1782 (2) o - LUT NO. &BIP tM 1 • N ,OR BUILDING PERMIT JU� 18.19 ' �?CUPERTINO Ca�9. Date June 12 3 19562 Permit No. Apll¢f fn i ffrel:CUPE IlIAd(pit to erect Ii -a 1 story,Type s.,`11��99VV Building at above address to be occupied only as SF Dwlg• H-2 in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. . , . - a—D-(J e�u 8stimated Value of Improvements, $ A", Pee$ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. ..r wner Ame 'can Guild Hol. s Address PO B x 11728 Palo Alto By — Address co AGENT Phone D .0630 Approved BUILDING INSPEC OR RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS . FOUNDATION . DA E ., INSPECTOR FRAME ATE INSPECTOR. ' LATH and PLASTER D SPECTOR PINAL BLDG. DA E NSPF.CTOR " FINAL ELEC. - 9 2 DATEINSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. DAT NSPECTOR ' FINAL GAS L— DAT6 INSPECTOR 'r r'.. I. Z�;4 >'M'^ M t 5T , I0 itflj,M� CER,TIFBCATsEI 'OF COIWPLE:TIOf� „ C BUILDNNOFlICE CITY OF ,CUPCRTINO „ 1 ! Date ...lx� e y .Mtn u4*11z�d�mY�g-":PermyWit tY �;� F`1 s1 >1V�Y The BuildingP-- ---`------ ..t "k - 1 . t .'Owncd,bY ( '1..'f/�' dA' { "r'` f�e��°y b` 'b%„t' X ,y •:v tis ,tl ,� �, �.. •• `,may �;4 r "J !4 Y r �. ' v: om Tete Has Been�� P• or J- e As t�� f ;,/..f t.{ '� `� _ y a� Altered) i R kr r. Z. ' f,,BjJ{DING INSPECTOR I.' .102 4161'500;r Y tate License 127278 m .O C G W El. v o. b o° � � ^ n ^° CO H w x ^ O C W ° .a wry ' CO. N m 00 .may E' n ry T O� CD PD 0 N y N R+ N CD Cb n`b °< H s ° 'o ro Z w N N (E T ti O cO ° n - � a n ct z n = � Uo FIX I URES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS FEES JUNITSI FEES Water Heater Sae Water Closets 3 �� Material Bath Tubs / To Curb Showers To Prop. Line Lavatories To E ' g Kitchen Sinks . / . �� Notoon. Dish Was iISSW OXEs I tz I oo Waste Disposals / 11 1 1 Wash Trays 11 STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines I / 1 II Size ' Water Softeners Material Bar Sinksj To Main Drain Comb. Sink s Trays To Curb i Dental Units — Dnnki ng Fountains II Floor Drains WATER SYSTEM Hoppers I Size Mat Restaurant Sinks � �� Material Sand Traps TOTAL FEES Urinals Fixture Fee Area Drains Main Drain Fee c Water Leaders Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler Vaives I Water Sys. Fee Permit Fee TOTAL TOTAL FEE /E 9¢� ECOR OF N TION Partial Rough i li Rough Com e Final Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOWS OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ❑ Sewer Conne on Sanitary Permit No. .. .-- 4� G;_PYumbin'g-Final ,.% Plumbin Permit No. -J..N. 7 V 8 %.......-- cLot No. ..� Owner or Tenant ... .... ...'!'.� ' - At .� �c ...................... N% Tract ----------------m. Date Connect ed .. p-...._.._......_...... ................................. 79.. .... DateFinal ............................._f�_!+--------- --------------.---------------- 19-& j PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 7/61-500 NO. STREET LOT No.OF I�r ERTINO OR CUELECTRICAL PERMIT ' AUG 7 1962 Date , 1951E z Permit No. CITY OF CUPERTINO Fee 70 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said M wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and dd all other laws applicable thereto.- v Use of Premises c ` 'l /� �y a Owper/ /�l�2! /G(DG,ii9/T / Address !/ - - �-2/� a AW Address Z(( CONTRACTOR, AGENT C� 4 .Approved Ph ne: � NSPR NEW RPL FEES Size.service Conduit.... .........Number of Outlets.................. . --- ---------- - ✓ ...61T f Switches.............. . Size Service Wires -- .... .. --- -------------Number 0 -- ---------- - Size Service Switch---AZ- .....Number of Receptacles.....:....... - .......... . . .. Size Sub Feed Conduit------ ........Number of Fixtures----------------- - -- ----------- - UP Size Sub Feed Wires------- -........Ranges.:............. KW.............. ..-- I--------- --7S----- ----- Number of Circuits...........------- Oven ------------- KW-----------:-- , ------- ---------- ---75 --- ......... Number of Meters.......(---------------Signs- ------- Transformers....._- ---------- --------- -------------- Misc....-----' ......... ...............�t......Dryers---------------------------------------- --- ----- -- Motors---.------------- HP ..... Phase-------------------- Pe�it Fee $I.Oq Motors.................... HP ---------------- Phase-------------------- Motors._....:.....--. HP-------------------- Phase-------------------- H P Charge---------------- -------�..... TOTA NSPECI'ION APPROVALS Rough Wiring DAT ----- Fixtures ---- ....ATE.-. ---------L..-----...--------.... Finish Wiring ---------------- Motors ---- .... -- - -------- 'D.W. F INSPECTOR Final ------ II` ELECTRIC'SERVIICE NOTICE •OFFICE. Op), 1BUILDING INSPEC`TOR'S OFFICE CITY;.OF C6, PERTIN.0 f O• 4 y I J Q -------------- 196 ,To, Yori are hereby a ori c r nett th L '' yTRIC service4or Owner o ,Tenant - : 1, __ At �Q,:�7o2 R y 4 o lY ... ', ;l i ,e} No of Wires " Sizebf Wires .-- -- Srze of Switch Motor Load :. -- `T. Voltage - - -- ". Phase :... -- ::- Heating Load" .............. K.•W . ........ Voltage .. s .l Light ._ -ll 0 New Service -_ ..Reconnect .- No'of Meters - J') .��^^"' Heat . -220 .Three Wire _.Move.Service No of.:AdJ Meters - Poker uee ..:.Move Meter r LECTRICAL INSPECTOR Iio,f 7/61-500 w .,? f{c tilt Keir r1art :;f'i 'v mFY., 10372- Prune Tne`e 'ane LOT NO, I 1 NO. �® I tOR GAS PERMIT AUG AUG 3 19 ( CUPERTINO Date195.62 Permit No. ( / _. 0r 1}M I Fee E J O N Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes L� and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes CQ and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. c Use of Premises 1 Family v Owner American Gui ld* _ Address P• c 1165 By Wilder & Jo— Address 1 CONTRACTOR, AGRNT Phone P.T. 1 0400 Approved "I .1 ., - PLUMBING INSPB n C) 7. _ ro T u (E - -w m V/ n y .moi �b J�Z� L V✓ G ��vr LOT NO. ���• . NO. STRRBT APPLI ATIT,IO5'N-4,(?R APPLIANCE PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO f gp 5 1969 '061tt (( Date Allf 1 )962 ..... Permit No.__ q-� CITY G:= PIPERTIN 0 Fee a Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing rode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Ji Owner�D :1'�'^*- ✓ 'K'�_ Address_ LAVIOWN VILTTTR'.Q-OzT M€T116 S9Address_ 180 E. SUNNYOPKS RRNTCQ AELL^�Rilf, A [Ovid Phone_ PP PLUMBING rNSPBCTOR � „y v,�� w�� •a � C1 m n L� EI� 7 N n N ^ w � A O YY ________ \ — N -- ----------.w `. Cofti• GAS SERVICE', O ICE BUILDING INSPECTORS o t PPICE / .CITY OF CUPL�}I'INO _ . . ------------------ ...... .. .................... 196i.-I, . To You are hereby auth ' o co nect the GAS service for ., Owner orTenant .... . .. - .Qi ........_ '........................_.. At ....�n. 7�� ---------- .. . :...uz� �.. ............................ NewService ... .....�....:.No. of Meters ......../----------- Reconnect ............................:. Move Service ......................... No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter .............. --- - ---............ LUMBING INSPECTOR 110 7/61-500 ,.