34869 (2) 7810 Oi'idh U GJ .._STELLAR HE TRACT CITY OF SAN S85F iffLDING DEPARTMENT y�APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERM�IIT( / Date....-//a f- -j----------------------------- 19.--- Permit No.�7d/�6 fC. ........... Application is hereby made for a permit to CONSTRUCT a--Oh-e----s+orY, Type--------Vr=; *" 'v-------•-- - --- .ASN ---------------------- ---- Building to be occupied only as SINGLE FAMILY/ff /'00k in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-plan filed herewith. Estimated Value of Improvements, -�j..-Q- ------ If is hereby agreed that the requirements of #he— San Jose Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of San Jose, will be complied with. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I'shall not employ any per- son in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. .LINFiELD INVESTMENT CO., INC: 1300 EI Camino Real-..-.-----. Owner ---- -- Address ------------------- ..---- — ---- /� eB�^B_,►�Turg Menlo Park, California By --------------- ----- �Q�ress f3AvLrfIS'c5y? 1=3f?90 ..... .... Contractor, Agent Project Manager Form 280.1 RECORD OF INSPECTION Foundation ---------1-.9---a,l eo-.44 .......... ----------- ------ ---- ------------- Stucco ---------------------------- inish,.� - 5---