CC Resolution No. 1901 ~ • ~ ~ . R.L~SOLUTI011 Ii~1. ~.901 1~ ~SO~,.VY'I,~ a! CZ'I'Y COIAICIL 0~? TAL' t 1"f OF CUl~RTI?i0 AL~II'1C C6~1!'Alll CLAI~',i J1t~D DLMAlIDS !!~'„A:~I.E Il~ 'iT'f~E At~OlSl1'C~ ~rn ~a~r r~ ~ros ~s x~i~u?rz~~: n~sc~rn~aa ~ 1~. tlu City C!.erk ar h~,s deai~t~d r~presaa~twti.~~b hAS certifi.~d to the accuracy , uf tbt follawie~g clei.rwt a~ad d~ancis st~d to the avsilability oE funds for papcnRC~c thert- o~, and ~,~AB, the said claias n~i dcaraad• hav~ been a~r~itsd a• requtred by 1nW a~ad appraved by tMe City 3~ana~cr: 1~10~1~ ~1~F'ORE, BE I~ 1t~SULV~D that tbe City Co~~!~cil hesebr all~++s tn~ fotlowring cla~ at~d daw~• in the arwuata axKi froa ~h~ funs~s as ba=~i~aafter sct forth. SAL~ASIES A!~/O tiAGC5 ;~'0A PI,YRULL P~RIOD ENDI1a1G l~UVFMSBF 4,~ 1969 WA~tRAI~i'~ GRpSS AMt1iJl+iT EMPtAYF:~ IiO. A~I1NT' PAID ~aeerel ~'und philip Stotm 68)~i ~ ~'88.4E $ 561.10 Flurer~ce Reid 6875 298.00 210.41 Aclde Laurin 6$76 5I?,.00 359.81 J~rry Eng 6877 2$/+.OC1 :07.92 Void 6878 ~•t~- -0- Etlen Nimnons 6879 284.p0 192.03 Mimi Slater 6880 348.00 248.2:f J~nees Siek 6881 564.00 411.87 lSargaret Crissmxn 66;.2 234.00 1b9.27 Kiliiam E. Ryder 6883 620.(~ 436.2b G3adys Mc Hugh fi884 33U.q0 227.8I Dolores Harbst 68A5 330.UQ 235.9~ DoroGhy Schmid b886 2t,6.00 170.71 Jean Si~n 6887 2X~.00 148.69 Bratty Darris b881 108.80 9b.56 Wrraine Jamea 6889 202.U0 151.Ob F.ffie Sto3i.e 6890 184.50 132.60 MLchael Davir 6891 298.00 22G.g7 Donna Wi1.Iia~s 6892 2Z8.00 17d.19 Lee Yarbor.ough 6893 609.00 469.11 Randall ~itzgeYald 6894 420.00 328.03 Hert Viskovich 6895 420.00 314.79 l~atvid Ichord 6696 348.00 27'0.33 Sumiko ",rhin 6897 2d4.00 203~.96 ~Rose Ro~an 6~98 198.00 159.54 ~!orrard Kupfer 6899 330.CY~ 254.95 J~w~es Rnof 6900 330.00 190.52 Jae Akers 64p1 4Q2.00 278.77~ Void 6902 -0- -0- -1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~p~ G'K033 ANbVii'r ~ + ~'~Lp"i~ ~IU,~ /1l~i1NT P~,...... ~+.ra ~i~ ~~os ~ ~so.oo s ~~~.~3 Jor~~ ~arle~~rle 6'lC1~~ 3~.~~.0~0 2?N.63 w~,~,~~ ~trich b9i~S 53b.0a1 39'1.a5 Johd ~asto 690b 466.iD0 366.19 Ld~a~t Ko?rpl~y ~5907 442.OC 37r3.73 ~rl~i Mnraka~i 8'30Q 2~tA~.00 ~0~.25 Jot~ Tnrcbma 6~909 330.00 ~ ~55.77 J~s ~at 6!~1A 402.00 ~93. S9 Jo ~wr G. ~na 6911 2 3~i . W 202. 70 Jarr~? ~lcrf f ilo 6912 4+42. GO 340. t16 ?I+~o¦s. l3r~phena E,~13 330. ao Z!i~. aI I1~roae Hxisco 5N14 1~i.00 210.45 le:~iarud Santoni 6l?15 163.'O 130.65 sil7. 0' Dri~n b9~lb 2d~t .00 2~x.07' Fra~k Ortis 6917 330.00 246.15 . J~a Drirco 69;1e 234.1)A 175.48 Jos+r~b 1~9oore b914 234.0~0 1b5.69 Patrick Piacitelli b9ll~ 2~2•00 ~g°~'~?~ Ax~tht,s~q Ga~tro 6971 334.00 16~?.1~! Maauel Rey~a 6922 234.04 170.~9 R~oy Swnson 69~3 33a.00 17d.95 Rafasrt 7l~wm~+son 6921~ 23~.(30 17~.16 C~tt~? ~ellaan ~59~5 236.00 189.59 Johs Parhaa~ 6926 53b.00 428.29 Carol ~.artunek 6927 31.4.00 22~.01 ~ly~,~ 69Z8 246. fhl 17T.67 Aaa CuAa 6929 Z98.00 2~k.6Q Bub I3ockins 693p 466.0(t 381.40 ' ~CRC~eth Hc1Cee 6931 Ze4. Q'.1 209. b5 rra Yo~g 6~32 2~r~. o0 2oi. is l~red Cler b933 Z4f~.00 183.23 Plark Cau~??~y 6y34 40.95 33.68 ltike Shsppard 6935 99.Q0 78.15 Johc~ Csrlron 693b 28~.dU 222.37 ~ David {ihitelatr 6937 1d0.00 90.00 Inabell 5C~nl~y 6938 76.00 6~,65 PAUliae Rudolph 6939 117•~ 9'~•~a ` .Teff ~ehn~r 69b0 91.~U 7Z.a'~ Shirley O~ea~r 69~?~ 84.60 6g.84 Jc~s~pl~ 1~'~arb~e 6942 225.23 ].7a.22 Jo~~s~at: Cl~ire Nuasey 15943 157.50 123.14 Jot~ D~nvid Ttwai+ts 6944 142.50 111.66 Hill.t~a l~yer 6945 lq(1.8Q 85.06 ~te~~e Jea~en f946 91.40 ;8.56 Nor~a Bu~tz 6947 79.80 64.1~ 1Carren R:lddle 69~i6 1].0. 40 9k • 20 Lyla~ l~ortcin 6949 77.70 62.57 Richard J~n~eo 6950 1G8.10 ~5.41 l~arf.ara S~ith 6951 69. 3Q 56. Q7' Jae G stro 6952 118.8i1 104.90 ~lnb i,til~ou 6953 50.60 42.07 J~,snas Dea~y 695~4 ~5.80 68.68 CaYla P~rurlna 6955 57.50 S1.S4 Cliff Wi~.lie~w• 6956 7~.60 60.87 Dsbc?rah b. Crore 6957 56.70 46.38 3te~r,~ Caupat' 6956 ~7.2A 59.27 -2- . . . . . , ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' I ~I~A~ G~tOSS /~.`~JDUlR 'I,Q'[l~~ ~ II~~ ANOIIlf'~, tAID ~~rrwr lCupuci bllS~ $ 6i .40 ~ 36. 91 1~¦•~• 1t~d Sparlcr t~~160 101. ~0 d5 ~ 4~i t~ ~csdl~p 69~?1 63.00 55.8~ #~tiewe 1~1~C.arthy 69i62 96.60 76.76 ~'!a 1Lr~+aie 69l~3 105. Od ~l9. ~.6 ~t~,~ 1l~.1,~ 69bk 27.30 23.29 ~;~sr~a 6965 i 9. ~!d G~i ~ 17 7a~tr~r Mc~oni~l 6l66 S2.A4 43.3~ Oo~1 Dwil Pil~~r 696a 124 . 20 97. S4 . Si~+~~s+a f~siatr 69i~1 b9. 3U ~6. Q7 ~`Ir~o~rs Rsaarsk+t 6969 93. ~45 y4.4~ lII~ ~tetora 6970 73.30 59.27 Mrr~~e l~sch 6971 30 , 00 28. S6 ~a~gr ~arks 6972 85.4(1 Q0.92 TO?AL ;22~,76k.99 ~17,~~12.12 CFJ~2 PIED : APPRO~'ED : ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ....~~l~~r~'~ cicy c k ~ c:cy ~e;,a~~r P1L'4SL'D AI+iD ~?.DOpTBA at a regular Tceeting of the Citv Council of the Ctty of Cupr.rtino thls 17th da. of Nover~6er, 19f~9. ~ A'~s: Crur~ilmen: B~ayPn, Fi tzgerald, Noei ~ Stok~s. G~mpster l~GO£~: Geuncilaroen: Npf1~ 1l~1.~~`1': Coui~cilr~n: Np~,g / A2T~5T: /'!AP OVE ; ~ ' ( ~ ' ~ _ r7 C:lty lerk a ~ ~ 3- ~ .