CC Resolution No. 1542 . ~ ~i R~S~LjJT7:UN NU . 1542 A RESOI.UTIOIJ QP THE CTTY COUNCZL ~F ~:."HE C~T.: OF CUPERTINO APPRUVIHG FINAL h1AP OF TRAGT ?J0. 4415, THE WUODS, ACCEP'TI2~r~ CERTAiN DRYV~S, PLAC~S, AVENUFS, AND ROkt7S : AUTHORT~INa T~ GITY Edr(~T?J.~ER AND ',I'~iE C~Z'Y CLEAK TO SI(3N TH~ FINAL MAP; AND AUTHORI2INl3 T~HE AGREEMENT iN Ct7N?~ECTION THF.t~W1TH Ws1EI~EAS, there has been pres~nted to the City Ct uncl]. for approval ~r~l for authorization to recc,r,d a fin~]. map of "Tr~ct No. 4415: ~he Woode", sY-.~~xing aert~in ~venuea, driv.~s, place~, and raaciii; and ti1}iEI~AS, there has k?een preisented to the City? Council a propoaed a~reecr.~n~ I'or the constru~tifln of aGreeta, curbs and ~utters, and fbr ot~~t>r imprave;r.~nte, ~nd ~~a3 ar.ri sufficient bonds having been p~esentied fc^ ~he f~ithful perCorr.an_e of said work and the .arry?ng out of said a~. ~ement; an:i said map, ~~re~r:ent, dnd bonds haviirg ~~en appruved by t: _ City Att~rney; now, ~r.er~`'~re, HE IT I'tEaOLVED tha: F=na1 hl~p of "Tract No. ~41~~, The Woods", ~fi~ ~;tlk: 8a:':t' Sfi~ herE~;;'~ ;rr^~Vk.'~~ c3I1C3 tllB 8VE'!'1'.!?~, ~ri:~@3~ pl~:cea, ar_~ :~~ad~ ~tzr;;:: tli~;reon ~e the s~rt:e ~~~e h~reb;; ~~ccep ~e~; and Lhe City E:.~_:~eer an~i ::z City C:~:i: ~:<< "ierehy atithorized ±c~ ~_~n ~ald Final bSap; ~he i~fay~:~ :.~ri,~ tt~e C~ ::er'r, are tlereb;; autho::.z~-~ ExPc~.~te the a~: ~=tr,ent iiei~t ~t~ i•ef zrrF~ t~etiali' c t' ttle r,it;; af ~:p?rL.~no, F'ASSED A::D NL~O1'TED 18th ciaY ~~f ps*,cemaer ,~9~7, t; :r.E fn11«w;;,~; vof~e: A':.~~: Cour~:?lmen - Der~,pster, Johnson, Noel ~ Stokes, Fi tage~~ld tiC:,S: Coucicilmen - None • A ; ;~!tT: Co~ui~ ! .lmen - Ncne A~S1: ~PPROVED: ~ ~ , ^ ~ - ~ Ci••~, erk ar , . . ~ _ , . . ~