02060103 (4) CI BUILDING DIVIiSIiONV0 PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10189 TANTAU AVE BATHROOMS BY REMODELING EPEC 02060103 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE RICHARD FREEMAN 1422 SARATOGA AVE 06/17/2002 / PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 1 (408) 328-6700 9 p z0 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH y'^ Lm that ID CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job �' Ihcrtby vFwshaiam oftheBsinerp o(Chapter Code. 9gommccense BATHROOM REMODEL ` FHG with scnion]000)of Division lof the Business and Professions Coek.and my license a se y is in full forte and e, G 7 ods NOV p 7 2 pp2 s o 6 u Lice nu Class /e Lic.N 3 n F Dae Commcmr f-LL O g ARCHITECr'S DECLARA ON 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records Ir ,cr.O Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 6 m 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Convector's License Law for the F z a following aeon,(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county $6 9 31 RS G which aquircs a panni,m rnnsvuct.altaolish,r,improve,demor repair any swarm, so a 3 coo-prior to its issuance.also natures tho applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that h8 iseliceg9vd pursuant as pov)sions of the Conwcmis License law(Chapter 9 ) Valuation (commeng ItnSectiuni' ) fDrvisionlof,hc� mea�anaPrppras,.ioorCodo (;n�?i'>i`3'( '. `"lb•_i . SYl�l tiil'7A'.�'1.4)�+: or that hecinis exempt themfAiinand,he basis for the.11FggL, gemp,(ot�.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora pem,it subjests the applicant to a civil penalty of out tame than five hundred doll.($500). j0jA_PNPbTftATION li of, % Occupancy Type 111.as owner of the property,or my employee with wages as their sole compensation. s - -'wlldothe'work.'and'me structure snot-intended or oRercd-far sale(Soc.-7044Y -. __. __.. _ ___ ._-. 'B : ss and Professions Code no Contractor's License Law does not apply m an 103 - UFER Required Inspections''� ownerof his embuilds or improves,hereon,andmpr whodoes such work himself or though his own employees.provided Out such improvements arc not intended or 104 - REBAR OR mE'foi3ale:If;however;the buildin"oP ire Fo"vnmcni is sol]within one ear of --- -'- - -"'- ANCHOR� - ��-'"--_ '- ----'-'""%;;_----� '�—'----'---'_ g p 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS 'comPle,ion,the owner-builder will have the Horden or porting that he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.), 106 - SEWER & WATER ' of _pros PLUMB -- - :: "C71,as owner of the propcnY,am exclusively contracting" 'thlicenseJ contractors - y w. 202 - UNDERFLOOR- ING- ,u;_:•.e-I-r.�:,l r:r, construct the pro,cs('eel]nu,Burins..and property who nes cade)The contra ro , 2 0 3 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANI'CAL'-' e a License Law docs no,apply m on awnw of property who builds or improves thavon, �' s .. 7 _ane what contruts.to,.mm.Proiects.with.a conuxmr(sjlkensm.prrsuanLm tale. 2'04-'--""UNDERFLOOR"'FRAME'-- - ..__.___.....L_...._.__.....____.._..__......_. ^_ - Con,ncto's License Law, A,: ^.16 s:f.x . - � : ❑Ism enempt unJer Sed ,B&P,C for,hic mason 205 - UNDERFLOOR'•tlINSULATION - - o ores 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING WORKER S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER _ . Ihereby arum underpenr0ty arPely n, rime fort g dcor.raima, 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL 7: 1-lI ❑ 1 hove end will maintain a'Cmificam of Consent to selbinsurc for worker's 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL I, 1 Compensation, as provided for by Section d)(g) of the Labor Core. fathe _ _ - Peiformancenrmeworkfarwhimthispermitisosued.,. r 305 - FRAME 1 have andivill'miinlain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 306 - HOLDOWNS _ 3100'ofshe Tabor Code,for the Performance of Ne work for which this permit is 307 - INSULATION isd d.My/W rkrker's Ci5rrprr, tion hosivinanci tamer and Policy - be m carhsa " PhayNo oi'6 So �7 -,S'HEETROCK__� .r._....,.... ----,.._.._.._ ,, • ft1HCEKTIR(;ATION OF EXEMPTION FROM'WORKERS k" 1 '�: t 3'0�'4 r f.dEX-TER-I OR 1!LATH A''• f ' . - "':�INTERIOR—liATH-' toot. ..._ .� ._._ (1bN iI,eton,ccd ad,he co31'0? nderal if the Permit is for one hundred dollars If U_ ' 31M.,les.) 311 - SCRATCH COAT 31.3._. ROOF Wall nit 4mpl6ynycm in person in eye( any fmanner so as tobecome the al 501 - FINAL ELECTRICALst�ENERGY t e bJ t, the Workers CorrIpe...in.Law,ofCalf Dm ' OrNrrtnM1 lwdn -n ,hi"thll bd d io ked o 502 _ FINAL_ PLUMBING._ENERGY--- ;NOTICE TO nPTTf hmaking Certificate fE Exemption, _ —'"_, Z becamesuh)cm .,heWorkcrsCampcosationptt,h you 503 FINAL MECHANICAliERGY ENERGY Z m .504_._ ...FINAL BUILDING_ te 4CONSTRUCTIONLENDINGAGENCY _•` 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL a ' t I hereby affirm that Nem is a convection lending agency for the performance „rm kl which this a _tsIssrq(s -109]CivCl : 506 GAS TEST under�Name p;z Lnd .Ada psi• 507 - FINAL PLUMBING. v O 508 - FINAL MECHANICA I c n fy th s I reply d tall city application my state,nm the bo laws melon a tat. U t 1 a mete plywth B by d o ,,r ordinances astateI ,dmmg 509 — FINAL GRADE O..O fob Id g .,' , h do hereby smh c rep its. t (tall-city to tar upon m hue , ter patio' ax, Pma 510 - FINAL PLANNIN . 6i IW-)Alt-cc- is i fy andk phar 1 sth C'iy fC pen a'un't _ fa0 liabilities.judgments.cost, and espaao which in.,in any y accrue aI said 514 F I NAL UB C 79 V;.4Cry in-mommiponizi of the gram ng ii perms AI PLIC TUNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL'N N=POINT•r ! SGUP .<EGUCATIONS r . �;' }f�' Issued by: Date 3 g atria_,a_ r�orwctor :',i, .:., Dam...; Re-roofs .HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE, + ' WII th ppc m fat cbaldng x l t naso h dle baard.'tamed I .Type Of Roof ,- '" is defned Itcby Cupenn Municipal CM Chapter 913 dtheH nal andS fety t , - .�•-•.-...._ ... . ..-`... ' -------------------- I CWe Sectn35531 a) Av ! t 4'-'•-T .,,l" T + ,T' 14 r1t""u rs s (, rte - as + ^ - i •• ea i', .ha I_Si rt a.iii"v: °v ' �N 4'+ t. n - All roofs shall be Inspected prior to,any,rooftng material being,installed._ Wil I the uppi ant or.future ba Ising occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspectiori,'I-agree.to remove :u rtnntaminenis m Jef J by,h day Arc A r Qua],y Management o t`h, rJ � all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 1 " all non-pore[source regulations - t • • �h , , •• 1 base mad the al mrdous maanaB requirements under Chapter 695 of the California Health&Safety Code,ScBtiens 25505,15533 and 25534.1 understand shat if the building does not currently.have a rut that is is my responsibility to notify the -' "" _.. ...._ ... .....- _ _..._.... ..._.-. -_._._. .... -.\... . .._ _._. .. __ ..._ iiccupu I of she govements which must he met prior to issuance of a Cenifcam of ' Signature of A ]lean[ Date_ A8eg5 -6 . .- _ - .g. pp - - _ - - own rmarrnonzeaagent Dae All roof coverings to be Class B • or better ti , _. ., r .. . ..__:...,.. s..._i:.., ._, soot.. .. _ .. 1.. ......._-OFFICE----. . . .. - --- ..... . . _.. _.__.. . . _- .._._ ....._. - .