Ordinance 652 ORDINANCE NO. 652
SECTION 1: Amendment
Section 1.1: Ordinance 002(a) , Revised and Ordinance 002(e-1) are hereby amended
by adding this Ordinance 652.
SECTION 2: Repealing Clause
Section 2.1: All ordinances heretofore enacted in conflict with this ordinance
are hereby repealed to the extent that they would vary the provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 3: Purpose
Section 3.1: This ordinance shall establish procedures relative to the initiation
and adoption of amendments to the General Plan, to the zoning text and zoning map, and
to the initiation and processing of conditional use permits and variances.
SECTION 4: General Plan Amendment
Section 4.1: The City Council or Planning Commission may initiate proceedings to
amend the General Plan or any part or element thereof in the manner provided in this
(a) Upon written or verbal direction from the City Council or Planning Commission,
the Director of Planning and Development shall prepare a draft of the proposed amendment
and shall set a time and place for a public hearing to be held before the Planning
Commission to consider the proposed amendment. A notice of said hearing shall be published
and circulated in the City of Cupertino, at least ten (10) calendar days before the
scheduled hearing.
(b) After the completion of the public hearing and upon approval of any amendment
to the General Plan by the Planning Commission, the proposed amendment shall be trans-
mitted to the City Council. The amendment shall be endorsed in the form of a resolu-
tion to show that it has been approved by the Planning Commission.
(c) Upon receipt of the Planning Commission's transmittal, the City Clerk shall
schedule a public hearing to be held by the City Council. A notice of said hearing
shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation published and
circulated in the City of Cupertino, at least ten (10) calendar days before the scheduled
public hearing.
(d) In adopting an amendment to the General Plan or any part or element thereof
which has been approved by the Planning Commission, the City Council shall not make any
substantial change or addition until the proposed change or addition has been referred
to the Planning Commission for a report and a copy of the report has been filed with the
legislative body.
-1- (4-9)
Section 4.1 - continued
Failure of the Planning Commission to report within forty (40) days after the
reference or such longer period as may be designated by the legislative body, shall
be deemed to be approval of the proposed change or addition. It shall not be necessary
for the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on such proposed change or addition.
SECTION 5: Zoning Code Amendment or Change of Zone
Section 5.1: Applicability: The following procedures apply only to the adoption
of a zoning ordinance or amendments to a zoning ordinance, which ordinance or amend-
ment thereto changes any property from one zone to another or imposes, removes or
modifies any provisions which:
(1) Regulates the use of buildings, structures and land as between
industry, business, resident, open space, including agriculture,
recreation, enjoyment of scenic beauty, use of natural resources
and other purposes.
(2) Regulates sign and billboards.
(3) Regulates locations, height, bulk, number of stories and size of
buildings and structures, the size and use of lots, yards, courts
and other open spaces, the percentage of a lot which may be occupied
by a building or structure, the intensity of land use.
(4) Establishes requirements for off-street parking and loading.
(5) Establishes and maintains building setback lines.
(6) Creates civic districts around civic centers, public parks, public
buildings or public grounds, and establishes regulations therefor.
Any other amendment to a zoning ordinance, including administrative or procedural
amendments, may be adopted as other ordinances are adopted.
Section 5.2 : Zoning Code Amendment: The City Council or Planning Commission may
initiate proceedings to adopt or amend a zoning ordinance in the manner provided in
this section.
A. Upon written or verbal direction from the City Council or Planning
Commission, the Director of Planning shall prepare a draft of the
proposed zoning ordinance or amendment and shall set a time and place
for a public hearing to be held before the Planning Commission to
consider the proposed zoning ordinance or amendment. A notice of said
hearing shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general
circulation in the City of Cupertino at least ten (10) days before the
scheduled public hearing.
B. After the completion of the public hearing, the Planning Commission
shall render its decision in the form of a written recommendation to
the City Council. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for
the recommendation, the relationship of the proposed ordinance or amend-
ment to applicable general and specific plans, and shall be transmitted
to the City Council within thrity (30) days after termination of the
, public hearing.
-2- (4-10)
Section 5.2 - continued
C. Upon the receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation
approving the adoption of a zoning ordinance or amendment there-
to, the City Clerk shall schedule a public hearing before the
City Council. A notice of said hearing shall be published at
least once in a newspaper of general circulation, published and
circulated in the City of Cupertino, at least ten (10) calendar
days before the scheduled public hearing. No public hearing
need be held, nor further action need be taken with the City
Council upon receipt of any Planning Commission recommendation
disapproving the adoption of a zoning ordinance or amendment
thereto unless appealed pursuant to Section 8 of this ordinance.
D. After holding a public hearing pursuant to this section, the City
Council may approve, modify, or disapprove the recommendation of
the Planning Commission, provided that any modification of the
proposed ordinance or amendment by the City Council not previously
considered by the Planning Commission during its hearing shall first
be referred to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation,
but the Planning Commission shall not be required to hold a public
hearing thereon. Failure of the Planning Commission to report within
forty (40) days after the reference, or such longer period as may be
designated by the City Council, shall be deemed to be approval of the
proposed modification.
E. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the City's power to
enact interim zoning ordinances as emergency measures under the pro-
visions of Section 65858 of the Government Code.
Section 5.3: Change of Zone and Prezoning Procedures: The City Council, Planning
Commission and/or any person owning or having an interest in land may initiate pro-
ceedings for a change of zone of property within the corporate limits of the City or
for a prezoning of property outside of the corporate limits of the City. The initiation
of a request for a change of zone or a prezoning from a private landowner shall be
accompanied by the submission of a form as provided by the Director of Planning and
Development. Said form shall contain information relative to types and numbers of
exhibits and the filing fees. Upon acceptance of the application form from a private
landowner, or upon direction from the City Council or Planning Commission to initiate
proceedings for a change of zone or prezone, the following procedure shall be utilized.
(a) The Director of Planning shall set a time and place for a public hearing
before the Planning Commission and order the public notice thereof. Said
notice of public hearing shall be published at least once in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City of Cupertino at least ten (10) days
before the first of said hearings. In addition, individual notices shall
be mailed to all persons owning real property located within three hundred
(300) feet of the property(ies) involved in the application. When the
property within three hundred (300) feet of the property(ies) involved in
the application is occupied by other than the property owner, a notice
shall be sent to the occupant of the dwelling. If said dwelling is a
structure with more than four dwelling units, notice to the occupant
shall be given by sending one notice to the manager of said multiple
unit dwelling. The instructions for the mailing of public notices shall
Section 5. 3 - continued
(a) be specified on the appropriate application form. The primary form of
Cont' . notification is by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in
the City of Cupertino. Minor discrepancies in the certified mailing
list provided by an applicant or the City in case of a City-initiated
application shall not constitute an invalid notice of public hearing.
(b) The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing at which time the
Commission shall evaluate the proposed change of zone or prezone relative
to its conformity to the General Plan and relative to its suitability for
the uses permitted in the proposed zone in terms of access, size of parcel,
its relationship to similar uses and other considerations deemed relevant
by the Commission.
(c) If the proposed change of zone or prezone is found to be in conformance
with the General Plan and the Commission recommends approval of said zone
change, the recommendation shall be transmitted to the City Council. If
the proposed change of zone or prezone is found not to be in conformance
with the General Plan, the Commission shall recommend denial of said
application and refer said recommendation to the City Council.
(d) Upon receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation, the City Clerk
shall schedule a public hearing before the City Council. A notice of said
hearing shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circu-
lation in the City of Cupertino at least ten (10) days before the first of
said hearing(s) .
(e) The City Council may approve, modify or disapprove the recommendation of
the Planning Commission provided that any modification of the proposed
ordinance or amendment by the City Council not previously considered by
the Planning Commission during its hearing shall first be referred to the
Planning Commission for report and recommendation, but the Planning Com-
mission shall not be required to hold a public hearing thereon. Failure
of the Planning Commission to report within forty (40) days after the
reference, or such longer period as may be designated by the City Council,
shall be deemed to be approval of the proposed modification.
Section 5.4 : Zoning of Annexed Land: Land annexed to the City of Cupertino on or
after the effective date of Ordinance No. 002(e-1) shall be prezoned as described by
Section 5.3 of this ordinance.
SECTION 6: Conditional Use Permits
Section 6.1: Uses listed in each zoning ordinance requiring conditional use permit
approval may be permitted in zoning districts of the City subject to the provisions of
this ordinance.
Section 6.2: The City Council, Planning Commission or any person owning or having
an interest in land may initiate proceedings for approval of a conditional use permit.
The initiation of a request for conditional use permit approval shall be accompanied by
the submission of a form as provided by the Director of Planning and Development, said
form shall contain information relative to types and numbers of exhibits and filing fees.
Upon acceptance of the application form from a private landowner or upon direction from
the City,‘Council or Planning Commission, the following procedural steps shall be utilized:
-4- (4-12)
Section 6.2 - continued
(a) The Director of Planning shall set a time and place for a public hearing
before the Planning Commission and order the public notice thereof. Said
notice of public hearing shall be published at least once in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City of Cupertino at least ten (10) days
before the first of said hearings. In addition, individual notices shall
be mailed to all persons owning real property located within three hundred
(300) feet of the property(ies) involved in the application. When the
property within three hundred (300) feet of the property(ies) involved in
the application is occupied by other than the property owner, a notice
shall be sent to the occupant of the dwelling. If said dwelling is a
structure with more than four dwelling units, notice to the occupant shall
be given by sending one notice to the manager of said multiple unit dwell-
ing. The instructions for the mailing of public notices shall be specified
on the appropriate application form. The primary form of notification is
by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Cupertino.
Minor discrepancies in the certified mailing list provided by an applicant
or the City in case of a City-initiated application shall not constitute an
invalid notice of public hearing.
(b) The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing and subsequently make
a final decision on the application unless pursuant to some other City
Ordinance a final decision on such application is required to be made by
the City Council. The Planning Commission may conditionally approve or
disapprove the application and shall announce and record its decision upon
the close of the public hearing. The decision shall set forth the findings
and conditions, if any, by formal resolution of the Commission and shall be
filed with the City Council. A copy of the resolution shall be mailed to
the applicant.
(c) Final decisions of the Planning Commission, except for Planned Development
Use Permits, may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant, any
resident of the City, or any person owning land within the City. If the
Commission makes a negative decision regarding a Use Permit application
which is not otherwise required to be heard by the City Council, the appli-
cation is deemed denied unless appealed as provided in this section and
Section 8 of this ordinance.
(d) In the case of applications for Use Permits in Planned Development zones,
the decision of the Planning Commission shall be submitted to the City
Council for final decision. Any public hearing held by the City Council
to review a Planning Commission recommendation with respect to a Use Permit
for a Planned Development Zone need not follow the notification and publica-
tion procedures described in 6.2 (a) .
Section 6.3: Commission Findings and Conditions: The Commission shall make the
following findings prior to approval or recommended approval of a Use Permit :
(a) That the use or uses are in conformance with the general plan and is
not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in
the zone in which the proposed use is to be located.
(b) That the property involved is adequate in size and shape to accommodate
the proposed use.
SECTION 7: Variances
Section 7.1: Where practical difficulties , unnecessary hardship and results
inconsistent with the general purposes of a particular zoning ordinance may result
from the strict application of certain provisions thereof, a variance may be granted
as provided in this section.
Section 7.2 : Variances from the terms of the zoning ordinance shall be granted
only when, because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including
size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the
zoning ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in
the vicinity and under identical zoning classification.
Section 7. 3: Any variance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will
assure that the adjustment thereby authorized shall not constitute a grant of special
privileges inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the vicinity and
zone in which the property is situated.
Section 7.4: An application for a variance shall be made in writing on a form
prescribed by the Director of Planning and Development and shall be accompanied by
a statement of plans and evidence including a letter which describes :
(a) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions
applying to the land, building or use referred to in the application,
which circumstances or conditions do not apply generally to land, build-
ing and/or uses in the same district.
(b) That the granting of the application is necessary for the preservation
and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the petitioner.
(c) That the granting of such application will not under the circumstances
of the particular case materially affect adversely the health or safety
of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of
the applicant and will not under the circumstances of the particular
case be materially detrimental to public welfare or injurious to property
or improvements in said neighborhood.
Section 7.5 : The City Council, Planning Commission or any person owning or having
an interest in land may initiate proceedings for approval of a variance within the
corporate limits of the City or within unincorporated territory within the Urban Service
Area to be effective upon annexation. Upon acceptance of an application, the following
procedural steps shall be utilized:
(a) The Director of Planning shall set a time and place for a public hearing
before the Planning Commission and order the public notice thereof. Said
notice of public hearing shall be published at least once in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City of Cupertino at least ten (10) days
before the first of said hearings. In addition, individual notices shall
be mailed to all persons owning real property located within three hundred
(300) feet of the property (ies) involved in the application. When the
property within three hundred (300) feet of the property(ies) involved in
the application is occupied by other than the property owner, a notice
shall be sent to the occupant of the dwelling. If said dwelling is a
structure with more than four dwelling units, notice to the occupant
shall be given by serding one notice to the manager of said multiple
( b) The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing at
which time the Commission shall evaluate the proposed variance
relative to the criteria for approval of a variance outlined in
this section.
lc) Upon close of the public hearing, the Planning
Commission may recommend either approval , approval subject to
conditions, or denial of the application. The recommendation
shall be forwarded by resolution with the appropriate findings to
the City Council for consideration at the City Council 's next
regularly scheduled meeting after the Planning Commission 's
(d) The City Council is not required to hold a public
hearing to review Planning Commission ' s recommendation. Upon
receipt of the Planning Commission 's recommendation, the City
Council shall make a final decision relative to the application.
Section 7. 6: Revocation of Variance: Any variance granted in
accordance with the terms of this ordinance may be revoked if any
of the conditions or terms of such variance are violated or if
any law or ordinance is violated in connection herewith. A
public hearing before the Planning Commission shall be held
within thirty (30) days after serving notice of revocation,
notice of which shall be given by one publication in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City at least ten• ( 10) days prior
to such hearings, and by direct notification to the property
owner or applicant involved by registered mail prior to such
Section 7. 7: Upon close of public hearing or revocation of a
variance, the Planning Commission shall forward its
recommendation to the City Council to be scheduled for the
following regularly scheduled City Council meeting after the
Commission recommendation.
The City Council is not required to schedule a public
SECTION 8: Ap eats
Section 8. 1 : Any application or decision which received
final approval or disapproval by the Planning Commission may be
appealed to the City Council. An appeal of a final Planning
Commission decision can be filed by any individual including a
member of the Planning Commission who voted on the contested
action. Such appeal shall filed in writing with the City clerk
within five (5) calendar days subsequent to the Planning
Commission ' s action. Upon receipt of an appeal ; the City Clerk
shall schedule a hearing before the City Council within thirty
(30) days after receipt of said appeal . The City Clerk shall
notice said hearing by publishing at least once in a newspaper of
general circulation within the City of Cupertino at least ten
( 10) days before the first of said hearings. The Council may by
resolution affirm reverse or modify in whole or in part any
appeal decision , determination or requirement of the Commission.
-o. (4-16)
INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Cupertino this Ibth day of September , 1974, and ENACTED
at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino
this 7th day of October, 1974, by the following vote:
Vote Members of the City Council
AYES: Jackson , Meyers, Nellis, Sparks
NOES: None
ABSENT: Member Frolich
NOTE: The above ordinance contains wording changes enacted by
Ordinance No. 663 of November 18, 1974
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~~~ 4aVYJWi Ala ~ O~ 4/I f. a ~~ ~~wa ./ 7~R~/ WM i/~MM!<,l~ ~ ~ :
,~~tiau l a 1 t 47rdiuaace tXf2 (a} , *rr~.ared en : (lydia~~a-ae ~~ (dr--,i1 are tweswlr]r
•~wrrxyyd+trd by ~ thi» C'rd.f.aartct d3~.
~~MMlI ~ : ~ew~ai al.a~, Clwusrt
~wetion +t.ls Illl u,sdina*'rc~r• l~errrtcr.fore enees~rd £a cat-f1.Act with this ordi,n•-
aace wra hereby rep~raleed to the extant: that. tlwr]e roc~uld vwrr th.~e pravisior:N of
thi.e nrdiaunc,a.
$>mC~'ffC~i 3: Purtwoe~e
• ki~a ',~~t Th3a ardinwnce shrtll ectwblieh pt°oc~rduree reletiv,s to tPr~t in-
Z4.iakian anei edar.ftioa o.l +rs~endaerts to the t;er~~era1 P1en, to tht aocriln~ text wnd
st~n:iu,~ ttrsp, and t~+ the inil~3rttian +~nd proceswin~ of cataditianal u~w,~ pei-ei.ts and
vexilauc~rs .
Sl~C1'tU1~ b: C.wner,~.l. Pl.en ,A~altndraent . .
~~r,~tsioa 4.a: 'C`iie Cit]r G~unc.il ar Y':laatnin~ Cawaol.waicrn m.y is+.hiate pra,~~r~adirtga
td was the Grrnwr~-]. Plar- Syr wny parr. or +rlwsrent thereaF iry the >a~cr.ner pr~lvided
iu thiav •uatiaa.
(a) Upo~a arrittec: a>< wrrbai dir,~ration fraw tha CAty Caunci,l, ar ]'Xanning
Ca~ioeionp tha GArectat~ .~k` l'.launirn~ +~nd ~ewlolss~snt shwil prepwre w drwft of the
}~~Pcrpo+fxrt.i we~retnda~ar and slta.~.l eat w tiate +rnd p.'»wce far a public ly~wwrzt~~ to bey Ite.ld
b,efr~re tye FAwnning Carc~ie,sipn to tar~s~[der the prap~ud a~artadment. A not3,ce di
•eid hearing, shall be publid~htd aw lewst trnre in w na~aap+sper~ of gwneral rirc~r~
latian published wnd circulatwd in the City cf Cupwrtinoy at Mari°': t+~n (ttl)
aal~and:~t~ dayw bafare th+~ s..hwduled hewri:•"~-
(b) ,AXtet tbw r,rd*+]e.Cion at' the p~.~ilir: l~~r~-r:[-xg snd ttl.~an enpravwl a!' ~rny
a~,]s~nt to rha G~r-~,ez~a:t F".I.ar, by the Pa..rnn4nq c:.o:wu.issia~n~ th,~ ~.z~:~paNRd w~mwrndaant
ehaw]. be tzarraraitts~d r..a thM city G:.uncA.]. Th+s asa~rn~fr~.c:t sh~-1] be r.ndrxra~td it- t?"e
farm ot< ^ rtwa.lutira to who+r th+~k it h;ua bw,an apprc"vwd 0-;t' the ]"latrnin~ Coariweic-r-.
(t) IUpurr xresipt of the ]"la-r~r:in~ Caroe~a~ic~~ "~- tX~,a+rstt.traA, i:h~t~ Cie]r +Cta~~rk ,
eAaa.l~ ach+rdu3..e w ~ubl,in la~es~tR to b* h+tA.~S Osy th"c City Gr>u~c31. ~ nQtise of r~wid
i~ ~ .w 1, ~ .y,.l ~ wxlM ,MF''~~wra.w~+w+~ww~h Mw!~M"'- ""~"''""""."rv ...., ., „ .
tr~rwriae~ shwAl be pairliwhi~! ~-t la~rtwt aaca ie~ a ae+repa~x c+E g+tnerai cirrr~Jntiau
p~iie6ed ead ~reesJla+t~d is tJti+r pity a# ~uprerttna, ar li+rot tea (tIJ) cal~lar
Aaira 4+nla tie arai-~rdaJ. ~ral~lia l~w-riun~.
(~!,) 'fit ~,C ~ ~ttt to tbe' +~aarral p~ ar ~f ~,~w*t ar e3ereeat
• sawx~[ which iau~ iMMa ear ~ Ming ~ee~.e,~, t~ Cl.ty ~~ ~
aa~t ~ amy adb~rt.,~-t~a]. ~ o~ addat~wa uat~LY tha prap~~d ar wddi~ti
ba+t bin ..~le~r+ed to thw ~'~~ +" uoisar f't+r s x~r~-ast end a +aa~- at taw art
t~au~ b~.~a f~.lsd vitb tllae 1~n:rMti~ bed'y.
lttilux•e of tll~ l'~n~ aeiaa tt- ~repart t~rithi.n fas~y (4t!) a a~~M-r
the x+ayiratirae:a ar M i,aa,~,vt~ Mired +w ~- ire e1sr3rtad by tip ~e~ieiet~ve '-.
*b~.J~ ire d~rmad to ba ~r~pra a! tlra '~xairae*d clhaan~s ar ade~i`tio+-.~. It ei~l
br aea~aary lar thi pi .Ad esi~on to IMa7td w puts lic 6,esx~i. ara fucb Jrra~se~!
cl~ao~a o~r eddltian.
!~ i! 5: a tar of ~
~ati~+d 5, 1x ,~ ~L,~i~t~.: ?4e i`o11vrl.a~ prarawd+ura* ~~y Daly to tip
adapt.iarr of it sarrir+~ ordina~Qrr wr a~werrdrnt~r to a soais~ ardi~rauc~r, rrhir~h trrd7.a~+~e
~ar a~e+eadaaa~t tbrreito rh~a~ii ~ prap+erty , fx~nr +~r-e saaa to eaatber ar i~+ees ~
rac~ra~s~ ar aadi#iaa ~y p~anrieiaw vlricb t
(J) ~~uiati• the uae of bal7Ldi.ndd, itr~wctur .god iarrd ~ bitaeen in-
dustry. buiineMa, t+Meid~wat„ open rpwca, farludi+i~ adrict~ltan, xicras~tian,
rr~~ayaant of aciaic biav~ty,uii of u+~tuaral trisaurce:o, a~--~ athi~t purpaiea.
(2) ~l;1l~atii ei~a and bi.l~.boarda.
(~) Yiezu].atta J.ocatia,ta, I~wi~ht, bulk, nuaabir of starL~a +~ad riy.~e of bc~,ildia~r
.ec-d structurttr, thi •i~se ~d urrw of lot+~, ya~tds, court#, +aad ott~,er ~a a~psae~i, C
Ch~e pia Kc~f tagr of ~r xat which a~ay bs accepted b'1 a but ldi~a~ or atru~~twxrr y
t~tva i~lCren~rl.t~- ~ ~ 1.'-:1 ~ t'a1R.
(~) ltat~-bli~nl~~e~ raquix mcwras~ts fc~r of'af--strr~ut par~in~ •nd laar1ias~.
(~) ilatwbiirha~ wad rrraiatwina buildlrt~ setback lints.
(i) Crewt~ri ciw-ic diettlcta araaaad ri.via c+rantrn. pablic pe~rt+e, palblla iruild-
;lrr #a or public droaadr, sad •itablitci~ie rrrdulati~r• tl~irefar.
Ae~~ ath~!tr ar~endrr+rnt to • xuniad ordi,~aace, iarladix~ sdrd.at~ttrativi nr practeNu~c~
a,anind~es~~`.s, wwy ba adaptad +we aChar oxdinwnce• ire ada~ptid.
Sactian ~.2: ~pnigt Coda l~>wendmar-C: 'ittira City CC~unciX ar tl~raning 1'.oarerit-ltate
aav iniki.at~t prvcradit~*a Cv adt~pt crr aaaerd a ronin~ vrdin+rc~ra fa 1~he Maix~r p~_
widrd in this •wctt.
A. Upon arri,tt+~x- yr v+~r'baJ d+ ~+~ct~tar- fx`am t'hr ~i1:y Cau:~c.a[J. vt• Pla-anin~
R:~nwaiNaioen, the i-irr~ccor crf Fl.anriipp rhall prri-aAa +~ draft of thr praf~trawr~!
a~:onin# ordiwanci or ~qt sad ah~-11 Bret +~ tisrr ar~d p:r,adr tr~rr a public
Uraria~ tv br 1~I.d beft-ra tha i-lax~aaiat Co~Lrtaiaa to ca<raidar ~ha prapaaa~d
ra~-i~a~ prdlaildr.~ gar anas~,+~lurrnt. A aatic~r of said heax•in~ shall be ~ru~f.ll~id
rat ,tenet a~a+c:r is a w-i,rapgpar of do~aer~-1 ct,e,~+ulatioa its tl~ <;itJr oi' tpaxtiaa
a t ].rare ~t tarn (111) &a~r ~w bwf vra r~k~ca achedt~ad pui~ li c ba~-rt.+p~.
. " !. lift.atr thR r.a~.~.aEtiun of the gubli~, hat~rrietp~ - Pasnetirt; Cvetoi~bai.ro ~chall
rsardarr irtrt eiecis~.att id t~ta• #arrr of t wt'~.ttat re~^trrrnd~rti.cta;r to tits Cit~- i`.avat~l.l.
5puetr ~~ed~rkitial athall iaarluttaa tltae r~oarsvas tvr that i`ea:a~Arlk~ittiC-a, the rar-~
'. lrtiatauthi.g of tk-e gr~+oa:~c-~ arrdi.na~rt• vs ar~drtrtarwt to aupp.~.le rr-1 ,
ar~ei.iia: ftlstut , aumtd aba.1.1 bt trau~~tta~d io the Cig~ ~zia witihin t~tirr.~ {~iD
gip. d*y~at atf+tatr tarr~nati+~ of that ptr6-1it harari~.
' C. ~ r~~t: aai' slur p1 ~' d ~rrl~afart'a r~odtr~tl~ app.
tlrar s.~rtiarw aI rr trar-i orn~i~rarasc~ asr ~t t~+lrrar<t+s, fAta~ Cii~r Cleric r.l
stela a` paxbi 3t Irrs harms tha ~Lr~ Qta~ctl. d ~ ~ h~x~~
1iha11 1ta~ ~1sat~rd nt laant casaa~r 3a1 aw ~ ~ ~atra~ a:~l.~ri~anq;d f~"'
.~~ a eir+~-1aNtad ire the t~ty at` tiaa. aw<t le~r+rlr ~ ~ .
diyst Iwr~ars thar vl~ pablir ~ Mo p~1.Xc 1tMt+~t'~ ~eatd 6o irsid. oar
fnv^t ,r+tti,+c~ rna~ hr re~rNa+ir~tr rritir the ~.ia ~i,1 ~1 oi" air >~3~rswrirag
Ca+rtrari~~~ rawciarti'arn dlsrrrreiat~ th+rt edlrprtLot of a aarla~ ruc+i~ .~
~~,t ~tlrerstr~ ua~he,rn ~Za~ ~e~atwt to ioaa ! oi' the ~inwrrrtat.
d. A#t#~rr lro7ldl +t ~-uirlia~ iartar~--1>~ parctees~t tar Iriaia tiab, tie +C:~ty ~3~1
iN#q ,1~/C'ry'MMt r a itir i ax ~ wrppt`av~ kb+a ~tl~f~wt io~e ~ t~! ~,~+'~ CarNtRaMia~t ~
f-rorria~d ~thatt ,~~' s~dificatiaxr aai` t~-ar ptca~tarrtarsd rriilataa~at cam` ~t her tale
City ~rarrcra:il twt~ p~rr11- c~aatati~dsrrd A, tree tlrunnirnd th~e.wniart r~i~ itar
h~sia~d sia.L1 ~irart M rattwtrk~cyrd tar that pia Catsuciaro !~~' t~grort+t a~i rar-
a~arrtrttarrlatiaut. brut tbar l~ls~la~; i`.o~^~~lacwriaaaa oltatil r+at irr rim ta, rtatld a ~trrrrlic
be~rrl,>Nrp tMreaa. ?ni1>ari:• ~~ tiwt llawaMttiap iaratiaa tat rv~wrrt add~in frrrtT ~(4A~
d~,r~rat a-.li~arr tht ><^rairMr~rce ~ ar ~ua:h laar~sr patria+i art eay Iwe ~tard ~ tiwr C:[t~r
Cvaan~aa.]'., sha,~.l bt dateatrsd tv Aat appra~-at1 a!' the ~praparatatd ~it'ieartiou.
'3. Aiathierg is thi;r at+tetL+ct+~ athail ba rMarrwm~iwl to af!'rrert tore Cit~r•a arasr to
.rsrret intatriw auYtiar,* atMiat~rar<ratat wat aeurrr~aC~r ataaaouree narrdarrar the prrrrriarta~aa as;!
~ectiran 6SASd of thaw ~wrt Cads.
ti0~! _5. ~: Cb +af iv1W #~d ~~~11 ]~r'~,~t '~"b~e C~,t~- IdCh~~ i~a.p1-
~ t',ortatalatariatr~ end ur ~,~r perso+c- v+~tirRp o:Yiq ,aa #.~tarrr+rr+t iaw laved t~~ iritiat*
praceedia~s fvr w Chs~w of saiaa~ v! yroptrrty within tAe cayr}a~rattar 1i>edts of tAra City
ar ~'+rr a prtera~ain~ of ~rrapMartr ontatida of the a:ax~rara~trr liaadRat vt t#tar City. ~
inlt lart#,aa:r at n ~`arqufal[ #~+r +a c!-rriw of w~anNe aar R prrr~tio~ ftaaM ,r p*irr~arta ].ra~~r
ath~lY bir ~cvrpanted A~ thro ar~a~irsiatt of a tstx~rr ar idarii 1-lr t;h~+ pirwctcar art' 1'ldwaartng
waral [hxvrtrLapatNrat. Slid iart~aa oha.'l1t cw~ttxirn in#ars+Ntl.a~ a;~r-l.rwtiw 1rr: ty,pa• r~ >n~reass a(
ea~ib.tta arM tlM+r !'ilfrap faawa+. C/pacrry ala:a:atptaNar~w ar thr atpplitrrtiatat fai~t- t>sarat at }rirtirrt~r
1a~larrarr r. at~ al~a~a d i ram t iararr f = aar the Ci to Cam. i l ar lt~twind t,i rs iaitr tar ia-! t late
~rrore+~tdl,a~rw for a chnepr a~! aaatr ar ~rrwsaae~ t+ltat loilatri~ ~ aNratil Mw arat,iliaawl.
(s) '!"hae 1b:trratcl~arr of tlaeraind ~atlY a~et a tittr- awd 1-Lw.:v Gwr • pavtrllix ~
batfolre Blur ~`~.aaualws Carrtwt.n,itian and Cdr the paah~lic natftaw thr~areti. ia-id aurti~se
of pwr3ic haratried aRbsll brr parbliarhatd it I.rut,at aa~ar iaa a ~r arf p~antwt~ral
clrawala~ticya fin aGlre City of Cuparctina art laeMatt taa (14) daTu Irefc-rar that tirrst art
auRia! Iratiarriarpar. Iat aefditioa. iadirridairtl awtieea a~arYl ~ arrailatd w`~r sl] pro~-erty
ci.ta+trat iat^Mrdiartatly ad~dtrwrtt to or acrvarat a public ridht~-of~r Iran t9ur prcapert~
(iwr<~ Laxrrar~.w~1 it that applicsttart far rvtaut ar ~rsarsavua. ld7~t tha I+rapertr
irwe~~iartrrllr atd'jacsnt, kv o>t acrrctara wA p+~1ic ri~tt-~af-~aar~- itraMr. the prop+rrtr (irrr)
i~t~raleard is ahrt appiiCafiipA !lt acc+urgiaril bit athrr 'lraraa- than propatrtly ~rarriatr„ ~ Kwrti~Car
a! that p,ubiic h~u~-xiai ar1ha11 ~e ~crt to the a~tr• ~~ :R ai that ~tatllli>ata. If at+aid
ad,~arctr~rt. dvtwtxli~rs. is a sttructueat rwith arr+aRae thrMra [aur rXxfatd wnitac~ avti~
tar tha aocsrulrattt ,+rhar,ll bat ~ivta by ataeadiab v~r aort.ita xa tote ~~NCaIAt~. a1` ataAi~ rw~rltf~plat
unit drrwlii;~. 1'~hat ia~attrtutiaaaat tar t`~ar earill~ cri palriie etotirrats ariu~ll Nre
rpraeci.fied an that .rr~tprapriatte epplieaKtiaA f,axa- fart s chusp ut ttarue or prairsaarttr.
fihtat pe'iaswtrp fates t-f ~rrtifi~c~rtfno i• bar pw,?r1la;atta+r! is s aarrw~tarpatr of ~atmwrral
r ., .,
circ~rtio~a its tlrw Cit•~- of tr~iw~. !{~taa~~r di~~~rw~ws-cLrs l,t+ tbo tar~rti~ied
^r~-i].iof it+si pr~ai.~ra! by ~pu +~a~;i+t,r~tt ar ire C!"~ ie~ t~# a Cif-iaixi.wt~,d
liaat:E~on abal.i er+ak ra~it.i~rta ~ x,~i,d aaiit~ of *tri~9.~ tr+irtait#,~.
(6y 'x'bw ~~ yaw ~! ~ a~ii 6~,~1 t ~rb].iw >hsati~ at: rat ~ ttwr
+~~~ ab aadd'~ t ~~ AIM a~f r as cttera
to i ~.ty ~ ~ ~i f'~sat a~ ~~~ fwr i~ ~a~,t4~ifi+ll~ #ar ~
++~- pw~L~~c~i i~r t~ ~ - !~ Mawl~r of X11„ a~aa ~Mdi ~1. its
r~i.a-etrtp ~a atLw>l~r ~ +awal +a~Mwrr ~~rrArMrrra~np ~r~ra~wd rl.kwaarat bar
Cc~ Yf r~ ~soposai ~ a[ rr~rs ar ir.t+rrr fr fad *a 1-i far c~sr-fw~r
rrittb tlMr Itiww~rt~rai. !1~ ~1 tIrIM mar sar~r ~rp~nrr~l a,ti! d :acM dr~r,
ttwn iaa ~1 M It'~,t1 tsar 1~ ~tT Gaww~.i. ~'f ~ ~''~'
Sri a~' air ar ~ !a fwd rwrlt ~ ~ !at rr-,a~ urieb ~
r~ ~1ao, ~ ~raiwa ~.1 ~~~ a1~ ~~ 1',l.datias ~M-d
rai're~r d rieatwt~rrwrirr~i~ow ~ R'~r~r Cif Ca~ii.
r ~ ~ ~~ w~ ~~ if
-*'~ "A~ C'~iiM~~ItiO~t~~r t~~tiarr„ R,~IIM CiC~r Clirt`JAt
-?1 a~tr a pa.alla Mr~xt~ brfo~ ~ Ciq -tii.. ~ ~ic~r wt raid
ise tf~ 1.i1,i*a~a!'~ ~t~d at ~+wst aaw+s i~ • ~ ~f ~wraewl', e1-~t~c~.atiaa
t'l ~ ae t ~ (]~0~ bsfe~r t1M+ #i~rae of old
fir) i'iwr Cf~l~ Ga-a[1 ~- aP't~~. ra~adi.thj' t ~ww~s t'Irrr ~nrca~ixlrtiar
of tlrr i'~u~ 4'.~rrrrdlaMiarr ~rwwh~il th~rt~ +^w)v wrwtifi.wwtia~ r! thw /rr,~owd
•~rdi.rr~r~ •r ~R h7 tMa Cit~r Ca+Na~ii w~ i~'+-i~X7- a~w~ri~w~rwd ~ t!w
1El~mi~ Cai^id~rwia~r ~i~ ttw Mawrrl.w~ irlwLl fist b+ s~rtwr~rwd to tl~~
1'xw~iad G~rr-t~,~io+i for t+wp~a~rt +ml~d ~'11~ltt~~t, bwr, t~ !'i.~ia-~ C,a~w.i~~riad
~1i aat ~ ~~rrti tai -+a7.d w ~bi.ic Ir-wt~; tlwsrwao. loila~ wf thw
!'lra-al+~ Cie~t-iow taa x~w~rt ~t~-in i'art~r (4~) A~wyrc ~trjr tlrr errfir~n~-,R~,
wt ww~ Iw~rrr prriwd wwr ~f bow dww~,~tad bt t~ -:it~ C~rrei.i,, dbwll fur
iw~ri t* bw x~i wJC c~ ~gtoww~i woiii"~I+t~~tAc~.
.~cw~,~ ,fit ~. ~ ~A ~~~ to tbw C'3 t~ of Lwlwra', iw+u
ww ~rir i~t~rr tb.~ w i~~tirrN tr ~-tlt,~-ca~ ~. {rd-~i) *lorai]l -w ~~sd r i~rp.~,
ertb~r/ bar ~ivecti,ww i.]~ of tbdw ~'~rdi;w,~ree,~.
,~,"„~: b~wr 1fa~R~/ is •~ ~wrwlrr~ ~ ~r~~,tiri.~ uwerd"f.ttw~i. aww
f+-r~t ~ ~ M perdttnrall tir iw~ tiw~ttiwtr at tMrr ~~- o~~wwR to t~
~rR~~~i t+i ~~w of R~LM w~r+lir~~a „
cti ~~ ..~: ~ City C.~rwurn,+~i~,, Pl+rr-Mrt.r~ Cwsr~lrs-1~ar~ o< aw~r ~nwo a~nria~ nt
t~wrrin; a iwt~r ~+wwt is »yt aw~r ioitiotw Nrsrc~rwd„1.r~dr for p~ra~-a]. •t w cwsditive~~-a
rrrr~ pw.C. '1~t ir-1t+.wtio~ wt o ~u~a~rt tas rittiww~l vMSw 1'w~dt q~rr~wl ~rlewl~.
bye ~~r.~awper~i~t~4 b~ tawr a~rw~iarion ai` • f~~ our p-rarid+rd b~ tlrw I~srrctwr wf 1"larwniad
+r+~d .`~;~welnirwrrraC,, •at,d iana~ whail aa~wrtaio f[,ria~tiou rwirrt:~lw ter t~r+rw r-nd quarbstt^n
Qf ixh~,bi t,r +aad ~Ai.in~ iww~r. ~cs~+t~nficw ai thw ~ppJtAc+rtl.~ i~iw i`raw ro pri--
~rwt~t ~.+~nd~rartr ox r,pa~a di~'wcti~an ~rw~ thw ~it~ Caa~tci1 air ICI+~r~alas C+w~ir~rion, tht
io,ilo~ri~r~ pro~rdwrw.l ~twpKi rba11 !-w Mti,lir,rda
`~-) ~~ pitre+rtar trl 1'lan~i~ri shall set a tiwMe ew.. place far public mess~l.ah
b~efosve tl~ Yl,a+atctsd Co~risaiam c,nd crr~tr thee publ ~c nat1~ce t:fnerr+af. said
uc+tlaa of perAllc irsarir~g sha] l be peblishw~ at lwast sacs l.n a ararrq~p~nr. of
pe,~rx~ol tircu3atiow t>en the City tef C~upertiao at laaat tee (lQ} daTa mafatcr
L@I+~ fiehtrt O~ iM~d h~114+C~1~~r Zp •dCt~C~p~1, indi~ri,dtu+al atrtice. shah. ms ttr,~tla~t
t~ alI Pt~'~-rtl' ~srs larradsetely ad~acar~c to ssr. atrvar • public ri~rt~f-
w7- fry td~e ~-~~ (iw*) xawrcalved in the epplieatfoet for ~.~ ~wsaiQ,t. Thw
i,~tttna?ti.®w+r~r fs>rr a~S.l.ias a# pv~i-li~: e~atic~r sal b+e :~ eci.i~ied oa t~
adh'Ipciarl~+a applit~tG,~ f+asta ~lar a caasdl*,.iosal. naa ~gr~ft. '(iMrra taw ~rte~ert~t
~le~-y ad;~esr~rt, t+s or a~tciosss • pairl.it ~~irt-~a!`r~r ~rtwr ttiiws ~+r~rtt-~-
t~r~ f>~ 3s w~ ~~~,icw-tlaa 4s aapita~d ~r ~ t r
a~sazt. a ttt~ of t~ prnil i,c hawed shah ~w s br tha e~ tt~e
d+rw xf a~i matt d~llis~ is a st:~ >~~ tw- r gar tlhwtll-
i~ >. ~ertt es- bra ~t ahal.x. ir4 ~,t~r ~ sett sr td~ tte t~
~r df ash ~pd~r >wsirt pealla<at. Y"hw ~rr~ ~ierrs of ar~.Aaetia~r ~-
ti~ li+~rii+c~a ~ tt ~ of +c+tl elm ~r t'Ite ~ltl- ad' cttta~.
Mitt ~rrc~~ea is, a ~rti~i~tsi ~rsiliaad liar ad by- arr s~ifrew~v-t ~r
t~ +Cl~ ii a +tr ad a C,fl~-Wlsi'rl~aCr~d a~piicatt~ ara)~1 set as~rl~.i~a ~
ia+~l1 rottcae erif p~lic ~.
~1-) lflmrsai>a~ es~iarr a#Mall X16 a pnmlic haatriitd ~ a~rb~Yl
a a fisal chat ai applicat~leors aalaar psrcatta~t t,s a mar C.itl~
Ali a °fiswrl d+sa+Laie~ va arm appiiaatioa 1• raltwr+i tta ha s ~-
t~ Cif CaarECil. 'lam hlasxrisd Clsdi~;r~ - c+c~it3+aaax.ly apptca~ ar dte-
alpr~rrre tira ap~hcati.aa ar+d shall. iaarai~cc:~e ar~wd evcd a~a ~M~#aiao rrpewe ~ "
elaaw of tYn ~ll-1~ riaruc`i~. T~ dsei*ioa .mall .+.~t forth tMw~r fiadiys wdd
cos~ittiage, i.iE ar~-r bar #asx~al r~alntiaa of rma CasNN^cLtl~ti+rfa a+wt i lwa filed
+trttch tr. Citlr mil. ~- otE rtr• raaelr~ti~s ah~l ma glad to tAi a~li~e~t.
(c} 'Risa]l daciaioaa oi' tha lLa~ain~ Cerwtir~ia~, t ie~r tl ~r+ai~,afas~t
ar-ee pwa~ts, awy ~t a~~ralad tee the City Cauxrct~, Ly tl~ applie+sat, aary- rw~-Liarbt
of t'~a Cit~r, et' aaon peraan aw~i~ lam! rwlt: i-iu tha City 1!' xlrr Cortr~i~tNril,uw ~a
a cra~ativre daa~i.at tradat~diw~ a u psrsd.t appl:lt~.etCian ~wh.ich la wot dt~ia•
r+~~irwd to 1-ir ~ bar the Cit~r Cc-~wrci.l, tbwe appliaatiaar it dwswrrri d+axiad ms-
l~ss~r appwal~! sta lrs~sr~ided ins thi er Tweet ion ara~d ! iat- i at tlu-!s tea.
(/} lr tIM- ~eaaw of appllcwtivaa for usw pwrsita ire Tlarrrrsd ~t~la'wr~rx aaar,RS,
tMta dt~eriaiort wA' Che Tlaa-iad ~issf.awr sAall ~ a~ittii ter cba CYtlr Cs!aw~cil
for f!!'_~1 dselaiaa. ~r paMwlic hwarit-a held br ttl~e Oita Gail !a re~riwur a
tla~r~i~t Carniss,iaa x~a~esdatiaa with rwtp+tct to a pirx~dl~t:fMt a T~las~w+~~l
F!re~),t.p.~crae taaa wrrrrd aot #ol.lwu thew s~atittt~"atiaKa aced puablicatiew p~rtr+r~raa
dwse.rillr+~o isa ~.l (a) .
1~t~ 6,:,~„Ga~~,,vn !'~~twdl.~uw rind Cat f tom: 1'7as Cawle~tla~ ~rr-I1 wrir~r
the #'+~llawiah f.aMiis~a priest' to a~wr+~-~-1 vir trwt~ad c~pra^ral of ~r wow px~tlt a
(s) !: tl~ ~ whr wr~ur arw i,w eowtarrsrwts.* w~itll tlrur lws~~rwi. pLra a+ad is awR
d~etriawweartal to •xtstiad a wr t+s wsaa apaci>Cfcally persdoEtN i~ tha - is
~i cb tiie prolw`waN wew is to Ow lacrtw+l.
(b) That thw ptr~+rt,l~ inr-urv-wd iw arMw~awtee is sisa erwd ape to wera~aAacw
the pYaposed u-sw.
(c) ?hat d~ prap~-~rwd ~rsw gill aat pw+~-erste • lavwi of ec~-##!c orrwr aad bsyrawd
that of tit c+wpaclty~ a# tF~w e~tiatiad atr+rex ~ry,~tww.
(d) Y&at dw~ pri-~w.-d uae i• athwcxA,as e~crt d~-triw~rrwt+~l. to they hwalth. a+sEatp ,
psetcw, w~rrala a~ l,snerrRl wrwl~aar+ of persa~aa~ xwsidl.wg ar r~rarkiad in t~hs niAhtrbax-~
ha~r+a1 olf au~h prapa+~awd uae rwr irr~urAauut to ptrap~rr. ty aad iaprwvwwNr~ats ila tins
~~ ..
.. ..
~~~~ ~ "t Iei r~ eiwlllrit ~ ^ t1~!11'~>~~al~a1 ~R ~~1Lt ll~ir AMOtit
1-swn rr w ~ psis;. •t~s~t ~ +~"` ~~ !~' ~~' v#ICt wiser
~-tlrrr pa~9e3ad a+l( ~#'rM +~- ww~r ltwt p~s~ ~ pr>~ ~ ~+~ M~7 aslt+errp7lsn ~t+^rxr
~t tee wa ~~~r ~~t lit tiarw-.~ ewe ~.wt »~# +~
~wlr a ~ p~.t +ll ~wiu Iri ~:'! ~Illww~ '~' 1u~ ~t~ s
r~s~i ~wl-1~ wllliw~wwrwiM +r~."i~r~.~ M~ ~ ~ ~ rhea ~ ~t tw e
p+~'wrllwi +aae. iat +w trial ~' ~Is~lllre m!~ ~ ~ •tirhrwww~ww~MA. awitsaa wit'--
>~iit ~ a~r~~w~'.1r±w lr~ wtw~rrpd awMd a~ali>r~w to aaaiiir iiu ~ i.it tsar.,
.~f-trs > wt~lrtr ~~wt +pq~let-~~r 'ld~w p~ +~!wiiw ` ~ r x~
Grp t~ ~~ss>~ !' w~~#~w- ~ 1cil~t ttror ~asi,wtfwwrl~ ewwl~d ~- ptwp~dt, Z1~s iM~
xis 1 in~rwr i~rr ~ox3lt~jr ~s ~ ear tlfswe !,!>t»>#>t rr a sr~iwti~ it~rwlr as-
r~wiw~~ ~i' wt~>tr aawil~tl~a.sX nwnrw pittiw~iwt. ~- ~~a lwatr i~- ~ ~ tp ~~rt
t1Awr ~rr~r~ www~ iM aar yis><7Lt
1.~,aow . Vii. ~ ~; ~~A~ r1t C 1~ 1~'A t s ~e t.1ww~#s~ Gariw,wd.,~nr>[~wr
air tMre GitY wL'~rm+ef3 rbal: iMswwwe e#urr aim ~'#~r tq iUw->~tt,at~r s ~aiitla Mtwwxs to ~aarwf-
si~~r t1-s~ irwrrra~cst#~em ai r aernraiti~uial mplrrw p~sarrdlwt ~cwiiiwntwd ~irdirir a'!rw ps+wit~rrir#m~r e>~
tl~ a~~a. maid pwri~~4e baaa'ia~ sir1.1 Irr x~-tt,#~wl wwr l~~ #>A ~rcwtiwrw 6.~(r)
a# wt~b! ~ ewi~,wtiwrtwuws++~r wr#wxlr trJer rid#t~ip~wrw,n1 s"~irr+e~Nirtt wt tMs at~ry-].ic~iwit ss~
else Rrroarr rat w~ ~+~rct prairrrrt~- a~ wwwiritiLrd -~ irrt~f[rwtarrd w^ww>it.l at laaet t+es tlil)
~- Pr#ar wxo as3.d pyb#.1c lrsaria~. ~ryr: 4~r taat!`ir~~ a~#~ t+a tl~o
cwt#~~ a#' • a~iti~~. +sr p-~rwww>it. tl~ i'larral.a~ ri#arn ^~rs11 dstsswwwt#rsw wxMwa
iwctr Arai nrsar wn~ra~cw. ir~d#iy- sr a.##arr to ~a wlo~-+Iwwtwr w rcaw~~talas-wlw wee
pra`~rd.t , 'ors illawsta#a~ Ceswiss#n~r'tr isrsdsf.~ ~ MMr ~wpirsslw+l wta tirr ~.tyr Came#A
#a wccc~rdrorwwcra v#r.~ wtiis pirawtw~laic+,ww• ~-!' 1M ttiaarr i.~(c) er! t!r#s crwr+itf~a.~errs. A r~iw-a-
A#ttowp-wl dw~exa-3.t ~ 6r wt~awrrkwd ii tlae Cw~CLaeiaa !#awwwlrr ¢twrw<t eirw~a ar ^icrwea sf claws
iolZu~wlr~~ wl.tianw mist:
(s) Z'l~awlt wtleAe caai#wt#aasx r~ paralt w•r eltwxa#~ Mir !.
('-~) a`ArMt wtM~ ~ irir wrf-#+~M wr.Mrrr paw~#wt pwr+ar-t~at #e irwwz ~siwew~ axn~rrci ~~
d#3#~rrarrtt3~~ Mxcl~ia tttra arst~l#e~d t# prrs~.trd satli~-ar+M ~,t6iwa~ err ~uut~t pares
n~rt t ~~t1~a-wrr,1.
(rc~ "fie ~Ilwir i'rdrs ww~lrtMt i<1,• pwirlw~,t a~eai raratkNl Iwrswwr d air Mare M~aw~n enwd
fvwr +e~rw ~w-wwwiw; ar trenra .
Cd) '#'MrMwt w~ ir~ixwr~t 1ra~r eyvt ali~i wr1t~ sa,rr +>~wr wwwiawre +~' dire smrwr~wtiMas
•? rtN--t~elt ud t~ pe rid wr .
t~e) 'Vast, ~rwriswt ter r~e+~+irsa wnlo •i wt~4wrr pwrirpwrwrwt~ parsw~w~ eta +w r~~a psradwt,
tlrir 'a„awr~il,ryt ~a~-yfashluR to tMre prnc~wrrrtp ! ~e>~ i~ ev >~ret tAre psrwt>tcwelwr
r•N #a >~ #~ we-~wrr per wruril,t ward rvu wtlre f~' ir^ty.
~~"L'Y~71f 7 • „~iwi~r~
li~rt>>.~ 1 1: i~ex^re prrciicwl +#~>1'lat,crr],ti~rs. urelrrr~e~ealoic~ hst~~i~Ai~~~ s~-d irsr~+~•
iac~>*ietwiarC wrrita t~ rax pyrpoeae of ~ psirticalwr aavaia~ ardtaaazcs wra~r rw~xlt
iicaw tlrt iEtrr#~c~t ~rrpp.iic+wrw.:.aadr of cerwtaira provlain~rnr th~rrrroE, • weri~ca >~Y be
=a~t~-d ,~o pwra~-ided ~~ w:hirr rNtrt~Ci~p.
~~ 7`. ?; 1-s~'irtxas~r >~`rawirr ;~ tw>xwe a! wtMwa itaw#w-~ ~rrdf~raea~+e ~whtx.t be *r~rwt+tit
#~ warn ~ bea+eauMO t~f •psreiu-x circ~-t,pwcrrs eppliXt+i~IM ea t~ pr-~rt~- N incl+w#
• # Rw . e a*~rps r C~ir+Nl+lwll , #rarc artt i vn rr rtrR~r><~rwrrr~f fa,~r . the • t ir# cwx ~p.1.t cww. i.w~r o # wtM-nr
waarf.~ +ar~dira~raw~vr iwr~rzw>kw~r +ewcf- Rw~~- .i ps#wr~L~c~rr +~:,~e'~+e~ 1w,~ a~".!writ i-ir`c~Pssw~~-
is tare wfc#a~#t~9r a~ aacMrr fdnrrtxcsl >iww,#>w~ cfwrrt#cst#aa.
.. i, ..
;:+ ~ Setcl:i.e-n 7.3; Aery 1, . lance ~csnted ,aha1#. bt auh~r~t .- touch c~~+cdi e ; ~m~ a~
T° a-il.I atawrs that t#ra ad~u,atcaent tt~reby ecrlthuriraed' atcaA.l nat crmstitute a grunt
~~ o! a~rcirl privilrt~-a itulc~7aisteat with tha lY.a~.tatiaa-a un o~:tce~ • prap~rrica iu
~'~~. w+i,aixnlty a+o9ne in wtti.lrti t~cwa propertlr iu aituat~ed.
.. ~i.„~ ~ ~ dxr ap~pl ie~-t i.on f r»r w rtar. taaecte ahall #-t wade in y-te ~ t in$ Qn r
preae~rtbad~#- r.Yxt Di~ce~ctur o>~ lianoin~, >faweiopwsar. and ah,~ll be acc~--
' glad ,by r atatawaiat n~F plants aa~ +a~a ix~'ardin~ a lrtter wlcicb destcribrea
(ac) That ~st~e w~r~e ~e~tittawl trr ~,ia~ar, c#.k~t:e~: ar coad*+~iaas
a~-Aylai ko tea 1r~t aaild~ az w-~- Ira~rgr~ratl Ito ~ ~tlrr applfca~ti~, ~itil~
arr eaatiitla~r ~mr ^o1t ~~T ~atral~,y tta ]. bail.dla* arndltrr
w .~ t,~a r wts'iLak.
~` (i~ 1'itlt 'Rlr+a ~ra~atia~ of k~ ~hhaati~ iat aratw~wr~rr!t Star tit praaeryxitiaa
a~ arr,~v#-ir trl rr~-~t~riaJ, ~x`h' ri~ta of t#~t pwtiCi.anar.
~r~ t !'lhr ~pcaaatlxa~ of swan ap~astlGwa vlll xrat ~.~a>t tbi ciuyctarsitaA+cera+~
at drs- ~wart~ tvaaet rwat~>eLlp +a,~'ita~c~t arlMarraNaly- tlaie lutaith rr rai+tt#r ar
p~iraal~ ~ tnt a ie thr ~~ er! the px'rt~ of the aT~yrli~-
oast aa~ 1a'Si.ll aa-k wdcrr kirw t:1l~eraaNalt a! t~rr partLcrrla~r rxa>r ba anto~ri.~rl.ltr
+w+rtriata.l to pabl~ wne~aatia or ia~anciares to prtaprrty t-r iay-ra manta is •i-id
'~ >>Liaww 7.St ~1"4a C#ty CRrrrilrtil.. llaa~ait~ Coaaaiau~tiar or my pa~ca-ntx awna~isct a~x
+~ as ~IGa~at to •la~ arry- "#,critiwti' ~roeaaydi~e >for aliproe-al of a v~iriruvt:e' .:
~t1tf,~a 1t#Ma corpaa~a~to liafitat of tha City vtt arit6ia usigtolrpoiratard te~nritory wittaiia
>~ ".hsx^rii.c+a d~~ to bae refle+etiw y-ttpo~a aaaas~catitx-. Upow r+ec~tance of an
a~-ttc+atirra; the ftrltcnrint pz~ril •tepa a~wall bw atiliawrti;
(a) Tha t,;#rrctar rJ< f'lruratat and l'irwlopareeal` aball aMSt a ti.alre and place
~'~( tar a p~lic lrtarie-t i-afe-rr tAtr llaxcni~ rdaaioa +~ ardtc~ the public
wa-tic• th+ae ~-!. ~ttid aroti~a a!" pablie hwariut alutal bar pubitahed at ieacat
arat~e #+ar a wsan~;~•.M.er of ~eau~eral t:ict~~c-lrat#~aaw is tha ~il:y af! i'.upa'rtino ac iaaat
keen (10) days ~elvta the [irst a! arr:td Mwearix~s, tr ardditira. tz~di~ridual rrotieea
ahaxl La irailwil ~.a all prarsrty aNrrrt~ iaaaediataily ad~aceaat to ar acroaa tIK
rew6lic ri~t~af~ary ><rae# tha property (#a~a~ inua]~rwN iw F#w+ application. 1~Ib+rar
for fr'rtl" iau~aadiatri~r ad,~wtrra~t~ ta- awr rt:roaa a pa6litr rl~,ht-yd!`-va~r hraar. 1tMA
pt'~"*+a'r!y (tea) ircrrolwd in tAa app'lio~htiaw is o+CCU~1Ad by othar than. t?re proper~:y
e.ae~++r~r. a aatice al' t1-e pv~lic Iwcrarta~~ ahel~. be ce~wt tc the ot;cuptr~at at the dMr~rilin~.
li' s+rid aal~aeaat wlwei.li~.n~~ i, a atew~acrwrra wrirh arar+r thaws Maur d~all.in* unita.
ro~tit* to the acwwu~wyt +~hall be ~iw~a -~r trwrt~fr+! avae antics tc- th+a rma~rtr of
raffia aawy#tiple unit a+rrllint. 1"Iwe iaartc~wc:wivam for aca!-lAcs! thr ~w#lic ticticea ahwil,
M aprci~Cfwi erw the rppr+rrpei~+rt+r aq~-pl#eartiuv~ i't+r~w.
(1-A 'Jt~w !'l,,anacia~ Caaaulr.Itiaaw arbail 1~s+la a pablit haariaa at awlrit:h ttaw clMa
Caaigw aiwali r~rrl.aate t~ prt-pacre~a va~tiaaxt~ ctwi.+atitr~r to tha w¢ritaria iwvr
apprarrww:+t of • ~tria~te r'~ant 1 ir~ar', t e tlNi• ar+r t low.
(c,~ tl~waaw al~c-aw oi` thas parl-ltt tc~ear#a~,. tttwt yi+~cia~ C.aaraissian away rwrccrwawwaud
wailklwr api-xa,ra,l. apprava# aub~act to cwaditlaewr. ur aawalal at tM ~appiicotiaa.
Thte r~c~raaaeaxdatila~wa ewh,rll btw ,iar~rrd:aa -ir ra2colutiou with tllwn e-pprapriate l~itcd~
iaw~a to ~ Gity ca.>tncii, tas coraider,rotiowc- ~.t ti-a C.ley Cauu-w,:il"wt caveat rwa~uis~cly
wactaadraled rexiag +witarr the >r],~prcrgina C.~waNw#~>aion' a detaawian.
. (d~ Thr City Ccr.etrcil i~a cw:ot regacir:a# tc hold a p~liw: heawwtiwna tw r+rvia~w
~ Fleaea-ia~ C'+waacrw~icraiwc'a xe€uw,^wcrwwrclat#oa. Utz Ycrceipt wf I~he Plawomiog C.aariaaioa'fi
reca+w~wercla-tte~. irbwe ~:ity Gawracil ahaAl arair,,a .. Eiaun~. da~x:iaiana rel+aki~*re t.a the
awirplicarrt tan.
. ~?~•
~i ~a~ ~ ~ # ~~A+ra,~t Aa~~- ~~~ia~a ~adt~tsd in ac~ap~+ta
M~il1~ the Re~lP'M1ali ~ ~T ,c~'rd t~` ~ tea! rt~allti..~rts rake ~.~p4!'I~t
of rib "~~~t~ ~~' LL dr:~ star or' ~fi~ ist a~twri ego ~tGii~
hatr+~-rit~t. ll * ~ ~"*'' '#"dll~ t~ r~ia~ Cass mil ~ ri~elaA ~
thitty~ (~ + ~lt~r ~, rl-i-k'~M~eu+iw ~' ~r~ti~a-, t~rA' a! ar#~let~ 1 ~ Ewa
Y ~s ~A~ ~ ~ art t'~'~ ~ t iw d~ GJ,Ii#r att A+~Illrt~ ~rok ~.
(10~ a ~ ~ar i~~ ~tCiti~ Ct tM~r ~le~ +M~MM!'
rrr 1iaMrt ~l - ~~ ~,~.~. ~r~r to awl ~.
plate, ~~ ~~ ~.~f~4 +~tly 4+saw~si~ Nate
sttlyd Ea~c i ~ ~wMt#~ ~~ ~ ~:*M~wttl ~,,~le s~+~r e~Mr
~wwa#.aata~t- ~rww~riMit~.
Tirf C.ltt#+ I:~sai~ ~ amt mr~.rr~l to ~e ~ p~alte law~at~i.
~ti~ ~,1 rty ~~ err +krkaa rr*ai~4 rat.~r~l t4~ app~~+rrpl oar
diargr~ `ca~-~ ~'lw~ ~'i~t11~ ~ ~~i to tlM~t #."tt~ Go+aacii,. Art
ap~l t-# r ~a~-1 p arcla~ ~elsio~ twMrt ket ##aM ~- aoy iasli~i~atl ita~
cl+asdia~ w ~ o!' tM 1'-t~ ~~arias aAwr ~t~l wt t6r e~aptr.aet+td ea~tiut.
Su~:h appeal aMu~ril bw lilnri #a wer#tia~ s~tk t~ Cit#r ~r+et'k wrlRltia f#~ (~y caX~wa~r
d,r#-s srtbaapwttt to t~lfaraa tla~a~ ~oa~ANwa~oa'a rrct#nu. ~i- r+tc~tipt of is appwarl. tlae
City Clerk smell, ~a ~ Iraarr~ b~t'atitraa t~ Cit#r Ca~wtil ~rit'lria tbit~t~r (;~~ ~~
oftar rea;.rript of aerl.+# ap~rtl~ '1'~a CitJr Clerk shall ;~o*_ice twald baarl,n* !y p'~'1#ttb-
ink at lew~t a faa • etr~r of ~etrtrwl cirtulr-titoo ~rith9w taa City of i~+pe~rt#ao
~ t X+aeast tan (Ip) drags b+alees tha Lust of alt id htaariass . "alts Ca7tac t l twt~ try rc avl ca-
tion +tftitttt r~avarrt a~ ro+ii#'p is rbalra ar is part sad appannl d~eisir~rt+ dttexs~irratf+wr+
or ra~airwwattt at tlae Ga^wisal+otr.
Y~~f at a r~r*vtlrar seaw~tti at tits Cit~r Cva~ncti cl tha Cite c:I~ Cap+tr~tiaacr
thin ~~_ dwlr of ~ _. 1SI74, asd ~'11,AG"1'wtr rat a rtpula~t watnatti~~ of the
Cit~- C~aacil of t.h~t Gity m~t~p+arrt.ia~n this _._~, d"7" of .,.f~tpktAr_...w..+ 197, bm
th~r falata»+i.~~ .~t~r:
'YOt~ •~ar• +rt , It1w ~.~~~~~
Al.`~li: Jaw-karat, Mta~rt^s,~ Mwalxts„ r~rNcr
,A,al~S'c.Xl't' I lr aCr+l ich
~.~i'~~~: ~iliflllt
~Y • r
°Y. `~
~~n ~
~~ ~
~1r ~
h ~1`~~,
~;! r
~ ~~~`~r t
lMa~#id ~zm~ ~ may. ar, ~ma~ ~~~w r~ly~'.,w"~..
. ~b b~
MN. ~,
~'atc~ art
~ I
• f
• ._ ~~.
~„ ., `.