CC Resolution No. 3833 Adopting an Affirmative Action Plan for the City of Cupertino RESOLUTION N0. 3833 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIrdO ADOPTING AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF CUPERTTNO WHEREAS, the C~ty Council of the City of Cupertino deems it essential that the City continue to be in conformance witfi and actively support~equal employment opportunities as set forth under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended in 1972; and T~~EREAS, evidence of the continuation of such existing policies is best expressed through tfie publication and adoption of formal statements of policy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby establishes that the Affirmative Action Plan attached hereto, and as may be amended from time to time, is adopted as the official policy of the City of Cupertino in the employ- ment and retention of its employees: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all officers and employees of the City are here- by requested to support actively the principles contained in said Affirmative Action Plan and to govern themselves accordingly for the fulfillment of its ob- jectives. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 18th day of Februarv , 1975, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Nellis,~Sparks NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ Reed Sparks Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk A ~ ~r ~ ~ ' ' ~t, . ~ AFFIRMATIV~ ACTION POLICY STAT~MENT w In accordance with and in support of equal employment opportunity as specified under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended in 1972, it is the policy of.the City Council of the City of Cupertino to provide all applicants for employment and all employees with equal oppo.rtunity in employment without regard to race, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, hand.icap, or age. The City Council of. the City of Cupertino hereby resolves as follows: That the City of Cupertino is committed to take affirmative action in ~ the utilization of minorities and females at all ~ob levels and in all seg- ments of the work force to reflect the percentage distribution of minorities and females in each occupational category as they are available in the labor~ . market, , ~ That~this affirmative action policy will apply to all employ,ment practices, such as recruitment, selection, transfers, promotions, training, compensation, benefits, and terminations, ~ ~ ~ That the City of Cupertino• establishes that it will seek to achieve the percentage hiring and/or pronotion goals within a five year time period ending June 30, 1979, and as may be consistent with changing labor market patterns, That once the percentage goals are reached, they will,be maintained in conformance with availability in the labor market,. That percentage goals shown establish a minimum representation and in no way preclude the City from exceeding the projected goals, . That it is the responsibility of the City Manager to ensure that this equal employment.opportunity policy is communicated to all present employees, prospective employees, recruitment sources, and the community, That every employee of the City of Cupertino is hereby directed to lend his and her support and cooperation in making equal employment opportunity an ~ integral part of the City's program of personnel administration. Resolutioti 1/3~i3~ February 1F3, ~.H75 ~ , I ~ . o ~