27215 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES•USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO Ell,II'D1RU--ELEL'TRICAI. PERMITNO. APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL. BUILDING ADDR DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 27215 BUILDING ADDRBSA _ / SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE O(V O—/ (I/Q� �QL ,0, UNITN / � LOTH `� O TRS NA F:: PII F,: CONfRACI'OR' NAME: LIC NO: N/C CONTROL a iCn eM Z 9 - OGS curt � • ARC[ItTEC'DENGINEER: PIC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ CONTACT: PHONE: QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT PER BUILDING PERMIT INFO TELECT PLUMB MECH EAw 9 X XV D LICES CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION W ZA&Z I herebyaffirm that l am licensed underprovisiomofC ,ter9(commencingwith +100 Section] of Division Jafthe Business it Pmfaeinru Code,and my license is in PANELS FZ ty ul And full fora and effect. F Z W License Claus Li<.N UP TO 200 AMPS m Q y Dam Corummt MI-1000 AMPS ZDyZ ARCHITECTSDECLARATION SQ.IT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ,FT. 1 understand my plans shall be used as publicrecords. OVER 1000 AMPS oz � ver i F'rn SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Professional W U that I at BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRNIT/MISC. O a t- I hereby Affirm that I um exempt from the Contractors License Isw for the 40 Q following reawn.(Section]OJLS,Business end Professions Code:Any city m county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. rn J which requires a Perm to comruO,elmr,improve,demolish,or tepdr any mmeture IyD]},X prim to its issuance,also requires the Applicant forsuch PermRm file a signed statement POWER DEVICES pI CSO that he is licensed pursuant the provisions of he Cnnaauees License Law(Chapta °'acff 9(mommeming with Seed..7")of Division 3 of the Business and Profusion Code) SWIMMING POOL EL.ECf¢IC VALUATION WZ m or that h7031.5 by therefrom and the Permit subjects is the exemption. civil Penalty of q 6�3. WM, or that Section he ise em Any applicant for erefromandte basis f rtje allege exemant n.Any 1penny of OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES 1sQ not awred.ri Eve hundred dollms(S50B. -0 ❑ I,usownerofthe propeny,ormy employmnwi,h wagesustheirsolecompensation, NEW RESIDENTIALELECTR _SQ.FT. STORIES- TYPE CONSTRUCTION a32 will dothe work,and,heswctumis not intended croffcred forsde(Sm.]044,Businees and Pmfeesinns Cale:The Courtrai License Law does not apply to An owner of property who builds or improves thereon,andwhodoessuch work himselforthroughhis own OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS employees,providedthatwchimprovemrnthin nn yonar fecoroffered fmsele.If, •fin howeer will have buimprovcmcmissat he within build or impane fnd purpose TOTAL: N. builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build m improve for purpose of sale')' QTY' PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN cons❑ I,n the pr ject(Sro,70", Bustles andly amProfessio widen ds:)Th convmmtsm ice rucr the oesnot(Sec.](w4,Business and ywhobians Cade)The Contractor's PERMIT ISSUANCE Li cense Lsw ds not apply ct an owner of property li bo builds ra improv es Nermn,and wheaPormch projects punuanuo Ne Consmcmts Licensence Law. ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) FE•ESUMMARY ❑ 1 Am exempt under Sm. ,B&P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE OUTSIDE SANITARY Y N Owner Dam RECEIPT p WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOP.AREA,COND. SCHOOLTAX Y N ❑ Thereby affirm that l have acenificate ofemsem to self-insure,or a certificate of RECEIPT At Workers'Compensation fimuranceara eartifiedcnpy thereof(See.3800,Lab C.)which FIXTURES-PER TRAP PARK FEE Y N meets ell employee's under this permit. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-1 INC.4 OUTLET'S RECEIPT p Policy p I BUILDING DIVIhSION FEES Company GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) PLANCHECK FEE OL� ❑ Certified copy is hereby famished. ❑ Certified copy is GlM with the city inspection division. ORE- SE(INDUSTRI.WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed ifhe permit is furore hundred dollars($100) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.200FT. ENERGY FEF. orI aJ Iceloy that in the pIAonnwreeof Newoh for which Niubject tisihe Workers' WATER HEATER WNFNf/ELECfR not employ any person it any manner so m to become subject m the Workers' PAID Compensation Laws of Cdifmde. Dam WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Dam Rmeipsp O Z Applicant z NOTICE suj APPLICANT:r's after Compensation this Cu inmate of Exemption, .youshould NEW RESIDENTIAL P MB. SQ.FT. TOTAL- DO become compto thely with Wader's Compensation prmitshallns of the Labor Cooked. must / forthwith comply with such provisions of this pcmdt shall be domed revoked. BUILDING FF.F. OeO a �� 4 (] CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE 5 D U z 1 hereby affirm that share is a mnsnuction lending agency for the perforunce ofq U O the work for which this p<.it is issued(Sm.3097,Co.C.) TOTAL: `�i ELECTRIC HIE / 70 Q `- Lender's Name E NG FEE E U Lenders Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PL04- �•' 4U I certify that 1 have read this application end state that the been information is MECHANICAL IEE 7 0 O S-- coned I agree m comply with AT city and county ordinances end state laws relating to PERMIT ISSUANCE buildingcunsuuction,andherebyauthorizerepresmtafivaofNiscitymenteruponthe CONSTRUCI'IONTAX 6 a s9 U 7 ahove-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECIL 0�- (We)agree to save,indemnify and kap haradeas the City of Cupertino against / Qa �— Imbilifiks.judgments,costa and expenses which mayin Any waymmuc aunssdd City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO BLOW CFM) in flLe granting of this permits AIR HANDLING UNIT TONER 10,000 CFM) c�.o..� P.-� a � I� � EXHAUST HOOD Signature of ApplicunVCom cast Ue,e PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT GO 100.100 BTU) Date Receipt At Will the upplimm or fawn building merpant store or handle hazallous emend HEATING UNIT(OVER 1(X1,000 111 U) TOTAL: es defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cade,Chapter 9.12,and the Health And Safety n Cale.Section 25532(x)? VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE R[5ID) O( 13 Yes 11 No ISSUANCE DATE Will the applicantorfuture buildingoccupant useequipmen.rdeviceswhichemlt BOILER-COMPUHP OR 10p00 BTU) q harurdous air conmminams is defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COMP(OVER 1110,(X10 BTU) PA � A DisOie? V CI Yes ❑No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT. 1 have read the ha zcdmu emends requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the /995 California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. 1 understand that ifthe building does not currently have u tenant.that it is my responsibility to notify the C yvP �. occupant of the requirements which as,be met prior m issuer.of a Cenif¢me of Occupancy. lzzo�s .f fU Owner or..danxed agent Date TOTAL: /a ISSUED BY: OFF C