21249 (2) 7770 Oro Grande POOL Building Permit Confirmed �/ Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERRMIIT 7q 3s-d Xsz,� Date........R.. �f-------------------------- 19.7-9 Permit No.------2L--ZS/.—(r ------- The undersigned herebyea4es,papplicatLon/10 the Electrical,lr's9ector of }he City of San Jose s for, a,,Permit to install ale�ri�lr�fJ"" estafd�pJwirsji�e�'�oJthe reverse side. Exemption from requirement lfor State of Cellfornia forIContrac}or's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑ statement filed ❑ Undersigned attests that his State of Califo7ia Contractor's License # `rf is in full force and effect and properly authorizes flusa plica}'on. // 'San Jose City Business License # , V.- � p o ' I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER JdL, n R R nn a ir- ADDRESS 7 *7 o Ad G1R,4N p 'r PL USE OF BUILDING S tOV&L E Ff/M iLd FIRM j9oyrHG N v pG Ot- a SIGNED r ' 280-201N k5 3 _,�g ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING New . Old Outlets / Panels, Cabinets ._� Size Service Conduit Switches -1 Switchboards Size Servi aWires Receptacles / Panelboardz Size rvice wi#chj�"'v Fixtures Fesfoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers KW Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Heaters ' KW Number of Circuits Signs Transformers Motors —A Number of Meters- HP Phase_/—Ampere Loads Lighting Power Miscellaneous Rough'Inspection - �y ^ 6y Final Inspection _ ff' "� y Remarks: o01, 51.-r,((,Rnw ov., Tl¢16y�10 _ 7,1/• 7 q N.8', �G.�l f26 074 o k e/',�6�3 -2�".��—//1• ,r lr.e 2 d'rC41 1�NM �9 , 280-201 N