1185 (2) 25IPeimer Tree lane: _ OT N..o.: _ 0 u r PP TI�O—N FOR BUIL NG t 0iE IT MAI 1 s 1961 -`t AY OP CUPERTI O• Us 7) ~ Date May_1A {{ 194�1' Perinit�o_= � !•�a I r - CfFi6fic Of isetffRy � o permit to,build • , a 2 .' - story,Typpee, _511 J Building cy " at -20985 Pepper Tree Lane, Tract 2741, in Cupertino to be occupied only as a, Bingle family r1wel I inng in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. y Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 15,000.00 Fee$ 57.00 q It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and - � all other laws applicable to.the construction, location, and use of buildings within the Cify.,of + ;:a Cupertino will be complied with. - 8dilder vmer�oIDIDOrne"aoµ+t �a nc Address eh i I i Ave By- . !- 1.:: ;.a'r `Address San o 28 Calif• s r _ CONTRACTOR,`-AGENT .:.✓ F Sl.�PhZ;nc Fr -8_44,18 . ' ,;� APPr ve I � ��r .� F BUILDIN INSPECT '! e t - � RECORD 6PINSPECTION APPROVALS „FOUNDATION Qio ,�. I ' „� t.•. D-� INSPECTOR-� a u 1 t TE INSPECTOR '��•�- `LATH :nd'PL-ASTER l sI DAT INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. D� INSPECTOR ' -- 9 FINAL ELEC. -� � DA E / INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. —f-'ts+ x ' DATE -SPECTO0. FINAL GAS DATINSPECTOR r" i :-CERT'IFICATE OF " COM.PLETLON . •� BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICECITY-,OF CUPERTINO; "Y Date 17 -- 19!!!. y Building Per"mit•No:. f' ' The Building Located.at rJ/f. D: -�"��x ..%'C:� ,. ' f " • .................................. " Owned b i-• •?s lG1t,++ J, �,' Y ` ... .�.,I_jas Been (Completed)',�Por Use As . .....:�_ '•- ✓J...,,c. (Alt& d) '' . } - ..... - 1�' r y 1...7 103 4/G1-500' BUILDING .INSPECTOR ( ?t :; ;,�