23868 (2) 7862 Robindell Way Building Permit Confirmed Not Required ❑ ` CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ELECTRI'M PERMIT Date---A s----..i C........................... 19. 3 Permit No. - -------------- The undersigned herab ke pl' }' } bl fr1 spector of the City of San Jose for a permit to install e t o iri �n the r¢varse side. Exemption from req ' r a e o all r 1a or onirac}or's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑ statement filed ❑ Undersigned attests that his State of Californi Con# ac#ors cense # is in full force and effect and properly authorize ' �ica//� San Jose City Business License # `"I N' �i•G el I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER INN, d L'`o,hn ADDRESS USE OF BUILDING nSIINSIE [Ain,14 pecl jen ,o FIRM f)IiS)�n.I Pfr1'ft SIGNED FORM 20010 (REV. 3/Gr) IOM 7862 Robindell Way Ausland El. ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING New Old Outlets —Panels, Cabinets Size Service Conduit A Switches 3 Switchboards Size Service Wires Receptacles ! Panelboards Size Service Switch /udfq Fixtures 9 Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers KW Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Heaters KW Number of Circuits Signs Transformers Motors Number of Meters _ HP _ Phase Ampere Loads 9Y Lighting Power Miscellaneous Rough Inspection By UJ Final Inspection 9- d'm3kP��� �3-�3co - �e�