1616 (2) 4 z I � 9r�Qi NO. ST LOT NO. ' FPR ELECTRICAL PERMIT kCUPERTINO Ff U 3 D 9952 Date T�/ n FR , 19.�r,� Permit No. � 1/P �I11. € ���fS'th�I � Fee S 13-��i� Applica lon Is h reby ma of Cupertino for a permit to,install electrical wiring and/o'r-fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring,andlo'e Iixture's-in accordance with the,provisions of the Electrical Code of the Cityof Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. - - v Use of Premicrc' -rp?�_�.� , c 3 Owner E < n =<Q. Address 6I:trd.i / IV Address i CONTRACTOR, AGENT Approved / L Phone: ELECTRICAL INSPECrOl I i S v>: } ( ( \ : � / � § � � co Q \))) : @§( . \ \ \ / ) \ j le r a 0 ) ) ) \ \ } } 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE JCITY OF CUPERTINO --------------I...... 1�. ------......--------- 196- To .11 You are hereby aut 1z to conpect the EL• I ' e r Owner or Tenant .... ...... . ... .. . . .. ...... .. . ._._..___tet._..._____..--. No. of Wires . .___..... SizeWires ¢5..._:....... Size of Switch/�A_, Motor Load'.......................... Voltage ................. ............:. Phase..... ................ ., Heating Load :.............----... K. W ................... Voltage .. ` Light ..............110.._......... Neu, Service .... . Reconnect .._.......:.... No. of Meters....../i....... ""'rt` �.. Heat ....._..._..220 ..__....._...Three Wire.......____....Move Service .......... No. of Add. Meters::....._ 1!t 9LECTR51 {.:.._.-...Move Meter ..._......., L INSPECTOR 104 7/61 -0