63471 (2) 7509 Kingsbury k-ourz Tract No. Let No. CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date l J 19��T_�rmif No. /,�Q2'z Application is hereby made for a permit to .lS� a story, Type 00 Building Use Zone at 15'6 T/ AS J e / r/ Occupancy to be occupied only as Parking Space in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-plan filed Fire Sprinkler Estimated Value of Improvements, $-3-:�00 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shell not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. Owner ` ✓ /�/ ✓�N Address "54 Address /s7; RECDORD OF INSPECTION Foundati n A �- Frame / Stucco Finish N0- x- 7509 Kingsbury Court 9 Sullivan !-09Z woj # esuaml ssawsna Ay!o esof ueS 'uo!yeo!!dde s!4y sez!+04;ne A!+edoud pue yae}}a pue 81+11 IIn1 w a # esuea!I soya e+{uoZ) ewuo}4eo }o e{e{S s!4 1e44 s{seyya {ueo!!ddy !/ ❑ pe!y {uawa{eys ❑ +aux,o'se jueo4dde A4 paw!e!o A90+e4 s1 asuea!l s Joylexyuoo +o} e!wo}!!eD }o a{eys +o} yuewe+!nbeu wo+} uoydwex3