4.5=-806 BOT CHORD 5-6=0, 6-7=1115, 1-7=1115 WEBS 2-7=127, 2-6=615, 3-6=105, 4-6=623 NOTES 1) Extension(s) at joints) 1 must be supported. LOAD CASE(S) Standard BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-4.5 on center pudin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied, or 10-00-00 on center bracing. ®WARNING - Verjily MNpn parneuten and READ NOTES ON TNfS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Desian valld for use Only with Mllek connectors. Ihb design b based only upon parameters shown. and It for an Individual building component l0 be Insralbtl and boded vmlbally. Applicablllly of design pOlameleis and proper Incorporation at componenl li responslblllty of building dedgnis - n01 ima dosignei. Bracing shown M for bleral support of stc Nlduol web member only. Additional tembowry bmcing to Insme stobYlty dining conslmclbn M the �Y re19acin illly of the Additional permanent g of the c k he of the building designer. For genesai guidance regarding n, quality control, storage, tleovall, election and bracing, consult 5 Q.olnbllOy iv. th Mori g, consult Standard,, tracing tpecMlcallon, and NII.91 Oa MITek Industries, Inc. stalls an, Bracing Handling In[lalllrq and bKing IKOmmendalbn avalbbb twin Lun hale IndllOts. 59] D'Onohb Drlvs, MOtlkOn, WI53)10. D'On Miu Wl 53 Symbols PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION *Censer plate on joint unless dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply plates to both sides of truss and securely seat. IW �.. T 0 O *For 4 x 2 orientation, locate plates 1/8` from outside edge of ao truss and vertical web. 0 *This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. For tabular plating format refer to the MITek/Gang-Nall Joint/Plate Placement Chard. Numberin J2 J3 TOP CHORDS System J4 BOTTOM CHORDS J1 J8 J7 J6 JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE LOWESTJOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFTTO RIGHT. PLATE SIZE The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS Q X Q perpendicular to slots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. BOCA 86-93, 85-75.91-28 LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 A Indicates location of required j/J,p/�/ continuous lateral bracing. ICBO 1591, 1329.4922 SBCCI 87206,86217.9190 WISC/DILHR 870040-N, 930013-N, 910080-N BEARING Indicates location of joints at Wk — which bearings (supports) occur. IMITM MiTek Industries, Inc. PANEL xoxMore.oro mnG«na0 NYDRO,A/R® CLIP AGeneral otes Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Damage or Personal Injury 1. Provide copies of this truss design to the building designer, erection supervisor, property owner and all other interested parties.. 2. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. 3. Place plates on each face of truss at each joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane at joint locations. 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chard splices at 114 panel length(* 6" from adjacent joint.) 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber shall not exceed 19 % at time of fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or preservative treated lumber. 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to camber for dead load deflection. 8. Plate type, size and location dimensions shown indicate minimum plating requirements. 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than the grade specified. 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at spacing shown on design. 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring connections to trusses are the responsibility of others unless shown. 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with stacks of construction materials. 14. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. 15. Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. © 1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc. dab Truss Truss Type Oty, Ply 9522 T3G COMMON I 1 1 Thornhill Const. U481700 Ilol/, VOIIIV!/IItl YYVVV IIUS • 3.3UU a Jun 2U 1995 Ml l ek Industries, Inc. Wed Oct 17 OU:51:30 1995 Page 1 i -2-0-0 6-9.1 12-10.5 18-11-0 20-11-0 2-0-0 6.9-1 6-1-4 6-0-12 2.0.0 5,00 12 3x4 = 2 t y 3x4 = 1.5A 11 6-9.1 1 12-10-5 18-11-0 6-9-1 6-1-4 6-0-12 Plate Offsets KY): (2:0-0-0,0-0-14] LOADING (pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) (loc) 1/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 16.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.00 Vert(LL) 0.00 1 ...' M20(20ga) 1861148 TCDL 14.0 Lumberincrease 1.25 BC 0.00 Ved(TL) 0.00 / ••" BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 We BCOL 10.0 Cade UBC-94 (Matrix) Min Length ILL dell = 360 Weight: 126 (Ibs) BER BRACING TOP CHORD 2X 4OF No.i TOP CHORD Sheathed - ..-- BOT CHORD 2 X 4 DF No.1 BOT CHORD 1-4:6-0-0. WESS 2X4DFStd . OTHERS 2X40FStd FORCES NOTES On 1) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 2) Gable studs spaced at 16 inches on center.a� J 3) Gable studs exceeding 72 inches length to be laterally braced at midpoint. For studs exposed to wind, sea MiT %'SIB -rib etailrr. 4) Studs to be fastened with 1.5x4 M20 plates. q: LOAD CASE(S) Standard U' NO co4wiv E:•./r 9-30-9s A WARMNO - V.rVy d�eten paraasets n and READ NOTES ONTNIS AND REVERSE BIDE BEFORE USE. ,. Design valid for use only with Wel, connectors, This design h based only upon parameters Mown. and b tot an Individual buldina component to be Installed and loaded veftloolly. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorpciallon of component B mpo snslullty of building drhO ner - not Ilea deslpner. Bracing Shown B for bleral supp00 of Individual web membels only. Additional lemporary bracing to Insure stablllly during con[huctlon Is the � resp0nebillty Of the arecrol. Addllional permanent bwcing of the ovetau struotuu B the respontlbYlly of the building designer. For general guidance regarding tabrloatlon, auallly control. storage, delivery, eiectlon and bracing. consult QST-aa OualSy Standard, 051-89 Inscing Specncation, and HISA1 MITek Industries, Inc. Handling Irrs101IIna and Iraclrse IecommendaHoO avollobb Irom Ouss Hlata Institute. 583 D'OnoLlo odve. MatlHan, W153710. Sym5ols PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION 1 IA *Center plate on joint unless dimensions indicate otherwise. Dimensions are in inches. Apply plates to both sides of truss and securely seat. 'F 0 *For 4 x 2 orientation, locate O plates 1/8" from outside edge of ao truss and vertical web. 0 *This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. ' For tabular plating format refer to the M1Tek/Gang-Nall Joint/Plate Placement Chart. Numberin J2 J3 TOP CHORDS System J4 BOTTOM CHORDS it J8 J7 J6 JOINTS AND CHORDS ARE NUMBERED CLOCKWISE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE LOWESTJOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. WEBS ARE NUMBERED FROM LEFTTO RIGHT. PLATE SIZE The first dimension is the width CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS Q X Q perpendicular to slots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. BOCA 86-93. 85-75. 91-28 LATERAL BRACING HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 A Indicates location of required continuous lateral bracing. ICBO I591, 1329, 4922 SBCCI 87206,86217.9190 WISC/DILHR 870040-N, 930013-N. 910080-N BEARING Indicates location of joints at which bearings (supports) occur. N1 T. MiTek Industries, Inc. ® 6a® TM PANEL L ® HYDR0,41RO CLIP FORMOl B.019 AGeneral Safety Notes Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Damage or Personal Injury 1. Provide copies of this truss design to the building designer, erection supervisor, property owner and all other interested parties.. 2. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. 3, Place plates on each face of truss at each joint and embed fully. Avoid knots and wane at joint locations. 4. Unless otherwise noted, locate chord splices at 114 panel length(* 6" from adjacent joint.) 5. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber shall not exceed 19%at time of fabrication. 6. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant or preservative treated lumber. 7. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to camber for dead load deflection. 8. Plate type, size and location dimensions shown indicate minimum plating requirements. 9. Lumber shall be of the species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than the grade specified. 10. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at spacing shown on design. 11. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. 12. Anchorage and/or load transferring connections to trusses are the responsibility of others unless shown. 13. Do not overload roof or floor trusses with stacks of construction materials. 14, Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. 15. Care should be exercised in handling, erection and installation of trusses. © 1993 Mitek Holdings, Inc.