00100184 (2) CI'T'Y OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: HIJILDING AUURF.SS: I'IiRAtI'I'NU. 10079 OAKI 17AF P-11 U N►M"7/�o �-l� tf ta^� . 00100184 OWNIiR'S NAMI' APPLICATION SUR HATE 10/27/2000 PHONIi: SANITARY NO. COMROL NO. ❑z z ARCHI'rCCUENCWHEW BUILDING PERMIT INFO NLDG FLEC'1' PLUMB MF,CH baa Z NL LICENSED 111 CON'trocal ale, DEion,.1 IONh.pa Job Description 1 ben:by 0)of osi [.,it of the d unJer p add Paln..of Chapter 9(comn,eicame F"'^de with 11.111 ]tMIU) fDi iinn3nfthc Business unJ Pmfcoirn, c,vn ylicam_ in r,Iu h,neaml KTCHN REMODEL/SLIDING ' DOOR/WINDOW a Limn..CI b. Lic.x O i u Dale (0p'►_I_ Coln Our — t�i S u.H AkCll❑ECr'S 111 t - �'u�g I unecomnl my Pinn,,hall he Bock;Is public mcmnl.. z Y Licensed Pmfn,ional 2 ( IIU1LDIeR DFCI.ARATIl1N Ih lyalt that I am1tt ffic Car,, I L Law to,cayf-2 infusing nal IS i ]BILIS Ensure, dPn l'..- Coda:Any '20 waeh y - pa n a I h p J h p ur onlmmy, l.t core a3°ctO Part,namdpursoup}cxthellitall nl hr.r.hpcmit hflc .'b,chuphcnt - Ihalhaench,.glut.lion7000)the of i.,n,nn,lmfthelr.etnr., adPelftwlch,ptery Sy. FL Floor Area Valuation (mvmmcnnng wall Sbalen 1.and full h,aion y of the R gee axa and PmfAny f Codq ,r thin he is a n,pt baleful.m ane Ihu t p...For the IJIageJ exemption.Any violation of ma num]IIJ n by:hu Bred mu lm a pcl'Init>ubjcctn Ibc npplicunl to a civil 1'<'nuhY ofma ttmm man hue hundred anuata(.sans APN Number Occupancy Type ❑I-oonta ,of Chep o,any.i,Iny employees w lth wugcse,lhci,nola,ompa...iim, - r will do the work,and the structure is not intended or uttered fort sale(Sec.7044, Basins..and profession,Crxla azmra,,,The Contrs Liccrm law does n ,apply In an Required Inspections w of property Who builds or impvas does Ibecron,and who dsuch work himself v ihmm ugh his own attpinyee,....,waled than such on,moa ab em cu u nal ended n 101. — FOUNDATION offered tor sale.If,how r.the building or improvement is sold within one year of nmplc,ion.fleowner bprov builder will hmadue burden mf ing,ht he did mm Wild ser 10^e - PIERShnpnme rte purryl..a alej. rel.as rmmer of pmprit am exclusively contracting wilt licensed contractors,to 103 - UFER Lrmmuct the project(sm.70114,business and Prnre,vion.Cadc:)*pw Contractor, 104 — P.EBA R iters,Law Jne,run r,ly to nn owner of pmpany who builds m in:pmvas Iheteon. _ and who contracts for such projects wlu,a contracmas)hcenscd pursuant to the 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS Contractors License law. ❑Iattl extuda under Sec. ,B&p C for this reason I06 — SEWER &. WATER Ownor�lare 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING wORKiR9co>�PENSATION Dr:CLARA9'ION 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL I hemhy alarm unJer pc:mlly olu perjury o u ul he Ibllnw'ing Jeclam,iona: 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME ❑ I have ane will I,,:,,d,d f Certo Name of Crnscm u,,c1--horre lune wooers em,lpm„mind, n, pmn'wm foo by seam, 3701 nr me lynnr cr:de, Ii,r the 209 - UNDERFLOOP, INSULATION perhmnanceorthewnlsfia hieh,hi,p.oiliai...ad, 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING ❑1 no and will maimam worker,Cmmpersation Insurance,a,required by Sectio, ^ TUH & O R SHOWER of the Labor Code.rnr m pu,Io...Dar of doe work far which do,permit is 30G asued.MYWinker,Comperadnn mammae eania,a ad Policy mamAer are: 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL Can rlelSlYil!�"t±�r±T.�Is,I,No.--b-7 —CMD 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL URTHRATION OP EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE 305 — FRAME (Thisctfinn need mol rte ao,nplemd Jmepc,ni,is ha ore hr:nhml Jnnl,ra 306 — HOI_DOWhIS (Mall or lass.] I an'Iry n,:It in tha,I.bll,lmnr of dre wok lot which has mare is issued,1 307 - INSULATION ,hall all,employ any 1 rose in rnr Inammee,I,us Ire become object In the worker. 308 - SHEET ROCI! cnmpen.anint law,nr cabh,mm.Dam Applicant 309 — EXTERIOR LATH NOI'ICI!TO APPLICAN'1: L altar making thh C'mifcam of INanptior,gnu should become,ubjmt to the W'orkch Compensation provision,of the Labor Cola.you mus, 310 — INTERIOR LATH Z 0 forth.kh comply w ill such provisions or this Penni,shall M deemed revoked. Z 31. 1. - SCRATCH COAT CUt SI lhare RUCTION LENDING AGENCY — 1 hereby uthmnhauhRe is contraction leading agency for the performance 313 ROOF NAIL Q afthe work for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097.Civ.C Leader — aNn u, 501 FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY z, z LcndcrsAddres 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGYU O I canily that nave read this application and state that the above information i, ❑. F art,eat.Ia,raaIn air,plywill all ra,and ,mal,oadiaa asand,,are In.,miatmg 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY' C) U ,abaifdiagcnown,find.aadbarebyarminrerepro,emadve,.1his chymcrteruh,n 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY _ w he:mna-manrnned pro,r,for inspection pugmw,. p„ (We),Igicc In xam.'mecnddy;,nl kca,I'll r.mr„It,City of eupemm�agair,t — (n Ila hilitics,judgments ansa.sad espcnw,which unity in any way aarue against said 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL v z cPSOU&R sequence r tni,p mit. 506 — GAS TEST OU DBRSTA SA WILL COMPLY WIf Fl ,IL 10 �.N'NP1 Issued by: Date e of Applicam/Cn err — Luse Re-root's 508 — FINAL_ MECHANICAL_ IIA%A )OUS MAI IIRIALS DISCLOSURE win the applicant remainshundmg«cupaat somorhancle hm:wrua tmacdal 'Type of Roof 509 — FINAL GRADE a.okhncd by the Cupertino Municipal C .Chapter 9.12,sad the Health and Safety Code,Senora 2552(e)'I 10 — Fz NAL PI_Ahlh IhIG 0Yes ”" All roofs shalt" ))�ns ec�}��SSyy{{��((to a �,ro n s {�being installed. sun me apphtamormarr naadiltg«mpam rw ayaipmam ordm;ee,winch If a roof is insle`tl w'nhbut'flF3trob�'aCdir}g �'np¢C[IoTf, 1 agree to remove nil b:vnrdoua Dir cnntxndn;mn:ndatinal y the flay Area Air ouility Maneganem i.miarI all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with OYea all non-point source regulations. I hava read IM bvmrdnus Inamrials relluircmcols anneal Cb:y,mr 6A5 of the California Ilcallh d Suter,Crile.See,ioms 25505,5533 and 25534.1 mndecwurd that if the building does not currently have a,enunt,that it i,my do,onsihility to nmify the of the rcquir,ruen„wheel he Incl prone m.....race of a Ceml (me of ""p' av' Signature of Applicant Date ulb • Igen 1 u a — —fid y7 ! All roof coverings to be Class `•B•'or better — r nr aorie I � ' OFFICE