21839 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Ruildin Pm'ed W'entifeationn/ !oi/ PFRNWENO. Building CC drv: ,�,.I'^' %•�, /' •y 7li(n - 21839 Owners EKY X< IoEr-21ap CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION , APPLICATION / PERMIT 9 BUILT➢NGMECTMCA[,PLUMBINGME LAICAL CATEGORY I CONTROL/ AmhXxt neer._ Llc No �aT QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address PFRMIESSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby Wire,that l am tkensed under provWme of Chapter 9(mnvrrm APPLIANCESRESmEN[7AL ]OB DESCRIPTI ON Ing with Section 7000)of Divialm 3 ofthe ButlKaand Pro eslcrosCade,and ed. Ilam b1.fa In ilrte foand df ' PANES /r I c Clan Lffx Date Caturactor UP TO 200AMPS ARCNTTECI 5 DECLARATION -1 AMPS q 5/SQ.Fr. q��uu«7. I uderttand my plan shall he used u public nerals .OVER 1000 AMPS SQ FLOOR k �jLimrued Professional SIGNS — 6 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL T/h78C a 1 E'�G Iher.bya/Oren that!am exempt from the Comramrs LiarueWwle Ne Fq- f.Bewingreason.5ectlm�7015,Businessant Profmbru Cade:Anydtyor , <i,C countywhk mlqulreape toconsbud,alter,Impm ,den Wh,orrepdr K ',SSS�6 anywueure Dint to its fad°rcgalw rcrylrestheappBunt fmauch permit to POWER DEVI K 0 U file a signed statement that he b Beenaed po,,a.t Io the pr.vbbra of the Co.t cxriLicense Lao,(Chaptm9(mmircMngwith Segbn7000)./Divi. yy�UgNGPOOLF7ECCRC VALUATION do F,�OS n3ofthe Rueben Ord PrdmbmCode)orthathebermptt refmmard the Wsb for the alleged )muthean. Any violation of Sealant nor me re any OUTLETSSWTTCHFSFI%TURES ��� 6X fiveapphc�mtfora permit srbjtt[s the applicant boa dvilpwlty and mnrctlun - J (` 0E-11, area dollars ISMbeer. NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECCR SQ.FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION �n .72- F-1 1, .wren of the Property,or may employees with wages s offered woe C 6 mmpeee.tim70K will Roaloss wakand thesWcte:TheC Wedel o icensedfor S D ale(See.7011,to an Ad Prdmbra1ho The or Imp ore Cleve Ww , don not apply roan wvner of mth.gys on emplolmprwnthert.vand c. whodmmchwoh M1lmseBmthwgh M1bownemployeq provided tM1atsch OCC.GROUP RES I1Nfr5 Imprmr.rds arc not Intended oroffered far ah,.If,however,the building m TOTAL Improvement beold wNMnomyearofcu pletb theowner-bu erwi0 have tIoCItarden of proving thathe did not build or improve for purpose ofsab.). QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE "L u owner of the property,am eucontracting nting with Planed PLOD ZONE APN mnteu ar,to metmd the pmlact(Sm 7011,Busbm ad Prdesla s Code: PQUvEFF ISSUANCE The Cordndors Llee.Paw d.e not apply to Aa owner of property who - builde or Improve therm.,and who contra for such pi,)ects with a ALTER-DRAW&VENT-WATER TA) optisemr(a)Bemin!pursuant to the Cmtradm'a Licence Law. BAIX FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY UI am exempt under Sec B Is P C for this reason DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,ARF-,COND. SANITARY Y N_ Owner DimECL nrr, R� / WORKMAN I""aCOMPErSATION DECLARATION FDtTURES PER TRAP SCIICOL TAX Y— N_ '❑I hereby orMn that I have a Imorate d cmrnt to oself-Insure,there. ora RECEIPT/ 3SM,Laeo(Workeri Camperaatlmlmurmaaaartl!int ropy therm(6ec. GAS EA.SYSTEM-I ING10ULETS PARK FTP Y N 3500,Wb CJ Polky/ CAS PA.SYSTFMUVER I(EA) RECEPI'N C�nr ny BUILDING DIVISION FEES ItLs_1{l(/i`rLRee ropy b hereby filed the cr. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE dNed ropy b filed with the dtY Ivpectlan division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GRFA TRAP PAID (f — gyp COMPENSATIONU NCE SEWER-SANTEARY-STORM EA.2()FT Date' Recei to /((� 'y- Nseedbnneed net he completed Rtthe Prrmlt b(macre hundred dollars(Sl W)«Im) WATERIitATFRW/VENT/ELECTR ENERGYFEE Y N ]o-troy employ any personhe i anye of nee work so as to b Ws permit b bunt, — I shag not employ Ary person In any manner at s to become eubjed to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Waheri Compenatbn lawmd Gllfomb.Date PAID _Zz = NOTICAppheant NEWRESIDEN1ALPLMB._-_SQFI. Date Recel tit O shoulCEearmxo SCAMheWorsIll.fierrmbomperCtiecpreof Fiempter.you should become svbjM b the Workers'Comperoatbn prvvbbro of the Iabar TOTAL: F N_ Code,You most forthwith comply with such provlslaro or this pemat shall be cc > deemed revoked. BUILPING ELE1 — W O CONSTRICTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FE d Iherebyafli that there is-mrotrudion lording aMmY,for the pedorrry TOTAL, ELECTRIC FEE ,qD o = enaafthe me /or whldrthio perMtb ed(Sec.3097,CW.CJ �� 70 LL O Indere W mr / PLUMBING FEE LL F lend rt Addrna�7Z/ QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT MECHANICAL FEE ,10 O W IartPtyth gree to mplyvvead apallelt aadc stacounty thrtthe cess and lomatlm 1 lscoingt Iailding amply wNh andtyad munryardlnanaenta estebws I'FRMITISSUANCE r raring to building and hereby hereby mth«b rtpreenta[hv of this U) dy to enter a Pon the abwcmentbad property for Wpecton purpose. ALTERORADDTOMECK Date Rebel [it — (We)Agra to save.lndenudry n d keep harades the City of Cupertlm egaimElabWtln,p 'eseav leh maylnan wayamue AIR HANDLING UNIT 8010,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: agawteaid Cl gdtMs pa�lt. MR HANDUNG UNTE(OVER IQOOOCM CONSTRUCTIONTAX ,g Signature of ant/Ccnr to EXHAUST HOOD CW/DUCT) CO CTION AD: tAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE �1 Will the epphant or futue,bu0dingoccupant state.dandle HEATINGUNIT(T0100,000BTU) 'Date Recel tit materials defined by the Cuperbm Mu Ndpal Code,Chapter 9.13,and the Ilealthad Safety Cade Sedim355334)t HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,00)BTU) - TOTAL: 6 Fl Yn M N 'Ty ill the eppllaN orfuture WOding actupaat use equlpmens or dev{m VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RF9D) ISSUANCE DATE which emit harardmWs air aorta mnets s defined by the Bay Area Mr Quarry Ma nagereent Dbt�o t BOIIRR-COMP OHP OR 100,1X9 BTU) Yes F�N hove read the bxaoxl materials requirement u oder Cha pier&95 of BOILEILCOMP(OVER TW,000 BTU) EB the California Iiealth&Safty Sm eCode, laro c 75505,35533 and 7553!. I r 1- 1991 1991 ude and that if the building don wt amrently have a tenant that it b my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECIi. SO.F7 , responsibility to notify the ocapant d the requirements whishares,mast be ares, prior to bsuanee d a Certlfiate of Oreupancy. ng ra" e r .5 Owner or authorlred agent Date ISSUED BY: TOTAL OFFICE COPY