06080207 (2) CITY N CUPERTINO : .vl'. '(<= BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT >CUITRI�.CTQR INFURNI�TI .N BUILDING ADDRESS: QUANtS ELECTRICAL PERMIT N0.06080207 1122 MILKY WY OWNER'S NAME: PERMITLSSUE DATE JASON CHEN 10628 RANDY LN OR /9.4/2006 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 366-1823 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BURRING PERMIT INFO BLDG O PLUMB O loA, LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION IObDeSCrI Description �a I hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(mmmcming P with Section 700(y)olDivision 3 of the Business aM pmfessions Cade,and my license is qF Z iDniamm Co.And ff — L ADD A/C TO EXISTING . FURNACE LeeLic.a !0o� Conucmr q I ARCHrrECrS DECLARATION < 1 unticrsmnd my plans.hall Po used An public records I U •era Lir.'Cmed Mr...] S Oat I am aUIL.DEfr DECLARATION I hereby.from that 11. exempt from NI Contractors License Law far Nc 1 o o (allowing mason.(Section 7o incomes,BmiOce roti Fhvfmions Cade:Any city monuaty 1$,n which requires a permh m piresdo,AAbout.pplicant improver.s pcmit i fi repair any aVuerum $2800 -Z} dust YIIIWnM.alm legalx.NC app?%ml far6neh pefmllm file aslgned.lalClnml 0 thOheislicensedpurOanlmtheprovisionsofNeCmtmon'sL3mnoeLaw(Chip=9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation S (commencing with Section 700M of Division 3 of the,Business and Professions Quit)or — that M b exempt tumorous and the buts for she alleged exemption.Any violation of Smdm 7031.3 by any applicant for a permit Objema the northeast to A civil Pmtalty of r Occupancy Type not mare Nan Ow hundred dellus(1500). C I,O owner often property,m my eropioyces with anger As their role compensation, wiltdo thework and Neawcwm is not inhended her artved forOle(Sse.1014.Busimas and Profession Cade:The Contraawfs red who law doss rot apply ll an owms is Require resp i)('IIS Own enYwhabuiWaaimpmlathermn,antlwho smart,intended hwmkhinuelfm through hf, own a ern th ea,pmNded Nmumh improvements ax rot ie r ofd m nfliciendledon,for Own If, / (/ bull&' the building hoimprovementlamid within one yar of mproefor the owned builder will have dhe burden of proving Nn M did rot bulb m improve far purpose of Owl. ❑L as owner of a property.,B stop.And contracting with OmnmA mnaxmn U. `C construct the project(Sec.Adan.wner of and rrowho Wild. CadeI The Cmasemn. d cense Law doer not apply m an owner of property who build.ms improves thereon,and. who a nfor such Droketa with a tonuacmr(s)Ikrnxd purawm N nt e Goml(aclOr. Lwense Lov. law. ❑Toro<umpt undo See .BBPCfor this mason wnsr Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 thereby atrium under penally of perjury,arc of the folhnving dcclarmiorm C I have and will maintain a Cenifscae,of Consent It self-Insure for Workers Compen. sation,as provided for by Section 3100 of the labor Cade.for the performance of Ne wart for which this Permit is issued. C 1 have and will maintain Worker'.Compensation Insurance,O required by Section 3700 of the labor Cade.for the performance of the work fnrwhich this permit b Issued. My Workees rampcuatn humarlm artier and Policy number Are: Grtier. TPolity No.: •RTI•COTE�Op EX�EMP170N FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE - (Thit.emlm used rot he completed if tis permit is fmave hunthuddo0ars(1100) or less) 1 cenify that In the performam..I tlm work for which NB permh is bound.1 shall not employ any Perron In my momrso a to become subject m NC Wafkeri Compensation Laws of Califomia.Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.After making this Cenincam of Exemption,you should become subject to the Worker',Compensation provisions of the Labor Code.you most .J,z forthwith comply with such provisions or Nle permit Nall he deemed mmkcd. ZO CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1-i 1 hereby Arm that Nem is a construction lending agency for use perfoonmm:e of Gi the work for which this permit Is named(Sec 3097,Civ.C.) QLender's Name .7 z Lender'+Address U C I cmify that I have mad this application and state that Ne ahave information u U. F cormct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and Subic laws relating to OV building construction, ai hemby auNorix representatives of this city to enter norm the W above-memiuncd property for inspection innit.A. CH' gyp (We)agree to Ove,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against m Iiabiiitia,judgments,cord and expenses which may in any way accmc agaiM mid City U Z in consequence of the granting of Ni.pmmlt. '••' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date �-2 t't'-EX SOURCEREGLOTIONS. �lI Q 3/640104 Re-roofs Signature of ApplicnaComrsctor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or future building occupant stoat or handle hOallom material O defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12.and the Health and Safety Code,Section 25532(x? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Oyer, I6No Will the applicant her future building Occupant use equipment her devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree[o remove cath huurdnua air cmumiranu O denied by Ne Bay AMA All Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? CYv Lyr+u I have mad the harAnkno materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Califor. n1aHOlth@SafetyCo&,Smdans25505.25533md25534.1undcr dNuifthc building does not currently how A tenant,that it h my resp mwhillLy in notify the occupant of the mruimmcnuwhwhmlWbcmctpdormimanceofaCrmficamor Signa tureofApplicant Date Owner her authorized agent 4C All roof coverings to be Class nBn or better CITY OF CUPERTINO gem 1 of 1 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: amyw COPY # 2 Sec : Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot : APN . . . . . . . . : 36220002 . 00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . .. : 08/24/2006 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . : 35763 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 06080207 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 1122 MILKY WY SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : JASON CHEN ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : , RECEIVED FROM . . . . : QUANS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : HIEN Q TRUONG LIC # 23332 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : QUAN' S ELECTRICAL ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 10628 RANDY LN CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO, CA 95014 . TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 366-1823 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- --- - ------ --------- - ---------- ---------- ---------- BREMAIRHAN NO.UNITS 1 . 00 10 . 26 0 . 00 10 . 26 0 . 00 BREMRECEPT NO. OUTLETS 1 . 00 1 . 20 0 . 00 1 . 20 0 . 00 BENERGY PERMIT FEE 1 . 00 34 . 86 0 . 00 34 . 86 0 . 00 BSEISMICRE VALUATION 2 , 800 . 00 0 . 50 0 . 00 0 . 50 0 . 00 PPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 38 . 37 0 . 00 38 . 37 0 . 00 EPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 38 . 37 0 . 00 38 . 37 0 . 00 MPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 38 . 37 0 . 00 38 . 37 0 . 00 --- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 161 . 93 0 . 00 161 . 93 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT NUMBER -------------- --- ---- -------- ------------------ OTHER 161 . 93 VISA TOTAL RECEIPT 161 . 93 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ------------`--------------- -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 508 FINAL MECHANICAL • Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408)777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408)777-3333 OCUPE(�TINO Building Department JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT # a -2 wC6b�a2o OWNER'S NAME: I CAZC13 PHONE # - ,-L GENERAL CONTRACTOR / A FAX # I am not using any subcontractors: -- Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets&Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring-Carpeting • Linoleum/ Wood Glass/ Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date CITY OF CUPERTINO fi FURNACE/AC •CUPEkTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # �90 Date: lY d Building Address: `�z 11i Owner's Name: Phone#: Contracto • Phone: License#: Contact: p Phone: Cupertino Business License#: GtQl? 10 Building Permit Info: / n/ BldgEl Elect EY Plumb El Mech (7' Job Description: o61, C _ � (7�Q1Slr'n. N�� Residential Commercial ❑ For Residential Installations: Attic E31 s` floor ll 2"d floor❑ Adhere to min set back requirement L/d' 4jFor Commercial Installations: Replacement same weight ❑ Additional weight (structuralEl calcs) Structural Calculations required for new installation El New installation Planning Approval Required ❑ Cost of Project: c� per, oo Type of Construction: Occupancy group: Strapped On Platform Bonded Sq.Ft. Floor Area: New Location Replacement ❑ Qty. if Applicable Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BENERGY Energy BUILDING BREMFURN Furnace MECHANICAL BREMACOVER A/C Unit> 10,000 cfm MECHANICAL BREMAIRHAN A/C Units<= 10, 000 cfm MECHANICAL BREMRECEPT Rec tl, Switch & Outlets ELECTRICAL BSEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res BUILDING BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILIDNG EPERMITFEE Elec Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL 1 MPERMITFEE Mech Permit Issuance MECHANICAL PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Issue PLUMBING BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILDING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BPGAS Gas Piping System Fee PLUMBING BUSLIC Business License BUILDING