CC Resolution No. 1843 ~ ~
~SOLVT IOZi 1i0. 164 3
~ ~$SOLLTrION OF TH8 CI'~'1' OOU~ICXL OI~ T~ CIx? Ol?.. QR~SIII~ ~!"'PmDV'IN~
PI1~1~L PZAN PC},~ ~ Or ~AG't~ AT LDfsA VI~tTd l~:C~E?
API'RIDX~lATSLY 3r00 ~ET 1~ OP COZ~D3~US AV~; AUx81ylI.~Z~G 9~
CIZ7 F.t~GIN~ER TO SICi~I 1~TlIJ1L P'L.A~N; A~D AV!7~D1tIZ7.lIC 1~.~C[1T2419 OF
A~11'd' I.N (y0M11lCTION T~E1iIT!!
IiH~AS, trr~r~e h~s b~a pnseatsd to the C~ty Cornsc#1 .Eor ~r~~ral of
tbie finxl plan for the f.~rcnreisnt of ~tha ati•~et froot,a~s at Y.~3~ns~ Virta
TJr~r+e approxi~ately 300 f~et north of Colta~us llweaue bY .lcstplz Laulich~ and
i ~i~'i~'AS~ there hes b~sa pr~a~ent~d tu thc Cit~r Cauacil s pr~pos~d a~r~ee-
rent for the con~tructloa of •treete~ curbg, ~rttera. ~id~aalks, and for other
isprove~aents~ and good arid ruffici.o~t bands hnving beQri pres~x~ted ~'or the
faithful P~rfotm~a~nce o! said xoric aad the carryin` out of said ~gr~ewsat; aad
aiid pl~n. agree~oent~ aad bor~ds havi~ng been appro~*ed by the Citr Attoraey;
N0~', THERE~'QRE~ 11~ .LT ltES4LV~1~ ~hat raid flaal pl~? fqr the inipYOweMrent
~ of stre~t frantage ~t Linda ~'ista '~r~~~ appxoxiaw~tely 300 i`eet north of Colwa~
bus Av~nue be gnd che ~~u~e i.; ~.ereby~ ap~.roved; and the City En~in~eer ie
hezRby authorised to sy'.~n ~aid fiaal plan; and tn~ l~byor and th~e City C1erk
a~re hereby a»thorized tr execute the agtce~en?ent herairi tre~`erred to in beha~.f
o!' thes City of CuperCtao.
PASSED ANI3 ADOPT~p thi~ 21at day of Julr 1969~ Ly the follow-~
is~g ~ote:
A'CES: Councilmeit - Mrawra. Noel, Stok~~, D~ewpater
`~ES: Councilmen - ;iox~e
AnSE2iT: - Fitza~rald . -
APP1t!1VEb :
ATI ESx ! °
~ kLpyor~uCit;~ nf Cu~ar no
~ ~ C:
G*ty Cl~rk