25987 (2) 1477 PRIMROSE WAy ." Building Permit Confirmed ❑ rI Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING and/or GAS PIPING PERMIT Dafe...... 19 .[�Permit No. pF The undersigned hereby mggs a/'plSli< ion ovsjh �mkfire� sp �f rs City of San Jose - for a permit to in plumbing fix.ura�and/or 01pes hs}erl on }he r ao4e. Esemp}ion from requirement,for State of California for Confractor's License is hereby claimed. by undersigned: as owner ❑ d statement filed ❑, Undersigned attests that his Stale of Cali#ornia sContrac} �s LLJJJ'cags # is in full force ey effect and properly eufh;-, �4K, ppli efion ' San Jose Ci} Business License �7 fG�U✓/ S I certify that in the performance of th�which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER ��3'a JYdY ADDRESSi Lot No. USE OF BUILDING Signed ........ �< 280-401n 1477 PRIMROSE WAY ACE PLUMBING e w0 � E 10 yC a SmO0 � : o 0 0 aArT w' E 2 < N < O , ry Ip ie 3 0 9 lr p N N T o E 1 E O 1 � � T n x T C 0 3 0 N N N N O O K N N T D < R N J m T N 3.r covw9 a9T �w! Z po E ° o 'oo Z 3 < N m x p n m A A < < < < <n - 'D .� 3 c r D d d A 1 d (;1 y N 0 C 2 J x m Z J C y N n 0 N O. J - N C x D 'nm H m ' i D D s � A T T m m N A G) To AA o TA o Z N N m D A. R N O ip A n ry v m m A O D C N 0