02080083 (2) CITY c DN DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 7593 PEACH BLOSSOM DR JUST WATER HEATERS INC s 020�800�83 G009611!fXIMEN 1764 NATIONAL AVE APPLICABDo fg%r2002 PHONE: (510) 293-9901 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. MOO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: 1 BUILDING PERMIT INFO E w- BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH l,, u u �yy o Zy LICENSED CONTRACTOR'SDF.CLARATION ,,f�oobb De fi tion oe I hemby affirm that l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing REPLACE WATER HEATEk P t.=t_•w with Section 7Wn)or Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Cods,and my license I in full force and effect. zc License Class Lie.a O a.U Date Contractor 3 c ARCHITECr-5 DECLARATION O I understand my plans shall w used at public records Sort test S o O Licensed Prufessi"nal OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 am cscrept from the Contractor's License Law for the l=?a following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Cale:Any city or county $600 Y m O which requires a permit to construct,alter,improve,demolish.or repair any structure nam Pn" rats ssuarme.alsor� ra tM appliuntfwsuch pcmutmfl agned smremem _ _ p� _ _ ------- that hell kilgulomitom pro onsofthe Contractors License Law(Chapter9 _ he,s•� iGnl�,1� PR�'1}�t 1T1I Valuation (coin - g 'nth Star 7000) fD'visot 3 ofthe Busme: dP f.sions Cole? a* y.0 .s��: or door he is exempt thcrtfroin'and the basis for the alleged ekes tloh.Any violation ` of Station 7036.5 by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant too civil penalty, OCCu ane 'of not mom than five hundred dollars(S500). 502AP-N VIItIftL PLUMBIN ENERGY P Y Type 01.as owner of the property,or my employees with wages astheir solecompensation, 506 - GAS TEST -ram-do'the work.aad the simulate is a.,mtenaed or offered far sale(See 7044. 7s�r'� Business ensm 507 - FINAL PLQ� j and Professions Code:The Contractor's Lice Law does not apply an 1cVfAsP eetions--- ' owner of propeny Who builds or improves therein,and who does such work himself Is,through his own employees.provided that such improvements arc not intended or -':oftemd'for sa)e.IC huwevee the Wilding or''improvement is sold within one year - "- ---- --- ----_ T: completion,the owneowilaer will have the burden or proving that he aid not wild or B improve for paryose or:ale.l. gg {�pt��� co I,as mwner of the progeny,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors's prose projects, parsers -. -_-'-------AUG_2-7 2 . aoruvuet the � t(see.7t3u,Bactine::and Proreeslnrm code:)me contmcmr's ,,.. ` License Law does not apply m an owner"f a contr who wilds saimproves t.w.dap qq .. : and mho commas for such. ¢.with.a.commcwr(s).lacnsed. t.m.the _.__.._ .. QOL...._.............__ Conbactors License Law. - _....____.... ..__.._ .._.._.._..._..__.- °IamexemptunderSee. B'&PC for this re Owner Date BUILDING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby aftinn under penalty of perjury one of the following daluntiov: :�I ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the labor Code, for the _ performance of the work for which this gamut is issued.. - °1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation biwornce,as required by Section 37W of the labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued:My Workers Compensation Insurance come,mat Policy number are: Cori' `AI '.l r t I\.Pol yNo.: : t -..tt�`fy. i S-1 S'!:aa r5 aa j. � ['I L, - 1CCRTIFICAnoti OF EXEMPTION FROhf,WORKERS'; t�.'4 4 i t l ]. a l - • . COMPENSATION INSURANCCE' 'CPC (This sictlnn need not be,completed if the permit is for one hundred donors (SIW)or less) _ I ,hall not employ anyinfec perifno'rmmyaLnmount, eso a,tmf,oFr cwo'hmieeM1 Iubbijsectpermo itthies Wissurekder.s CompensationLaws oCaIh inDam :.y'••j,;• " Applicant - NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.after making this Cxrbrexm.f kxmnpmn,y .1hm1l Z become subject to the workers Compensation provisionsof the Labor Cale,you must Q' Q forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemM revoked. F = ' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY s I hereby affirrin that them c ns ct on lending agency for the performance Q of thework for hchth fix t .'.ad 15 7,C 309 Oki v C) _.. ..- .._. _ .... .__. - - . ._... _. Lde a 'Name ' ._- ,Z Leder,Address a .t U 0 Iceertify that 1 have read this aPpl kation and alae that the above information is tT+:E. as 1 agree m comply with all city and Courcy ordinances and state laws relming Q U to building conswction,and hereby outherim representatives of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned"Pony for inspection"'vas. 0.. (We)agree to save.indemnify and keep harmless Ne Cityof Cupertino against H liabilities,judgmants,cost,and es,i which may in any way accrue against said U,Z City in mruquence of the graining of this permit., _ APPLICANTWDERSTANDSAND WILL COMPLYWITHtALLNON-POINT Issued by Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. Y< Signature of ApplicanVComfactor - Data Re-roofs HAb RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE " Win rhe applieant or future wilding occ grso,store br handle haaatdous mated Type of Roof - - - - - _- - - •.—. uJfined by.the Cupertino Mmucipid Code.Ch pt 9.12,andfle Health and Safety l,_ V. ,. y s •,;�, x', ± _• 7. •+x;. - _`Y '_ ' Codc.Section 25532(l.) - ,'r ,g 4 '; i At. s s o: '•!:" '• '... Y. :. °Yea °N ) �(' - '•t• F All.roofs shall be inspected prior to any.roofing material being installed._. will the applicant or future wilding occupont use equipment or devices which If aroof is installed'without first obtaining an inspeeti6n;'hagree'to remove emit haeardnus air comaminants as defined by the Bay Area An Quality Management Di,mefr all new materials for inspection.•Applicant,understands and will comply with °Yes - ❑No - -' - all non-point source regulations. , 1 have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Heahh&Safety Cola Sections 25505.25533 and 25534.1 understand than if the wilding docs not currently have a mount,that it is my responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which mast w met prior to issuance of a Certificate of O=,a"ey Signature,of Applicant _. -_ ._ _ Date owner pr aamodam agent Data All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better - .—' OFFICE. . . ... . . -