1545 (2) OT NO. NO. STREET ORELAW OR PLUMBING PERMIT ® IF CUPERTINO 4MAY 381962 _ t Date _ Permit No. F CI�PERtiNO Fee $ , e a °= Appll�Y ion is�ereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing !� pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees,to,install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing.Code-off the City of Cupertino, and all other lawi applicable thereto. Use of Premises 0 w Owner Address Bys Address _ CONTRACTOR, AGENT �C Phone Approved PLUMBING INSPECTOR i , FIXTUR[S NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS FEESII UxrTsl FSEs Water Heater I Size Water Closets Material Bath Tubs To Curb Showers _ - .I I To Prop. Line Lavatories I I I To Existing I . Kitchen Sinks Not Conn. Dish Washers I - II aFWFR wnxwa I Waste Disposals Wash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines I Size Water Softeners F1 Material Bar Siriks I. To Main Drain I I Comb. Sink a Trays) I I To Curb - Dental Units _ Drinking Fountains) II I Floor Drains WATER SYSTEM Hoppers -I Size I_ Restaurant Sinks Material Sand Traps I TOTAL FEES Urinals I I I Fixture Fee IO' Area Drains MainDrain Fee r ®-U Water Leaders I Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler Valves I I II Water Sys. Fee oV II _Permit Fee b'O TOTAL 'II .TOTAL PEE RE R ECTION Partial Rough Rough Comp to Final 2