CC Resolution No. 1075.~ :; RESOZ-vTZOrJ No, lo', DEINtI A RESO]%dJ~i°ION OF THE CITY Ole CU.PERTINO ACCEPTI2Jt3 AEDICAT:tGN OF REAL PFiOPER~'Y FOR ROAD4~AX PURPQSES Y-l:BREAS, ANQEL DIAL anti HiARY DZAZ, his Frife, have executed a -i ':i4 '.J dedication which is in ,good and sufficient form, granting to the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, Stnte or %alifornia, the fee title to certa3.n real property Sor roadwa,,- purposes, situate in the City of Cupertino, described as £ollotira: B~Pd3I?JNINQ nt a point in the center line of the Stevens Creels RoRd from which point the center of Sectian l3, Ta~~rnship 7 South, Range 2 Weat I-i..D.13. ~ M. (being the intersection of the center line of the Stevens Creek Road frith the center litze of the Sarata~;a and t~tauntein Vies~r Roncl) burs S. 390 55' W. 90y.g7' feet, runnins thence along L•he center line of the Stevens Creek Raad, 2~. 390 55' Er.st G0.00 feet; thence N. ~° 03' 1~. 45.00 fe~t; thence parallel with t17e center line of the Stevens Creek Road, S. f39 55' ~1ent ~.tJG feet; thence S. Oo 03' E. 45.00 feet to the point of be~inn,Lng, beinE a portion df tiliit ll.l$ acre trract deeded to ,Tohn AiontGomery by Deed dated itavembar 29, 1919, and reeorcled in Hoolc ~l~9 of D~1eds, gage 320 in the office of the Co!rnty Recorc.er of SF:nta C1arA County, California. NOW, Tr~tZEFORE, Fie I; iIE.OLVED, thrt the City of Cupertino acce~~t said grant sa tendered; arc: YT IS FURTHEtZ P.ESGL~rJ, tht L the Cite Clerk be anc~ he is hereL•y ttuthorizect t~ re~:ord sai~~ dedi.crtior~ r.~~~l this Re:~r~?.;~ti:,n. P,iSSEQ AND ADOPTED y::is .5th c~c,• ~ ~' April `, 3965, by the follUwing rote: A7iES: Couna3.lmen - ?inch, :~itxQerald, Noel, Stoites, Dcm~.:~ter NOF..S: Councilmen - rro::e A&SEtJrI`: Councilmen - 1Jor,e ATTEST: s Yawrenee IC. Martin /s/ J. Hobert Dempster ~~ eT~'r cam" ___~___ ayor . APPROVED: R ,~ .. , ~