CC Resolution No. 1744 ~ ~ [~r~o~.u~x~K ~:o. 1744 A RLSOI.lT1'XQN d'F Z~iF. CITY C41J1~i1':I1. OP TH~ C~'fY Or f,UI'F~(t.TINO lI.CCEP'TXKf~ LFAICATSOt~ OP Fti,'IL P.R4PERTY FQR ROl1DFIA~ FlJ~i.POW~S ~iii~AEl15, Jusenh Cx~rc9~ h~r;o ~ceGratt~d a d~dication ~+hir.h ,1~ In gaod ~nd a~ff:lcienC far.v~ gtantin,~ to tha City of Cupertin~, County U~ SRRCA Clata~ ~r:at~ of C~lifornia. the fes ti~le to ce~taia real prapsrty for roadway lrr,~+as~~. situ~te ln tba Cxtr of Cup~rtl~~o. rores particulsrly described in ~chibit "A" xaul Exhibit "b" aa tollovs: All that cmrtain r~l prvperty aituatea in tha City uf C~spertino. County of Santa Clara~ State of C~lifornia. con~irtin~ of apprnxim~tnely .07 acre lacak+d an th~s u~e~rt •ide of Raady Lane~ scut'n nf Farr~st Avxnue. NaDN, TH£I~EF~R£, 8~ IT RESt~LVPU LFut tht City of Cu}~ertino acc~pt a~id . ~zant eo eendered; and Yr IS F1TRT}i~tt R~SOL4F~ thst tha City Clerk b~ and h.~ hera~by author- ~.zed to recoxd said dedic~tion ~nd thiQ ttesqlutio~. ~'ASSm ANU AI~DPTEB ~hig ~~_~____day ot f~b~~y , 1969. by t3~~ f~llo~?ing vot~e: ~~ES: Councilmen Be~ven~ F i tzgerald, Stok~s ~ D~npst~tr ~ES ~ Counci.men - None ABSE:~T : CaUnC ilRlen w Mp~ ~ APPRCti~' E11: . ATI~ST: ViC~ M~~?a , City ~~t ~uptrtinc~ ~ f~ ° cs~y c~axtc C } M ~ ~ , ~ ~ . ! R~~ • fl~0 s 17~ ~ ~i~I~t ~~AN Al,l that certain seal pro~?er~-jr •itwte in t~,e City of Ccrpectir~o, Gounty of Saats Cl~rA, Strt~e of Californi~. d~scrib~d ss fallaes: ~ A portion of I.ot 25 si said ~.at is ~shc~ upon ihat c~ctaiq m,p enti.tled ':~lonta Vi~ta", ~hir.h ~sp Me• filed for recard ia tbe offi.ce of che WYCOrdat of ttrr Cauoaty of 5anta Cl~ra, Seste zrf California, on July 20, 190d in~ ~aok "L" of Kapa~ at pa~e 43, and being r~ors parCicularl~ described aa follaw: BEGINNING at a pnint r+taicb ~s the Sauthea~terly corc~r of said LoC, eaid poict be~ag dista~at South 8~'41' Wesc, 25.00 feet fro~ tl~e centertine of Raudy I.+sc~t {fox~erly Munta Vistr? 11vr~aue) s ther~ce frazc said Paint af hc~3.mair?g along the SouCherly liat of eaid I.ot ~uth 84°4x' WeaC 5.00 ferti thenc~ Along a liae ~+hich ie para12e1 to and d~atant at s.ight angle~ 34.00 feet fram said centerline ~orth 0°22'20" N~st. 107.05 feet; thence North 89'~~' Eaat 34.O~C? feet to a poist iu said centerlire; thence along ssid cent.erline ~outh 0°22'20" Eaat 1U7.05 feet; thence laaviag said centerline and along the Southerly lirie of said Lot So~ith 89'41' . West 25.1~ iee.t to the Yoint of Beginn~ng. . . , . . . , K ' ~ r ~ ~ C ~ Q , , . , : z~ ; . . :a , o ~ . ~ . ` .r: :j, f ' ! 's~ ~ v C ~ ! . ~ ~ . O . ~ ~ ,i ' ~ 99 E . ~ ~ rG ' . f ~ 1 .'y~` ..1~ : , ~ ~ , O h ~ ` . O ` .O ~ ~ ~ ~O ~ ' ~ ° ' , 'ry p ' ~ • , O . . , ; h : . i ~ . . ..S A9'~•c~~ y` S~ ~ r4/ ~ .2.: :C~ ~ SOO' oG~~,. _ S":' f;)l , ~ z r~.r . P~ A r .~~a.~:.~~ ,~~,~s O~dir~ol`e~o~ fc r .PoodavoY s~.ct,E.~ ~ ,o~d'' ,