25223 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CI'T'Y OF CUPERTINOButl�sllvtrEr.Rt rRrcA, PERMITNo, APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL 25223 BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECI'IDENTIFICATION BUILDINGADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICVHONSUBMGTAL DATE 2 Z / / L L I` T/� UNIT# L07:a �16� -� OWNERS Ngfv1E: PHONE: CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: el 1r/II — — &M9YTiONE �/ y/ "7� N/c corvrRo a *ARCHITECUENGINEER: LIC NO: ADDRESS: 14"116-6-,0,_ AA' AVE-, ('AMj0S zF _ PCUNIA�: PHONE: QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEF, BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH PERMIT ISSUANCE ID ❑ � �.Ir SED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION ISL Matz am licensed under provisionsofChaper9mommencing with yWWOOWUndefSof the Business and Professions Code,,and my license is in PANELS r ,f- full forest Lienee Jeffect. LQ,Lm Data ' C-ZO Idle.# YYS/ L Z IIP T0200AMPS slay Oatc �� ' y Contractor In NnA9se.e/fo .�(/Yfi 201-1000 AMPS ZF& on DECLARATION OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FI'.FLOOR AR Ii $/SQ.Fr. O'Z^M I mcconindmy pImr,hall be ucd as public records. W SIGNS ELECTRICAL QQ Licensed Proms mmol aWd'6 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. KOiU I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractors License Law for the W 3 a y¢ fallowing mason.(Some.7031.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city or county HMP.METER OR POLE INST. f-LL' J which requires a Permit to construct,alter,improve,demolish.or repair any structure a� pdortoill issmerea.alsurequlrestht sit'licanfors.chpcmdlmfile.signedaUrcment POWER DEVICES m C OOm that he is IicnacJ punuanno the provisions of the Contm um's License Law(Chapter SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC aKOLL Site racndng with Section 7")of Division 3of,ha Business and Proressiom Code) VALUATION W_rn or that he is exempt therefrom and the basisfonbe alleged exemption.Any vlola0on of OUTLETS-SWRCHFS-Fl%TURFS FlaSection 7031.5 by any applicant fora psocan ubjeandr,applicanuua civil Penalty of not mom than five hundred dollars($50(B. Q NEW RESIDENTIALELECfR _SQ.Fr. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION 22 ❑ I,osnwrk.an hepmpeny,a is not forslhe(Sce.compensation. L will dolbcwons Could he CorelsnotinLnense Lawredlbrst apply 7044,Business send I'rofcasions Crmdc T3mc Convomars License how docs not apply to an owner of propcny whobuilds aimproves thereon,and who doe,such work himselforthroughhis own employees,lding or i porscb ant iss sold wit im nut intended mattered forsale. r- OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS however.ilderwthe buildingorimpmvememnissoldwithinone yea or impao efor thrower- TOTAL: builJer will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of ' sale.). a QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN ❑ I,aanvfnerofthepmpenY,amexclusivdreontractingwslhlicens contr canto construct the p-i(Sec.7(u4.Business and Posenions Code:)The Cunuan0r'a PERMIT ISSUANCE License Law docs nor apply to an owner o f property who builds m improves theremm,and whoconmesfor such projects with acumoselor(s)licensed pursuantto the Convectors License LowALTER-0 (E DRAIN A) I•tiE SUMMARY . ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. ,B&P C for Nis remain OUTSIDE FEES BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE SANITARY Y N Owner Dam RECEIP # DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOT',AREA, WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOL TAX Y N ® ❑Workers' Comaffpensation that lhave acor a certified cinsent copy themcf(ee.3.or Lab C.)e m ofwhich FIXTURES-PER TRAP R[CEIPI'# J Workeri Campensstion lnsurananrucertificd copy tbercaf(Sw.3800,Iab C.)which PARK FEE Y N coven dlemployee's undcnhi L GAS-EA.SYSTEM.I INC.4 OUTLETS HDIVISION Policy # BUILDING DIVISION FEES Com y �(Ilatrttf6J d'TILrV A 4— GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4 EA) PLANCHECK HE 3"Cemfied copy is hereby furnished. 11 Certified copy is filed with the city inspection division. GREASEIINDUSTRL WASTE RCEPfOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' ORFASETRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE ('ITiesedion need not be completed ifthe permit is Income hundred dollars($UK) SEWER-SANI'T'ARY-S'1'ORM F.A.200FT. ENERGY FEE or le".) I cmify that in the performance,ofthe work for which this permit is issued.I shall WATER I[EATER W/VENTI L'Cf m employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' PAID Cnmpcnvtima Lawsof Caliromia. Data WATER SYSIEMlfRFA'TIN Dae Receipt Q Z Applicant Z NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after making this Certificam of Exemption,you should NEW RFSIDENTI ,MB. S .FT. TOTAL: f" ry bcconexubjec ser,the Workers Compensation provisions ofthe Tabor Code.You must > fonhwith<omply with such provisions or this permit,bal]be dcemed revoked. is. � BUILDING HE Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY i SEISMIC FEE .7 Z I thereby arfim that them is a construction lending agency for performance of \ TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE O the work for which this permit is issued(Sec.31097,Civ.CJ L3+ I<ndcrs Name PLUMBING HE handler's AJdmss Q MECHANICAL PERMIT FRE W 1 eerily that 1 have read this application and state that the above information is MECHANICAL ITE �" coned.l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and sate laws relating to PERMIT ISSUANCE huilding commieion,and hereby authon.mpirsenativu of this..tyro rnt upon the (� CONSTRUCTION TA% Z above.mentioned Pontiac.,for inspection purposes. A TER OR ADD TO MECH. (We)agree le.cove,indemnify and kap forand ss the Ory of Cupertino eBain't Iiobilitin,jud8mena,crosa and expenes which may in any way accrue against said City AIR ANDLINGUNIT(IrOl0A00 M) in curseYYgKKK fthe eantin o t. AIR NDLING UNIT(OV e0l lI00 CFM) Sig nature of A,licanr/Commd r Date E%HA I'HrRJD(W PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATIN O 110,003 BTU) Date Receipt# Wllllhe applicant or future huffing necupma store nr hmadle haaardous material HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: as Acrinol by the Cupertino Municipal Crate,Chapter 9.12,road the Health and Safety Calc,Section 25532(a)7sa VEM'ILAT'ION FAN(SINGLI3 RPSID) �' Cl Yet, umgNu ISSUANCEDAT Will thea Iicamorfmure buildin tusse tordevicas whichemit BOILER-COMP(3HP OR 103,000 BTU) pP 8by then Sea Air hnrardous air contaminants u defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COMP(OVF.R 100,000 BTU) DixWn7 ❑Yes ITN. NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT. 1 hove mad the hazardous materials requlmments under Chapter 6.95 of the D California Health&Safety Cede,Sections 25505.25533 and 25534.I understand that Bmeaepmaaiminthg d« OCT4 1 Occuprt 1J /Q^2l 9 a Owner 4,multuaroxedagent Date I SI]J��VI CitV of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino,CA 95014 Building Division (408)777-3228 Fax(408)777-3333 September 20, 1995 C. Agrawal 22191 Me Clellan Road Cupertino, CA 95014 ` Subject:22191 Me Clellan Road, Permit# 25223 • Dear Sirs, • According to our records the above mentioned permit has never been finaled by a City Building Inspector. A permit is considered to be valid only six months from its last inspection date. If your permit shows that the final inspection has been completed please send a copy of the permit, along with this letter to 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA., 95014, Attention Building Department. If your permit has not been finaled, please contact the Building Department by calling (408) 777-3228, so that we may arrange to extend your permit, and schedule a final inspection. In an effort to control the number of expired permits,the City of Cupertino requires a response in ten working days from your day of receipt of this letter. If we do not hear from you, the City of Cupertino's Building Department will have no alternative but to resolve your permit as expired and discard the records. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, City of Cupertino • I r� , r. .,nfl.�,l,�t Printed on Recycled Piper a� a� qs