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CC Resolution No. 1131
}~'! .. s ~' ;~ ..: 1~5~"1L~1`~CSk~'~ :~(?. 1131 ~. OLf~TION' (?F T8E CITY C~~C.IL OF 2'HE CITY Ub' CU~i°fINO ~, CrRIZiI~C ISSUANCE OF ~iA~i~.~`t'Y' Ft?R T `~'~ P4,TRCAASE OF 2~L TY. ..~. ,....._.,._..~.w....~..~,.,_..., ~.:; 'ii'R'J~R~.A,S, iho~t3 e. Rosa 8~9 Elele hi. Ross, his wifa:, e-re t~ u~era of record o~° c~rt~i3mm reel i~rogerty situate i.r~ the C~.~t~-- of Cuge~rtino and mor~a ~pi~~ticularly described in Exhit-~.t °`~"" ~tt8chsd hereto and made ~t hereof, end E1~S, it is cute o! t~ ~xf"~'Ycia]. perk sitecs set forth i.n rs2. plan, end tdH~BREAS, the a~anere of end rea~1 property have offered to ee3.X the above described pyroY~erty for the sum of $430, 334• net . t© seller, a;~d ~i~FiE.EtLAS, it is deemed 1;a be to the best interests oi' the ~i.::Y~ ~i10ii1 ~'HEREFt.n~, BE TT R~!~ZYED: That :'.;e City C1+~2:~k 0s~d the City Treasurer be and i^.~~s~eby are au:2:; rued to isst:e a wa-rre~rit in the sum of X31, 303. ~5 ircl.sding inci~dcnr..e.l costs payable to the Title yx..~,~rance end z:~c:st Com~st~ny, ~5 Stevens Creek boulevard, S~ Jose, California, end dml{ ver same into escrow for the ~:,^::.isition of send prop~rtq. PASSED AZT :~P'I'~) at +a r-e~ular meeting of the Citg~ L*a::acil of t::e City of Caper=i.~o, this ~ day of ~~~, 2;~, ty the following vote: AL's,;: Cour.~ll8en: Finc ~.tagerald, Stokes ~: Council.~ten: 1Jone !l~3:"p: Got:.~~c i linen , Demt.~~ ~e r, ?toe 1 Qa Stake9 t+la or Pro Tam .ST I horeby certify that tha.e ~e ~-n art cagy of the oriEin~. x~,~~lutit-n on, ~'17.e in the office of tkwrs d.t~r of wino oP that 4'i.ty of Cuar~tiitcr, `~( k~CHXHI'i" :;An Resoltitinn No. x.130 k 1? 31 G~~ ATB PAFtKSI~ A31 that: a9r,~ain real properbq situated in tihe Oity of t'u~pertino, County« aP S~~nt;a, Clax~, State a~' CaxilPorrtia, ctesaribed as i'olla~s: BB~iXN!dINQ at tFae sout;h~ec~t 4d~csier of tb~ southeast 1/4 oP t;lte north9eae~t 1~ a~ 3eatian 14, 2'T3, R2W,, l.n i;he cetit+erline of 3t+p~ensa G`reok Hc~u~.eva~! ~60.~0 feet ttfde}; then4e North ~ 4y~ ~a;st along tthe Dent©r13ne of Stev~ngs Vs-~Vk IJOtI].evax`d 4g7.,~ib ~'®et -s~aiV cr la®e to the Zntera~tW- t~.on of said Cent;ez«~.tte o:t" Stevens Cr+cs~ Nova4.a~vardi tei.th trio KestsrlW linr~ off" tkaat ook~te~.n aCr3~ o~ land aonveyad by h, J. Purrishd 1St 1,tTp to Antone 3aiah, ~d tl0rted Sane t 1905, recoa~le~l Wl'u~e mil, 1905 in ~aok ~?' oY' I3eede, Yoga ~G~, Santa Clams County Rec©~e; t2~+enae North W 15' mat along tl~e avid Hesterly line of said etri~ 08' land 1301.19 f®at; mni~ or less to a pvi.nt on the Northerly L1.ne of the c~outheast ~,f4 nP the noz~theaat 1/4 of ~Sr~stion 14, T~'3, R2W,; thence North ~ 55' West along Qaid northerly li.na oi' said southeast ifs of the northeast 1~4 of s~].d 3eetilr~n 14, 49].,66 feet syox~ or lens to the northt~-a~~at corner of thg southeast 1/4 of northea at '/~ of saidl 3satlon 14; thence SOt3TH along the ~e$terly line of the said $aut2~s-et lf~# of the northeast 1/~ ®.f s@4t3on 14, 13Q3.,.19 feet amore or less to the goint: of beginning. Being a Evart of the Kest; 1/2 of the $c~utheaat 1f~- of the nbrtpteas~t 1~ of Section 14, Z'7S, RPW, M.D.B. ~ M. and containing 14,68 acres, n~re or l+~ss. ,,, ~d ~ ~ .. ~~ ,