CC Resolution No. 1130~~ * y R~sor~rcxort xo. 1130 ~~ A REfIOS,i3TI0fi OF THE CIT°i COUNCIY, OF THE CI~•Y OF' CUPEl~T31'IO `~ ACCT.'~1`ZNG GRANT DEED FROM THOMAS G. ROSS AND EIt,SYE M; RaSS, HZ£ H~F"E. Y WH>wREAS, 1'hor~e Q. FtUat~ acid F.ls1e M. Rbsa, hls erif's, have ., exeeutHd a grant deed x~hich granL• deed ie in gorxl and ~euffic.. lent. form granting all rigiat, title and interest ir. that ~~ , e-ertal.n real pxvpa:•ty more parti~:ule.rly desCribc:d 1n Es~hiiiit ~~~ `~A", att®ched hereto anc~ made pert hereof, and '~1HEAIIA3, it appears to tie +:o the best interest o8' thz pity of Cupertino to accept said g~•ant deed; HOI~, THERfiFORE, BE ~T RESOLVED: That thc~ City of Cuper*ino hereby eccepts said grant deed so tendered; BE XT FURTHER RESOLVED: That thQ City clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to deliver a certifiQd copy of this resolution into escrow with the T:ttlP InBUi•ance and Trust; Company, 3?75 S~evene Creek Boulevard, San Joae, Callforriia, to be recard~:d with aforesaid grant d~3ed. PASSED AND. ADOPT~.D ~at a regular nteEt;ing of the City Cauncil of the City of C'•uportino, this ~r~ day of ~.~--~ , 1965, by the following vote; AYES: Counciltnon; Pinch, I~'it4gerald, Stokes ?~qES; Councilpnett: tone l4HSfiNT: Councilman; Dempster, Nael ATTEST: w _ I ~""" _._..,.. ~ y ~ er Ciur Stokes Ma or Pro Tem I hereby certify that this is sn «xnct copy of original rie,~e~lutlon on file in the office of tt;e City Clerk of rho CY~t;~ of Cupertino, 1~-- ,, ~, _ . ~ , ... .~ ..,~ ., „ ~,.. a .:. .., ~,. ,,~,,,~~. ~.~ ,., ,~~. ~ ~;; r ~..y "1X4~M'!R.'!'I."M""~ti'RY^*'~`~~ARI;'gf")~1y~~. t'~P~p'; . ~ ,. ~ ... ~"F 1~_ ') y' ~ `. ~ S~:h'HIFS~ ~ A" Resolutian No. 1130 & 11;;1 GF~~ ~GA~'~ PARKSI'1.'F: All that oe'rtair~ real p~perty ai4;uated 9.ri the C1ty of Cupertino, County of 4anta Clara, St~~te of Cal3tori~.ia, des~cribeci sa follows: S'~Ih7iIN[~ at tine $outh~aeet corner of the aauti~at 3/'~ of the north~~-t i~~t oP SeotSon l~F, TT3, R2°N, i.a the ~+~nterline o4' 3teven~ Creek Baulevaxd (~.Qfl Feet add+e); tt~nee North 890 45' Bit alorsg the centerline of Stevens Lek Boulev~arc~ 4g1.~ feet moors or less t:o the intersec- tion oP said centerline of ~tevoa~s Ci^eek Boulevaar+d ~9t.th tho westerly li.tte oY ~:ha~: certain etMp or .Land conr~~y~d by l~. .J. ParriAh, et ux, to Antone ;taich, Deed dated June ~, 1g05, reaOrded June ~3., 1gJ5 in Book 2g`~ i~P Deeds, Page '0, Santa Clara County Records; thence North 4n ;t5' E~a.at along the said ~oeaterly 3.ine of said strip o!' land l~+Ol o ig feet; more or less to a paint on the Northeri,~ line off` the southeast. 1/4 oP the northeast 1/lb of Seat~ian lk, ?~"j'3, R2b7; thence North $g° ~5' heat e,long said northerly line of $aid southeast 1/~t~ at tht~ northeast 1/~ of igaid s~eetion 24, ~t91, E6 Peet moi*e or less to the northwest corner of the southeast 1/11 of northeast 1~ry~ oP said Section 14; thenoe SOL~N slung the uestea~ly line of the aai+~ southeast 1/4 of the northeast l,~ of Section 14, Z~Q1.19 Feet amore or lees to the point. of bpginnj.ng, Being a part QP the west I/2 0±` the southeast 1/~ of the northe~at 1,~4 of 5eetion 1~, T7S, R23~?r M. b, B, tc M. and containing 1~,~3 acres, mores or less, r ' • a w' ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , a,,,~ ~ ~ ~+ . ~ ~ .,,. "fir ~. y¢ W l ~ ~ .., ~,. j"