CC Resolution No. 1952 ~ ~ . RG5ULtlTLUN N0. 1452 1L~SOLUTION ANA pRDER OF THE CTrll COUNCI[. OF 'TN~ CITY OF CUPERTI!d0 D~8IGNATING PRECINCxS ANB• POLI.ING PI.AC45 ANA APPOIN'~ING HENSERS OP PRLCINCT BOARDS ~Olt C~N~itAL lNNICIPAL ~GECTION TO II~' HELA OH ?[JESDAY, APRI1. 14, 1970, AAN DIRBCTING TII~ CxTY CLERK T'0 PUlILISH A I~iQTICE OF EL~CTION~ LIST OF EL~CTIQN OFFICERS AND POLI.ING PUCES ANp NOTICE ~F !~i(~lIN~~S FqR T'U~+LIC OPP'ICB BE :i x~so~,vm by the cicy coun~i~, of tha City oC Cupertino: 1. Y'E~at i~~- the conduct of the genexal municipal elecCion to be held in r?sid CiCy on Apri1 14, 19J~~ the City of Cupertina ehall be divided into eeven (7) cansalidated precincCs ~nd the rugular atate and county election precincts into ~rhich said City ia dividtd for gener~l state and county eleetion purpo~ea are I~erek~y con~olidated ae hereinafter provided, tn Wit: The precincta hereinafCer designated by nu~ber~ are the regular election precincts ae i~ow eatablished of record by the Soard of Superviso.a of f,anta Clara County, SCate of California~ for general state and cnux~ip ~lection putfasea in aaid City, aad the coneolidaCed precincts herein- afCcr designated by nusntiers con~iet of one or mere of aaid ragul~r el.ection precincts so numbered and designal'ed for general election purpasea in said City by ~aid Baard of Supervisors of Santa ^l~ra Co«nty. 5aid consolidated pre~incte and the poll~ng places~therein and the election officers aPpointed to conduct said election thereat shr~ll i~e as follaWS: (:OtiSOLIDAT~D PR~CI~CT 1 (Comprising State and Coun~y Gener~l Election precinetx numberPd 3642, 3611, 3615, 3b25) POLLING PL~~CF: Porknl 5ch4c;1 10300 North Hlaney Aven~~e Cupertino Inspector: iTunnie I.. .~lexander Judge : A;ny A. Kru~ra l:lerk: VLrginia ~1eek Clerk: L~~utse E. Batza CON50LIDATEp PRIiGINC'T 2 (Gnmprising St~te an•' County f:ener~l Election precincta numbered ',t,12, '3617) POLi.INC PL1C~: ~at~~n School ?.0220 Suictun 4~rive Cupertino Inapector: ~stel2e A. Uuala~y JudgQ: ~Li$abeth Hatch Clerkt Mary Brown Glerkt Patricic~ A. Biaeotti M ~.1- . . . 1 . • ~ ~ CO~iSOLInATED PRECINCT 3 (Compri~ing 5l•ate and County General ~l~ction precincte+ nuaabered 3t?04~ 361$) ' FOLLINC PIA~~: Wilsoa School 19900 Yrict Avenua Cup~e r t lno Iuspector: Berni• G. Grush Jud~~: Fl~ra Mae Nnrris Clerk: Edith d~ksr Cle~rk: Narilrn 1~. Stwrt COl~SOLID~ATQ? PRF.CINCT 4 (Cosprisin~ State and Courety Ge~ieral Eleceion precincts n~bered 361k~ 3b16, 3621, 3623) POLLIi:~~ P1..1C~: G~rden G~te School 10.500 Ann Arbor Avenue Cupe.-tino Innrector: Frsncea G. fan$ler Judge: Bonnie Sue iiildebrandt Clerk: lletty ~.ee Stein Cl~rk: ~1 Reno K. Olsan CUti50i.IUATEU PR~CItiCT 5 (Coc~prie~ng 5tate and County Ceneral Election pre~inc:ts n~unbered 36U7~ 3626) PU~,LI~G PL.~CF.: Stevens Creek School 10300 Ain~vorth Urive , Cup~ctino In~pector: Matha Freeman Judge: VI.viAn I. Fnrderer Cletk: bobbette A~usten Clerk: Ann-Katrine uerne; ~ ~2~ ~ ~ 'r CO~~~.Ua11T~U PR~CIhC? 6 (Coapri~i~Z ~taC~ aad Cuunty Ceneral klectioa precincts ac~cred 3609, 361Q~ 3624) pOI.LING FI~3Cc: Lintoln 5chaal. . 21710 l~cClell~n Road CupertiAo Inspector: Betty HaYia Judg~: Gzet+~ K. Crares~ C~~ark: Lillian Csa~~z Clerk: Dori.e H. Cs~s~ CU:aSOLIDATED PRECINCT 1 (C:,mprisiag 4Lat~ and County Gener,~l Electian precincts :~~~ered 3608~ 31~13) POLLI\G r":..1~.~': Faria S~~itoi 10155 Barb~: a ~.ane Cupertino Inspecto:: Amy C. Bea~ Judgt: C4raldinz G. ?~alaes Clerk: Dolotes !i. ~'Grady Clerk: Rose C~r~~tta The poll~ at s~~id ~lect:.ur snal l he opc~~a be:ween the hours of 7 i~0 0' clock A.!!. 3;.3 8:Q0 P.`:. ~r.5.T.) of sai~ ~a}• of ~lection (excepC as pre~rided in Seetion Z;-1~ cf the cle::.::~s Code). The ofii:2r5 co he elect~~ caid C,eneral ~lunicipal Election shall he tv~_ tl:;~ councilr.:e:: :~r tt:e full ter~ af four (G) ~~enrs ench. Tlte crc.e;,~ation nf each c: the election ufficr~rs hereby appointed, nnd in fuL:. t:.erefor~ is :~rety fix~d as fci3avs: $2G.00 to each Inapector and S20.00 to ~a.~a 3adge nnd S'~~.~:~1 ta each Cler~. 5. The Cit~•~:lerk ig hereh: ~Srected to publish in the CUPERTIfiO GOUfiIEa in t~:~ :iss.e. form Anc :~anner require~ r;c lav, a nutice ~f elecki~~n. a liat af electi.an af~iccr~ and polli~: places and a n~:=ice af nc~min~es for puGlic office. -3- , ~ ~ ~ ~ lASSP.i? AND ADOPTED at a re~ula~ ~raetin~ of the r;ity Couacil of Che City af Cup,ertiL~w thi• 2r1d^ day of _I,~,~~,~, 19,~~~ by the fallowin~ vote: A~ts: ~,ow,csi.~en - Beave~, Fitxqcr~ld, Noel, Stokes, Dempster !+1ots: counciirnen - None A&4E~"i: Councile~en ~ Mp~~ A,l'PRQVED t r' r~ C y af Cupertino ~ ATT"ESZ : . City~ ~lerk -4 ~ . . . .