CC Resolution No. 3357 CC Resolution No. 3357 Amending the Rules as Established Under the Provisions of the Personnel Code ~ ~ RESQLUTZQN NQ. 3357 RESOLUTION OF THE CITX COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING THE RULES AS ESTABLTSHED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PERSONNEL CODE WHEREAS, the Personnel Code of the City of Cupertino provides that there shall be Rules covering all positions subject to Jurisdiction C and that said Rules may be amended from time to time; and WHEREAS, it has been found desirable to amend said Rules to reflect matters which heretofore had been included in signed Memoranda of Understanding between the City and representatives of the recognized employee organization; and WHEREAS, said proposed amendments to the Rules had been presented to the Personnel Advisory Board for review as provided by the Personnel Code; and WHEREAS, the said Personnel Advisory Board had submitted them to the City Council within the time period prescribed with a recoimnendation that the said proposed amend- ments be adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino that the following enumerated sections shall be added to the Personnel Code Rules and that where similarly numbered sections already appear in these existing Rules said sections shall be superseded by those below: Section 8.3. Personal Leave All employees, other than those holding temporary status, whose work assignment is of a recurring nature of not less than a normal work week shall accrue personal leave credit at the rate of one (1) work day for each completed month of continuous service. There shall be no limit to the accumulation of personal leave credit any one employee may accrue. Section 8.34. The City shall pay to an employee on retirement from City service, which act sh all require the formal filing of the appropriate retirement forms with the Pub lic Employees' Retirement System, a cash payment equivalent to one-third of the dollar value of accrued personal leave to the credit of the employee's account which exceeds sixty (60) days. The dollar value for such payment shall be computed at the time of retirement at the salary or wage rate for the employee which is the average of the immedi ately preceding five (S) years. Section 9.0 Overtime It shall be the policy of the City to keep overtime at a minimum with all overtime work having first been approved by the supervisor whenever possible. Section 9.1. When situations arise which require an employee to perform outside of his normal work day during any period of time within the first five (S) days of his normal work week, he shall receive compensatory time off in like amount for the time so worked. i Section 9.2. Co^nensator�- time off shall be taken within the r r :' r ye du:-in� -.h-ch is e._. ned _-_� curing such perioas as may mutu-Illy - d L_ _ bet;•-ee;, the employee and the supervisor. Exception to this rule sh. li be alio-. able only on s.pecific authorization of the Appointing Authority. Section 9.3. Employees who are required to make themselves available for being called back to work outside the normal work shall be compensated for such stand-by assign- ment at the rate of $10.00 per week for each week so assigned. Compensation for work performed as the -result: of having been called back to work for non-scheduled duties shall be pursuant to the rules on overtime. Section 9.11. When an erlDioyee is required to perform non-scheduled duties during the sixth (oth) and seventh (7th) days following the first five (5) days of a normal r__ve day -crk week. he shall rece_ve compensation for the time sc :=ked rhich. at the dis- c:etion of the employee's department head, shall be in the fora of compensatory ti-e off at the rate of one and one-half times =:cr the Deriod so worked or in the form of cash pa,, ent at the rate of one and one --half (11,) tines a straight fire hcu=ly rate for the period so worked. Sac•L_- n 9.12. Compensation for _eCuired non -,scheduled duties ^erformed during an officially ebserued holiday all be calculated and paid in the sa::La nannex as for the sixth (6th) and se-.enth (7th) d_ys folloving the first fi-,7e (5) days of a normal work * eek. PASSED AND ADOPT'T at a regular meeting of the C_ty Council of the City_ ^f Cuoe_tino on the 24th day of October , 1972, by the follo--'_ng vote: ?' Councilmen - Irwin, Jackson, Meyers, Sparks, Frolich N-JES Councilmen - None 3�_?T : Council -en - None ayor, t__ t:y l. t .-,o .2-